
Technical Bulletin 228 July 2001

a field guide to BBolloll WeevilWeevil IdentificationIdentification A Field Guide to Boll Identification

Robert G. Jones Research Entomologist U.S. Department of Agriculture and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine

Michael R. Williams Extension Entomologist Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology State University

For more information, contact Dr. Jones at (662) 320-7423 or [email protected], or con- tact Dr. Williams at (662) 325-2986 or [email protected]. Technical Bulletin 228 was published by the Office of Agricultural Communications, a unit of the Division of the Agriculture, Forestry, and Veterinary Medicine at Mississippi State University. A Field Guide to Identification


Identification of boll in both The reduction in the boll weevil Introductioneradication and pest management programs population and the presence of large is critical. Control decisions based on iden- numbers of pheromone traps creates a new tification are major costs to the programs situation for even the most experienced and to growers. Treatments resulting field people. Now, boll weevil scouts are from misidentified boll weevils are disrup- likely to find a variety of other snouted tive, unnecessary, and expensive. Failure to – both in the traps and in the field treat when boll weevils are not correctly – that were not commonly seen before. identified could extend eradication pro- Additionally, differentiation in boll weevil gram operations into extra years. punctures and the small bollworm and Therefore, all identifications of weevils are budworm damage can become more critical. Second opinions should be encour- difficult and takes on new importance. aged. Specimens should be submitted to Boll weevil traps attract a large number specialists for verification. of other and spiders. While the The use of boll weevil traps and the boll pheromone is specific for the boll weevil, it weevil aggregation pheromone (Grandlure) is similar to that of related weevils. The has become a major component of all boll trap color alone attracts both boll weevils weevil control programs. Grandlure-baited and other insects. The placement of the traps are at least eight times more efficient traps next to flowering shrubs often results at detecting low-level populations of boll in an increase of different species weevils than hand sampling (Hardee and captured. Mitchell 1997). This publication is designed to help in Utilization of these traps makes it the identification of boll weevil adults. possible to control the boll weevil with less Since most people do not have reference insecticide and ultimately makes collections of insects to make identification eradication possible. Large geographical comparisons, color photographs are areas have traps placed around all cotton included. fields in Boll Weevil Eradication Programs.

Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 1 IDENTIFICATION

Insects differ from other with Figures 1 through 9 are at the same magni- Identificationtheir bodies consisting of head, a three-seg- fication for comparison. mented thorax, and a segmented abdomen. THE BILLBUGS The presence of wings signifies an adult Figure 1 insect. The prothorax – the first thoracic The billbug (Figure 3) is probably the segment – holds the head and first pair of largest weevil found in traps. Its snout is Boll weevils are 1/8 to 1/3 legs. The mesothorax, or middle segment, short and stout. The antennae arise from inch long, and their color has the second pair of legs and the front the snout close to the eyes but not next to varies by age. As boll weevils mature, they pair of wings attached. The metathorax, or them. The elytra do not cover as much of become a dark red-brown last segment, has the third pair of legs and the sides of the abdomen and thorax and or mahogany. This figure second pair of wings. do not extend to cover the terminal shows a female boll weevil. Beetles’ front wings are leathery or abdominal segments. From the dorsal view, hardened covers. These wing covers, called this weevil is wide at the middle of the the elytra, meet in a straight line on the body and much narrower at both ends. abdomen. Structures used for Billbugs often cover their bodies with a identification are the head, antennae, coating of mud. Size of the many species thoracic segments, legs, elytra, and varies from 1/5 to 3/4 inch in length. Color abdomen. The weevils of the Family varies by species including black individu- , including boll weevils, are als commonly found in traps. Figure 2 called the snout beetles. Adult weevils THE BARIDINE WEEVILS have heads that extend into elongated This figure shows a male boll weevil. Variations in snouts with chewing mouthparts at the Baridine weevils (Figure 4) include 500 the snout are the simplest distal end. The antennae arise on the sides species in North America, all of which are means for distinguishing about 1/5 inch long. Several species have between the sexes. of the snout with the long basal segment fitting into a groove on the snout. This been found in traps. Body shape is similar long basal segment, with the attached to that of the billbugs: widest in the middle smaller segments, has an elbowed when viewed from top and side. The elytra appearance. The small segments increase in cover all segments of the abdomen but diameter near the end of the , leave the sides exposed. The snout is longer which gives it a club-like appearance. than the billbug snout, and it is slender There have been numerous species of with a sharp bend close to the eyes. This weevils found in the boll weevil traps. shape gives the appearance of the snout Some representatives of common groups always being bent back under the body. Figure 3 are described in the following sections. The body is covered by plate-like scales. There are more scales on the sides and THE BOLL WEEVIL The billbug varies from 1/5 under surface of the weevil. These to 3/4 inch in length, probably the largest weevil The boll weevil specimens (Figures 1, 2) generally white scales give a two-tone found in traps. Color varies pictured are among the larger of the appearance to the weevil’s body, dark top by species including black species. Figure 1 is of a female, and Figure 2 and light bottom. Color varies by species individuals commonly found in traps. is of a male – both collected in Webster with some appearing blue, black, gray, and County, Mississippi. For more detailed tan, but the body shape and size are information on the boll weevil, see the generally consistent. “Boll Weevil Identification” section.

