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Board of Regents Meeting Minutes University of New Mexico Board of Regents

3-18-1975 University of New Mexico Board of Regents Minutes for March 18, 1975 University of New Mexico Board of Regents

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March 18, 1975

The Regents of the University met at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday., March 18, 1975, in 202 Scholes Hall. Affidavits concerning the public notice of this meeting are on file in the office of the University Secretary.

Present: Mr. Calvin P. Horn, President Mr. Austin E. Roberts, Vice President Mr. Henry Jaramillo, Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Wiliiam A. Jourdan Dr. Albert G. Simms II Professor victor H. Regener, Chairman, Faculty Policy Committee Adviser Mr. Gil Gonzales, President, ASUNM, Adviser

Also present: President Ferrel Heady Dr. Chester C. Travelstead, Vice President for Academic Affairs Mr. John Perovich, Vice President, for Business and Finance Dr. Harold W. Lavender, Vice President for Student and Campus Affairs ·Dr. Robert B. Kugel, Vice President for Health Sciences Mr. John N. Durrie, universitY'Secretary Dean Leonard M. Napolitano, School of Medicine Mr. D. Peter Rask, University Counsel Mr. Robert M. Weaver, Dean of Admiss;i..ons and Records Mr. Fred M. Chreist, Registrar Mr. Van Dorn Hooker, University Architect Mr. Antoine Predock, Architect Mr. H. Mikkel Kelly, Adminstrator, Cancer Research and Treatment Center Professor Alfred parker, Chairman, Athletic Council Mr. Ernesto M. Gomez' Mr. Scott McCarty of the firm of Marchiondo J & Berry, Attorneys for Mr. Gomez Mr. Raymond W. Schowers of the firm of Horn, Schowers, and Ginsburg, Attorneys at Law Certain members of the ASUNM Senate and other students Ms. Susanne Burks, Albuquerque Journal Mr. Donald Burge, Manager, News Bureau Other reporters' *** *.*

Mr. Horn asked if there were any changes Minutes of Meeting of in the minutes of the meeting of February 1, February.!, 1975 1975. It was moved by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Jaramillo, that the minutes be approved as· submitted. Carried. ***** 525 After introduction by Mr. Horn, Mrs. William Mrs. Jourdan Introduced A. Jourdan of Hobbs was given the oath of office as New Regent as a new Regent by Mr. Durrie. ***** The following officers of the Regents Election of Officers were elected by acclamation: Mr. Horn, President; Mr. Roberts, vice President; and Mr. Jaramillo, Secretary­ Treasurer. ***** Mr. Horn asked Vice President Travelstead Admission Requirements to explain briefly the action taken by the Faculty in regard to the raising of admission standards. He said that it was understood that this was the Faculty's prerogative and that he did not wish the matter debated at this time·. He said. that he did, however, want the Faculty's action explained, and he noted that the matter might be discussed, if desired by the Regents, at a later time.

Dr. Travelstead explained that in 1969 the Faculty had changed admission requirements so as no longer to require a certain pattern of courses to be taken in high school for admission to. the university. The action of the Faculty on March 11, he said, was to reinstate these requirements, i.e.• , a total of 15. units, with the transcript showing successful completion of at least 13. units in specified subject- ~ matter areas. He noted further that no test score requirement was a ~ part of the Faculty action. He said that all freshmen. have been re- quired for several years -- and still will be required. -- to take the national ACT. No minimum score is required, he explained, but deficien­ cies in one or more of the four subject-matter areas (English, Mathema­ tics, Social Studies, Natural Sciences) may be satisfied by attainment of an ACT score of 20 or higher in that area or areas •. Further, he said, all deficiencies may be satisfied by a composite. ACT score of 22 or higher.

He also noted that the policy requires that a deficiency must be removed before admission to the University. Vice President Travelstead also said that the new requirements provide. for the possibility of waiver by the. Entrance and Credits Committee in extenuating circumstances, such as. the case of'a school not having offered the necessary courses. Mr. Weaver said that the policy becomes effective in the fall of 1977 which should allow sufficient time for schools not presently offering the necessary courses to institute them.

In reply to questions from. the Regents, Mr. Weaver said that New Mexico State and Western New Mexico presently have subject-matter requirements for admission, not having given them up as UNM did earlier. He also explained that the requirements at UNM will affect residents and non-residents alike. ***** 5?G At Mr. Hornls invitation, Vice President, Medical Service Plan Kuget de's'cr'ibed recent progress on the develop- ment' of a' new Medical Service Plan, the study of such a plan having been authorized by the Regents at their July meeting. Dr. Kugel said that an eleven-member committee, working with him, has developed what they consider to be a workable plan which has now been approved by the faculty of the School.of Medicine. Three of its main features, he noted, would be (1) an incentive system, (2) a system whereby there would be full disclosure ·of all transactions and all monies that would be involved, and (3) a'system of a ceiling on earnings.

In response to questions from Dr. Simms, Dr. Kugel said that an essential difference from the present procedure is that there would be a foundation created under the laws of the State but outside the university, this in contrast to the present New Mexico Medical Founda­ tion. Sources of funds available to the School of Medicine, he said, would fall, as they now ,do, into three categories: state-appropriated funds, federal funds in the form of grants and requests, and private funds consisting of bequests, gifts, and earnings from patient fees. Approximately one-third of these funds, he noted, presently come from the state. He explained that in the new plan the funds generated from patient services would be billed and collected by the new foundation. He said that a substantial amount of this money -- approximately $2 million -- is already~obligated for continuation of those positions now in operation and authorized for the School of Medicine, but that it is hoped, through\ the foundation and the greater efficiency which would be built into it, that there might be an additional $1 million next year. These funds, he said, could be al~ocated to the School in a number of ways to be negotiated with the several departments as to their respective needs.

The type of financing just described, he said, is in current practice at three-fourths of the medical schools in the country and is generally known as. "geographic full-time system." In such a plan the place where the staff wtll 'practice is determined by the governing board. This is presently, he said, at the Bernalillo County Medical Center and the Veterans Administration .Hospital, .and it is planned that this would continue.

Dr. Kugel noted that the new foundation would conduct its business under' the' provisions of the Open Meeting.s Law, .even though there is some question as to applicability. _He -indi,cated a desire. to have "a high level of trust."·

The Regents being informed about the general provisions of the proposed new plan, Dr. Kugel said that he would now like to take it, for input, to certain interested agencies of the State such as the Board of Educational Finance and the Legislative Finance Committee. A final plan would then come back to the Regents for review and final decision. ***** 527 It was moved by Dr. Simms, Mrs. Authorizations to Jourdan, that the newly elected officers of the Execute Documents Board be authorized to sign checks, drafts, and other documents on the Regents' behalf; also that the vice president be authorized to sign for the president or the secretary-treasurer in the absence of either; also that the president or the vice president be specifically authorized to execute (buy, sell, assign, or endorse for transfer) certificates representing stocks, bonds, or other securi­ ties now registered or hereafter registered in the name of the Univer­ sity of New Mexico; also that the President of the University and the Vice President for Business and Finance be authorized to continue to sign contr.acts, grants, and other agreements that are necessary for the daily operation of the University. Carried. ***** It was moved by Dr. Simms, seconded by Mr. Authorization for Roberts, that President Heady be authorized to President Heady to negotiate faculty and staff contracts for .1975­ Negotiate Faculty 76. Carried. and Staff Contracts for 1975-76 ***** The following interim actions were noted by the Interim Actions Board: , ' (1) On February 12, Mr. Horn signed a stock power release for e nine shares of Merck & Company stock.

(2) On February 20, Mrs. Mapel signed an updated copy of the Non-Profit Organization Resolution" this being used when the University sells stocks. ***** It was moved by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Replacement of Mrs. Mr. Jaramillo, that Mrs. Mapel be replaced by Mapel Q!l BCMC Board Mrs. Jourdan on the Board of Trustees of the of Trustees and on Bernalillo County Medical Center. Carried. New Mexico Medical It was also moved by Dr. Simms, seconded by --Foundation Mr. Jaramillo, that Mrs. Jourdan serve as a similar replacement on the New Mexico Medical Foundation Board. Carried. ***** - As suggested at the February 1 meeting, Academic Freedom and Tenure a proposed statement on academic freedom and Statement for GalTUP tenure at the university's Gallup and North­ and Northern Branches ern Branches was re-drafted to incorporate the fact that the normal initial full-time contract at the instructor. and assistant professor levels will be a term appointment of three years.

Thus revised, it was moved by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mrs. Jourdan, that the statement be approved. Carried., ***** Mr. Hooker said that budgetary restrictions Plans for Phase I would 'make 'i't 'impossible to undertake the entire of RemOdeling of project 'of remodeling the New Mexico Union at N. M. Union this time and that it had been broken down into phases. Only Phase I, he said, was being recommended at this time, at, a level of $1,500,000, although he had asked Mr. Predock, the project architect, to explain b~iefly the plans for the entire project.

After the presentation by Mr. Predock, it was moved by Mr. Jaramillo, seconded by Mr. Roberts, that the plans for Phase I be approved and that authorization be given to proceed with final drawings and specifications. Carried. *****

Mr. Perovich requested the Regents approval Audit for 1974-75 for reappointment of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company as auditors for the 1974-75 fiscal year. He noted tha~ they have made the audit for the last two years. He said that the contract amount for the general University accounts would be $35,000, with $7,280 for the Student Loan Program.

It was agreed that although a periodic change in auditors is desirable, it takes s'everal years to develop a proper audit program. Rather than change automatically at the end of a three-year period, it was felt that as long as the service is good, the Regents' Budget and Finance Committee should simply discuss the matter periodically with the Vice President for Business and Finance. .

It was moved by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mrs. Jourdan, that the contract with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. for the 1974-75 audit be approved and that there be an annl'iiial review of the matter by the­ Budget and Finance Committee and President for Business and ' Finance. Carried• • 'f : ,". ' ..... * .. *' ~*- ,* ,*,

Upon the recommendation of Mr. Perovich, Quasi-Endowment it was moved-·by;·Mr. IRoberts'F ·seconded. by Mr. Accounts Jaramillo., that-a li:st of new q.uasi.,..endowment accounts be approved by the Regents. Carried. *****

Mr. Perovich requested the Regents' approval Property at 1712 to proceed w~th the acquisition of the property Las Lomas Road NE at. 1712 Las .Lomas Road NE, pointing out- that if it were acquired, the University would own all but three properties in that block. He said that the appraisal was $31,200 and that the University has been offered the property at $28,500.

, It was moved by Mr. Jaramillo, seconded by Mrs. Jourdan, that the administration be authorized to proceed with the acquisition. Carried. ***** Mr. Perovich described two alphabetical Funding of Major Con­ lists of construction projects in the agenda struction P~ojects . materials, the first of which has partial or complete funding and the second having no funding. He said that the purpose of the lists is to give the Regents an idea as to the ma~ni- tude of the projects and, in the case of the second list, to indicate those possible,~projectswhichseem desirable to the Administration as soon as funding is available•. He asked for the Regents' concurrence in the continued planning of these projects, while pointing out that no priorities have yet been established7 these, he said, mignt be determined in a meeting between the Regents' Budget and Finance Committee and the Building Committee when funding becomes more realistic. President Heady emphasized that there was no intent of getting the Regents to approve now the projects not yet approved 7 all that was requested, he said, was the Regents' authorization to explore possible funding. -Dr. Simms said that he considered this a matter of putting the cart before the horse7 that it seemed more logical to him to request the Regents' basic approval of a project and then investigate funding. Mr. Perovich replied that it was always possible to with­ draw from a grant but that the timing in applying for grants is often critical, with very little warning being given. In this connection, President Heady said that many extra meetings of the Regents will be required on short notice if the Board is to approve all preliminary requests for funding.

After considerable discussion, with various proposals being advan~&, it was moved by Dr. Simms, seconded by Mr. Jaramillo, that any new building projects be submitted by the Administration to the Regents for preliminary approval, the mat~ers then to be referred to the appropriate committee of the Regents and thence to be reported back to the Regents for final action. Carried.

It was then moved by Mr. Jaramillo, seconded by Mr. Roberts, that the second alphabetical list (starting with Administration Building, Phase III, and ending with utility Lines) -- except for Family practice/Psychiatry, which is on today-' s agenda, and for Law Building Addition, which has already been acted upon -- be re­ ferred to the Regents' Budget and Finance Committee. Carried. ***** A revision of the 1974-75 operating Revision of 1974-75 bu~get was presented to the Regents by Operating:Budget -- Mr. P~rovich who said that most of the changes were made in order to comply with new accounting regulations.


e __ --:;- - ~ THE UNIVERSITY--OF NEW MEXICO , -- ~~ p...,"'... .. J Budget Revision for 1974-75 Operating Budget 11') Unrestricted and Restricted Funds Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds Current Requested Current Requested Approved Increase Revised Approved Increase Revised Budget (Decrease) Budget Budget (Decrease) Budget REVENUES: HEALTH SCIENCES: Instruction &General: Tuition &Fees $ 206,000 $176,000 $ 382,000 $ . $ $ Appropriation 2,750,000 834,000 3,584,000 Grants &Contracts 2,273,210. 790 2,274,000 1,206,365 229,635 1,436,000 Other Sources 1,269,152 848 _L.270,00O -Total Instr. &Gen.$ 6,498,362 $1,011,638 $ 7,510,000 $ 1,206,365 $229,635 $ 1,436,000 Research 320,000 320,000 4,466,000 4,466,000 Public Service 12,000 12,000 5,500,000 220,000 5,720,000 Internal Service 12,485 12,485 39,125 39,1'25 Student Aid 216,033 216,033

~ Total Current $ 6,830,847 $1,023,638 $ 7,854,485 $11,427,523 $449,635 $11 ,877 ,158 Independent Operations 2,220,790 53,210 2,.274,000 2,044,276 724 2,045,000 Total Revenues Health Sciences $ 9,051,637 $1,076,848 $10,128,485 $13,471 ,799 $450,359 $13,922,1

, f~.... I-' 3/11/75 , co I ,-?, .. - ...... ,.- e, ...__ ... _._."" __.-.-0 ...... ----_---~.-c~ __ ""-- . THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO - Budget Revi~ion for 1974-75 Operating Budget Unrestricted and Restricted Funds I Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds , Current Current Approved Re'dsed Approved ReViised Budget Requested Budget Budget Requested Budget REVENUES: ., GALLUP BRANCH: " Instr. &Gen. $ 278,100 $ 70,900 $ 349,000 $ 23,000 $ 1,000 $ 24,000 Stud. Soc. &Cult. 4,000 . 4,000 Plant Fund, Cap. Out. 50,000 __~OO Total Revenues- Gallup $ 332,100 $ 70,900 1_- 403,000 $ 23,000 $ 1,000 $ 24,000 NORTHERN BRANCH: Instr. &Gen. 342,000 33,000 375,000 13,600 13,600 Stud. Soc. &Cult. 14,000 14,000 Plant Fund, Cap. Out. 10,000 10,000 Total Revenues- Northern Branch $ 366,000 $ 33,000 j -399,000 $ $ 13,600 1 13,600

TOTAL ALL REVENUES $65,404,580 $1,022,905 $66 :.427 ,485 $25,130,074 $1,069,684 $26,199,758

(J1eJ N 3/11/75 I r' \!) I ::1 ' .- - THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO - M Budget Revision for 1974-75 Operating Budget ~O Unrestricted and Restricted Funds In Unrestricted Funds Restri cted Funds Current Requested Current Requested Approved Incre'ase Revised Approved Increase Revised Budget (Decrease) Budget Budget (Decrease) Budget EXPEND ITURES: MAIN CAMPUS: Instruction &General: Instruction $17,652,769 $(630,769) $17,022,000 $ 1,364,550 $(474,300) $ 890.250 ~44,900 Academic Support 3,873,322 69,678 3.943,000 140,725 20,125 405,750 Student Servo 1,796,617 30,383 "j , :327 ,000 134,000 25.000 159,000 Instit. Support 3,124,956 143,044 3,268,000 40,000 30,000 70,000 Opere &Maint. of Plant 3,912,000 125,000 _L1.l.037 ,000 10,000 -----1..0,000 .. 50,000 Total Instr. &Gen.$30,359,664 $(262,664) $30,097,000 $ 1,689,275 $(114,275) $ 1,575,000

Stud. Soc. &Cul. 1,099,000 \ 501 ,000 1,:500.000 47,000 47,000 Research 327,116 ~187,116~ 140,000 4,181,000 100,000 4,281,000 Publ ic Service 2, 083, 081 140,081 1,943,000 4,287,300 501,700 4,789,000 Internal Servo Dept. 363,000 20,000 383,000 24,000 24,000 Student Aid Grants &Stipends 906,450 30,550 937,000 1,400,700 44,300 1,445.000 I . t Auxiliary Enter. 6,899,450 550 6,900,000 77 ,000 77 ,000 .. Athletics 1,947,500 50,500 _1_,998.000 2,000 2,000 Total Current Fnds.$43,985,261 $ 12,739 $4:~, 998 ,000 l}l ,635,275 $ 604,725 $12,240,000 Pl ant Funds, Capital Outlay 12,744,803 2,405,197 15, '150,000 Renewal &Replace. Debt Service 3,645,000 --h~)45 ,DOO $18,795,000 / Total $16,389,803 $2,405,197 .,.,, Total Expend.- " . Main Campus $60,375,064 $2,417,936 $62,793,000 $11 ,635,275 $ 604,725 $12,240,000 ", .? I' (\j;., .' 3/11 /75 Corrected 3/17/75 ' :"""-0'< '- 4 I 1 e • THE UNIVERSITY Of NEW MEXICO -- Budget Revision for 1974-75 Operating Budget Unrestricted and Restricted Funds Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds Current· Requested Current Requested Approved .. Increase Fevised Approved Increase Revised Budget (Decrease) E!udget Budget (Decrease) . Budget _ EXPEND !TURES: HEALTH SCIENCES: Instruction &General: Instruction $4,593,003 $ 868,997 $ 5,462,000 $ 985,506 $219,494 $ 1,205,000 Academic Support 676,513 130,487 807,000 190,209 (38,209) 152,000 Student Services 63,804 11 ,196 , 75,000 30,650 48,350 79,000 Instit. Support 585,494 118,506 704,000 Operation &Maint. \ .,.\ of Plant 553,091 (91 ) 553,000 .;.


" Total Instr.& Gen. $6,471 ,905 $1,129,095 $ 7,601,000 $ 1,206,365 $229,635 $ 1,436,000 Research 320,000 320,UOO 4,466,000 4,466,000 Public Service 12,000 12,000 5,500,000 220,000 5,720,000 Internal Service 101 ,066 (88,581) 12,485 39,125 39,125 Student Aids Grants &Stipends 4,650 _~650 216,033 216,033 Total Current 6,897,621 1,052,514 7,950,135 11 ,427,523 449,635 11,877,158 .. Independent Operations 2,220,790 53,210 ---.!.? ,.274 ,000 2,044,276 724 2,045,000 . Total Expendi tures- Health Sciences $9,118,411 $1,105,724 $10,.224,135 $13,471,799 $450,359 $13,922,158

tl! ,. ~ ..... k':~"'

,,,-,I 3/11/75 I-' I 5 a" '_;~.'l:-~. ....: .. ." l,~.; e ',- ..... - .. .;.'- • THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO :,~ ~'J Budget Revisidn for 1974-75 Operating Budget ,:'. l:n Unrestricted and Restricted Funds

,:: 3/11/75 N, Iv: I 6 ~. - ,-. ,-.-.•:--- THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO • • i: Budget Revision for 1974-75 Operating Budget Unrestricted and Restricted Funds .'.. Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds ~.,~.; Current Requested Current Requested -.:' Approved Increase R2vised Approved Increase Revised . " Budget' (Decrease) B:!9sJet Budget (Decrease) Budget EXPENDITURES: NORTHERN BRANCH: Instr. &Gen.: Instruction $ 194,710 $ 28~290 $ .223,000 Academic Support 22,152 (152 ) 22,000 4,300 4,300 Student Services 23,600 400 24,000 3,300 3,300 Instit. Support 77 ,194 806 78,000 6,000 6,000 Oper. &Maint. of..Pldnt_ .. 15,834 -'----"-'-"-~ 2,166 18,000 Total Instr. &Gen. $ 333,490 $ 31,510 $ 365,000 $ $ 13 ,600 $ 13,600

(' Stud. Soc. &Cult. 14,000 14,000 Stud. Aid Grants & Stipends 2,000 1,000 3,000

Total Current $ 349,490 $ 32,510 $ .382,000 $ $ 13,600 $ 13,600 Library Books 10,000 5,716 _J.h7Ji>_ Total Expend.:" Northern Branch $ 359,490 $ 38,226 $ .397,716 $ $ 13,600 $ 13,600

TOTAL ALL EXPENDITURES $70,181,065 $3,629,991 $73,:311,056 $25,130,074 $1,069,684 $26,199,758

crt· /" e "'...,en

I 3/11/75 N W I 7 , -~ .. _-~- - ... __ "-~- e - - -".- --_.'.------, .' •... .,. "./ ..;."- • <-:'"b". THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO '" :""~~-~'i • J V') Budget Revisirnfor 1974-75 Operating Budget

Unrestricted Funds ,; f\ Current Requested Current Requested Approved Increase i<€vi sed t~pproved Increase Revi sec!' Budget JDecrease) i3udget 8u~!get (Decrease) Budget, BEGINNING BALANCES ENDING BALANCES . f;. MAIN CAMPUS: Current Funds $ 1,945,300 $ 302,471 $ 2,247,771 $1/106,743 Plant Fund, Capital Outlay 6,364,467 1,871 ,514 8,235,98i 2,214,803

; ; - Renewals &Replacements 590,000 903 590,903 670,000 ,;1 [-t: Debt Service 5,160,000 41 ,278 5,201 ,278 5,335,000 '. ),-:":' '~~HEALTH SCIENCES 658,277 330,235 988,512 .:199,503 i,.·- GALLUP BRANCH: Instruction &General (26,000) 14,439 (11 ,561) (22,000) Student Soc. &Cult. -- 1,505 1,505 Li bra ry Books -- 6,205 6,205 NORTHERN BRANCH: Instruction &General (9,825) (3,188) (13,013) (3,315) (2,698) (5,013) Library Books -- - 5,716 5,716 ~j

Total $14,682,219 $2,571 ,078 $17,,253,297 $9,800,734 $ (36,008) $9,764,725 .~~ " ...,; .<., .',

< ..­ .:;

~. :;: t"f:; 3/11/75 ~t\~ "l~., 8 .5· j', "e . ;.~ THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO '. [. - - ....: ~; ~ .-it;

Budget Revision for 1974-75 Operating Budget ~

,. l<~ Supplemental Schedule of Transfefs t ;~ Unrestricted Funds -p .~ ;';' '~ 'I,i~{ Current Requested .J::! Approved Increase Revised t ':.; ':.:..: ..,:~: , ~..... ,~ Budg~ ~ Budget (Decrease) • , I :J: ,<, ,~, .. ~ Transfers to Plant .:'), :~.. ,>,' 3\ ~~ Funds from: .~. J ".:' Main Campus .::~:. ~:"- '3 ..: :. . .: ~ ~ Current Fund $ -,. $150,000 ~;150 ,000 ; .~: ~ ... ",,,' ;.~ ).. < Health Sciences 367,000 483,000 -, 850,000 .' -:t. ~ ~ ( ~~: t; .''1fIi"> ~il Net Transfers to ~ '1"- ~.:: Plant Funds $367,000 $633,000 11:°00,000 .:Z{ ' ..~ :~

, ..~. ~

~,' .. ~ .'., Transfers to HEW -, ,'~ Loan Funds from: .~ Main Campus Current Fund $ 80,000 $ 80,000 Health Sciences Current 25,000 25,000 Net Transfers to Loan Funds $105,000 1:105,000

, tI1 C~~ ( ,," "'-.... 1,;~ . , N 3/11/75 lJl I ,9 -..l" ~------~ ~ ------..,,-'--'- .-"' - •.-:--- .-._-' .- -~~'~..~'--.---;,. •.""... -,.':: ~ ~_.- :-- -f! ------: -26------_ -- t,,: University of New Mexico (JJ Projected Capital Outlay Expenditures ! '.; ....'" For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1975 Q '" l/) .~:', Requested " ~. " Original Budget Adj usted ~" ~

Budget Adj ustmen ts Budget ~n

Major Capital Outlay '.. Nursing/Phannacy Building $ 2,375 ,2l14 $ 2,375,244 1: Scholes Hall Remodeling 250,811 250,811 " College of Education Remodeling 250,000 250,000 KNME TV Equipment 198,200 198,200 '/ Computing Center Remodeling 456,500 456,500 i~ Cancer Research Center Building 525,000 $ '- 650,000 1,175,000 Humanities Building 166,250 166,250 ,,' Physicians Augmentation - Phase 3 93,470 93,470 : :>l; ,~ Dale Bellamah Law Center 398,000 398,000 Warehouse Erection 100,000 100,000 -, Heating Plant Expansion 250,000 250,000 Campus Landscaping 344,000 3l f4,000 ",.f!

Married Student Housing " 2,573,128 2,573,128 Basketball, Arena Expansion 850,000 850,000 Football Stadium Expansion 525,000 525,000 Zimmerman Library Expansion 1,725,900 1,725,900 , BCMC Addition 1,000,000 (200,000) 800,000 .~; UNM Bookstore Building 120,000 120,000 , , l Total $10,726,503 'to $ 1,925,000 $12,651,503 ifl .:' Jio ~-t :". , Library Books 961,000 36,197 997,197 ; :, i~ , Minor Capital Outlay " . Restricted Funds 53,000 53,000 , Land 100,000 100,000. Buildings 138,000 138,000 s Equipment (note) '766,300 444,000 1 210,300 "'" 2 - ,; TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $12,744,803 $ 2,405,197 lli-J50,OOO ~

.~~ "

f:, " 't ',' \"" '; -- .

