Advanced Review Climate and : a historical reassessment Philip Slavin*

Edited by Matthias Heymann, Domain Editor, and Mike Hulme, Editor-in-Chief

This study, dealing with the question of the impact of climate and extreme weather events on famines, has two objectives. The first objective is to review recent literature on the topic, distinguishing between economic and political sci- ence papers aimed at addressing contemporary events in the Third World countries, and historical research dealing with famines of the past. The former category of literature is characterized by a tendency to take the connec- tion between the two variables for granted. The latter category, however, tends to exercise more analytical caution, but it still exhibits a degree of environmental determinism. The second objective of the article is to reassess the role and impact of climate and short-term weather anomalies on famines in pre-Industrial societies, in both European and non-European history. At first, it appears that famines went invariably hand-in-hand with climatic changes and anomalies. A closer analysis, however, reveals that those climatic events created environ- mental shocks (harvest failures and blights), which implied shortages, rather than famines. Whether those shortages were bound to transform into full- fledged famines was determined by nonenvironmental factors: primarily, human institutions and demographic trends. Climate alone, it is argued, is incapable of creating famines. The often unquestioned connection between the two variables appears to be an imaginary cultural and political construct of our era, when the fear of global warming and the awareness of climate change dominate the public and scholarly discourse. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. How to cite this article: WIREs Clim Change 2016, 7:433–447. doi: 10.1002/wcc.395

FAMINES AND FOOD SHORTAGES: question is ‘What creates famine?’ Roughly speaking, SOME CATEGORICAL there are three main schools of thought. The first CLARIFICATIONS approach, pioneered by Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen in his classic monograph and Famines, espite fast growing corpus of scholarly litera- blames humans, human decisions, and institutions in Dture, famine remains arguably one of the most creating famines, by misallocating the scarce food contested topics among historians, development resources and denying the poor masses of their basic economists, political scientists, sociologists, anthro- entitlements for food.1 Despite some criticism, the pologists, and biologists. One controversial, and still ‘institutionalist’ approach remains highly – much underappreciated and badly misunderstood influential.2 4 The other major school of thought sees demographic trends as a primary force regulating the levels of food supply. This view goes back to Mal- *Correspondence to: [email protected] thus’s Essay on the Principle of Population (1798) School of History, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK and regards famines, alongside with and dis- eases, as a ‘providential’ or ‘positive’ check prevent- Conflict of interest: The authors have declared no conflicts of inter- est for this article. ing the population from exceeding the available

Volume7,May/June2016 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. 433 Advanced Review landed resources.5 This approach is especially valid populace. Such situation was prevailing in preindus- in the case of pre-Industrial societies, in which the trial societies, especially those suffering from over- population levels and the sheer volume of available population and armed conflicts. One good example food are usually negatively correlated. Finally, there is northwestern in the first half of the 14th is the ‘environmentalist’ approach, which revolves century, and especially England, northern France, around the idea that Nature is the primary trigger of and the Low Countries. Thus, in England, where our famine conditions, through climatic anomalies and data on crop yields and commodity prices is by far biological shocks.6 the most complete, about 20% of annual crop yields Although all three approaches deserve analyti- stood at 20% below average in 1270 and 1450 and cal treatment, I shall confine the discussion primarily about 4% of harvests stood at 40% below average. to the connection between climate and food supply. Moreover, in the course of that period there were To avoid some potential confusion, some categorical three episodes of several back-to-back harvest fail- and terminological clarification is required. Firstly, it ures (1315–1317, 1349–1351, and 1437–1438).9 In is essential to distinguish between ‘famine’ and ‘food other words, harvest shortfalls were quite common shortage,’ each representing a different degree of in that period and they were almost invariably severity of subsistence crisis.7 Although the definition related to bad weather and climatic shifts. This of ‘famine’ can be fluid and varying across schools of implies that the phenomenon of food shortage was thought and disciplines, it would not be too inaccu- common, and this was especially true in the period rate to define it as a condition of collective before the Black Death (1348–1351), when the occurring in years/periods of extreme and omnipres- degree of overpopulation, rural congestion, poverty, ent deficiency of food resources, in relation to the and low real wages reached its peak.10 Yet, in the sheer levels of population. ‘Food shortage,’ however, course of that period, there was only one subsistence is understood here as localized and partial deficiency crisis, which is to be classified as a famine: the Great of food resources. Secondly, it is important to distin- European Famine of 1315–1317. Similar situation guish between real and artificial deficiency of food. exists today in some countries of the so-called Third Real deficiency is objective unavailability/nonexist- World. Of course, there have been some recent ence of food supply, while artificial deficiency is cre- instances of proper famines (thus, the 2005–2006 ated by intentional displacement of food resources famine of the African Horn, the 2010–2013 crisis in from place A/group A to/by place B/group B. As a and the 2011–2012 famine in East Africa), but result, place A/group A loses its entitlement to food overall, the prevailing condition is that of food short- resources and thus, ‘artificial’ deficiency is created.1 age, rather than famine. To a large degree, the distinction between real and artificial deficiency overlap with Sen’s contrast between the ‘Food Availability Decline’ (FAD) and ‘Food Entitlement Decline’ (FED). Obviously, one CLIMATE AND SUBSISTENCE cannot talk about ‘food shortage’ as a uniform phe- CRISES: STUDYING THE PRESENT nomenon: the degree and intensity of food shortage AND FORECASTING THE FUTURE can vary pronouncedly across space and time, and some theorists and historians define an ‘instrumental’ Is there a clear connection between climate and sub- scale of food shortage magnitude.8 sistence crisis? Or put differently, do short-term One important distinction between famine and anomalies or long-term climatic shifts create subsist- food shortage is that famine conditions eventually ence crises? In the context of the Green Revolution, lead to excessive mortality on a collective (i.e., the increasing awareness of the global challenges of regional or national) level, usually resulting from Global Warming, and the emergence of various starvation-related . Conversely, food branches of environmental sciences from the late shortages may increase the levels of poverty and 1960s, there is a growing body of literature looking depress living standards, but apart from possible at this issue from a scholarly perspective. Although instances of individual deaths, overall death excess is born out of the same political, social, and cultural unlikely. The longevity of a disaster is another defini- context, there are, roughly speaking, at least two dis- tional factor. Unlike famine, which may last no more tinctive kinds of scholarship dealing with this ques- than a few years, the condition of continual food tion. One approach considers the issue from our shortage may last for decades, without creating wide- contemporary perspective, within the context of the spread starvation and excessive mortality because of widespread political and cultural concern about starvation and -related diseases among general global warming. There is an abundant literature on

