Tennis ’s Municipal Facilities Strategy & Partnership Framework – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TENNIS IS GENDER-BALANCED It is played equally among girls, boys, women and men.

TENNIS IS A SPORT OF LIFE Every age group contributes to the Canadian tennis playing population. % % TENNIS IS A SAFE SPORT 44 56 Tennis players Tennis players Among the top 10 , are female are male tennis has low levels of injury and concussion. OF ALL AGES PLAY TENNIS TENNIS IS AFFORDABLE 13% 8% No specialty clothing or footwear, 50+ 6 to 11 just a racquet and a few balls. year-olds year-olds

TENNIS IS ACCESSIBLE Tennis is inclusive, equally open to persons with a disability and is 23% accessible to persons of all cultural 12 to 17 FOR EVERYONE FOR backgrounds, ages and stages of 26% year-olds 35 to 49 is the Nation- The goal of this strategy is development. year-olds al Sport Organization for tennis to increase access to year–round TENNIS – A SPORT– TENNIS in Canada and aims to improve tennis for all Canadians. Cov- TENNIS IS A TOP 3 SPORT AMONG 30% the lives of Canadians through ered courts include courts NEW CANADIANS 18 to 34 year-olds tennis. The organization’s mission under a permanent, an 23% of tennis players were born is to lead the growth of the sport air-supported or other outside of Canada. in the country. That mission can fabric frame structure only be accomplished with more that enables Canadians TENNIS PROMOTES QUALITY individuals playing more tennis to play tennis regardless PROGRAMMING AND CERTIFIED more frequently, including during of the weather. Through COACHES AND INSTRUCTORS winter. Tennis Canada hopes to a partnership structure, There are over 3300 certified tennis increase the number of accessible municipalities can help coaches in Canada. Tennis Canada and affordable covered courts in deliver affordable tennis promotes safe sport and mandates 23% Canada. With only one accessible programs for all ages and background checks for coaches. of tennis players covered court for every 50,000 abilities by leveraging their were born outside of Canada Canadians, there is a shortage operational and programming TENNIS IS ONE OF THE BEST FORMS of year–round tennis courts in expertise, as well as the local OF EXERCISE TO HELP IMPROVE Canada preventing residents from community. By partnering with CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH playing tennis for the greater local governments, not-for-profit A British study found that TENNIS PLAYERS LIVE LONGER part of the year. To help address groups, and other community respondents that had played racquet this shortage, Tennis Canada has organizations, Tennis Canada h sports had a 56% lower risk of dying Tennis 9.7 developed the Municipal Tennis opes to ensure that Canadians of heart disease or a stroke. Badminton 6.2 Facilities Strategy and Partner- can play tennis in any community, ship Framework. at any time of year – let’s work PLAYING TENNIS EXTENDS ONE’S Soccer 4.7 together, let’s play together! LIFE EXPECTANCY BY 9.7 YEARS Cycling 3.7 The Copenhagen City Heart Study compared several sports and found 3.4 tennis to be the leading sport in Jogging 3.2

increasing life expectancy. Increase in life expectancy (years)

Tennis Canada’s Municipal Tennis Facilities Strategy & Partnership Framework | 3 “We used to play tennis in the park during summer, it would have been great to have access to those courts year-round.” – Félix Auger-Aliassime

“I wanted to believe that you can make it as a player coming from Canada. With more indoor facilities, it’s possible.” –

“My hope is to further ignite the tennis boom in Canada and help more kids pick up a racquet.” – 6 |

