New Beginnings


Contents COMMUNITY: Forewor d Sister Gorett i Butler ...... 3 Editorial Sister Anne Neylon ...... 4 PLAYING A PART Activists and Advocates; The Face of the Young Dilinna Aniebonam ...... 5 Neighbourly altruistic deeds of love DC Provincial Assembly Closing Mass August 2020 - Are praised for help, The Beatitudes Rev. Mark Noonan, C.M...... 6 and what mercy reveals: COVID-19: Some Wisdom from the Past Rev. Robert Maloney, C.M ...... 7 The Virtual Parish Gerard Reilly ...... 8 Greeting elderly, Welcome Sister Marian to the role of Provincial Treasurer ...... 10 taking meals on wheels, Condolence Message to Sister Goretti Butler Sister Franca Edet ...... 11 Raising potential of youth, ‘Savior of Zvenigorod’ ...... 11 To improve. Deaths and Acknowledgements ...... 12 ‘Step Out’- Sister MJ McCullen DC -1987 ...... 13 Humanitarian acts are Christian; ‘Serving Soothes Souls’ (1589) Dee Mansi ...... 14 Ancient societies were often brutal; Poetry Collection Sister Anna May O’Reilly ...... 15 Now, secular states learn ‘Together we can do more on Mission Sunday 2020’ ...... 16 from the Gospel, Every Pandemic has a Silver Lining Pat Collins CM ...... 17 And Church members My Insights into the Correspondence between make profession. St Vincent and St Louise Sister Alice Daly ...... 18 A Menu for Easter Connor Johnson ...... 20 Of God, truth, faith, ‘Stretch forth your hand to the poor’- World Day of the Poor 2020 ...... 22 the Ten Commandments: Patsy and Mary Brothers Sisters Cabrini O’Connell and Anne Neylon ...... 24 God-inspired aims urge to persevere; The annual visit to the Vet Mary Tiernan ...... 25 In our life St Finnian of Clonard Caroline Teehan ...... 26 there must be full coherence. The Acceptance of our Children’s millennial attitudes Cristita Manzano ...... 27 We esteem goodness in each one, The Feast of St Vincent de Paul Covid-19 ...... 28 all ranks, Vaccines for COVID-19 on the Solemnity of the But we must own the dignity Immaculate Conception Cathy Burke ...... 30 Tribute to Sister Eileen Buckley DC ...... 31 we bear, ‘I will be forever grateful’ Susanne Plummer ...... 32 And humbly, before all, Books of Interest ...... 33 we must say thanks. Welcome to the New Normal in Mt Prospect The Sisters in Mount Prospect ..... 37 Building and Education in Kitale and Thigio, Kenya ...... 38 Eamon Flanagan Climate Action Award 2020, Chepnyal, Kenya ...... 40 (Saints, Scholars, Heroes, p.32) ‘Co-incidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous’ Etáin Nic Cinngamhna ...... 41 Shielding and Cocooning during Covid-19-A Belfast experience The Sisters in Belfast ...... 42 ‘Say Yes to the Light’ Amanda Smith ...... 43 ‘Uyo: Nigeria-Sisters bring inclusive education to children with and without disabilities’ Kechukwu Inuome ...... 44 Aware Sister Bride Lyng ...... 45 A Significant Celebration in honour of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal ...... 46 New Beginnings is published by: Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul, The cover page shows a work St Catherine’s Provincial House, Dunardagh, Temple Hill, Blackrock, Co Tel 00 353 1 2882896 E-mail [email protected] of art painted by Weronika Website: Permission granted to insert photographs. Thank you to Majer to celebrate the feast of Sisters and colleagues who helped in the production of this journal, New Beginnings. St Vincent de Paul on 27 Published February 2021 Designed & printed: Levins Print QUOTATIONS Quotations are taken from Chapter 6, ‘Dialogue and Friendship in Society’, September 2020. Weronika is a Pope Francis Encyclical Fratelli Tutti (2020). third year student in Caritas Images are copied from websites found on google College, Ballyfermot, Dublin.

‘Approaching, speaking, listening, looking at, coming to know and understand one another, and to find common ground: all these things are summed up in the one word “dialogue.”’ (no. 198). 2 New Beginnings

FOREWORD Congratulations to the Daughters of Charity in Guatemala who received Greetings to all readers of the New the medal of the ‘Order of Monsignor Beginnings journal. Thank you again Gerardi’ in recognition of their to those who submitted articles and ‘support of the poorest of the poor and also, to those who encouraged others whose human rights are often to contribute. May ‘the Lord look disregarded.’ From Uyo, Nigeria we upon you kindly and give you peace.’ read how the Sisters bring inclusive (Nm 6:26). education to children with and without disabilities. Dee Mansi keeps us Though the pandemic is still with us, posted on the gallant work of the AIC. we live in hope. Spring is here and we Sister Alice Daly draws insights from thank God for the beauty it brings to the letters between St Vincent de Paul the Planet. Let us recognise the and St Louise de Marillac. ‘goodness and beauty’ and help us ‘to Conscious also of the number of create healthier societies.’ (Pope deaths due to the pandemic or other Francis, Fratelli Tutti , no. 287). illness, I offer my condolence to all Sisters adapted to the changing life who are bereaved at this time. Sister I take this opportunity on behalf of the circumstances in creative ways. The Franca Edet shares her memory of Daughters of Charity to welcome experience of Covid-19 with the work Sister Elma Hurley. The staff of Bishop Dermot Farrell in his of the Domestic and Provincial Henrietta Street School took the time appointment as Archbishop of Dublin. Assemblies and with Pope Francis’ to send a tribute on the death of Sister I also thank Most Reverend Diarmuid Encyclical Letter on ‘Fraternity and Eileen Buckley. May they rest in Martin for his leadership and service Social Friendship’ offer local peace. as Archbishop and his kindness to the communities the opportunity to Daughters of Charity and the Reading each article one is keenly practically live and experience ‘the Vincentian Family of the diocese for aware that the Church is missionary mystique of community.’ The local sixteen years. I also congratulate by nature and so is the Company. communities in Belfast and Mount President Joe Biden and the Vice Sister Gertrude Foley DC, writes that Prospect share their Covid-19 President Camela Harris as they take everything in St Elizabeth Ann experiences, as does Sister Anna May on the role of President and Vice- Seton’s life story suggests ‘a O’Reilly in her poetry collection. President of the USA. spirituality for mission is a spirituality developed in mission.’ How wonderful to celebrate the I am grateful for daily blessings in Blessed Virgin Mary as the only the Province and express my gratitude Mother of the Company! A pilgrimage elizabeth-seton-a-spirituality-for-mis to Sister Justine O’Brien whose term of prayer is currently taking place in sion/ as Provincial Treasurer is complete. Italy, as a statue of Mary Immaculate I welcome Sister Marian Harte to this Dilinna Aniebonam inspires hope as is brought to various churches. new role. A new publication (2020) she praises the work of youth as ‘Saints, Scholars, Heroes’ of poems, Activists and Advocates. The homily There is more to read and encounter, commentary and prose reflections for the closing of the Provincial than I have mentioned here! On the written by Eamon Flanagan CM Assembly (August 2020) spurs on the note of encounter, I encourage you in provides a hopeful and inspiring Daughters to the dynamic theme of the words of Sister Francoise Petit, to ‘picture of today’s world.’ ‘Ephata’ and our life as beatitude. ‘be ever more a neighbour to others.. Congratulations Fr Eamon on this God works anew through the events .following the model of the Good latest publication. of this pandemic. Writers reflect how Samaritan…’ allowing ‘our vocation…to be the eyes, arms and The current issue of New Beginnings best to work, communicate and engage in present circumstances with heart of God.’ (Paris, January 1, in keeping with the tradition of the 2021). Company reflects an international creativity and joy. Pat Collins CM flavour. Covid-19 weaves its way succinctly writes ‘Every Pandemic Yours sincerely, through the articles. Rev. Robert has a Silver Lining’. The ‘Virtual Sister Goretti Butler DC Maloney CM offers wisdom from the Parish’ is the new normal for our time. Provincial, Province of Ireland experience of St Vincent de Paul in This brings a challenge to all, not least the time of pandemic. There are to a mother, Cristita Manzano who accounts of the developments in writes on ‘The Acceptance of our Kenya in the field of education and Children’. Whatever the changes in housing. Congratulations to Dinah society, we rely on the support of one Chenangat the individual winner of another in daily life recognising the the Climate Action Award 2020 in guiding hand of Providence and co- Chepnyal, Kenya. incidence.

3 ‘If we want to encounter and help one another, we have to dialogue.’ (no. 198). New Beginnings


‘Times like this teach you challenged Daughters of Charity from In Proclaim (2016), Pope Francis notes the prescribed and well-chosen readings that the sign of communion in everything you need to in their preparation? ‘missionary witness and proclamation’ know about yourself’. Firstly, the realisation that we are ‘a comes from the unity of the heart and people made one with unity of the soul of community (Acts 4:32). Father, Son and Holy Spirit’ (Vita In Gaudete et Exsultate (2018), Pope Consecrata, 1996). St Louise de Francis suggests means of living a life This radio advertisement for the Marillac’s spirituality was strongly of holiness naming conversion, ‘living ‘Electric Ireland’ campaign prompts one Trinitarian. She wished ‘to honour the the present moment, filling it to the brim to self-awareness and knowledge. ‘What three Persons separately and also with love’, being ‘good stewards’, love have these times and experiences of together in the unity of the divine with ‘the Lord’s unconditional love’, Covid-19 taught me about myself?’ essence.’ St Louise valued unity in being joyful rather than sad and diversity. For St John Paul II the recognise God’s gifts in our lives. These challenging words relate to a promotion of fraternal love was key to Added to the prescribed readings for the topic the Daughters of Charity studied transforming ‘human relationships’ to Provincial Assembly 2020, the and discussed to prepare for their ‘create a new type of solidarity.’ Our Daughters of Charity now have Provincial Assembly (2020), namely, love in community is ‘for’ God and available, Fratelli Tutti , where ‘we as ‘the mystique of living together.’ The ‘from’ God. Most importantly believers are challenged to return to our Sisters internationally reflected on the community life witnesses to ‘being more sources’ to the Gospel and the theme of ‘Ephata’, which invited them than an instrument for carrying out a Vincentian charism ‘to concentrate on to ‘be opened, to break through the gate, specific mission.’ Life in community, ‘in what is essential: worship of God and to go toward and to encounter’ Jesus fraternal communion is a God love of our neighbour’ ( FT , no. 282). Christ. enlightened space’ ( VC , no. 42). The This inspires membership to reflect and The Provincial Council distributed Sisters also explored ‘Starting Afresh consider how ‘Times like this teach you extracts from Church documents for from Christ (2002). The focus was on everything you need to know about preparatory reading. Sisters prayed and the spirituality of communion, which yourself.’ reflected on the writings in the context leads the Sisters to see that ‘holiness and of their personal and community lives. mission come through community Sister Francoise Petit wrote to the Human fraternity was a common theme because in and through it Christ makes Sisters, ‘May we know how to live throughout. Pope Francis’ Encyclical himself present.’ simply, pray together and… with God’s Letter on ‘Fraternity and Social Pope Francis ( Evangelii Gaudium, grace, quite plainly love.’ Quoting St Friendship’ (Fratelli Tutti) published no.88) chides those who renounce the Vincent, “God never fails to come to months later (October 2020), copper ‘realism of the social aspect of the our rescue in our time of need, when we, fastened the vision presented in the Gospel.’ He cautions against those ‘who for our part, have done what we could” chosen readings. Such, St Vincent says, want a spiritual Christ, without flesh or (Saint Vincent, May 14, 1659, CCD VII, is the work of Divine Providence. the cross and want their interpersonal 564). (27 November 2020). Fraternity is a word commonly used by relationships provided by sophisticated Let us imitate Mary, Mother of God as Pope Francis’, a word possibly equipment, by screens and systems ‘she treasured up all these things and considered obsolete today. St Francis of which can be turned on and off on pondered them in her heart’ (Lk 2:19). command.’ Fraternal love calls the Assisi inspired Pope Francis to use this Sister Anne Neylon title for the Encyclical, ‘Fratelli Tutti’ . Daughters of Charity to see that ‘true St Francis spoke these words to address faith in the incarnate Son of God is ‘his brothers and sisters and proposed to inseparable from self-giving, from them a way of life marked by the flavour membership in the community, from of the Gospel’ ( FT , no.1). The Pope service, from reconciliation with others.’ recalled St Francis’ counsel when he Jesus summons us ‘to the revolution of called for a [fraternal] ‘love that tenderness.’ Their mission is joyfully ‘to transcends barriers of geography and bear witness to a constantly new way of distance.’ He describes a ‘fraternal living together in fidelity to the Gospel’. openness that allows us to acknowledge, In his World Day of Peace message (1 appreciate and love each person, January 2014, no.1), Pope Francis regardless of physical proximity, emphasised ‘fraternity’ as ‘an essential regardless of where he or she was born human quality’ as ‘we are relational or lives.’ (no.1). beings’. Our vocation as Daughters of So herein lies the challenge for all Charity is ‘to form a community ...who members of the Vincentian family, not accept and care for one another.’ If this least the Daughters of Charity of St is ‘denied or ignored’ they become Vincent de Paul. What inspired and ‘inured to the suffering of others’ and ‘closed in on themselves.’

‘Some people attempt to flee from reality, taking refuge in their own little world; others react to it with destructive violence.’ (no. 199). 4 New Beginnings Activists & Advocates: The Face of the Young are fearless, innovative, ready to face any challenge head-on, fighting in wars, braving protests and volunteering during a health pandemic. I am proud to immerse myself in the creativity and knowledge that young people have to offer. I am inspired by the likes of Yara Shahidi organising campaigns to encourage young people to vote in the US. Shamma bint Suhail Faris Mazru empowering young people to be active in society and government and Greta Thunberg representing a generation in the fight against an existential crisis at the United Nations General Assembly. Young people speaking out on podcasts and live streams, creating political art and music, teenagers organising and delivering A few days ago, I listened to a podcast legislations that affect them and wanting peaceful BlackLivesMatter protests in by a couple who were discussing these to have an impact on this world. It is capital cities. extraordinary times and where they felt truly inspiring. their place in society was as young As a young Catholic adult, I have a Recently with the finger pointed at adults. Among the extended list of strong desire to continue learning and young people concerning the spread of issues they spoke about, they mentioned growing with these role models. In coronavirus, I am reminded that to be their 19-month-old daughter, imagining doing this, I am not only trying to live young comes with a lot of hope and future generations like hers reading my life loving my neighbour but aspiration, but also with a lot of perhaps even studying about these remembering that Jesus encourages us scrutinies. I have seen it in the times. to go out and speak to people. Whoever workplace where young adults are and wherever we are, there are activists It made me consider this year alone - recognised as enthusiastic but and advocates in our home towns too 2020 summarised in a history book, consistently reminded of their engaging on topics like religion, race, much like the bulky, picture sparse ones inexperience; or in social situations gender, identity, class, technology, etc. I read at school. I imagine the chapters where the presence of young people is Despite what our parents and in this book: the largest civil rights quickly followed by the assumption of grandparents might think or say, it has movement of our time? The largest rowdiness, being wild or rejecting never been a better time to be young! health pandemic the world has seen? authority. However, when difficult times Our final wake up call for climate are upon us, notice that young people Dilinna Aniebonam change? Or the year the world unified to demand accountability from governments and representatives around the world. When I turn on my tv or scroll through an app on my phone, I see vivid images of Hong Kong, Belarus, Thailand, Venezuela, India, Nigeria, the UK, and the US. I see masses of people marching, protesting, campaigning and speaking. I notice that the one commonality between these countries and the issues they advocate for is that most of them are young people. Young people speaking out, continuing to educate themselves on rights and

‘Yet “between selfish indifference and violent protest there is always another possible option: that of 5 dialogue. Dialogue between generations; dialogue among our people, for we are that people; readiness to give and receive, while remaining open to the truth.”’ (no.199). New Beginnings

Closing Mass for the Daughters of Charity Provincial Assembly THE BEATITUDES (Lk 6:20-6).

The closing Mass for the Provincial exact opposite - something quite For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Assembly took place in the Chapel, revolutionary-Happy are you who are My ways not your ways- it is Yahweh St Catherine’s Provincial House, poor. This sermon of Jesus on the who speaks. Dunardagh, Temple Hill, Blackrock, beatitudes is a charter for holiness . It’s Yes, the heavens are as high above the Co. Dublin on 9August 2020. The the ideal to which we all strive. The earth celebrant was the Provincial Director, Beatitudes are the be-attitudes… the As my ways are above your ways, Fr Mark Noonan CM. The Mass was blessed attitudes. They are attitudes to My thoughts above your thoughts. live- streamed to the houses in Ireland life and people which if taken and (Isaiah 55:8-9) and to Chepnyal, Kenya, Africa. worked on, become the way of Jesus for us -the plan of God for each of us God is always full of surprises , always and for the church . new, always creative .

The beatitudes go against the normal Luke’s version of the Beatitudes all way of looking at life and people . The hinge on detachment from worldly world would say: Blessed are the values . You could translate the first of strong , blessed are the powerful , his beatitudes Happy are you who are blessed are the rich . The beatitudes poor as how lucky you are if you are turn that kind of thinking on its head . not addicted to material things. When Blessed are the poor, blessed are the we place material things like money, meek, blessed are the hungry. How control , prestige in the centre of our often does the wisdom of God stand concerns, we find ourselves caught in an Fr Mark submitted his homily notes. human thinking on its head in the addictive pattern . Bible ? David was the youngest of his Fixing his eyes on his disciples Jesus brothers and he was chosen to be King. I saw that the Sermon on the Mount was said: How happy are you who are poor: Jewish thinking of the time would say it the whole of Christianity for those who yours is the kingdom of God. Happy you should be the first born son . A group of wanted to live a Christian life. It is that who are hungry now: you shall be fishermen- unversed in the ways of Sermon which has endeared Jesus to satisfied. Happy you who weep now: preaching and teaching and learning me. — Mahatma Gandhi you shall laugh. Happy are you when were chosen to carry on the mission of people hate you, drive you out, abuse Jesus. Human thinking would say it The British Prime Minister, Winston you, denounce your name as criminal. was doomed to failure right from the Churchill was asked at the end of the Rejoice when that day comes and dance start. Paul, the Pharisee, who second world war how was he going to for joy, for then your reward will be persecuted the church became the great rebuild Europe after the devastation of great in Heaven. Luke 6:20 apostle to the gentile world. He was a the war answered: With the Sermon on most unlikely choice as he was the Mount of course. The gospel reading is Luke’s version of persecuting the church at the time of Matthew’s beatitudes also called the his call . Mary who was a virgin Theologian Robert Barron (now auxiliary Sermon on the Mount. The beatitudes became the mother of God. Pope John Bishop in Los Angeles) writes: are a distillation of the thinking of XX111 at the age of 78 was elected “Christianity is, above all, a way of Jesus . They describe the character of Pope. On paper it was a bit crazy; yet seeing . Everything else in Christian life God or the way of God better than he turned out to be one of the great flows from and circles around the anything else in the bible. When you reforming popes . Oscar Romero transformation of vision. Christians see look at the beatitudes you can say defended the rights of the well to do differently , and that is why their prayer, without fear of contradiction that God is in San Salvador . After he became their worship, their action , their whole like this. archbishop he grew into a champion of way of being in the world has a those on the margins and gave his life distinctive accent and flavour, which The Beatitudes are very revolutionary . for their cause . You just never know They were revolutionary in the time of with God. God is always different. Jesus and they are still revolutionary . The Jewish people at the time of Jesus The beatitudes are revolutionary believed that riches and wealth were a because they go against all human blessing and a visible sign of how God reason and thinking. The prophet Isaiah had blessed someone . Jesus teaches the puts it like this:

‘Dialogue is often confused with …: the feverish exchange of opinions on social networks, frequently based on media information that is not always reliable. These exchanges are merely parallel monologues. 6 But monologues engage no one, and their content is frequently self-serving and contradictory. ’ (no.200). New Beginnings flows from friendship with Jesus of compiled a book of stories about dealing five-star hotel. One prisoner, moved by Nazareth. Religion is first and foremost with life’s difficulties in ways that lead to what he heard, said: “Why don’t you a way of seeing . It can’t change the facts peace and contentment. One of his come in here and stay with us?” about the world we live in, but it can stories illustrates what can come from change the way we see those facts , and living in tune with the Beatitudes: The monk thanked the inmates for their that in itself can often make a kindness, but said he was happy as a difference .” Likewise, even if our own A monk was asked to teach meditation at monk. He had chosen this life in order to life circumstances might suggest a nearby prison. Many of the inmates had seek God in a community of like-minded otherwise, we may find the courage to never met a monk. After the first session, men. The monastery was not a prison; it believe that we too are blessed, fortunate they began to ask him about his life in the was a place in which, the monk said, he to have the assurance that we are dear to monastery. has never been as free. ( Who Ordered God. This Truckload of Dung? Wisdom “We get up at four o’clock every Publications, Somerville MA, 2004) There has been a long succession of morning,” the monk began. “Sometimes women and men who have come to see it’s very cold because our rooms don’t Anywhere we don’t want to be, no matter as Jesus saw, and have found the courage have heaters. We eat one meal a day, all how physically comfortable, is really a to act on what they saw. They have seen mixed together in the one bowl. There is prison. It might be a workplace, a what is important, what matters, what no alcohol, and we live as celibates. domestic situation, a group that does not needs to be addressed immediately. They Much of our day is spent in silence. We share our values. But we can escape from are our saints, whether or not they have work hard, and sleep on our cell floor. We such confinement by embracing the spirit been given Church or civil recognition also spend a lot of time in prayer and contained in the Beatitudes of today’s for their deeds. meditation.” gospel. They have the capacity to transform our lives, to help us to see and Ajahn Brahm is a British-born Buddhist The inmates were stunned by the live, inspired by the mind and heart of monk, who is abbot of a monastery in austerity of the monastic life. It made Jesus. Serpentine, Western Australia. He has their high-security prison seem like a