434 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. Volume7,May/June2016 WIREs Climate Change Climate and famines the impact of global warming on and CLIMATE AND SUBSISTENCE food shortage of the developing countries of the so- CRISES: STUDYING THE PAST – called ‘Third World.’11 13 These authors, natural scientists, political scientists, and economists alike, The second approach is more dynamic, which blame climatic anomalies, such as excessive attempts to study the impact of climate on famines in sub-Saharan Africa or tropical storms in southeast from a historical perspective. Here, both historians Asia, for compromising the food security of local and social scientists differ in their methodological populations and creating widespread dearth and approach from economists forecasting the state of famine. In other words, they tend to have an inher- food security in the future. Instead of economic and ent bias toward exogenous causation of natural econometric models, they rely on historical sources events. One characteristic of this scholarship is an (narrative and statistical) and proxy data, which, attempt to use the existing data from the present, to combined together, serve the basis for their studies of forecast the future. For instance, in 1994 a special the past. Interestingly, despite the emergence and issue of Global Environmental Change was dedi- expansion of environmental history as a full-fledged cated to the topic of climate change and global food historical field from the late 1960s on, historians and security. Those studies constructed various economic some social scientists tended to favor endogenous, models predicting the impact of global warming on rather than exogenous interpretations of historical food crisis in the 21st century, and especially in the famines and food shortages, for another three dec- – low-latitude regions.14 18 Two years later, there was ades or so. This is in a sharp contrast with natural a publication of an edited volume dealing with the scientists and forecasters, who, as we have seen, are impact of global warming on agriculture and food biased toward exogenous causation or social conse- security in the semi-arid tropics of Africa, Asia, and quences of natural events. Thus, in discussing fam- America.19 Some predictions are indeed gloomy: ines, Noble Laureate Robert Fogel went as far as according to one forecast, by 2060, sub-Saharan rejecting any other factors (climate included), except 27 28 Africa will lose one-third of her agricultural output entitlement failures. Likewise, Abel and 29 potential,20 while another prophecy predicts that by Persson, both economic historians, denied any 2100 some African countries might be bereft of their impact of climate on economic shocks. In fact, the agricultural production altogether.21,22 To combat two prevailing explanations until c. 2000 were the 1,30,31 the ongoing crisis in the present and prevent the fam- Senian theory of entitlements and demographic 32 ine in the future, scholars suggest to implement vari- pressure. This, in turn, can be explained by the fact ous strategies. Some advocate better institutional that it was not until the late 1990s, and especially the policy, based on a fairer and a better-monitored first decade of the 21st century, that the collective food distribution.17 Other scholars believe that tech- awareness of global warming became widespread in 33 nological advances in climate control are a key fac- both scholarship and media. Naturally, there are tor in coping with famines.23 several notable exceptions. One environmental histo- Similarly, some scholars have drawn our atten- rian, who has been exceptionally attentive to the tion to the likely impact of global warming on the impact of climatic variations on agrarian economy spread of infectious diseases of humans. According and food shortages in particular, is Christian Pfister, to this model, crop failures and food shortage com- who brought up this topic time and again in several 34–37 promises the immune system of humans and make articles in the 1970s and 1980s. Pfister was them more vulnerable to various pathogens.24 In undoubtedly influenced by Emmanuel Le Roy other words, those scholars undoubtedly acknowl- Ladurie, who had pioneered the study of historical 38 edge that climate change is directly responsible for climate in his Times of Feast, Times of Famine. famine. Humans, however, are not the only victims Hubert Lamb, one of the most prolific and influential of climate-induced diseases. As some studies have historical climatologists of his days, too, stressed the shown, climate change and extreme weather events impact of climate and weather anomalies on food can bring about plant diseases, resulting, in turn, in supplies in Europe and beyond, in a number of stud- reduced crop production.25 In 2011, a special issue ies in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, sometimes in col- 39,126,127 of was dedicated to the subject of laboration with other scholars. climate change and plant , with several studies The real shift, however, came in the early dealing with the impact of plant diseases, primarily 2000s, when more and more historians and social fusarium head blight and mycotoxin, which drasti- scientists began paying more consideration to natural cally reduce cereal production in the developing factors, climate forces first and foremost, in explain- world.26 ing historical famines. In a sharp contrast with the

