NATION Trump and Kim meeting a mix of show, substance TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2019 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents A4 2 more councilmen weigh in on millage denial Sumpter says district must be better ‘stewards’ of taxpayer money Councilman Baker: School district BY BRUCE MILLS Monday after the 4-3 vote by schools in his district, which
[email protected] council last week to keep the include Rafting Creek Ele- ‘turmoil’ turned constituents off school district’s millage rate mentary School in Rembert, Since Sumter School Dis- the same as last year, but it Hillcrest Middle School in BY BRUCE MILLS cluded nixing a trict’s Board of Trustees will take being Dalzell and Cherryvale Ele-
[email protected] 1.5-mill hike, voted to close Wedgefield’s “good stewards” mentary School, and also which would F.J. DeLaine Elementary of the revenue it feeder schools of Area Dis- Sumter County Council- have translated School in his area in April already has. Dis- trict 1 students — Oakland man Artie Baker said he to about $206,000 2018, Sumter County Council- trict administra- Primary, High Hills Elemen- turned down a tax increase in tax revenue, man Chris Sumpter has voted tion and the tary, Shaw Heights Elementa- for the school district be- that was re- BAKER two consecutive years against school board re- ry and Crestwood High cause his constituents voiced quested by a fel- its millage increase request. SUMPTER quested a 9.01- School. opposition to the request low council Will it take reopening F.J.