COVID-19: Some Wisdom from the Past. The Experience of St. Vincent de Paul The following article, written by Rev. Robert Maloney, C.M. Mission’s first martyr, Thaddeus Lye, was submitted by Fr Mark Noonan C.M. a seminarian, gave his life in Limerick in 1652.(4) His persecutors Notations added and this text produced by the DePaul crushed his skull and cut off his hands University Vincentian Studies Institute. and feet in the presence of his mother. St. Vincent was no stranger to pandemics. On perhaps no When in 1657, on top of hearing that other topic were his emotions so deeply stirred. Outbursts of three priests had died on their way to the plague ravaged Europe frequently during his active years, Madagascar, Vincent received news taking the lives of many whom he loved. Marguerite Naseau, that six members of the house in Genoa had succumbed to the whose story he often told and whom he always regarded as plague, he described himself as “overwhelmed with sorrow” the first Daughter of Charity, succumbed to the plague at 27, and added that he “could not receive a greater blow without even before the Daughters were recognized juridically. (1) being completely crushed by it.”(5) Lambert au Couteau—of whom Vincent once said “the loss In his letters and conferences, Vincent mentioned the plague of this man is like having me tear out one of my eyes or cut more than 300 times. He sent lengthy letters offering practical off one of my arms”(2) and whom he sent to establish the advice about helping plague victims to his friend, Alain de Congregation of the Mission in Poland—died serving the Solminihac, the Bishop of Cahors,(6) and to the superiors in plague-stricken in Warsaw in 1653. Antoine Lucas, much Genoa(7) and Rome.(8) In his talks, he described the plague admired not only by Vincent but also by other founders of in France, Algiers, Tunis, Poland, and throughout Italy. To religious communities at that time, died from the plague in read the remainder of this article please follow this link to; Genoa in 1656.(3) Tragedies piled up in Vincent’s life, especially in the 1650’s. wisdom-from-the- past-the-experience-of-st-vincent-de-paul/ He often spoke of “war, plague and famine” as the scourge of the poor. In addition, there were persecutions in Algiers, By Rev. Robert Maloney, C.M. Tunis, Ireland, and the Hebrides. The Congregation of the

‘Lack of dialogue means that in these individual sectors people are concerned not for the common 7 good, but for the benefits of power or, at best, for ways to impose their own ideas…Round tables thus become mere negotiating sessions.’ (no.202). New Beginnings The Virtual Parish

As the COVID-19 pandemic our virtual congregation and to make the internet for parishioners who unfolds, one thing that has become them an important part of our would like to join in. This is the clearer is that we will not be liturgies. universal prayer of the church said by returning to normal parish life any all religious priests and nuns and is a time soon. So, as we face a new set Perhaps we can share Mass leaflets or wonderful way of connecting with of circumstances and resulting the readings on our parish website people of faith throughout the world. challenges, how do we reach out to before Mass begins. The Priest or Deacon giving the homily could post our parish communities to support 4. Participation By All a copy of these remarks online as them at this time of great need, There is a concern that as a result of using the different kinds of well. Where possible we should have music and if necessary a CD COVID-19, the church has become technology that are now available to more clerical however unintentionally. us? recording can be used when musicians are not available. The objective is to When Masses were on webcam, often make our online Masses as welcoming the priest was alone in the church. 1. Virtual meetings and inclusive as possible and to use Now that Mass is being said publicly Many parishioners have computers, every opportunity to reach out to our again, lay ministries are beginning to smart phones and tablets. We should online congregations as well as those re-emerge. It’s wonderful to see consider if we can run many of our present in the church. readers and Eucharistic ministers parish groups using Zoom, Face Time, present again in some parishes and Facebook Live or other similar My ninety-year-old uncle who lives in also cantors and musicians. The rich programmes. We can also host virtual the UK has been delighted to watch variety of lay ministers can be seen meetings in our churches using the Mass online from his old family home with stewards assisting people to their existing webcam. For example, a in Derry in recent months. He really seats and ensuring the church bereavement support group, a bible feels connected with his original environment is safe. There is also the study class or faith sharing group for parish community. vitally important ministry of keeping young people preparing for the our churches sanitised and clean. The parish newsletter can also be a sacraments next year could be held vital connection with people and can online. These meetings can help During the lockdown, some people also be posted online. It can keep people to remain connected. got used to not being at Mass in people in touch with the parish and person; they have adapted to the fact Some parish meetings such as the can include reflections on the Sunday that access to some of the other Pastoral Council or Finance readings and other words of sacraments (eg the Sacrament of Committee can take place in the encouragement and inspiration to see Reconciliation) have been restricted virtual world. Of course, it will take people through these difficult times. and that many church groups such as more planning such as emailing bible study or youth groups have been resources to people in advance of the 3. Other Sacraments and Prayers unable to meet. As a result, those less meeting or posting them on the parish online committed who have got out of the website but this was a great way of Many parishes have live-streamed the habit of attending may choose not to keeping people in contact and rosary or benediction online either return at all or remain connected to maintaining an all-important sense of directly after weekday Mass or later in the church through online services community. the day if that suits the parish only. schedule better. Another suggestion As we are all learning more about the 2. Online Masses would be to say the Morning or new normal, we should welcome our As anticipated, not all parishioners Evening Prayer of the Church live on congregations back to our parishes have decided to return to our churches and also encourage new volunteers to many for very good reasons, most step forward in our parishes. importantly their health. And, of course, not all churches can now 5. Other Parish Events accommodate the numbers who may wish to attend. We are more limited in terms of organising parish events but it’s I have heard it said that in some possible for clusters of parishes to parishes only about 40% of the group together and perhaps invite a previous congregation has returned. guest speaker on a faith related This presents us with an immediate subject in the parish church and then challenge about how to reach out to allow a certain number of people to be

‘The heroes of the future will be those who can break with this unhealthy mind-set and determine respectfully to promote truthfulness, aside from personal interest. God willing, such heroes are quietly 8 emerging, even now, in the midst of our society.’ (no.202). New Beginnings

the most humble and quietest station is acceptable to Him, if improved duly.” There are many things that we can do. And let us be encouraged in our efforts by the words of Jesus himself where he assures us that he is present even when only two or three of us are gathered. In these times of COVID-19, we have become accustomed to moving some of our personal and work lives online. This may be communicating with friends and family or doing work that used to be completed in an office environment. present while others can join online. or virtually. And while this can We might also now consider how we Diocesan events can be also organised happen in a church, it can also be in can do the same with our faith lives in this way. For example, the our homes or online when this is the and to use the modern technology Archdiocese of Dublin is organising a best option available. now available to continue to share the virtual pilgrimage to Lourdes with Good News of Jesus Christ in these Masses and other ceremonies being As we journey through this time of most challenging times. We must held in different churches during the pandemic, we have an opportunity to never under estimate the importance time the pilgrimage would have taken become a vibrant and authentic people of using all means possible to reach place. of faith who are inspired by Jesus Christ, who can offer witness to the out to support and encourage our Christian way of life and who can parishioners during this time of 6. Other online resources support those who are most in need. COVID-19. We can also avail of many useful church resources on the internet It is a good time for us to reflect on Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will including the Jesuit website’s Sacred our own mission and ministry as we guide us as we try to find the way Space and all have one. Saint John Henry forward. To quote Saint John Henry Newman once said that we are led to Newman: “Lead kindly light, lead The Dominicans also have a very think that we ought to be useful on a gently on. I do not ask to see the good scripture website called large scale and to move away from distant scene, one step is enough.” our usual “line of life”. But he tells us Gerard Reilly is a Permanent Deacon that this should not be the case. “We For those who are on social media in the Archdiocese of Dublin such as Facebook or Instagram, you need not give up our usual manner of can follow Christian writers and film life, in order to serve God and “that makers such as Bishop Robert Barron in the United States. Thanks to webcam technology, its also possible to pay a virtual visit to many important shrines such as Lourdes, Fatima and Knock. It can be a good way to begin or end the day by paying a visit to one of these shrines.

Conclusion Jesus tells us that: “For where two or three meet in my name, I shall be there with them.” Christian people in every age faced their challenges and it is no different for us now. But Jesus assures us that he is present with us when we gather together as a community of faith, whether in-person

‘Authentic social dialogue involves the ability to respect the other’s point of view and to admit that it may include 9 legitimate convictions and concerns. Based on their identity and experience, others have a contribution to make, and it is desirable that they should articulate their positions for the sake of a more fruitful public debate.’ (no.203). New Beginnings

‘Welcome Sister Marian Harte to the role of Provincial Treasurer… very special and graced moment in the Province’

On the 7 November 2020, Sister history of the role of the Treasurer. Goretti Butler Provincial appointed From the Act of the Establishment of the new Provincial Treasurer of the the Company in August 1655, it was Daughters of Charity to the Province seen as one of the list of officers after of Ireland. Sister Eileen Browne, the Superioress General and her conducted a Prayer Service in the Assistant as vital for the Company. Chapel of St Catherine’s Provincial House, Dunardagh which is accessible Sister Goretti quoted from the ‘Guide on the following link for Treasurer’ saying in relation to the role, ‘she is a Daughter of Charity; her spiritual life, her relationships and her Sister Eileen welcomed the Sisters from service are therefore driven by this the Province, those living in Ireland and commitment.’ She recognised the role Sister Goretti Butler appoints Sister Marian Kenya and the Provincial Director, Fr as more complex in recent times with Harte in her role as Provincial Treasurer. Mark Noonan CM. computerisation, because economic transactions take place rapidly, society The service began with the opening formally appointing Sister Marian as has become more litigious and there are song ‘All are Welcome’, after which Provincial Treasurer. She also gave her so many bureaucratic procedures. There appropriate Scripture passages were the ‘Guide from Paris for Provincial is a positive aspect to this too. Every read by Sister Sheila Ryan (Phil 4:10- Treasurer.’ phase of the life of the Province passes 13) and Sister Loretto Kelly (Lk through the Treasurer’s office from The Prayer Service continued with the 16:9-15). initial formation to the care of the Prayer of the Faithful read by Sister Sister Goretti then introduced this time ageing, to burying the dead. Sister Kevin McAlinden and Sister Marie Fox. as ‘a graced moment in the Province’ as Goretti assured Sister Marian that she Sister Eileen concluded the service as she introduced Sister Marian Harte as wouldn’t be bored as the job is many she read a Final Blessing Prayer in the new Provincial Treasurer. faceted and would require the use of which she invited all present and those different skills including book-keeper, watching livestream to extend the She thanked Sister Justine O’Brien as investor, counsellor, listener, giving blessing by raising their right hand. outgoing Provincial Treasurer, having guidance and practical support. In all, On behalf of the readers of New completed her term of office. Sister Sister Goretti offered Sister Marian Beginnings we pray for Sister Marian, Goretti thanked her for her achievement every support in the role. in a demanding role, her commitment to ‘May the Lord bless you and keep you; the stewardship of the resources of the Finally, she read the paten from the The Lord make his face shine upon you, Company, her openness, welcoming Constitutions and Statutes of the and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up manner, transparency, support, Daughters of Charity (C. 77 and Ss 58 his countenance upon you, And give availability and her management of the and 60), dated the 7 November 2020, you peace (Numbers 6:24-26). temporal goods of the Province. Sister Goretti’s special gratitude was for the fact that Sister Justine was continuing her work as a member of the Provincial Council. She then made a presentation to Sister Justine. Sister Goretti welcomed Sister Marian to the role of Provincial Treasurer. She thanked her for her gracious and open response to the offer of this role, after her long and dedicated service to people with intellectual disability. From the beginning of the Company of the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul, St Vincent de Paul and St Louise de Marillac saw the importance of the role of the Treasurer in each local house. Sister Goretti read from the Sister Eileen Browne invites the Sisters and Fr Mark to extend a hand of blessing on Sister Marian in her role as Provincial Treasurer

‘There is a growing conviction that, together with specialized scientific advances, we are in need of greater interdisciplinary communication.’ (no.204). 10 New Beginnings Condolence Message to Sister Goretti… On the occasion of Sister Elma Hurley’s death in Along with all our other Immaculate Conception House, Mount Prospect, Clontarf, missionary sisters, Elma Sister Franca Edet, formal Provincial of the Province of contributed to the formation Nigeria wrote to Sister Goretti Butler to extend her of the young Nigerian sisters, sympathy. May Sister Elma rest in peace. We especially training us into self- remember Sister Elma for the love and devotion she had confidence, responsibility, for Mary, Mother of God. Her work in the Virgo Potens stewardship and responsible helped her to distribute numerous miraculous medals and leadership. The chapel, she lived by the directive ‘The Daughters of Charity retreat block, Conference promote Marian devotion. They inculturate it through block, the priest’s apartment simple means such as the miraculous medal, a genuine and a walkway around the compound of the provincial house summary of the history of salvation.’ (C.26, S. 14). are among the lovely legacies she meticulously supervised and Dear Sister Goretti, developed. Greetings from the provincial house in Eleme, Nigeria where I She didn't just do it by herself but trained the young sisters into am still at lockdown as a result of the Covid- 19 policy. I wish responsible purchase of the building materials and knowing to use this opportunity to express my deepest sympathy to you how to differentiate the fakes from the “original'' products. In and all the Sisters of the Province of Ireland over the loss of her quiet ways, she accompanied the sisters in their spiritual our dear Sister Elma Hurley. I also wish to include the family growth and service of those who are poor just by her lived and friends of Sister Elma as I send this condolence message. example. Sister Elma was always for us an elder sister companion. The beauty and elegance of our present Provincial I should be writing the same from London but, by God’s house is a legacy left for us to enjoy. In heaven, she will be providence I am in Nigeria where we are all grieving together. proud to know that we have not let her down as far as keeping I have some loving and fun memories of Sister Elma. I visited the standard is concerned. Elma both in [the community houses of] Henrietta Street and Mount Prospect since I have been on mission in London and As well as having a peaceful time in God’s Kingdom, I pray anytime I had the opportunity to visit Ireland. When she lived that there will be lots and lots of cups of coffee and freshly in Nigeria, we had great fun teasing Sister Elma about her love made fruit salad with pineapple and mangos to enjoy with all of coffee and a good bowl of freshly made fruit salad with our loved ones who have gone before us. A big thank you to all pineapples. ‘That will keep me going for the day’ she would our Sisters, family and friends who accompanied Sister Elma always say. in the difficult days of ill health. May God bless and reward you all and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm Her gentle presence and simplicity of lifestyle always stood of his hands. out for us as a great model. She committed herself totally to the development of St. Louise’s Provincial house from the time With loving affection from it was a regional house until it became a province in 2001. Sister Franca Edet

“Savior of Zvenigorod” In his Lenten 2021 Letter, Fr Tomaž Mavrič, invites the members of the Vincentian Family to gaze on the icon, “Savior of Zvenigorod” during the Lenten season. Fr Tomaž writes, ‘If the Icon of the “Savior of Zvenigorod” invites us to contemplate the face of Jesus, this Lenten reflection invites us to a dialogue with the disfigured Jesus.’ Fr Tomaž tells about ‘a book written by a Spanish Jesuit, Ramón Cué, called, My Broken Chris t. The cover of the book pictured a broken crucifix. Christ was missing a leg, His right arm, and the fingers of His left hand; He had no face, and not even a cross. That image caught my attention, and its story made me desire such a figure for myself… My Broken Christ is about a priest who loved artwork. One day, while visiting an antique shop, he saw a sculpture, among many beautiful sculptures, pictures, and other pieces of art, that right away attracted his attention. It was this broken crucifix. The work of a well-known artist, it still had its market value despite the damage.’ The sentiments of this letter are enlightening during Covid time.

‘In today’s globalized world, “the media can help us to feel closer to one another, creating a sense of the unity of the human family 11 which in turn can inspire solidarity and serious efforts to ensure a more dignified life for all… The media can help us greatly in this, especially nowadays, when the networks of human communication have made unprecedented advances.”’ (no. 205). New Beginnings

DEATHS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?’ John 14:2

• Sister Eileen Buckley DC, Mount Prospect, Clontarf, Dublin • Sister Catherine Ryder DC - St Catherine’s Provincial House, Blackrock • Margaret McSweeney - niece of Sister Agnes McSweeney Sister Brenda Hunter wrote: • Yvonne Hunter-Jess - aunt of Sister Brenda Hunter DC Thank you for thinking of our family after the sudden and tragic death of my aunt, Yvonne Hunter-Jess. On behalf of • John Curran - brother in law of Sister Louise Duffy DC the family, I express my appreciation for your sympathy • Kathleen Moloney - sister of Sister Josephine Flynn DC cards, Mass cards and phone calls. • Nellie McSweeney - sister to Sister Caitríona McSweeney • Catherine Steltar - sister of Sister Paula Ronayne • Pat Cunningham - brother of Sister Kathleen Cunningham Sister Paula Ronayne wrote: DC Sister Paula Ronayne would like to thank the sisters for their prayers and Masses for her sister Catherine Steltar. May she • Sister Mairéad Hayden DC - Mount Prospect, Clontarf rest in peace, • Fr. Jim Duffy, former CM who later joined the Diocese of Westminster • Sister Lucy Cunningham DC -Mount Prospect, Clontarf. Prayer to St Vincent de Paul Father, Sister Agnes McSweeney wrote: I thank you for what I’ve got; help me to think of those less fortunate I wish to acknowledge all those who sympathised with me than myself. on the death of my niece, Margaret. I deeply appreciate the Many are poor in spirit as well as in pocket. messages and calls on the phone, letters and Mass Cards. In Inspire me to do something for them, thanksgiving, Mass will be offered for your intentions. just as Vincent would have done. This week, let me find at least a kind word, a smile, a handshake, for someone who is lonely. From the Staff of Caritas College, Ballyfermot: I ask this through Christ Our Lord. Michael Tierney, beloved colleague, mentor, friend and Amen. teacher, started in Caritas College in September 1980. He taught Business and Maths from 1st to 6th Year and was highly respected and deeply loved by all of his students, colleagues and those who had the pleasure of meeting him. Michael was due to retire in August 2020 after five decades of loyal service to the young women of Ballyfermot. His sudden and untimely death has left us all heartbroken. Students described Michael as being a source of inspiration for them, a teacher with a calm listening ear, loved for his kindness and good humour. A true professional, Michael epitomised integrity and respect for all. Our thoughts are with Una, his wife and their three children, Leah, Sarah and Cormac and his extended family. We will forever remember Michael as one of life’s quintessential gentlemen and for the unique contribution, he made to the spirit of Caritas College. Ar dheis Dé do raibh a anam dílis.

