Adapting the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Model for Forest Applications

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Adapting the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Model for Forest Applications Journal of Hydrology 366 (2009) 46–54 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Hydrology journal homepage: Adapting the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model for forest applications Shuhui Dun a,*, Joan Q. Wu a, William J. Elliot b, Peter R. Robichaud b, Dennis C. Flanagan c, James R. Frankenberger c, Robert E. Brown b, Arthur C. Xu d a Washington State University, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, P.O. Box 646120, Pullman, WA 99164, USA b US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Moscow, ID 83843, USA c US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA d Tongji University, Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Shanghai 200092, China article info summary Article history: There has been an increasing public concern over forest stream pollution by excessive sedimentation due Received 11 July 2008 to natural or human disturbances. Adequate erosion simulation tools are needed for sound management Received in revised form 6 December 2008 of forest resources. The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) watershed model has proved useful in Accepted 12 December 2008 forest applications where Hortonian flow is the major form of runoff, such as modeling erosion from roads, harvested units, and burned areas by wildfire or prescribed fire. Nevertheless, when used for mod- eling water flow and sediment discharge from natural forest watersheds where subsurface flow is dom- Keywords: inant, WEPP (v2004.7) underestimates these quantities, in particular, the water flow at the watershed Forest watershed outlet. Surface runoff Subsurface lateral flow The main goal of this study was to improve the WEPP v2004.7 so that it can be applied to adequately Soil erosion simulate forest watershed hydrology and erosion. The specific objectives were to modify WEPP v2004.7 Hydrologic modeling algorithms and subroutines that improperly represent forest subsurface hydrologic processes; and, to WEPP assess the performance of the modified model by applying it to a research forest watershed in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Changes were made in WEPP v2004.7 to better model percolation of soil water and subsurface lateral flow. The modified model, WEPP v2008.9, was applied to the Hermada watershed located in the Boise National Forest, in southern Idaho, USA. The results from v2008.9 and v2004.7 as well as the field obser- vations were compared. For the period of 1995–2000, average annual precipitation for the study area was 954 mm. Simulated annual watershed discharge was negligible using WEPP v2004.7, and was 262 mm using WEPP v2008.9, agreeable with field-observed 275 mm. Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Introduction however, subsurface lateral flow and channel flow are predomi- nant (Luce, 1995). When used under such forest conditions, WEPP Many areas of the world depend on forest watersheds as (v2004.7) underestimates subsurface lateral flow and discharge at sources of high-quality surface water for domestic supply, indus- the watershed outlet (Elliot et al., 1995). trial use, and agricultural production (Dissmeyer, 2000). There is WEPP was intended to be applied to agriculture, rangelands and increasing public concern over forest stream pollution by excessive forests (Foster and Lane, 1987). Runoff generation was by the sedimentation resulting from forest management activities. Ade- mechanism of rainfall-excess described by the modified Green- quate erosion simulation tools are needed for sound forest re- Ampt infiltration model (Mein and Larson, 1973; Chu, 1978). Re- source management. The Water Erosion Prediction Project cently, scientists have increasingly realized that rainfall-excess is (WEPP) model (Flanagan et al., 2001), a physically-based erosion not the only runoff-generation mechanism that influences forest prediction software program developed by the US Department of hydrology and erosion (Elliot et al., 1996; Covert, 2003). Forest Agriculture (USDA), has proved useful in areas where Hortonian lands are exemplified by steep slopes, and young, shallow, and flow dominates, e.g., in forest applications of modeling erosion coarse-grained soils, differing markedly from typical agricultural from insloped or outsloped roads, or harvested or burned areas lands. In addition, forest canopy and residue covers differ from by wildfire or prescribed fire (Elliot et al., 1999; Elliot and Tysdal, those in crop- and rangelands causing the rates and combinations 1999; Elliot, 2004; Robichaud et al., 2007). In most natural forests, of individual hydrologic processes to differ (Luce, 1995). Fig. 1 illustrates