
The Daily : A Cartographic History of

Stephen Vermette, SUNY Buffalo State, Department of & Planning U.S. Daily remains a sheet of paper but additional added: High and Low ; Areas and Amounts; The U.S. Daily Weather Map has been continuously 1:30 p.m. Weather Map; and 700 mb Chart. published for over 140 years. Prior to the Daily Weather Map, James Pollard Espy (1785–1860) produced one of the first U.S. weather maps, noting that “A well-arranged system of observations spread over the course of the country, would accomplish more in one year, than observations at a few isolated posts, however accurate and complete, to the end of First available on Internet for ”. An examination of these early maps, and viewing and downloading. specifically the Daily Weather Map, reveals the evolution of meteorological science in this country. The relevance of the maps evolved – initially they were outdated before distribution, evolved to serve as a timely source of information, and later were relegated Precipitation areas Last 24 as an archival record. The early maps were confined hours) are shaded. Low by a limited of observing stations, later tracks are Reduced in size isotherms and isobars could be drawn as the shown. Along with isotherms, and expanded dashed red isolines indicate observing network became denser and expanded to cover a one changes in over week period. westward. The maps reveal the early struggle with the the past 24 hours. Tabular visualization of weather data which eventually led to station data expanded, river gauge stations added, and the development of the ‘’. The display of weather forecasts expanded. air masses eventually found their way on the maps, The Weather Bureau moves while the depiction of boundaries, as from the War Department to the U.S. Department of depicted by fronts (Norwegian Model), came . late to the Daily Weather Map, as it did to this country. The expansion from one to multiple maps followed in subsequent years, leading to the eventual publication online.

Number of stations expand and populate the western U.S. Sufficient number of stations to allow for isotherms and isobars. High and Low pressure centers depicted. Station data included in and rudimentary forecasts given.

Sample Station Model

Cold and warm fronts first appear on the ‘Daily Weather Map’. First developed in Europe around WW I ( spikes associated with Kaiser helmets, and semicircles associated with Allied helmets), the which depicts fronts as Early ‘Daily Weather Map’ – boundaries between air masses, was resisted in the U.S. until about yes, published daily. Most 1940. Air masses are labeled (e.g. cP and mT). Air pressure isobars stations located along Atlantic displayed in millibars, as opposed to the earlier use of ‘inches of seaboard and Great Lake mercury’. The ‘Station Model used to describe station weather , with few western conditions debuted, replacing tabular weather data. Weather Bureau stations. cover symbols moved to the U.S. Department of Commerce. debut – somewhat similar to today’s. Typed depict temperatures, pressure, and speed. Weather Bureau, The first maps were Using the telegraph, housed within the War (Smithsonian Institute’s first Department’s Signal Service, used to track . In an earlier map Secretary) demonstrated the value of as established by Congress in a real-time weather map (1856). As in 1870. (1838) data appears on the map in tabular telegraph reports were received, form ( and various colored discs were placed on sky conditions: fair, a map to show current weather or cloudy). Large conditions (blue discs for , black circles are used to discs for , and brown discs for show the progress of ). Henry called for the federal a storm. Louise Hoover's painting, "Secretary Henry government to establish a national Posts Daily Weather Map in Smithsonian weather service. Building,1858."

One of the earliest U.S. weather maps – a precursor to the ‘Daily Weather Map’. Depicts early weather symbols. (orientation) and speed (length) are indicated by arrows (points indicate points of observation). Pressure is shown by the length of two long lines (‘High’ in black and ‘Low’ in red) Temperatures are reported as diurnal fluctuations (- or +), or monthly max or min. Red values/symbols relate to precipitation. Easy to follow a storm.