Tennis Canada’s Municipal Tennis Facilities Strategy & Partnership Framework &Partnership Strategy Facilities Tennis Municipal Canada’s Tennis 50 18 12 CANADIAN TENNIS 8 % % % % BY THE NUMBERS tennis season. at least once aweek during the of Canadians at of Canadians tennis in the past year. of Canadians played tennis in their lifetime. of Canadians The percentages mentioned above are inclusive of each other. each of inclusive are above mentioned percentages The least 4times in the past year. TENNIS PARTICIPATION TENNIS ACROSS CANADA (2.9M) (4.5M) (6.5M) (18.5M) played tennis tennis played played played played tennis tennis played have have 50 18 12 8 % % % % ACROSS CANADA FACILITIES TENNIS outdoor such sports as hockey and open to year-round play. Increasingly municipal of 2% sector, only other covered. own municipalities While many, for but, courts, outdoor public on swimming have moved indoors, but but have movedswimming indoors, and operate far more courts than any any than courts more far operate and are 10% only and sectors, public and accessible tennis courts in private the in summer. tennis has fallen behind. covered thus are and courts tennis tennis a seasonal played sport only made covered has of lack courts the member family or afriend with tennis Across Canada, there are 7,500 are there Across Canada, Most Canadians start playing playing start Canadians Most taking up the sport indicatedtaking up the that sport the wider avail courts. In addition, Canadians who are thinking addition, In Canadians of courts. would and outdoor play courts more tennis if they ability of covered could convert courts to them regular players. access tohad convenient affordable covered and has shown tennis of that Canadian players 61% use among developed nations in this regard. this in developed nations among per 50,000 Canadians, making Canada last last Canada making 50,000 Canadians, per There is only one accessible covered court covered accessible one only is court There 37 34 2 % % % Tennis Canada | Canada Tennis Research Research 7 - 8 |

Tennis Canada TENNIS CANADA’S COVERED COURT STRATEGY Gabriela Dabrowski are domi are Dabrowski Gabriela world inspiring and nation their Shapovalov, Andreescu, Bianca engage localengage governments and Canadian two years. over past the Framework was developed to Facilities Partnership Strategy and Félix Auger-Aliassime and , Denis supply them with information athletes like , likeathletes Raonic, Milos increase in frequent tennis play nating on courts around the the around courts on nating the first time! the for it try or tennis, to play more and there has been a 36% a36% been has there and Canadians hit the courts courts the hit Canadians The Municipal Tennis Municipal The Last year, 6.5 million million year,Last 6.5 leading sport in Canada. Canada. in sport leading Tennis is becoming a Tennis a becoming is - with external organizations to cover such open spaces. cover open such of municipalities studies case Framework The communities. deliver help can how they on active living strategies and meet meet and strategies living active are excellent for opportunities Coveredactivities. court projects access recreational to more already working in partnership is based on best practices and and practices best on based is relied struc on air-supported have facilities across Canada tennis For several decades, ment. invest their on return financial their to support municipalities provide their residents with covered to their more courts tures—an effective solution to to solution effective tures—an to while tennis, ensuring a access for demand growing the - - 02 03 01 The Framework provides guidance for FrameworkThe applies to collabora Tennis Canada’s Municipal Tennis Association), Sport the Canadian Tennis Tennis Framework Municipal Canada’s Facilities Partnership Strategy and AND OWNERSHIP WITH ALIGNMENT (Sport for(Sport Life Society), as well as (Canadian Parks and Recreation SEVERAL SPORTS Sports suchSports as badminton, , INTEGRATION WITH WITH INTEGRATION sport and multi-functional and priorities. delivery service tennis clubs, not-for-profit agencies clubs, tennis tions municipalities between and term Athlete Development Framework Policy Canada) (Sport the Long- and Framework for Recreation in Canada Framework is aligned with the Facilities Strategy Partnership and MODELS OPERATING FLEXIBLE RECREATION POLICIES AND was developed to help municipalities, not-for-profit organizations and other other and organizations not-for-profit was developed municipalities, to help and commercialand entities. facility developmentand to plans, integrated into atennis facility. pickleball and easily be can municipalities to seeking design multi- potential such as community partners initiatives support help to advance many municipal mandates, policies local public recreation policy and local components of the Strategy and Framework Strategy and of the demonstrate: components achieve groups successful coveredcommunity core The projects. court Tennis Canada’s Municipal Tennis Facilities Strategy & Partnership Framework | Framework &Partnership Strategy Facilities Tennis Municipal Canada’s Tennis - 04 05 TOOLS & RESOURCES & TOOLS Tennis is available Canada to offer As As a not-for-profitorganization, Tennis With resources 3 planning its tools, 18 Canada is also workingCanada to establish ONGOING SUPPORT work out of developing a successful support tosupport municipalities to with help their project costs. capital planning and covered tennis court project. court tennis covered advice, expertise relevant and informationand to municipal support design project and implementation. initiatives and thus provide financialprovide thus initiatives and the Frameworking, takes the guess partnerships to coveredpartnerships fund court research to planning, support help planning, research and decision-mak 9 - ECONOMIC BENEFITS

Covered court facilities generate revenue through programs, court 01 rental fees and leases. After expenses, a facility can generate $20,000 to over $40,000 per court in annual revenue.