the differences in major characteristics of hydrologic * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 509 335 5996; fax: +1 509 335 2722. processes in agricultural and forest settings. WEPP is a reasonable E-mail address: (S. Dun). tool in quantifying runoff and erosion from typical agricultural 0022-1694/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.12.019 S. Dun et al. / Journal of Hydrology 366 (2009) 46–54 47 P P Tp Tp Es Es R Surface soil Horizon A R Weathering Horizon B layer Bedrock Horizon C R s Dp Dp (a) Agricultural (b) Forest Fig. 1. Diagram showing the difference in primary hydrologic processes between typical (a) agricultural soil profile and (b) forest setting. The size of the arrows reflects the relative magnitude or rate of the individual processes: P, precipitation; Tp, plant transpiration; Es, soil evaporation; R, surface runoff; Rs, subsurface lateral flow, and ; Dp, percolation through bottom of soil profile. fields (Laflen et al., 2004). For forest watershed applications, how- The erosion routines estimate interrill and rill erosion as well as ever, the model needs to be modified to properly represent the sediment transport in channels. The channel component consists hydrologic processes involved. Covert et al. (2005), in an applica- of channel hydrology and erosion. Channel hydrology routines gen- tion of WEPP for simulating runoff and erosion on disturbed forest erate hydrographs by combining channel runoff with the surface watersheds, emphasized the need for adequately representing lat- runoff from upstream watershed elements, i.e., hillslopes, channels eral flow processes in WEPP. or impoundments. The channel erosion routines simulate soil The main purpose of this study was to improve the WEPP detachment from channel bed and bank due to excess flow shear (v2004.7) watershed model such that it can be used to simulate stress through downcutting and widening as well as sediment and predict forest watershed hydrology and erosion. The specific transport and deposition. objectives were to identify and improve WEPP (v2004.7) subrou- tines for subsurface lateral flow process; and to assess the perfor- Simulation of subsurface water flow in WEPP mance of the modified model by applying it to a typical forested watershed in the US Pacific Northwest. WEPP conceptualizes a hillslope as a rectangular strip with a representative slope profile and multiple OFEs (Cochrane and Flan- Method agan, 2003). Rainfall excess, in intervals of minutes, is calculated as the difference between rainfall rate and infiltration estimated Model description using a modified Green-Ampt- Mein–Larson equation (Mein and Larson, 1973; Chu, 1978), with rainfall interception in the canopy WEPP partitions a watershed into hillslopes and a channel net- and residue as well as surface depression storage taken into con- work that includes channel segments and impoundments. Over- sideration. Overland flow rate on an OFE is determined from the land flow from hillslopes feeds into the channel network. A average rainfall excess of the immediately upstream, consecutively hillslope can be further divided into overland-flow elements feeding OFEs weighted by their lengths. Redistribution of infil- (OFEs), within which soil, vegetation, and management conditions trated water, including evapotranspiration (ET), percolation, and are assumed homogeneous. A recently developed geo-spatial inter- subsurface lateral flow, is simulated within each OFE on a daily ba- face, GeoWEPP, allows the use of digital elevation models (DEMs) sis. Transmission of subsurface lateral flow is between two adja- to generate watershed configurations and topographic inputs for cent OFEs. the WEPP model (Renschler, 2003). Important functions and rou- Within an OFE, a soil profile can be divided into layers of 10 cm tines in WEPP are summarized below after Flanagan et al. (1995). for the top two (for better description of surface conditions, e.g., The hillslope component of WEPP simulates the following pro- tillage effect) and 20 cm for the remainder. Soil physical properties cesses: surface hydrology and hydraulics, subsurface hydrology, for each layer, such as saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), field vegetation growth and residue decomposition, winter processes, capacity (hfc) and plant wilting point (hwp) (considered as the soil and sediment detachment and transport. The surface hydrology water content h at matric potential of about 30 kPa and 1.5 MPa, routines use information on weather, vegetation and management respectively), are estimated using the soil texture input. WEPP al- practices, and maintain a continuous balance of the soil water on a lows a user to define an effective saturated hydraulic conductivity daily basis. The hydraulics routine performs overland-flow routing for the top two soil layers, which
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