First Regiment Cavalry
FIRST REGIMENT CAVALRY. BY WILLIAM L. GREENLEAF, FIRST LIEUTENANT FIRST VERMONT CAVALRY. OF the two hundred fifty-eight regiments of cav- The following company officers were elected by the alry in the service of the United States during several companies and commissioned by the Governor: the War of the Rebellion, but few, if any, performed Company A — Captain, Frank A. Piatt ; First more arduous service, or took part in more engage- Lieutenant, Joel B. Erhardt ; Second Lieutenant, ments than did the First Vermont ; which', during Ellis B. Edwards. three years at the front, participated in seventy-five Company B—Captain, George P. Conger ; First battles and skirmishes—a brief account of which Lieutenant, William M. Beeman ; Second Lieuten- would far exceed the limits of this sketch — and ant, Jed P. Clark. achieved a reputation as one of the best fighting reg- Company C—Captain, William Wells ; First Lieu- iments in the army, standing fifth in the list of cav- tenant, H. M. Paige ; Second Lieutenant, Eli Holden. alry organizations suffering the greatest loss in killed Company D Captain, Addison W. Preston — ; First and mortally wounded. Lieutenant, John W. Bennett ; Second Lieutenant, The regiment was recruited by Lemuel B. Piatt, William G. Cummings. who had been specially commissioned by the Secre- Company E. —Captain, S. P. Rundlett ; First Lieu- tenant, tary of War for that purpose, and was the first full Andrew J. Grover ; Second Lieutenant, John regiment of cavalry raised in New England. The C. Holmes. : several companies were enlisted as follows —A, Chit- Company F—Captain, Josiah Hall ; First Lieuten- tenden county; B, Franklin county ;.C, Washington ant, Robert Scofield, Jr.; Second Lieutenant, Na- thaniel county ; D, Orange and Caledonia counties ; E, Wind- E.
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