2 A Field Guide to Boll Weevil Identification Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7

Baridine weevils are about 1/5 The cowpea is a shiny The nut or pecan weevil looks like a The plum curculio has a rough, inch long. Color varies by black weevil, about 1/4 inch long. boll weevil in shape, color, and multicolored appearance and is species with some appearing size, but its snout is thinner and about 1/4 inch long. blue, black, gray, and tan. longer in proportion to its 3/8-inch body length.

THE COWPEA CURCULIO brown body is covered with white hairlike scales. The cowpea curculio (Figure 5), a shiny black weevil, has no scales or hairlike THE PLUM CURCULIO setae. It has prominent round punctures on The plum curculio (Figure 7) has a most of its body surface. The snout is slen- rough, multicolored appearance. The body der – about a third the length of the 1/4- is red-brown with black spots. There are inch-long body. The elytra cover the entire patches of white and gold hairlike scales. top and most of the sides of the abdomen, This weevil’s snout is stout and is a third as the mesothorax, and the metathorax. This long as the 1/4-inch body. It has ridges run- weevil does not fly. It is a pest of seedling ning the length of the elytra with four cotton where cowpeas are present or used prominent humps and a few lesser ones. in rotation with cotton. This weevil is often seen in traps during THE NUT OR PECAN WEEVIL

The nut weevil (Figure 6), when viewed from a top rear position in a trap, looks like a boll weevil in shape, color, and size. However, its snout is very thin and long in proportion to its 3/8-inch body length. The snout can range from half as long as the body to equal to the length of the body. The main part of the head appears spheri- cal. The legs are long and slender with no spurs. As with the boll weevil, the nut wee- vil’s elytra have a pattern of parallel grooves that run the length of the insect and curve to join at the end. The red-

Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 3 the spring and is plentiful where wild plum to the boll weevil. On the distal end of the and other stone fruit trees occur. femur is a single-toothed spur, as opposed to the double-toothed spur found on the THE RICE WATER WEEVIL Figure 8 boll weevil. The enlarged top view of this The rice water weevil (Figure 8) is light species (Figure 10) shows a triangular struc- Rice water weevils are light tan tan with some darker spots on the ture called the scutellum, which is covered with some darker spots. prothorax and elytra. Its snout is short and by thickly clustered, white scales. This den- very broad, and its body is covered with flat sity of scales does not occur in the boll scales. There are no spurs or weevil (Figure 11). The teeth on the femur of any of Figure 10 strawberry bud weevil the legs. This is a major pest (Figure 10) has sharp, dis- in commercial rice. tinct “shoulders,” which are more rounded in the boll Figure 9 THE weevil (Figure 11). Both are STRAWBERRY members of the genus Strawberry bud weevils are BUD WEEVIL , which includes red-brown with dark This enlarged top view of a markings and have bodies The strawberry bud weevil strawberry bud weevil shows a about 100 species in North from 1/12 to 1/8 inch in (Figure 9) is red-brown with triangular structure called the America. It is a pest of straw- length. scutellum, which is covered by dark markings on the elytra. It berries and has a wide host thickly clustered, white scales. is from 1/12 to 1/8 inch in This density of scales does not plant list, including wild black- length and has a shape similar occur in the boll weevil. berries.