Volume7,May/June2016 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. 435 Advanced Review balanced and nondeterministic views of Pfister and on par with some developing countries of today.44 other predecessors, those studies appear to have This awareness of long-term economic developments adopted, more or less, the deterministic views. The on the one hand and the discovery of the ‘once-poor first few years were dominated by the studies of and vulnerable’ Europe, on the other, might have non-European famines. Although there is a large invigorated the appreciation of long-term climatic body of growing literature, a few examples would cycles and their impact on food security and food suffice. In his quasi-popular (and, to say the least, crises. The second reason is purely practical: scholars controversially called) Late Victorian Holocausts: El are more encouraged to work on contemporary fam- Niño Famines and the Making of the New World, ines of the developing world and they are much more Davis takes a deterministic approach to the roots of likely to receive funding to study the causes of the European Imperialism and the creation of the so- Haitian famine of 2010–2013 than, say, the Great called ‘Third World.’ For him, the intensity of El European Famine of 1315–1317. Niño events in the late created famines Despite this significant historiographic gap, the across the Pacific and aided Europeans to gain con- Eurocentric scholarship was slowly catching up in trol of their Asian and African colonies.40 Holmgren the 2000s. In his now-classic (yet suffering from fac- and Öberg surveyed historical famines in East Africa tual and conceptual errors) The Little Ice Age: How in the context of climatic fluctuations, in a long Climate Made History, 1300–1850, Fagan consid- run.41 Likewise, Damodaran saw as the ered all preindustrial famines and major subsistence main cause of the Bengalese famines of 1770 and crises in Europe to be caused by short-term climatic 1897.42 Finally, Saito made a strong case for the anomalies and long-term climatic changes, within the strong correlation between climatic oscillations and wider context of the Little Ice Age (LIA).45 Stothers famines in Japan, in a very long run (from the 8th to looked at the biological and economic repercussions the 19th centuries).43 of the 1258 volcanic eruption on famine and diseases The history of climate and famines in Europe, in Europe and the Middle East.46 The real paradigm however, was lagging behind in the 2000s. Two fac- shift, however, came with the publications of Camp- tors, theoretical and practical, may account for that. bell. In his 2010 article, Campbell pointed out the Firstly, despite some clear oversimplification and gen- impact of natural forces on food shortages and mor- eralization, it would not be too far from truth to say tality crises; for him, Nature is a primary historical that the traditional ‘western’ (or Eurocentric) percep- mover, or ‘historical protagonist.’47 Campbell devel- tion of European history is that of the rise of a great oped and sharpened his ideas in several subsequent civilization, made of a cultural symbiosis of Greco- publications, leading to the forthcoming publication Roman Antiquity, and Christianity, which, despite of his Great Transition.48 For Campbell, local various challenges, rose to the international domi- weather anomalies, which brought about low har- nance in the 15th or 16th centuries and came to vests and consequently famines, were not isolated dominate other parts of the world in the course of events, but parts of larger climatic shifts on a global the 19th century. The economic prosperity, resulting scale. Therefore, to understand regional climatic from the technological advances and the success of changes, one needs to appreciate a wider, global con- capitalist economy, makes famine inconceivable in text. Besides being major historical contributions, today’s Western World, to the point that even cli- Campbell’s works also have a great theoretical merit, mate change cannot make it happen. In other words, because they set up a new analytical framework for the Eurocentric narrative is that of might and wealth, economic and environmental historians. rather than vulnerability and poverty. The history of In the same vein, the last two decades saw the the so-called ‘Third World,’ on the other hand, is emergence of series of studies, stressing the impact of perceived from the viewpoint of stagnation and climate or extreme weather events on famine and largely backwardness, where food shortages and food crises in Europe and the Middle East. A few famines are still an everyday reality, and local com- examples would suffice. Hoyle studied the munities are vulnerable to various vagaries of 1622–1624 famine in North England, underlying its Nature. Famines, therefore, are commonly associated environmental causes.49 Newfield drew our attention with the ‘developing world,’ rather than with the so- to the occurrence of early medieval European famines called ‘First World’ countries. It is only in recent in the context of weather anomalies.7 White stressed years that historians of long-term economic develop- the connection between climatic oscillations of the ment become more and more aware that the eco- LIA and food shortages and famines in early modern nomic performance and living standards of many .50,51 Likewise, Alfani demonstrated regions in Europe until the early modern period were the role of the LIA in contributing to famines in early

