U.S. International Trade Commission COMMISSIONERS Deanna Tanner Okun, Chairman Jennifer A. Hillman, Vice Chairman Lynn M. Bragg Marcia E. Miller Stephen Koplan Robert A. Rogowsky Director of Operations Vern Simpson Director of Industries This report was prepared by the Office of Industries Joann Tortorice, Project Leader
[email protected] Amanda Horan, Deputy Project Leader
[email protected] Economists: Edward Balistreri and Russell Hillberry Staff assigned: Tsedale Assefa, Laura Bloodgood, William Chadwick, Eric Forden, Dave Ingersoll, Dennis Luther, Christopher Melly, Michael Nunes, and Ryan Schroeder With special assistance from: Lynette Gabourel and Cynthia Payne Under the direction of: Richard W. Brown Division Chief Address all communications to Secretary to the Commission United States International Trade Commission Washington, DC 20436 U.S. International Trade Commission Washington, DC 20436 www.usitc.gov Oil and Gas Field Services: Impediments to Trade and Prospects for Liberalization Investigation No. 332-444 Publication 3582 March 2003 ABSTRACT Following receipt on June 18, 2002, of a request from the United States Trade Representative (USTR) (see appendix A), the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) instituted investigation No. 332-444, Oil and Gas Field Services: Impediments to Trade and Prospects for Liberalization, under section 332(g) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1332(g)). As requested by USTR, this report provides (1) a description of the various activities involved in oil and gas field services; (2) a discussion of the nature of trade in oil and gas field services; and (3) an examination of the extent of impediments to trade and the potential benefits of trade liberalization.