Figure 11 The shape of the boll weevil adult is weevils. These were selected from a season- Identificationconsistent in several characteristics. The long collection trapped in 1997 from a This enlarged top view of a boll head has a long, slender, slightly curved commercial cotton field at Eupora, weevil shows the insect’s snout about half the body length (Figures Mississippi. The larger weevils were the rounded “shoulders,” which are sharp and distinct in the 1, 2). The overall body is a teardrop shape. norm for the collection, and the small wee- strawberry bud weevil (Figure 10). It is somewhat elongated and appears gen- vils were the smallest. Small weevils devel- erally smooth and rounded under lower op in small flower buds (squares), and large magnification. weevils develop in larger squares and bolls The size of the boll weevil is variable. (Leigh et al. 1996). The small adult boll Hunter and Pierce in 1912 recorded mini- weevils have had their size reduced by mum and maximum lengths from their environmental pressure. They are still fully extensive studies to be 2.5 mm and 6.75 functional in all other activities. Ecological mm (Burke 1968). This is smaller than the studies on the boll weevil are described in Figure 12 1/8 to 1/3 inch presented by Leigh et al. detail by Rummel and Summy (1997). (1996). The snout length is not included, The snout of the boll weevil differs Two small and two large adult and standardized measurement is difficult between the male and female. This sexual boll weevils selected from a season-long collection trapped in in respect to positioning the head. Figure variation is the simplest means for distin- a commercial cotton field at 12 shows two small and two large adult guishing between the sexes. The female in Eupora, Mississippi. Larger weevils were the norm for that collection.

4 A Field Guide to Boll Weevil Identification Figure 1 has a more slender snout with an appearance of being longer than the male in Figure 2. In cross section, it would be round in the female and ovoid in the male. The male has more of a bend near the end of the snout. In Figure 13, the female’s snout is longer from the base of the anten- nae to the end than the male’s snout. In Figure 14, the female has a shinier, smooth- appearing snout especially under low mag- nification and bright intense light. The male snout has a coarser appearance with more pits, pores, and scales. These charac- teristics are best viewed from the antennal base to the end of the snouts. Other sex structures are more difficult to distinguish or require dissection and a microscope. Hardee et al. (1969, 1997) found that in some importance if trap tampering is sus- early season or before cotton fruited, the pected. pheromone (Grandlure) attracted more The femur of the boll weevil is the males (53.4%) than females (46.6%) to the largest leg segment. It is expanded or traps. In late season (during migration), swollen in the middle (Figure 15). The boll more females (62.4%) than males (37.6%) weevil front femur is compared in Figure 16 were captured. During midseason (the main to the front femur of the Thurberia weevil fruiting period), 90% or more of the few and Anthonomus peninsularis. At the distal boll weevil adults captured were females. end of the boll weevil femur is a stout spur Thus, sexing trapped boll weevils can have with double-pointed teeth (Figure 15).

Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16

The female boll weevil’s snout The femur of the boll weevil is the largest leg segment. It is This figure compares three (right) is longer from the base of The female boll weevil (top) has a expanded in the middle. At weevil front femurs: Thurberia the antennae to the end than the shinier, smooth-appearing snout. The the top of this figure is a front weevil (top), Anthonomus male’s snout (left). male snout (bottom) has a coarser view of the femur; at the peninsularis (center), and the appearance with more pits, pores, bottom, a rear view. boll weevil (bottom). At the and scales. distal end of the boll weevil femur is a stout spur with double-pointed teeth.

Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 5 A. peninsularis has a more slender femur median of the prothorax appears as a white with two very sharp, smaller spurs. Boll stripe from the head to the elytra. This weevils and Thurberia weevils have similar characteristic is not present in all boll wee- legs; experts separate them based on a vils. In Figure 17, the bottom elytrum is width-to-length ratio of the femur (Burke black. By viewing the elytra from the et al. 1986). inside, the body color is more obvious Figure 17 The boll weevil has spurs on the femora (Figure 18). This exception to color is the This figure shows the of all legs. The middle pair of legs has a ebony boll weevil (Bartlett 1967). outside view of a boll smaller spur with one large tooth and a sec- Exception to the scales was the discovery weevil’s elytra with grooves. ond remnant of a tooth or rounded area on of scaleless and dark-scaled boll weevils by the spur. The femora of the back legs have Villavaso (1986). a single, sharp-toothed spur. The tibia or In the literature, there is a boll weevil second long leg segment has a sharp spur referred to as the “Gast Ebony” from the on its far end pointed almost perpendicular laboratory rearing colony at the Gast to the tibia. The tibial spurs are on the first Rearing Facility, a USDA-ARS facility at and second pairs of legs. The third pair of Mississippi State. Specimens with this legs has bristles that appear as spurs. black body color have been collected in The elytra have parallel grooves that join program traps in North Carolina, South at the distal end (Figure 17). Within these Carolina, and Mississippi and verified by grooves are pits that display the same these authors. Whether it occurs rarely in Figure 18 parallel pattern from the inside view nature or is a product of past research (Figure 18). releases from the USDA-ARS rearing facil- This figure shows the inside The color of the boll weevil varies by age ities is not known (Terranova et al. 1990, view of a boll weevil’s elytra, which are hardened wings of the adult. Before emergence, the new 1991). that cover an insect’s more adult is a translucent yellow or straw color. Burke (1968) listed three forms or sub- delicate second set of wings. Young adults in the flower gradually change species of Anthonomous grandis. These are to become more red (Figure 12, second the Mexican Boll Weevil, the Southeastern from left). As the weevil matures, it Boll Weevil, and the Thurberia Boll becomes a dark red-brown or mahogany Weevil. The Southeastern Boll Weevil is (Figure 18). White scales give the body a the species of concern in the southern gray color or a variable color (Figures 1, 2, , including south Texas. The 11, 12, 17). These elon- Mexican Boll Weevil is nearly identical gated scales are tapered and can be distinguished only by a few at both ends and are experts. Both are identical in status as cot- more robust on the sides ton pests. The Thurberia Boll Weevil is of and lower surfaces of the concern in Arizona and in Sonora, , body. On the upper sur- when it leaves its wild cotton host faces, these scales are ( thurberi) and moves into com- more hairlike and are in mercial cotton. It does not cause major clusters, as opposed to a damage, and misidentification could lead to consistent covering. unnecessary insecticide treatments. The main cluster of scales on the dorsal