436 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. Volume7,May/June2016 WIREs Climate Change Climate and famines modern Italy.52,53 Slavin considered the role of the natural climate proxies pertaining to the second mil- cold and damp weather in creating shortage in fod- lennium. Consequently, regional trends and the tem- der resources for domestic animals in the early 14th poral parameters of climate evolutions are less clear century.54 Oram pointed out the decisive role of cli- in the first millennium than they are in the second. matic change in a socioeconomic shift in late- Very roughly speaking, pronounced climate variabil- medieval , which included a series of subsist- ity characterized the period spanning c. 250–575 CE, ence crises and marginalization of agricultural with dryer conditions defining much of the third and production.55 fourth centuries. This ’drought’ was inconsistent, as As indicated above, those studies focus on his- are all overarching climate patterns. A period of torical famines to understand the past, rather than above average precipitation set in c. 380 and lasted draw conclusions for the future. An altogether differ- until c. 450, when dry conditions returned once ent approach is assumed by some scholars, who see again, to dominate the continent until c. 575. This historical climate-induced famines as tools to under- climatic instability went hand-in-hand with the politi- stand the impact of climate on subsistence crises of cal turmoil marking the decline and ‘fall’ of the the present and to prevent famines in the future. For Roman Empire. A cool period of c.535–650, corre- instance, in his 2005 study, Fraser used ’s sponding to the cementing of ‘Barbarian’ kingdoms (aka, the Blight) of 1845–1852, in Europe, was replaced by a period of relative the El-Niño famines of the late 19th-century in the warmth c.650–750.58 After a brief cooling Pacific and the Ethiopian famines of 1972–1973 and c.750–830, there was another period of heighten cli- 1983–1985, to identify several common denomina- mate instability, characterized by cold winters tors, which can be used to design strategies to cope (c.830–950).59 This instability corresponds to the era with food vulnerability in the present and the of political, military, and socioeconomic crises that future.56 accompanied the decline of Carolingian rule. Roughly speaking, the period of c.950–1250 (aka, the ‘Medieval Climate Anomaly,’ or the MCA) was DOES CLIMATE REALLY CREATE marked by warm and, at least initially, dry condi- FAMINES? tions. But again, there were breaks in the overarching climate regime, for instance the cooling of the ‘Oort With global climate change being an omnipresent Minimum c.1010–1050.60,61 During the MCA, one feature of both the academic and media discourse witnesses a pronounced demographic growth, the and with global warming moving to the very center expansion of economy and trade, as well as the flour- of public environmental awareness, the link between ishing of the ‘High Medieval Christian civilization.’ climate and food availability becomes unquestioned From c.1250 until c.1420, Europe entered into a and unchallenged. When talking about famine, point- period of climatic instability, marking a transitional ing the finger at climate appears as a new fashion, period between the MCA and the LIA. During that shared by scholars, journalists, public intellectuals, period, there was a gradual reduction in solar irradi- and policy makers. The result is quite obvious: the ance levels. In particular, solar irradiance was abys- public takes the connection for granted and adhere mally depressed between c.1280 and 1340, a period to the dogma of environmental determinism. But is referred to by some scholars as the ‘Wolf Minimum.’ this connection that straightforward, or is it, in fact, The period c.1420 until c.1850, now known as the an oversimplification of more complex phenomena? LIA (and the exact chronology is highly debated As Devereux and Edwards have shown in their 2004 among historians and paleoclimatologists) was domi- study of African famines, other institutional and nated by a long-term cooling trend and short-term technological factors are to be taken into account, in cooling events, mostly related to volcanism. In the order to reach a more proper understanding of fam- course of that era, there were two particularly cold ine.57 The remaining section of the article adheres to phases, when average temperatures and sunspots this dictum, challenging the widespread deterministic reached their lowest minima in the last two millen- approach and offering an alternative model for nia: the ‘Maunder Minimum’ of c.1645–1715 and understanding famines in preindustrial Europe and the ‘Dalton Minimum’ of c.1790–1820.62 contemporary ‘Third World’ countries. Each of these climatic phases had short-term Let us begin by surveying some contours of extreme weather events, around which severe famines Europe’s changing climate from c. 250 CE to c. 1850 have been reported. Thus, the harsh famines of CE. Paleoclimatology is still rather scant for the first 368–369 and 375–376 in the Eastern Roman Empire millennium. There are certainly far more studies of have occurred in the context of the extreme drought

Volume7,May/June2016 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. 437 Advanced Review of the 360–370s.63 The famines of 791–794, the wider context of the ‘Dalton Minimum.’70 Alleg- 805–807, and 820–824, reported in the Carolingian edly, the connection between climate and extreme Empire and the , happened in a wider cli- weather events on the one hand and famines on the matic milieu of climatic instability and short-term other is too apparent to be dismissed. But were these cold weather events.7 As Figures 1 and 2 indicate, in famines caused by climate, or are they merely many instances, subsistence crises occurred in the strongly correlated to it? context of solar activity minima or volcanic activity Obviously, from the perspective of historians, (in many instances, short-term solar minima was correlation does not mean causation. Although many caused by volcanic eruptions). Thus, the famine of social scientists often taken a well-tested correlation, 1030–1033 is to be seen in the context of the ‘Oort based on a robust econometric analysis, as the very Minimum.’64 The global famine of 1258–1259 best indicator of causation, such assumption can be occurred after the eruption of Rinjani (Samalas, problematic. It should be borne in mind that even the Indonesia) in 1257.46 The Great European Famine of most robust regression analysis cannot go beyond 1315–1317 occurred during the Wolf Minimum establishing the relation between the explanatory and (c.1280–1340), itself a part of a larger climatic shift dependant variables and it cannot explain why there from the MWA to the LIA.65 The pan-Eurasian Fam- is such relation. In other words, it does not account ine of 1590s and the early 1600s, stretching all the for all the intermediary factors separating the initial way from the Iraq in the east to in the cause (climate) and the ultimate outcome (famine). west, ravaged at the height of another short-term cli- To make things even worse, however, many social matic anomaly, manifesting in a great drought in scientists tend to invoke the ceteris paribus mantra, Asia and torrential rainfall and cold winters which assumes that all things being equal. But in Europe.66 In particular, the 1601–1603 famine in diverse manifestations of the impact of climatic northeastern Europe appears to have been closely shocks and human responses to them imply that all correlated to the eruption of Huaynaputina (Peru) in things do not have to—or indeed, cannot be equal. 1600.67 The famine of the 1690s, which devastated To understand the relationship between the two vari- much of Northern Europe, was at the very height of ables, it requires more than just establishing that the ‘Maunder Minimum,’ with an unknown volcano most famines happened (and happen) during periods erupting in 1695.68 The eruption of Laki in of climatic change or short-term weather shocks. It is in 1783 was followed by an immediate famine in Ice- far more important to know precisely why and how land and food shortages on virtually a global scale.69 humans, human values, decisions and institutions Finally, the crisis of 1816–1817 has occurred after transform climatically induced food shortages into the eruption of Mount Tambora (in Indonesia), in full-fledged famines.