" On behalf of the Budget and Finance Committee, it was moved by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Jaramillo, that the budget revisions be approved. Carried. ***** Vice President Travelstead informed the School of Architecture Regents that on March 11 the Faculty approved a title change from a Department of Architecture (in the College of Fine Arts) to a School of Architecture and Planning. He pointed out that this follows the common practice elsewhere in the country and that no commitment of additional faculty or budget is involved. In reply to a question from Dr. Simms, he said that the change in title will not of itself mean a program growth; architecture at UNM is growing in any event, he: said. ***** pre Travelstead also reported on the Faculty's Graduate Center approval of the establishment of a graduate center in Santa Fe at Santa Fe, and he explained that appr0val was contingent upon funding by the State; funds, he said, would not come from the budget on the main campus. He noted that only the academic base of the center had been approved. *****

Upon request from Regent Horn, Dr~ Travel- Presidential Search ?' stead, chairman of the Regentstj; advisory and Screening.Committee Presidential Search and Screening Committee, reported that an unranked list of nine nominees"~·is now being sent to the Regents by the Committee, together with dossiers of the nominees. He read a list of attributes for the presidency which had been developed and used by the Committee and suggested a procedure for subsequent steps which, he said, had been approved by the Committee. It was agreed that the next step would be a·', closed meeting of the Regents and the Committee for discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the nominees, and Mr. Durrie was asked to set up such a meeting as soon as possible after the spring recess. Dr. Travelstead stressed the vital importance of confidentiality regarding the list of nominees and asked the cooperation of the Press in this respect. ***** As exceptions to the rule regarding Extension of Employment for retirement at age 65 and with the recom­ Professors Howard and Edgel mendation of President Heady, the several vice presidents, and the respective deans and chairmen, it was moved by Mr. Jaram~llo, seconded by Mr. Roberts, that the appointments of Professor Leon Howard and Professor Ralph Edgel be continued fo~ 1975­ 76, Professor Howard to teach one course as Visiting Professor ~nd Professor Edgel to continue to serve as Professor of Business and I Administrative Sciences and Associate Dean of the School. carri'ed• •• ** *,* * Additional faculty and administrative con- Faculty Contracts tracts, leaves, resignations, and,retirements were brought to the Regents as follows:


~o Faculty and a Coach, 1974-75:

Carlson, Marjorie Ann Lecturer in Family and Community $ 5,687.50 (st 12/1/74) Medicine (3/4-time, Temporary) (7 months)

Cavanaugh, Raymond R. Instructor in Psychiatry 7,228.00 (st 1/8/75) (60r~time, Temporary) (5.8 months)

de Grazia, Margreta Visiting Assistant Professor of 6,000.00 (st 1/13/75) English (Temporary) (4~ months)

Emrich, Carol Lee Instructor in Nursing 5.065.00 (st 1/16/75) (Temporary) (4~ months;

Flynn, Mary Ann Koss Instructor in Business Ecucation, 5,000.00 (st 1/13/75) Department of Secondary Education (4~ months; ('Ilemporary)

Gooding, Richard A. Adjunct Associate Professor of 6,000.00 (st 1/1/75) Surgery (30%-time, Non-Prob) (6 months)

Koplik, Lewis H. Adjunct Asstistant Professor of 1,000.00 (st 11/1/74) Ob/Gyn (5o/o-time, Temporary) (8 months)

Na sby, Made 1~. ne Assistant Professor of Home 6,500.00 (st 1/13/75) Economics (Temporary) (4~ months:

Queisser, Harold P. Assistant Football Coach 12, 000.00 -, (st 2/1/75) (12 months'

Born Januarv 18, 1950 in Indianapolis, Indianar single. Education: 'B.5. (PE/Soc) Illinois Sta"te University, 1972; M.S. (PE/Guidance) University of New I'-1exico, 1975.

Raushenbush, Walter B. Visiting Professor of Law 16,000.00 (st 1/13/75) (Temporary) (4~ months

B. Revised Cont,racts.t-....1274.·-75:

Davis, Herbert rl'~ .Asf;ociate Professor of Mathernatics 7,775.00 (st 1/16/75) (4~2 months (Revised t:o cancel agreement with Cancer Center and 'co return prof. Davis to depax:tmen'cal c1utiGs.) f'0 5 ~. :,f ,,,:

~._---_..__.__._--_...... - . ------;------~. ....:::..::...=.-...:-.~-:::::-~:= -- - -i>oughtt:;~~::William i:··· Assist~~tr;;~16fessor of Pathology, 28,550.00 (st 7/1/74) Assistant Professor of Anatomy (12 months) (Revised to reflect a salary increase of $1,800 for additional responsibilities assumed Feb. 1, 1975.)

. Feuchter, Sharon T. Instructor in Mathemati.cs 4;700.00 (st 8/19/74) (Non-Prob) (9 months) (Revised to increase from 1/2-time to 58o/~time for Semester II only.)

Glowienka, Emerine F. Lecturer in Sociology and Phil., 6,000.00 (st 8/19/74) Gallup Branch (2/3-time, Non-Prob) (Revised to change payee effective 2/28/75.)

Kocurek, Barbara J. Instructor in Home Economics 9,625.00 (st 8/19/74) (Temporary) (9 months) - (Revised to change from 3/4-time to full-time for Semester II only.)

Kornfeld, Mario Associate Professor of~Pathology 36,677.00 (st 7/1/74) (Tenured) {12 months} (Revised to cancel planned sabbatical leave.)

Linsley, John Adjunct Professor of Physics 11,667.00 (st 12/1/74) (Temporary) . (7 months) (Revised to change from 7/8-time to 9/l0-time effective 12/1/74, and tomcrease base salary from $16,377 for nine months to $22,222 for twelve months.) McDonald, Dianna Instructcr in Nursing 9,219.88 (st 8/19/74) (Probationary) (9 months) (Revised to reduce from full-time to 3/4-time during Semester II, for personal reasons.) Moolenijzer, Nicolaas Associate Professor of Physical 12,968.00 (st 8/19/74) Education (Te~;·.ured) (26 weeks) (Revised to show approved Leave Without Pay starting Ma r ch 15, 1975 • ) Wright, Aletha M. Lecturer I in Nursing 5,694.12 Cst 10/28/74) (Temporary) {9~ weeks} (Revised to show emergency Leave Without Pay starting 12/1/74 through the balance of Semester I.)

c. Supplemental Contracts, 1974-75: Howarth, Enid Lecturer III in Architecture 1,000.00 (st 1/13/75) {4~ months (Supplemental to half-time contract for the academic yea4 for additional teaching during Semester II.) Taylor, Anne Lecturer III in Architecture 1,000.00 '.\.- (st 1/13/75) - (Supplemental to full-time appointment in Art Educ., for additional teaching Semester II in Architecture.) II. NEW TEMPORARY, PART-TIME FACULTY, 1974-75:

Allen, Mel Assistant Instructor in HPER, 300.00 Sem II Archuleta, Tony A. Adjunct Instructor in Educ Fdns, 750.00 Northern Branch, Sem II Barr, Mary Louise Lecturer II in Biology, Sem II 950.00

Barthle, Mary P. Instructor in HPER, Sem II 900.00

Bennahum, Judith H. Assistant Instructor in Dance, Dept. 600.00 of Theatre Arts~ Sem II Bac~hus, Charles E. Adjunct Professor of Civil Engr, 975.00 Sem II Bailey, David J. Adjunct Instructor in EECS, Los 792.00 Alamos Graquate Center, Sem II Beaumont, Edward Lecturer II in Geology, Sem II 350.00

Blodgett, Daniel D. Assistant Instructor in HPER, 1,250.00 Semester II Boring, Arthur M. Adjunct Assi stan t Professor of 792.00 Physics, LA Grad Center, Sem II Boucher, Phillip ,L. Instructor in HPER, Sem II 300.00

Capps" Yvette Instructor in HPER, Sem II none Carlson, Jerome A. Adjunct Professor of Mechanical 975.00 Engineering, Seilicster II Carrington, Michael Instruc~or in HPER, Semester II none

Engelken, Susan F. Lecturer I in Biology, 8em II 1,650.00

Farrington, Susan Adjunct Instructor in Political 1,500.00 ,\ , Science, Northern Branch, 8em II Fisher, Lisa Adjunct Instructor in English, 750.00 Northern Branch, Semester II Fosnaugh, Robert A. Adjunct Professor of Civil Engr, 975.00 Semester II George, James Edward Adjunct Assistant Professor of EECS, 792.00 LA Grad Ctr, Sem II Gonzalez, Lee Adjunct Instructor in Spanish, 750.00 Northern Branch', Sem II Graham, Cameron R. Lecturer II in Law, Sem II 1,000.00

Graham, Edward D. Adjunct Professor of EECS, 950.00 Semester II Hackett, Colin E. Adjunct Professor of Mechanical 975.00 Engin~ering, Sem II Herter, Alics Adjunct Instructor in Education, 1,500.00 Norlhern Branch, Sem II Hill, Larry Rey Lecturer II in American Studies 1,250.00 (Chicano Studies) Sem II Hoban, Mary S. Lecturer I in English, Sem II 1,600.00 ,t Holtz, Charles L. Jr. Instructor in Mathematics, Sem II 1,002.00 , '; .- . ..~,~ 1 ,

/'11 [: 5 -,.':.. -'

Howard, Lillie P. Lecturer I ~n English, Sem II 800.00 Huntsman, Edward L. Lecturer I in PE, Gallup Branch" 500.00 Semester II- Kenyon, Malcolm H. Lecturer I in Secondary Education, 900.-00 Semester II Kintzinger, Paul R. Adjunct Assistant Professor of 1,056.00 Geology, LA Grad Ctr, Sem II Knecht, James J. Lecturer I in History, Gallup 750.00 Branch, Sem II Koch, James Lecturer II in B&AS, Sem II 1,000.00

Koe~ling, Jerry J. Adjunct Assistant Professor of 19~.00 Nuclear Engr, LA Grad Ctr, SemII Laate, Jennie M. Lecturer I in Art Education, 500.00 Gallup Branch, Sem II Lee, Mary K. Lecturer in General Studies, 500.00 Undergraduate Seminar Pgm, Sem II Lopez, Thomas A. Adjunct Instructor in lET, Northern 1,500.00 Branch, Sem II ' Lunt, Jeffrey R. Lecturer I in Music, Sem II 1,400.00 Margolis, G. Victor Lecturer II in Law, Sem II 750.00

McCurley, Ronald Adjunct Instructor in Industrial' 500.00 Education, Northern Branch, Sem II Milspaugh, Marilyn M. Lecturer' I in Business Education, 2,000.00 Dept of Sec Educ, Sem II ~-_.- ~.- -~.,": ...... ,....."....,-.. ,...,... ,...,,"'" .. ,.....,,- -".._. - - - ..-. ,!.. 0; ___ " l·- _..... -_.... ~- .... ~"- ...L.LllO:>'-".J..U\,...... L,li. Lli:'£.I .t'\. , . .L.i.. t-j.Yil.i.G, .uL'.L.c,ii •. v.J.. Seln ',,;,

Nye, I\atricia S. Instructor in HPER, Sem II 1,200.00 Orner, Marc Instructor in Guidance and Counsel- 900.00 ing, Sem II Ortega., Jose B. Adjunct Instructor in Spanish, 750.00 Northern Branch, Sem II Pluchinotta, Joseph Lecturer in General Studies, 500.00 Undergraduate Seminar Pgm, Se~ II Robert, Gail C. Lecturer in Art, Sem II 1,400.00 Schneider, John P. Lecturer in General Studies, 500.00 Under~raduate Seminar Pgm, Sem II Schulze, Kristin K. Instructor in HPER,'Sem II 300.00 Shomaker, John W. Lecturer II in Geology, Sem II 350.00 Simmons, Barbara A.B. Instructor in American Studies 750.00 (Afro-American Studies) Sem II Speer, J'ohn B. Lecturer II in Law, Sem II 425.00

Turpen, Charles Adjunct Instructor in Industrial 750.00 Education, Northern Branch, 8em Van Dongen, Barbara Assistant Professor of Elementary 'Education, 8em II

.'" . ---_. -'~--'- Volkin, Hilda S. Adj"unct Instructor in Art, Northern 750'.0"0 Branch, Sem II Wilcox, Emily J. Instructor in HPER, Sem II 900.00 te I Walker, Carolyn S. Assistant Instructor in Theatre 1,575.00 Arts, Semester II Warfield, Margaret.J. Lecturer I in Art Education, 1,000.00 Gallup Branch, Sem II Williams, Ronald Instructor in Special Education, 250.00 Semester II


Allen, Richard C., Jr., Associate Professor of Mathematics, Director of the Los Alamos Graduate Center: At U~l since 1968: no previous leave; requests:

.Sabbatical Leave from· departmental duties onlv, for

1975-76 Academic Year t with usual 1/2-FTE to funded by l,os Alamos contract, to study in some detail the prob­ lem of linear compartmental analysiscfrom both a mathematical a,nd computa.tional point of view. During the sabbatical leave, Professor Allen plans to continue his half-time appointment as Director of· the Los Alamos Graduate Center.

Darrctt, Richard A., l-.ssistant Professor of Anth!:"opology,

~' .• "" - -+. c.," - .. -- ",- • - ,-' -! -- .. at UNlvi sincE:: 1970; no pr~v~u~b ~~QVd; Lc~0¢6~6:

~.£.. Without Pay, 1975-76, Sernester .i., to conduct anthropological fieldwork in Caceres, Spain. The primary subject of research will be the emerging social and political elites of the community and the relationship of this group to the preindustrial upper classes.

Ben-·David, Shaul, 6Z\ssociate Professor of Economics: at UNM since 1969; no previous leave; requests:

pabbatical ~ave, 1975-76 Academic Year, with 2/3 p~, to continue his research in natural resources in semi­ arid regions and to assist the Institute for Desert Research at Ben-Gurion University in Israel in the development of an environmental research program.

Bills, Garland D., Associate Professor of Modern and Classical Language~, Associate Professor of J,inguistics; at UN!-1. since 1969 i no previous leave: :ceques"ts:

".' _§_':lpb_at:::is=.£1..1~~-L-_19?5-7~..L S~nester I I wi th f~11_:e~x, )j'b0~:'.'u:n'd8rtake basic linguistic and sociolinguistic reseal."eh on Spanish and Quichua in the highlands of Ecuador. Professor Bills feels that this research \'Jill be

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76 Academic Year, with 2/3 payo to work in Western Europe--possibly England, probably Germany. Professor Bryant has been recommended by the Council for the International Exchange of Scholars for an award under the 1975-76 Fu1bright-H~ys program with Germany. If this opportunity to do research at the University of Bonn does not become final, Professor Bryant has several fal1-ba'ck options which include the possibility of a Guggenheim Fellowship, and invitations to work on his research at various British universities.

Campbell, John M., Professor of Anthropology; at UNM since 1964: previously on Sabbatical Leave 1972-73 Academic Year: requests:

l:>~a'ie Without Pav, 1975-76, Semeste r I, to accompany Professor William S. Laughlin of the ./' University of Connecticut and his American field party of fo~r anthropologists to Kamchatka, USSR, next August and Sep·tember. On Kamchatka, the will exc~vate archeological sites which bear 'on early pre­ hls'::'oric rE;lat.ionships between northwestern North \ ' J.'.merica and northeastern Eurasia.

Draper, Patricia, Assistant Professor of AnthropologYi ai-. Ul\1t1-1 ~in~e lQ7/'! no nre'7i.ous lea'7e~ reQuests: / ~~~e Without. PC0l, 1975-76, Semester I, t.o accept a g~'ant from the National Science Foundation to carry out a research project among the ~Kung Bushmen of the Kala.hari 'Desert, Botm·;a·na. Professor Draper's plaDned research will deal with the consequences of a shift to sedentary life style on the social and econ­ omic insti:..:.utions of a people who have previously lived a nomadic,and life style.

Edwards, Artemus L., Assistant Professor of Music; at UNM since 1969; no previous leave; requests:

Sabbatica'l_ Leave, 1975-76 Semester II, with full 'pay, t.o live and work in Philadelphia so that he can col1aborate \vith Nr. Sol Sch'oenbach, former principal bassoonis'l: of the Philadelphia Orchestra. The purpose of Professor Edwards I investigation will be to find an appropriate substit:u.te for the present bassoon reed.

Efroyrnson, Gustave A., Associate Professor of Mathematics; a:t UNM since 1969; no previous leave; requests:

. Sal?b~.ti~~l,l_;r.,e~::..!-l:.~7 5-76 Acad~m:~.c Year, with 2/3 paz, to do research in algebraic georn~try. Professor . ... .r.' •• ~ .• " ro , ... -"-' '-,. '-"1'". .-. .,-~ •• ~ -~ .;. '-'~r+=r>cC'. ~ J.:.. J...r0::tolus\.")Jl . .l....-J .. ~:.d.h.. J..:r ... g 1:-! u~'n~ \.:~'-.;··V~_lo,"> ..L __ .·l:.1~U..l- ..-_u..;..o~ ..Fr-=>ns'-' ".Oort at the Univerrd.·;:yof Z\msterd.;.J.m, ahd possibly to VlSlt centers of algebraic .~~omstry in Paris and Boston.

-----~~, ,'-- -_.---,------~..... Fe1berg,Leonard, Associate Professor of Music: at UNM since 1969: no previous leave: requests:

Sabbatical Leave, . 1975-76 t Semester I, with full pay, to refresh and revitalize the teaching and performi.'ng aspects of his work through first-hand observation of major teachers and their approaches to the applied 'violin student, in both the private lesson and the master class situations•. In addition, Professor Felberg plans to attend many concerts in the area of violin performance and chamber music, travelling to music centers in New York and London.

Friden, 'Thomas P., Assistant Professor of Psychology: at UNM since 1970; no previous leave; requests:

~e Without Pay, 1975-76, Semester I, to accept a one-semester appointment at the Center for Advanced Study, University of Illinois at Urbana­ Champaign. This Center is an ac~demic unit established to support scholarly activities ~nd to provide a mech­ anism whereby professionals outside the University of Illinois can collaborate with re~:},dent faculty. ,:'\:~>:'.'.:\ Gibson, A. G., Associate ProfessoJtlio,:e; Mathematics: at UNM since 1968: no previous leav~f:i.;equests: ,;...;.\ ..~ Sab~atical:f!§.aveL.-1.97 5-76 Academic "yE1~r !with 2/3 pav, to spend a year doing advanced study and research at one, of the world I s leading scientific cenJ:ers special­ izing in scattering theory: the Universite de Geneve, Switzerland: the Centre de Physique Theoreque, at Marseille, France: or Leningrad state University" USSR.

Grow, Ronald L.,' Associate Professor of p,.rt;at UNM since 1962 to 1967, then startingagai:ir' in 1972: no previous leave: requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76 Academic year, with 2/3 pay, to produce a recognizable body of creative work during a period of extended concentrated studio activity.

Harpending, Henry C., Assistant Professor of Anthropology: at UNM since 1972; no previous leave: requests:

~eave Withou~Pav, 1975-76, Semester I L to accept a National Science Founda~ion grant to con­ tinue research with the San peoples of Botswana, with Professor Draper and Professor Harpending as co­ principal investigators. Professor Harpending will be continuing his research interests in hunter~gatherer mobility and foraging in relation to gene flow over large regions. r::;.1'1 .r~,! /"< ~'~!!:,.,:;

~~.__.------~-~--c-~~:;.~.,. :~: ~.~~~_._=._--~=------~--~------.

Heisey, Marion' J. " Associate Professor of Guidance and Counseling; at UNM since 1969; no previous leave; ., requests:

ppbbatical Leave, 1975-76 Academ;c Year, with 2/3 pay, to work on the following activities: 1) professional writing; 2) short-term teaching at Messiah College, . Grantham, Pennsylvania; 3) planning'the development of a psycho-educational diagnostic center for Navajo children; and 4) planning the development of a regional alcoholic rehabilitation center for Navajos.

Hight, Beatrice A., Assistant Professor of Librarianship; at UNM since 1968; no previous leave; requests:

Sabb_atical Leave, 10/1/75 - 3/31/76, with Iul!, pay, " to compile a bibliography of all novels about the state of Ne'l,\1Hexico published during the nineteenth and twentieth centu,ries, that is, up to '1975/ exclud­ ing only "pulp" westerns. This bibliography will be .f• fully annotated (about 200 worqs per title) and in­ dexed geographically and historically by content. 'llhere will also be a title index. In addition the work will indica'te which libraries in the State with ,large Southwestern collections possess the titles listed.

JCijj,o.S, rdU]kl PL"ofessoI: of ~CQilOlnicb; a~c. U.L~iVi sii-J.ce ..LJ~)/; previously on LWOP during the 1970-71 academic year; requests:

Sa.bbaticc~l I;~'LEJ...L-.1975..·76 Acad£mic Year 1 with 2/3 pay/ to accEJp't a Fulbri.ght-Hays teaching-research award at the Universite de Algiers. The main goal in P3:of. Jonas I research vlill be to single o"t the various roadblocks which create difficulties for a continuing capacity to supply a growing population with increased volumes of con~odities and services per capita.

Koopmans, Lambert H., Professor of Mathematics; at UNM since 1964j previously on SabbaJ.::.ical Leave 1971-72 Academic Year; requests~

Sab}?at~:..cqU:,e£Y.~.-1-97S.·76.t....l1.emester L with 2LL.E.~.Y:" to visit the Department of Statistics at Princeton

University. The pur~)ose of the visi-c would be to ,I carry out research on new problems in his specialty, I '}~ime Series Analysis / with Professor Geoffrey Watson, 'chai:t:man of the department, and others, and to par­ ticipate in a graduate course or seminar over the material of Professor Koopmans' recent book, "The Spectral Analysi.s of Time series/" published by Academic 'Press, June, 1974. "

Lewis, Ralph W., Professor of Art; at UNM since 1956; previously.on Sabbatical Leave 1966-67, Semester I; requests: }

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76, Semester I, with full pay, to devote his time to several areas of technical re­ search and creative work. The research will be aimed at developing a relatively fault-free process invol­ ving the fusion of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Professor Lewis also plans to continue work, begun under a research grant, entitled, "The New Hexico Landscape--A More Intimate Viewpoint," and to develop further his work in lost wax casting.

Ligon, J. David, Associate Professor of Biology; at UNM since 1968; no previous leave; requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76 .l>.cademic Year, with 2/3 pay; to conduct a year-long study in Kenya, investigating the social systems and ecology of two families of birds endemic to Africa, the wood hoopoes, and the colie-s. Arrangements for his affiliation with the National Museums of Kenya as a Research Associate currently are being completed, and an application for a Guggenheim Fellowship has been completed.

May, Gerald W., Associate Professor of Civil Engineer~ ingr at. TTTJM ~i!"l-'''A 1967; D0 :::revimJs Je<'1ve~ reauests:

Sabbatical Leave L 1975=76 1 Semester I, with full pay! to 1) update and broaden his knowledge and capability in the area of experimental mechanics; 2) acquaint himself with current research and curricular develop­ ments in Civil Engineering at various universities, including the University of California at Berkeley; and, 3) reorganize and improve laboratory no"tes, equipment, and other resources in the Mechanics of Materials Laboratory.

McNamara, Patrick H., Assistant Professor of Sociology; at UNM. since 1970; no pre'lious lea;ve; requests:

Leave~~tpout PaYe 1975-7£ AcadeJ:!li£. Year., to accept a fellowship from the National Endo~ment for the Humanities. This leave request is contingent upon the award of that fellowship. Tpe intended out­ come of the research project is a booTe-length manuscript on civil religion themes in the bicentennial conferences, symposia, etc. ".:".

Murphy, Richard E., Professor of Geography, Chairman of the Department of Geography: at UNM since 1965: pre­ '. Viously on Sabbatical Leave 1972-73 Academic Year: ~equests:

',Leave 'Without Pay, 1975-76 Academic Year, >tq accept a Fulbright award at the University of the Saarland in West Gennany. He has been asked to lec­ ture on Political Geography and the Geography of North America. Professor Murphy feels that the ex­ perience should give him new insights f·or his teaching of political geography ~t UNM, plus additional ex­ posure 'to Europe, the region for which he is respon­ sible in the UNM curriculum.

Nonnan, Ralph D., Professor of Psychology, Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences: at UNM since 1949: previously on Sabbatical Leave '1968-69, Semester I: requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76, Semester I, with full pay, to devote his time to professional writing--completion of· two papers and a book on sex differences.

Olson, Janice K., Associate Professor of Physical Education: at UNM since 1965: no previous leave: requests: '

Sappatical Leave, 1975-76 Academic Year, w'ith 2/3 pay, to Derve as an associate in research to Dr. Lawrence F. Locke, Professor of Education and Professor of Physical Education at the University of Massachusetts. Professor Olson plans to work in two areas of re­ search: 1) Ethnographic research on teaching: and 2) Role co~flict in women coaches.

Onneweer, Cornelis W., Associate Professor of Mathematics: at UNM since 1969: no previous leave: requests: Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76 Academic Year, with 2/3 pay, to study Approximation Theory, in particular as it is related to Fourier Analysis on so-called Vilenkin Groups. Professor Onneweer plans ~o pursue his re­ search work, in part, in the Nether1andsoat the University of Nijmegen.

*Ortiz, Alfonso, Professor of Anthropology; at UNM since 1974: no previous leave: requests:

Leave without Pay, 1975-76 Academic Year, to write a book on the history of the stereotype of the American Indian in American popular culturE;l. This would bring to final fruition research of four years' duration. *In view of the particular circumstances in this case, Pres·ident Heady and VP Travelstead request an exception to the leave without pay policy. Papadopoulos, E. P., Associate Professor of Chemistry: at UNM since 1969: no previous leave: requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76 Academic Year, with 2/3 pay, to spend a year doing research at the Department of Chemistry of the American University of Beirut, in Lebanon. Professor Papadopoulos' research interests are mainly in heterocyclic organic chemistry. He feels that this leave will give him an opportunity to expand his interests and experience into a new productive field.

Peters, William S., Professor of Business and Admin. Sciences: at UNM since 1968: no previous leave: requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76, Semester I, with fu11~, to work in intensive study, research, and writing in the areas of his graduate seminars o Professor Peters plans to write several papers appropriate for professional journals.

Robbins, Richard, Jr., Associate Professor of History: at UNM since 1969: no previous leave: requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76 Academic Year. with 2/3 pay, to work on research for a book on the Russian provincial governors from l~~u-l~uS. ~he work Wl~~ focus on the func·tioning of these officials both. within the Imperial administration and in provincial society. At present, Professor Robbins plans to spend about five months working in libraries in New York City, and then in February, 1976, he hopes to spend up to four months in the Soviet Union using archives in Moscow and Leningrad. .

Runge, William B., Professor of Secondary Education: at UNM since 1946: previously on sabbatical leave 1968-69, Semester Ii requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76, Semes~er I, with full PEY, to travel and visit a limited number of other leading colleges and universities having outstanding teacher preparation programs--in Oklahoma, Texas, ,

and California. During the visits he hopes to talk 0 with deans, professors in charge of Post-Secondary Teacher Education, vocational-technical education, laboratory experiences, and some public school and state department of education personnel working vIith student teachers, interns, and related programs. Professor Runge also plans ·to work on curriculum and revisions for those courses and programs in his department relating to Post-Secondary, Vocational, Technical, and Adult Education. 552

Schlegel, Don P.,' Chairman of the Department of Architecture, Professor of Architecture: at UNM since 1954:previously on sabbatical leave 1964-65 academic year: requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76 Semester I, with full pay, to explore new areas of interest which will benefit the students, the Department, and the University, with his' return to full-time teaching. New infor­ mation is available in project management, . historical preservation, and computers in architec... tu're which Professor Schlegel will study. He also' plans to work extensively in the area of architec­ tural planning and environmental problems of developing countries in Latin America.

Smith, Maryr-Ellzabeth, Associate Professor of Art: at UNM since 1966: previously on LWOP, 1973-74, Semester II: requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76, Semester I, with 2/3 pay, to continue work on the group of Mexican manuscripts from the Valley of Nochixtlan in southern Mexico. Professor Smith plans to do ~er research in the archives of Mexico City and in the Valley of Nochixtlan. itself.

Bnc~d, RcCrr~~n~~., Prcfo~sor of Geography, at lnTI1 since 1969; previously on sabbatical leave 1971-72, Sem:~;ster II: requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76, Semester I, with 2/3 pay, to accompany Professor George Dales of the Dept. of Near Eastern Studies, University of California at Berkeley, on an archaeological expedition to the Makran coa~t in Pakistan where an archaeological dig at. rrepe Balakot is being undertaken. Professor Snead's part of the expedition would be to try to date the growth of the Windar Delta, estimate the extent of the former shoreline, and investigate hydrologic problems in the vicinity of Tepe Balakot and other archaeological finds.