6 A Field Guide to Boll Weevil Identification CLOSEST BOLL WEEVIL RELATIVES

Five similar Anthonomous species have laris and A. texanus have been found in been comparedRelatives and described by Burke and boll weevil traps. These four species all Cate (1979) and Clark and Burke (1986). have the same dense white scale covering The sister species to the boll weevil is A. of the scutellum as the strawberry weevil hunteri from southern Mexico. Its host (Figure 10). Clark and Burke (1986) state plant is Hampea trilobata in the Family that the scales on the prothorax and elytra Malvaceae. A. hunteri has a body that is are uniformly distributed on A. peninsularis, more strongly convex in side view, its snout A. texanus, and A. cognatus, as opposed to is longer and more strongly curved, and its the tendency for scale clumping in the boll front femur is more slender than the boll weevil. The scales on the elytra form a dis- weevil (Burke and Cate 1979). The other tinct pattern on the mallow weevil similar four species are A. fulvus, the mallow wee- to that of the strawberry bud weevil (Figure vil, from Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas; A. 10). These scale characteristics easily sepa- peninsularis, from Arizona, California, and rate these species from the boll weevil, but Nevada; A. texanus, from Texas, New other characteristics and pictures are avail- Mexico, Arizona, and Mexico; and A. cog- able in Clark and Burke (1986). natus, from California. The globe mallows are listed as their host plants. A. peninsu-


Cotton square damage by the boll weevil worms can sometimes be mistaken for boll Fieldcomes from feeding and egg-laying punc-Evidenceweevil punctures. If the small larvae do not This figure shows different types of boll weevil damage on cotton tures. Both male and female adults feed on do much damage, the plant will seal the squares (from left): (1) egg puncture squares by chewing through the surface and wound with a sap plug. This has been mis- marks; (2) a grub developing within feeding on the developing pollen and seeds. taken for boll weevil damage but can be a square; (3) a pupa growing inside a square; and (4) adult weevils The penetration holes are no larger than identified with a low-power lens. Worm feeding on a square. the boll weevil snout. Usually, there is a feeding is feeding puncture on each square, and near accompa- Figure 19 each is a small pile of frass (fecal material). nied by When there is an extreme shortage of small fecal squares, numerous feeding punctures can be pellets on found on each square. Usually, there is only the square one egg puncture per square (Figure 19), surface. but multiple punctures can occur. The These pel- puncture has a plug placed in it to seal the lets are usu- hole and protect the egg [photos in Leigh ally in a sin- et al. (1996) and Extension Service Cotton gle line held Insect Scouting Manuals]. The feeding together by punctures of small budworms and boll- silk strands.

Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 7 cotyledon

five-leaf, first square


first bloom This is a field guide to boll weevil identi- 5. the SCUTELLUM does not appear fication. PhotographsSummary of other species of white but has a sparser covering of weevils are included to help distinguish scales with the body wall being visi- characteristics not found in the boll weevil. ble. The adult boll weevil can usually be field 6. the ELYTRA have a series of parallel identified by considering the sum total of grooves that curve and join at the dis- its physical characteristics: tal end. 7. the FRONT LEG has a stout 1. the BODY SHAPE is an elongated FEMUR with a large double-toothed teardrop, ranging from 1/8 to 1/3 inch spur at the distal end and a slender in LENGTH. TIBIA with a single sharp spur on its 2. the SNOUT is slightly curved and distal end. These characteristics are about half the body length. similar on the second pair of legs. 3. the ELBOWED ANTENNAE with 8. the hairlike SCALES are grouped in terminal clubs arise on the snout clos- clusters on the top of the body, and er to the distal end than to the eyes. the thicker scales are more dense in first open boll 4. the PROTHORAX usually has coverage on the sides and bottom of Figure 20 clumped hairlike scales on its dorsal the body. All scales are elongated and These illustrations show median, giving the appearance of a taper to points at each end. four stages of cotton white stripe. development (from top): (1) cotyledon; (2) five-leaf, first square; (3) first bloom; and (4) first open boll.