4 The crisis of 1817 3.5 The Great European famine The famine of the The 1030-1033 famine (1315-1317) The crisis of 1437-1439 1690s 3

2.5 Dalton minimum 2 .. 1.5 Oort minimum Sporer minimum Wolf minimum Maunder minimum 1


0 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 1520 1540 1560 1580 1600 1620 1640 1660 1680 1700 1720 1780 1800 1820 1840 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1760 1740 1120 1140 1160 1180 1100

FIGURE 1 | Solar activity levels and major subsistence crises in Europe, 1000–1850 (indexed on 1000–1500).124

438 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. Volume7,May/June2016 WIREs Climate Change Climate and famines 1001 1017 1033 1049 1065 1081 1097 1113 1129 1145 1161 1177 1193 1209 1225 1241 1257 1273 1289 1305 1321 1327 1353 1369 1385 1401 1417 1433 1449 1465 1481 1497 1513 1529 1545 1561 1577 1593 1609 1625 1641 1657 1673 1689 1705 1721 1737 1753 1769 1785 1801 1817 1833 1849 0


–10 Huayanaputina, 1600; Unknown eruption, 1695; famine in N, Europe –15 global shortage, local Unknown famines 1601-1603 1695-1697 eruption Laki, 1783; famine Tambora, 1815;local –20 1230; great in Iceland, famine in 1783-1784, famines in Japan and global shortage, Asia; local 1780s shortage in –25 shortages in N,America Asia and E, and Europe,1230-1232 Europe, –30 1816-1817

Rinjani,1257; global famine of 1258-1259 –35

FIGURE 2 | Volcanic eruptions and major subsistence crises, 1000–1850.125

To achieve that, an in-depth analysis of availa- the later parts of the agricultural year (Spring-Sum- ble evidence is required. A close reading of the source mer), in pursuit of excessively high prices and hence, material reveals that both long- and short-term cli- enormous financial gains.71 According to one narra- matic shifts, which implied increased instances of tor, during the Great Russian Famine of 1601–1603, extreme weather, tend to create almost invariably many lords (including the Patriarch of Moscow) and socioeconomic tipping points, rather than famines. better-off peasants had grain surplus to serve them True, torrential rain, frost, or excessive drought can for 3 or 4 years. Yet, they refused to deliver their ruin annual harvests. Those harvest shortfalls alone, stocks to local markets, fearing that they would miss however, cannot account for famines: they bring the opportunity to drive up the prices even higher.72 about food shortages, but not famines. To blame cli- Likewise, hoarding and speculation were omnipres- mate as the universal trigger of cataclysm means to ent during the Great of 1845–1852.73 reduce a historical argument to the oversimplified Food hoarding has also been an omnipresent feature level of environmental determinism, which does not of many contemporary famines of the Third World. account for other, no less decisive factors. As Sen has In the course of the Bengali famine of 1942–1943 convincingly shown, famines happen not because of and the Bangladeshi famine of 1974–1975, piles of ‘FAD’, but because of ‘FED’, whereby better-off ele- rise were stored by both wealthy individuals and ments use their wealth to seize the meager food colonial authorities.74,75 During the Sudanese fam- resources under their control, thus, denying poorer ines of 1984–1985, 1998, 2005–2006 and elements of their natural right of entitlement to 2011–2012, local banks stockpiled considerable food.1 In other words, humans and anthropogenic amounts of crops.76 Similarly, ubiquitous hoarding institutions play an enormous role in making famine. activities have been reported during the 2002 famine To put it differently: there is indeed a connection in Malawi.77,78 As recently as in 2011–2012, food between climate and famines. Indeed, climatic speculation appeared to be a paramount factor in anomalies can initiate preconditions for famine by East African famine.79 Many more examples can be reducing the available food resources and creating added. omnipresent socioeconomic stress. But this obvious One obvious consequence of food hoarding is a connection is mediated by a long number of other rise in . The reluctance of crop-producers factors, anthropogenic (institutional) and demo- or crop-owners to release their stocks onto local mar- graphic alike. To stress this point, I shall refer to sev- kets creates a commercial vacuum, with prices going eral such anthropogenic aspects in the context of up in a reverse correlation with the available food historical famine. supply.80 The excessively high prices imply the One widespread tendency during severe decline of collective purchasing power of commoners, shortages is grain hoarding. Thus, during the Great on the account of their lack of financial resources, or European Famine of 1315–1317, there were numer- other means of exchange. In other words, fewer and ous instances of withholding of grain resources by fewer people can now afford to buy food, because of better-off producers, who chose to store crops until the widening gap between the commodity prices and