Snell, Eanell M., Chairperson of the Department of Home Economics, Professor of Home Economics: at UNM since 1966: no previous leave; requests:

§a~hatical Leave, 1975-76 Semester I, with full pay, to study and observe some of the newer and innovative programs in home economics education. Professor Snell plans to evaluate programs at Brigham Young University, Oregon State University, and Colorado state University. She also plans to work on cur... .',_:2-""" riculum planning and changes which have been sug- gested by this observation and analysis •

." .. ""'-- Spolsky, Ellen, Associate Professor of EnJ lish; at UNM since 1968; previously on LWOP 1971-72; ,e requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76 Academic Year, with 2/3 pay, to accept a fellowship. if i tis offered by the;:.. ;

National Endowment for the Humani ti~s or the _Ame·ri.can i Council of Learned Societies. If Professor Spolsky! receives either fellowship, she will work primarily­ on that project: Aspects of the pluralist society which can be discovered in literary· and socio­ linguistic evidence. In addition, Professor Spolsky plans to prepare two new courses, one at the under­ graduate level and one at the graduate level in Stylistics and the Language of Literature.

Steen, Charlie R., Assistant Professor of History; at UNM since 1969; no previous leave; requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76, Semester I, with full nay, to finish a portion of a study he began four years ago on the period of the Regency of Margaret of Parma in 'Lhe Netherlands from 1559 to 1569, when there was a violent disruption of the established social, religious, and political order. Professor Steen plans to do research in the special collections of UCLA, The University of Chicago, Harvard University, """'~ f-hl:> 1\nr P"hl;,.. T.; h =>....u ::> ~ f-hl:> T.; h ..... :::i ....u r\-F ("'r\nrr ..... pqc::. ~,;..:.'-.. "-' ... ---- .:....- .:... _ ...._-.,..;:;...-:..."-" ~---~-- _.""O-. .i. ....- -'-._-.....~ ..... -'-._. """':"",-"".. =,",---,,~J. ".·0,,"- -.--.-~-:;;- --"- =-

Steiner, Vera John, Professor :)f Educational Foundations; at UNM since 1972; no previous leave; requests:

Leave Without Pay, 1975-76 Semester I, to write a bo~c on thinking for which she has a contract from Grossman Publishers in New York. The nature of the writing task includes travel in this country and abroad.

Tailby, Donald G., Associate Professor of Economics; at um1 since 1967; no previous leave; requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76 Academic Year, yJi th 2L:3 pay, to conduct research in Latin American economic de­ velopment looking toward scholarly publication. Particularly, Professor Tailby hopes to investigate determinants of sectoral trends in productivity and income in Central American Cornmon Market countries.

Walters, Edward A., Associate Professor of Chemistry, at UNM since 1968; no previous leave; requests:

Sabbatical Leave...L.....1:.97 5-76 .l\cademic ye~. with 2/3 pay, to perfo~TI research on fast proton transfer phenomena in England for half of his leave, and experiments wit.h crossed molecular beams in Germany for the second half of the year...... ! .' ':'.",


Welsh, Rosemarie, Assistant .Professor of Modern and Classical Languages: at UNM since 1955: no previous leave: requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76, Semester I, with full pay, to spend some time in Germany; specifically in West Berlin, to continue a study of the expressionistic poet, Gottfried Benn. .

Zepper, John T., Professor of Educational Foundations: at UNM since 1961: previously on sabbatical leave 1~68-69, Semeste~ IIi requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 191.5-76 Academic Year, with 2/3 pay, T,· to:conduct historical and empirical research in ['..F" Comparative Education, with five or six months of t:t;avel and research in the Soviet Union, and about four months of travel and research in western Europe~-Slavic countries, Portugal, and the United Kingdom. .

Zimmer, William J., Associate Professor of Mathematics: at UNM since 1969: no previous leave: requests:

Sabbatical Leave, 1975-76 Academic Year, with 2/, to continue research on statistical applications and teaching methods for his course Statistical Cc-n:Jult.:"ng.. :>=~=~33:-:= Z:.::,.:::::~ :;,2.:::~ :t:l::':::J -=~. ex~~~~ the boundaries of his research in Applied Statistics.

NOTE: The following four requests have not yet been given all administrative approvals necessary, but they are included here in order that ·the Regents will have time to consider them with the other requests. At the meetinq, you will be advised of administrative approvals.

Blood, Ronald E., Professor of Educational Administra­ tion: at UNM since 1969: no previous leave~ requests:

Sabbatical Leave; 1975-76 Semes.ter I, with full pay, to continue his research interest in understanding the effects of the socialization process upon the behavior of school administrators. Professor Blood expects to work with Iannaccone in California and Greenfield in New York i~ order to be able to generalize beyond the New Hexico population. _.f 555

-'~'.' --.- - -- ~---- Otis, Gerald D., Associate Professor of Psychiatry: at UNM since 1966; no previous leave; requests:

,Sabbatical Leave, 7/1/75 through 12/31/75, with full ~, to work on the research and ,writing necessary to produce a book dealing with the problem of physician distribution in the United States. Its purposes are to: 1) clarify the components of the problem, especially the psychosocial components: 2) specify what is required for problem solution: 3) indicate what is currently known about factors relevant to the problem: and 4) suggest some direc­ tions for further research and resolution.

Quenk, Alex T., Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Associate Professor of Psychology: request the following revision of' the duration of his sabbatical leave previously approved:

Sabbatical Leave 9'/1/74 - 2/28/75 (instead of the Erevious date of 8Y31/75) with 2/3 pay. If this revision is appro\tea, 'Dr. Quenk will return to full salary and t~ f~11 duties on March 1, 1975.

; '. ~ i ' I • \ ' Shoop, Jon D., Associate:l?rofessor of Radiology, Associate Professor of "Pharmacy (Radiopharmacy), Chief, Div. of Nuq1~h::::, 1-1edicine, Dept. of Radiolog~ii at 0NiVl since 1968i'\r10 previous l~avej request.s: .,' , .': ' ..\ SaLbatical Leave 8/1/75'-+ 1/31/76, with full pay, to spend: a) Two months in nti~lear instrument design research at the Picker Corp., North Haven, Conn.: b) Six weeks at ~~veral major medical in­ stitutions which are involved in clinical nuclear imaging rt=:search; c) Two weeks at either M.D. Anderson or Memorial Hospital (NY) in nuclear !, imagillg techniques related specifically to cancer workup: d) One month in applied radionuclide re­ search at Los Alamos; and :;',e) One month in updating the teaching file in Nuclear Medicine, with clinical and chart followup, and photography, of several hundred studies of interest.

IV. PJ~SIGNATIONS Effective Date: Howard, Milton B. Associate Professor of Art 6/30/75

McDuffie, D. Wayne Assistant Football Coadl 1/31/75

l-1ortimer, E. A. Jr .. Chairman of the Department of 2/15/75 Pediatrics, Professor of pediatrics SSG

---~. -~-- ~. .~ ------. ,

(Resignations Continued)

Rosales-Sharp, Maria C. Visiting Assistant Professor 5V3l/75 of Biology

Slenes, Robert W. Instructor in History 5/31/75


(; Adams, Eleanor B. Editor, NM Historical Reviewj 7/1/75 Research Professor at Large. Alexander, Hubert G. Professor of Philosophy 7/1/75

Benavidez, Florencio Custodian, Physical Plant 7(1/75 Castonguay, Thomas T. Director of Industrial Relations, 1/1/75 College of Engineering;

Professor of Chern. Engineering' ...... '... "'.. '; Dittmer# Heward J. Associate Dean of the College of 11/1/75- Arts a~d Sciencesj Professor qf Biology Harris, Ruth B. Professor of Home Economics 1/1/ 75 Hunsley, G. Millard Assistant Professor of Journalism 1 75 1/ / Koster, William J. Professor of Biology 1 75 1/ / McAda, Hansel D. Boiler Opr 3, Physical Plant 1 75 1/ / Mitchell, James B. Maintenance Repairman II, 1 75 Physical Plant 1/ / Morris, Jack B. Buyer, Comptroller-Purchasing 1 75 1/ / 1 Perea, Sofie V. Food Service Worker I, New Mexico / 75 Union 1/ Pierce, Marian Office Manager, Physical Plant 4/1/75 I' Rivera, 'rhomas Chef, Food Services, NM Union 12/21/74 (Disability Retirement) I' Roehrich, Mae B. Clerical Specialis:t II, UNM 7/1/75 Books·tore Ross, Lucy Bell Clerical Specialist III, Comptrol-ler 7/1/75 I -Student Records Accounting e Trowbridge, Hoyt Professor of English 7/1/75 5-57 Dr. Travelstead presented two additional leave requests not included in the agenda materials: one from Associate Professor ~ Ann Bingaman (Law), now on leave without pay for the second semester • to extend her leave through 1975-76, to undertake a project for the federal government; the other from Associate Professor Charlene McDermott (Philosophy) to be on leave for 1975-76. The first instance, he said, would be within the provisions of the present leave policy; the second, however, would constitute an exception in that she would be away from the campus for 2~ 0ut of 5 years. He said that it was his recommenda­ tion and that of President Heady that this exception be permitted.

It was moved by Mr. Jaramillo, seconded by Mrs. Jourdan, that the Bingaman leave be approved; it was also~moved by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Jaramillo, that the McDermott leave be approved. Both motions carried. Upon the recommendation of President Heady, and with Dr. Travel­ stead noting the retirement of a number of persons ~ith long University service, it was moved by Mr. Jaramillo, seconded by Mr. Roberts, that the above contracts, leaves, resignations, and retirements be approved. Carried. ***** Mr. Hooker explained that when the new Remodeling of Mesa Vista Humanities Building was planned, the for History Department History Department -- originally expected to be in this building -- stated a preference for remaining in e Mesa ~±sta Hall, so the Department of Mathematics and Statistics was, instead, installed in Humanities. In lieu of moving History to Humanities it was agreed that some remodeling in Mesa Vista would be arranged, and Mr. Hooker said that this work was planned for the summer at a cost of about $35,000, with Mr. Walter Gathmann being recommended as the architect.

It was moved by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mrs. Jourdan, that this project be approved, with Mr. Gathmann as architect. Carried. ***** Upon recommendation from Fred M. Chreist, Remodeling of Class­ Registrar., Mr. Hooker asked for the Regents· rooms in Anthropology approval to divide the present large lecture Building r00m in the Anthropology Bldg., seating 575, into three classrooms for general use. Mr. Hooker also suggested that McHugh and Kidder be designated as project architects for this work, the estimated cost being about $105,000.

It was moved by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Jaramillo, that preliminary plans be authorized, with McHugh and Kidder as architects. It was stipulated that working drawings would not be started until the method of funding for the project is assured. Mr. Hooker noted, in this connection, that a request for funds from the 85% fraction,of the 1975 State Bond Issue will be made. Carried.

***** Mr. Hooker and Dr. Kugel informed the Temporary Facilitie.s for Regents that the Family Practice Center Family Practice Center is presently in badly overcrowded space I in the Bernalillo County Medical Center and needs temporaryquaruers pending the construction of permanent facilities. For t~is purP9se they suggested, with concurrence of the Campus Planning Committee, that a one-story addition be built on the west side of the Neuro]ogy Building on Stanford NE, just south of the Rehahilitation center,1 at an estimated cost of $200,000. They noted that if the Universit~ is successful in obtaining a construction grant for a new facility £or Family Practice and Psychiatry, the addition will be used to hou~e other health care programs. Dale Crawford was suggested as the ~roject architect." I It was moved by Mr •. Jaramillo, seconded by Mr. Roberts, thaD the temporary facilities be approved, with Dale Crawford being named as project architect.· Carried. ***** The Regents' approval was requested for Construction Grant for submitting an application for a Health Family Practice Icenter Professions Educational Facilities Construc- and Facilities ~or tion Grant to build a new facility for the nepartment of p~hiatry Family Practice Center and the Department of I Psychiatry, the total cost of the project being $2,785,000, of wtlich Federal participation·,would bes $.:l,949,500 and the University's pdrt I $835,500. Mr. Hooker said that the Campus Planning Committee had approved a tentative site just west of the State Health Laborato~y Building which is presently under construction. I It was moved by Dr. Simms, seconded by Mr. Jaramillo, that tihe grant application and the tentative site be approved. Carried.

*****. . Mr. Hooker said that construction Bids for Expansion on bids .had been requested and received Heating Plant . . I to provide for installation of a new . 100,000-lb. boiler,' purchased last year and scheduled for delive~ this summer. He said that Colton Construction Company was low b~dder on this base bid at $280,184. Additionally, Mr. Hooker said, Additive Alternate #1 provided for an addition to the Ford utilities Cent~r to house future cooling towers .to replace those nowsitua-ted. east offI the building. In view of the total cost, however, he recommended th~t the Alternate not be approved.' . . I It was moved by Mr •. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Jaramillo, thaii the low base bid be accepted but that Additive Alternate #1 be rejec~ed. Carried.

Dr. Simms asked whether there had been any Long-range Planning progress in the ~atter of long-range planning for Medical Center - - for the University's medical center, discussed at the February meeting. Mr. Hooker said that in,the absence of any specific funds for planning, he had invited Mr. Howard Hakken, a con- ~ sultant on medical facilitites to visit the campus to discuss necessary , steps in setting up an inhouse long-range planning program with avail- ,~able resources. Dr. Kugel said that yhis visit had been very helpful and that it was planned to use people here, among them Dr. Max Bennett, in instituting this program.

Noting that the University is really committed to a medical center with an ultimate cost of $200,000,000, Dr. Simms urged that the highest priority be given to master planning to avoid a "hodgepodge of buildings." ***** Mr. Hooker explained to the Regents Architect for Completion of that because of program and budget Basement in Cancer Center limitations, some 6800 square feet of the basement in the Cancer Research Center was left unfinished. with $122,067 of the original federal grant not having been used, Mr. Hooker said that a request has been made to use this amount for the basement' project, with matching funds of $112,933 being required from the Univer­ sity. Dr.. Kugel noted that verbal approval for the use of these- federal funds has already been given, with formal approval expected. !Mr. Hooker also recommended the appointment of the firm of Stevens, Mallory, Pearl and Campbell as project architects.

It was moved by Mr. Roberts, 'seconded by Mrs. Jourdan, that the ~ appointment of the architects be approved and that the project'be .., given approval subject to the av~~lability of the federal funds. Carried. ***** In the absence of Mr. Jimmy Martinez, Revised Requirements for Gil Gonzales presented a petition on be­ Admission: Petition from half of the Coalition for Quality Educa­ Coalition for QualitY:-­ tion. This petition, he said, signed by Education several hundred students, was to have been presented to the Faculty on March 11 but there was no opportunity to do so. The Regents are now petitioned, a cover memorandum stated, "with these same demands which are felt to represent the correct approach' towards fulfilling the educational needs of the people of New Mexico."

Mr. Gonzales thereupon read the following: "Whereas the purpose of a state university is to provide quality education to the people of the state, and whereas quality education entails designing programs based upon the educational needs of the people receiving education, whereas the proposed "raising of standards" is a plan which would exclude from the 'university the people most in need of public education instead of designing programs to suit their needs, and whereas the proposed new admission standards would exclude from the university those ethnic and working-class students who have been most deprived of quality education in the pre-college years, we ~ hereby petition the Faculty of the University of New Mexico: ..,

"1. To reject the proposal for the'''raising of admission standards" which is now before it. 2. To establish a committee of the faculty which. would be called "The Committee for Quality Education" which would: . I

a. Devise a plan for the raising of the University's standa~ds of educational service 'to the people of the state; and .,

b. Report to the Faculty with a plan of study of the problem at its April general meeting."

Mr. Gonzales said that he expected a Senate Memorial to be intro­ duced soon, requesting that implementation of the new standards ~e delayed until after a feasibility study, and he said that this Memorial would be sent to the Regents. The Regents, he said, have delega~ed authority to the Faculty relative to requirements for admission, ~ut they may review this or any other action of the Faculty, and he ~equested .that they do so in this case.

President Heady referred to a resolution approved at the Feoruary 1 meeting, whereby "The Regents authorize and encourage the presid~nt and other University officials to confer with representatives of oth~r interested groups in responding to unmet post-secondary educatiortal needs i.n ,the Albuquerque area." Now that the Faculty has acted flormally to re-institute. subject-mat;ter requirements for admission, he sa~d, the Post-Secondary Educat10n.•. Comm1ttee'. of the Greater Albuquerque ChamberI of Commerce has scheduled a meeting for discussion of these matt~rs. The President expressed the hope that the Senate Memorial would ~ddress itself also to the other New Mexico institutions of higherlearn~ng which already have admission plans similar to the one which UNM rlas acted to 'reinstitute. ***** Mr. Horn having recused himself Appeal of Ernesto Gomez because of his nephew's particip~tion as an attorney, Mr. Roberts chaired a hearing in the matter of tneI recent impeachment of Ernesto M. Gomez as vice president of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico.

Two petitions having been received and acknowledged, the Regents heard briefs and rebuttal statements from opposing counsel and tfuen recessed, the time being 12:22 p.m.1

At 1:34 p.m. the hearing was reconvened and Mr. Roberts rea

"1. The Regents are not expressing an opinion as to the gUf,: 1 t or innocence of Ernesto Gomez.

2. We are of the opinion that a number of procedural error were committed and were of such consequence as to deny Mr. Gomez due process of law.

Prior t'o a vote of impeachment, the following did not occur::

1. Charges were not presented in affidavit form. 2. An investigative committee was not immediately appointed to.investigate the charges (with Mr. Gomez to be allowed to participate) and to report recommendations back a week later.

3. A vote on impeachment· to be· then taken,.

4. Proper notice of subsequent trial to be given to Mr. Gomez. We recommend a review and revision of the ASUNM Constitution as to impeachment procedures and as to the jurisdiction of the Student Court pertaining to such appeals.

The Regents therefore remand the proceeding to the Student Senate for any further actici:>i}·. ' Pending further proper Senate action, Ernesto Gomez is reinstated as Vic·e President of ASUNM. II ***** The meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m •



May 18, 1975

The Regents of the University met at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 18, 1975, in 230 Scholes Hall•. Affidavits concerning ~he public notice of this meeting are on file in the office of the University Secretary.

Present: Mr. Calvin P. Horn, President Mr. Henry Jaramillo, Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. William A. Jourdan Dr •. Albert G.· Simms I I, Mr •. Alan Wilson, President, ASUNM, Adviser

Absent: Mr. Austin E. Roberts, Vice President

. Also present: President Ferrel Heady Dr. Chester C. Travelstead, Vice President Dor Academic Affairs I Mr. John Perovich, Vice President for Business and Finance I Mr. Alex P. Mercure, Vice President for Reg~onal and Community Affairs I Dr. Robert B. Kugel, Vice President for Hea]th Sciences . Mr. John N. Durrie, University Secretary Mr. D. Peter Rask, University Counsel Mr. Van Dorn Hooker, University Architect Mr. Bill Weeks, Director. of University Relations Mr. Eugene H. Bergman, Budget Director I Mr. Stephen R. Brogden,birector, Harwood Foundation Mr. Jess E. Price, Director of Public Inforrrlation >..' Mr. Donald J. Burge, Manager of the News Bu:r:reau'I ***** Mr. Horn asked if there were any changes ih Minutes of Meeting the minutes of the meeting of March 18, 1975. of March 18, 1975 It was moved by Dr. Simms, seconded by Mrs •. -~- Jourdan, that the minutes be approved as submitted. Carried. ***** The program list of candidates for degrees for Candidates for Semester II, 1975, to be awarded subject to Degreesi Sem.--II satisfactory completion of academic requirements of Mcirch 18, 1975 (this condition not being necessary in the case of the doctoral candidates), was presented to the Regents, it being noted that the respective college and school faculties~ and the University Faculty had earlier given their conditional approval. Nominations for ~on0:Lary d~~~e~~w~re al~C?_pr~se~~~-9-.


Degree Recipients

May Nineteen, Nineteen Hundred Seventy-Five COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES


BACHELOR OF ARTS Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Shirley Jean Abbott Susan Frances O'Brien Eve Mardelle Atkins Kristine Ann Olson Nicholas Bakas Bernard Kurt Papp Gail Ann Berkesch Emily' F. Perina Katharine Bjorklund Frank D. Pitchford David Cavan Bruer Audrey Louise Potter Patricia Lee Burke Winston B. Prude John Peter Campos Sharon Lee Rasmuson Sharon Carpenter Edward L. Rector Gary Lee Cesarz Bruce E. Rosenzweig Thomas Esteban Chavez David W. Rupell Annette K. Colbert Earl Salazar Gilbert P. Contreras Juan A. Sanchez Mary L. Crumbaker Fatah Santosa Jay Jerome Czar Ronald Mark Schneier Kenneth Lee Davis Laura Lou Scott Susan Mary Driscoll Timothy John Seaman Steven Ernest Elias Erma Sedillo Sidney Fendley Michael John Selleck Diane Lynn Gilbert Lonny R. Shipp Valerie Sue Green Bettylou B. Shover Frank Hale Sandra J0 Sloan Luana Barnes Harley Karen Lee Stevens Lee R. Heinsch Constance Lou Swyers Vickie D. Hofacket Giulio R. Tambalo Anne Marie Kass Bert T. Thompson Janet Klecan Gene Earl Thompson Ralph E. Lewis Mary Frances Thompson Daniel S. Losh John B. Thorpe Thomas Roger Lukes Ida Mae Tomada Maria Perlinda Maes Astrid Kristine Topp Mary Ellen Mailander Mariano A. Torrez, Jr. Charles E. Manning BIas Franco Urquidez, Jr. David F. Martinez Lois V. Waconda Barbara Louise Mathis Denise Ann Watson Eugene D. McAuley Mike Edwin White Paul Joseph McConnell Benny W. Wilson Kathleen K. McKibben Gerald Scott Wilson Phyllis McMahon Phillip M. York Philip Munro McMullen Florentino Zamora Thomas E. Moody

Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1974-75 George A. Anderson Frances C. Bassett Lynne E. Arany Holly Carol Beckley Andy F. Ashton Michele Marie Bedeaux Paul Clair Baker Martha Diane Benson Marilyn E. Barber Johri Arnold Beyer Michael G. Barkhausen John W. Blackburn II Patricia M. Barkin Chevis R. Boone III

4 554

Thomas M. Borden Elizabeth V. Kahn Patricia Eileen Botts Elizabeth S. Kasner Gary Lee Bowen Roberta M. Katson John M. Boyadjian Roger Paul Kelly­ Michael R. Braverman Margaret A. Kennedy Larry Brin Steven Douglas Kurtz Ricky Lee Buchanan Barbara Sue Lasswell Colleen D. Calhoun George Stephen Lauer Mark Chintis Sharon Lee Lewis Melinda Collins Karen P. S. Linford Gleen Scott Condon Kathryn A. Linn Stephanie Mack Corn Terrence A. Linton Rebecca Ann Crow Barbara Jean Lipsky Dennis Alan Dahl JoAnne Liss Diane de la Penha Rita Gallegos Logan M. Carlos de la Torre Robert Vincent Looney Rebecca Ann Dempsey Ralph Lee Love John DePaula Raymond John Lurch Daniel M. Detorie Laurie Ellen Maak Jeffrey Allan Dixon Daniel A. Martinez Charlotte K. Dragoon Shirley Ann Martinez Ronnie Gale Dreyer­ Melanie D. Maxwell Gerard P. Dumas Timothy M. McDonald Judith Barbara Ellis Peter A. Merz Sharon Autry Espeset Carlos F. Montoya Larry W. Federici Catherine S. Morimoto Jill Ann Flonacher Dianne Marie Murphy John Allan Forester Virginia Chavez Myers Robert W. Foster Mary E. Meal John Robert Fox Julie Jane Orr Leslie Scott Fraser Mary Beth Patton Robert Gray Fraser Deborah L. Peabody Robert John Friedrich Robert Harrison Peck Sandra Funk Paul Richard Peterson Lucille R. Gallegos Keith E. Phillipi Val A. Gieri Patricia Burrell Phillips Gail Ann Gillespie Donald 1. Pinansky Diana F. Gordon Helen L. Pizarro Daniel K. Gorham Charles Adam Post Rebecca S. Greenwood Reginald Hyde Post, Jr. Stanley G. Grochowski James P. Powers Rebecca Lynn Gunter Pamela Ann Price Leroy Gurule Margaret A. Probst Terry Sue Harrell Wayne D. Purvines Winona Margery Haury Joseph E. Rael Marcia Anne Healy Sandra Lee Ragan Richard Harry Helmick Judy E. Reed David G. Henner, Jr. Marilyn Ruth Reed Deborah A. Huelsmann Scott Wayne Renne Adele Marie Hunter Mark Cahill Resta Karen Ann Hurley Twyla Susan Robertson Cheryl A. Iarrobino Carolyn Sue Rogalsky Susan E. Ivey Brian Michael Ross Danielle M. Jacobs Irene Sandra Russo Dan Jagaciewski Dominic John Salerno Jan Joseph Janecka Debra Ann Sanchez Sam D. Jarvis Harry F. Schanning Fred Kent Johnson Barbara A. Schraishuhn Joel C. Johnstone Paul Larry Sealey Theordore H. Jones Richard Thomas Seery Rose Elizabeth Jordan Marsha L. Shaffer

- Approval for satisfactory completion of degree requirements requested retroactive to August 2, 1974.