‘The internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity. This is something truly good, a gift from God.’ (no. 205). 12 New Beginnings

“STEP-OUT”… Sr. Mary J McCullen D.C. 1987 Sister Maura (Mary McCullen) weathered the seasons to attend each currently lives in a local community of night. Maura’s plan for course content 19 Daughters of Charity in Mount varied. Each section lasted 10, 15 or 20 Prospect, Clontarf. minutes. Maura noticed, acknowledged and accepted the participants’ giftedness Sister Maura lived in St Louise’s, and enthusiasm. Negativity towards the Ballyfermot in the 1970’s-80. While Church and lack of consultation of the in ministry there, she taught in the people were major challenges for group Senior College. Maura had a burning members. Maura responded by using desire to develop the ministry of the questionnaires and developing within laity in the Church. In 1987, she the people courage and confidence. conducted the Regis programme and wrote her thesis entitled, “Step-Out.” Background reading for this work came This inspirational work shows how, from Sr Mary Collins OSA whose through breaking new ground in article, ‘Women Invisible in Church and adult education, Sister Maura used Theology’ stimulated discussion and the Vincentian skill of collaboration action. Maura motivated the women and to inspire, enable and empower her men with prayer and faith activities. students. Other authors who inspired Maura were, Yves Conger and Rosemary Haughton. Sister Maura began her thesis with you having difficulty with your The role of the laity was the key topic. reflection on her fourteen years in religion?’ Without consultation, the The eighteen participants continued Ballyfermot. She describes how printer returned the flyer, which read, their journey in faith and Maura Ballyfermot was like ‘a pimple on an ‘Lay people in the church.’ No response recorded their experiences succinctly. elephant’s back’ and how it grew and from the people! Next, the Church developed in the 1980’s. The close-knit advertised the programme on the church In addition, Maura set up a mentor community of residents formed ‘street notices. The priest read the notice community of four people, modelled on and area committees to take care of the between the football and boxing notices the Emmaus story. She outlined her social life of the area’ and to ‘fight for and again with no response! Maura's numerous organisational skills education and employment’. The 1980’s third attempt to advertise the copiously in her thesis notes; summaries also saw the area decline with ‘drugs’ programme was to have the notice read of reflection sheets, summaries of nine and ‘vandalism’. The spiritual life of the at the end of Sunday Mass and sessions, handouts to participants, people concerned Sister Maura. Parish subsequently 20 people enrolled. sample Gospel reflections, letters from personnel introduced sacramental Eventually eighteen people attended the participants and mentors and more. programmes to assist parents/guardians course. The venue was the Senior in the preparation of their children to College, which was more people This piece of work “Step-Out” is receive the sacraments. They also led friendly than the Church. amazing and those who know Sister Scripture courses but there was little Maura see her bright, gentle, personality interest in any of these initiatives among From the outset, Maura’s interaction bursting through as she engaged with the people. Maura wisely saw ‘this was with the participants was upbeat and participants. No surprise to hear there all above their heads.’ cordial. She asked for suggestions for were eighteen graduates! “Step-Out” course content and wrote emerging has still potential years later as a The Ballyfermot people desired to ideas on a flip chart. Some people had blueprint for adult faith formation. What belong to their parish community. literacy difficulties. This was no is special about this piece of work is it Meanwhile Maura felt ‘the Regis deterrent and Maura felt, ‘I had the type was done ‘by the people for the people’ programme seeping through [her] veins’ of people Jesus would love to have under Sister Maura’s skilled leadership. and noticed the people were ‘lying like round him…’ Over time, people’s hopes sheep without a shepherd.’ Just to add at and dreams were expressed and Sister Anne Neylon this point, there are powerful fulfilled. The people had concerns; their illustrations sketched by one of the children’s faith and the absence of participants of the course dotted parish community. They sought to throughout the text, not least the develop ways to enhance a sense of significant opening image of the door belonging for all. ajar revealing a threshold. Systematically, Maura describes the Maura experienced challenges on journey with the people through the advertising the Adult programme. She programme. Commitment was submitted the title for the flyer, ‘Are extraordinary and participants

‘We need constantly to ensure that present-day forms of communication are in fact guiding us to generous encounter with others, to honest 13 pursuit of the whole truth, to service, to closeness to the underprivileged and to the promotion of the common good. As the Bishops of Australia have pointed out, we cannot accept “a digital world designed to exploit our weaknesses and bring out the worst in people.”’ (no. 205). New Beginnings VOLUNTEERING: VINCENTIAN STYLE, IN A TIME OF FUNDRAISING FEARS

Here in the UK, we have an annual London “Two Irish soda breads please, Marathon which has become one of the main and four pizzas.” Francesca’s fundraising opportunities for all UK charities. Food is up and running – This year, the 26th April came and went with alongside the AIC Food Bank! no 26 mile Marathon and millions of missing An online recipe swop, lack of £pounds! Globally, in the shutdown, bread and favourite food fundraising has dwindled, and many charities spawned my idea to raise funds are in crisis – including those of our Vincentian for Vincentian charities. Family. So, the 2.6 challenge emerged to help save the UK’s charities. Our “Vincentian Fun” (VF) What’s App Group, Two UK Vincentian homeless charities have what I call “distant socialising”, 100s of miles evolved their practice, with Depaul UK apart, greet, pray and connect each day. Like you, taking on two hotels to house the previously we find ways to daily encourage each other in this street homeless. time of crisis, continuing to work and volunteer The Passage has volunteers to cook and within the Vincentian Family. Zoom work deliver food to where the homeless are now meetings continue amid plans for a post-pandemic housed. world. St Vincent’s advice is within us; “Everyone says that the missionary spirit is one of humility and simplicity – take hold of it!” VINCENT – 1:518. We would take hold of the 2.6 challenge! In the first weeks of the pandemic, our stores were stripped with panic buying. People’s normal goodness was quickly overtaken by the “me-first” norms of mainstream culture. However, the next stage evolved into something deeper . People, sought connection with others, and stories of generosity, courage, compassion and sacrifice for the sake of “others” became news. By osmosis, people realised that without a love of justice, we are just serving ourselves – and it feels hollow inside! Siobhan writes of SVP local conferences daily with My inventive VF Group food parcels as well as keeping persons with mental friends, wife and husband, health issues safe and well – with restricted health Moira and Kevin taking on services available. All eyes, and resources, are on a daily 2.6 mile walk while virus victims – much of other health treatment is composing poetry and song suspended. Fr. Ged says solitary Mass for us daily – raising over £1200 for SVP as well as tormenting us with brain-teasers! Sr Maria continues with faith formation design and Teresa’s SVP Youth 18-33 micro-site is developing. St Vincent himself said “the poor are our Katherine’s challenge of teachers”, and yes, we learn about ourselves reading 26 children and adult when we walk with others in their shoes. The books from her collection has “mutuality” of service teaches us that we been completed. Bromsgrove are healed by committing ourselves to Mini-Vinnies grow fresh others, particularly those on the margins of vegetables and take groceries to society. Connect with others - Connect with grateful housebound. ourselves. In the past, this type of service was considered solely an act of faith. Faith and science now concur with evidence that serving others is a healing balm to our own souls. Alcoholics Anonymous, and other addiction support groups, recognize this in their 12 step programmes that consideration of others creates a Oneness – wholeness – a completeness. Hindu belief is that we seek the Divine in each other, echoed by the African Ubuntu – I AM because WE ARE.SERVICE – SOOTHES – SOULS. The generous gaze is returned in kind. Both are givers and receivers. Next steps? I’ll continue caring, praying, connecting, writing, reading, singing, dancing, baking and cooking – “my imprint”.I turn my “gaze” on the 13 Houses Campaign; a little goes far - join me in donating the cost of a cuppa and a cake! campaign.13Houses-Campaign-coronavirus Dee Mansi

‘The solution is not relativism. Under the guise of tolerance, relativism ultimately leaves the interpretation of moral values to those in power, to be defined as they see fit.’ (no. 206). 14 New Beginnings Sister Anna May O’Reilly’s Collection of COVID-19 Poetry 2020

The Darkness of Covid And so, in the midst of the darkness, despite all the sadness and fear, Life in the shadow of Covid- there is still a lot to give thanks for It’s awful, but this is reality, as we hold the whole world in our I struggle to cope, to keep up my hope Coronavirus, prayer. and to give my life some quality. Anna May Covid-19 Some people ask…and I ask myself, “Where is God in all of this?” You’ve stolen my summer, you’ve I don’t have ready answers shattered my dream. Except I believe that He is! I had plans in place for People are sick and people are dying, the long days of June, Freedoms are lost and our lives are a nice summer break… controlled not as a ‘cocoon’! People are sad and people are crying, I had thought about travel, some long scenic drives, This virus targets the young and the old. The Language of Covid Is there any light at end of the tunnel? now I just walk in circles to get This Covid has altered our living, exercise. Will this Pandemic ever end? indeed it has changed the whole world, I know I am lucky, Will the cloud hanging over us it has even affected our language, I’m healthy and safe, ever be lifted? And the way that we make use of words. but it’s hard to get used to each day Will life ever return to normal again? We ‘sanitise’ now, being the same. I find the whole situation depressing, we don’t wash or clean, No visits to Lidl, nor even to Church; And yet there are moments that might We no longer stay home, we ‘cocoon’; No meeting with friends, break through this terrible darkness most meetings are now ‘incorporeal’, no hugs and no touch. and lift up one’s heart with delight. with discussions on To make conversation two metres apart When I make use of my senses, ‘WhatsApp’ or ‘Zoom’. is a test of endurance while wearing a When I take time to be quiet, ‘Peaks’ are no longer mask! I’m aware of the beauty of Nature; just mountain-tops- Still it’s best not to dwell I study, observe and enjoy it. ‘Waves’ are not always at sea, on the negative side- So, yes, I can find God in Nature- and we hear talk of ‘phases’ that’s really not helpful and know it’s the work of His hand, and ‘clusters’, and not very wise; the flowers and trees the birds and the and ‘cough etiquette’ if you please! it will only cause loneliness, bees, sadness and fear- We have ‘lockdown’, ‘restrictions’ all part of His wonderful plan. and ‘tracing’, so I’ll cherish the present On a walk yesterday I happened to see and hope for next year! ‘Isolation’, perhaps ‘quarantine’; a hedge with red ablaze; Anna May Our holidays now are ‘staycations’… it spoke to me then of the Burning Bush as we all still await a vaccine. f and God’s presence in ancient days. So whatever language you’re learning, Family and friends are so precious…. be it Latin, or Irish or Greek, Front line workers are keeping us safe; be sure to include in your study ‘Someone I loved They are working so hard and giving A course in the new Covid-speak! once gave me a box their best. Anna May full of darkness. In these I am seeing God’s face. it took me years to understand In the warmth of the sun, in the cool of that this too was a Gift.’ the evening- I look for His presence in these, Mary Oliver: And, as he was for the Prophet Elijah, The Uses of Sorrow He’s here in the small gentle breeze.

‘If society is to have a future, it must respect the truth of our human dignity and submit to that truth… 15 A society is noble and decent not least for its support of the pursuit of truth and its adherence to the most basic of truths.’ (no. 207). New Beginnings ‘Together we can do more.’

Annually, in the month of October the So as Daughters of Charity in the light the Company.’ In responding, the Sisters Church celebrates Mission Awareness. of the 2020 theme, what might have are supported in prayer from their In 2020, the theme was ‘Together we been their focus for the Provincial country of origin and are helped in can do more. Blessed are the Assembly, prayer, reflection and action? every way possible. peacemakers (Mt 5:9).’ World Mission On reading Constitution 25, one is This year’s theme ‘Together we can do Sunday was celebrated on 18 October struck by the challenges of the more’ is at the heart of the vocation of a 2020. A special Mass was broadcast in implications ‘of being missionary’ Daughter of Charity. Sisters know that RTE studio at which the Papal Nuncio, which is understood as retaining ‘the togetherness in prayer, community and Most Reverend Jude Thaddeus Okolo, flexibility and mobility’ to respond ‘to service is necessary. In the Provincial presided. World Missions Ireland the calls of the Church in the face of Assembly for 2020, Sisters spent time provided a ‘Mission Month Toolkit’ every form of poverty.’ The motto of the reflecting, praying and discussing ‘The (resources and tips) to help God’s Company reads, ‘The Charity of Jesus Mystique of Community’ with unity and people ‘celebrate Mission Month and crucified urges us’ (C .p.15). By the gift togetherness in mind. St Louise World Mission Sunday.’ Mission is of God’s grace, each Sister strives to modelled each local community on the central to the life of the Church. live her vocation ‘given to God, in Trinity, emphasising the spirit of unity, When God sent Jesus on mission, Jesus community for the service of the poor.’ diversity and complementarity. proclaimed the Good News, healed the From the foundation of the Company The World Mission Resources for 2020 sick and forgave sinners. Jesus’ (1633), established by St Vincent de are a valuable asset to faith formation followers continue that mission today. Paul and St Louise de Marillac, for members of parish communities. availability for mission is a key The Daughters’ of Charity mission is to Appeal for financial help together with characteristic. The ‘missionary spirit’ continue the mission of Jesus. The prayer are essential to support overseas remains animated in Sisters through Constitutions state that ‘The Company missions. Parishioners are informed of prayer and reflection and through a is Missionary by Nature’ (C. 25). The how finance is vital to enable desire to ‘serve wherever they are sent.’ Sisters’ call to mission is rooted in communities to build schools, clinics, St Vincent and St Louise are ever aware Baptism and is at the heart of their churches and parish halls; how future of the challenge for Sisters to remain in vocation. All the baptised are called to leaders are supported, educated and the missionary spirit of ‘flexibility and continue the mission of Jesus. trained and how programmes are mobility.’ initiated to protect and care for It is worth taking time to read the Special attention is given ‘to the seeds children’s education, healthcare and to ‘Mission Development Office Report of the Word’, wherever the place of give hope for the future. for the Provincial Assembly 2014- mission, so that all will grow in the light 2020),’ written by Sister Geraldine So let‘s keep alive the missionary spirit of the Gospel. All are called to mission Henry DC. This report describes the of the Church and the Company by but God calls ‘to carry the message of fourfold work of the Mission exploring these World Mission salvation to people who have not yet Development Office for the Daughters resources together, so through prayer received it.’ Many Sisters respond of Charity in the Province of Ireland: and financial support we may be more generously to ‘make themselves in solidarity with the ‘hardship and • Overseas/Capacity available for mission Ad Gentes.’ By suffering’ in the world. ‘Together we thus responding to this call, a Sister • Misean Cara can do more.’ • Fundraising in Ireland helps to ‘foster the growth and • Overseas Volunteers development of the young Provinces of Sister Anne Neylon

‘We need to learn how to unmask the various ways that the truth is manipulated, distorted and concealed in public and private discourse. What we call “truth” is not only the reporting of facts and events, such as we find in the 16 daily papers. It is primarily the search for the solid foundations sustaining our decisions and our laws.’ (no.208). New Beginnings

Every Pandemic Has a Silver Lining Pat Collins C.M.

In mid-June 2008, four members of • Firstly, they created a six session by thirty to forty people. At about the the Alpha board in Ireland suggested course entitled, Parish same time the community members that interested people be invited to join Evangelisation, which describes heard about Zoom and the possibility them on four successive Sunday nights evangelisation in simple terms, of conducting online webinars, talks to pray for a Spirit filled revival in the while proposing some practical and courses as part of an Online Church. When the four weeks had means of engaging in it. School of Evangelisation. The newly passed the meetings continued by formed school, which was a dream • Secondly, they conduct a yearly common agreement. Sometime later, come true, began by offering single Summer School on a relevant the eighteen or so participants talks on different aspects of aspect of contemporary acknowledged that they were evangelisation, two courses and a Life evangelisation, e.g., the use of the becoming a community with a in the Spirit Seminar. A small group of media in the new evangelisation. common sense of purpose. As a result, priests and about one hundred and they wrote a mission statement, which • Thirdly, they run a 26-week long eighty people, from Ireland, Britain, expressed their core vision in these certificate course on Formation for and Slovakia attended the course. In words: the New Evangelisation; a twenty- 2021, the community intends to recruit week long course on Healing and new speakers from Ireland and Britain “With the help of the Holy Spirit, we Evangelisation; a ten-week long who will offer extra courses. If any will engage in evangelisation course on Deliverance and Daughters of Charity are interested, ourselves, as well as teaching, training Healing; and a Life in the Spirit see the New Springtime website, or and equipping others who also desire Seminar, which lasts for seven contact for to evangelise those who have not yet [email protected] weeks. Apart from these activities, information. developed an intimate personal the members are involved with relationship with Jesus as their Lord evangelistic outreaches such as and Saviour.” Alpha Courses, Street Pastors, As providence would have it, the In May 2009, the Spirit led the Ireland4Jesus and work with ex- current pandemic turned out to be a members to call themselves the New prisoners. blessing in disguise in so far as it Springtime Community and to choose urged the members of the New • Fourthly, the community the buttercup as their logo. Sometime Springtime Community to explore published, wrote and provided later, a selected team of four led the new ways of evangelising and training electronic resource materials to do community for a fixed period. In 2011, evangelisers. When the corona virus is with the new evangelisation. It also the members agreed that they would finally brought under control, the New has a website, accessed by commit their energies primarily, Springtime Community not only Googling New Springtime though not exclusively, to one or other intends to offer a wider range of Community, Dublin. of three interconnected streams; courses, it is also determined to keep evangelising; formation for When the pandemic began in March the school of evangelisation online. evangelisation; and intercessory prayer 2020, the community not only had to for evangelisers. cease meeting on Thursday nights in the convent of the Religious Sisters of In order to progress their stated aims, Charity in Donnybrook, it had to the members of the community suspend its teaching courses, attended engaged in the following activities.

‘Relativism always brings the risk that some or other alleged truth will be imposed by the powerful or the clever. Yet, “when it is a matter of 17 the moral norms prohibiting intrinsic evil, there are no privileges or exceptions for anyone. It makes no difference whether one is the master of the world or the ‘poorest of the poor’ on the face of the earth. Before the demands of morality we are all absolutely equal.”’ (no. 209). New Beginnings

My insights into the Correspondence between St Vincent de Paul and St Louise de Marillac from… Vincent De Paul, Correspondence, they please. Be assured my dear mind is better at that age than a poor one Conferences, Documents, Volumes 1-8, daughter, that you are no less dear to at the age of fifty’ [CCD, Vol.1, no. 86, Newly translated, edited, and annotated Our Lord for all that.’ [Vincent de Paul p. 129]. St Louise undertook the from the 1920 edition of Pierre Coste, Correspondence Conferences mentoring of these village girls when C.M. (New City Press, USA). Documents, Vol.1, no. 36, p.62.] they came to assist the Ladies of the During the pandemic, I read through the He was very tender and concerned about Confraternities. She taught them skills in correspondence between St Vincent and her: caring for the sick, coping with needs of St Louise, spending time each day going young children, good management, and ‘May God be praised because He general education, as well as deepening through Volumes 1 to 8, and really humbles and refreshes, because He has enjoying it. There are over 400 hundred their spiritual formation. You can brought you so low, and because you imagine her house becoming a beehive letters from St Vincent de Paul to St are now in a better state of mind. I beg Louise de Marillac in these Volumes, of activity. She had to move into a Him to let you feel the joy in my heart bigger house to deal with the growth of with only a handful of replies from St with as much tenderness as I the work. This took a lot of time and Louise. experienced because of your letter … energy, prayer and advice, laying down I could not have seen you in that state solid foundations for each of the works. and not run to you...’ [CCD, Vol. 1, no. 253a, p. 356]. St Vincent and St Louise were often in communication about the organisation of I became aware of St Vincent setting out the Village Girls. On one occasion when on his many travels, some near Paris, they were discussing how a ‘good young some many miles distant. It was a woman’ was to go the nine leagues to daunting task for the missionaries to Mademoiselle Poulaillon, St Vincent reach the out-lying parishes, and deal writes, ‘will she be able to go on foot or, with many needy people. if it is convenient, would you lend her Communication and modes of travel your little horse?’ [CCD, Vol. 1, no.185, were poor; sometimes they went on foot, p.261]. at other times on horseback, coach or boat. Very often Vincent left in a hurry St Vincent spoke to St Louise about the without telling Louise. He wrote to her, plight of poor people living in the rural ‘Your dear heart will forgive me on my areas, and about how he was setting up return ... we will talk about everything.’ the Confraternities to deal with the [CCD, Vol.1, no.67, p.106]. problems they had met on their Parish Missions. He soon realised he needed Before leaving a parish, having given a someone to supervise the work of the I found reading the letters helped me to mission, the missionaries set up a small Confraternities. He invited St Louise to get to know the Founders in a new way Confraternity of Charity for women, to get involved. This entailed quite a lot of and I got a sense of the relationship care for the sick and needy in the area, travelling to the countryside, and was a between them, of their deep spirituality making sure they had some means to do challenge for Louise - going by coach, laced with humour, and the comings and so and that a leader was appointed who horseback, boat or walking. She often goings that were features of their day-to- would continue to organize meetings and stayed at an Inn, or in a good woman’s day life. the distribution of food and medical care. h o u s e i n t h e p a r i s h s h e w as visiting. St Louise met St Vincent as she came out St Louise had some experience in caring There were many dangers on the way, of her time of mourning the loss of her for the poor in her local parish. She had but she went forth with the blessing of husband. She had to leave her home, get contact with Ladies of rank who were Vincent: settled into another place to live, and find widows and had time on their hands. ‘Go therefore, Mademoiselle, go in the a school for her son. St Vincent became Some of these became involved in the name of Our Lord. I pray that His her spiritual director and got to know her Confraternities in Paris. As St Vincent Divine Goodness may accompany you, well. came across girls and young women who be your consolation along the way, When St Louise was sad, he wrote: volunteered to help poor people in the your shade against the heat of the sun, Confraternities in Paris, he directed them your shelter in rain and cold, your soft ‘It just rained very hard and is to St Louise. He sent Marguerite Naseau bed in your weariness, your strength in thundering dreadfully. Is the weather and another good eighteen year old girl your toil, and, finally that He may less beautiful for that? Let the tears of ‘who has common sense and an bring you back in perfect health and sadness drown your heart and let the intelligent mind … do not scruple about filled with good works’. [CCD, Vol.1, demons thunder and growl as much as letting her take care of the girls. A good no. 39, p. 64).