Volume7,May/June2016 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. 439 Advanced Review the available funds to buy them. How badly the col- there were about 264 people per square mile.88 In lective purchasing power is compromised is largely other words, the number and proportion of the poor determined by the real wages and by the size of a and landless is by far a better indication of famine deprived population, in relation to the available vulnerability than total population. resources. That the population size has an impact on The short-term climatic anomaly of the early the degree of vulnerability to famine has been already 14th century was by no means limited to England, stated by Malthus in his classic 1798 Essay on the the Low Countries and Northern France.89 Nor did Principle of Population.5 According to the Malthu- the potato blight spare other parts of Europe.90 Both sian logic, the more poor people there are the more environmental disasters befell upon Scotland. Indeed, likely it is for a shortage to become an acute famine. as Oram has most recently shown, on the basis of Indeed, as Sen has convincingly shown, poverty is a paleoclimatological data, the increased storminess in decisive factor here: the bigger the proportion of the North-Atlantic from c.1250 onward has drasti- poor people is, the more vulnerable the society cally reduced and marginalized the agricultural becomes to various socioeconomic stresses.1 Several capacity of Scotland by c.1300.55 In both cases—and historical examples might suffice. At the time of the especially in the case of the Scottish Highlands in the failed harvest of 1315, the first of the three back-to- , there was a pronounced deficiency of food. back harvest shortfalls, the population of England Yet, as we have seen, Scotland experienced famine in might have been in the area of some 4.75–5.25 mil- neither 1315–1317, nor in the late 1840s. As Devine lion people, with various estimates currently vary has stated, in explaining the resilience of the Highlan- between 4 and 6 million.81,82 This figure was too ders to the potato blight, ‘a higher proportion [of the high to be sustained, given the scarcity of landed Highland population] than in the west of Ireland in resources, and, as recent research has shown, over 1846–1847 had the purchasing power to make good 50% of the population were living well below the some of the deficiencies in subsistence brought about poverty line.83 Similarly, the signs of overpopulation by the failure of the potatoes.’91 In other words, a and poverty were apparent in parts of the Low relative lack of demographic pressure implied higher Countries (where the population levels reached about living standards and hence, less vulnerability to cli- 2 million c.1300) and northern France.84 In 1845, on matic shocks and food deficiency. the eve of the outbreak of potato blight (an event Demographic pressure is only one such decisive which appears to have been precipitated by factor, but it cannot be a universal variable. For extremely wet summer weather) there were some 8.5 instance, although the potato famine was an omni- million people living in Ireland.85 Just as England, present phenomenon all over Ireland, it was precisely the Low Countries and northern France in the early the least densely settled counties of the west that suf- 14th century, Ireland c.1845 was a classic Malthu- fered the most.92 In order to understand this para- sian society, with over three-fourths of the popula- dox, one has to account for a number of other tion holding little or no land.85 In the case of both aspects determining whether food shortage would early 14th-century northwestern Europe and early turn into a famine or not. One such factor is agricul- 19th-century Ireland, the share of poor and landless tural and dietary structure of a population-at-risk. people grew much faster than the population as a Almost as a rule of thumb, a strong dependence on whole. one sector of agriculture, which is devastated by cli- An altogether different situation prevailed in matic changes or short-term weather anomalies, is Scotland. Just as other parts of northern Europe, more likely to contribute to the creation of famine. Scotland experienced the short-term climatic anom- Conversely, more diversified agricultural and dietary aly of the early 14th century, and just as Ireland, it portfolios tend to prevent food shortages from had the potato blight in the 1840s.86 Yet, in neither unfolding into a full-fledged famine, when popula- case there is any evidence about famine. It appears, tions have more room and resources to manoeuver therefore, that the lack of demographic pressure may across different food schedules, in the event of a fail- have been a key factor in saving Scotland from fam- ure of one of several sectors. This model helps under- ine. There were about 1.3 million people in 1315 and standing why northwestern Europe in the 1310s and some 2.7 million people in 1845, which may be Ireland in the 1840s were hit by devastating famines, translated into the respective figures of about 43 and while Scotland managed to avoid a catastrophe in 88 people per square mile.87 The population density both instances. The diet of English, Flemish, north- in England c.1315, on the other hand, was more in French (and other north European) commoners in the order of some 90–100 people per square mile. In the early 14th century was strongly dominated by Ireland c.1845, the situation was even more stressful: crops, primarily in the form of bread and ale/beer. In

440 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. Volume7,May/June2016 WIREs Climate Change Climate and famines

