372 Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen Sign Systems Studies 43(4), 2015, 372–398 Signs systematically studied: Invitation to Peirce’s theory Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen Chair of Philosophy, Tallinn University of Technology Akadeemia tee 3, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract. Th is introductory presentation reviews noteworthy topics and concepts in Peirce’s interrelated kingdoms of the theory of signs, their classifi cation, categories, logic and semeiotic. Keywords: Charles Peirce, categories, signs, classifi cation, logic, semeiotic CHARLES SANTIAGO SANDERS PEIRCE (c.1839), son of the mathematician Benjamin P., brought up in a circle of physicists and naturalists, and specially educated as a chemist, derived his fi rst introduction to philosophy from the K.d.R.V. [Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, 1781] and other celebrated German works, and only later made acquaintance with English, Greek, and Scholastic philosophy. Accepting unreservedly Kant’s opinion that the meta- physical conceptions are merely the logical conceptions diff erently applied, he inferred that logic ought to be studied in the spirit of the exact sciences, and regarded Kant’s table of functions of judgment as culpably superfi cial. (MS L 107: 1, 26 October 1904, Auto-Biography for Matthew Mattoon Curtis, Draft C, marked “fi nal” by Peirce.) Th us begins Peirce’s sketch of his autobiography, which was never published in his life time.1 Peirce’s theory of signs is a colossal theory of representation, reasoning, meaning, communication and signifi cation, never made available in print in full.2 1 For partial publications of Peirce’s autobiography in MS L 107, see Ketner 1983 and Stuhr 1987.