‘What is now happening, and drawing us into a perverse and barren way of thinking, is the reduction of ethics and politics to physics. Good and evil no longer exist in 18 themselves; there is only a calculus of benefits and burdens.’ (no.210). New Beginnings

St Louise gained a wealth of experience play a big part in the correspondence sighted in looking at ways in which working alongside and supervising the between them. She is always concerned young children should be nourished and work of the rural women. But she had about his health and wellbeing. He is finding the means to do so. She was plenty of problems as she went from concerned that she take care of her health away ahead of her time in trying to place to place and she would discuss and eats well! St Vincent writes to improve the health of the young children them all with St Vincent. His support reassure her: in her care, teaching others to do the and advice was always forthcoming: ‘It same. She realised the importance of ‘My slight indisposition is not my is very difficult, Mademoiselle, to do any usual little fever but a sore leg caused milk for these children and discussed this good without conflict.’ [CCD, Vol. 1, no. by a kick from a horse and a small with Vincent. In 1638, he writes to her, 46, p. 75]. Again he writes: tumour that had begun a week or two ‘About the little foundlings - I am being ‘Be at peace concerning the little before that. It is so trifling that, were it pressured in an unimaginable way…. difficulties you mentioned to me not for a little tenderness it is causing, Would there be any objection to your yesterday. I have about twenty-five I would not fail to go into town. Thank buying a goat and continuing your years’ experience regarding the extent you for your solicitude, but please do experiment further?’ CCD, Vol. 1 no. to which interior and exterior direction not worry about it at all because it is 290, p. 410]. Surely a modern trend in should go and the difficulties of both. I nothing.’ [CCD, Vol.1, no. 69, p.108]. nutrition! In Africa, goat’s milk is used shall acquaint you with all that. Take all the time! Another development in In another place he writes, ‘I have played care of your health and remain nutrition was when a farmer gave the the sick man a little these days to free cheerful.’ [CCD, Vol.2, no. 601, p. Sisters barley and they mixed it with myself from a large number of visits...’ 302]. wheat - the beginning of wholemeal [CCD, Vol.3, no. 1103a, p. 433]. flour. Interesting! St Vincent was at hand to guide and In turn he writes to Louise: ‘Take good direct. He consulted with St Louise on Confraternities started by St Vincent are care of your health and spare nothing in the drawing up of rules and directions. still in existence, known now as the order to eat properly during your hard Louise was working at and building up International Association of Charity work. I still think that you do not eat this small group who would eventually [AIC]. AIC is alive and active all over enough.’[CCD, Vol.1, no.198d, p. 283]. be formed into the first Daughters of the world. We have groups in Dublin and Charity. St Vincent was involved in What was it that drove St Vincent during Belfast and the UK. The material and deciding the location of the new house his busy life, given all the people he spiritual needs of poor people are always for the village girls. Louise was dealt with on a daily basis, keeping the there. We are always looking for new concerned that he had not visited her to various projects going, and his constant members. Leading by example, Vincent discuss the matter. He gives this correspondence? It was his great love of was of the opinion that we should never explanation: God in Jesus Christ, his deep prayer life, give up helping those in need. He wrote: his love and compassion, his deep ‘The reason, rather, is this: we are ‘Nobody is ever too old or too young insights into human nature. His Faith in among people who watch everything to love and help those in need today…. the Providence of God was unshakeable. and pass judgement on everything. Despite my age, and before God, I do Nothing was too much of a challenge for They would not see us go into your not think myself at all excused from him. He writes to Fr Antoine Portail who house three times without finding the the obligation I have to work for the was away on a mission: opportunity to talk, to draw salvation of the poor. For who would conclusions which they ought not to ‘Remember Monsieur, we live in Jesus stop me from doing so? If I could not draw and to repeat them wherever they Christ through the death of Jesus preach every day, I could do so twice a go…. If you can do so conveniently, Christ, and we must die in Jesus Christ week. I could speak to everyone I come for a walk this far one of these through the life of Jesus Christ, and meet about God.’ our life must be hidden in Jesus Christ mornings.’ [CCD, Vol. 1, no. 215, p. So if you have some time on hand, read a and filled with Jesus Christ, and in 308]. few of the letters and I’m sure your life order to die as Jesus Christ we must St Louise was also a women of deep will be enriched. It’s not only about what live as Jesus Christ.’ [CCD, Vol.1, prayer. St Vincent sent some of the Vincent and Louise accomplished, but no.197, p. 275]. Ladies, ‘Madame Goussault, the who they were, the depth of their faith, President’s wife, and Mademoiselle Of course he was a Master at getting their love, courage and trust in the Lamy,’ to her for a few days retreat, others involved, especially men and Providence of God. I hope you enjoy the guiding and advising on what format this women who had the means to help. He reading as much as I did. should take, sharing and discussing their would invite, cajole, and maybe berate Or if you are a person with a bit of time prayer etc. He told Louise ‘to take care them into collaborating with him in his on your hands and would like to join us that they do not drive themselves too vision and care for the poor. in AIC, the contacts are: hard during these exercises’, but for The picture evolves of St Vincent and St them ‘to go for a little walk after dinner.’ Louise collaborating with others, being [email protected] [CCD, Vol.1, no.264, p.372]. available to encourage them in all this [email protected] Matters of health and mutual concern great enterprise. St Louise was far- Sister Alice Daly

‘…the law is no longer seen as reflecting a fundamental notion of justice but as mirroring 19 notions currently in vogue. Breakdown ensues: everything is “levelled down” by a superficial bartered consensus. In the end, the law of the strongest prevails.’ (no.210). New Beginnings A Menu for Easter

Readers of New Beginnings occasionally suggest the inclusion of recipes. Mr Connor Johnson, Sister Brenda Hunter’s nephew, Head Chef at ‘The Meat Locker’ in Belfast prepared the following recipes.

PEA AND SMOKED Method: BACON SOUP Prepare the leg of lamb by punching holes in the flesh using a sharp knife. Slice two of the garlic cloves and push into the holes along with a piece of rosemary. Wash and prepare all vegetables by chopping roughly and rolling in olive oil. Place them on a baking tray and set the lamb on top. Take the baby potatoes and cut multiple slices in them around 2/3 deep. Place these around the outside of the lamb. Roast in the oven at 200°C for 20 minutes. Turn the oven down to 180°C. Roast for 20 minutes per 500g. Ingredients: 500g frozen peas 20g coriander 6 rashers/ smoked bacon 20g mint 1 onion 20g basil 500ml of vegetable stock (or cube ) ½ tsp cayenne pepper 40g butter 1tsp cumin 100g double cream 30g Crème fraiche CRAB Method: 100g Fresh Crab Chop the bacon into lardons. Cook off in 10g extra virgin olive oil a pan with a little oil. When cooked, add ½ lemon zest & juice the onion and cook until translucent. 10g capers Add the peas and vegetable stock. Bring to the boil for 5 minutes. Add the cream GRILLED JOHN DORY, Method: and allow to boil. Blitz while adding the TOMATO GAZPACHO & Grill the John Dory for 6-8 minutes. butter. Season and serve with a little of WARM CRAB Allow the skin to crisp. Turn over to the crème fraiche. ensure cooked. Blitz all the ingredients You can substitute such fish as cod, for the gazpacho in a blender using a turbot, halibut, Dover sole for John ROAST LEG OF LAMB, little water until there is a soup like Dory. ROASTED SEASONAL consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste. VEGETABLES AND HASSLE Did you know? John Dory known also Heat the crab in a pot with the olive oil BACK POTATOES as St Peter’s fish, due to the black spot and lemon juice. Add the zest and on the side of the fish, which supposedly capers. Season and serve. (1 tray roast) represents the fingerprint of St Peter Ingredients: when he lifted it from the sea! 1 whole or ½ leg of lamb CHOCOLATE BROWNIE 2 red onions 8 John Dory Fillets 1 red pepper 1 red pepper Ingredients: 1 green pepper 1 red onion 200g flour 1 aubergine 6 plum tomatoes 225g butter 2 courgettes 1 garlic clove 275g dark chocolate 8 garlic cloves 1 tbsp tomato purée 12 olives 400g sugar 8 baby potatoes 1 cucumber 5 whole eggs sprigs of rosemary 200ml of tomato juice

‘In a pluralistic society, dialogue is the best way to realize what ought always to be affirmed and respected apart from any ephemeral consensus.’ (no.211). 20 New Beginnings

PEA AND HAM HOCK In a saucepan, cook the onion in the RISOTTO butter. Once cooked, add in the 300g of the peas, keeping 20g back for garnish. Serves 4 Add vegetable stock and simmer for 3 minutes. With a stick blender (or transfer to a jug blender) blitz the peas to a smooth consistency. Season with salt and Method: pepper to taste. Blend briefly to Melt the butter and chocolate over a combine. You might require the extra bain-marie of water. Whisk the sugar vegetable stock to get the purée to the and eggs until double in size. Sieve the right consistency. flour. When the eggs and sugar have Ingredients: Ham hock ballooned to double in size, fold in the 280g Arborio rice melted butter and chocolate. Fold in the 3 shallots (diced) 1 ham hock will be enough to feed 4 sieved flour. Pour on to a lined baking 1 clove of garlic (minced) 2 bay leaves tray spreading it out evenly. Bake in the 80ml white wine 3 peppercorns oven at 180°C for 25 minutes. Allow to 1/2 sprig of rosemary 1 clove of garlic cool before eating. sprig of thyme 1 sprig of rosemary & thyme 1.3 litres veg stock SCONES Firstly, wash off the ham hock by Method: allowing cold water to run on the ham Sweat shallots, garlic, rosemary & hock for 5 minutes. thyme in a little oil and a small knob of Once washed, place in a pan big enough butter. Allow to cook until translucent. to cover the ham in water. Add the 80ml of white wine and cook Add the bay leaf, peppercorns, garlic, until it evaporates for 30 seconds rosemary and thyme. approximately. Boil for one 1.5 hours, checking to Add the Arborio rice and add the make sure there is enough water over vegetable stock 1 ladle at a time stirring the ham hock. You will know the hock continuously. Reduce the heat to is cooked if you can move the bone with Ingredients: simmer so rice does not cook too ease. 500g plain flour quickly on the outside. 25g baking powder Allow to cook and peel the meat away When you have added all the stock, and from the bone trying to keep the 125g butter the rice has absorbed the stock, check it lozenges as big as possible 100g caster sugar is cooked. To recognise that the rice is 300ml buttermilk cooked the grains of rice are tender but Crème fraiche still firm to bite, without being crunchy Method: (el dente). 30ml of crème fraiche Combine dry ingredients and sieve into 1/4 lemon zest bowl. Mix with the soft butter until you Tip: When you add a ladle of stock or 6 leaves of mint wine to the risotto, make sure you wait achieve a breadcrumb consistency. Add Mix the crème fraiche, lemon & mint until the risotto completely absorbs the the buttermilk and work until you have and season with a little salt to taste a smooth dough. Pin out on a lightly liquid and the rice is nearly dry before you add the next ladle. It is important to floured surface. Cut out with cutters. To serve Place on a preheated baking tray. Brush stir constantly while the hot stock gets with a beaten egg and bake at 180 absorbed to prevent scorching. If you While your risotto is hot, add the purée degrees Celsius for 10-12 minutes. run short of stock and the risotto is still you have made to turn the risotto green crunchy, finish cooking with hot water, a giving it that nice spring pea flavour. At These are plain scones, but you can add ladle at a time, stirring while it is this stage, add the remaining 30g of apple and cinnamon ingredients to suit absorbed. peas left back from making the purée. your requirement. Pea purée Place 1/4 of the risotto into a bowl. To make apple and cinnamon scones, Using the ham hock you have just finely dice one apple, add 1tsp of 320g frozen peas flaked, place a 1/4 of this on top of the cinnamon to the dry ingredients and add 1 small onion risotto. Drizzle the crème fraiche around the apple with the buttermilk. 50g butter the risotto and serve. 500ml veg stock

‘If something always serves the good functioning of society, is it not because, lying beyond it, there is 21 an enduring truth accessible to the intellect?’ (no.212). New Beginnings

“Stretch forth your hand to the poor.” (Sirach 7:32). The World Day of the Poor was ‘Poverty…in a variety of guises’ marked on 15 November 2020. Pope Pope Francis states, ‘Poverty always Francis initially celebrated this day on appears in a variety of guises, and the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time in calls for attention to each particular 2017. He established this Day of situation. The Daughters of Charity Prayer for the Poor in his Apostolic ‘learn that no type of distress should Letter, Misericordia et Misera , issued be foreign to them.’(C. 11a). ‘In order on 20 November 2016, to celebrate to help the poor’, Pope Francis writes the end of the Extraordinary Jubilee of ‘we ourselves need to live the Mercy. The theme for this Fourth Year experience of evangelical poverty’ is “Stretch forth your hand to the (no. 4). In a recent edition of Intercom poor.” (Sirach 7:32). The address of (November 2020), the editor John His Holiness Pope Francis is Cullen wrote, ‘there isn’t one way to accessible on define poverty.’ He defines particular Popular images associated with Pope situations of poverty. Francis show him with outstretched hand to those he meets, especially to ‘Encounter the Lord’ persons who are poor. He constantly advocates for such persons and Pope Francis writes, ‘We have an prioritises their plight. He describes opportunity to encounter the Lord the manner in which ‘an outstretched Jesus, who has revealed himself as hand can help or exploit’ another present in the least of his brothers and (no. 6, 9). sisters’ (cf. Mt 25:40). The Daughters of Charity ‘see those who suffer, those St Vincent de Paul and St Louise de time of pandemic and in the context of stripped of human rights and dignity, Marillac, founders of the Company of the Constitutions. Where and how and those in poor health as children of the Daughters of Charity (1633), does Pope Francis speak to the vision, God and brothers and sisters with followed the ‘age old wisdom’ and the thoughts and ideas of the life of the whom they are in solidarity.’ (C. 16 c). action of Jesus by reaching out to Daughter of Charity ‘given to God in St Vincent described those who were those who lived in poverty; because community for persons who are poor as our lords and masters. St they saw through faith, Christ in the Louise de Marillac held those who poor’? person of the poor and the person of were poor in so high a regard that her the poor in Christ. In presenting a What can the Daughters of Charity advice to the first Sisters was, Oh! conference to the Daughters of glean from Pope Francis’ message in What a happiness it would be, if, Charity in in 1657, Vincent indicated 2020 that resonates with their specific without offending God, the Company the means to serve Christ in His vow (C. 8b, c; C. 28) of the service of could be employed only in the service suffering members, ‘with compassion, Christ in those who are poor? Pope of those who are destitute.’ (C. 11b). gentleness cordiality, respect and Francis’ teaching echoes loudly and devotion.’ (X, Conf.85). concretely with the spirit of the ‘Prayer to God and Solidarity St Vincent often reminded the Sisters Founders. This is no surprise as the with the poor’ of their identity as a response ‘to a Pope’s message and the Vincentian Pope Francis states ‘prayer to God divine call.’ He said in 1647, ‘you are charism are rooted in the Gospel. and solidarity with the poor and poor Daughters of Charity who have Jesus had a special and unique love suffering are inseparable.’ Time and given yourselves to do good for the for every poor person. St Vincent prayer go hand in hand. The Pope service of persons who are poor.’ animates the Daughters of Charity in says, ‘Time devoted to prayer can (C. 7). their vocation to ‘do what the Son of never become an alibi for neglecting One way to acknowledge this special God did when he was on earth; our neighbour in need’ (no. 2). World Day of the Poor day might be worked constantly for his neighbour, Vincent spoke to the Daughters of to read Pope Francis’ message and visiting and healing the sick and Charity about prayer and time. He reflect on its implications for the life instructing the ignorant in their said, ‘A Daughter of Charity will visit of the Daughters of Charity in this salvation.’ (IX, Conf. 2) a poor person ten times a day and she

‘…There is no need, then, to oppose the interests of society, consensus and the reality of objective truth. These three realities can be harmonized whenever, through dialogue, people are unafraid to get 22 to the heart of an issue.’ (no. 212). New Beginnings will find God there.’ He urged them to everything within it is conceived with leave God for God. The Constitutions this end in view.’ (C. 24a). advise the Sisters ‘to consider it their responsibility to pray with and for ‘The Church feels compelled to those who are poor and in their name.’ speak out…’ (C. 24f). Pope Francis outlines the Church’s compulsion ‘to speak out on behalf of ‘Divine charity’ those who lack life’s basic necessities’ For Pope Francis ‘fine words’ are not (no. 4). Absence of peace is a form of adequate but ‘a concrete commitment poverty and the Daughters of Charity inspired by divine charity’ (no. 3). are called to ‘openly affirm respect for on Divine Providence. Addressing Charity is one of the virtues for which and the defence of human life in all its the mission and ministry, the the Daughters of Charity strive. stages, and the right to peace for all Company addresses the requirements St Vincent reminds them ‘charity is a peoples and nations. They denounce of ‘technical and professional heavy burden.’ In this year’s theme, situations that exploit and exclude competence, familiarity with current Pope Francis encourages us to bear people.’ (C. 24, Statute 8c). Their legislation and a concern for social the burdens of the weakest, in accord Constitutions also call them to ‘plead justice inspired by charity.’ (C. 24b). with the words of Saint Paul: the cause of the underprivileged, who ‘Through love serve one another. do not have the possibility of making For the whole law is fulfilled in one their legitimate demands and ‘Love’ word: ‘You shall love your neighbour aspirations heard.’ (C. 24e). Pope Francis says, ‘the “end” of all as yourself… Bear one another’s our actions can only be love’. Love, burdens, and so fulfil the law of ‘Acts of respect and generosity’ ‘is the ultimate goal of our journey, Christ” (Gal 5:13-14; 6:2) (no. 8). and nothing should distract us from Pope Francis notices that ‘life is He suggests concrete ways for men it.’ This love is one of sharing, interwoven too with acts of respect and women ‘to support the most dedication and service, born of the and generosity that not only vulnerable.’ realization that we were first loved compensate for evil, but inspire us to take an extra step and fill our hearts and awakened to love (no. 10). Love ‘The Church and her….gestures with hope.’ Respect is one of the is at the heart of the service of those of charity’ dispositions that Daughters of Charity living in poverty for the Daughters’ of must have in the service of those who Charity. We are reminded that the While Pope Francis admits that ‘the forms of poverty and the forms of Church certainly has no are poor. The Constitutions state, ‘Respect... is the first step to take: service are multiple. However, ‘one is comprehensive solutions to propose, the love bestowed on those whom but by the grace of Christ she can respect for individuals, for their way God has called and assembled.’ offer her witness and her gestures of of life, for the socio-cultural and (C. 32). charity.’ In line with that Mother socio-political realities of peoples, and Guillemin, Superioress General of the for the Spirit of God at work in the With these convergent thoughts in world.’(C. 24c). Daughters of Charity Daughters of Charity instructed the mind from Pope Francis, St Vincent are also called to work with others, ‘in Sisters, ‘each gesture of a Daughter of de Paul and St Louise de Marillac, the loyal collaboration…in a spirit of Charity is truly at the service of the Daughters’ of Charity challenge is to sharing, living the values that the poor, since it is the entire Company return constantly to the source and dig Company professes.” (C. 24, Statute that is dedicated to them, and deep to continue the journey with 9a,b,c, Statute 10). Christ to serve him in the person of the poor. With Pope Francis, the ‘Constant organization and Daughters of Charity believe ‘the training’ Mother of God is ever on our side’ Pope Francis recognises that and as we pray to Mary, ‘may that ‘constant organization and training is prayer enable outstretched hands to needed, based on the realization of our become an embrace of shared and own need for an outstretched hand’ rediscovered fraternity.’ (no.7). In the life of each Daughter of Sister Anne Neylon Charity, one’s own vulnerability requires an utter and total dependence

‘The dignity of others is to be respected in all circumstances, not because that dignity is something we 23 have invented or imagined, but because human beings possess an intrinsic worth superior to that of material objects and contingent situations. This requires that they be treated differently.’ (no.213). New Beginnings

Patsy and Mary Brothers

These words on our friends Mary and ‘Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter: Patsy are the result of a collaborative whoever finds one has found a treasure. effort by two of us Daughters of Faithful friends are beyond price; no Charity – one of whom knows Patsy amount can balance their worth’ (Sirach for many years, while the other in the 6: 14-16). So the Good News of the short time she has known him has Bible proclaims. had a rich experience of his support, generosity and presence. Together we Patsy and Mary Brothers and family are hope we have done them justice! long-time, faithful friends of the Daughters of Charity in Ballyfermot and Cherry Orchard. They are both Dubs and proud of it! Patsy was born in Bow Lane and at five years of age, he moved to Ballyfermot. He went to school in Whitefriar Street because there was no school in Ballyfermot at the time. In 1973, Patsy married his wife Mary, who hails from . Patsy is a family man with all the goodness, gentleness and kindness of husband, father, brother, friend and a wonderful sense of humour. ‘Prune the branches that no longer belong to the future.’ Dr Joe Dispenza

Patsy is proud of his wife Mary and family. He has two sons and two grandsons who love his company and he theirs. The family are good neighbours to all and bring kindness and goodness wherever they are. In 1988, the family moved to Cherry Orchard. Patsy worked with the Company ‘Road Makers’ for many years. On his retirement from ‘And though the years may differ each time there, he worked in the Orchard Centre. around, I’ll forever be an autumn leaf upon the ground.’ jamesmcinerney God was certainly on the side of the Daughters of Charity when Sister Friendship is a gift and over time artists, Bridget Callaghan worked in the musicians and writers expressed this ‘Bungalow’, a hive of activity in the theme in multiple ways. A few songs Cherry Orchard area where Patsy was come to my mind. on the CE scheme. Then, the Sisters in St Louise de Marillac Primary School The Beatles sing, ‘We get by with a invited Patsy to maintain the grounds little help from our Friends.’ James and those of the Sister’s residence. Taylor also assures the listener, ‘You’ve Eventually, Patsy as well as doing got a Friend.’ Other songs, ‘That’s what wonderful work on the grounds, took on Friends are for’, ‘You’re my Forever maintenance of the Sister’s house. Friend’ and ‘Thank you for being a Friend ‘are those that urge one to sing ‘How I long to sit a while under whispering The Sisters of our local community and appreciate the gift of friendship. leaves in the shade of a green tree.’ recognise Patsy as a loyal and treasured friend. We enjoy his company and

‘As believers, we are convinced that human nature, as the source of ethical principles, was created by God, and that ultimately it is he who gives those principles their solid foundation. This does not result in an ethical rigidity nor does it lead to the imposition of any one moral system, since 24 fundamental and universally valid moral principles can be embodied in different practical rules. Thus, room for dialogue will always exist.’ (no. 214). New Beginnings