Hard courts are multi-sport surfaces that can easily accommodate 02 several racquet and net sports.

Covered courts increase the number of volunteering opportunities 03 over a full 12-month season and provide valuable education and Already available in over 90 Canadian municipalities, covered coach certification opportunities. court tennis facilities yield many benefits and help achieve Covered court facilities create new full and part-time job community development and program delivery objectives 04 opportunities for facility managers, tennis coaches and program instructors. including, multi-sport integration. Covered court facilities can be multi-functional when designed to 05 also meet other community needs: trade shows and exhibitions, COMMUNITY BENEFITS town hall meetings, and other community-based events. Across Canada, sports tourism generates over $3B in annual reve- Tennis is a sport for life. Playing tennis positively contributes to 01 06 nue—a figure that is rising. Covered tennis facilities provide physical, mental and social well-being. opportunities to host tournaments and events.

Requiring minimal equipment, tennis is affordable, especially 02 compared to other traditional and core sports. MULTI-SPORT INTEGRATION Year-round tennis makes it easier for citizens to allocate more time 03 to physical activity. Allowing for a range of sports, a covered court facility enables municipalities to support their recreation service delivery philosophy and achieve their community health benefit objectives. For example, the Cougar Dome in Truro, integrates a tennis facility, indoor walking track, A thriving tennis facility supports a healthy, active community 04 range and portable synthetic turf. strategy with diverse programming for all ages and abilities. Multi-sport conversion with portable Multi-line integration synthetic turf

POSSIBLE ROLE FOR EXISTING COMMUNITY TENNIS CLUBS Pickleball Soccer Badminton Community tennis clubs are ideal partners, since they have played a significant role in growing and supporting the sport of tennis in Canada for decades. Community tennis clubs with four or more Basketball outdoor courts may be prime locations for covered court facilities. Volleyball Community tennis clubs across Canada can also play a critical role in helping municipalities design, build and operate a covered court facility. For instance, each winter, the not-for-profit Burnaby Tennis Club in Burnaby, erects an air-supported structure over six municipal courts to provide Minimum requirement: 2 tennis courts Minimum requirement: 6 tennis courts community members with year-around access to tennis.

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Tennis Canada’s Municipal Tennis Facilities Strategy & Partnership Framework &Partnership Strategy Facilities Tennis Municipal Canada’s Tennis MUNICIPAL TENNIS PARTNERSHIP FRAMEWORK The FrameworkThe is structured in away that municipalities enables to participate in or privateor organization to develop acovered facility. court of most municipalities. However, may some also consider educational institution an so that the risks rewards and are shared by various to seeking participants advance 7 appendices. project, the Framework includes tennis and other sports withintennis other and sports their community. covered court project: court covered covered in keeping projects, court with their philosophies, policies service and itate the development of municipal covered for year-round courts tennis programming. has identified threeoptions thatmunicipalities shouldprimarily consider for their covering process nership provision priorities. It provides guidance engaging with on community partners PARTNERSHIP MODELS Tennis Canada’s research for models covered partnership on facilities court FrameworkThe is meant to guide municipalities through afour-stage part MunicipalThe Tennis Framework Partnership provides aroad to map facil One ofOne these will three models partnership likely in be line with the objectives To aide municipalities throughout the development of their covered court 04 03 02 01 03 02 01 VIABILITY ASSESSMENT VIABILITY LAUNCH PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY RESEARCH oversees year-round seasonal or operations toMunicipality land leases a Municipality owns and operates oversees year-round seasonal or operations Municipality to land leases a 3 key planning tools, 18 resources, and and resources, 18 3 key tools, planning not-for-profit operator commercial operator the covered court facility covered court the that that that that - - $40,000 in annual net inrevenue annual numerous and covered court, per $40,000 facilities court across have Canada ational and financial aspects ationalof a financialcovered and aspects facility: court tennis activities for players of abilities. and all ages There are of sourcesthe partnership. arange funding to cover projects the costs of capital partnered charges, sponsorship and fundraising). and sponsorship charges, an air-supportedan cover court is up to years, thus 25 providing over of financial gains. adecade PLANNING FOR SUCCESS FOR PLANNING demonstrate how acovered generate facility determine can income, court the expenses that will be incurred outline and covered wide-ranging facility programs, classes court courses, additional and involving (e.g. a municipality partner a non-municipal and provincial and federal development grants, recovered their investment capital life The years. than in 10 less of expectancy facilities with equipped over to $20,000 generate can program wide-ranging a with facility covered court A field. reational FUNDING MODELS FUNDING These toolsThese provide overview an of the investments required to build acovered facility, court will the on level model funding The depend of participation structure and of of project partners A covered to facility is arare court a positive earn opportunity return investment on in the rec Tennis has developed three Canada planning tools to municipalities help the oper understand 02 03 01 Programming guide for municipalities for guide Programming Estimated operating revenues and expenses Estimated capital expenses and funding b a Year-round operations operations Seasonal Tennis Canada’s Municipal Tennis Facilities Strategy & Partnership Framework | Framework &Partnership Strategy Facilities Tennis Municipal Canada’s Tennis 13 - - 14 14 |

