Government Gazette I';
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5 ■ I K Sisks'! LA. COUNTV !' NOV-6 1996 i i '{MlmM / ZIMBABWEAN 3 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE I';, Published by Authority I, Vol. LXXIV, No. 52 4th OCTOBER, 1996 Price. $3,00 General Notice 511 of 1996. Tender number GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD ZRP/TS/I /96. Supply and delivery of workshop consumables; Clos ! ing date, 24.10.96. Tender documents for tender ZRP/TS/1/ Tenders Invited 96 are obtainable from the Zimbabwe Republic Police, Transport Buyer, Tomlison Depot, Transport Stores. Tele All lenders must be submitted to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, P.O. Box phone; 735756 Ext. 2043, Harare. CY 408, Causeway. ''ET.7/96. Supply and delivery of vaccines to Department of Veteri Tenders must in no circumstances be submitted to departments. nary Services for the period 1st January, 1997 to 31st Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside with the September, 1997. Closing date, 24.10.96. Tender documents ^vertised lender number, description, closing date and must be posted in time to be for tender VET.7/96 are obtainable from the Director of sorted into Post Office Box CY 408, Causeway, or delivered by hand to the Secretary, Veterinary Services, First Floor, Ngunguoyana Building, Government Tender Board, Fourth Floor, Atlas House, 62. Robert Mugabe Road, Number 1, Borrowdale Road, Harare. , Harare, before 10 a.m. on the closing date notified. Tenders are invited from registered building contractors in J Offers submitted by telegraph, stating clearly therein the name of the tenderer, the Category “D" service and the amount must be dispatched in time for deliveiy by the Post Office to the CON.20/96. Bulawayo: Road works at Ingutsheni Hospital. Closing Secretary, Government Tender Board, by 10 a.m. on the closing date and the confirma date, 17.10.96. I tion tender pos^ not later than the closing time and date. Tlie telegraphic address is ‘Tenders, Harare”. Tenders are invited from mechanical contractors registered in Categniy “E” Tenders which arc not received by 10 a.m. on the closing date, whether by hand, by post or by telegraph, will be treated as late tenders. CON.21/96. Gwanda: Supply, delivery, installation Md comtnis- sioning of an incinerator at Gwanda IVoyincial Hospital. If a deposit is required for tender documents, it will be refunded on receipt of a bona Closing date, 17.10.96. tender or if the tfflder documents are returned complete and unmaited before the t^Iwingdate. Documents for tenders CON.20/96 and CON.21/96 are col lected from the Ministry of Public Construction and National Pot supply contracts, the country of manufacture must be stated. When tenders are Housing, Makombe Complex 3, Leopold Takawira Street compared, a degree of preference is deducted from prices lenderwl for goods manufac- and Herbert Chitepo Avenue. $ 100 non-reftmdable deposit in Zimbabwe. must be paid for each tender document. Notendercanbe withdrawn or amended duringaperiodof30days(oranotherperiod MED.23/96. Disinfectants, sterilising agents and gas treatment specified in tender documents) from the stated closing date. accessories. Closing date, 31.10.96. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, and reserves MED.27/96. Hospital equipment. Closing date, 31.10.96. Docu ^ hght to sel«;t any tender in whole or in part. ments fortenders MED.23/96 andMED.27/96areobtainable Tenders which are properly addressed to the Government Tender Board inenvciopes from the Controller, Government Medical Stores, Lobengula 'ith the advertised tender number and description endorsed on the outside are' not Road, P.O. Box ST 23, Southerton, Harare. until 10 a.m. on the closing date. PTC.9252. Removals and storage of PTC staff personal effects. Members of the public may attend the opening of tenders on Fourth Flocw, Allas Closing date, 24.10.96. Documents for PTC.9252 are ®“se. 62, Robert Mugabe Road, Harare, from 10 a.m. onwards on the date specified. collected from the Secretary, PTC Purchasing Committee, Room No. S15, Tenth Floor, South Wing, Runhare House, MISS P.TICHAGWA, 107, Union Avenue, Harare, or by writing to the Secretary, Secretary, PTC Purchasing Committee, P.O. Box CY 331, Cause 4-10-96. Government Tender Board. way. A non-refundable fee of $100,00 is required per set ! Tender of documents. dumber RDS.l 1/96. Hire of equipment for use in all provincial areas “as ^^^6. Ice cream: All centres. Closing date, 24.10.96. required” for the period IstJanuary, 1997 to 31st December, 1997. Closing date, 24.10.96. Documents for teftder Margarine: All centres. Closing date, 24.10,96. RDS.l 1/96 are obtainable from the Secretary for Transport ^9/96. Fish: Bulawayo. Closing date, 24.10.96. and Energy, Kaguvi Building, Seventeenth Floor, Room 62, ; comer Fourth Street/Central Avenue, Harare, and are issued Poultry: Marondera. Closing date, 24.10.96. upon payment of non-refundable fee of Z$100,00 or bank Documents for tenders FI, F38, F39 and F42 are obtainable certified cheque. at the Reception Desk, Zimbabwe Government Tender B oard. i Fourth Floor, Atlas House, 62. Robert Mugabe Road, Harare, NOTE OF EXTENSION OF CLOSING DATE or by post from P.O. Box CY 408, Causeway. Telephone: ZESA.60/96. Annual supply of treated wood poles. The closing date 721758/752540. has been extended from 3.10.96 to 17.10.96. r 8^8. Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 4th October, 1996 General Notice 512 of 1996. By-products operator Credit control clerk LABOUR RELATIONS ACT [CHAPTER 28:01] Filing clerk (central store) t'. i' » <1.1___________ Forklift driver (grade 2) Application for Certification of a Trade Union Handyman painter (grade 1) Handyman welder (general) (grade 1) IT is hereby notified that, in terms of^section 37 of the Labour Hide flesher ' Relations Act [Chapter28:Q1], an application has been received for Hide grader the certification of the Cold Storage Company Workers’ Union Junior typist which represents the interests of employees specified in the Liaison clerk central stores Schedule. Light vehicle driver Output validation clerk (Harare) Any person who wishes to make any representations to the Ranch clerk application is invited to lodge such representations with the Regis trar of Labour Relations, Private Bag 7707, Causeway, within 30 Sales assistant (livestock) Scale operator (grade 2) abattoir days of the publication of this notice, and state whether or not he I Skinner (grade 2) wishes to appear in support of such representations at any accredi tation proce^ings. Senior cook Senior laundry attendant p. z. Dzvm, Supervisor (grade 1) (a band workers) 4-10-96. Registrar of Labour Relations. Terminal operator Schedule Weighbridge Operator (Harare) Handyman carpenter (grade 2) The interests of employees employed as— Handyman electrical (grade 2) Assistant dispatcher Handyman fitter (grade 2) Carc^ washer Handyman lagger (grade 2) Cattle attendant (livestock) Handyman motor mechanic (grade 2) Head splitter Handyman plumber (grade 2) Head washer Handyman painter (grade 3) I Hide washer Handyman welder (grade 2) (general) Hoist operator Information clerk (Kadoma/Chinhoyi) Horn remover Input clerk (miscellaneous) Industrial worker Maintenance officer (sale pens) Stockyard attendant Output controller Tail hair operator Output validation clerk (Harare) Tractor or driver’s attendant Pantechnical heavy duty—beef delivery driver Truck icer Receiving clerk (central stores) Aitch bone splitter Receptionist/Typist—Reg. Eng. Beef operator (handler) Registry clerk Beef rail hand Senior clerk (feedlots) Brander/Area representative’s assistant Senior engineering records clerk (Harare—transport) Brisket saw operator Slaughter documents, processor Box maker Slaughter journal clerk Box strapper Slaughter validation clerk < By-products attendant Small stocks journal clerk Canteen assistant Supervisor (grade 7, (B1 workers) Carcase marker Stock control clerk (central stores) Carcase trimmer Storeman Coal handler Stores clerk Continuous freezer operator Tracer Continuous rendering plant operator , Typist/Telex operator Dripping refiner Validation clerk (head office/Harare) Driver’s assistant (livestock and central stores) Assistant process/Pre-pack controller i Effluent plant operator Cash accounts clerk Eviscerator Cash book clerk Garage attendant Central stores and transport clerk (H/0 accounts) Handyman assistant (livestock) Creditors clerk (branches/livestock) Factory recorder Debtors clerk Filing clerk Export documentation clerk Foetal bloc/d operator Export purchases journal clerk Foetal blood serum processor Foreign transactions clerk Forklift driver (grade 1) General accounts clerk Fuel attendant Handyman builder (grade 3) Game scout Ledgers clerk Handyman’s assistant (branches) Personnel assistant (head office) Input encoder (trainees) Producer payment controller Locomotive driver Registry supervisor Loose tool storeman Rough offal controller Messenger/Machine operator (H/Q engineering) Secretary (grade 2) Motorcycle Driver Senior clerk (graziers) Pet food processor (Harare) Senior sales supervisor (Harare) Printer (central stores) ' Shorthand/Typist (P/T—Reg. Eng.) Protective clothing clerk Small stock buyer Quality controller State certified nurse Sait plant operator Wages clerk (Mutare/Gweru) Slink skinner Administration officer (Northern) Skinner (grade 1) Assistant banks controller Stunner , Assistant ranch manager Team leader By-products controller Tractor Driver (external) Costing and projects clerk Boning room operator (grade 2) Credit controller (Harare) Brine equipment operator (grade 2) Executive, secretary (grade