The annual visit to the vet Mary Tiernan writes through the eyes looked as if they were made out of of her cat, Toby… carpet remnants and like those big It’s just over a month, but I still wake up gloves used by police to train dogs to during the night with nightmares, then I catch criminals. She was already realise I’m at home on my comfy thinking of my 2019 appointment and cushion. Why the nightmare you ask? asked if there were chill pills that I Well, 1 August was the day appointed to could take beforehand. I think she visit the vet for the annual check-up. wanted some for herself also but was Nuala was asked if she would too embarrassed to ask. The answer was Time to sit down and relax…. accompany us, really to keep me calm yes, and a few little pills were handed in the back seat as I have a history of over to be given one hour before my presence in our house in Drumfinn bad behaviour and escaping during the next visit. Well, to her credit, Caitriona Road. You know what it means to journey. Yes, I call it a journey even did say ‘I’m sure he’s like an angel at home’ …how right she is. realise its Monday, Tuesday or though it’s only ten minutes to Wednesday and Patsy is coming. He . Nuala looked at her Now, I hear that Lorraine in Carlow was always brings an atmosphere of calm calendar that morning and saw an entry fostering a big beautiful ginger cat and joy. Patsy himself knows what called CAT, and wondered if it was an called Hime whose owners were appointment for Tommie and a Cat scan Japanese and returned to Japan two needs to be done in our house. He loves but she should have written Toby years ago and hoped to send for Hime the outdoors and keeps the grounds instead. Well, the appointment was for when they settled in. Well, the time went meticulously, throughout the seasons. 2:00 p.m. and She had me fasting for by and of course Lorraine fell in love Patsy is a multi-tasker and gifted in so hours in case I got stressed and did with Hime, but the summons came from many ways as he does general nasties in the cat basket. Nuala came Japan. Yes, Hime was going home. He maintenance, decorating and gardening. out her front door wearing her garden had to be brought to Dublin Airport and He is ever respectful and obliging, gloves, a wise choice just in case a put in a crate for his flight to Hamburg going to the ends of the earth… to file white sharp clawed paw shot out of the and onwards to Tokyo. Well, I wouldn’t that key when the locksmith failed or to basket. like to be that poor fellow as I can’t seek out a bulb for an antiquated lamp! On entering the surgery the basket was even endure the ten minute journey to Patsy is a great witness to all who know put on the examination table and the Kilmainham. I’d be so stressed I’d him in his trustworthiness, generosity lovely vet Caitriona took the roof off. shed all my fur and arrive bald and and courteous manner. It’s good to sit WELL, I freaked out…… was like furious in Japan. Hime arrived safely and enjoy a cup of tea mid-morning in lying asleep in your bed and the roof and a new kitten took his place in Lorraine’s affections. She’s called the kitchen with Patsy and admire the being torn off. I was so stressed that I Cosette, Cosy for short. work he does in the garden and his great lost it completely and turned into a sense of humour. Unfortunately, during savage. Caitriona managed to examine Well, poor Screech was killed on the the pandemic social distancing we miss my heart, which I’m sure was thumping, road in early August. Tween (short for Teeny-weeny) still visits daily and Patsy’s presence! and had a quick look at my teeth noting that I have one crooked tooth. I thought makes straight for my nut bowl. (Toby Patsy loves sport and is a Manchester for an awful moment that she was going is afraid of her even though he’s about United fan. He played football but to suggest braces, but thankfully no. She five times bigger than her; when she nowadays this activity takes place at the also gave me my annual cat flu jab, but sees him she gives a loud screech and fluffs out her tail like a toilet brush. He back of his house where his opponents before any other procedures could take place, I jumped on a cupboard and tried just slinks away to a safe distance. M). are his two dogs, Betsy and Bonny. One to look fierce. It worked, and She was Those cats are left to run wild and not stops the ball, while the other pushes it given my flea and worming meds to minded and kept in at night like me. back to Patsy for another kick! Patsy administer at home. They are liquids also enjoys golf and spends well- Well, thank goodness it’s a year until my which are put straight on to my skin just next dreaded vet visit. Hopefully with deserved time in his mobile home in behind my ears. A weighing scales was thoughts of Christmas and maybe the Wexford with Mary and family, relaxing produced but there was no way I was Ugg boots this year, or maybe they have and enjoying time out breathing in the turning into a Weight Watchers cat. As I gone out of fashion, I will no longer sea air. had no intention of being handled and wake up to those awful nightmares. shoved back into my basket, Caitriona Sisters Cabrini O’Connell left the room and returned wearing big Toby and Anne Neylon green gauntlets up to her elbows. They Mary Tiernan

‘“Life, for all its confrontations, is the art of encounter”.[204] I have frequently called for the growth of a culture of encounter 25 capable of transcending our differences and divisions. This means working to create a many-faceted polyhedron whose different sides form a variegated unity, in which “the whole is greater than the part.”’ (no. 215). New Beginnings

influential ecclesiastical centres in monasteries sprang up in Clonmacnoise, Ireland. As a young man Finnian, Iona and because of Finnian’s St Finnian of founded three Churches in Ireland before influence at Clonard. his attraction to monastic life in Wales. Finnian died of the plague at about 549 Clonard He studied under St Cadoc at Lancarfan AD. On Finnian’s deathbed, he requested in Glamorganshire. Finnian later went to Colum, regarded one of the twelve Tours in France for further studies. He apostles of Ireland to come to see him. founded his first monastery at Aghadoe After Colum left Clonard, he spent some in Co. Wicklow. time on the Island of Cealtra in Lough Derg. From there, he went on to St Finnian visited St Brigid Terryglass in Co. Tipperary and founded Finnian went to visit St Brigid of Kildare a monastery. He attended Finnian on his and she presented him with a gold ring. deathbed where he received Communion At first, he refused to take it until Brigid and the last rites. assured him of its future value! Shortly after his encounter with St Brigid, St Finnian’s students continued to found Finnian went on to meet his friend other monasteries throughout Ireland Caisin. He told him that he needed an with Clonard as a major influence. ounce of gold to pay a ransom to the Clonard survived the Viking invasions King. Finnian gave Caisin St Brigid’s and the quarrels of the Irish Chieftains. gold ring who in turn presented it to the The great monastery was destroyed King, who granted Caisin freedom. during the suppression of the monasteries in the sixteenth century. St Finnian and Clonard St Finnian today Eventually Finnian went to Clonard in The magnificent stained-glass windows Co Meath, decided to settle there, and depict events from the life of St Finnian. The community of Clonard Co. Meath founded his most important monastery Life-sized wooden statues of St Finnian includes the parish of Kinnegad and around 515 AD. It became the most and St Etchen, carved in Italy, stand in Coarlstown, in the Diocese of Meath, significant monastic school of the sixth the Church. In addition, a marble statue Ireland. It celebrated the 1500th century. History states that Finnian and of St Finnian, located at the entrance to anniversary of the foundation of St his monks lived in individual huts or the graveyard, carved by the Italian Finnian’s monastery in Clonard in 2020. cells made of wood or wattles, which sculptor Carol Nicole, demonstrates St Clonard is located about 62km west of they constructed. The monastic buildings Finnian holding a torch, which is a Dublin, between the towns of Enfield included a Church. At Clonard, the symbol of his ministry. and Kinnegad on the N4. monks learned the art of writing old Irish in Latin script. Many monastic founders Finnian made his contribution to the St Finnian’s Early Life came to Clonard to learn from Finnian. development of Church discipline and His influence spread across Ireland, theology in Ireland. His role as tutor and St Finnian was born on the slopes of Britain, and Celtic Europe. At one time teacher distinguishes him. Mount in Co. Carlow, in a town more than three thousand monks studied land called Myshall. His father was in Clonard. Finnian became known as The Church in Clonard celebrates St Rudaigh, an Ulster noble and his mother the ‘Tutor of the Saints of Ireland’. Finnian’s feast day on 12 December with was Telach of Leinster. He was born in a three day Novena of Prayer. the last decades of the fifth century, the The Irish Church governed along time of establishment of Christianity in monastic lines under Finnian’s influence, Caroline Teehan Ireland. In the early decades of the sixth rather than under the rule of a Bishop. century AD, Finnian founded a Finnian himself was an Abbot as well as monastery in Clonard Co. Meath. At the a Bishop, and lived the order of day daily time, Clonard was part of the kingdom of similar to the monks. Twelve famous Leinster. This monastery would be one of Bishops educated in Clonard were; St the most important religious foundations Ciaran of Offaly, St Ciaran of in Irish history. Important bishops Clonmacnoise, St Colmcille of Iona, St studied under Finnian in Clonard. Patrick Brendan the Navigator, St Brendan of and other British and English Birr, St Colum of Terryglass, St Molaise missionaries established a diocesan of Devenish, St Cainnech of Aghadoe, St system to govern the church in Ireland. Ruadhan of Lorrha, St Mobhi of Glasnevin, St Suinell of Cleenish and St Many regard Finnian as the father of Ninnad of Inishmacsaint. Irish monasticism and call him the ‘Masters of the Saints of Ireland’. For a Finnian trained these young men and period of at least 700 years, Clonard was sent them out to proclaim the gospel one of the most important and most message to other areas. As a result, Stained glass window, Clonard

‘The image of a polyhedron can represent a society where differences coexist, complementing, enriching and reciprocally illuminating one another, even amid disagreements and reservations. 26 Each of us can learn something from others.’ (no.215). New Beginnings “…The acceptance of our children’s millennial attitudes” Cristita, Jojo and their family are from the Philippines. Cristita is a frontline worker in a hospital in South Dublin.

This is my story of how Covid time I want to tell everyone how great the “You are my hiding place. affected us in different ways; instead of Lord is and Our Blessed Mother. You always fill my heart with songs of fear, we find our Faith grows stronger Prayers are so powerful. A couple of deliverance and bigger than this Virus. nights ago in the middle of our zoom Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in rosary, Sarah, a front line worker with During the time of lockdown, I use my you. Covid transferred to the ward, she came I will trust in you. Let the weak say, time to connect and reflect on the Word off oxygen and is no longer on close I am strong in the strength of the Lord of God. My desire is to reflect God’s monitoring. Two frontline workers are blessings to people around us especially improving in health. We sang praises I will trust in you” to my family. last night. God is so good. I sang repeatedly, which helped me to When the second wave of the virus focus and do the right thing. Thanks be arrived, four members of the group got to God and the Blessed Mother, it’s as if it and one was brought to the hospital time flew by. where she was admitted for nine days. Our group did not stop praying the Rosary every night. One in her hospital First is the acceptance of our children’s bed, some at home in isolation. They millennial attitudes…even in the most were in the zoom meetings praying and challenging moments of their lives listening with us. when sometimes they think they know everything. I am pretty sure that this was the only way that we found strength, healing, Second is to love them unconditionally love and hope. On the ninth day, she Receiving the Vaccine as God’s love is limitless… in all they was discharged and we thought we will I had my vaccine today. We prayed last do even if we do not agree. Love takes just have to continue on our own private night. There was no fear- instead, trust away fear especially from a mother. prayers with the family for a little while. and surrender this vaccine to the Lord. We sang praises and hymns. God is so Third is Faith. God increases our faith It was a strange feeling waiting in the good. during this time of hardship. We pray queue in the big turnout of students and together at night-time. My husband and At the same day, another member of our agency staff. I was looking at everyone I talk about the words of God. We group received news that she too has when it was nearly my turn. I felt like surrender everything to our merciful contracted the virus. The Crusaders raising my hands, lifting them to God God. Through the intercession of our were back! We did not stop the rosary praising him. You are here and we are Blessed Mother, we pray the rosary and this family is now part of the going to receive your blessing. together. meetings. Cristita Manzano Moreover, from two people praying the We witnessed the healing. Our prayers rosary, we have five friends who joined were heard through the intercession of our rosary though the internet using the Blessed Mother. The Novena of Our zoom. One young parent from Cork and Lady of the Miraculous Medal after the the other parents are my colleagues Rosary was great. from work. The faith is growing without a doubt even to the point that one of our My experience on the Covid prayer members is not a Catholic. ward However, she is so interested that she is I have a short story: One day, I was told leading one decade of the rosary. Our to work at the COVID unit due to Blessed Mother is very close to our shortage of staff. I paused to say a short hearts. We find peace, strength, love and prayer and visited the chapel for the happiness in doing this every week and second time that morning. I prayed hard bring the blessings to our families. We “Lord, be with me today in all that I called our prayer group “Friends Rosary do.” With full PPE gear on me, it is hard Crusade”. We normally meet up on to breathe during long shifts. I kept zoom three times a week. ‘O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us singing hymns; who have recourse to you.’

‘No one is useless and no one is expendable. This also means finding ways to include those on the 27 peripheries of life. For they have another way of looking at things; they see aspects of reality that are invisible to the centres of power where weighty decisions are made.’ (no.215). New Beginnings

The Feast of St Vincent de Paul… 27-9-2020 What insights did St Vincent give to the Daughters of Charity in 1655 that are helpful for today?

The customary greetings for the feast follows a somewhat similar pattern of to assist you in carrying out God’s day of St Vincent de Paul arrived prior repetition, Vincent de Paul’s teaching Commandments.’ Later in the to the feast from Fr Tomaž Mavrič, CM style was never boring. In general, on conference, he said the aim was for the and Sister Francoise Petit, Superiors of reading a conference these points are Sisters ‘to help to save yourselves more the Company. Included with the familiar: easily.’ greetings were the latest updates on the • The reader situates oneself in the plight of persons who live daily in presence of Vincent de Paul and Vincent introduces the extreme poverty internationally. The Louise de Marillac with a group of Conference only consolation in reading about such Sisters gathered Firstly, Vincent tells the Sisters the situations reveals how members of the subject of the conference, ‘…on the Vincentian Family endeavour to bring • Vincent’s style is unique and he spoke reading of your Rules.’ Then he solace to those who suffer intensely. directly of the subject matter explains why he chooses the feast of St Such suffering is constantly the subject • Vincent addresses the Sisters and Michael to present the conference. On of the Daughters’ of Charity prayer and invites them to dialogue during the this day, the Church proposes ‘in the reflection. conference Gospel the imitation of little children… This feast offered time, even more so • He offers moments of catechesis an occasion for’ them ‘to ask God during lockdown to reflect and gain new through the conference through the merits of the Archangel to put’ them ‘in a special frame of mind to insights on St Vincent de Paul’s (1581- • He draws on the Sisters previous benefit from the conference.’ 1660) writings. Rules and restrictions knowledge and information as he are household words during these days presents to them Going to the heart of the conference, of pandemic. This prompted spiritual • Vincent praises the Sisters and Vincent proceeds with the obligation we reading on a conference, which Vincent challenges compassionately have ‘to give ourselves to God’ to de Paul gave to the Daughters of observe the rules well. He urges their • Vincent uses images and comparisons Charity on 29 September 1665. It is fidelity and outlines four reasons to do to hold the Sisters’ attention entitled ‘Explanation of the Common this. Firstly, it is to please God, to do Rules.’ (Vincent de Paul, • Vincent regularly quotes Sacred God’s will and for God’s goodness, joy Correspondence, Conferences, Scripture and pleasure. Secondly, he explains that Documents, 10, pp.86-99). St Vincent • Vincent is practical and emphasises when rules are kept that ‘things go very spoke regularly to the Ladies of Charity, the important virtues well in a house.’ Such rules he named the Daughters of Charity and to the as, ‘charity, mutual forbearance, • Vincent ends each conference with a priests of the Congregation of the humility and cordiality’, which help the prayer allowing for a summary and Mission of the importance of the Rules. Sisters to love God and their neighbour. intercession with God. The rules for St Vincent de Paul were a Thirdly, the Sisters keep the rules means to liberate the Ladies, Sisters and So what is the practical application of because they are easy. Fourthly, the Priests to serve. He said, ‘All your rules Vincent’s presentation of the rules are from God and the church has tend to this: they serve you as wings Conference of 1655, ‘Explanation of the accepted them. help birds to fly…Daughters of Common Rules?’ Charity…have their rules…and, far Vincent praised, encouraged from weighing them down, their rules, ‘Explanation of the Common and challenged when carefully observed, enable them to Rules.’ fly.’ (SV X, Conf.69, quoted in the Inviting them to keep the rules, he Constitutions). Vincent explained that at When Vincent presented this conference acknowledged the joy and pleasure they that stage in the Company they were in the month of September 1655, the gave to God. Vincent praised the senior working on the Rules for 25 years. They Little Company of the Daughters of sisters who worked so hard ‘to acquire Charity was 22 years old. One can were not to be taken lightly. graces for the Company.’ Then, he imagine the Sisters gathered around challenged them ‘to be more faithful to with Louise de Marillac as they listened God.’ On another occasion, he pointed About the Conferences in to Vincent and one another. The spirit is out the disorder that exists in general relevant today, as it was in 1655. At the monasteries where rules are not kept. St Vincent’s Conferences to the heart of the conference, Vincent speaks He speaks plainly, as he addresses laxity Daughters of Charity follow a particular of the aim of the Rules of the Company, setting into a community, ‘Then you structure. Though each conference ‘to help you [the Sisters] to improve and may well say, “Farewell to the

‘The word “culture” points to something deeply embedded within a people, its most cherished convictions and its way of life. A people’s “culture” is more than an abstract idea. It has to do with 28 their desires, their interests and ultimately the way they live their lives.’ (no. 216). New Beginnings

Daughters of Charity, Yes, Sisters as take on the role of pastors and Vincent quotes Sacred Scripture soon as you begin to ignore your Rules, mothers...pastors have the care of Because the Vincentian charism is you’ll have to have the funeral of your souls… you have to serve the sick poor rooted in the gospel, Vincent reminds Company.”’ While Vincent spoke about as pastors, fathers and mothers, the sisters of the words of Jesus (Mt sin in the conference, his greater procuring for them for soul and body all 11:28-30). God is always present and emphasis was on the love of God and the good you can because they have no encouraging them to lives of holiness in God’s unconditional love for each one. one else to care for them.’ In praise of accord with St Paul. Vincent warned the Rather than thinking they were their availability and mobility, he Sisters about trying to interfere with committing a sin by not keeping the further encourages them, ‘Continue as Our Lord’s plan. In stating how easy the rules he encouraged them; ‘to motivate you’ve begun Sisters…you’ve acted Rules were, he said this was in them to do their best’ and to please God. like children who trust their father.’ conformity with what Our Lord said in He encouraged the Sisters in their spirit the Gospel (Mt 11:28-30). of availability, ‘So get ready, Sisters and give yourselves to Vincent’s respect for Our Lord to go wherever it people may please him.’ Vincent praised the great Vincent catechises leadership of Mlle Le Gras (Louise de Marillac) for her In a moment of catechesis, observation of the rule, ‘by the Vincent speaks of the mercy of God and good Commandments and the leadership.’ During the Rules that complement each Conference Mlle Le Gras other in Sisters’ personal ‘whispered to Vincent’ that she lives. As always, Vincent had never seen any Sister disobey emphasises the importance of the rule of obedience ‘and that doing God’s will, pointing they had always been ready to always to the action of the come and go as soon as they Son of God. were told.’ To which Vincent replied, ‘Blessed be God, Sisters, Vincent uses images and I’m really consoled.’ comparisons In looking after the sick poor Vincent concludes the spiritually and corporally, Conference with a Vincent likened them to summary and prayer ‘pastors and mothers’ by In conclusion, Vincent says, getting to the heart of his ‘That’s all we are going to say subject. He compares the today.’ He asked for the Sisters’ sisters who live together in prayers and asked the Lord for community who live well and the grace for the Daughters of respect one another in Charity to remain faithful to their carrying out their vocation. On this occasion responsibilities, to families in Vincent prayed. the country, whom the sisters visit. When the children are “O Lord, grant that Your poor obedient and respectful to their parents, Vincent’s love for Company of Daughters, whom we receive into our other people edified by their behaviour, the Daughters of Charity Company as being sent to us by You, admire them. He used comparisons Vincent because of his great love for the may strive more and more to be when he wanted to explain things. Company admonishes any bad pleasing to You by the practice of the Vincent compares the lives of the behaviour that might cause destruction virtues You ask of them. This, dear Daughters of Charity to the Sisters of St to it. He warned them of Sisters, is what you must often ask of Thomas and the Carmelites. While the discouragement of one another; God, and I entreat him to give you the focus for these communities may be murmuring; criticising; causing laxity in grace of granting it to you.” high Mass, a particular diet, fasting and the Company. Sister Anne Neylon vigils, the Daughters of Charity prime focus is on visiting the sick and poor person. Vincent said the sisters ‘must