Tennis Canada’s Municipal Tennis Facilities Strategy & Partnership Framework &Partnership Strategy Facilities Tennis Municipal Canada’s Tennis BENEFITS OF AN AIR-SUPPORTED STRUCTURE Canadians to play tennis regardless of the the of regardless toplay tennis Canadians weather. Tennis Canada research indicates weather. Tennis indicates research Canada can generate $20,000 to over $40,000 to over $20,000 $40,000 generate can ered court program with a wide-ranging Additionally, space. covering open a large allow that structures frame fabric other structures, air-supported structures and and structures air-supported structures, are versatile and can be seasonal. Acov seasonal. be can and versatile are in annual net revenue per court. revenue per net annual in monly used and an effective option for for option effective an and used monly they have shorter construction schedules, schedules, construction havethey shorter com most are structures air-supported that Covered courts includes permanent - -

LET’S PLAY YEAR– ROUND TENNIS! Tennis municipalities and Canada to bring more covered to Canadians. courts 1,000 Canadians toouthow Canadians find theypotential about feel 1,000 collaborationsbetween Strategy and Partnership Framework therefore outlined several and capital to the Framework the and next, has tennis through covered projects court organizations provide their citizens with opment process is successful from a communities to bring more year-round a covered facility. court from municipality one approaches vary delivery objectives, initiatives and and initiatives objectives, delivery understands that recreationunderstands service ensure devel the municipal partnership is well supported. well is partnership optionspartnership to municipal help benefits to local residents. Canada Tennis delivers standpointbusiness and relevant provides a step-by-step approach to The Municipal Tennis Municipal The Facilities Collaboration with Canada’s Let’s work together! Tennis survey conducted independent an of Canada 79 90 72 % % % Tennis Canada’s Municipal Tennis Facilities Strategy & Partnership Framework | Framework &Partnership Strategy Facilities Tennis Municipal Canada’s Tennis 90 79 72 - Canadians, providedCanadians, they have access sport. Tennissport. to seeks ensure Canada has aplace in the livessport of all tennis year-round! that across all participants the nation partnerships, operational tegic and to year-round facilities. Through stra of year. of With support and the help playcan tennis year-round, at any time citizens apassion spark for and alifelong chair tennis the senior leagues, and and accessible year-round and sport reality. Let’s work together, let’s play municipalities, this a become aim can munities. Tennis to serves connect recreation opportunities to their com municipalities bring more can affordable % % % Canada on a covered court initiative court acovered on Canada of Canadians said that they would see see would they that said Canadians of initiative courts covered the on municipalities that agree Canadians of courts initiative covered the loved or liked Canadians of and Tennis Canada should collaborate collaborate should Canada Tennis and their municipality in a more positive positive amore in municipality their light if it collaborated with Tennis Tennis with collaborated it if light From kid’s team tennis to wheel 15 - - - For more information please contact [email protected] Tennis Canada | 2019