Board Meeting - HNB Office February 3Rd, 2019 – 9:00 Am
Board Meeting - HNB Office February 3rd, 2019 – 9:00 am MINUTES Present – Jacques Poitras, Dawn Shaw, Kevin Pottle Chris Green, Moe Theriault, Mike Rutter, Daniel Roussel, Todd Williams, Scott MacKenzie, Phil Huckins, Todd Pye, Andy Williams, Anita Scott, Ron Arbeau, Luc Martin, Louis Gaudet, Ray Carmichael, Nic Jansen (staff resource) Absent – Mike MacMullin I. Welcome – Todd Pye called the meeting to order at 8:58 am. II. Minutes of previous meeting: Scott / Gaudet Motion to approve November 11th meeting minutes. Carried. Poitras / Theriault Motion to approve December 6th conference call minutes. Carried. III. Business arising from Minutes No business from previous minutes. IV. Approval of Agenda Hockey Canada Task Teams and in-camera session added to the ‘New Business’ section of agenda. Shaw / Martin Motion to approve agenda. Carried. V. President Report Report submitted and included in e-binder. VI. Executive Director Report Report submitted and included in e-binder. VII. Council/Commission Reports Reports submitted and included in e-binder. VIII. Committee Updates (Risk & Safety, Constitution, Appeals, Personnel, Finance, Awards) Risk & Safety – met on Feb 2nd – all items discussed will be covered in the in-camera session. Constitution – Currently reviewing ROC Manual and role of HNB Vice President. Appeals – two appeals held in December. One related to a SR player and one about a coach suspension. Both were denied. Personnel – meeting held mid-January. Staff performance reviews were completed and the salary chart was reviewed. Finance – monthly calls have been held. Accounts Receivable are in great shape. The 2019-2020 budget will be presented to the board by the end of March.
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