8 A Field Guide to Boll Weevil Identification ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

We thank the Southeastern Boll Weevil SEBWEF Containment Program; Bill AcknowledgmentsEradication Foundation (SEBWEF) for the Dickerson, North Carolina Department of financial assistance in getting this publica- Agriculture; Charles Allen, Texas Boll tion completed and published. The encour- Weevil Eradication Foundation; Danny agement and assistance of their field staff as Kiser, Arkansas Boll Weevil Eradication a unit is appreciated. Program; and Deborah McPartland, Bob We appreciate the help we received from Staten, Lannie Brashear, Richard Conant, the members of the Mississippi State and Bill Grefenstette, USDA APHIS PPQ. University Department of Entomology and We appreciate the help of several SEB- Plant Pathology. Drs. Blake Layton, Jack WEF field personnel who for years have Reed, Scott Stewart, Richard Brown, and sent numerous boll weevils and similar- Clarence Collison provided reviews, sug- looking specimens to us either to verify gestions, and improvements to the manu- identifications or to show what species of script. Nelson Foster of USDA APHIS weevils are coming to the pheromone traps. PPQ PPPC provided similar help. Their enthusiasm and desire to have a suc- Encouragement and requests for this pub- cessful eradication effort should be noted. lication came from many appreciated They are Chris Craft, John Carter, Mike sources: John Andries, Clack, Randy Lynch, Rodney Raley, and Department of Agriculture and Forestry; Bill Sutler. These and other individuals F.J. Boyd and Doyle Varner, Mississippi Boll have made the Boll Weevil Eradication Weevil Eradication Program; Jim Wilson, Programs successful.

LITERATURE CITED Bartlett,Literature A.C. 1967. Genetic Markers in the Boll Weevil. Jour. Heredity 58:158-163. Cited Burke, H.R. 1968. Geographic variation and of Anthonomous grandis Boheman. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Department of Entomology, Dept. Technical Report, June 1968. 153 pp.

Burke, H.R., and J.R. Cate. 1979. A new species of Mexican Anthonomous related to the boll weevil (Coleoptera-Curculionidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 72:189-192.

Burke, H.R., W.E. Clark, J.R. Cate, and P.A. Fryxell. 1986. Origin and dispersal of the boll weevil. Bulletin Entomol. Soc. Amer. 32:228-238.

Clark, W.E., and H.R. Burke. 1986. Phylogeny of the species of the Anthonomous subgenus Anthonomorphus Dietz, with discussion of relationships with Anthonomous grandis Boheman (Coleoptera-Curculionidae). Jour. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 59:508-516.

Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 9 LITERATURE CITED

Hardee, D.D., W.H. Cross, and E.B. Mitchell. 1969. Male boll weevils are more attractive Literaturethan cotton plants to boll weevils. Jour. Econ. Entomol. 62:165-169. Cited

Hardee, D.D., and E.B. Mitchell. 1997. Boll weevil, Anthonomous grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): A summary of research on behavior as affected by chemical com- munication. Southwestern Entomol. 22:466-491.

Leigh, T.F., S.H. Roach, and T.F. Watson. 1996. Biology and of important insect and mite pests of cotton. Chapter 2, In Cotton Insects and Mites Characterization and Management, ed. E.G. King, J.R. Phillips, and R.J. Coleman. No. 3 The Cotton Found. Refer. Book Series, Memphis.

Rummel, D.R., and K.R. Summy. 1997. Ecology of the boll weevil in the United States cotton belt. Southwestern Entomol. 22:356-376.

Terranova, A.C., R.G. Jones, and A.C. Bartlett. 1990. The southeastern boll weevil: An allozyme characterization of its population structure. Southwestern Entomol. 15:481-495.

Terranova, A.C., R.G. Jones, and A.C. Bartlett. 1991. An allozyme study of the laboratory boll weevil and its influence on some southeastern populations. Southwestern Entomol. 16:1-11.

Villavaso, E.J. 1986. Scaleless: A dominant autosomal mutant of the boll weevil. Jour. Entomol. Sci. 21:228-230.

10 A Field Guide to Boll Weevil Identification Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that also may be suitable.

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