5 ~"""'--"r------~ ---

Lou Ann Sherman Ernest L. Vallejos Jone Kristie Shockey William D. Vanderford Kathleen Carol Shunk Phyllis R. Vicker Mark Thomas Slimp Christopher J. West Alicia A. Snyder Kenneth B. Weston Josefina Staudhammer Diane P. Wetzel Gary R. Stempien Bertha D. Wichner Martha Ann Sterba Dorothy Wing Elizabeth W. Stiff William David Winter Arthur T. Talamante Byron Gene Wood Megan F. Thermon Evan Martin Wormser Irene Zisk Thompson Tomothy Peter Zannes Annabel Tiberi John P. Zinser Candidates tor Degree, Semester ll, 1974-75 Sharon Ann Ahern Paul Louis Civerolo Bruce Leland Ainsworth Michael Claggett Robert Jack Anderson George Colorado Scott Wilson Andrae Judith Anne Coltrara Rose Marie Cothren Anstine Michael Joseph Condon Albert Lee Archibeque Elisabeth Cooper Angela L. Arellanes Donna Marie Coppola Barbara Ann Armijo Lance Eric Cox Jeanetta Lou Arndell Gary Vincent Curtin Barbara J0 Asendorf Charles R. Cutter Walter L. Atwood Christine Marie Czerner Kathleen Anne Ayres Ellen Avery Daigh Kristine W. Babb Raymond Joseph Davies, Jr. Carol Ann Baca Margaret Ellen Bernard Davis Susan Elizabeth Baerst Mark Richard Davis James Jay Baker Patrick J. Dawson Arnaldo Dias Baptista Paul Anthony DeBiassie III Marcella Renee Bauer Frank Clyde Deen, Jr. James Edward Baylor David Arie deKok Sheila Ruth Beck Edward John Delana Donald Allen Begley Barbara Judith DeMarco James Glen Behnken Charles Alfred DeSimone Melissa Ann Behrens Teresa Ann Dettweiler Edward Bruce Berman Georgia D. Dillon Elena B. Bernstein Jeanene Marie Disque Robert Packard Bess Jon Edward Doak Byron Bruce Blevins Jeanette Elaine Duffy Barbara Ann Bogarosh Thomas J. Duffy Mary Anne Blue Edmund Sanderson Duncan Sarah Morgan Bockus Elsie Elicia Duran Richard Grant Bowers Paul Scott Eaton Deborah Anne Brenn GilbertR. Eggen, Jr. . Thomas David Broadbent Jeffrey Raymond Peter Eling Marian Eleanor Brown Francis Reyna Elwell Susan Caryl Buden Jeannine H. Encinias Laurie Ann Busby Leon Felipe Encinias Veronica L. Bustamante Carol Ann Ennis Linda Ann Buzzalini Eldon Albert Ericson, Jr. Dorothy Caleca Stephen Louis Ernst Robert Camburn Mark Evanoff Paula Ann Carpenter Lydia Pearl Evans Abraham Lyn Carreras Sydney Leigh Fate Rudy M. Castellano Caroline Staples Fawcett Ursulo Castillo William Bloys Fawcett, Jr. Forest Richard Celum Gary Lee Feldman Timothy Clyde Cerow Cheryl Neva Ann Ferguson Peter Austin Chadman Laurel Louise Fife Charles Richard Chavez Sophia Mimosa Finley Elouise Yixnabaah Chicharello Paul Stuart Fleck



------~ ------

Jennifer Foster Nadine Lorraine King Richard Lorain Fox Roberta Lee Knight· Douglas Richard Franklin Randy Jack Knudson Richard E. Freeby Kathleen Susan Koglin Michaelene Anne Gablick Patrice Ghiglieri Kramm Cheryl Ann Gage William Bruce Krebs Joan Alice Galbraith Galen Edward Krisov Mary Kathryn Gallagher Mary Ann Lamkin Ronald A. Gallegos Lee David Lampiris Ellis James Frederick Garber Martha Lancaster Eugene L. Garda Bliss DeWitt Lanier Melinda Ann Garda Cespedes Lynn Kimbell Larsen Emily Jane Garst Roger Paul Lattanza Janis Gatschet R. Michael Lawrence Ann Pettit Getts Chama Rae Lefton Gretchen H. Gibson Leah Beth Levin Charlene L. Givans Karroll Jones Levy Heyward Charles Glymph Holly Joanna Lewis Larry Wayne Gordon Audrey M. Lietzow Janet Eileen Graham Ronald Woodrow Light Susan Green Dane Arlin Lindenmuth Barbara Patricia Greene Miles S. Linnabery Mary Hiteman Guhse Nancy Jane Lisberger Elizabeth Guyol Mary Kathleen Dunn Lochner Ronda Kay Hageman Darrell Lombard Marian Hamburg Richard William Loose JoAnne Hamilton David Victor Lopez Patricia Jane Hammons Elsie Marie LOpez Laurence David Hanna David Wayne Love Mart Cooper Hanna Judith Dodge Lowell Randall Cass Harvey Taylor G. Lumia Neil McRae Hauck Terry Alan Lyle David Chrysler Hawn George N. Lyons Steven Lynn Hedberg Catherine M. Maddox William Peare Henckel Michael C. Manring Paul T. Henshaw, Jr. John Norman Marek David Nicholas Hernandez Pete Albert Martin Michael Hersh Ted Anthony Martinez Paula T. Hertel Carmen F. Mascarenas Debra Ann Hanagan Hill Catherine Mazyk Mary Patricia Hoffman Robert Kirtlin McAlexander George Paul Howes Michael J. McCormick Robert Curtis Hull Susan Hill McCullough Dolores Lee Humes Jane Ann McFall John D. Humphreys Paul Alan McKee George Griswold Hunt Mary Rita McKenna William W. Hurlbut Dorothy B. McKenzie Karen Bell Huthsing Jeffrey Neil McKinney George Jefferson Jackson Katherine McMurray Nancy Eileen Jackson Donald W. McSwain Jeanne Jacobvitz Karen L. Meentemeier James Jameson Marcia Lynn Merrell Charles J. Jennings Zaneta Grace Marie Meyers Deborah Jean Johnson Joan E. Milligan Gary Earl Johnson Nancy S. Minugh George Laclede Johnson Lewis R. Moore Georgia Mae Jones James Gerard Moreau Lewis Kenyon Jones, Jr. Richard S. Morley Susan C. Nunn Jones Melissa Anne Morris Augustus Kamburis Edith Gibbs Morse David Melzar Keedy, Jr. Robin Rene Mosley William Martin Kelly, Jr. Carol Ann Mossman Bruce Vickers Kennedy Albert Spencer Murdoch Porter L. Kimmel, Jr. Robert Holloway Myers 7 5S7


Pamela Kay Nachlinger Elizabeth Schwartz Donald Reyes Naranjo Myrna Torres Sedillo Robert F. Neukirch Pennelope Devorah Rubinstein Larry Everett Newcomb Laurel Jean Seth Mark Dunn Nickerson Howard Hayes Shattner Candace Louise Nielsen Mark Shelford Herman Nieto, Jr. Elizabeth Shirk Mary Ann Norcott Carl Rex Shockey Walter A. Nygard Kenneth Lee Shoemaker Daniel Joseph O'Brien Randy Robert Sibbitt Myles O'Donovan Darrick Rollin Simi Dennis Allen O'Hearn Climmie L. Simmons Robert Bennett Olcott Suzanne Zuris Slade Deborah Anita Barnes Olguin William Allen Sluyter Margaret I. Davidson Oliver Susan Elizabeth Small Alonzo Jose Padilla Brian Victor Smith Christopher Jon Patterson Marie L. Snyder Margaret Jean Paul James Albert Sobey Patricia Cata Peck Jean Idella Spates Dennis Peck Peckinpaugh Lawrence M. Spear Gilbert T. Perea John Charles Stachacz Virginia L. Perrett Mary Elisabeth Stacy Dale Kent Phillips Ann Marie Stafford William L. Poe, Jr. Victor Louis Staley, Jr. Sandra Joan Porter Anne Comfort Stehli Richard L. Puglisi Timothy Dale Steider Christopher Race David Michael Steinman Steven Brian Rael Cynthia Louise Steitz Linda Sharon Ray Pamela Sue Stephens Jan Elizabeth Reilly Cynthia L. Stephenson Christopher M. Rekis Mark Ellis Stevens Keith Malcolm Richter Stephen Mark Stewart Carol Ann Riner Rebecca Ann Stout Rebecca J. Ritchey Timothy Scott Strongin Joanne Marie Rivera Robert N. Stull, Je. Richard Glenn Roberts Robert Hunter Summers Steven Roberts Denise Lynn Tessier Paul Jepsen Robertson Debra Ann Thomas Mauricio A. Rodriguez Debra Marie Thompson Frank Romero, Jr. Fredrick Ross Thompson Manuel Anthony Romero, Jr. James Edward Thomson Richard Louis Romero Mona Kathleen Todd Richard Roland Romo Laura B. Tohe JoAnn Martinez Rondeau Carol Norman Torricelli Robert F. Rosebrough John E. Townsend, Jr. Diane C. Ross Randee Elaine Troutman Nancy Lee Rothschild J. Patrick Trujillo Joseph E. Sabath Charles Arthur Truxillo William Leonard Sabo Dolores A. Tschetter Frederick F. Sanchez John Thomas Tull, Jr. John Anthony Sanchez Joyce Olinde Tuttle Juanita Melia Sanchez Patricia Ellen Tyrrell Robert Anthony Sanchez Mary Littleton Vermillion Sara Scott Sandlin Mitzi Ann Vigil Albert T. Sandoval Joseph Anthony Violante Lynne Alexandra Sands Gregory Charles Void.. Alfred Robert Santistevan, Jr. Carilene H. Washburne Lois Elizabeth Sarrel Kelley Ann Weaver Judith Ann Schmidt# Lawrence Webster Joyce M. P. Schneider Richard M. Wehrman William G. Schrank Kathleen Ann Weidner

# Approval for satisfactory completion of degree requirements requested retroactive to December 21, 1974.

8 1/ 588

_~ ----- ~--- - ~-_._-----~~~----_. ------.. ---- -

Hal S. Weisberger Patti Ann Wolleson Jeff Bernard West Karl Steven Wolonsky Barbara Morrison Whitworth Patricia L. Wood Rudolph-Freeman Willey Randi J. Wortman Daniel Jesse Williams Charles L. Wright Frederick Christopher Williams Tom R. Zannes Walter J. Williams David R. Zellhoefer Karen Winston BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Paul James Adams David John Redmond Alan Lee Duhon Carl Rudnick Robert J. Goldsworthy Robert Sandoval Vernon P. Goldsworthy Lawrence Seltzer Phillip Bennett Gray Edward Harold Soenke John William Harding Bert T. Tiano, Jr. Keith Alan Kersten William David Tryrens Clare E. Mancini Peter Alan Watterberg Frank Torres Morell Paul David Wettin Gary Randall Powers RequirementsCompleted Semester 1, 1974-75 Donald Eugene Adams Bennie Anthony Martinez Jack W. Alexander, Jr. Nadine L. McGuinness Catherine R. Baca Myra Gail Morris Randolph F. Baca Ray M. Moseley Eva Elizabeth Barry Paul Alan Mundorf Stephen D. Bass Richard Gale Myers Gary S. Bodman Evan Lloyd Nelson Christine Braden Steven Ryan Oliver Douglass Burger Katherine J. Pacheco Patricia E. Corcoran John Thomas Reilly, Jr. Robert Joe Cronk Joan Marie Robinson Arthur C. Ehrenberg, Jr. David George Saba Scott B. Frame Kent Albino Salazar Stephen Scott Gardner Sally Walker Snyder Wendy Gilmore Frances C. Straus Norman Kenneth Green Christopher Swalwell Thomas E. Haaland Deborah L. Vick Sandra Kay Harman Wayne Vucenic Allen Ward Hobbs David Wayne.Wall Arthur L. Jaramillo Robert Wayne Weimer Ruth M. F. Jordan Denise Earlene Wright Edgar Clayton Kimmel Robert L. Yarwood Gary Lasswell Ronald Eugene Young Patrick J. Lind Brian Jonathan Zamora Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974·75 Stephen A. Andrade Micheal Larry Chappell Gilbert Gabriel Baca Andrew Blakeman Core Lisa Marie Banwarth Leonard James Craig Karen Sue Beer Marc Gordon Cutcher Donna Lynn Winblad Larry James Dalton Richard A. Bock Rebecca Jo Daniels Michael Brandon Jens Wilhelm Deichmann Daniel Keith Brannan Susan Dick Carol Jean Brewer Carol Ann Darn Candace Rosemary Brower Patricia K. S. Drennan Marvinell Brown Clifford Dale Driskill James Scott Burnworth Dessis Scott Duncan Samuel Clyde Carpenter Ron Dunchok David William Chandler Jeffrey Michael Dye Malcom Yil-TongChang Diane Emily Dykkesten

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J. Michael Eckart Roger Alan Oase Gerald W. Edgar Stephen F. Olmstead George P. Eichwald Don Frank Olson Susan Foti Engelken Brennan Renard Orr Mark Fitzmorris Farnum Michael J. Owen Johnny B. Felix Alden Eugene Park Jeffrey Jay Fisher Stephen Kent Parker Byron M. Galentine Harold F. Pearce III Margaret Ann Gallegos Kevin Dale Perdue Jeffery Martin Gearhart Antonio M. Perez Gonzalez Valerie Wyn Gerard Mary Jane Philips Mary Joan Gillon Gavin G. Pickett Stephen Raymond Gomez Jareu Michael Potter Richard James Gordon Jeffrey William Pritt Michael Louis Grace Jonathan Grant Reed Rodolfo Miguel Grado Kathleen Joanne Reed Joseph Robert Gush William Corry Roddy Bruce Alain Hanson Evelyn Eileen Romero Thomas Robert Hinton, Jr. Terry Louise Root Barbara Gail Hjelle Gary McCabe Ross Cindy Crouse Holt Mary Sue Rowan Andrew Roy Horwitz Ronald R. Ruminski Michael David Huffman Jane Ann Russell James C. Hutchins Stephen E. Saueressig Helen Catherine Jackson Lynda Ruth Schwartz Michael David Jaramillo David Robert Sears Daniel Scott Jewell Ronnelle L. Senseney Lance Corey Johnson Debra Joyce Shead David Schuster Jones Karen Doris Shockley Thomas Martin Kagan Michael Lee Sipe Maren Marie Kiilsgaard Robert Dean Smith Linda Lou Kirk Lucy Rosalind Snider Alan Earl Kraus Laurel Elizabeth Southard Steven Robert Lackey John Thornton Steele Jeanne M. LaPorte Donald Ray Stern Ronald Clifford Latimer Brenda Lea Stevenson Van Loren Leighton Margaret Ann Tafoya Bahadur Singh Longo Kenneth R. Valdez Bradley James Looney Lyla Margaret Wagley Roger F. Lucero William Ottis Wallace, Jr. Rudolph Anthony Lucero Harry J. Weingardt Virginia C. MacKay Howard Bruce Weinstraub' Maureen K. Mauser Dennis David Wells Daniel J. McArthur Daniel Edward Wernli Audrey Ann Merritt Cydney Westmoreland Katherine Ruth Miller Christine Alicia Wheeler Mimsie Minor Farrar Robert Floyd Wherley Angie P. Montoya Jamie L. Wiegand John Ross Morgan, Jr. Roland Oliver Wildman Ralph H. Morgan, Jr. Lewis Era Earl Wilson Debra Lynn Murphy Michael Leonard Wilson Kazuya Nakashima Steppen Andrew Young Michael Allen Neher

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 James R. Cole Celia Annette Morrow Janet J. Collins Eileen Parson Dorothy Mae Corcoran Carol Anne Richards Rosa Ana Montemayor Jackie Ann Rogers

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BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Mark Christopher Baca Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Karoon Prukesatonkul Samuel Herman Torres John Anthony Sanchez William Douglas Varnell Candidates tor 'Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 Gary-Lee Chapman Tetsuo Sato John Richard Davis William Joseph Telepak Terrell Allen Dobkins Kenneth W. Williams Tom Arnold Headington

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Ted Marsh Scott II Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Freddie Joe Aquirre Charles Kettenring James A. Baker Frank P. Montoya Dale H. Carver James B. Schumacher David Eugene Doles Guy B. Stanke Alfonso Gonzales Chrys Uhlig James L. Hewitt, Jr. Frank Lee White James E. Jaffe

Candidates tor Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 Thomas David Ashwill Thomas George Martin Siamak Biglari Alfred Jimmy Medina Thomas Edwin Davis Sherman E. Oland Stephen Austin Down Louie MaclovioOrtiz Murray George Goldman Guy Larry Sanders Charles F. Hart Brian L. Speicher Charles Edward Huff, Jr. Lillian Mary Statkus James Scott Lowe Daniel William Waid Richard Vernon Lunsford Bahman Zarrabi Ali Abkar Ashja Mahdavi Steven Ray Ziegler

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 William Beno Manuel Penaloza Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Nelson Wayne Barber Han Mgoc Nguyen Robert Roger Boyd John Hill Petty James Edward Bridge Byron Lowell Postma William H. Burnett, Jr. Jackson Robert R. Pressley Frederick Seymour Cook Jimmy Lee Riley Anthony E. Giraudo Morteza Saeed-Dehtaziani William Patrick Keogh Ainslie Bruce Walter David Paul Merriam Michael Lee Whyms

Candidates tor Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 James Anderson David Eugene Billingsly Florencio Aragon Michael John Breheny Randall Kent Bahr Robert Ray Butcher


i L Joseph Charles Chavez Don Owen McLaughlin Ronald Edward Collins Dennis Meyer Roger Bowron Cook Justino Montenegro Bernd Deve Samuel K. Mould Paul William Duggan Ahmad Noori# Arthur Goodwin Evans Lawrence Edward Rafter Roy Lance Eyman William Rudolph Reynolds Martin John Farber Truman Anele Richey, Jr. Wilson Edward Frye Frederick Louis Ricker Edward Jack Garstka Glynn Roth Ehsan Kermani Haskoui Craig Steven Sander William Clement Koogler Dennis Scarcell Nhu Lan Lai Thomas Benson Skinner, Jr. Gregory Robert 1. Marez Terry M. Unkelhaeuser Eric Bruce McAnelly Steven Bruce Yearout

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Ronald D. Castleman John Windham Scott Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Marcello Baca Robert J. Fackelman James W. Bloomer Will Elliott Fox Robert D. Callier Patrick J. Purtell Ralph E. Duncan Alfred W. Reed Benny R. Dusenbery Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 Alice May Agogin Michael Edward Dexter Price M. Bayless II Larry Julian Gonzales Henry M. Caldwell, Jr. Dale Randolph Scott Douglas Hoyt Cotter

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Randy Mauricio Ortiz Alex B. Tarnavsky Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 William Robert Alber Stephen Kelly Montoya Estille Deaton Christopher K. Neff Robert Howard Hart Simon Carl Steely, Jr. Michael Lane King Thomas Vance Watkins III John James Macris

ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN MEDICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Michaele P. Conners Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Wayne Herman Jay Schmitt Henry Niblock Searle Woods Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 '1 John Franklin Adams James Jay Spates ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN INSTRUMENTAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 Michael C. Callaway Gilbert Manual Pena Everett Lee Coffelt Richard Henry Shaw Lyle John Jolin, Jr. Robert Nicholas Shelton, Jr. William Kelly # Approval for satisfactory completion of degree requirements requested 'retroactive to December 21, 1974.


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COLLEGE OF EDUCATION DAVID W. DARLING, Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Jana Blanco Carmen L. Kubie . Donald Davis Glenna Loar Linda Eckhardt Anthony Manzanares Gilbert Gallegos Leroy Martinez Beverly Garland Patricia Mischke Kathleen Gary Karyl Richards Nancy Gregory Grafran Riggin Dorothy Gurule Theresa Robertson Michael Gutierrez Douglas Schramm Wayne Knight Sandra Turner Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1974-75 Thelma Arredondo Patricia McMinn Jean Canavan Alicia'Martinez Kitty Colburn Mary Mayor Fawn Dolan Joanne Pinto Melissa Ewing Wanda Pollard· Constance Gallegos Susan Rinaldi Vickey Garrett Pauline Rivera Henry Gonzales Jeffrey Schonberg Terrance Harris Robert Stark Richard House Karen Stratton Louis Hymel Kathlyn Theiss· Theresa Jenkins Patricia Trump Nobumi Kanazawa Catherine Vincent Betty Lane Marjory Weinstein Victoria Lassa - Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 Pamela Alonso Rose Fasthorse Randall L. Anderson Deborah Jean Feeney Terri Armbruster Benny Hale Lori Lynn Baca R. Bradford Hall Teresa Crespin Baca Kathleen Hamilton Janice Cook Bargas Sonja Creese Hayes Warren Paul Beck Olen Jenner Hedges Barbara Beddow Janice Powell Hobson Joe Elice Tabacchi Bohannan Edith Ferguson Jacobs Virginia Klemm Brahmer John C. Jennings Patti Farley Sharon Dianne Kern Gloria Jean Brooks Kamila Lillian Kolins Marianne Brunacini Molly Rose Koontz Fred Carter Paul Richard Kruse Albert B. Chacon Edith Mary Lake Janice A. Chavez Rose V. Mondragon Lane Patrick P. Chavez Betsy Jaclynn Loewenherz Barbara Ann Curtis Joseph T. C. LOpez Barton Brett Davis Loretta LOpez Kephart Rebecca Bryant Dengler Martha Alicia LOpez Richarte Jeanine Marie Devoti Sandra Lee Lueck Mary Rebecca Diven Martin Lueras Emma B. Drake Meredith Mackie Janelle E. Dutchman Mildred G. Madison Richard Earl Edmister Claudia Jane Maughn Gregory C. England Jennie Lee McCrossen • Approval for satisfactory completion of degree. requirements requested retroactive to August 2, 1974.


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Melissa Leah McNeilly Donald Bruce Powell Charla Dean Milligan Susan Elizabeth Price Estavan Guy Montoya Carol N. Rael Gary Douglas Myers Susan Plimpton Riley Brett Douglas Nesbit Angela Paulette Roll Jane Elizabeth Nufer Mary Helen Russell Karen Zlotkowski Olguin Joy Nell Fink Sandman Philip Robert Ortiz Christine Snow# Richard Michael Otero Barbara Cole Strongin Marty William O'Toole Maximilliano Tenorio Joanne B. Pearson Teresa Caffey Thomas Brenda Joyce Perkins Evlynda June Toledo Sue C. Peppler Denise Volk Leo Albert Petry Richard Wettin# Robert Fran~ois Peyraud BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Simon Alvarez John Maiuri Mary Auten Susan Marlink Janette Baca Audrey Martinez Gloria Bosson Manuel Martinez Mary Case Ceilia Montoya Beatrice Coppock Sallye Olmon Nancy Doyle Dyann Otero Joyce Emrick Wayne Reames Anne Fry Alice Romo Patricia Garcia Premie Silva Mara Hanna Gaye Tharp Samuel Jones Ida Valverde Anna Kamitchas Margaret Welch Rosanne McNiel Josephine Zamora Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Maria H. Abeyta Guadalupe Gonzales Gayle Adkins Delores Hagen Barbara Allen Toni Howles Viola Armstrong Debbie Hunt Ymelda Sanchez Baca Pamela Jeffrey Roger Begay Patricia Kaniuka Ralph Bennett Barbara Kellner Eloise Bennett Ruth Kirkpatrick Debra Birkhauser Leslie Kittle Berniece Blackhorse Paul Labarrere Stephanie Bock Elizabeth Lascari Barbara Broussard@ Sharon Lewis Meredith Bunting Sally Lipsky Bonnie Burnett Jeannie Lovato Evangeline Charles Doris McCarty Joanne Chiquito Dolores B. Martinez@ Pamela Curry Grace Martinez Rebecca Dick Frances Melendez Shirley Downey Holly Melloy Dolores Duran Georgia Mirabal Anita Fielder Maebah Morris Maria Fleites Joseph Moya Diana Gallegos Ray Nahkai Zita Garcia Irene Nuanez Sarah Godinez Bettina Nunn # Approval for satisfactory completion of degree requirements requested retroactive to December 2I, 1974. @ Approval for satisfactory completion of degree requirements requested retroactive to May 19, 1974.

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Joe Robert Otero Donna Stewart Carol Palmer Richard Swan Ronald Panebouf Olivia Tafoya Ricky Parker Irene Thompson Debra Piccinini Elizabeth Turpen Katie Rivera Judy Velasquez Ruth Roybal Barbara Whalen Wilfred Sisco John Williams Eliseo Sisneros Cora Woodman Dana Smith Emma Jean Yazzie Rebecca Smith Paul Yazzie Anita Sterchi Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 Gloria Ellen Villescas Aguilar Karen Lee Hampton Carl F. Albright Glenda Carol Daniels Haynes Lillian LOpez Alvarez Susan Kay Heilman Suzan Grace Anderson Grace Virginia Henry Evelyn"Lucille Archuletta Elizabeth Herrera Vicki Lyn Atteberry Lula Mae Hogue Lucille Cecelia Baca Michele Joan Bergeron Hook Linda Carol Bair Scot Horton Cathryn Baldulf Ann Marie House Dolly C. Begay Wanda Louella Jimenez Nancy Ann Benally Josephine Joe Fern Arthur Bennett Frankie Luke Johnson Beth Benkowski Jacqueline Lee Jones Jacqueline Ann Bourne Ruthe Vandewart Jones Joyce Leah Bradford Jacqueline Ann Keehan Linda K. Brannon Rosemary Kerley Lisa Michele Brissey Janet K. Kopitzki Carol Marie Carman Michael Kotlisky Lenore Rosann Casale Winifred Esther Lopez Krause Beatrice Lou Charlie LuAnh Marie Lederer Melinda C. Choate Diane Delene Loe Ellie Clark Andrew Lope Martha Catherine Cofer Lucia Rafel Loretto Sheryl A. Cooper Carmelita B. Lowe Consuelo E. Cordova Rhonda Bell Lowe Kathleen Mae Cross Louis Peter Lujan Judith May Darling Carrie Kathleen Fox Lungu Eunice Chee Denetsone Cynthia McCann Manoutchehri Catherine Lynne Detwiler Lenora T. Martin Melody E. Dickerson Kim Alexandria Maust Mary Giordani Dixon Betty Jayne McCorkey Jane Ellen Dobervich Lauraine E. McKenzie Ross Fredrick Duncan Dorothy Jean Miller Patricia Ellis Anne Marie Mitchel Bradford H. Eubanks Kathleen Ruth Montoya Bonnie Joy Evnetzky Frances Lucy Abeyta Morgas Eve Rosenzweig Flink David Alan Mraz Veronica Velarde Fresquez Karen S. Strait Nesbit Christina Gallegos Nelson Raymond Nez Emily Bernice Garcia Marguerite M. Novotny ! Evelyn Marie Gasparich Harriet Ann Paine# Catherine Ann Gercich Sylvia Romero Rimbert Patterson '. Mary Diane Goin Kay Maree Pearson Victor Michael Gomez Brenda Diane Petties Victoria Carmel Gonzales Darro J. B. Powell Denise Gregg Irene Natalie Price Judy Arlene Gutierrez Mona Lisa Reed '. # Approval for satisfactory completion of degree requirements requested retroactive to December 21, 1974. 15 ------e. Pearl Collins Reid Lewis Talk Bessie Riggs Leona M. Todd Jesus Jose Rios Phillip Todecheenie Harry Crawford Roanhorse Edith Arlene Toney Diane Inge Rohr Louise Tsosie Marsha Christine Roybal Paula Ann Turner Anna Maria Sanchez Mary Jane Ulibarri y Romero Stela Marie Sanchez Mary Elaine Vorst Rudy Joseph Sandoval Linda Louise Nelson Webb Mabel Marie Sena Anita Frances Wells Bernice Skeets Raymond George Willie Rebecca Ann Smith Etta Michele Morgan Yazzie

BACHELOR OF ARTS IN INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Kenneth Kocher Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Norbert Broward Michael Jojola Elmer Bustos Malcolm Kenyon James Chaves Daniel Lueckenhoff John Gabaldon John Van Gundy Larry Hughes Franklin Westerman Bruce E. Johnson Candidates for Degree, Semester ll, 1974-75 Thomas Alan Clayson Curtis Nelson Miller Thomas Lawrence Dixon Jeffrey A. Parker Carroll Edward Leonard Richard C. Tendick Patrick H. McNally

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Betty Tomtan Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Claudia Aragon Carole Kalich Joy Ann Bowen Catherine Kearney Marguerite Brown Juanita Martinez Nancy Calhoun Anne Pickett Linda Clark Sydney Reneau Jo Day Cope Ophelia Rinaldi Mary Duran Karen U'Ren Maxine Firlie Kathryn Webster Levia Hill Candidates for Degree, Semester ll, 1974-75 Diana Barela Robert McCormick Carol Briggs Nellie Diann Money Maureen Mary Buckland Tomacita Montoya Cynthia Louise Clark Forrester Carmen Jesus Gonzales Pennington Irene Frances Garda Loretta Louise Savage Mary Beth.Haycock Janette M. Sorrentino Cynthia Ann Lange Laura Jean Thompson Corrine Sharon Lovato Sharon Marie Alderson Tortoriello Cynthia Lutz

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN' HEALTH EDUCATION Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Lisa Chiavario Sharon Metcalf 16

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Requirements Completed Semester I, 1974·75 Marcia Stoker Candidates jor Degree, Semester II, 1974-75 Douglas Mark Crist Lila Barber Hutcherson Patricia Grant Higgins Carol Ann Benuska Mandeville BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 John Candelaria Robert Kelly Richard Gilleland Michael Kubowicz Clarence Griego Ivory Moore Mark Henry Pauline Pino Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Maria E. Abeyta Dane Nail Bradley Bramer Kevin Nielson Ronald Dauphin Rodney Osborne Larry Hanna Marla Rogerst Matt Henry Joseph Ruby Diane Hernandez Stephanie Spear James Large Candidates jor Degree, Semester II, 1974-75 Ruth Ann Dolde George ProvoIt Anthony Oliver Fraschilla David Michael Ragonese Donna Gage Fred Luciano Sanchez i George Francis Harper II Phyllis Shelton i Sherry Sue Jones Debra Davidson Sievert Thomas Andrew LOpez Edward Patrick Snyder I Glen Franklin Lucero John H. Stewart Jean Marie Maher 'Barbara F. Sulier Peggy Sue Mohr Claudia Jean Thomas Karyn Heloise O'Brien Donald Robert Wagner Marilyn Martinez Peabody Susan Lee Yarasheski Richard Raymond Pokorski BACHELOR OF ARTS IN RECREATION Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Laura Moore Lilliemae Ortiz Candidates jor Degree, Semester II, 1974-75 Jane Ellen Powdrell Akins Robert Bruce Platt III Robert Dennis Ethier Larry Joe Price John McGovern Cynthia Leigh Smith Glenna Nell Moseley Rex Smith, Jr. Sandra Kay Northcutt Richard Lee Speegle Raymond Joe Otero Karen Mugele Stauch# 'Michael Paul Pettenuzzo John Edward White, Jr. ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Alberta Concho Brown Janie James Francis Esther Cata Sandra Laweka Yvonne Chino Tonita Lujan Elizabeth Garcia Kella Maes Virginia Griego Mary Nahohai Mabel Gutierrez

t Approval for satisfactory completion of degree requirements requested retroactive to May 20, 1973. # Approval fQr satisfactory' completion of degree requirements requested retroactive to December 21, 1974.