‘To speak of a “culture of encounter” means that we, as a people, should be passionate about meeting others, seeking points of contact, 29 building bridges, planning a project that includes everyone. This becomes an aspiration and a style of life. The subject of this culture is the people, not simply one part of society that would pacify the rest with the help of professional and media resources’ (no.216). New Beginnings Vaccines for COVID-19 on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary

the UK and Northern Ireland on 8 December 2020 when the first batch of vaccines were administered to those in greatest need. In almost symbolic gestational terms, the vaccine arrived nine months after the outbreak of the pandemic! Bringing forth new life and growth hurts and causes a shift in what has been in order to make space necessary. Such changes have not occurred in the world since World War II in terms of the necessity to grind so many aspects of life to a total halt in order to preserve life and to protect the most vulnerable in society. This has caused an enormous toll on the economic world and devastating toll on some industries. As every vehicle or war needs both a driving and carrying force that was found in intelligent leadership and a skilled and dedicated workforce. The burden laid on both of these bodies has been enormous with the reward being solely intrinsic. The rewards for A traditional depiction of the Immaculate Conception. international society, for the work of frontline workers and the (Credit: Stock image.) support of general society is evident in the growing control of The feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is probably infection and disease, even if with fluctuation throughout, the most misunderstood celebration as more often than not, it alongside the work of scientists that will lead us out of this is confused with the feast of the Annunciation! desert. The Immaculate Conception of Mary carries many messages Mary became worthy of the incarnation at conception for us and one that stands tall for me is the fact that God unknown to both herself and her parents. She was given choice provides when we need to deal with anything that will be at the annunciation to become the mother of our incarnate God. asked of us in life. Mary was born with a natural disposition to Mary chose to bring Jesus into the world by the will of God receive God incarnate into her being. This disposition was then and the power of the Holy Spirit. Her ability to do so was nurtured by St Anne and St Joachim within her devout Jewish inherent through the gifts received at her conception. heritage and their humility before God. We have been gifted suitably to deal with the challenges of our In this year, which will always be remembered as the year of time. Scientists are the vehicles that are providing the light that COVID, we have not arrived in this moment required to take will bring us into a new space, not back to what we were or the challenge on without skill, knowledge and endurance! We have known as there is no going back! We do not need to plot live in a time when education equips society to have more than the shape of the future ahead of what is necessary, but if we, an adequate number of scientists, doctors and caring/healing like Mary believe that we have the gift and ability we will find professionals to lead us out of this ‘plague’. Prophets and it on the path formed by each present moment, without the leaders live in every culture with the ability to deal with need to rush forward. I’d like to think that there is a promised adversities and to show the way towards the true light for the land in which we will arrive if we journey gently together from particular time and issue. The task for prophets and leaders is COVID and resist the temptation to return to where we came enormous and daunting when the risk to human life is great from! There is no going back! and responsibility for preservation of same is on their heads. Cathy Burke Acknowledged or otherwise, they are not alone. As God prepared Mary for her responsibility, so God continues to gift us with all that we need to be brave and forthright. From the moment that COVID-19 was announced as a pandemic the striving for effective vaccines was already under progress having commenced in the pre-cursor of SARS-1. The scientific gift needed was already inherent; it was already conceived where needed, was built on the heritage derived from SAR-1! The new, unborn life of the vaccine was being formed within a culture where it could be supported, tested and brought to fruition. It arrived at fruition and full inception in

‘Social peace demands hard work, craftsmanship. It would be easier to keep freedoms and differences in check with cleverness and a few resources. But such a peace would be superficial and fragile, not the fruit of a culture of encounter that brings enduring stability. 30 Integrating differences is a much more difficult and slow process, yet it is the guarantee of a genuine and lasting peace.’ (no. 217). New Beginnings Tribute to Sister Eileen Buckley DC 24 September 2020. Henrietta Street School is an integral spent working with and advocating for back of the Daughters of Charity house part of the Daughters of Charity people with intellectual disability to behind Henrietta Street’s crumbling Community Services. whom she was very committed and facades’. Two years later the dedicated. Prior to her retirement, Department asked for an extension of Mr Fergus Carpenter, Principal of Sister Eileen worked as Principal of St the project for another two years. They Henrietta Street School on the occasion Vincent’s Trust, Henrietta Street. said ‘yes’ to the initiative, pending the of Sister Eileen Buckley’s death in appointment of a ‘full time social 2020, sent a tribute to the Community The video contains interesting and worker and some part time teaching of the Daughters of Charity. significant footage of Sister Eileen, the help with literacy, craft and other Management, staff and students offered, staff and pupils and the life of Henrietta subjects.’ Today the school continues ‘Our sincerest condolence to Sister Street School. It also gives the with many success stories and pupils Eileen’s family and friends. She was the background to the school’s foundation. continue to be nourished, educated and founding Principal of the school. Her In 1990 the Daughters of Charity, whose nurtured in a stimulating environment. generosity, kindness and good humour St Vincent’s Trust provided a Fás For the current work of the school and are remembered by all.’ This tribute is Community Training Workshop for an account of the training and education accessible online by following this link older teenagers found there were so please logon to and it was compiled by Ann Ruane and many 13 and 14 year olds being referred Fergus. to them that they approached the Department of Education for funding to school/about start a school for the younger age group. HX7XXFuinkmbqIhuOfM7_gyzUrVB Fergus requested that this video be The Department of Education was Ll/view?usp=sharing distributed to anyone who knew Sister increasingly concerned at the time about Eileen. The Daughters of Charity are Sister Eileen spent many years in the the problem of early school leavers. So very grateful to Ann and Fergus for this ministry of Education within the schools in 1995, ‘two teachers, (Sister Eileen loving tribute. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a under the Trusteeship of the Daughters and Fergus Carpenter), a bean an tí and h-anam dílis. of Charity of St Vincent de Paul. Most 12 children came together for classes in of Sister Eileen’s teaching career was a cramped classroom and kitchen at the

Sister Eileen Buckley with the school community of Henrietta Street School

‘That peace is not achieved by recourse only to those who are pure and untainted, since “even people who can be considered 31 questionable on account of their errors have something to offer which must not be overlooked”. Nor does it come from ignoring social demands or quelling disturbances, since it is not “a consensus on paper or a transient peace for a contented minority.”’ (no. 217). New Beginnings I will be forever grateful… to share my wonderful photos.

Hi there, my name is Susanne Plummer and I will be forever grateful to get this opportunity to share my wonderful photos. I live very close to Corkagh Park, and I try to capture some very special things while I am out with my camera; as you know a picture is just a moment in time. I know this pair of swans for the past number of years and I never get tired watching them. Did you know that when swans mate they do so for life? They started building their nest this year in March. The female swan laid eight eggs. Both Mammy and Daddy incubate the eggs, which hatch out about 35-41 days later. During lockdown, I noticed that there were lots more people in the park and most of them throwing bread all around the nest. I was worried about the Swan because the bread attracted rats and the Heron was constantly hanging around the nest. I was there one day and I asked Archangel Michael to pour his blue light into her and surround the nest for protection to keep all safe. The Swan was staring at me and I really do believe she understood everything I was saying. Although I don’t own these Swans it’s the very same as someone talking to and about their pets. Every chance I got I went over to see her with some porridge oats. Most days when I arrived she would get up and move her eggs around and I think she felt safe to do this while I was there talking away to her. Friday the 1st May the first cygnet was born and over the weekend, another five followed; two eggs were infertile. They all remained on the nest and went into the water together on Monday 4th May. This to me is fascinating to witness. The swans are so elegant, graceful and very clever like all animals and if you are respectful towards them, they will give you a glimpse of their simple magical way of living. The welcome I get from them each time I see them is amazing. I have always said to my nieces Megan, Hannah, Lucy, Martha, Connie and my nephew Tom that the best things in life are free. I am extremely proud of them and can honestly say they all have a great appreciation for nature and all living creatures that surround us. Susanne Plummer

‘What is important is to create processes of encounter, processes that build a people that can accept differences. Let us arm our children with the weapons of dialogue! Let us teach them to fight the good 32 fight of the culture of encounter!’ (no. 217). New Beginnings BOOKS OF INTEREST

CORRESPONDENCE ‘GROW IN Charity. This has been so from the FROM THE PAPERS OF LOVE , IN THE foundation of Company in 1633. The Constitutions spell this out for their life CANON SHEEHAN OF PARISH 3 today. It speaks of ‘the participation of DONERAILE A Bridge between Home, the Little Company in the Church’s 188831913 School and Parish pastoral plan determined by the local Communities for First Ordinary and in the life of the local Smenos Publications, 2017 Holy Communion Children’ and Church’ (C.1d). James O’Brien corresponding newsletters. The Statutes define Religious Education Elaine Mahon as a priority of the Company. Daughters Veritas Publications (2020) of Charity are reminded that the ‘Marian 7-8 Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1, message of 1830 confirmed this mission, ISBN 978 1 84730 976 1 which the Sisters bear in mind in all their activities’ (S.8e).’ A fresh parish resource to enhance sacramental preparation Speaking of the presence of the Daughters of Charity, the Constitutions A significant and joyful day in family explain, that the ‘local community, a life is one where a child receives the living cell of the Church renders the Body of Christ for the first time when Company present wherever a Daughter he/she encounters the Risen Jesus in of Charity , united with her Sisters, lives Holy Communion. Jesus says, ‘Let the out her vocation’ (C.81). little children come to me’ (Mt 19:14). Jesus comes to the child, accompanied St Louise de Marillac, co-foundress of by the communities of family, parish and the Little Company with St Vincent de school. Paul saw prayer, meditation and catechism as a priority. In her writings Why might this parish resource be of she explained to the Sisters that ‘the interest to the Daughters of Charity? children’s parents give her this Family life and sacramental life hold responsibility’, that is to learn from the personal and communal priority in the Sister ‘the means to attain their life of the members of the Vincentian salvation’ (SWLM, A.91B). St Louise Family, including the Daughters of regularly spoke about the importance of Charity. The Church annually celebrates instruction of the young in their faith. the feast of the Holy Family, This new parish resource is valuable to Fr James O’Brien, Diocese of Cloyne, highlighting the importance of family. those interested in the new author of ‘the Correspondence from the From reading the lives of our Vincentian evangelisation. The pack comprises a papers of Canon Sheehan of Doneraile saints, one recalls the family stories of St series of 8 Parish Newsletters and an 1888-1913’ sent a gift of a copy of his Vincent, St Louise, St Catherine and explanatory book for leaders. The book to Sister Goretti for the community many others and the significant moment Church invites the collaboration of the library. The book is dedicated ‘In of receiving the Eucharist in their lives. three communities of parish, home and appreciation of Sister M. Vincent O’ Pastoral ministry including school. The pack is user friendly and Sullivan and to the Daughters of Charity accompanying families in faith is an attractive as it follows the Liturgical of St Vincent de Paul, Maynooth important ministry in the life of the Year. Prayer and faith activities outlined College’ (1905-1995). Vincentian family over time. in the newsletters invite families to Fr James writes about the Daughters’ of The Vincentian charism always valued prayer and active participation in their Charity ‘much valuable work for the home/school/parish partnership. St parish community. Ongoing prayer and clergy of Ireland for almost a century Vincent de Paul in the Charter reminds reflection help families to build up the and which sometimes might go unseen the Sisters that they have, ‘for monastery domestic church and prompt them to or unsung-in itself a tribute to the only the houses of the sick… for chapel, respond to Jesus’ call to discipleship. the parish church…’ (St Vincent, 24 success of their Vincentian vocation.’ The Daughters of Charity might support August 1659, “The Perfection Required this programme in pastoral ministry and We look forward to a review of this for Sisters in Parishes, etc., “X, most especially in their prayer ministry book in the next edition of New Conf.111). to families, remembering Pope Francis’ Beginnings and Sister Goretti is very The parish is traditionally a key place appreciative of Fr James’ kind words. words about the Church being the for the presence of the Daughters of ‘Family of Families’.

‘Approaching, speaking, listening, looking at, coming to know and understand one another, and to 33 find common ground: all these things are summed up in the one word “dialogue.”’ (no. 198). New Beginnings

The book contains a wide selection of There is value for money here. Each line poetry. On reading the poems, one can of poetry is loaded with meaning, in imagine the love and memory that addition to the copious endnotes the accompany each. Some poems are author provides. The Deliberations familiar and some not so. Kathleen reflect the work, study and prayer of the Watkins acknowledges her love for author on the lives of the saints. The poetry to the Dominican Sisters with simple lay out and style make the book whom she was educated. Kathleen is also reader friendly, as the content motivates a well-known harpist and folk singer and and guides and challenges the readers to in the short bio, the reader learns that lives of holiness. Fr Eamon provides a Kathleen was the first continuity reading list to encourage additional DUBLIN NATURE ON announcer on Teilifís Éireann in 1960. reading. The poems are in three sections. OUR DOORSTEP She is also author of the children’s’ series Poems are reader friendly and span the Pigín in . ‘One for Everyone’ will SUSANNE PLUMMER centuries to the present time. They are not go astray on any bookshelf. On first numbered; titled and some have a sub Ballyfermot and Festival Committee glance, a poem that caught my eye was heading. Throughout, the call to for assistance and publication (2020) ‘Friendship’ by Sean Brophy. It is good remember people, events, sport and to read and recall as a tribute to those Between the covers of this book there are cultural events, Scripture and the life of who died in Covid-19 ‘My Sister is not a the Church gives an insight into the not too many words, just a Foreword and Statistic’ by Dorothy Duffy. some Acknowledgements. Words may reflective life and experience of the not even do justice to the photographs author. He structures the poems in a way taken by the talented photographer, SAINTS, SCHOLARS, that encourages one to hear the call to the new evangelisation, to an appreciation of Susanne Plummer. In the Foreword, HEROES Susanne writes of ‘natural beauty’ as the Gospel and the Catholic Church. For ‘God’s everlasting gift to us.’ The Poems, example, the hope expressed in ‘Turning outdoors brings ‘happiness’ and ‘inner Commentary, Prose Point’ reads, peace’ to her day. She dedicates the book Reflections ‘Though runners in the stadium may to her ‘favourite people in the world’. Eamon Flanagan seem few… Susanne names the locations of the Kolbe Publications Yet, trust in the promise of a crown is captured images. One can only enjoy the (2020), Cork, colour and beauty of the birds and the On fire in new heroes who are Ireland. undaunted.’ animals in their respective environments. ISBN: Some of these photographs are submitted 9-780952-962724 It is hopeful that change comes ‘as a by Susanne to this issue of New sense of rolling evolution, as sunlight Beginnings. This book is valuable in a school, touches softly… silent footsteps’ College or Church library. The poems (Looking Towards a New Dawn). In this ONE FOR EVERYONE written from the heart in a spirit of true poem also, hope is expressed as ‘hungry hope permeates throughout. A remark on seekers… burning hearts admit famine in More Poems I Love this publication describes the poetry, the wilderness, of mere machine rule, ISBN: ‘The poems are scholarly and need to be drugs and traffickers.’ Within the cultural 978-0-7171-9023-2 pondered, but they do bring the reader to challenges including Covid, ‘Scholars... Compiled by new depths and insights.’ A second bring direction amid the waves of the Kathleen Watkins observation on the wide variety of deep.’ themes states it will ‘enhance the appeal Gill Books (2020) Hope is reflected in these lines, ‘But of the book to people of different faith can rise once again to the top; This book dedicated generations and backgrounds.’ to her husband Gay Reason, virtue, sound truth, prayer will Byrne is a second Fr Eamon Flanagan CM, author is a make vice stop’ (Decline, Fall, Hope). collection of poetry Vincentian priest living in Dublin. He The author is widely read and the compiled by Kathleen Watkins. Nikki lists all his publications at the end of the simplicity of style reflects his ability to Howard from Gill Books invited book. teach. The reader gleans knowledge and Kathleen to undertake this project of wisdom in each poem. Gospel values, selecting poems during cocooning time This book, with its attractive cover of right to life, human rights, love, creation, in 2020. The book cover is attractive, ‘Kilcoo, Co Down, with the Church to community, faith and mercy permeate displaying a spray of purple flowers in a the right of the picture and Gaelic games individual poems. The catechesis on the white vase. The title ‘One for Everyone’ pitches in the foreground’ will surely be Eucharist is inspirational (Mass the reflects the well-known chant on the of interest not least to the people of Co Centre of Life). The pandemic and ‘Late Late Show’ where Gay regularly Down and those interested in the isolation find place and the author is said, ‘one for everyone in the audience.’ sporting field. ever grateful in his isolation for

‘If we want to encounter and help one another, we have to dialogue.’ (no. 198). 34 New Beginnings

‘…prayer, hope, versions of Greek, This personal look at St Faustina’s life is THANK GOD FOR Friends, phone contact, programmes on an asset to accompany St Faustina’s MASS! Lyric.’ Diary. It is an easy and engaging read. It relates her life story and the story of her An interactive book to help children Mary, Mother of God is close to Fr vocation, during which she travelled like understand the Roman Catholic Eamon’s heart as is the Marian Shrine at many saints, ‘the royal road of the cross’. Christian Mass Knock. Simply, he says of the pilgrim Her Diary explains the sufferings she who was led there, ‘a place where all can Sue Ellis endured as she lived her spiritual and pray, and feel her outstretched hand’ Published and Printed by Quacks community life. People doubted her and (Knock, Sign for a New Era). The poems Books, York rejected her. God offered her consolation continue full of life, energy, hope, love, through her spiritual directors. She ISBN: 978-1-912728-20-6 gratitude and enthusiasm. endured much suffering as she tried to It is difficult to select a favourite poem replicate the vision of the image of from this compilation. The poem Divine Mercy. The struggle she ‘Remedy for Deepest Ills, Desire for experienced is similar to that of St Good’ speaks to me of the presence of Catherine Labouré experienced as she God. It reflects the author’s own responded to the call of the Blessed relationship and encounter with God, Virgin Mary in 1830 to have a medal ‘At all moments the Master is here, struck, which subsequently became delighted to greet us; known as the miraculous medal. Without appointment, we have the key to The book is structured in short sections his door, and the text is interspersed with There his friendship of life-likeness quotations from the Diary. Jesus speaks begins, and continues directly to Faustina throughout her life as To horizons of beauty, and new land of he explains her mission to her. All Jesus virtue to explore’. asks for is Faustina’s trust in his mercy. Congratulations Fr Eamon on this unique The author writes an outline of work and as you walk may ‘divine light’ Faustina’s Life, Spirituality and Legacy. rest on you. (True Fullness of Catholic She is a modern saint of the twenty first Life). century. There is a comprehensive ‘Thank God for Mass’, written by Sue FAUSTINA section on the spread of the Divine Mercy and Devotion and an account of Ellis teaches about the Mass in a child- friendly way. It confirms God’s unique SAINT FOR OUR TIMES St Faustina’s influence on the life of and personal unconditional love and the A Personal Look at Her Life, St John Paul II. In response to this call of positive impact the gift of faith can have Spirituality, and Legacy Divine Mercy and Devotion, the reader on one’s life. This interactive book helps Rev. George W. Kosicki, CSB with learns that trust in God is key. The children and family to understand the David C. Cam Divine Mercy prayers are included in the Mass. The book divided in sections and book, which encourages the reader to Marian Press 2016 subsections helps children to see keep it at hand daily. ISBN: 978-1-59614-226-8 progress on the journey by engaging in various activities. A proportion of profits The book is especially relevant during of the sale of this book will go to Youth this time of Covid. Many people can SVP and the Mini Vinnies at the SVDP only attend Mass on the webcam and Central Office in London. The book is receive a spiritual communion. For attractive, written in A4 size with just 10 many, not receiving the Eucharist at pages, the tenth page being a summary Mass leaves a void in life. St Faustina page. drew ‘all her strength and consolation’ from the Eucharist and so she teaches us ‘Thank God for Mass!’ is suitable for how to pray more fervently to Jesus, how age range 5-11 years. The author reminds to treasure the Body of Christ and to the readers that ‘helping somebody else appreciate the grace she received to fulfil along the spiritual journey helps you her mission. too.’ The book is a support to families in Ireland who accompany their children in This book is an interesting read and a faith in using the Grow in Love Religious source for prayer and reflection for one Education programme for Catholic whose heart is open to Jesus, Divine primary schools. Mercy.

‘Some people attempt to flee from reality, taking refuge in their own little world; 35 others react to it with destructive violence.’ (no. 199). New Beginnings

The book encourages an active GUIDING LIGHTS participation in the Mass with the focus CALENDAR 2021 on a ‘Look’, ‘Listen’, ‘Things for you to do’ structure. The illustrations are apt Blue Mountain Arts and placed strategically on each page. ISBN 5-059-105-048955 The angel emoji used as bullets provide motivation for activity. Individual This colourful and attractive calendar images represent the ‘Look’ and ‘Listen’ engenders positivity for each month of features. the year. During this time of pandemic one might spend time admiring the A word of welcome introduces the colour and reflecting on uplifting CHURCH ART Mass. Readers listen to God’s Word messages. Douglas Pagels wrote the CALENDAR 2021 and give thanks. Instructions are simple, reflections using a personal handwritten clear and concise. Activities are child style of font. The reflections and images Virgo Potens Office and family friendly and it is a fact that will motivate a person to live each day Daughters of Charity we all learn best by doing. Prayer is to its fullest. There are challenges for central, both the prayers of the Mass each month to keep one in a mind frame 10 Henrietta Street and additional prayers. This book will of positivity and to build self-esteem. help develop skills of religious literacy Dublin 1, D01 VP11. as outlined in the Glossary and IRELAND NEEDS Christmas or New Year wouldn’t be the highlighted in red throughout the book. FATIMA same without a copy of the ‘Church Art Calendar.’ This simple A5 calendar fits The book has possibility to foster an 2021 CALENDAR neatly into an envelope for postage. It interest in the Mass. To enhance the follows the same format year in year out skills of religious literacy further 365 days with Mary and yet, that feature is what makes it vocabulary might be included e.g. use most attractive. All may not agree. of the word ‘lectionary’ in Section 3. However, the image of Mary Instead of using the words ‘Offertory Immaculate on the front cover reminds Procession maybe the ‘Presentation of readers of the first day in January being Gifts’ relating to offering oneself with a special day in honour of Mary, the Jesus to the Father might be introduced. Holy Mother of God. It may be possible also within the range of vocabulary to introduce ‘The The first pages of the calendar explain Eucharistic Prayer’ and the ‘Dismissal the history of the miraculous medal, Rite.’ both its historical and spiritual side. The two sides of the miraculous medal are We wish the author Sue Ellis every displayed. The stories of the Green good wish, as she desires ‘to nurture my This freely distributed A4 calendar is Scapular and the Red Scapular make [her] own faith and the faith of all the produced by ‘Ireland Needs Fatima’ interesting reading and reflection. This children in our parishes across the is a call to members of the Vincentian world.’ It would be beneficial for copies Family to stock up with medals and The calendar seeks to promote devotion of this book to be available for purchase scapulars for blessing and distribution- a to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to Our by families. Sue is also the author of great means of evangelisation. In Lady of Fatima and family life. It is other children’s books. You can contact addition to having all the feast days, colourful and each month shows a Sue at [email protected] holidays of Obligation and Bank picturesque scene from various places in Holidays marked, the calendar includes Ireland. On each scene an image of Our twelve Scripture passages accompanied Lady of Fatima is superimposed and a by Church Art images. These Bible quote from a popular saint. Two images passages might encourage further Bible of the Sacred Heart of Jesus are on CALENDARS study, prayer or reading. The Church display. A reflection for each month is Art images are suitable for a Visio A year rarely passes that one does not quoted from, ‘Sacred Heart of Jesus: Divina prayer session. get at least one calendar as a gift or a Salvation of Families and Society’ by Christmas stocking filler. Three came Guido Vignelli. Also included are The The back cover of the calendar my way this year and all three are 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart and a advertises the Association of the valued. quote from Pope Pius X1 Encyclical, Miraculous Medal (AMM). A notice Quas Primas. also printed invites pilgrims to the annual pilgrimage to Our Lady’s Shrine, Knock, Co Mayo on Saturday 11 September 2021. Hope to see you there!

