1953-12 6Th Annual FV Christmas Festival Syllabus.Pdf
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\. Folklore Village C:hristnas Festival Mount Horeb, "'iisconsin Dece'Jber 27, 1953 to January 1, 19S4 1iielco,:1e to the Christ);ns F',2stiv,':H You h:we co11e to tho frie!l.dly to7m of Mo 1mt Horeb to h,~ln us celebrri.te t)-:. o tr:iditionnl "T·;relve Days of Christ:.1,,s11 in .fivo hapny conccntra t:Jd Javs. il1 1ch of the joy nu ·.'ill 0zr.,::::1·io:1ce r..oc·rJ ~rou ·i.i.ll h,c;lp to croa te yours1..::l i.'. A: ,:l ,:.i.r:Jry exp ,::rienco shared '.'lill b,J ·,:i th you h.,::ir ily during the year to co;.10. Fast mray to old year passes, }fail the nc-:·.;, ye lads -:md l,sses\ Sin:; ',Yo joyous "111 to'.sctllc,r, Hoodless of the v;irnl 2.nd 1:,:0.1 ther\ \:felsh Carol 6th Annual Folklore Village Christmas Festival, 1953, Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin Page 2 of 12 r., 1 __In ,_th .. - t.•:c .. _ ,rn:.........1...t.: "'g ..... 8:00 9:00 10:00 And th(""r: ··;:i t.h J i.::J, ·.1.c::i. ERrm~n - ... ( rr..._; t..' ,, :..!,. I. .,., ,~.. .'..I, •.'· c'Jl.:.~' , .lh,r·..t,. ··Ao"'ni'ngi)l:L... ~ • 11:00 Squ;:ire T,~w ·.·rit}1 Rickey Eolden 12:30 Lunch (.:::;clin in ,'.l different country) In the Afternoon 1:30 The Folklore Village Store is open\ Folk 1\luseu,:1 for browsing Com;nittee neetings - here and theret 2:00 Special interesto On Stage, every day Peasant Craft - Folk Dance Pockets Fe stive candles with 1Iar.r Frances :Running Silver Work 3nd such Bi 11 Bunning Watch Village Bulletin for the following: The Callerts Corner --- Rickey Holden tolk Dance Lc.'.lding .....i- Michael IiGrman Music of t!'rn ,,,\,.ooden Flute" Gretel Dunsing Crnfts fron the 11 Bordor11 - Hanuel Falcon Uexicrm D'lnces Nelda Lindsay Swiss rmd Sccend:-m:wian Dnnces .....- Jnne Farwell Short Cuts 1.·ri th the Silk Screen fhippy Farwell (If yout d like to watch or hGlD silk screen our napkins, ask her when i+, 1Hill be) Coffeey Time and After 4:1.5 Coffee p,quse - Frogram of Christ!"lcls stories and customs. 5:00 Workshops This is your Hour. More squares vr.ith Rickey Contras with Elliot Israeli Kolos Com:·,d. t·'.:.ees Mexicnn Dances Chatting what you request - don't be bashfuU (Posted each da.y) Evening Program 6:30 Nationality Dinner 7:30 Folklore Village Store and 1viuseum open 8:15 Evening Folk Party, each night in a different land SW1d'.ly Switzerland Mond~y Israeli Tuesday i,ierrie Old England 1. iecL~esday Along the Rio Grande Thursday r -,,relfth Night in the Northland countries (Smoreasbord in Scandanaviat) 6th Annual Folklore Village Christmas Festival, 1953, Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin Page 3 of 12 At the Festival it is hard to say Trl.10 among us is teaching whor.1. But these are so:-:i.e of the people who will try to help us: FOIK DANCIIU Paul and Gretel Dunsing, Chicago, Illinois, old friends of four Festivals past Michael. Hermn, Folk: Dance House, N.Y.C., editor of the "Folk Dancer'' Nelda Guerrero Lindsay, ·11ebb County Recreation Specialist; Laredo, Texas - we just had to invite her back for another Mexican night. Jane Farwell, Rural Recreation Service, Dodgeville, Wisconsin £2..NTRA Alp SQUAHE DANCING •• Rickey Holden, American Squares, San Antonio, Texas, !lS enthusiastic a folk dancer as he is a square dance caller. Elliot J..,ai;1bert, without whose annuc1l trek from the wilderness of Maine ,ve could never have our Fest:i.val. CHRIST: ?