17 Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Crucita Archuleta Mildred Naranjo Bertha Avila Willia Mae Natewa Bessie Benallie Evelyn Sells Arthur Chavez Virginia Shetima Cyrus Chino Maefa Coble Simplicio Dorothy Gutierrez Lorene Tohe Eileen Lesansee Susie Tom Emma Lewis ~ita Wagner Jimmie Lewis Ida Yazzie Candidates tor Degree, Semester 1I, 1974-75 Bennie Arrellanes Lorraine Honie . Anita Bahe Minnie Tsinhnahjinnie Jessie Cabonie Ella Tsinnijinnie Ernest W. Dick Mary Yellowhair Galena Dick COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS CLINTON ADAMS, Dean

BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Andrea S. Alfaro Loretta King Robert P. Becker Mark Stuart LaFon Dennis Fayze Fandey Christopher W. Larsen David Earl Ferro Wendy Kay McMahon Joseph Figueroa· Heather Edith Stiles Charles Cameron King Glenn Jeffrey Watson Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Carol Allison Abraham Nancy Margaret Manter Ralph B. Armstrong III Frederick Marianito Marcus S. Capel-Jones Melissa Miller Gary Shartoff Charles Otero Maurice B. Cutler Thomas Earl Robson James Millikin Evans Rocky Rodgers Christine Annice Ferreira Warren H. Schroeder William Manuel Griego Hugo Stefani James Lewis Jacob Patricia Stone John Leonard Jarrard ,Ernest J. Ul.ibarri Barbara Frey Keusch Wayne J. VIator Eric Dennis King Claudio Anthony Vigil William Wade Larson Carolyn S. Walker Thomas Lee Lucero James Washington Jennifer B. Lupton Regan Ann Weatherford Candidates tor Degree, Semester 1I, 1974·75 Robert Bruce Aaron David Arnold Cramer Patrick Kelly Abel Robert Allen Culbertson William Ellis Anderson Michael J. Fraser Phillip Morgan Apprill Cletus M. Freiburger Dorothy Baca Marian Newell Gillett John Neil Barkin Phyllis Boyd Gladden George Be!1nett, Jr. Bonita Lee Goodman Frederick Forest Black Robert Clyde Goulding Virginia G. Blackburn Stuart Hedden Green Christopher Michael Bull Robert Neal Harris Trina Elaine Kathryn Burke Charles W. Heasley Neil Arthur Carter Russell Stuart Herrman Charlene A. Chavez Michael Hidalgo Stuart Wayne Cook David Glenn Hines ',.


----_._------Bradfield Ragland Horton Mary Ann Rhoda Paul Laurence Johanning Brian Hugh Riordan Lawrence Steven Kline Jacob B. Rodriguez Patricia Ann Knadjian Steven Vidal Romero Morgan L. Kramm II Lawrence G. Sandoval Timothy Sturgis Larson Bruce Vincent Scott James Soterios Lemonides II Gary Alan Shirley Robin G. Lepard David Nelson Sloan Sandra Jo Logan Thomas Monroe Smith Jeffrey Glenn McFall Jonathan Curry Steele Aliseza D. Medani Mary Ruth Stewart Andrew E. Mendes Jill Jensen Taylor Marianna Miller James Scott Thomas P~tricia Ann Mills Kirk Sutton Thomas Robin Charlotte Morse Judith Luella Warble Thompson David Jesse Pacheco Robert Dwayne Webb Mary Helen Padilla Vernon Meyer Wood BACHELOR OF ARTS IN FINE ARTS Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Margaret Arroyo Mary Teresa Kelly Kathryn R. Brandenburg Dennis Charles Long Kevin Michael Heney Ronald S. Tafoya Elizabeth V. Hook Donna L. Yesner Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Dorothy Ann Bourbon Kathryn Gail Kosiba Cheryl Susan Copeland Robert Levitt Sabra Dreyer Illene Wendy Mehl Phillip T. Heffernan Harry A. Paynter Sally Jackson Patricia E. Schooley

Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 Helen Altamirano Margo Lorraine Gross Marie Bernadette Baca Patricia Jo Holloran Carolyn AnnBall Julie Louise Harrison. Patricia Jane Bott Martha Ann Hereford Susan Griffith Brown Elizabeth Jeffries David Scott Chell Paul Andrew Kunkel Stephanie Louise Crabb Julia Metcalf Neil Joht) Dunlay, Jr. William J. Padilla Rudolph Edward David Duran Harriet Ann Paine Guy R. Giersch John Frederick Zimmaro Nancy Beth Grommesh

. BACHELOR OF MUSIC Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Rita Marie Angel '. Frank John Zmarzly i I Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Richard Chinisci Colleen P. Maley I, Michael Allan Lawson

Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 William D. Baker Carol Lynne Redman Edwina T. Beard Anne E. Sommerville Sally Joan Bissell Williams T. Stephens Robert Lewis Geiwitz Dennis Eric Strause Alfredo Lopez Tara Tidwell Christine E. Potter Francis Eugene Timlin


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BACHELOR OF MUSIC EDUCATION Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Warren F. Alderman

Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Kay Ann Zahrri

Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1974-75 David John Oberg Claudia Rae Shover



BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHARMACY Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Whitford C. Morgan Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1974-75 Arthur Minyard Hayman Joseph Gerald Montoya Charles James Maestas James Elson Moseley EUen Cipa McKinley Anthony Lee Ryan

Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1974-75 WiUiam Arley Armstrong, Jr. Stephen Michael Kos Kay Reese Batchelor Peter Edward Krack Stephen Frank Blair Merle Eugene Leiker Jeffrey William Bleakly Larry Dean Loring Robert Francis Coplen Dennis James Lucero Robert Darwin Counts Robert Bradley Oshida Raymond Dale English Cherri Lynn Ottino Monty Mong Chen Fu Richard Lee Peterson Robert James Gherardi Larry Wayne Reese James WiUiam Giron Janet Kay Samberson Mark Thomas Hebner Jon Michael Smith Arthur Raymond JaramiUo Rebecca Ann Strasburg Lee Jonathan Jaslow Carl Alan Wiggins Larry Clark Jones Ronald Chu-Kwok Yip

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN DENTAL HYGIENE Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1974-75 Nancy Potter Cooper Margaret E. Lawson Michael J. Hunt Shelly Lee Parmeter

ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN DENTAL HYGIENE Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Nancy Daut Candidates for Degree. Semester II, 1974-75 Gary Matthew Apodaca Marsha Elaine McGill Ermelinda Baca Christine Elise Nelson Dennis Quinn Behl Janet Press Margie Palmer Bunnell Cathy Riccobene Kathy Joyce Cordova Jeanette Robbins Sarann Corn· Carole Lynn Seiber M. Kathleen Ann Frisch Barbara Lopez Spaulding Linda Hammond Pier Magdalen Perez Straughan Felicia Ann Lopez Joan Marie Swigart Susan Jane McCurdy Premitivo Trujillo

20. '-5 !;),O'::,'iJ,_


SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES '.- ROBERT R. REHDER, Dean BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Dominic Jaramillo John M. Sugg Dale Oldham John Tupper Noi Thi Pham Betty Turrietta Michael Robles Timothy Wieland David R. Sais Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Robert L. Atler Michael F. Hipps Patsy A. Blydenburgh Allen J. Kirkpatrick Judith A. Bodo Patrick A. McCarthy Daniel R. Brewer Ramon Maestas Raleigh L. Burt Ivan Martinez. Elizabeth Clark Verne Montgomery Kelly Cregger Samuel V. Montoya Dennis W. Dailey Richard A. Scales Nancy Easley David L. Somers Terry L. Elms David J. Stewart Gilberto Gonzales Enrico Velasquez Gregory L. Hatcher Charles W. Vickers Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1974-75 Michael Robert Baca Dennis D. Martin Patricia Ann Baca Gary Martinez Catherine M. Bell Terrence Michael Melia Joseph M. Biernacki Robert Edward Mileshosky J. Frank Blue Richard William Malcolm Montoya Frederic Joseph Brennan Thomas Henry Noeding Anthony Henry Catanach, Jr. Luis R. Ortiz II Frank F. Ciccarello Eric Martin Pillmore Bruce Clark Rachel Sue Query John Harold Costa, Jr. Marcus Joseph Rael Robert Lawrence Dahlen William A. Richardson Jeffrey Thomas Daily Elaine M. Sanchez Richard C. Driskill, Jr. Daniel E. Segura Gregory Del Dubrock Fred Everett Shelley, Jane Louise Farr John Herman Spiess Larry Dwain Feist Emily Arbell Thompson Steven Paul Ferguson Stephen Wayne Tokarz Pamela B. Fjelseth Marvin A. Trujillo Peter D. Gilbert Jacqueline Jones Tucker Amelia Felicia Gonzales Lynda Lynn Valdez Harold Dennis Grossman Ramon Anastacio Vigil Marilyn Hardy David Lee Walker Janice Kay Harenberg Richard Wayne Wall David Paul Hennigan Randall Benson White t, Randall Eugene Horn David Burl Williams John Humphrey Donald Allen Williams Steven Louis Koller Ronald Bruce Williams Danny Kaye Martin . ,..: COLLEGE OF NURSING B. LOUISE MURRAY, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Grace Hournbuckle Geraldine Krause 21 ------~,

Kathleen Morrison Karen Toews ' Donna Petrucci Martha Varela

Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Freida Allen Cynthia Miller Deborah Kay Bestgen Carol Ann Mills Christina Barden Beth Nance Ronald B. BollaI' . Marcia Ann Nelson Lia Bonfiglioli Alfred Joseph Paynter Betty Gayle Boyle Donna Lee Piscitelli Betty Crawley Mary Beth Reeves Laura Crosby Cheryl Lane Romero Louise D'Amour Nancy Sallese Mark Edwards Gloria Sandoval Yvonne Emery Kristin Schmidt Carol Cross Frank Jacqueline Secatore Margaret Gabaldon Carol Selheimer Eric Glickman Carol Shadron Debbie Harms Karen Harts Simmons Amy Gail Harrell Susan Stoabs Marie Jaramillo Roberta J. A. Vasquez Dana Marie Knowlton Melanie A. Velasco Andrew Leyba Madelyn Zownir Mei Hua Lindstrom

Candidates for Degree, Semester ll, 1974-75 Carla Marie Metzner Alderete Sarah Jane Kropp Donna Allison Maryann Lopez Rosalie Baca Karen Lucas Cecilia M. Begay Diane Manes Constance D. Benton Henrietta Marie Manzanares Barbara Anne Blain Joan Marie Belian Marchand Geraldine June Bogdan Margaret Loraas McCabe Janet Clough Brown Linda Ellen McCoy Marjorie Ann Carlson Elaine Marie McManus Charles L. Colwell Nancy Jean Mershon Susan Cotner Diane Michalski Molly E. Cunningham Patricia Therese Montoya Kathleen Louise Daily Lawrence Carl Murtha "- Kerry Andre Dalen Ron Nelson Karen S. Dworkin Christine K. Netuschil Patrick Earl Nicholas Ho-Kuen Ng Elaine J. Enders Rhita J. Pacheco Kathleen Ewing Veronica Pena Marceil Kathleen- Farnum Nancy Elizabeth Perry Sherry Linnell Kremer Faubion Josephine Pino Lorraine Vulcan Ford Melissa Rael . Laura Catherine Francis Susan P. Richardson Ratcliff ­ Maribeth Frink Kathleen Rogers Nancy Marie Frye Nancy S. Rosenberg Janet Elaine D. Gurule Michele Lynn Ryan Phyllis Ann Haines Martha Jo Schelby Jean Elizabeth Hanson Elizabeth Ann Seligman Susan Marie Hebbeln Allison Marie Sparks Ernestine Joan Hodge Barbara Stephenson Maureen Hollander Martha Mae Taylor June Marie Hosea Patricia Karen Trinosky Patsy Pratt Hunter Jan Udell Jannice Mae McLain Sally Rosina Vales Paula Ann Jones Leslie Walsh ,. Rosalie King Karen Colleen Wea"er Elizabeth Anne Knott Deborah Lorraine Cleavinger Welch 22 Rachel Shaw Williams Ellen Grace Wilson 'Michele Harriet Willis Sharon Margaret Zaras UNIVERSITY COLLEGE WILLIAM H. HUBER, Dean BACHELOR OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES Requirements ComPleted Summer Session, 1974 Janis K. C. Alba Elisa Maria Holland Elaine Rose Allery . Edward Joseph Hoskins Phillip Lee Archer George Immerwahr Thomas Jefferys Ashe Donald Bruce Jeffries John Wallace Bartlett Billy Wayne Jenkins Pat Birmingham, Jr. Karla Louise Keller Margaret C. Blakney Michael James Kerwin Gerald Lance Bone Wendy Helene Kurman Omar C. Bradley James L. Lamonica Margoth Esther Bridewell Gary Edward Lawrence Charles C. Brunacini Gary Louise Lekvold Linda Sue Buck Andrea Teresa Lovato Kent O. Buckingham, Jr. Mark Walter Malsbury Carol Ann Cabbage Norman G. Martinez Bernadette C. Chavez Linda Lucille McCormick Henry A. Chavez Donna Lee Meister Joe Earold Chavez Jay Todd Miller Leroy Anthony Chavez Carmilla M. A. Montez Michelle Jane Chavez Paul Carson Morris Victor S. Chavez Sindle Neff Gary Thomas Cordes Robert Lee Ordonez Joseph C. Cordova Mitchell E. Parker Charles Thomas Crespy Joseph Walter Plummer John Arthur Dean, Jr. Bruce Joseph Puma Donald Dougherty David Leon Reaves Dennis O'Donnell Dunn John Paul Robinson, Jr. Larry Eugene Dunn Eva M. Rosenblatt Raymond Earl Duplessis Robert Meacham Ruhly Karen Ann Evans Tommy Gene Russell David Alan Gaffey Barbara Jean Sais Kim Paul Gallagher Randall Louis Scott Jeanne Le Garcia Deborah Lee Seebaugh George R. Goddard Ryce Stone Stallings, Jr. Gail Agnes Gottlieb Randall George Staples Elizabeth Marie Gresham Jeanne Marie Stump Gerald Dukes Griffin Margaret Rosamond Ussery Gregory M. Guarneros Jerry Lee Wallen Eileen Hardgrave Elizabeth Louise Weening Larry Russell Heater

Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Jose A. Alvarez Robert W. Boyden John Patrick Anamosa Ralph Bozanian Joe Apodaca John Joseph Breitling Henry Armijo Barbara Ann Brown Marie Antoinette Baca David Edward Brussell Phillip Robert Baca Emily Bunting Lee Craig Benjamin Pamela Gail Burnett Viola C. Bennett James M. Burns· Jonathan Michael Berg Cheryl Fay Calvert Richard Ellis Bowman Bruce Stuart Campbell . • Approval for satisfactory completion of degree requirements requested retroactive to August 2, 1974. 23


Robert Lee Carmignani Phillip F. Marberry William Brock Carter Lawrence Carl Marsh Blanca O. Casso Judith Millicent Masin Albert Patrick Chavez Belinda Joy Mason Horace Samuel Chavez Madeline Mosley McDonald" William Anthony Chreist Sue Beth McDowell Roy Joe Clark Robert Bruce McInteer Laurie Esta Cohen Virginia Jo McMillion Carl Reid Cole Lisa Maria Mengis Diane Dale Courney David Edward Michel James K. Culbertson David Richard Mills Bruce Kelley Davis Craig F. Molenaar Charles Wayne Degani Barbara Ellen Monatt Jose E. Delportillo@ Ronal Bruce Morse Katherine A. Demuth William Noel Nadel Frank Lawrence Diaz Catherine L. Nichols Richard Lee Diller Janis Jean Nichols Wendy Alice Dodds" Vincent Paul Nolan Samuel Michael Dubois Margaret J. Nygard Carl Stuart Dunlap Cristina M. Ortega Narciso Fernando Duran Alex R. A. Padilla Gary Claud Easterly Dolores E. Padilla Ernestine Alicia Everman Richard Donald Park Robert C. Farrell Bertha Parker Maurice W. Ford II Debra Sue Payne Ronald Paul Franklin Suzanne Ja Peterson Richard Anthony Galaz Linda Jean Platt John Golden Gray James Theo Posey, Jr. Charles Griego Charles L. Rainwater Rudy R. Gutierrez, Jr. Jane Anne Rankin Robert W. Haggerty, Jr. Richard Reid Ratliff Jesse William Hampton Sharon Jane Robertson David Walter Heinly Virginia Ann Salazar Corrine M. Henning Adolph P. Sanchez Caroline M. Heyward Dennis T. Sanchez Robert Lewis Hicks Jose Alfonso Sanchez Nancy Doreen Hilding Julia E. Sanchez Janet Frances Hisey Leo Peter Sandoval Frances Marie Hogan Richard B. Sandquist Julia B. Hogan Glenda L. Sattelmeyer Mia Martha C. Houk Michael J. Schroeder Clarence Hutchings Ian G. Schultz Thomas Lawrence Jacobs Nancy C. Schwartz Richard M. Johnstone Joan Elaine Shain John Leslie Jones Dana Marie Shea Dennis Walter Kil Jacquelyn Sheehan Sam Ellis Kirk Earl Joseph Shugerman Tad Martin Klein Albert A. Simballa Dale Anne Kowell Victor Ray Sirwinski Gordon Courtney Lang Cecil Michael Smith Jeffrey I. Lang Marilyn J. Bahm Smith Edward J. Leder Patsy P. Martinez Smith Brian Michael LeVant Michael Grant Stanley Cynthia Buono Lewiecki Gary Lee Stewart Ernest Lawrence Lewis William P. Stoddard David Bernard Licht Margaret S. Sutherland Lionel William Lopez James Patrick Swedeen Frank Changlan Ma Margaret Ellen Swink Robert A. Macpherson Gregory Kevin Symons @ Approval for satisfactory completion of degree requirements requested retroactive to May 19, 1974. "Approval for satisfactory completion of degree requirements requested retroactive to August 2, 1974. 24


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Karen Martens Thelander Sherman Elmo Wilcox John Arthur Thomason Richard Dean Willson Harold D. Thompson, Jr. John Perry Wilson Daniel Willy Toepfer Gerald Lee Winter Patricia Ann Torn Marsha Jo Wiseman Julia D. Tryk Charles Milton Wolff Larry Lee Valentine Crystal P. Wright Sara Wakeland Ronald F. Wuenschel Jimmy Darrel Ward Rudy G. Yurkovich Mamie Jewell Watson· Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1974-75 Gary Max Adams John Brooke Cottam Anthony John Alfaro Sandra Lee Cox Jane Paula Andes Kelly Allen Crawford, Jr. Charles W. Andrews, Jr. Mariann P. Croucher Jeffrey John Appleby Bruce Anthony Cutler Mirium H. Arnold Deborah Ann Dail Rene R. Arredondo Jon Wesley Davis Robert Clair Ault Lois Marie Davis Nancy Page Avery Kathleen Marie DeBoy Jennifer Gail Baker Timothy Peter De Groat Catherine Ann Basford Denis Hughes Dennis William Lewis Bassetto Deborah Ann Dixon Richard Keven Bauer John Snake Driscoll, Jr. Steven Lawrence Bauer Gary Lee Dunagan James Dale Belcher Clyde William Duncan, Jr. Harry James Bence, Jr. Charles Gerald Dunn Susan Leigh Devasher Bidell Clark Hewitt Eliot Mary Lynn Mayes Billings Larry Waldo Emerson Margaret Delores Weskamp Boan Chester Lynn Estrada Robert Dean Bohks Gary Ronald Farrar Virginia Klemm Brahmer Niel W. Fishback Susan A. Brech J. Christopher Fogel Kim David Briggs Richard C. Fortune Ronald Mark Brinker Lloyd Dean Frazier Sherry Jean Brockett Barbara Ann Froelich Deborah Anne Brogdon Constance Susan Fullam Carolyn Elizabeth Browning Chester Fuller Katherine Virginia Kruse Bryant Paul Marc Anthony Gallegos Gary Patrick Buck Carolyn Bogan Garcia Donald M. Buffenmeyer Cheryl Lynn Gearhart Barbara'LaViane Camp Erik James Gilbert Annette Genevieve Cardoza Nancy Sue Gipson Christopher Ayers Carman Robert Lee Gjorvad Franklin O. Carroll II David Brian Goldfarb Margaret A. Chambers Patricia Anne Good R. V. Channell Marcia Ellen'Graber Ralph Leonard Chapman Earl Randolph Greaver Bonnie Chavez Theodore Paul Green James Martin Chavez Cynthia Anne Greene Martin Joseph Chavez Jeffrey Robert Greer Reginald Chavez Danny Anthony Griego Victor A. Chavez Sally Gwylan Martha Rose Cinelli Warren K. Haas Richard Nolan Cleary Kim Hagan David S. Cocke Mary Margaret Winward Haller Jonathan Carl Cohlmeyer Toni Bobette Handley Robert Graham ~onley Marcia Dee Culp Haney David Edwin Cook Kathleen Marie Hanna Harvey James C~psey

• Approval for satisfactory completion of degree requirements requested retroactive to August 2, 1974.

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Jefferson L. Hart Michael W. Minturn Rex David Haworth Joseph Gabino Mitchell, Jr. Frederick Edward Haynie, Jr. Scott W. Mohoric Jeffrey Henry Joy Louise Haycraft Monge Samuel George Hill Orlando Montoya .Mara Ann Hoffman Monty Mann Moore Blossom Herndon Horton Douglas W. Morgan, Jr. Christina Annette Houston John Carroll Morris Thomas Lloyd Huesumann Gail Morton Gale W. Hughes Katherine S. Mulford Diane Jean Hutchins Craig Allen Nass Sara Kate Hutchinson Amy Lynne Nevitt John Robert Ingoglia Anne Newman Mary Catherine Jacobs Julie Grimes Nicewander Barbara Meibaum Jarvis R. Townley Nichols Nicholas Kimber Johnson Paula Jean Norris Tony Patrick Jojola Laura Ellen Notley Barney L. Jones Thomas Robert O'Leary James Wesley King Barry A. Oreck Linda Lou Kirk Joseph Edwin Ortiz Shelley Z. Klappholz Dolores Lorraine Pacheco Evangelos Klonis Maria Esperanza Lopez y Lopez de Padilla Joanne Patricia Martinson-Knowles Jean Ridling Padilla Shelley R. Kolbert Patrick Gene Padilla Stephen K. Kortemeier Peggy Ann Palmer Steven Susumu Kondo Glenn Allen Paquin Martha Luanne Laberge Kate Lynn Parker James Earl Ladd Kathlyn A. Paul J. Michael La Rue Robert David Pederson Patricia L. Lawson Ronald Gene Perry Helen Estelle Lee Thomas John Perz Dara Audrey Lehans Stephen Emmett Pierce Helen L. Lang Carl Brandt Prater Michelle A. Lesicka Mary K. Ratcliffe William Lewis Darrell E. Regensberg Harold Eugene Little Catherine L. Robb Larry Dale Lucas Jeffrey Alan Roberts George Gene Lueras David Michael Robillard Bruce Garland Lundy William J. Roche Mary Alice Lovato Maes Ricardo Alberto Rodriguez Mary Gayle Maloy Margaret Elaine Romero Paul Houston Mansfield, Jr. Robert A. Ronald II Joel Steven Marks Joey T. Roybal Russell James Martin Donald E. Rupe Dennis Tobias Martinez Harry Ryland Stela Martinez Julian Joseph Salazar Louis Ronald Mascarenas Robert Andrew Sanchez Paula Jane Matusa Susan J. Scarborough Mary Jennings May Robert A. Schwering Susan Rennie Mazarr Robert Joseph Shanley Shirley Ann McKee Neil Silver Susan McKee Kimberly Marsh Smith Mark Douglas McLaren Jonathan G. Smith Gary Everett McQueary# Thomas Lee Snively Michael A. Mead Christopher Jon Sohl Michael Alan Melton Mary Aleta Sparks Mike Jeffery Mercer Terry Lawrence Spohr Marc Stephen Meyers Caren Ingrid Costello Sprague Michael Lynn Miller Damon Lewis Stafford Christy L. Millington Susan C. Steketee William Charles Minser Martha Jean Gunnels Stephenson

# Approval for satisfactory completion of degree requirements requested retroactive to December 21, 1974. 26 586

Peter Joseph Stickle Michael John Vos Ronald Dean Stout Arthur Lewis Wakeman Robert Mayo Stovall Larry Anson Walker George Olen Stribling Michael Daniel Ward Robert Reynolds Strom Leslie Hill Warner Thomas Edmund Sussdorff Robert Franklin Wasserman Phillip Eddie Tafoya Rebecca Louise Watson Robin David Tawney Jeffrey J. Watterberg Margo Jo Thiebes Shirley R. Werner Donald Mead Thompson Kim Whitlock Robert D. Thompson Donna Lee Wilkening Jan Marie Thomson Kimberley Ann Willett Randolph Clay Thurmond Anthony J. Williams Gary Wayne Tixier Stephanie W. Williams Raymond Leroy Toledo Daniel Owen Winkless Giuseppe Leonello Tomei Randall Brill Withrow Ignacio J. Treviso, Jr. Jeffery Peter Woodward Premitivo Trujillo James Lewis Wright Joseph Angelo Turiciano Jerry O'Neil Wyatt Martha Jo Tussing Cathlin Ray Wyer James Rodney Veary Kenneth T. Yonemoto