‘Yet “between selfish indifference and violent protest there is always another possible option: that of dialogue. Dialogue between generations; dialogue among our people, for we are that people; 36 readiness to give and receive, while remaining open to the truth.”’ (no.199). New Beginnings Welcome to the New Normal…. at Mount Prospect.

Greetings from the Community of Sisters here in Mount safe distance, wear your mask when attending appointments.’ Prospect, Clontarf. This community comprises 19 Sisters who All the Sisters are grateful to the Covid team for instilling the strive each day to live out their vocation as Daughters of mantra in the consciousness of all. In addition, this Covid team Charity ‘given to God, in community for the service of the supports the sanitisation of all areas throughout the house poor.’ Many of the Sisters have spent their lives in a variety of several times a day with great earnestness, keeping the virus active ministries. They now enjoy their retirement in suppressed. community and are very focused on their prayer ministry. Gratitude is the only the word we can express to the dedicated To quote from St Paul to the Romans 8:35-37, ‘Who will Sisters and staff who are untiring in their efforts to keep separate us from the love of Christ? Will affliction or distress everyone safe. This is a challenging time and particularly as or persecution, or hunger or peril or the sword or Covid-19 - some Sisters tend to forget the information after a few minutes. Yet in all this we are conquerors through Him who has granted us His love.’ The community is fortunate to enjoy adequate space and they can easily maintain a 2-metre distance in the chapel, dining Since the end of February 2020, the community of Sisters in room and sun lounge. To facilitate this space, the daily routine Mount Prospect experienced solidarity with the Province even has changed with two meal settings for dinner and supper. though the Covid restrictions were in situ. Each day we participate in Mass on the webcam. We are fortunate to travel The beautiful landscaped gardens have enabled the community virtually to many churches nationally and internationally! We to cope with lockdown. God’s creation is alive in the changing receive Holy Communion daily, thanks to our Vincentian seasons, yielding beautiful colours, sensory plants, shrubs and brothers from St Paul’s, Sybil Hill who consecrate the flowers yielding magnificent scents. Many Sisters enjoy a ciborium of hosts each week during their daily Mass in the daily walk of 120 steps in a full circle; quite a lot if one has chapel. A Sister then collects the consecrated hosts from St mobility problems. The birds serenade the community through Paul’s. We also reserve the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel in the day and with interest and excitement, the Sisters identify Mount Prospect. Each day, the Sisters thank God for all the the variety of birds in the garden as they fly to the bird feeders. blessings they receive in community. They also pray for the intentions of the Sisters at home and internationally. Most On dry, sunny days, some Sisters enjoy morning coffee and especially, prayer is offered for frontline workers and for afternoon tea in the garden. Occasionally, when a strong blast scientists, that they may soon find a vaccine to rid the world of of wind comes it plays havoc with the now long hair! the pandemic. Up to the month of November 2020, the Sisters have Our Lady is patron of the house, called Immaculate accompanied six of their companions through the end of life Conception House. The Sisters show devotion to Mary, Mother journey. Each one had an underlying medical condition. The of God by praying the Rosary each day and by celebrating her time of death is always a sacred time. Sisters experience the many feasts. A beautiful statue stands in the chapel, which sacred space as they walk on holy ground to await the Lord’s came for Dunmanway, Co. Cork a former house of the call. It is a privileged occasion to accompany Sisters in their Daughters of Charity. Sisters recite the Novena, in honour of final hours. What has been most difficult is that none of the Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Sisters can attend their companions’ funerals.

Every resident in the house knows the following mantra at this Sisters appreciate the ongoing support and visits offered by stage and all are very compliant: ‘wash your hands, use your Sister Goretti Butler, Provincial and the leadership team. They tissues, maintain good coughing and sneezing etiquette, keep a also welcome family letters and phone calls. Sisters from local communities also offer support. God blesses our community with people who work on our behalf, such as, a great staff, the HSE, Public Health in Clontarf and of course the GP.

We continue to pray for all of you who read this article as we reflect on the words of Scripture, ‘For who can separate us from the Love of God?’

The Sisters in Mount Prospect

‘Dialogue is often confused with …: the feverish exchange of opinions on social networks, frequently based on 37 media information that is not always reliable. These exchanges are merely parallel monologues. But monologues engage no one, and their content is frequently self-serving and contradictory. ’ (no.200). New Beginnings

Good News of House Building and Education in Kitale and Thigio, Kenya… Good News of House Building and The roof leaked in the rainy season. pastor who saw her struggling with Education in Kitale and Thigio, Her landlord asked her to find another paying house rent, buying food and Kenya… house because she was unable to pay paying fees for her children. The pastor her house rent of 1000/- monthly. referred her to the Daughters of Charity ‘The Famvin Homeless Alliance is a and after assessment, they discovered Vincentian Family global initiative Since M. had nothing to pay for a new that A. had a small piece of land where supporting established and emerging house; her house was locked. She was it was possible to set up a small house homelessness initiatives across the forced to move to her sister’s house in a for her family and so be relieved from globe.’ The Alliance understands nearby village. Her family was too big paying house rent. The pastor offered to ‘homelessness as those living on the to join with her sister’s family and this support her with posts and labour, while street, refugees and those displaced caused her great stress. The Sisters did the Daughters supported her with iron from their home, and slum dwellers in an assessment and found that she had a sheets and nails. The Sisters also inadequate housing.’ To read more piece of land where she could build a supported her to build a descent latrine about the Homeless Alliance see house for her family. Because she had because her land is in a marshy area. In no money the community built her a such a situation, latrines are dug locally three roomed house of 20 iron sheets Latest news from the Association of and are very shallow and fall easily. that fits her family well. They also International Charities (AIC) Normally people living in this area helped her to dig a pit latrine and built a build more than two latrines in a year. In November 2020, Dee Mansi, slab on it. She is now a happy woman A. was very happy on three accounts; updated the ongoing work to combat with her children well accommodated. she no longer pays house rent, she homelessness in Kitale, Kenya. She The community supports her also with received training in income generating summarised the collaborative work of food during this pandemic. M and her activity and she received startup funds Kiroho International with the family are so grateful. to start small business. Association International Charities, (AIC) UK and the Irish DCs in S. and his siblings are very hardworking Kenya. Dee reported this good news in school. S. sat for his final also to the 13 Houses Co-ordinator of examinations in secondary school and the FAMVIN Homeless Alliance. A attained a C+, which enabled him get an photo of the completed house in admission into Maseno University, to do Kitale and a summary of the a degree of Bachelor of Science beneficiaries follows. News from (Biochemistry). S’s mother is unable to Sister Deborah in Thigio told of the pay for his fees. She requested help for delay of building 2 houses because of S. to continue his education. The M’s house the pandemic. The community and community supported her. This family collaborators look forward to starting is in a big need and S. might miss this the building. opportunity. Sister Mary Holland reported on Mercy Kashagira student fees for education. This Youth social worker. continues to be a challenge in less SAMPLE FEE KENYAN well-off countries. BREAKDOWN FOR SHILLING ONE STUDENT A new house for M. and her family FIRST SEMESTER 28,250 M. is a mother of 5 children and a SECOND SEMESTER 20,000 guardian of her sister’s daughter. She The flooring is underway. THIRD SEMESTER 20,000 separated from her husband who left her in a rented house. The Daughters of A Young Man’s desire for FOURTH SEMESTER 20,000 Charity community first heard of this education ACCOMMODATION/ 88,000 lady through one of the mobilisers who S. is a second born son in a family of 5. other expenses saw her struggle to pay her house rent. The Daughters of Charity helped S’s She lived in a small house with her TOTAL 176.250 mother A. a widow, to start selling children. The house was in a poor vegetables in town. The Sisters came to Note: 1 Kenyan Shilling equals 0.0077 condition and almost falling down. know about A. and her family through a Euro

‘Lack of dialogue means that in these individual sectors people are concerned not for the common good, but for the benefits of power or, at best, for ways to impose their own ideas…Round tables thus become 38 mere negotiating sessions.’ (no.202). New Beginnings

In the Bakery with Sister Rosemary Awor and Nancy Nancy and I work in the bakery with some young people. I work there two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday on the baked products. Nancy works five days. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday they prepare doughnuts. We opened a shop in town, which is a joint business with the Women’s Empowerment Project selling materials for different uniforms.

‘Baking is done out of love, to share with family and friends, to see them smile.’

Ready for sale! ‘Bake the world a better place’

‘It’s all about a balancing act between time, temperature and ingredients: That’s the art of baking.’

‘Cake is the answer.’

‘A basic rule of baking is that, in general, it’s almost impossible to make an inedible Fresh Swiss Roll… batch of brownies.’ ‘The heroes of the future will be those who can break with this unhealthy mind-set and determine 39 respectfully to promote truthfulness, aside from personal interest. God willing, such heroes are quietly emerging, even now, in the midst of our society.’ (no.202). New Beginnings Inaugural Misean Cara Climate Action Award

Dinah Chenangat, the Women’s best farming methods to gain a good 5,000 seedlings at Kshs 20) was that she Empowerment Coordinator, for harvest. She is dedicated to making gained Kshs 1 00,000 equivalent to almost four years, received the follow up visits that entail long walks to 1,000 Euro. From the cash earned, she Individual Inaugural Misean Cara reach families in interior places, as the purchased a posho mill (flour milling Climate Award (2020) through the motor bikes have drop off points. She machine) by adding the balance from Daughters of Charity. Dinah’s project completes the rest of the journey on her other IGA. Burning trees for entitled ‘Chepnyal Development foot. Dinah has also worked practically charcoal was one of the means to earn a Project’ is located in West Pokot, with the women to demonstrate planting living for women and the impact now is Kenya (Project Portfolio Code: tree seedlings, preparing kitchen that no women in this area are burning D01/KEN/2012/02). We are grateful gardens and constructing chicken trees for charcoal. to Sister Geraldine Henry who houses. submitted this informative and Harvesting Rainwater inspiring article. In Sook Division, there were four landslides recently due to torrential The women know the importance of Dinah’s nomination arose for her rains. Following the landslides, people harvesting rainwater and have small achievements for work in the interior saw the need to plant trees, and not to Ken tanks to store water from the roof village. The project continues in a cultivate on sloppy areas to prevent soil gutters into their tanks. Forty women second village for a duration of three erosion and further landslides. When harvest rainwater in this way and years. Follow up continues in both women joined the Income Generating purchased their tanks from their IGA interior villages: Activity (IGA) groups, their concern profits. Other women collect water from grew about the loss of trees for charcoal streams and 70% are now boiling their • To monitor and assess the outcomes; production. water prior to drinking. The impact is • To monitor the impact of inputs they have seen a reduction in water given Tree Nurseries borne diseases. Climate change, i.e. too • To recognize profits made and how much rain or severe drought caused Dinah introduced other methods of economic disruption in local they are spent. The women are earning a living rather than destroying motivated to pay back a small communities leaving people with little trees. She met the women twice a week, or no yield. Too much rain has caused amount of money loaned to them to for three years and the impact of inputs sustain the project. soil erosion reducing the fertility of land given on climate change motivated 14 under cultivation. women to plant tree nurseries. The The Women’s development project is women became advocates for climate situated interiorally in Sook location Better Farming Methods change by encouraging other women in villages, West Pokot County, Kenya. their local communities to plant trees. The women in interior villages learned Dinah worked with women in these Fifteen women gave feedback relating to use better farming methods, i.e., interior villages by highlighting the to other women who planted trees, terraced farm to prevent soil erosion and effect of climate change in relation to though are not members of the group. to use safe fertilizer using chicken biodiversity. She is a committed worker, The total number of tree seedlings manure, manure from cows, sheep and has great integrity and assists women in planted in the tree nurseries was 33,750. goats. Some people breed rabbits and advocating for their rights through the They sold 30,180 tree seedlings and use their urine as a natural chemical local government and through the planted the rest in their farms. They fertilizer. Annual crop rotation allows Chiefs. She is compassionate, a good received twenty shillings per seedling for food security. Now, they utilize their listener and always ready to go the extra and got Kshs 603,600 equivalent to farms to plant local vegetables, mile. She seeks justice with/for the 6,036 Euro. These women were potatoes, onions, tomatoes and sweet women. The women have high regard motivated to plant trees to replace all potatoes. Rains are now harder to for Dinah, as she is a Pokot lady herself. the trees they had cut down to burn predict as climate change has affected Dinah is a married woman with four charcoal. Through inputs on climate reliable rain. Local radio advises children and well understands women’s change, they realized they could get women to listen to weather updates. needs. She was successful in sensitizing more profits through tree seedlings. The women in relation to the importance of outcome was 79 women in the IGA Income from fruit and planting trees, terraced farming groups have taken initiative to plant vegetables methods, using drip irrigation, water trees in the farms, planting 9,220 tree Women gain an income by selling fruits harvesting and knowledge on climate seedlings. The impact of this project for like mangoes, oranges, lemons and change. In addition, Dinah gives input one woman (who has a nursery of avocadoes. They never realized this on the importance of food security and 20,000 tree seedlings, and who sold could provide an income. One woman

‘Authentic social dialogue involves the ability to respect the other’s point of view and to admit that it may include legitimate convictions and concerns. Based on their identity and experience, others have a contribution to make, 40 and it is desirable that they should articulate their positions for the sake of a more fruitful public debate.’ (no.203). New Beginnings said, ‘I never knew lemons could give me an income as I gave them out to my neighbors and children who came to take what they wanted. Last year I looked for a market and I received Kshs. 8000 from my sales. This assisted me to pay school fees for a child in secondary school.’ Seventy-seven women are engaged in kitchen gardening to earn a living and to improve the nutritional status of their families. During drought periods, the women use sprinkle irrigation. This ensures a continuous produce when vegetables are scarce and demand is high, and prices increase, making them gain more profits. Seventy-nine women are engaged in multiple IGAs that enable economic stability. If one IGA is not effective, they gain from the other.

Well done Dinah! Dinah-Women’s Coordinator Dinah and the Women

‘Co-incidence is God’s way feed their horses! Pope Clement VIII asked Lawrence to get help from the princes of Europe to form a crusade to protect of remaining anonymous.’ Catholic Europe. The German princes managed to muster 18,000 men, but when they learned their fight would be Albert Einstein against 80,000 on the opposing side, they baulked, believing St Lawrence of Brindisi (1559-1610), feast day celebrated on they couldn’t possibly have a victory. St Lawrence, having 21 July, was from Brindisi, in Southern Italy. His parents died faith that could move mountains, said that victory would be when he was young and he was educated by his uncle in St theirs and he led the troops into battle in Hungary (where at Mary’s College, Venice. At 16 years of age he joined the the time the Ottoman Empire had a holding) against the Capuchin Order of the Franciscans. He studied theology and 80,000 riding his horse against the troops while holding a philosophy at Padua University. Ordained a priest at 23 years large crucifix aloft, and his faith was rewarded! The opposing old, he was gifted and capable and was fluent in 6-7 side lost 30,000 men and retreated to the other side of the languages. Pope Clement VIII asked Lawrence to preach to river Danube. the Jews in Italy. This he did using the Hebrew language. His The next amazing coincidence was that this battle was fought Hebrew was excellent, hence the Jews thought he was of in 1601: the same year as the battle of Kinsale, in which Red Jewish origin! He was also renowned for his sense of Hugh took a courageous stand even though this battle was compassion and his administrative skills. lost. Success accompanied any battle led by St Lawrence! On researching the life of St Lawrence, I learned in the daily The next coincidence: After the Battle of Kinsale, Red Hugh news that archaeologists in Spain were doing a dig in the went to Spain to ask King Philip III to send more military aid ruins of a Franciscan Church there to find the remains of Red to Ireland. Red Hugh died on Hugh O’Donnell. Looking at dates, I realised St Lawrence this mission at 29 years of (1559-1619) and Red Hugh O’ Donnell (1572-1610) were age. King Philip afforded him contemporaries. Whilst they didn’t know one another, they a royal funeral. In 1619 also, had much in common. Both stood up to the empires of their St Lawrence went to Spain to day. Red Hugh stood up to the empire that was bullying request aid from King Philip Catholic Ireland (to know what that was like, read the lives of for the people of Napoli who the 17 Irish martyrs especially that of Bishop Dermot were also suffering from O’Hurley who was Bishop of Cashel at that time). He oppression (not from the suffered an appalling death and now buried in Dublin in the Ottomans but from the Duke ruins of St Kevin’s Church, located in St Kevin’s Park of Osuna). St Lawrence also between Camden Street and what was the Meath Hospital. died on his similar mission St Lawrence stood up to the Ottoman Empire, which was on his 60th birthday. threatening to overrun Europe, bragging that the altar in St Etáin Nic Cinngamhna Peter’s Basilica in Rome would be turned into a manger to

‘There is a growing conviction that, together with specialized scientific advances, 41 we are in need of greater interdisciplinary communication.’ (no.204). New Beginnings Shielding and Cocooning during Covid 19 - a Belfast Experience.

In Belfast we experienced at first hand detectives to comedy to environment and It’s been a difficult few months for the effects of the corona virus when we travelled the world in a couple of everybody and we continue to pray every Alice’s sister–in–law, Rose, contacted the hours which brought light relief. day for all those affected by the virus and virus in England and sadly passed away. for those working on a vaccine. We each Church services on the internet gave us Due to restrictions, Alice was unable to have our part to play, especially during the privilege of sharing in the Eucharist travel to London but we joined her these unprecedented times as Pope in many parts of Ireland and beyond and brother Frank and the family for the Francis so aptly puts it: we acknowledge appreciation. Funeral Service online. This was a very “I am a mission on this earth; that is the difficult time for Alice. On four consecutive Wednesdays we had reason why I am in the world. We have a ‘crash’ course on Reality Therapy. This During the first lockdown, we each to regard ourselves as sealed, even was a totally new subject for us and we decided to undertake some branded, by this mission of bringing learned much, so much so, that we were activity/hobby that would give us new light, blessing, enlivening, raising up, presented with certificates at the end of life during these unprecedented days of healing and freeing”. the course … no external examiners! Covid 19. We greatly appreciated the The Sisters in Belfast. fine weather which allowed us to enjoy One member of the community decided walks in the Falls Park, Lady Dixon Park to re-read the letters of Vincent and and other beauty spots in Belfast. Louise and shared her insights with all of us, this was enlightening. We heard We offer you some of the fruits of our details of correspondence between them labour … knitting and crochet, painting, we either never heard of or had forgotten cooking, planting seeds and growing about. We appreciated that sharing. vegetables. Our apple tree produced much fruit this year. We spent hours Early in the lockdown, the parish priest picking, and peeling apples but it was of Corpus Christi embarked on a worth it when we produced the most traditional custom of taking the Blessed appetising apple tarts. Our neighbours Sacrament around the streets of the were also the recipients of apple tarts and parish. We were in the car behind the they were very appreciative of the kind open car carrying the priest with the and unexpected gesture. Blessed Sacrament. One sister drove while the others sang the hymns and We even tried our hand at hair cutting! recited the rosary via the loud speaker. It (The hair salon will not open until 2022) was very moving to see the people Being on lockdown gave us the outside their houses, kneeling or standing opportunity to keep in touch with people, - showing such reverence as the Blessed both in the local parish and Corpus Sacrament passed by. Many families had Christi, who were living on their own, prepared altars and joined in the rosary and many joyful and sad conversations and sang the hymns. On a sunny Sunday took place. It was amazing what a simple it was a grace - filled occasion and no phone call meant to people. Through our doubt was a spiritual boost for the parish contacts with Depaul, the Peoples’ at such a depressing time. Kitchen, the A.I.C. and the primary Like so many people, we became school we reached out to families who familiar with the workings of Zoom and needed help. Facebook. This enabled us to attend Every evening we had a Holy hour to meetings, give a retreat, deliver and pray for all those affected by the Corona participate in courses online. We prayed virus, and we joined our neighbours in Compline, did Thought for the Day and the street on Thursday evenings to gave a Presentation on Laudato Si’ with applaud our front line workers. members of St. John’s parish in the Falls Road. On a lighter note, we had a film night (without the popcorn) once a week For the feast of Our Lady of the having taped a repertoire of films from Miraculous Medal we organised a the television. These varied from Triduum in St Teresa’s parish.

