(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.282,365 B2 Cholas Et Al
USOO9282365B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.282,365 B2 Cholas et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Mar. 8, 2016 (54) PREMISES GATEWAY APPARATUS AND (2011.01) METHODS FOR USE IN A CONTENT (2011.01) DISTRIBUTION NETWORK (2006.01) (Continued) (71) Applicant: TIME WARNER CABLE ENTERPRISES LLC, New York, NY (52) U.S. Cl. CPC. H04N21/43615 (2013.01); H04L 12/2856 (US) (2013.01); H04N21/4147 (2013.01); H04N (72) Inventors: Chris Cholas, Frederick, CO (US); 21/42676 (2013.01); H04N 2 1/438 (2013.01); William L. Helms, Longmont, CO (US); H04N 2 1/4433 (2013.01); H04N 2 1/4627 Louis Williamson, Denver, CO (US); (2013.01); H04N 21/6118 (2013.01); H04N Jeffrey P. Markley, Superior, CO (US) 21/6168 (2013.01); H04N 2 1/64322 (2013.01) (58) Field of Classification Search (73) Assignee: Time Warner Cable Enterprises LLC, CPC .................. H04N21/463615; H04N 21/.4147; New York, NY (US) HO4N 21f42676 See application file for complete search history. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (56) References Cited U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS This patent is Subject to a terminal dis claimer. 5,557,319 A 9, 1996 GuruSami et al. 5,765,097 A 6, 1998 Dail (21) Appl. No.: 14/612,032 (Continued) (22) Filed: Feb. 2, 2015 Primary Examiner — Hunter B Lonsberry (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — GaZdzinski & Associates, (65) Prior Publication Data PC US 2015/0215669 A1 Jul 30, 2015 (57) ABSTRACT Apparatus and methods for premises gateway functions that Related U.S.
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