SCHOOL OF LAW FREDERICK M. HART, Dean JURIS DOCTOR Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Thelma Jean -5tiffarm, B.A., University of Montana, 1970 Requirements Completed Semester I, 1974-75 Ralph Coleman Binford, Jr., B.S., Swarthmore College, 1961; M.S., State University, 1965; Ph.D., Worchester Polytechnic Institute, 1971 Michael Casey, B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Larry Rey Hill, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Donald David Montoya, B.A., University of Portland, 1970; M.P.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 Robert Kent Patten, B.A., , 1970 William Hanlon Putman, B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Jimmy Curtis Shorty, B.S., St. Joseph's College (Indiana), 1961 Bruce G. Stafford, B.S., East Texas State University, 1969 Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1974-75 Perry Carlton Abernethy, A.B., Brown University, 1967 M. Christina Armijo, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 William Robert Babington, Jr., University of Colorado, 1969 Roger Allan Bargas, B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Bruce William Barnett, B.A., Arizona State University, 1972 Patricia Darrell Barth, B.A., University of Maryland, 1972 Gordon L. Bergman, B.S., Washington University, 1964 Monta Sharon Blackwell, B.A., East Central State University (Oklahoma), 1964; M.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 Connie Borkenhagen, A.B., Duke University, 1964 Marianne Brylinski, B.A., New Mexico State University, 1972 Barbara Burman, A.B., University of IlIinois, 1958 Michael Bruce Campbell, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Catherine North Carroll, B.A., St. John's College, 1971 Charles Bradley Cates, B.B.A., New Mexico State University, 1972 John Allen Chapela, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Tito David Chavez, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 Peter Callaway Chestnut, B.A., Harvard College, 1967 Janet Elizabeth Clow, B.A., California State College at Long Beach, 1972 Albert Thompson Cochran, Jr., B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969

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James Brent Collins, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1967 Thomas Gillette Cornish, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Edward Cowboy, Jr., B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Charles Cruse Currier, B.S., Delaware Valley College, 1970 Martha Anne Daly, B.A., Temple Buell College, 1972 William John Darling, B.A., George Washington University, 1966 Gary Laurence Daves, B.S., Arizona State University, 1964 William Dominick Diaco, B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Bethenia Jayne Dougherty, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 John Benbow Draper, B.S., Princeton University, 1969 Dennis Alan Dunn, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Bette J. Ehlert, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Tomas C. Esquibel, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Jake R. Evans, B.A., New Mexico State University, 1972 Robert Foster, B.A., St. John's University, 1967 Tom Foy, Jr., B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1972 Patrick Joseph Francoeur, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1965 Ramon Infante Garcia, B.B.A., New Mexico State University, 1970 Donald Wayne Garland, B.B.A., New Mexico State University, 1969; M.B.A., 1970 Catherine Anna Goldberg, B.A., University of North Dakota, 1971 David Armistead Grady, B.A., Yale University, 1967 Richard Bernard Gregory, B.A., Texas Tech University, 1968; M.B.A., Eastern New Mexico University, 1972 Janice Eve Hensolt, B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Thomas Joseph Horan, B.A., University of San Francisco, 1967; M.A.P.A., University of New Mexico, 1974 David Clifford Hughes, Jr., B.A., Southern Methodist University, 1970; M.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Anthony Brian Jeffries, B.A., St. John's College, 1972 Clifford John Johnson, B.S., University of Colorado, 1971 Suzanne Jollensten, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Bruce A. Kelly, B.A., Michigan State University, 1970 John Melville Kirk, Jr., A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1968 Bruce Robert Kohl, B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Stanley Kenneth Kotovsky, Jr., B.S., New Mexico State University, 1972 David Allen Lane, B.A., Western New Mexico University, 1972 Harold Wade Lavender, Jr., B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 Kenneth Charles Leach, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Joseph David Little, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Jesus Luis LOpez, B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1972 James Jay Mason, B.A., University of Kansas, 1971 Ralph Peerce Maxon, B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Charles Raymond McCash, B.S., Colorado State University, 1969 K. Scott McCoy, B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1965; M.F.A., University of Minnesota, 1967 Rolf Alexander Melkus, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Weldon Lloyd Merritt, B.S., Texas A&M University, 1966; M.A.P.A., University of New Mexico, 1975 Robert N. Meyer, B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1972 Benedicto R. Naranjo, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Robert Lewis Nelson, B.A., North Texas State University, 1962 Sandra Charlotte Norman, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Keith Richard Oas, B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Timothy Michael Padilla, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 William Hepburn Page, B.A., Tulane University, 1973 Ross Bernard Perkal, B.S.M.E., University of New Mexico, 1971; M.S., 1975 Robert William Piatt, Jr., B.A., Eastern New Mexico University, 1972 Leslie Lynn Rakestraw, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970; M.A., 1972 Eugene Carrell Ray, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Stanley Arnold Read, B.A., Texas Christian University, 1963; M.A., University of Texas, 1965 Randolph Lee Reese, B.S., New Mexico State University, 1970 Gerald Bruce Richardson, B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Robert Raleigh Rickard, B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1972

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Robert Eugene Robles, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Stephen Bradway Rogers, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 Thomas A. Rutledge, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Jacob N. Sanchez, B.A., Western New Mexico University, 1968 Jose Avilio Sandoval, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1967 Duffy Anthony Sasser II, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1967 Steven Ephraim Schonberg, M.D., University of Colorado, 1967 Peter William Shreffler, B.A., College of Wooster (), 1968 Duward James Sorenson, B.A., New Mexico State University, 1972 Ann Marie Steinmetz, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Suzanne Tanner, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Thomas Esteban Tapia, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 Larry Thomas Thrower, B.A., Fort Lewis College (Colorado), 1972 Louis Eloy Valencia, B.B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1972 Timothy James Vidal, A.B., Stanford University, 1969 Stephen Jesse Wall, B.A., Fort Lewis College (Colorado), 1972 Walter Dee Welch, B.S., New Mexico State University, 1968; M.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1972 David Nelse Williams, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1965 John Wesley Zavitz, A.B., Earlham College (Indiana), 1971



DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Jerrel Ray Lochner, B.S.E.E., Oklahoma State University, 1959; M.S.E.E., University of New Mexico, 1961; M.S.N.E., 1970 Carl Richter Shonk, B.A., University of Oregon, 1959; M.A., University of Oregon, 1960; Ph.D., University of Colorado, 1966 Michael Omarr Stone, B.S., New Mexico State University, 1961; M.S., 1963; Ph.D., Tulane University, 1969 Requirements Completed Semester Il, 1974-75 John Samuel Agnew, B.A., Stanford University, 1971 David Eugene Ballard, B.A., Kansas University, 1971 Roger Lee Barrow, B.A., University of Oregon, 1970 John Reed Benziger, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Charlotte Bible, B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1967 John Anthony Bokan, B.A., University of Denver, 1970 William Patrick Burran, B.A., Baylor University, 1967 Jay Clyde Chamberlain, B.S., Brigham Young University, 1971 Wayne Anthony Delamater, B.A., Southern Methoqist University, 1971 William Alan Dobbins, B.A., Albion College, 1971 Rochelle Louise Dworet, B.A., University of Chicago, 1971 Roderick Allen Fields, B.S., New Mexico State University, 1971 Robert Preston George, Jr., B.A., Northwestern University, 1971 David Gregory Gorman, B.A., University of Florida, 1968 Jeffrey Saul Harris, B.S., Yale University, 1971 Mattice Farnandis Harris, Jr., B.A., Western New Mexico University, 1970 Thomas Rouse Holley, B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Elizabeth June Gage Hume, B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Paul Boris Kazimiroff, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Joseph Lewis Kenzora Steven James Kilkenny, B.S., New Mexico State University, 1971 George Frederick Kroker, B.S.E.E., Northwestern University, 1971 Arnold Lane Leckman, B.A., Occidental College, 1967 Charles Herman Lehman, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Carlos Lopez, Jr., B.S., New Mexico State University, 1966; M.A.T., 1970 Marshall Jay Lyttle, B.A., Kalamazoo College, 1971 David Michael Macias, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 29

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Kathy Kahn Mahon, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Anthony Ray Martinez, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Raul Rodriguez Mena, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Joanne Clarage Mortimer, B.A., Smith College, 1970 Robert Steven Padilla, B.S., New Mexico State University, 1971 Keith Eugene Palmer, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 George Gabriel Paz, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Ronald James Pompeo, B.S., Creighton University, 1971 Ashley D:Pond, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Charles Moxley Rippberger, B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1971 Robert Emmett Rogers, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Gary Paul Romberg, B.S., University of Wyoming, 1967 Jon Rudnick, B.A., Colorado College, 1966; M.A., Columbia University, 1968 Robert LeRoy Salisbury, B.S., Montana State University, 1971; B.S., University of 'South Dakota School of Medicine, 1973 Roland Kent Sanchez, B.S., New Mexico State University, 1971 "' Vance Howard Smith, A.B., Dartmouth College, 1971 Joseph Paul Sonderleiter, B.A., Occidental College, 1970; M.A., 1970 Charles Terry Spalding, B.S., Florence State University, 1963; Ph.D., Vanderbilt Univer­ sity, 1968 Lyman Blaine Spaulding, B.S., University of Wyoming, 1966; M.S., University of New Mexico, 1969; PhD., 1971 James Joseph Spence, B.S., University of Missouri, 1968 Samuel Joe Stratton, B.S., New Mexico State University, 1971 Martin Trujillo, B.S., B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Ronald F. Vandell, B.A., B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Robert Joseph VanGemert, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Elizabeth Woodson Varsa, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1965 James Wise Wiggins, Jr., B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Robert Verne Wiggins, B.S., Tulane University, 1972

ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Patricia Alexander Teri Dayle Ford Randy Gilbert Aragon Barbara Gayle Shockey Sharon E. K. Cunningham Diane Lee Shields Cathy Charlene Cupp

ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN COMMUNITY SERVICES Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Amy Bothell Charles McKinney Rudy Candelaria Jose Turietta Joseph Gabaldon

Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Arnold C~rdova Fred Dale Reynolds Sammy C. Garcia Charles A. Roybal

Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1974-75 Dianna Lee Gutierrez Geraldine M. Sanchez Leetra G. Holmes

ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN RADIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1974-75 Georgiana Moiseve Donna Bradford Sibray Kay Nahlovsky Tim Thomen Cindy Shortencarier

ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNOLOGY Candidate for Degree, Semester II, 1974-75 Marla Olson

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THE GRADUATE SCHOOL BERNARD SPOLSKY, Dean MASTER OF ARTS Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Jesus Tarin Alaniz ••.•...... •.•.••...... •.••• : ...... •.... .Guidance B.A., California State University, 1974 Martha Garcia Alderete ...... •.••.. , ...•. '" ... , .....••....• .Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Kathleen Marie Andreson ...... •..•...... •...... Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 Ruth L. Armstrong ...... •..•...... Special Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 Joetha Callison Asher ...... •.••...... •.••.•....•...... Special Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1966 Thomas Allan Astholz ...... •...... •...... Elementary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Nanci Shaykin Avery •...... •.. , ...... •..• : Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1967 Lynne Godfrey Baehr •.•...... •...... •...... Special Educadon B.A., Newark State College, 1961 Rebecca Mauldin Barlow ...... •. '" , Elementary Education B.S., Tarleton State College, 1969 Glenda Talley Bennett Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1959 Paige Birdsall ....•...... , ...•. " ...... •.. " Speech Communication B.A., University of California, 1971 Phillip Terrell Blackshear ...... •...... •...... •...... Guidance B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Douglas Lee Blech ..•...... ••...... Secondary Education B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Ellis Bontrager : ...... •...... Elementary Education B.A., Goshen College, 1967 Loretta Suarez Brand Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Jacquelyn Murray Branum Elementary Education B.s., University of Texas at EI Paso, 1965 Michael Edward Brown .. , , .•... '" , .Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 Charles Stuart Brownrigg ...... •...... Art Education B.A., Colorado State University, 1967 . Claudia Lynn Whenry Burcham Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 . Adela Aragon Candelaria , '" , Secondary Education B.S., New Mexico State University, 1968 . Yuk-Ching Lee Chang ..•...... •.••...... •...... •.•...... •...... Geography B.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 David Arthur Church ...... •...... Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1967 Michael Anthony Colella ...... •...... Political Science· B.A., Syracuse University, 1965 Elizabeth Oberlin Cormack '" ., "" .. ,." .•...... •.. .Special Education B.S., University of Michigan, 1958 Sharyn Grace Cozzens ...... •.•...... Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Vera F. Cushman Elementary Education B.S., Grambling College, 1966 Carolyn Eugenie Cutrona ...... •...... Guidance B.A., Stanford University, 1973 Susan P. Daggett ...... •...... •....•...... Guidance B.A., Hamline University, 1963 .. Michael Thomas Dennis Special Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 .


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Stephen Doeren ...... •.••...... •.•...... •...... Sociology B.A., Ottawa University, 1972 Karen Barbara Domino ; .•.. , ...... •...... •.•..•...... Psychology B.A., Vassar College, 1973 Robert Joseph Dufault ...... •...... •...... Special Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Omar Duane Durant , Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969, Yvonne Barbara Eisenberg ...... •...... Special Education B.S., Lyndon State College, 1973 Lawrence William Eno ...... •...... •...... •...... Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Barbara Ann Escher ;. " Secondary Education B.A., Colorado State University, 1968; M.A., 1970 Nancy Esteb ••...... •...... Sociology B.A., University of New Mexico, 1966 Kathryn Gardner Fashing ...... •...... Guidance B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1961 ' Carol Lynne Foo ...... •...... •. .Art Education B.F.A., New Mexico State University, 1971 William Eugene Foote Psychology B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 Richard Allan Gauley , , Special Education B.Ed., Keene State College, 1966 Cheryl Ann Gavin Elementary Education B.A., Oklahoma Baptist University, 1967 Roger Vincent Glass ...... •...... , , Latin American Studies B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Robert Wicksman Goodkind ...... •.•..••.•.....•••...... Psychology B.A., Carleton College, 1968 Sue Ann Gouett ...... •.•...... Special Education B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1970 JoEllen Gregori .•.•...... •...... •...... Elementary Education B.A., San Francisco State College, 1966 Della Griego " Elementary Education B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1972 Angela Vachio Grodner Special Education B.S., Adelphi University, 1967 Edeltraut Hannemann Sociology B.A., University of California, Berkeley, 1972 Lorraine L. Hargraves ...... •...... Guidance B.S., Brigham Young University, 1967 ' Earl M. Hartman Guidance B.A', University of New Mexico, 1970 Barbara Ellen Henderson •....••..•.•.•...... , .•...... Elementary Education B.S., University of Maine, 1965 Clay Henry ; ...... •.....Special Education B.A., Boise State College, 1970 Donnal Hiltbrunner Special Education B.S., Kansas State Teachers College, 1960 Peter Charles Holmes .- '....•..•...... Art B.F.A., University of Tennessee, 1968 ., Jacqueline Kay Horn Special Education B.A., Pasadena College, 1973 Karen Lynne Hotchkiss Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Susan Anne Howick Secondary Education B.S., University of Dayton, 1971 Norman George Johnson Educational Administration B.S., Norwich University, 1950 B.S., United States Naval Post Graduate School, 1959 Nora Montoya Juarros ....•..... : ...•...... •...... Elementary Education B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1970 32 592

Mary Jane Katona ...... •...... •.•....•.•.•.....•.•..•...... •..•.••... .English B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1968 Elizabeth Lane Kimmell Art Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 Julie Keene Langhorne ...... •...... •...... •...... Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Rosemarie Janice Larson ...... •.... , ....•...... Elementary Education B.A., College of St. Benedict, 1953 Jeanette Strahl Levin .•...... •...... Guidance BA., Simmons College, 1969 George Reid Lyon ' , , Special Education B.S., North Carolina Wesleyan, 1973 Judith Lily Maas •...... •...... •...... Special Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Richard Dee Malcomson .....•...... , , Educational Foundations B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Virginia Strike Malone " ...... •...... Speech Communication B.A., University of New Mexico, 1949 Richard David Mann ...... •...... •...... •...... Special Education B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1971 Sandra Michele Martone Guidance B.A., University of California, Berkeley, 1965 Joan McCann-Jackson c Guidance B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Gregory Bruce McClure \. .Elementary Education B.A., New Mexico State University, 1969 B.S., University of Minnesota, 1972 Martha Angeline McKey Elementary Education B.S., Mississippi Valley State College, 1967 Jeanette Jourdan Meatte Secondary Education B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1963 David Edward Mercer Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 Cynthia Louise Morris Special Education B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Jean Bacigalupo Mulhern "," Special Education , B.A., College of St. Catherine, 1946 Anita Louise Muscarella Elementary Education B.A., Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1968 Charmian Louise Ogden .. ; , Secondary Education B.A., New Mexico State University, 1966 Sean Seosamh P. O'Leary Guidance B.A., University of Albuquerque, 1970 Janet S. Graham Oliver Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Laurence G. O'Neil Guidance B.A., Villanova University, 1970 Nancy Corinne O'Neill Elementary .Education B.A., Arizona State,University, 1959 ' Agnes Good1uck Ortiz , ,. .Art Education B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 ' M.A., University of Montana, 1972 " Edward Carl Padilla Elementary Education B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1967 Joan Marie Paroz Special Education B.S., Stout State University, 1961 Karen Jean Patrick , , " , Special Education B.A., Adams State College, 1968; M.A., 1970 William Holland Payne Recreation B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Patricia Ann Peiffer Elementary Education B.S., Eastern New Mexico State University, 1965 Paul Maurice Peloquin Guidance BA., University'of New Mexico, 1972

33 Diane Lynne Pepe ...... •...... •...... Art B.F.A., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1970 Joyce Tamura Perry '" .. " .•. " " ..Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Andrew Pete, Sr Educational Administration B.A., Highlands University, 1960 Jean Ann Phalen .. , .. " ., Elementary Education B.S., University ~f New Mexico, 1971 Sister Carol Marie Power Elementary Education B.S., College of Mount Saint Joseph, 1966 Ricardo B. Provencio Guidance i B.A., Arizona State University, 1971 ~ , Richard Bennett Reep Art B.A., University of Florida, 1972 Antonio Borunda Rey Speech Communication B.A., University of New Mexico, 1967 David Kevin Riley 'Guidance B.A., University of Albuquerque, 1973 Frances S. Riley . Elementary Educaiiol1 , B.S., West Texas State College, 1957 John Douglas Roberts Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Kenneth G. Rodriguez Secondary Education B.A., Adams State College, 1966 Paula Rosenblum Art Education B.A., California State University, 1970' Mercedes Gonzales Roybal Elementary Education B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1971 Lizabeth Rutherford Special Education B.A., University of Albuquerque, 1971 Maria Teresa Valencia Sanchez Elementary Education B.S., University of Arizona, 1959 \ Richard S. Sanchez Guidance B.S., University of New Mexico, 1962 Elizabeth Ann Sandry ...... •...... Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 Susan Lee Saretsky Elementary Education B.A., Michigan State University, 1972 Basil Nicholas Scaljon Secondary Education B.A., Colgate University, 1969 . David Marshall Schofield ...... •....Secondary Education B.S., United States Military Academy, 1966 Sara Ann Sharville Secondary Education B.A., Indiana University, 1965 Linda Sue Sherrill " Elementary Education B.S., Portland State University, 1969 Michele McManemy Shipe ...... •...... Special Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Vivian C. Sisneros ...... •...... Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Delores Kay Smith Elementary Education B.S., Kansas State Teachers College, 1969 George Rogers Smith ....•...... •...... Guidance B.A., Lafayette College, 1950 William Henry Spurlock Art B.A., Trinity University, 1970 Suzanne Stillinger Guidance B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1953 Theresa Marie Sullo " " Secondary Education B.A., Boston State College, 1969 Phyllis J. R. Tempest Guidance B.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1960 ! Andy G. Torrez ' Elementary Education .} B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972



Joan Violetta Trebilcock ,", , .. , .. , Elementary Education B.A., Northern Michigan University, 1962 Marilyn Leslie White. " , " Speech Communication B.S., Ohio University, 1973 Mary Joan Windes Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1968 Beverly Ann Yoder ,, " Special Education B.S., Northern Michigan University, 1965 Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Kaaren Johnson Allen ...... •...... Special Education B.S., University of Illinois, 1967 Victor Aquino, Jr...... •...... English B.A., Western Washington State College, 1971 Cordelia M. Arellano , ," Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Lola Rivera Armijo '" , Elementary Education B.S., Western New Mexico University, 1952 Karen D. Astholz Educational Administration B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Christopher James Atkinson Educational Foundations B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Janet Peacock Atwood Economics B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 Margie Romero Baca Elementary Education B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1970 Joyce Jo Bashein English B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 Robert Alan Buonaccorsi Special Education B.A., University of California, Berkeley, 1969 Janice Melva Bur~s ...... •...... History B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1973 Gregory Louis Candela English B.A., Stanislaus State College, 1972 Loretta Rita Carrillo , ", .. , .. ," Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 France Vega Casalis Guidance Diplome Universitaire d'Etude Litteraires, University of ·Strasbourg, France, 1968 Michael Harry Ciesielski Recreation B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Marie E. Clark Latin American Studies B.A., Loretto Heights College, 1971 Marcia R. Cohen Art B.F.A., Wayne State University, 1972 Jonathan David Conescu Philosophy B.A., George Washington University, 1969 Daniel Conti ", Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Dennis Contreras Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 G. Roy Cornelius ..•...... ,"" ...... ••..• , Political Science B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 William John Cronin Special Education B.A., University of Minnesota, 1967 Leah Sublette Curry Special Education B.S., Bishop College, 1966 Joseph M. Deal Art B.F.A., Kansas City Art Institute, 1970 Millie L. Dew " ,"" ., , Special Education B.S., North Texas State University, 1962 Rex Lynn Eaves Special Education B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Jo Kathryn Eckart .. , '" ., , .. , .. '" ...•.. , ". .Musicology B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972

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Dale Koike Englekirk .....•...... •...... •...... •...... Spanish B.A., California State College, Los Angeles, 1972 Mary Katherine Esquivel Guidance B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1965 Sylvia Anna Romero Fox .....•...... •...... Special Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 Delbert Arthur Fraissinet Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 Larry Joe Garcia " Special Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Jessie .Del Gaskins ...... •...... •...... Political Science B.A., University of South Carolina, 1973 Christine Ann Gerlach ...... •...... Elementary Education B.A., Queens College, 1969 Diane Wilson Goldfarb Political Science B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 Beverly Grady Ream ,,, , .Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1951 Ronda Lee Haworth Special Education B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1972 Patricia Ann Hepler ..•...... Elementary Education B.S., New Mexico State University, 1970 Ellen Beth Hinman Special Education B.A., University of Texas, El Paso, 1970 Kathryn Fitch Holmes Elementary Education B.F.A., University of Colorado, 1965 Jean H. Hubler ...... •...... Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1969 Jocelyn Durkin James "" , '" Special Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 David Claude Jaramillo Recreation B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1969 Bill Jay ...... •...... •...'... , .. .Art Jane Ann Johnson Elementary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Edwardine L. Klingner ., " Special Education B.A., Michigan State University, 1965 Johnnie J. Leeds Guidance B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1972 Sharon Moise Levy Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Barbara Hartwell Leyden "" ," Special Education B.S., University of Maine, 1970 Louis Gary Londis Special Education B.A., Mount Saint Mary College, 1973 Judy A. Love ...... •...... Educational Administration B.A., North Texas State University, 1964 Philip A. MacKaron English B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Leonard Norman Maldonado ...... •...... Latin American Studies B.S., University of Arizona, 1968 Kathryn Diane Manuelito •...... Elementary Education B.A., University of New Mexico,' 1971 , i Beverly Joan Martin ; Elementary Education B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1970 George Vasco Martin "" , Secondary Education B.S., Lamar University, 1967 Alice Noreen Mayo ...• "", " Elementary Education B.A., Brescia College, 1971 ' Lynn Eloise Mercer " Special Education B.A .• University of New Mexico, 1973 Newell Thomas Morgan " .•...... " Spanish B.A., Northwest Nazarene College, 1965

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Flynn O'Malley •...... •.•.•.•...... •.•...... Psychology B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Harriet Kathryn Otteni ...... •...... •...... Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Thomas Cameron Parker Recreation B.S., Indiana University, 1968 Donna C. Parra Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Adrienne Monica Pata Elementary Education B.A., Moravian College, 1957 Eleanor Kave Post '" Elementary Education B.S., Westminster College,1952 Charles R. Prohaska " .. , Latin American Studies B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1954 M.S., United States Air Force Institute of Technology, 1958 M.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Charles Wesley Reid , ".Art Education B.S., Lincoln University, 1972 Myriam Rojas Spanish Meridel Rubenstein Art B.A., Sarah Lawrence College, 1970 Anthony H. Sanchez ...... •...... Economics B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Luz Marina Sanchez Pacheco Geography Licenciada en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Pedagogica Nacional, Colombia, 1963 Randall Francis Schalk ," " Anthl'Opology B.A., University of Washington, 1969 David W. Schnitzler '..Special Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Diana Lindsay Schoenfeld ...j ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Art B.V.A., Georgia State University, 1972 Jose Ismael Sedillo Educational Foundations B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 James Patrick Shaw Secondary Education B.A., Temple University, 1968 . Donald G. Simmermacher ...... •...... Sociology B.A., University of Portland, 1964 Constance Thurston Simmons , ...... •.. , Special Education B.S., Kansas State University, 1941 Elisa G. Snider ," Elementary Education B.A., Western New Mexico University, 1969 Stephanie Ilynn Stalker Special Education B.S., New Mexico State University, 1974 Wi1liam Leonard Srull English B.A., California State College, Los Angeles, 1969 Amaryllis Frame Truji1lo Educational Foundations B.A., University of Texas, EI Paso, 1960 Ethel Wise Tucker Educational Administration B.A ... University of New Mexico, 1971 Linda Post Van Buskirk English B.A., University of Utah, 1972 Jan K. Williams Latin American Studies B.A., Florida State University, 1962 Eunice Adele Wilson Guidance B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Donna Louise Wise •...... Educational Administration B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Whitney Ann Woodworth Elementary Education B.M.E., University of New Mexico, 1968 Stephanie Ching-Wen Wu Mathematics B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Steven Andus Yates Art B.F.A., University of Nebraska, 1972

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Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 Kirsten Anna Akse ...... ••...... •...... Guidance B.A., University of Denver, 1967 Katherine Jenison Klinger Allred ...... •...... •...... Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 John Lawton Appel ...... •...... English B.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 Yoshio Asakawa , ...... •...... Secondary Education B.A., Shinshu University, Japan, 1956 . Carolyn Jeanne Ashlock , Special Education B.S., Texas Technological College, 1962 Marie A. Baca ...... •.•...... •...... Guidance B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1951 Patricia Jo Salisbury Bai)ey Elementary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 James Perry Barber Guidance B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Diane M. Barendse ...... •...... Special Education B.A., Cornell University, 1970 Henri Man Barendse Art B.A., Lyndon State College, 1971 Glenda Lou Bateman '" Philosophy B.A., Baylor University, 1961 James Lowell Bawcum Recreation B.S., Texas A&M University, 1958 Ofelia Fernandez Beato Elementary Education Licenciado, Universidad de Panama, 1970 . Shirley Irving Becht Guidance B.S., University of New Mexico, 1956 Daniel Walker Becton ...... •...... Special Education B.A., Vanderbilt University, 1970 Margot Tittmann Berger Guidance B.A., University of California, Berkeley, 1962 Jack Benford Bertram ; Anthropology B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Ellen Naomi Biderman Elementary Education B.A., New York University, 1~70 Katherine Edith Braman Secondm'y Education B.A., University of Denver, 1952 Stephanie Jean Brandon Guidance B.A., Otterbein College, 1969 Sarah Gene Brown ...... •...... Elementary Education B.S., University of Missouri, 1941 Margaret Svendsen Buonaccorsi Recreation B.A., University of Minnesota, 1970 Juan Manuel Cabrera-Oliver Art B.A., Fordham University, 1970 Ann Cecile Cagle Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1967 Cameron Lee Carreras Special Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Consuelo V. Chavez ...... •..•.•...... • •Elementary Education B.A., University of Albuquerque, 1952 Joseph D. Chavez ,." Special Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1950 Maria D. Chavez Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1974 David Lee Cockerham Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Julia Newman Colahan , Special Education B.A., California State University, Los Angeles,1973 Jane Grace Cole , ...... •...... Art B.A., Brandon University, Canada, 1971

