Maryland Birdlife
r MARYLAND BIRDLIFE Cylburn Mansion, 4915 Green Spring Ave, Baltimore 9, Md. I ! r F Volume 15 MARCH 1959 Number 1 THE MARYLAND ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. Cylburn Mansion, 4915 Green Spring Ave., Baltimore 9, Maryland State President: Dr. Charles J. Stine, 6305 Belair Rd., Baltimore 6, Yd. State Secretary: Mr. Robert M. Bowen, 5011 Leeds Ave., Baltimore 27, Md. State Treasurer: Cdr. Edward P. Wilson, ll9 Arehwond Ave., Annapolis, Md. First Vice President: Mr. Marvin W. Hewitt, Greensboro, Maryland. Second Vice Presidents: Wm. Leeson, Douglas Miner, Elmer ~#orthley, Hazel /;hite, Evelyn Gregory, Richard McCown, Hilda Smith, Francis Uelch. Trustees: Prof. Dnvid Howard, Cdr. Edward ;;ilson, Stephen Simon, Rodney Jones, Dr. Lois 0dell, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Ster- ling Edwards, Ualter Braun, George Drumm, Elsie Hevey, Goldie Thomsen, Richard Kleen, Dr. Thomas Ambler, Ronald Nevius. Membership Sec.: Mrs. Shirley Geddes, =03 0verbrook Rd., Balto. 12, Md. LOCAL CHAPrARS Allegany County Bird Club Frederick Branch, M.O.S., Inc. Avid Avists of Anne Arundel Co. Harford County Bird ~lub Belie. Chapter, M.O.S., Inc. Kent County Chapter, M.O.S., Inc. Caroline County Bird Club Takoma Park Nature Club Talbot County Bird Club Out-of-state membership (~aryland Birdlife only) $2.00 Junior membership (under 18 years) .50 Life membership (payable in 3 equal installments) 75.00 Active membership ~2.00 plus LocalChapter dues CONT~TS, MARCH 1959 Occurrence and Measurements of Chickadees Stephen W. Simon 3 Maryland Nest Summary for 195B Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fletcher 5 Effect of a Severe Snowstorm Richard L.
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