PARKS & RECREATION NEWTOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION NEWTOWN PRSRT STD US POSTAGE BOARD PAID STAFF STAFF PARKS & LANGHORNE, PA PERMIT NO. 129 Andy Levine Kurt Ferguson Kathy Pawlenko RECREATION ECRWSS Chair Township Manager/ Director Joel Grosso Finance Janyce Czyz Vice Chair Secretary Glenn Forsyth Dennis D’Arcy Fire Chief Megan Prusienski & Anne Porter Kathleen Kimble Program Coordinators Kathy Kelly Ronald Weaver Phone: Sue Sutton Public Works 215-968-2800 ext. 239 POSTAL CUSTOMER Fax: 215-504-2202 Mark McMenamin Kathy Pawlenko Web: ***DATE SENSITIVE MATERIAL *** Mark Joseph Parks and Recreation Email: DELIVER IMMEDIATELY Linda Welles
[email protected] Henry “Rick” Pasqualini Office Hours: Kathy Pawlenko Police Chief Parks and Recreation Director Mon- Fri., 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Halloween Parade! (ages 3-6) Come take your little monsters and goblins, princesses and pirates around the Township complex for a Halloween Parade! Participants will be parading through all the departments! We will visit the Police, Emergency Services, Public Works, Administration, Codes & Zoning, Parks and Recreation, and the Tax ofce. While on our parade we will be trick or treating so bring a bag for your goodies! Session: Wed, Oct. 28, 1:00 – 2:30 pm #154106 20 Location: Newtown Township Administration Building 1 Fee: Free, pre-registration required! 5 Happy Halloween! Holiday Health Bazaar! Join Newtown Township Parks and Recreation for a day of health and good tidings! Start your holiday shopping early with healthful gifts for everyone on your shopping list! The event includes handmade, natural, green, locally made gifts and services. *please visit our website at for complete details! Session: Sat, Nov.