-1.S IN CRAFTS Bill a.nd ::ary Frances Bunnin7,, Colorado St'lrini:;s, Colorado inddispensable veterans o.f .five Fes -:·,i vals ; :anuel Falcon, Arts nnd C'!.~afts ~3Decialist, Laredo, Texas full of ideas on ~l'iexican crafts :,md folklore Phippy Farwell, ;..,; adison, ·.;isconsin, 10.stress of the silk screen, a.nd creator of the "Cutter" 1953 FOU( SINGING Don Clayton, Recreation S)ecialist, Brookiny, South Dakota - vrho doesn•t need it but he'll hnYG the help of Gretel, Jane and others with songs to share. FOI1( FOODS :Urs. Edith Maxwell., Triadelphia, West Virginia, veteran of forty-odd folk camps and a charter Christ:nas Festivaler 1irs. Beth Symons., Mrs •.Ella Lewis, i.Irs. Lenis Polkinghorn, Dodgeville, W'isconsin ti.nd Mrs. Gladys Lynch, Ridgeway, Wisconsin V!EIX}E!T:fOOD DEPARTMENT Elliot Lm:ibert, Dexter, l1faine; Dick Chaiclin, Madison, Wisconsin; Sol Krazner, Chicago and Paula Ertz, Ger::JaI'I.'f. SHOPPEP.S AND CHAUFFER.S Bernice Anderson, Aberdeen, South Dakota and Elliot again REGISTRATION Phippy Fa:nvell, Madison, 1Irs. Twila Strutt and ~virs. Ches Gerber, Ri.d,~eway COJ?FEE HOUR PROGR.\l,iS Don "Kitchen Korner Klayton11 and Shirley Bessy, Kansas ••••Co ;:unittee Crack and Coordina tor EVENING SNACKS Mary Frances 11 Bretzeli" Bunning NATI0NALI1Y MEAIS ATMOSPHERE CHAiffi:lAN Henry Lash, Bridgeport., Ohio, musician, " Finger s in foods" 6th Annual Folklore Village Christmas Festival, 1953, Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin Page 4 of 12 Addis, Elaine 6406 s. Fr8ncisco Chicago 29, Ill. Aurand, Maude Freeport, Ill. Action, Russell D. 6606 s. Woodlawn Chico.go, Ill. Aldrich, Betty Avclon, Wisc. Anderson, Kenny Dalton, Nebr. Brue, Kristin Hollandale, Wisc~ Brue, J ames Hollandale,· Wisc. Baer, Dick 19 West 1st St. Hinsdale, Ill. Baer, Phyllis II II Barn..~art, Clnrence 36 West 9th Ave. Columbus, Ohig - Bbke, Florence 6104 Woodlr,wn .... Chic2 6 0, "'fil. Dobolz, Lorr aine Avolon, Wisc. Boeger, Palmer H. Route 1 Sheboyr on Falls, Wisc. Boulton, Iris 16 Oakwood Heights Savanna, Ill. Brecke, Marilyn 2560 Kendall Madison, Wisc. Bunning, Bill & MnryF 1931 N. Corona Colorndo Springs,Colo. Burke, ilenn Elizabeth 958 Washington Rd. Pittsburgh 28, Pa. Christiersen, Jean 5315 s. Cornel1, Apt. B2 Chicago, Ill. Carris, Jim & Floo 1030 E. S~n Miguel Colorado Srpings,Colo. Cave, Nancy 716 6th Ave. Brookings, South Dak. Chaiclen, Richard 200 Lnngdon St. Madison, Wisc. Clayton, Don Brookings, s. D. Davidson, Charles 2210 Waunona St. Madison, Wisc. Davidson, Hermine II II Dutton, Laura Chicago, Ill. Dicinson, Mildred River Rd. Farm st. Charles, Ill. Dickinson, Phil s. II II De Luce, Doris M. 3610 Edward St., N.E. Mpls., 10, Minn. Dixon, Patricia 9033 Bennett Ave. Chicc.go 17, Ill. Dunsing, Pnul. & Gretel. 4754 No AshlRnd Ave. ChicDgo 40, Ill. Eklof, Royal 2301 Sommers Ave. Madison, Wisco Erz, Po.ula Woman's Hall, Morgantown, W. Va. Ellinger, Renate 4931 N. Winchester Chicago 40, Ill. Evans, Ginny 134 N. Orchcrd St. Madison, Wisc. Fleischamann, Tillie 8238 s. Langly Ave. Chicego 19, Ill. Fairbank, Lucy F. !