Itants of Montmirail Try to Keep Missionaries There, II
— 404 — itants of Montmirail try to keep Missionaries there, II, 548; benefactors of house, II, 546, 554; IV, 513; VI, 89; VII, 220, 301, 551; great ordeal; on this occasion Saint Vincent sends Fr. Codoing to Montmirail, II, 674; two priests from there sent to Crécy, III, 250; poverty of house, VII, 17, 220; only two priests at end of 1657, VI, 615; losses suffered force reduc- tion of personnel to one or two priests, VII, 220; complaints of Duc de Noirmoutiers, VI, 88; of inhabitants, VII, 219, 551. Priory, hospital, and farm of La Chaussée: see Chaussée; Saint-Jean-Baptiste Chapel, VI, 88; La Maladrerie and its farm, II, 547; VII, 220; farm in Fontaine-Essarts, II, 554; IV, 313; in Chamblon, II, 545; in Vieux-Moulin, II, 554; VI, 312; VIII, 218; difficulties of administration of farms, IV, 326; V, 437; presence of women on farms, IV, 312; tenant farmers do not pay, IV, 326; or they request delay or reduction in payment, VI, 311–12; VIII, 6. Missions, I, 441; II, 546; III, 77; V, 438; VI, 535, 615; VII, 301, 334; VIII, 53, 219; Simon Le Gras, Bishop of Soissons, does not easily authorize missions in diocese, VII, 220; re- treats, II, 546; Missionaries help confreres in Toul with re- treats for ordinands, VI, 457, 535; assist poor of area, III, 409; Saint Vincent praises M. Bayart for bringing wounded sol- diers to Hôtel-Dieu, IV, 513; alms given to Hôtel-Dieu, II, 545; Saint Vincent advises Missionaries to give asylum to refu- gees, despite fear of pilfering, V, 49; visitation of house by Fr.
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