Lll IP Research Distictlresidential Care Facilities ART.IX
INDEX SPECIAL TOWN MEETING, T{ARCH 2,1998 AI{NUAL TOWN ELECTION, MARCH 30, 1998 AI.INUAL TOWN MEETING, APRIL 6, 1998 ADJOTJRNED ANNUAL TOWN MEETINGS: APRIL 7, 8, 13, 14 & 15, 1998 EMERGENCY SPECIALTOWNMEETING, APRIL 15, 1998 SPECIAL TOIWN ELECTION, MAY 27, 1998 STATEPRIMARY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1998 STATEELECTION, NOVEMBER 3, 1998 Article Paqe Amend Consn¡ction and Renovation Articles, Schools STM I I A¡tnuat Town Election, March 30, 1998 6 Bond Issue, Conservation l¿nd 7 21 IP Boundary Change-Framingham/Sudbury 2I 6l Budget Adjustments, FY98 2 IO IP BudgeÇ FY99 4A 12 Budget Pool Enterpriæ Fund FY99 4C 2t Budget, Solid Waste Disposal Enterprise Fund FY99 4B 20 Bus Revolving Fun{ Schools l3 53 Bylaws, Amendments Capital Planning 26 15 Cluster Development-Common Land (Art IX.IV.D.4) 36 l19 Cluster Development-Dimensiorul Requirements (Art.IX.IV.D.3.c) 37 tzl IP Flexible Development (Art. IÐ 3l 107 Ice Cream Trucls, Allow (Art. V.2) 44 150 Def Incentive Senior Development (Art.IX.IV.F/I. G /.O) 30 96 Intensity Regulations (tutIX.IV.B) 38 122 Lot Area A¡I.IX.(LC.) & 0V.E.5.a) 35 tt7 Public Safety (Art. V.ls & V.l9) 20 60 Public Way Access Permit 28 83 Regulation of Dogs (Art.V.3) 43 137 Research Disrict Permiüed Uses (Art IX. [I.D. i) 32 lll IP Research DistictlResidential Care Facilities ART.IX. (IV.E.3.b), (III.D. l.Ð, (IILD. Lk)) 33 Lt2 IP Rezone Parcel Kl04l0 to Limited Business 39 124 Def Rezone Parcel Kl04l0 to Limited Business-Reconsideration 39 ls3 Def Senior Residential Cnmmunity Bylaw-Delete (A¡t.IÐ 40 13l Def Torvn Meeting Procedures (ArtIL 16) 25 13 Underground Sprinkler System (Art V.3l) 23 66 IP Water Pollution Emergencies (Art.
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