~43 W. Barry Chicago ll~, Ill. Fawkes, Beth & Charles 1221 E. 57th St. Chicago .17-, Ill.~ Francisco, Charles----Ydo'"7West Ave.- Buffalo, N. Y. Goodwin, Verna Dalton, Nebr. Heberlein, Clyde Cambridge, Wisc. Heckscher, Helmut 1378 Perry St. Columbus,-------------· Ohio Herman, Mary Ann Box 201 Flushing, L.I., N.Y. I _'4't,./~ Hirschmonn Win Bo 5617 Blackstone Ave. Chica o 3J, Ill. JrH o en, ickey E. Frenc Plc-. San Antonio, - Tex;---' Isaac, Barbara 112 So Orchard St. Madison 5, Wisc. Ingram, Marjorie 2302 Keyes Ave. Madison, vdsc. k 6th Annual Folklore Village Christmas Festival, 1953, Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin Page 5 of 12 Kloepper, Louise;' Univ. of Wisconsin Madison, Wi Koch, Valkert ; Wesleyen Univ, ; Conn. Kaszuba, Alfred E.; 639 Howard St. Buffalo,N.Y Katona, Arthur; Box 267, Golden, Colorado Katznclson, Shalamith ; 19766 i'-larll0wG ;:,t. Detroit 35, Mi ch. _ Krssner, Sol; 5735 Woodlawn, Chicago 37,Ill. / ./ Kruse :Fauline Me.e • 632 °, Iviu.z;::ghy .S t, Lima, OJ;l;i.Q. Lmge; ertrude ; '---- 841+9 -Rhodcs Ave., Chicsgo,Illt La Bastille, rlrs, Wm.; loi8 N• State Street Chicago, ill. La Bastille, Bill ; loi8 N. stato St. Chicago, Ill. Leckzor, anfrf~d ; Weslcyn Univ., Conne Lynch, Gladys; Ridg0way, _ Wisconsin Lan1bc!'t, .c.11iot; Univ. of uaino Orono, J.''aino Lamp, fiaEgo ; Route 4, Davenprot, :l;ow::.' Lan en eo · 1857 tilden Avo, ~ Nor\iOOq,_ J2, Ohio ~~---~-,;-La sh, 1 _snry--"" "'""'; ·----- BridgE-port, Ohio Lewis, lla; Dodgeville, Wisconsin Lins6y, ~olda; Cortez St., Laredo, T6xas Moore, ~1.orace; 6606 So. ,voodlawn, Chicago, Ill. Mann, rlichard A. 419 Sterling St. ~adis. n 5, Wisc. Marcotte, ~lo; 2i2 Congre ss ~t. Buffalo, N. Y. Matthews, Helen & Jo0; Chicago, Ill. J.'1axwell, Edi th; TrialdGlphia, West Virginia Maxwell Dee · 662i Pinkney St., Omaha 1~cbr. - ' ' -, 1•1ayer, Iris, 4oi So. vvilli am, _Oran.._g_e v1 t ,_ Iowa Mctlut cfi. an, ft oy &-zio Rt ? Box i79x.,· "'"" San Antonio, oxas Newman, Patricia 4S" so. Huron, Columbus ,Ohio Nelson, Jack & '.1.'ravis 3235 Wilmette rioed, Willmotte,Ill. Nielsen, Ivan; Route 3, Owatonna, Minn. Nye, Virginiai Sch. of Music, Univ. of Oregon, Eugene, Or. Pomerance, Helen; 6629 So, Albany Ave., Chicago 29, Ill. Peterson, Clarence T.; Univ. of Dubuque, Iowa Polkinghorn,Lenys; Dod~evillo• Wisconsin Rybeck, Walter; 1326 Kingsley Ave., Dayton, mhwe Riley, Wallace B.; 6606 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago 37, Ill. Rybeck, Robin & Sam; Wheeling, W0stt Virginia Robert.§., Richard; 4i5 Sterling Ct., Madison, Wisc. Ryan, Harold &Lois; 2036 6 Ave, Greeley, Colorado Schradtr, Art; i75 Shelfield Ave~, Buffalo 20, N.Y. Simpson, Jessia; 9444 Longwecd Dr., Chicago 20,Ill. Smith, Isabelle; 8932 ~o. Ada St., Chicago, Ill. Sorenson, ..~ancy; loi9 8th Ave., Brookings, s. Ditk. Marjorie, Speidel: Routei, Lincoln, Nebr. Stemp, Mary;& Stan; 507 ~. Washington ..ve., Madison, Wisconsin Symons, -- Beth; . Dodgeville, Wisconsin Wolff, Sue, Billy, and ~ary; 604 ~0nwood Ave., Dayton 6, Ohio Woodworth, Bea; 7 3 Campus Ave., .uewiston, 1·.1.aine Zimmennann, Violet; 8iO Forest Ave., River Forest Ander~on, Be .-nice; Aberde~n, South Dakota )Ju f_,,,,,lj' }11-., (, ,/ ; •~ llJ;1 • I ;)ti~ /.L!: \.; t+~;.l 7·-,(__ 6th Annual Folklore Village Christmas Festival, 1953, Mt.