England, crop-based foods contributed about 70% shortages into famines. In the same vein, warfare to the total calorific intake. Although arable cultiva- plays an enormous role in intensifying food crises in tion (predominantly of oats and barley) has been an the Third World countries. The forced exports of important feature of local economies in parts of the Bengali rice, whose 1942–1943 harvest has already south-east and the eastern coast of late-medieval been devastated by weather-induced-blight, to other Scotland, elsewhere in the country it was pastoral parts of India and to the Burma campaign, was a husbandry and to a certain extent fisheries that sup- major factor in creating the Bengali Famine of plied the vast majorities of kilocalories to the intake 1942–1943.104 The Ethiopian famines of 1972–1973 of the commoners.93,128 Similarly, although potatoes and 1983–1985 have occurred in the middle of were the single most important crop in the Scottish extreme drought, but it was civil that deprived Highlands by c.1845, local populations were still local communities of their access to food.105 Like- able to supplement their food with fish, dairy pro- wise, the Somali famines of 1991–1993 and ducts and oats. This is in a sharp contrast with many 2010–2012 may have been initiated by catastrophic regions in western Ireland, which practiced potato drought, but they were clearly intensified by the . Conversely, the eastern and central ongoing civil war.106,107 As Parker has shown in his parts of Ireland had more diversified diet portfolios, study of the global crisis of the 17th-century, states with crops playing a more significant role. This, in often tended to give a priority to the successful prose- turn, may partially explain why starvation and mor- cution of war over .108 tality rates during the varied across regions during the Great Famine in Ireland.94 Political instability is yet another factor that CONCLUSIONS AND WIDER can make the whole difference. Military conflicts or IMPLICATIONS social upheavals can decrease food supplies either through environmental destruction or through All the cases cited above strengthen the view that cli- extraction. Thus, during the Great European Famine, mate and short-term weather anomalies do not create northern English counties were plundered by Scottish famines. All the same, it would be erroneous to claim marauders,95 while Flemish countryside was ravaged that climatic factors have no impact on human vul- by French soldiers.96 Furthermore, to finance his war nerability to food crises. They indeed create environ- with Scotland, Edward II of England (1307–1327) mental contexts, which may lead to food shortages, taxed his subjects both in 1315 and 1316, and sent or, to use Sen’s terminology, the ‘FAD’. Thus, the cli- his officials to purchase or, in some cases, collect matic change in North-Atlantic in the late 13th- and grain from local producers.97 This meant a further early 14th century, marked by the increased storms deprivation of local communities of their food entitle- and cooling, reduced the geographic range and sheer ment. To make things even worse, however, piracy scale of Scottish agricultural capacity. The torrential was flourishing in the North, Celtic and Irish Seas, rain of 1314–1316 brought about three back-to-back targeting ships laden with food or raiding coastal harvest failures in northwestern Europe. The drought communities.98 All these factors have decreased the of 1373–1374 created a harvest shortfall in Spain measly amounts of food even further. In the course and other parts of the western Mediterranean. The of the famine of 1328–1330, north- and central- wet weather of summer 1845 encouraged the disas- Italian countryside was plundered by the invading trous blight that killed much of the potato crops in army of Emperor Louis IV of Bavaria, thus exacer- Ireland and other parts of Europe in the 1840s.109 bating the crisis even further.99 The pan- The unusual drought of 1931–1932 appears to have Mediterranean famine of 1374–1375, characterized reduced the Ukrainian crop harvest of 1932 by some by regional variances in short-climatic anomalies, 40%.110 Similarly, excessive cloudiness, heavy rain- coupled with violent warfare in that region. In partic- fall and high humidity in late 1942 ruined much of ular, the countryside of Perpignan and Siena was rav- the rice harvest in Bengal in 1942–1943.111 Drought aged, which intensified the crisis a great deal.100,101 remains the dominant environmental factor in creat- During the Nine Years’ War (1594–1603) and the ing shortages in Africa. (1641–1653), which both Decreased food production levels stemming occurred during short-term climatic anomalies from crop harvest shortfalls, caused by climatic marked by excessively cold and wet weather,102 Irish anomalies, alone do not reach beyond food shortage countryside has been repeatedly plundered by English (or, ‘FAD’), at worst. Even some harshest weather soldiers.103 These attacks have reduced the already anomalies are highly unlikely to destroy an entire meager food supply even further and transformed harvest in a given community, let alone in an entire

