Serverless Through Cloud Native Architecture
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 10 Issue 02, February-2021 Serverless Through Cloud Native Architecture M. V. L. N. Venugopal Dr. C. R. K. Reddy Research Scholar, Professor & Head of the Department computer science, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology Hyderabad Telangana, India. Telangana, India Abstract:- Many Enterprises prefer technologies that meet their business needs and requirements. Change of market dynamics continuously demands proliferation of latest technologies. Microservices, Serverless computing, Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and IoT are few latest technologies. Ongoing technology changes insist software companies to bring quick new products with latest features as expected by client. Global modern software legends stress the need of adoption of cutting edge technologies, frameworks, tools, and infrastructure. So that applications can take the advantages like faster-delivery, lightweight scalable and lower developing and maintenance cost. Digital transformation has become very essential for serverless computing. Digital transformation has accelerated business models. Some of them are favorites of serverless technologies, micro services, and native cloud applications. These initiated a new transformation in the technological areas. Stateless functions impact on the maintainability of the software. Enterprises will now concentrate on their products and services to sustain global software market. Hence, an implementer can run an application on a third- party server and this will in-turn decrease deployment time. Serverless [2], is a hot topic and, in software world Serverless computing has evolved as new important technology for deploying cloud based applications. Serverless is latest execution model of cloud. Provider of cloud will allocate resources at run time.
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