‘In today’s globalized world, “the media can help us to feel closer to one another, creating a sense of the unity of the human family which in turn can inspire solidarity and serious efforts to ensure a more dignified life for all… The media can help us greatly in this, 42 especially nowadays, when the networks of human communication have made unprecedented advances.”’ (no. 205). New Beginnings ‘Say Yes to the Light’

each other and nature to sustain us. Love Your neighbour as yourself. Who lives within five km of your home and is this where you want to be for the rest of your life? Births, deaths and marriages have continued in a simpler way. Had life become bigger and better or all a bit too much? There is a simplicity now to life that must have been what life was like Image taken from the in our 80's childhood. Simpler times, simple pleasures, happier with less, and As the nights close in we have to dig But it was the 'Corona Friendships' or I don't think that is a bad thing. No one deep to keep hope alive in the midst of seeing God in the people we met also rushing anywhere. No grand plans to this pandemic. Level five restrictions outside trying to get some fresh air and boast off. We must find and relish the coupled with less hours of day light, exercise that kept us going. Eamon was simple joy in each day and be in the will further challenge us to see God in also watching the water hen on his moment as children are. Slowing down all this mess. We learned from Fr. cigarette break from the office. The has made us a better people. It has Brendan on his Zoom session entitled Grandad bringing his grandchildren up forced us to stop and take stock. As we 'Ten Ignatian Tips to Survive to exercise in the grounds of Corpus bubble up there is a newness in the old Lockdown' that we must find the Christi Church. His wife Mary and I routine. We took so much for granted in nuggets of gold in each day and be often prayed the Angelus at six o' clock. our hurry to be always going grateful for them. How can we find the The children climbing trees once they somewhere. nuggets of light as the water muddies were free, the tightrope walker giving and we all must fight the darkness and turns to the children on his practice The Declan Nerney song surmised my hold on until the dawn where the light rope, the little kindnesses that kept us first weeks of lockdown, 'Oh stop the calls us outside? Trouble is, it is always going. The day a neighbour rang the world and let me off, I'm tired of going darkest just before the dawn. bell and dropped in a colouring book round and round!' For this second phase with magic markers. Another neighbour as we again slow down our lives we will We as a family have had our share of dropped off freshly harvested potatoes, remember in November those who have suffering or desolation as Brendan green beans and peas. The gone before us in this last year and past mentioned. It was already a bumpy year conversations on the road. The day in years and get out in the daylight before with a painful miscarriage and our May when my Dad landed up from coming in to hibernate and rest in the family and marriage was on rocky Cavan with Easter eggs for his solitude of the November nights. Let us ground as a result of all the trauma of grandchildren. When we met at the front reach out with a doorstep call, or drop grief. door I cried as the children grabbed the off a warm meal, or slice of homemade Easter eggs. Then while devouring them cake, write a card or letter to keep the When the first lockdown hit it was at the table asked Grandad, 'Can we hug love flowing between us as we share our almost a relief to step away for the you? But what about the Corona Virus?' struggles and experiences of living in world to the safety of our home. 'Ah go on' he replied. I cried as I the second wave of the pandemic. Looking back, on lessons we learned watched them embrace. On a trip to Connect to a zoom Mass or exercise that were helpful as a family when town on the bus with Anna in August class and say yes to the light as Jesus bedtime descended in to bedlam as our 'Mammy I don't like your mask. I can't knocks on our hearts and is the leading children were not tired enough to sleep. see your smile.' Will we emerge anew light in this strange time. As the days lengthened we were at the from the masks or will this virus sully Amanda Smith exact opposite to the time we face into our smiles? now. No school, or playschool, no structure so we tried to get out at least We are an Easter people once a day in the afternoon whatever the who will rise again as Jesus weather and exercise as a family. We did. The early apostles were cycled together and discovered new afraid in the room yet the places to spend time in our Holy Spirit gave them the neighbourhood. A water hen down a courage to go out and little cul de sac on a meander in the spread the good news. We River Tolka nested and laid her eggs. have grown in appreciation We counted daily as the eggs increased. of our interdependence on

‘The internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity. 43 This is something truly good, a gift from God.’ (no. 205). New Beginnings Uyo: Nigeria-Sisters bring inclusive education to children with and without disabilities

This article was first printed on the Global Sisters Report website s/ministry/news/sisters-bring-inclusive- education-children-and-without-disabili ties The Global Sisters Report (GSR) website is educational and popular. ent/about-global-sisters-report Sister Scholastica Achinkumbur sings for Sister. Martha Oko uses sign language to The website describes GSR as ‘an the pupils at St. Vincent’s Centre for teach pupils at St. Vincent's Centre for independent, non-profit source of news Inclusive Education Inclusive Education, and information about Catholic sisters difficulties. Done and Mfoniso cheerfully and the critical issues facing the people join in. they serve. Our network of journalists report about their lives and works, Done, Mfoniso and others like them and sisters write commentaries from benefit from an inclusive education their perspective.’ Regular bulletins offered by the Daughters of Charity of St. are accessible through social media Vincent de Paul, whose mission is to platforms. These bulletins are well exclude no one on grounds of disability, worth browsing and reading to keep language, gender, ethnicity or any other readers in touch with the lives of barrier to a full education. people who live in poverty and those Nigeria offers few schools for children Sister Scholastica Achinkumbur, the who serve them. The following article with disabilities. As a result, many of administrator of St. Vincent's Centre for Inclusive Education printed on 5 November 2020, includes them end up staying at home while some photographs and is the work of resort to begging on the streets. Society with those children that have challenges. journalist, Kechukwu Inuome. makes matters worse when it struggles to So as they grow, what they meet in the society will no longer be a new thing."’ Sisters bring inclusive education to accept them. (Please continue to read the wonderful children with and without disabilities "The essence of making this school work of Sr. Scholastica Achinkumbur ‘Uyo, Nigeria — On a cloudy July inclusive is to meet the educational needs and Sr. Martha Oko following this link). morning in 2019, Sr. Scholastica of children with disabilities," said Achinkumbur, who is also the Achinkumbur stands at the entrance of s/ministry/news/sisters-bring-inclusive- St. Vincent's Centre for Inclusive administrator of the center, "and help children [without disabilities] at their education-children-and-without-disabili Education to welcome students ties accompanied by their parents. tender age to learn how to live together Soon to arrive are Mfoniso Akpan, 10, and Done Kufre, 5, who both have cerebral palsy, a group of permanent movement disorders that appear in early childhood. Achinkumbur collects Done from a man who had carried him into the centre and seats him on a couch in the reception area. She calls Sr. Martha Oko, who picks up the 5-year-old in her arms to go to class. Achinkumbur then takes Mfoniso, positions his hands on a scooter and walks him down to the assembly for the morning devotion. There the sisters will lead students in prayers and songs, employing sign language for those with hearing Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul and children living with disabilities gather outside the school administration block in Uyo

‘We need constantly to ensure that present-day forms of communication are in fact guiding us to generous encounter with others, to honest pursuit of the whole truth, to service, to closeness to the underprivileged and to the promotion of the common good. As the Bishops of Australia 44 have pointed out, we cannot accept “a digital world designed to exploit our weaknesses and bring out the worst in people.”’ (no. 205). New Beginnings

Aware is a voluntary organisation 3. Access to the website There are aspects about Aware which I founded in 1985, by Dr Patrick which offers information and like and find satisfying. The training is McKeown in St Patrick’s Hospital, support deep and extensive, covering all aspects which aims to assist people affected by of mental health. I receive regular 4. The Life Skills online programme is depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and feedback about my work which is free and based on the principles of related mood conditions. The essential and helpful. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) organisation also works to promote using group and online options. The Training and preparation for the work mental health and stability. The Support programme is designed to help are essential for the volunteers who Line is the development of the helpline people learn more about how one undertake the work of Aware. Training set up by Dr McKeown. thinks and how this can influence consists of a mixture of lectures, small I came in contact with Aware in 2015. one’s actions in helpful or unhelpful group sessions and role play. Pending I studied and worked in All Hallows ways. It is delivered through a completion of training, each volunteer College and when the College closed, virtual classroom setting as an must complete a number of sessions I discerned and prayed about where best online self-directed programme. shadowed by a staff member of Aware I could use my skills. I saw an Programmes are available which or a senior volunteer. Volunteers use a advertisement on the back page of the relate to managing stress, sleep, template when speaking on the phone Irish Times newspaper and felt drawn to resilience and currently, space from line. Covid-19. As courses are all self- investigate it more deeply. Then I took directed, there are no waiting times One of the most important rules time to pray and reflect on this work in and a person can begin immediately throughout the different services offered the light of the context of the time and by Aware is confidentiality. However, spirituality of Vincent and Louise. 5. Aware Life Skills for Schools is a there are limits to confidentiality Sensitivity, commitment and free educational programme offered according to norms and standards, such compassion; I thought were important to students (15-18 years), designed as when a person has immediate plans attributes for such a ministry. to help them learn new ways to deal to end their lives or the lives of others or with challenges in life. The when there is information that a child is The charism of St Vincent de Paul urges programme uses an approach based at risk of harm, neglect or incidents of us to reach out to those on the margins on the principles of cognitive historical abuse. of society in the most gentle of ways. behavioural therapy (CBT) which On one occasion, Vincent wrote to focuses on thinking and behaviour Sister Bride Lyng Antoine Portail ‘against a backdrop of unrest and turmoil’ when ‘Paris was 6. The Beat the Blues programme aims under threat by the Spaniards.’ He was to educate young people about aware of the support needed by those mental health and how to take care who were afflicted in their minds. In his of themselves and seek help for compassion, Vincent wrote, ‘Sick minds concerns they may have. This need to be cared for more delicately programme also introduces the than people who are physically ill’ Coping Triangle (Hayes, 2011, (CCD, Vol. 1, p.330, ft.3). 2006), a useful tool which students can use in everyday situations to Today, Aware has grown as a help relieve stress and understand nationwide organisation and uses a what is going on for them. variety of ways to support people who are distressed: My involvement is generally a volunteer on the Support Line but with Covid-19 1. The provision of support groups for bringing greater needs, volunteers clients, relatives and friends engage in new individual online programmes. The Support Line is a non- 2. Free call support line directive listening service. I find the work very fulfilling and challenging.

‘The solution is not relativism. Under the guise of tolerance, relativism ultimately leaves the 45 interpretation of moral values to those in power, to be defined as they see fit.’ (no. 206). New Beginnings

‘A Significant Celebration to mark the 190th Anniversary in honour of ‘The Manifestation of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal…’

During prayer Catherine ‘saw a picture representing the Blessed Virgin… customarily portrayed under the title of the Immaculate Conception… full length… and holding out her arms… dressed in a white dress and a silvery blue mantle with a veil, the colour of the dawn. From her hands came rays of light… [the Sister] heard a voice saying, “These rays of light are a symbol of the graces that Mary obtains for [people]. Surrounding the picture she read …in golden letters: O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. ”’ Fr Aladel continued, ‘A few moments later, this picture turned around and on the reverse side she could make out the letter M surmounted with a little cross and at the foot of it, the Sacred Hearts ‘Nov 12, 2020 — Pope Francis blessed 1660), co-founder of the Company of of Jesus and Mary…the voice said to a statue of Our Lady of the Miraculous the Daughters of Charity (1633) showed her: A medal must be struck on this Medal as it was to begin a pilgrimage a remarkable devotion to Our Lady. In model, and those who carry one with an throughout Italy to mark the 190th her spiritual writings, Louise expresses indulgence attached and who piously anniversary…. a great love for the Blessed Virgin for say this short prayer will enjoy the example, ‘On the Virtues of the Blessed The statue will travel around Italy as special protection of the Mother of Virgin Mary’ (A.32 SWLM 1656, part of an evangelization initiative by God.’ p.815). St Louise also describes a dream the Vincentian Congregation of the she had on the vigil of the Feast of the The Blessed Virgin appeared a third Mission. The pope met with a Immaculate Conception (M.35 B, time to Catherine in December 1830. delegation of Vincentians, led by their SWLM, 1636, p.734). The Constitutions of the Company Superior general, Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, remind the Sisters of the devotion ‘the on Nov. 11.’ What do we celebrate on the founders inculcated in the Daughters of In her greeting to the Sisters of the 190th anniversary? Charity (C.15).” Province of Ireland for the 27 This year, 27 November 2020, as the In relation to the celebration of this feast November 2020, feast of ‘The Daughters of Charity distributed in 2020, the Constitutions remind the Manifestation of Our Lady of the miraculous medals in honour of Our Daughters of Charity of ‘the Marian Miraculous Medal’, Sister Goretti, Lady, they recalled the Blessed Virgin’s character of the Company.’ In Provincial sent the above photograph of second apparition to Catherine Labouré promoting ‘Marian devotion’, they Pope Francis with the emboldened (the first being on 18 July 1830). This inculcate it ‘through the Miraculous caption. second apparition to Catherine was the Medal, a genuine summary of the She also invited us to, ‘renew our first apparition of the medal of the history of salvation.’ (C.26, S.14). devotion to Our Lady’s intercession for Immaculate Conception to her. This Reminder: Miraculous medals may be the protection of all people especially took place in the chapel at rue du Bac, purchased from the Daughters of during this time of pandemic.’ Motherhouse of the Daughters of Charity, 10 Henrietta Street, Dublin D01 Charity during evening prayer at 5.30 Our Lady has a central place in the lives VP11 p.m. Catherine recorded what she saw and hearts of the Daughters of Charity. and what she experienced. Her Contact person: Sister Anne O’Neill Prior to the Blessed Virgin’s appearance confessor, Fr Jean-Marie Aladel (1800- to Catherine Labouré in the rue du Bac Email: [email protected] 65), also recorded the experience as told in 1830, St Louise de Marillac (1591- to him by Catherine. Phone: 087 329 6171

‘If society is to have a future, it must respect the truth of our human dignity and submit to that truth…A society is noble and decent not least for its support of the pursuit of truth and its 46 adherence to the most basic of truths.’ (no. 207). New Beginnings

You are invited to browse the updated Elma Hurley and Carol and they blessed medals. This is an ongoing work website of the Chapel of the Miraculous showed me the work and all that needed and very satisfying. Medal. Please follow this link. to be done. Carol worked in Virgo AN: You mentioned the silent Potens since 1996 when the office was privilege Anne. Of course we know http://www.chapellenotredamedelamed located in North William Street. The that St Catherine Labouré is known plan was that I would replace Sister as the ‘Saint of Silence’. It must have histoire-dune-famille-gb/ Elma. Both helped me greatly as this been very difficult throughout her life work was very new to me. It is very to keep silent about the story of the convenient for me to live and work here apparitions and her mission to have and to have the Virgo Potens centre in A few words with the medal struck the house. Carol does fantastic work and Sister Anne O’Neill her office hours are on Tuesday, AO’N: Yes, she suffered greatly in Wednesday and Thursday from 10.00 maintaining this silence among the in the Virgo Potens a.m. to 2.00p.m. She is highly sisters, but that what was the Blessed office committed to the Marian Apostolate and Virgin asked her to do. She lived her life the spread of the miraculous medal. of service as she worked in the hospice where the men who were poor, lonely ‘It’s a Silent Privilege’ AN: What is attractive about the and abandoned lived. Her work and life work located here in Henrietta One day recently during lockdown, are so well described in that book ‘The Street? I spoke on the phone to Sister Anne Life of St Catherine Labouré’ by Renée O’Neill who works in the Virgo Potens AO’N: Well, it’s a silent privilege. I Laurentin. It’s a classic and the author Office, Henrietta Street and I asked her meet so many people that have such a quotes so much of St Catherine’s a few questions about the work of the great love for Our Lady and they love to thoughts and dialogue with the Blessed Virgo Potens, centre for the distribution pray and hear the story of how Mary Virgin throughout her life. It also of the miraculous medal. From here, appeared to Catherine Labouré and describes Catherine’s family and how Sr Anne Neylon is referred to as AN and asked her to have a medal struck. It she remained close to them and helped Sister Anne O’Neill is identified as amazes them when they hear it was the them when possible. AO’N. people of the time gave the name of AN: How do people order the medals miraculous medal to the medal. That AN: Just so people might know a little and scapulars? about you and the work of Virgo was because there were so many AO’N: They phone the office to make Potens where are you from and how miracles, cures and conversions among an order or they write or they order long are you working here? the people in the nineteenth century. In fact the cholera of the day spread like online. We sell thousands of medals AO’N: Well I actually came to work in wildfire, just as the Covid is today. nationally and internationally annually. the Virgo Potens office, before I came to Many people are praying to Our Lady AN: What else do you sell in the live with the Henrietta Street and praying the Novena to her in order office? community and that was in 2016. to rid the world of this pandemic. I Initially, I commuted from the enjoy listening to peoples’ stories and AO’N: We sell Green Scapulars, Red community house in Killinarden, am so touched by their prayer requests. Scapulars, Rosary beads, Mass cards to work with the late Sister I also write to people and send them and cards for various occasions, mementoes for the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation, framed pictures of Our Lady and the Sacred Heart and other bits and pieces. AN: Why do people like the miraculous medal so much Anne? AO’N: They have so much faith in God and Our Lady and they love her because they see her as their mother. Through the centuries it is amazing the devotion that mothers expecially had to Our Lady and that they just kept bringing them into the family and asked for protection. Our Lady asked that people would wear the medal around their neck and St Catherine reminds the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin’s request. She also

‘We need to learn how to unmask the various ways that the truth is manipulated, distorted and concealed in public and 47 private discourse. What we call “truth” is not only the reporting of facts and events, such as we find in the daily papers. It is primarily the search for the solid foundations sustaining our decisions and our laws.’ (no.208). New Beginnings encouraged the Sisters to pray the NEWSLETTER FROM THE Rosary daily. I believe in this time of pandemic that if we intercede with the PROVINCE OF ROSALIE RENDU Blessed Virgin that she will continually ask her Son, Jesus to help us. Readers of New community for the service of those Beginnings welcome who are poor. AN: I think you are correct there the newsletters from Facts about Blessed Rosalie Anne. We continue to hope and pray the Province of for those on the frontline and those Rendu Rosalie Rendu. ‘On 11 March 2020, (1786-1856) who are sick. Who else distributes the the Australian and British Provinces miraculous medal besides this office? came together to form the new • Jeanne Marie Rendu, born in Province of Rosalie Rendu in a France, was the eldest of four AO’N: Mainly the Legion of Mary and daughters the members of the Society of St special Eucharistic celebration and Vincent de Paul. And so many people ceremony at the Sacred Heart Church, • When the French Revolution broke distribute the Liturgical Calendar at Mill Hill’. In her introduction, out some priests hid in their family Christmas. People like to give and Provincial Sister Ellen Flynn said: home. They ministered to French receive as a Christmas gift. “This ceremony formally authorises Catholics the beginning of something new, • Jeanne received Holy Communion AN: Thanks Anne for this chat. May something that we pray today will for the first time in her basement at God continue to bless your good breathe fresh vitality to our lives as a Mass celebrated by one of the work. Sisters and most especially to our priests in hiding mission to reach out to those • When she was nine years of age, experiencing poverty today, the only her father died. Shortly afterwards, reason for our existence.” her sister died. She joined an One of the new ventures is the Ursuline Boarding school in Gex, publication of this Newsletter which France for two years we in the Province of Ireland are glad • As a young woman, she began to to receive. work with the Daughters of This third colourful newsletter Charity at the local hospital (January 2021, Issue number 3) • On May 25, 1802, she joined the describes the ongoing ministries of Company of the Daughters of the Province. In her opening letter, Charity in rue du Bac. There, she Sister Ellen Flynn recognises the took the name Rosalie challenges that COVID-19 presents • Rosalie lived in community in the but each ministry presented is full of Mouffetard District where she life and energy. In every face there is worked serving people who lived The Green Scapular a sense of joy. in poverty for 54 years. She taught The ministries outline the services in young girls their catechism and which the Daughters of Charity are how to read engaged in the Province of Rosalie • She founded a free clinic, Rendu. Blessed Rosalie Rendu (1786- pharmacy, school, orphanage, a 1856) was a Daughter of Charity child-care centre, and a home for whose heart was on fire with love for the elderly poor. She was later people who lived in poverty. Sister awarded the Cross of the Legion of Louise Sullivan DC in her book, ‘A Honour by Napoleon III in 1852 Daughter of Charity on Fire with for her charitable work Love for the Poor’ captures Rosalie’s • She worked life and one can see the same closely with ‘indomitable’ spirit is alive today as Blessed Frederic readers scroll through the pages. It is Ozanam, Sister Ellen’s hope that the Vincentian Founder of the spirit will continue to flourish. That Society of St surely is happening thank God. Vincent de Paul Young people who witness and read • During her last The Red Scapular the accounts of these ministries might two years, she be inclined to hear God calling them became blind. to give their lives to God in

‘Relativism always brings the risk that some or other alleged truth will be imposed by the powerful or the clever. Yet, “when it is a matter of the moral norms prohibiting intrinsic evil, there are no privileges or exceptions for anyone. It makes no difference whether one is the master of the 48 world or the ‘poorest of the poor’ on the face of the earth. Before the demands of morality we are all absolutely equal.”’ (no. 209).