Volume7,May/June2016 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. 441 Advanced Review region. Moreover, pre-Industrial societies often by a sheer number of citations, this study has tended to carry over crop surpluses, as a measure of been accepted by a large number of scholars.118 security against a potential harvest shortfall.112 In What this study, just as many other economic other words, after a prolonged torrential rain, or a and political science studies quoted earlier in this freezing winter, or a dry year, some food would still paper, failed to conceive is that correlation does not be available for distribution and consumption. For mean causation. This is just one of many examples of instance, the torrential rain and freezing winters of how social scientists tend to fall into what Mike 1314–1316, which ruined three back-to-back har- Hulme has aptly called the ‘climate reduction’ vests, reduced the gross crop supply (that is, the sheer trap.119 amounts of produced crops) in England by 25, 36, To understand why wars, famines and excessive and 16%. After the deduction of seed-corn, which, mortality tend to dominate human history in the during the famine years was disproportionally large, period of climatic changes requires a much more the respective production levels still stood at some detailed investigation of historical anthropogenic and 40, 50, and 25% below average.113 When the Irish demographic factors, rather than oversimplified and potatoes failed miserably and the aggregate output overreaching theoretical models. A good grasp of his- levels declined from about 13 million tons in 1844 to torical contexts, backed up by solid historical data some 9 million tons in 1845 to 3 million tons in and historical methodologies can yield some promis- 1846 and the abysmal 2 million tons in 1847 (only ing and more convincing results in this field. In other to rise slightly to 3 million tons in 1848 and 4 million words, there is indeed a clear connection between cli- tons in 1849),114 there were still fair amounts of mate and famines. But this connection alone does not grains (most notably, oats), in addition to dairy pro- account for the incredible complexity of famine. Nor ducts and herring that could sustain, at least par- can it blame climate as the single root-cause of fam- tially, the Irish populace.115 Similarly, the people of ines. To understand the incredibly complex nature of the Ukraine may have avoided the famine of 1933 famines, one has to divert from the oversimplified (the Holomodor), had Stalin’s government not pro- and reductionist perspective, satisfied by a mere econ- cured a nonnegligible share of the 1932 harvest, to ometric prediction or economic model holding all keep up with its planned economy.116 When the things equal, and focus on a long chain of intermedi- damp and humid winter of 1942–1943 ruined the ary links between the initial cause (climate) and the three seasonal rice harvests in Bengal, the sheer final outcome (famine). But at the same time, Nature amounts of collected rice were still large enough to should still be taken seriously as the same initial feed the local population, especially given that rice, cause, without which the same chain of intermediary wheat and millet were imported to Bengal during the links toward famine would not have been unfolding: famine years.117 Yet, despite the theoretical availabil- precisely, because it sets the stage to it, by creating ity of some food, a shortage turned into a famine in the first link—shortage. This is, perhaps, an admoni- all four instances, because of the adverse combina- tion to those historians, who tend to be strongly tion of demographic pressure, low living standards, biased toward the endogenous explanations of fam- and the loss of food entitlements through failed mar- ine. In other words, it is vital to counterbalance ket performance, widespread hoarding, governmental between the exogenous, endogenous and demo- transfer of food resources and, in the case of the graphic factors, to appreciate the complexity of the Great European Famine and the Bengali Famine, also phenomenon and avoid any generalization and, con- military conflict. In other words, it is a series of com- sequently, distortion. plex anthropogenic and demographic factors, which, All this brings to one last point. For good rea- when taken together, represent that invisible beast son, the topic of climate change and global warming that creates famines. has been dominating both the public and scholarly Almost invariably, famines occur in the context discourse for some two decades now. All the availa- of long-term climatic changes, or short-term weather ble climatological data point to the unquestioned anomalies. This led some historians, economists and (and indeed worrisome) rise in annual temperatures political scientists to take the link between the two all over the world, which, if not addressed properly, for granted and see the chronological concurrence as can have some negative environmental, biological, a causation, rather than correlation. Thus, in 2007 political, and socioeconomic implications, on a Zhang et al. ‘spotted’ a strong correlation between global level. However, despite frequent admonitions, the cycles of climate change, wars, and population global warming alone does not and will not create decline (whether due to wars, or disease and famine). famines. It is true that the catastrophic drought in These findings were published in PNAS and judging east Africa of the last five or so years has had a

442 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. Volume7,May/June2016 WIREs Climate Change Climate and famines pronounced impact on the aggregate levels of food family based small-scale economies; very limited (and production in that region. In other words, it created in some cases, nonexistent) exchange of goods with food shortage. The east-African drought, however, other countries; de-industrialized agriculture; overde- should be seen as a part of a larger, global climatic pendence on a limited range of foodstuffs; and, most context, marked by increasing aridity in different importantly military conflicts inflicting much damage parts of the world. For instance, Indian subcontinent upon food resources. In other words, climate can had its own drought in 2011–2014,120 while in lead to ‘FAD,’ but it is humans, who reduce the situa- North America (especially in California and the tion to famine, by making ‘FED’ an omnipresent southern states of the United States), drought has reality. been an ongoing problem since 2012.121 Yet, in both All these facts suggest that the existing cases, all the drought did was to depress the sheer approach to the concepts of global warming and cli- levels of agricultural output; it created neither short- mate change needs a perceptive and methodological age, nor famine.122,123 Why, then, there is famine in revision. Climate and environment do play a pro- east Africa, but not even food shortage in India and nounced role in human societies, and especially in North America? Again, the answer lies in humans pre/non-Industrial world, but their impact often and human institutions. Both the United States and tends to be exaggerated. This is especially true in the India are democratic countries, which discourage cor- case of environmental determinism, which almost ruption and speculation and protect property rights. nullifies the role and place of humans and human Both countries pursue capitalist economy and free institutions and cultures in history. Just as any other trade with other countries, which implies that food ideological bias, environmental determinism, too, imports can always be replied upon. High agricul- tends to dangerously oversimplify complex processes tural yields in the United States, stemming from its and phenomena and distort facts and figures. Instead unquestioned technological superiority, and a large of regarding climate (and, indeed, Nature) as the trig- agricultural sector in India, mean that in both coun- ger and cause of famines, and assuming a straightfor- tries there are enough food surpluses for a rainy or ward connection between the two variables, it is dry day. But perhaps most importantly, there is polit- perhaps now time to consider climate and Nature as ical and military stability in both countries, which the first (and by no means the most decisive) link in a means that food supplies are protected. An altogether long and perplexing chain of factors and phenomena opposite situation prevails in east African countries: which lead to famine. Famine, after all, is a highly corrupt and nondemocratic governments; weakly complex phenomenon, as hopefully the present study developed property rights; sectarianist societies; has shown.


The author wishes to thank Dr. Timothy Newfield (Princeton University) for sharing his insights into the pre- 1000 climatic fluctuations in Europe and Dr. Francis Ludlow (Yale University) for supplying high-resolution data on volcanic eruptions and clarifying some points related to that data.


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