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Kenneth Wayne Collier Guidance B.S., University of Texas, 1965 Daniel Arthur Conklin Latin American Studies B.A., Vanderbilt University, 1973 . Allen "L." Cordray, Jr Secondary Education B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Dennis Christian Cox Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Evelyn Schenck Crawford Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1967 Virginia Mae Crompton , Art B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Mary Lynn Dahmen Elementary Education B.Ed., Wisconsin State College, 1957 Anne Mariah Dawson Special Education B.A., Paterson State College, 1970 John Arbury DeLong Elementary Education B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1973 William DeMay Philosophy B:A., The Pennsylvania State University, 1965 Rebecca Denecke Secondary Education B.S., University of Missouri, 1971 Margaret Hopcraft Dike ' Educational Foundations B.A., University of New Mexico, 1941 Carol Anne Doering ...... •...... Art B.F.A., Wayne State University, 1971 . Wilder Bellamy Dominick " Art Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1974 Joseph M. Donatelli English B.A., State University of New York, Binghamton, 1969 ' James Howard Doughty Educational Administration B.S., Central State College, 1961 Jesse Dan Duran Recreation B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1970 . ' Velma M. Esquibel ::' Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1958 Kimberly Ann Everhart , , Recreation B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Sandra Holt Eversole , Art B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Nancy Hope Foster Guidance B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 Nancy Lee Funk Art B.F.A., University of Iowa, 1972 Mary Ellen Gangwisch Latin American Studies B.A., University of Missouri, 1973 Angel Julian Garcia-Zambrano Art Licenciado en Historia, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela, 1969 Sarah Kathleen Gaughan Psychology B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 James Francis Gaul " Philosophy B.S., Boston College, 1964 ' Maria Garcia Geer Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Terrell Allen Gibson Guidance B.A., University of South Carolina, 1966 Michael Gluck History B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Mary Ann Grady Elementary Education B.A., Vassar College, 1970 Paul M. Greenberg Educational Fo!tndations B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 B. Thelma Moore Hahn Art Education B.A., Millikin University, 1970


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Suzanne Stella Hain " .•...•....•...... , ..•...•...•... .Elementary Education B.A., Michigan State University, 1966 Geraldine Cecilia McDowell Harge ...... •....•...... Guidance B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1964 Judd Thomas Harris, Jr.•.•...... •....•...... , ....Educational Administration B.G.S., Municipal University of Omaha, 1967 Janis Lorain Hartley ...•..••....•.... , ...... •...... ,." .Art Education B.F.A., Wayne State University, 1971 James L. Healy ....•...... •...... English B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Robert Thomas Heaphy Mathematics B.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 Susan M. Herrera Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 John S. Hewitt , ...... •....•....•...... • , .•..•.... " Anthropology B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Karen Christine Hibbard ...... •...... : Art B.F.A., Beaver College, 1973 Howard C. Higgins ...... •...... Anthropology B.A., Princeton University, 1972 Louise Andra White Hills ....•...•....•...... •....•...... Guidance B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Laquita Darlene Hilton Special Education B.S., Wayland College, 1970 William Kaufman Hodges ...... •...... Geography B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 David Van Holtby ...... •...... •...... History B.A., University of Washington, 1969 James Edwin Horwedel Secondary Education B.A., LaVerne College, 1972 Herbert McNail Howell ' Guidance B.S., Portland State College, 1969 Audrey Ann J. Johnson ," '" Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Jeffrey Dickram Johnston Secondary Education B.A., Duke University, 1972 Maria del Rosario Casellas de Kelly ',, Spanish Licenciado en Historia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1968 Sara Ann Bounds King ," Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1968 Curtis M. Krzykowski Recreation B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 Marguerite Morgan Lambert Secondary Education B.A., Wilson College, 1955 Elizabeth A. Lawrence Elementary Education B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1972 Nancy Braxton Lee ...... •...... Psychology B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Margaretha van Vuurden Levenson Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 Charles Frederick Litchfield History B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1965 Tina Linda Ludutsky Guidance B.A., State University of New York, Cortland, 1972 Chris Ann MacWilliams , Special Education B.A., Le Moyne College, 1972 Melanie Jones Markle Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Richard Gibson Marriott Psychology B.S., Weber State College, 1968 Brenda M. Martinez ,," Secondary Education B.A., Uniyersity of New Mexico, 1968 Louisa R. Martinez Elementary Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971

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John Edward Matkin .. " " , ...... •...... Special Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Marcia Haas Mazria ...... •...... Speech Communication B.F.A., Pratt Institute, 1968 Gerald Mark McNerney Mathematics B.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 Charles B. Meuser .. , ","" Secondary Education B.S., Purdue University, 1964 Montee Sue Miller " '" Elementary Education B.S., Oklahoma State University, 1971 Bernardo L. Monserrat Guidance B.S., Brockport State University of New York, 1970' . Gemma M. Menicucci Morris '.' Secondary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Bijan Mowzoun Economics B.A., University of Tehran, Iran, 1964; M.A., 1971 • Peter Percy Muller Educational Foundations B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Margaret Clarice Metz Munroe " Elementary Education B.A., Rider College, 1971 Nancy Armor Neeld Guidance B.S., North Texas State University, 1952 Richard Thor Nelson Latin American Studies B.A., Wisconsin State University, 1973 Cynthia Corbett Ning Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1967 Theodora M. Okunor Special Education B.A., Allen University, 1961 Evonne Denise Olson Guidance B.A., San Jose State College, 1970 Victor Peter Padilla ...... •...... Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Andrea Louise Poole Guidance B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Elliot Jay Rapoport Psychology B.A., University of Illinois, 1968 . Martha Earle Riordan " Elementary Education B.A., East Texas State Teachers College, 1953 Gail C. Roberts ' Art B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Margaret E. Robinson " Special Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1950 Richard Francis Rortvedt " Latin American Studies B.A., St. Olaf College, 1969 . Emma J. L. Ruiz Elementary Education B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1973 Kent Thomas Rush ...... •...... Art B.F.A., California College of Arts and Crafts, 1970 Joe Ben Salazar Elementary Education B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1954 Rubi Zamudio Salazar , Elementary Education B.S., East Central State College, 1967 George Laurie Sandoval Guidance B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Merrill Louise Schaefer Secondary Education B.S., Iowa State University, 1957 . James Joseph Schippers " Educational Administration B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Meleese Seigler '.' Elementary Education B.S., Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts, 1968 A. Colby Service Recreation B.A., University of New Mexico, 1966 Carolyn Patricia Shaw Guidance B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971


.-._--_._------_.... _--_.._-- .._------_. Francisco Antonio Sisneros ..••.•...... ••...•..•••...... Elementary Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Kathryn Ann Spiering Psychology B.A., Wisconsin State University, 1971 John A. Stascak •...... •...... •...... •..•. .Art B.F.A., Maryland Institute of Art, 1973 Robert Bell Stewart ...... ••...... •...... •...... Art B.F.A., Kansas City Art Institute, 1973 Joanne Louise Strahl ...... •...... Guidance B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1974 Robert Douglas Thomson ...... •...... Guidance B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 William Terry Ulibarri Educational Administration B.A., Western New Mexico University, 1970 Ramona M. Valerio ...... •.•...... Elementary Education B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1958 Kathleen Selma Wainio "" Latin American Studies B.A., Florida State University, 1973 Eileen Frances Weidner ,, Special Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Karen Eileen Wertz , " Special Education B.S.Ed., Otterbein College, 1969 Connie Louise Wilson Special Education B.S., Colorado State University, 1973 Martha Joann Peters Winn Elementary Education B.A., Brigham Young University, 1968 Kevin Wrigley ," .. ,", '" ....•...... Art B.F.A., New York University, 1974

MASTER OF SCIENCE Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 David J. Alderete .. " , '" ,." , Biology B.S., New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, 1971 Michael Barbere ...... •...... Physical Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Lyle Rae Berger ", ...... •.... " .. , ". .Biology B.S., Carroll College, 1967 Herbert Carroll Bohannon, Jr Civil Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1960 Gertrude M. Braig Health Education B.S., University of Akron, 1969 Sidney S. Brandwein Geology B.S., Brooklyn College, 1971 Gene Louis Brenowitz Biology B.A., State University of New York, 1972 Barbara Ann Bryant , ..Communicative Disorders B.A., California State University, Chico, 1972 Anthony Zane Cole Electrical Engineering B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1971 Kathryn Claire Dean Health Education B.U.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1973 Fern M. ITerie Communicative Disorders B.S., University of Calgary, Canada, 1971 Tohn F. Dillon Geology B.S., Marietta College, 1970 Carol Kay Dudley ,. '" , Medical Sciences B.S., University of Colorado, 1967 Nancy Marie Dunn Communicative Disorders B.A., Hanover College, 1969 Linda K. Fogelman "" , , Biology B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Kathleen Lobaugh Gavey Chemistry B.A., Muskingum College, 1956

42 James Richard Grainger ...... •...... •.•...... •.....Geology B.A., University or New Mexico, 1971 Thomas Wayne Grannemann Electrical Engineering B.U.S., University or New Mexico, 1972 Jonathan Arnold Green Geology B.S., Tufts University, 1968 Shelton Ray Jackson ...... •...... •.•...... Biology B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 David Joel Jakob , Health Education B.A., Hunter College, 1972 Linda Kay Johnson Communicative Disorders B.A., University of Missouri, 1972 Frederick Raymond Knight , Physical Education B.A., University of Texas, El Paso, 1967 Patricia Ann Lunde Communicative Disorders B.A., University of California, Irvine, 1972 Ruben Martinez Geology . B.S., University of Texas, Arlington, 1971 Deborah Carol Newman Medical Sciences B.A., University of California, Los Angeles, 1972 Ricardo Onsurez Physical Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Ina Claire Palmer " Health Education B.S., University of Kansas, 1955 Alan Hugh Paxton Physics B.S., University of New Mexico, 1968 Peter George Prassinos Nuclear Engineering B.S., San Diego State College, 1972 Douglas Robert Priore :. Chemistry B.A., Rutgers University, 1972 Donald Edmund Rady Biology B.A., University of New Mexico, 1953; M.A., 1957 Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1967; M.L.S., 1968 Karyn Dalby Reid Communicative Disorders B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Clifford Eugene Richardson III Civil Engineering B.S., University or New Hampshire, 1965 Catherine Salveson Health Education B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Winston Morris Sanford Medical Sciences B.S., University of North Carolina, 1965 Richard Schutzberger Electrical Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1969 Matthew Warren Francis Smith Communicative Disorders B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Robert Samuel Starr, Jr Physical Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1968 John Paul Stein , ...... •...... Biology B.A., Christian Brothers College, 1967 Kerry Kirk Communicative Disorders B.S., Purdue University, 1969 Timothy D. Walsh Physical Education B.S., Minot State College, 1970 Linda A. Williams , Physical Education B.S., Baylor University, 1973 Massud Zarrabi Civil Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1973

Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Sayeed Afsar Civil Engineering B.E., Osmania University, India, 1970 Maria Teresa Allison ...... •...... Physical Education B.S., University or New Mexico, 1970

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Donald R. Anderson •...••.•.. , , ...... • , Nuclear Engineering B.A., Westminster College, 1965 Robert Dale Astleford ...... •...... Nuclear Engineering B.S., University of Arizona, 1970 . Patricia Jean B.ayless Computing & Information Science B.S., Tennessee Technological University, 1970 Wilbur Jay Boegli 11I ...... •...... Civil Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 Wendy Jo Allen Carlson Communicative Disorders B.A., University of Washington, 1972 Ellen Cain Castille Communicative Disorders B.A., Webster College, 1965 John Scott Davis ...... •...... Civil Engineering B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 John Francis Dawson '" ,, " Electrical Engineering B.S., Kent State University, 1972 . David Kent Dennison Nuclear Engineering B.S., University of Colorado, 1973 Robert David Enz ...... •...... Geology B.S., University of Redlands, 1971 Scott Kingsley Evans Physical Education B.S.; Mankato State College, 1971 . Larry Ray Frazier ....•...... Electrical Engineering B.S., Northeastern State College, 1971 Tommy Richard Fulgham •...... Electrical Engineering B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 George Joseph Gail ...... •...... Geology B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 John Xavier Gonzales .. " , Physical Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Marsha Jean Grover Communicative Disorders B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Jerry Gale Hanks Electrical Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1969 Marvin V. Harlow, Jr Electrical Engineering B.S., University of Texas, Austin, 1954; Ph.D., 1964 M.A., Rice University, 1959 Alexander Harvey Electrical Engineering B.S., University of Glasgow, Scotland, 1952 Saiid Hashemian Electrical Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Paul Frank Hlava ' Geology B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1965 Geraldine Cornell 1lling Health Education B.S., The Catholic University of America, 1949 David Christopher James. " Electrical Engineering B.S., University of 1llinois, 1971 . Judy Leigh Jones Biology B.A., Baylor University, 1964 . Yohn S. Kang Chemistry B.S., Seoul National University, Korea, 1962 David Albin Koehler Biology B.S., Texas A&M University, 1961 Jeffry Joseph Leary Biology B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 John Wayne Liliberg ...... •...... , Electrical Engineering B.SE.E., Montana State University, 1962 Lloyd Oscar Lindquist II Nuclear Engineering B.S., University of 1llinois, 1970 . Donald Arthur Lobato Mechanical Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Lewis H. Lowe ...• , .•...... •...... Electrical Engineering B.A., Moorhead State College, 1964

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Florian Maldonado ; ••...... ; ..Geology B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Alan Antonio Marchiondo Biology B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 . Graham Arthur Mark ~ ; Biology B.S., University of Colorado, 1968 Elizabeth Marie Marshall ...... •...... •...... •.....Communicative Disorders B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1972 Verna Kathryn McCarthy ..•...... •...... •...... Communicative Disorders B.S., Texas Women's University, 1972 . Michael Edward Mcilwain ...... •...... Chemistry B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Charles Carter McNeely Nuclear Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 . Brian Stephen Misanko , Medical Sciences B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1972 . Charles Patrick Montoya Biology B.S., University of New Mexico, 1969 . Sylvia Nunez .....•...... ••...... ••.••.....••...... ~ Chemistry B.S., Simmons College, 1955 Dennis Lee Palmer , ,, Biology B.A., Eastern Montana College, 1973 Stephen Frank Pickett Electrical Engineering B.S., Oklahoma State University, 1964 Harry Nicholas Planner ...... •.....•.••...... Geology B.A., Wright State University, 1971 William Doyle Prather ...... •.. .Electrical Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Paul Sasa ...'..•...... •.....•...... Nuclear Engineering B.S., University of Colorado, 1968 Danielle K. Seager ...... •.Computing & Information Science B.A., Mount Holyoke College, 1965 . Robert John Secatore Biology B.A., College of the Holy Cross, 1970 William 'Stewart Shingler Nuclear Engineering B.S.A.E., West Virginia University, 1971 Diana Marie Sims , Physical Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1969 Jacqueline Weiner Solomon ", Health Education B.S., University of California, Berkeley, 1949 Daniel K. Tisler ...... •...... Nuclear Engineering B.S., Pacific University, 1973 Sally Watson Tuft Communicative Disorders B.S., Colorado State University, 1973 Alfred Joseph Valdez Communicative Disol'ders B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 John Knox Wooten III " ," Electrical Engineering B.S., MassachlJsetts Institute of Technology, 1971 Lawrence Yoffee ...... •.•..•..Communicative Disorders B.A., University of Northern Colorado, I97'~

Candidates for Degree, Semester fl, 1974-75 John C. Bagg, Jr...... •..•...... •...... Nuclear Engineering B.E.E., University of Florida, 1962 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1964 William Charles Barnett Electrical Engineering E.S., University of California, Berkeley, 1956 Nicholas Richards Beller ...... •...... Chemistry B.S., University of Florida, 1967 Donald Jack Bergman •...... •...... •....•....•...... Electrical Engineering B.S., University of Washington, 1967


.... ---"'--'-~--"'-'--'-' ------c------_.....__._------_.._--- _ .. 1--- .. ------,

Larry Albert Butz •... '.•.•...... , Mechanical Engineering B.S., Purdue University, 1972 Fred Ray Cagle, Jr...... •...... ••...... Geology B.S., Tulane University, 1960 Roger Daniel Carlini Physics B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1973 Bruno E. Carrara ' Mechanical Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico 1972 Luella Diane Luttner Catron Biology B.A., Stanford University, 1970 ' Michael Loyd Crawford " : Nuclear Engineering B.S., New Mexico State University, 1973 Gay Charlotte Davis ...... •...... Communicative Disorders B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Anthony Saulius Dedinas ...... •..Communicative Disorders B.S., Worcester State College, 1973 William C. Erickson Electrical Engineering B.S., University of Missouri, School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1962 M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1969 Robert Stanley Frazer ...... • .Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E., Uni.versity of New Mexico, 1973 Lewis J. Fry Civil Engineering B.S.C.E., University of New Mexico, 1973 James Philip Furaus Civil Engineering B.S., Montana School of Mines, 1967 Robert Harlan Greenlee .....•...... Mechanical Engineering , B.S., New Mexico State University, 1970 Lee Frederic Grymkoski ...... •...... Civil Engitleering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Gary D. Hall ," Electrical Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1968; M.B.A., 1974 Thomas Patrick Haney ...... •...... Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E., University of New Mexico, 1971 Jon Michael Hastings , , Biology B.A., Kent State University, 1971 Richard Hobson Chemical Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1967 Carlton Astor Holmes Civil Engineering B.S., Michigan State University, 1965 Joseph Albert Horvath, Jr Civil Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 . Thomas Albert Howard Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E., University of New Mexico, 1973 Larry Dale Jeffryes Physical Education B.A., Adams State College, 1969 Dal H. Jensen " , , Nuclear Engineering B.S.E.E., University of New Mexico, 1970 Philip Gregory Johnson , Nuclear Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Paulette Marie Koch ..•...... Communicatit1e Disorders B.S., New Mexico State University, 1973 Barbara Jean Marten , ...... •...... Ph}Isical Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Jesse David McIntire Electrical Engineering B.A., Hanover College, 1949 M.S., Butler University, 1956 M.B.A., Eastern New Mexico University, 1973 Josephine Mettee Communicative Disorders B.A., Elmira College, 1971 Gerry Wayne Mitchell " Nuclear Engineering B.S., United States Military Academy, 1972 Olin Kent Olmstead Electrical Etlgineering B.S., Kansas State University, 1965


------'-'--'------Peter H. Pache •..••.•...•..•...... •.•... : .....•..•...... •..•..•..•....• .Biology B.S., University of Montana, 1972 David Richard Rael ...... •..... ~ .•...Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E., University of New Mexico, 1973 Edmund Hare Reppert ,," '" Nuclear Engineering B.S., Cornell University, 1972 Wilbert Mack Reynolds Civil Engineering B.S., San Diego State University, 1966 Lewis Douglas Rigdon Nuclear Engineering B.A., Columbia University, 1969; B.S., 1970 Timothy Irvin Ristine Electrical Engineering B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1972 Gerald Lynn Robbins ...... •...... C!zemistry B.S., High Point College, 1969 Ivan Joseph Rose Civil Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Lawrence M. Scherr , Electrical Engineering B.S., Brooklyn College, 1970 M.S., University of Illinois, 1972 Michael Charles Slota Nuclear Engineering B.S., Stevens Institute of Technology, 1968 Thomas Starr Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E., University of Utah, 1954 Ramon Anthony Tenorio Electrical Engineering B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1970 John Joseph Treszka Biology B.S., University of Texas, EI Paso, 1972 . Armanda F. Uribarri ...... •...... Physical Education B.S., University of New Mexico, 1974 Polle Trescott Zellweger Computing & Informatio11 Science B.A., University of Alaska, 1972

MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING BUSINESS SUBJECTS Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 . Barbara Jean Logan B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Ruth Elizabeth Moore B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Jose E. R. Sena B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972

Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1974-75 Amarante J. Chavez B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971

MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING HOME ECONOMICS Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Barbara Heywood Kocurek B.A., Heidelberg College, 1965 Deborah Carroll Kruhm B.A., University of New Mexico, 1963 Diana Doyle McMahan B.S., University of New Mexico, 1967 Alice Ann Martinez Rice B.S., University of New Mexico, 1969 Peggy Beth Moeller Schaafsma B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971

Requirements Completed Semesterl, 1974-75 Laine B. Fisher B.A., Colorado State College, 1967

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MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING INDUSTRIAL SUBjECTS Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Ralph Orville Sallee B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971

Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Andrew Thomas Oravecz B.U.S., University of Albuquerque, 1972 Carlton Robert Pennington B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Sidney Shih-Chwen Yen . B.Ed., National Taiwan Normal University for Teachers, Taiwan, 1958 M.L.S., George Peabody College, 1965

MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING MATHEMATICS Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Oscar Donald Carlson B.A., University of California, Davis, 1967 James Patrick Garcia B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Robert Douglas Homolka B.A., University of Northern Iowa, 1967 Jean W. O'Donnell B.S., College of Idaho, 1966 Duane Waldorf Olson B.A., Central Washington State College, 1965 Edwin John Orlosky B.S., Colorado State University, 1968 Elmer Joseph Sallie, Jr. B.S., Northeastern State College, 1963 Tommy Keith Smith B.A., University of Texas, Arlington, 1966 Keith Douglas Snuggerud B.A., Rockford College, 1967 Lawrence Francis Tutewohl B.S., Winona State College, 1968 Bette Lee Vick B.S., Iowa State University, 1946

Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1974-75 Gary Richard Mayhew B.S., University of New Mexico, 1969

MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING SCIENCE Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Rhoda Greenberg B.S., Central State University, 1966

Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Sheri Alanna Benischek B.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 Cynthia Smith Simmons B.A., College of Wooster, 1965

Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1974-75 Mary Ann Orr Merkel B.S., University of Oklahoma, 1958 Melvin Leroy Merritt III B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972

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MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING SPANISH Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Eliverio Chavez B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Loretta Catherine Jacome B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Peggy Cochran Kohler B.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 Charles Kenneth Tyson B.A., University of New Mexico, 1955.

MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 James T. Curry B.S., Arizona State University, 1969 Richard Roger Fairbanks B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Lawrence Lee Frank B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Gary D. Hall

B.S.E.E., University of New Mexico, 1968 r Michael William Meister • B.A., Xavier University, 1970 David Wayne Melton B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Eural Mitchell B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Alan D. Stillson B.A., Queens College, 1967; M.S., 1971 Harley Howard Swink B.S., University of New Mexico, 1965 David Keith Warner B.S., New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 1971 Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1974-75 Michael Terry Allison B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 Andrew Leland Beirne B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 Karen Agnes Bold B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1974 Souleymane Cisse Licence es Sciences Economiqies, Universitie E'Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 1972 David Milton Eppler B.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 William Coulter Gallagher, Jr. B.A., Ursinus College, 1951 Sangram Singh Ghoman B.E., Thapar Engineering College, India, 1972 Allen James Girdner B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Karl Werner Gustafson, Jr. B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Stephen Ray Harman B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Arley Ann Howard B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Lawrence Lester Langdon B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1958 Clyde Bates Railsback B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972

49 6·[9


Kenneth Szyndel p' B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 Frank William Archibald, Jr. B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Joseph Paul Baca, Jr. B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1963 Jerome Kevin Bacon B.S.E.E., University of New Mexico, 1974 Robert Wilson Brewer B.A., University of Maine, 1969 Richard Alan Fraser B.S.M.E., University of New Mexico, 1973 Gregory Franklin Gillis B.S., University of New Mexico, 1974 Richard Ivan Green B.S., Arizona State University, 1961 Daniel John Hernandez B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Terry Dai Herther B.S.M.E., North Dakota State University, 1960 M.S.M.E., Northwestern University, 1962 Betsy Christine McMillin Horwedel B.A., , 1972 James Frederick Johnson B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Dawn McMillen Johnston B.S., Southwest Missouri State College, 1970 Suleiman Khalil Kassicieh B.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 John Albert Keller B.S.M.E., University of Idaho, 1952 Keremit Orville'Lindell B.S., United States Military Academy, 1944 M.S.C.E., University of Minnesota, 1953 Sean William O'Brien B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 Daniel Joseph Peck B.A., Western Washington State College, 1971 Kurt Erich Putz B.E., Stevens Institute of Technology, 1964; M.E., 1966 Remi Raclet Diploma, Institute Superier de Gestion, France, 1973 Edward Lee Randolph B.A., University of Colorado, 1961 David Shipley Read B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 Jason Aaron Shaffer B.A., University of New Mexico, 1974 Richard L. C. Tribby, Jr. B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Rohert Joseph Valdiviez B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1974 Sister Dorothy Florence Verkuilen \ B.A., College of Saint Teresa, 1949 Richard Walter Vogeley, Jr. B.B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1972 Ronald C. Wiepz B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Edward Clay Wittkamper B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1973


------~--~--- MASTER OF ARTS IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Arthur Robert Cannady B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1965 Joseph Jeffrey Faulk B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 John Paul Jones B.S., Kent State University, 1952 Janis Elaine Marsh B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1972 Requirements Completed Semester I, 1974-75 Jose Banjamin Roy Anglada B.S., University of New Mexico, 1960 Donald David Montoya ·B.A., University of Portland, 1970 Sherry R. Reisfeld B.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1956 Sandra Prince Rudnick B.A., University of California, Berkeley, 1967 Richard William Tuttle B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 Gary Ray Wall B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Thomas Edwin Wilson B.A., University of New Mexico, 1967 Candidates for Degree, Semester ll, 1974-75 Joseph Michael Nestor Abeyta B.S., University of New Mexico, 1974 James W. Aquino B.A., University of Albuquerque, 1967 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 David Alfonso Archuleta B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Melvin Richard Beitler, Jr. B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 William Brenton Bentley B.S., Miami University, 1963 MarcusEugene Bernabo B.A., University of Texas, Austin, 1971 John A. Briscoe B.B.A., Eastern New Mexico University, 1970 Patricia Boatwright Camp B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Roger Louis Chavez B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Joseph T. Engelken B.S., Kansas State University, 1970 Peter B. Garda B.U.S., University of Albuquerque, 1973 James Raymond Gonzales B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1971 Andrew James Hogan B.A., Fairfield University, 1967 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1974 Edward Lee Kaufman B.G., University of Tulsa, 1950 Wilfred Edward Maez B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Weldon Lloyd Merritt B.S., Texas A. & M. Un)versity, 1966

51 61.1

Robert Roberts Meyer B.A., St. Johns University, 1958; M.A., 1964 B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1971 Shiame Okunor B.A., University of New Mexico, 1973 Michael Bruce Peck B.S., Kansas State University, 1965 Robert Eugene Pierce, Jr. B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Ignacio Resendez B.S., St. Mary's University, 1964; J.D., 1971 Whitney DeHaven Sell B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Stella Lorraine Jojola Valdez B.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Malcolm Larry Ward B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1974

MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 May Louise Holbrook B.A., Centre College of Kentucky, 1967 Syh-hai Liang B.S.E., Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 1965 Michael Panayotis Vitsentzatos Diploma in Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 1972

Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Lorenzo Hilario Aguilar M. B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Jeffrey Thomas Klas , B.A., Carleton College, 1969 David Walker Klein B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Paul Graham McHenry, Jr. B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1948 Robert Jenner Philips B.A., Rider College, 1970 Ronald Schappaugh B.S., Texas A. & M. University, 1966; M.S., 1967 Carl Eric Stoehr B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Frederick Luetchford Swetland III B.S., State University of New York, Syracuse, 1972; B.L.A., 1973

Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 Stephen Patrick Carroll B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1966 Allan Hogate Ferrin B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1973 Franklin Marshall Fine B.A., Boston University, 1969 John Gould M.F.A., State University of New York, Buffalo, 1972 Miguel Armando Cheng-Guajardo B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Bashirul Haq National Diploma In Architecture, National College of Arts, West Pakistan, 1964 Richard Stephen Marshment B.S., Bowling Green State University, 1968 Tommy Robert McCollum B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 52 Kevin Scott Munroe B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1971 Travis Lee Price 111 B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Donna E. Quasthoff B.F.A., Art Institute of Chicago, 1946 Brady William Roark B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1973

MASTER OF MUSIC Requirements Completed Semes~er I, 1974~75 Michael Douglas Mauldin B.A., Washburn University, 1970 Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 Dorenda Morse B.M., University of New Mexico, 1973 Patrick William Rhoads . B.M.E., University of New Mexico, 1969 Cecilia Ann Whitlow B.M., University of New Mexico, 1972 George Peter John Willink B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1970

MASTER OF MUSIC EDUCATION Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Ronald John Fuss B.M.Ed., University of New Mexico, 1971 Candidates for Degree, Semester 11,1974-75 Loren Maurice Rhodes B.M.Ed., Eastern New Mexico University, 1968 Gail Rhoda Springer B.M.Ed., University of New Mexico, 1971

MASTER OF FINE ARTS Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Charles Allen Hagen B.S., Mankato State College, 1964 M.A., Northern Illinois University, 1971 Dissertation: "An Analysis of the Change in Contemporary Art Sensibilities in the Late 1960's"

Requirements Completed Semester I, 1974-75 Richard Allan Knapp B.A., University of Rochester, 1964 M.L.S., The State University, New Brunswick, 1966 Dissertation: "Spirit and Psychic Photography: a Review of the Issues and Evidence" Frank Joseph Rolla, Jr. B.A., Southern Colorado State College, 1968 Dissertation: "The Resonant Environment"

Requirements Completed, Semester 11,1974-75 Nicholas Hill Nixon B.A., University of Michigan, 1969 Dissertation: "Ironic Vision in Twentieth Century American Photography" Meredith Daniel Paxton B.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 Dissertation: "Gold Disks from the Sacred Cenote at Chichen Itza, Yucatan: Stylistic Analysis and Ethnohistorical Interpretation"

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Ronald Arthur Spencer B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design, 1969 Dissertation: "Fashion Photography for the Conde Nast Publication: The Work of Edward Steichen and Cecil Beaton"

DOCTOR OF EDUCATION Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Mark Harold Dorfman '" " Pupil Personnel Services B.A., Queens College, 1955 M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University, 1961 Dissertation: "Socio-Legal Concern With Some Special Education Practices: A Study of Due Process Protection for Exceptional Children" Frank Norris Hall Pupil Personnel Services B.S., Bob Jones University, 1957 M.Ed., North Texas State University, 1961 Dissertation: "Behavioral and Biochemical Correlates of Performance on the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities in a Sample of Southwest Indian Students"

Requirements Completed Semester I, 1974-75 Francis William Coffee Curriculum & Instruction B.A., University of New Mexico, 1962; M.A., 1965 Dissertation: "A Documentation of the Computer Based Master Schedule Generator for the Generalized Academic Simulation Program with a Developed Scheduling Model and Simulated Applications" John B. Mondragon ...... •...... Curriculum & Instruction B.A., Highlands University, 1957; M.A., 1966 Dissertation: "An Analysis of the Extent to Which Selected Junior High Schools and Middle Schools in Six Selected States Meet the Mandatory Standards of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools" John Emmett Ritter, Jr Curriculum & Instruction B.S., St. Benedict's College, 1962 M.S., Kansas State Teachers College, 1967 Dissertation: "Factors Which Affect Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction of Male and Female Interscholastic Head Coaches" Clare Ignatia Sharp ...... •...... Curriculum & Instruction B.A., College of New Rochelle, 1954 M.A., Columbia University, 1956 Dissertation: "Teacher Preparation for Social Studies on the Secondary Level as Recom­ mended by Selected Colleges of Education and as Preferred by Selected School Districts"

Requirements Completed, Semester ll, 1974-75 M_aria de los Angeles Hurtado de Mendoza Pupil Personnel Services B.A., National University of Mexico, 1966 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Dissertation: "The Effects of a Checkmark System on the Improvement of Attention Behavior, Language Achievement and Arithmetic Achievement in Slow Learners, Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico" Jack May Reynolds ...... •...... Curriculum & Instruction B.A., Eastern Kentucky University, 1960 M.s., University of Mississippi, 1964 Dissertation: "An Appraisal of the Curricular Functions of the Community Colleges in Nine Selected States as Perceived by their Preside~ts and the Criteria of Writers in the Field"

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Alicia Nellie Alarcon Romance Languages B.A., University of New Mexico, 1968; M.A., 1969 Dissertation: "Germany; Espana en la Epoca de los Dramas de Max Aub"

54 Beatriz Apodaca ....•...... ,...... •...... •...... Curriculum & Instruction B.A., University of Albuquerque, 1959 M.A., University of Washington, 1971 Dissertation: "The Effects of Training of Teachers in the Professional Response and the Resulting Change in Behavior of Selected Children" Robert Gordon Babb II Electrical Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1969 Dissertation: "The Design of Algorithms for Implementation by Cellular Arrays" Albert Anselmo Benzie ...... •...... History B.A., Seminary of Alessandria, 1948 M.A., College of Holy Names, 1967 Dissertation: "Alessandria in the World of the Lombard Communes (1168-1250)" Ralph Franklin Bogardus , ...... •...... American Studies B.A., , 1960 J.D., Indiana University Law School, 1963; M.A., Indiana University, 1964 Dissertation: "Pictures and Texts: The Collaboration between Henry James and Alvin Langdon Coburn" Thomas Robert Carey ...•...... Pupil Personnel Services B.S., Eastern Kentucky University, 1968; M.A., 1970 Dissertation: "An Adolescent Theraputic Community and Its Effect on Subsequent Academic Performance" , Min-Hung Chao Electrical Engineering B.S., Taiwan Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 1966 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Dissertation: "Analytical State Assignment for Synchronous Sequential Machines" / Bradley Mellon Class ...... •...... Ibero American Studies B.A., Lewis and Clark College, 1965 M.A., University of Oregon, 1967 Dissertation: "Fictional Treatment of Politics by Argentine Female Novelists" Paul Edward Coggins English B.A., University of OJ.dahoma, 1952; M.A., 1953 Dissertation: "Browning's Use of Humor" Philip Jay Cooper ...... •...... Physics B.A., Whittier College, 1968 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1969 Dissertation: "Neutron and Proton Measurements of OSO-6 Near the So~th Atlantic Radiation Anomaly" Juan Francisco Corona-Burgueno ...... •...... •• .Mathematics B.S., Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico, 1969 Dissertation: "Branching Processes with Cataclysmic Environmental Changes" Domingo G. Dominguez ...... •...... Curriculum & Instruction B.S., University of Texas at EI Paso, 1965; M.A., 1970 Dissertation: "A Theoretical Model for Classifying Dialectal Variations of Oral New Mexican Spanish" ' Carole Shuck Edelsky Curriculum & Instruction B.S., University of Cincinnati, 1959 Dissertation: "Evidence for the Existence and Acquisition of an Aspect of Communicative Competence: Recognition of Sex of Speaker from Linguistic Cues-or-How to Talk Like a Lady" Judith Linda Fisher ...... •...... Foundations of Edt/catio" B.A., Queens College, 1967 Dissertation: "The Effect of Three Model Characteristics on Subsequent Imitative Per­ formance and Learning" Richard Michael Grassl ...... •...... Mathematics B.S., University of Santa Clara, 1965 M.A., University of Oregon, 1967 Dissertation: "Levi Structures for Polynomial Ideals"

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Lucy Hale Gutierrez ...... •...... Curriculum & Instruction B.A., Texas Woman's University, 1958 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Dissertation: "A Study of the Aplicability of Halliday's Functional Theory of Language Development to Two Spanish-Speaking Children at the Pre-Syntactic Stage" Kirkland Lee Jones Biology B.A., Baylor University, 1964 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Dissertation: "On the Effects of Reduced Competition between Species of Eleuthero­ dactylus" James Lee Jorgensen _ Electrical Engineering B.S., University of Nebraska, 1965; M.S., 1966 Dissertation: "A Biquadratic _Realization Using a Distributed-Lumped Active RC Net­ work" Clifton McDonald Lewis Romance Languages B.A., Brigham Young University, 1963 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 Dissertation: "The Poetry of Salvador Diaz Miron: A Biographical and Analytical Study" James Kenneth Linn "" Electrical Engineering B.S.,. University of Nebraska, 1965; M.S., 1966 Dissertation: "Parameter Sensitivity and Synthesis of Passive Uniform Distributed Networks" Harry Clinton Linneman Psychology B.S., University of New Mexico, 1967; M.A., 1971 Dissertation: "Cognitive Manipulation of Test Anxiety: Effects of False Meter Feedback and Expectancy Instructions" John Max Loesch " '" " .. ," Pupil Personnel Services B.S., Winona State College, 1965; M.S., 1970 Dissertation: "Development of an Interview Process for the Selection of Life Insurance Sales Managers" Bonnie Jeanne MacWilliams Medical Sciences B.A., D'Youville College, 1970 Dissertation: "Immunotherapy of AKR Leukemia" Joseph F. McGrath. "," .. ," " Mathematics B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1964 M.S., University of Dayton, 1968 Dissertation: "Invariant Imbedding Applied to a Class of Fredholm Integral Equations on a Semi-Infinite Interval" Arlene Ruth Price Pupil Personnel Services B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1964; M.A., 1966 Dissertation: "The Effects of Self-Esteem on the Social Matching and Persistence Be­ havior of Nursery School Children" Edward Rhudy Curriculum & Instruction B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970; M.S., 1971 Dissertation: "A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of the Small-Group Method and Command Method of Teaching a Physical Education Activity Course" George Alfred Riley Curriculum & Instructio1l B.A., San Luis Rey College, 1954 M.A., Loyola University, 1956 Dissertation: "A Sociolinguistic Study of Language Usage in the Territory of Guam" Jeremiah James Ring " " History B.S., Loyola University, 1960; M.A., 1965 . Dissertation: "American Diplomacy and the Mexican Oil Controversy, 1938-1943" Edmond Pierce Ryan Civil Engineering B.C.E., University of Florida, 1958 M.S., University of Tennessee, 1964 Dissertation: "A Summary of Engineering Properties of Subsurface Soils III the Albu­ querque Area"

56 61.6

John Leonard Ryan , .•.... , ...... •...... •..Romance Languages B.A., New York State College for Teachers, 1940 Dissertation: "The Romance of Flamenca" Joan Barbara Scott ...... •...... '" Pupil Personnel Services B.A., University of New Mexico, 1969; M.A., 1971 Dissertation: "Attitude Change of Spinal Cord Injured Males and their Marital Partners Involved in a Sexual Therapy Program" Subhash Nandlal Shah Chemical Engineering B.S., Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, 1968, India M.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Dissertation: "Dispersion in Laminar Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids" Rene Suzanne Silleroy ...... •... ' , Psychology B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970; M.A., 1972 Dissertation: "Factors Influencing Concept Task and Inference Task Performance" Clifton Mark Snider •.•...... •...... •.•...... English B.A., California State College, 1969; M.A., 1971 Dissertation: "The Struggle for the Self: A Jungian Interpretation of Swinburne's Tristam of Lyonesse" Derek A. Snyder ...... •...... •...... Mathematics B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1960 M.S., Wichita State University, 1967 Dissertation: "Distance in Graphs" Richard Heyden St. John " ...... •...... ,, ...... •.. .Physics B.S., University of New Mexico, 1968; M.S., 1970 Dissertation: "General Geodesic Motion in the Extended Kerr Manifold" John Joseph Stege ...... •...... •...... English B.A., Harvard College, 1959 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1967 Dissertation: "Communication Therapy, Paradox, and Change in the Merchant of Venice, Measure for Measure, and The Tempest." Thomas Woodley Walker ...... ••...... Political Science B.A., Brown University, 1963 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 Dissertation: "From Coronelismo to Populism: The Evolution of Politics in a Brazilian Municipality Ribeiriio Preto, Sao Paulo, 1910-1960" Elmer Eugene Wells ...... •...... : .•...... , ..Foundations of Education B.A., Iowa Wesleyan College, 1962 M.Ed., University of Alaska, 1970 Dissertation: "The Mythical Negative Black Self Concept"

Requirements Completed Semester 1, 1974-75 Winser Edward Alexander "" '" .Electrical Engineering B.S., North Carolina Agricultural & Technological State University, 1964 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1966 ,Dissertation: "Stability and Synthesis of Two Dimensional Digital Recursive Filters" Nathaniel Bibian Archuleta ...... •...... Curriculum & Instruction B.A., Southern Colorado State College, 1967 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Dissertation: "The Nature of Persistence of Young Children 13-31 Months of Age" Neal Russell Armstrong Chemistry B.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Dissertation: "Electrochemical Investigations of the Mechanisms of Reduction of Benzalde­ hyde Compounds in Sulfolane" EmelineB. Beisman ....•....•....•...... , English B.A., University of New Mexico, 1965; M.A., 1967 Dissertation: "The Prospector and the Pioneer: A Key to the Selected Short Stories of Bret Harte" 57

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Laurel Le Mieux Bland ..•...... Foundations of Education B.Ed., University of Alaska, 1968; M.S., 1969 Dissertation: "Visual Perception and Recall of School-Age Navajo, Hopi, Jicarilla Apache, and Caucasian Children of the Southwest"

Camellus Wilson Buck ' Curriculum & Instruction B.S., University of Texas, El Paso, 1966; M.Ed., 1967 Dissertation: "A Study of Teacher-Student Characteristic~ in Selected· New Mexico Senior High Schools" Virginia Doris Bruton Carleton ...... •...... Curriculum & Instruction B.A., Southern Methodist University, 1960 M.A., New Mexico State University, 1964 Dissertation: "A Comparative Investigation of the Readability Level of Selected Social Studies Texts and Selected Reading Texts from the New Mexico State Adopted Textbooks" Thomas A. Duffey, Jr Civil Engineering B.S., Cornell University, 1966 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1967 Dissertation: "Transient Response of Viscoplastic and Viscoelastic Shells Submersed in Fluid Media" Curtiss Kinney Ewing ....•...... Foundations of Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1970; M.A., 1971 Dissertation: "A Comparison of Sex Roles" David Robert Gifford. " .•...... , ," Romance Languages B.A., Grove City College, 1966 M.A., Kent State University, 1968 Dissertation: "Myth and Reality in Hijo De Hombre, a Novel by Augusto Roa Bastos" Bruce Clausen Goplen ...... •...... Physics B.S.M.E., University of North Dakota, 1963 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Dissertation: "Pi-Meson Absorption on the Deuteron" Sharon K. Hahs Chemistry B.A., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1970 Dissertation: "Syntheses and Characterizations of Vanadyl (IV) Complexes with Dihydroxydicarboxylate Ligands" Richard Allan Harris Physics B.A., State University of Iowa, 1962 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1969 Dissertation: "A Theoretical Study of the Predissociation of the 02 B3~ii Electronic State" Chung-Yen Huang Mechanical Engineering B.S., National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 1968 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Dissertation: "Plastic Relaxation Around Crack Tip in Composite Materials" Robert Reed Hunt, Jr Psychology B.A., College of William and Mary, 1969 M.A., Wake Forest University, 1971 Dissertation: "The Role of Context Cues in Recognition Memory" Andrew John Joniak, Jr...... •...... , Foundations of Education B.A., Kent State University, 1965 M.A., Miami University, 1967 Dissertation: "The Relative Dominance of Encoding Attributes in Children's Short-Term Memory" Audrey Benderman Joseph Philosophy B.A., University of New Mexico, 1965; M.A., 1967; M.A., 1970 Dissertation: "Artistic Vision and the Metaphysical Imagination: Toward a Phenom­ enology of Aesthetic Consciousness'


-' ------'-,------~------,---,------61.8

Mary Anita Kirkpatrick ...... •...... Medical Sciences B.S., Mt. St. Mary's College, 1954 M.S., New Mexico Highlands University, 1971 Dissertation: "The Molecular Species of Microsomal Phosphatidyl Cholines from Normal and Polyoma Virus Transformed 3T3 Mouse Fibroblast Cells" Lance Clifford Lamport ..••....•...... , ..... , Curriculum & Instruction B.S., Florida State University, 1969 M.S., University of Tennessee, 19t:O Dissertation: "The Effects of a Specific Perceptual-Motor Physical Education Program on the Self-Concept of Children with Learning Disabilities" Julianne L, Lockwood ..• , ...... •...... Pupil Personnel Services B.A., Upsala College, 1949 M.A., New York University, 1955 Dissertation: "The Effects of Fantasy Behavior, Level of Fantasy Predisposition, and Anxiety on Direction of Aggression in Young Children" Betty Ange Manhart •...... Curriculum & Instruction B.S., University of Arizona, 1957 M.S., University of Nevada, 1964 Dissertation: "Correlation of Personal Orientation and Work Values of Student Teachers and Cooperating Teachers to Predict Compatibility" Robert Kirkman McMain ..•...... Pupil Personnel Services B.A., Wayne State University, 1959; M.S.W., 1961 Dissertation: "Sex Education·Program Effects on Counselor Trainees' Sex Attitudes" Paul Henry Merritt Mechanical Engineering B.S., New Mexico State University, 1959 . M.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Dissertation: "A Method of System Identification with Experimental Investigations of Real Systems" Allen Kenneth Moore " , Biology B.A., Evangel College, 1960 M.A., University of Missouri, 1963 Dissertation: "Metabolism of Urea-14C During Starvation and Water Deprivation in the Ground Squirrel and Rat" Richard Beresford Moore •...... Geology B.S., Tufts University, 1967 M.S., University of North Dakota, 1970 Dissertation: "Geology, Petrology, and Geochemistry of the Eastern San Francisco Vol­ canic Field, Arizona" Bimal Mukhopadhyay •...... Geology B.S., University of Calcutta, India, 1964; M.S., 1966 Dissertation: "Rubidium-Strontium Whole·rock Geochronology and Strontium Isotope Geology of the Madera Formation Near Albuquerque, New Mexico" Felix Seville Nunez Biology B.S., University of Panama, 1961 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1969 Dissertation: "The Digestive Tract and Digestive Enzymes of the Desert Ornatus (Girard) ()" Alfred Louis Padula History B.S., Holy Cross College, 1957 M.A., University of the Americas, 1963 Dissertation: "The Fall of the Bourgeoisie: Cuba, 1959-1961" Steven Laird Ranck Curriculum & Instmction B.S., Trinity University, 1970; M.Ed., 1971 Dissertation: "Evaluation of Patient Activity Programs in Selected San Antonio, Texas, Nursing Homes" George Marshall Reynolds History B.A., Whitworth College, 1961 M.A., University of Idaho, 1965 Dissertation: "Providence and Progress: Richard Price's Idea of Progress"

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Susan Ann Roberts •...... •.•.•.•....•.••...... ' ..•....•...... •..••..• .History B.A., University of New Mexico, 1965 M.A., University of Wisconsin, 1966 Dissertation: "The New Mexico Supreme Court, 1910-1970: Politics and the Legal Community" Jason M. Rogers ....•...•...... •...... : Romance Languages B.A., University of New Mexico, 1954; M.A., 1970 Dissertation: "The Numantian Theme in Spanish Literature" Annabelle Rouse Scoon ...... •...... •...... Foundations of Education B.A., University of Oklahoma, 1941 M.A., American University, 1964 Dissertation: "The Feasibility of Test Translation-English to Navajo" Douglas Keith Stevenson Curriculum & Tnstruction B.A., Kalamazoo College, 1965 M.A., University of Kansas, 1968 Dissertation: "A Preliminary Investigation of Construct Validity and the Test of English as a Foreign Language" Ellery Storm ...... •...... •...... •...... Physics B.S., University of New Mexico, 1964; M.S., 1966 Dissertation: "Bremsstrahlung Induced K Fluorescent Radiation" Thomas C. Toppino ....•...... Psychology B.S., University of New Mexico, 1968; M.A., 1972 Dissertation: "The Inferential Component of Children's Hypothesis Testing Behavior" Maurilio Eutimio Vigil Political Science B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1964; M.A., 1966 Dissertation: "Ethnic Organizations Among the Mexican-Americans of New Mexico: A­ Political Perspective" Blake F. White, Jr...... •.•...... Pupil Personnel Services B.A., University of New Mexico, 1965; M.A., 1971 ' Dissertation: "Acute Conjugal Grief as an Existential Crisis: An Experimental Awareness Approach" Ka-Ngow Wong •.•...... / .. !. Electrical Engineering B.S., Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 1969 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Dissertation: "Functional Method for Multiple Fault Detection and Location in Com­ binational Circuits"

Requirements Completed, Semester ll, 1974-75 Martha S. Albert , , Administration & Supet'vision B.A., Rutgers College, 1962 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Dissertation: "Individual Ideology, Organizational Type and the Retention and Attrition of Professionals" Don Edward Alberts ...... ••...... History B.S., University of New Mexico, 1956; M.A., 1972 Dissertation: "General Wesley Merritt: Nineteenth Century Cavalryman" Robert Reid Archibald History B.A., Northern Michigan University, 1970; M.A., 1972 Dissertation: "The Economic Development of the Hispanic California Missions" Luanna Ruth Schoonover Bartholomew ...... •...... Biology B.S., J'-

\, M.S:, Stephen F. Austin State University, 1969 Dissertation: "The Humoral Response of Inbred Female Rats to Eimeria Nieschulzi Dieben" Charles Edward Becknell ...... •...... American Studies B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1964; M.A., 1969 Dissertation: "Can Black Studies Survive on a Predominantly White University Campus?"

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Patricia Dunning Campbell ...•..•...... •....•...... •.•...... English B.A., University of Nebraska, 1965 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Dissertation: "Seemly and Due Order: The Significance of Ceremony in the Poetry of Robert Herrick" Chanda Funston Clary ....•.....•.•...... •.....••.•.•..•.•..•.•...... English B.A., Michigan State University, 1964 M.A., Eastern Michigan University, 1966 Dissertation: "Byronic Heroes and Heroines: The Theme of Love and Recurrent Imagery" Peter Earle Coughlin •.....•...... •.•...... •.•...... •...... Economics B.A., Aquinas College, 1965 Dissertation: "Testing the Accuracy of Static Input-Output Analysis" Kailash Chandra Dhingra , .. , , .. , , .. ," Physics B.S., University of Lucknow, India, 1957; M.S., 1960 M.A., University of Southern California, 1968 Dissertation: "A Satellite Study of the High Energy Proton Environment Under the Radiation Belt" Howard Dean Everett ...... •...... English B.A., Central State College, 1963 M.A., Oklahoma State University, 1966 Dissertation: "Love and Alienation: The Sad, Dark Vision of Carson McCullers" Gloria Joyce Fedirchuk ...... •...... Anthropology B.A., University of Calgary, Canada, 1968; M.A., 1970 Dissertation: "Functional Analysis of the Julian Technology Fisherman Lake, Northwest Territories" John L. Geffroy ...... ••...•.•.•....•...... •...... Anthropology B.A., Queens College, 1964 Dissertation: "Political Leadership and Factionalism in a Dominican Municipio" Kai-Hwa Ger •...... •.....••.•...... History L.L.B., National Chengchi University, Taiwan, 1961 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1970 Dissertation: "Unification Versus Resistance: China's Reaction to Japanese Aggression, 1931-1937" Brian Seth Grodner ...... •...... Pupil Personnel Services B.A., State University of New York, Buffalo, 1966 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Dissertation: "Assertiveness and Anxiety Among Anglo and Chicano Psychiatric Patients" Lana Frederica Moeller Harrigan " , .•...... Romance Languages B.A., University of New Mexico, 1965; M.A., 1970 Dissertation: "Thematic Imagery in the Poetry of Antonio Nobre" Chaw-Kwei Hung ; ...... •...... Electrical Engineering B.S., Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan, 1966 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Dissertation: "The Design of Optimal and Sub-Optimal Feedback Controllers for Dis­ crete Systems" Louise Harris Ivers .... , ..•....•.... , ...... •.•.•...... ••.•..•... .Art History B.F.A., Boston University, 1964 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1967 Dissertation: "The .Architecture of Las Vegas, New Mexico" Donald Elroy Jones ...... •...... •.•...... • .Electrical Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1968; M.S., 1969 Dissertation: "Electron Trajectories in the Vicinity of a Wire Mesh Placed Parallel to a Perfectly Conducting Ground Plane"



Akbar Karbassian ...... •.•...... •...... •..•...... •...... Economics B.A., Morgan State College, 1963 M.A., University of Maryland, 1966 Dissertation: "The Conventional and the Evolutionary Doctrines of Capital Movements and Technological Diffusion in the Process of Economic Development" Raymond Calvin Krehoff Biology B.S., Southern Colorado State College, 1968 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Dissertation: "Adaptive Advantages of Activity Rhythms in Five Sympatric Species of Eleodes (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) From Central New Mexico" David Clifton Lawson ...•...... •...... History B.A., Old Dominion College, 1966 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 Dissertation: "Swords into Plowshares, Spears into Pruniqghooks: The Intellectual Foundations of the First American Peace Movement, 1815:1865" Paul Anthony Lovoi ...... •...... Physics B.S., Pacific University, 1969 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Dissertation: "Proton-Proton Analyzing Power Measurements at 16 MeV" Felix A. Lugo-Quifiones Pupil Personnel Services B.A., Inter American University of Puerto Rico, 1958 M.S.W., University of Puerto Rico, 1967 Dissertation:: "State-Trait Anxiety in College Students: A Tri-Cultural Comparison" Francesca Cordelia Merlan ...... ••..•...... •...... Anthropology ­ B.A., San Francisco State College, 1967 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Dissertation: "Noun-Verb Relationships in Arikara Syntax" Henry Clarence Monteith Electrical Engineering B.S., Milwaukee School of Engineering, 1965 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1970 Dissertation: "A Finite Particle Radius in Electrodynamics and Quantum Mechanics" Dan C. Montgomery " , Pupil Personnel Services B.S., New Mexico Highlands University, 1969 M.A., Goddard College, 1972 Dissertation: "Personality Fulfillment in Religious Life" Robert Philip Mulligan Curriculum & Instruction B.S., Pepperdine University, 1962; M.A., 1964 Dissertation: "The Effects of Age and Alcohol on Information Processing" Michael Joseph O'Donnell ...... •...... Foundations of Education B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 Dissertation: "Stress: Incidence, Mediation and Adaptation Among College Students" Charles J. Olson " English B.A., Midwestern University, 1966; M.A., 1969 Dissertation: "The Dragon by the Road: An Archetypal Approach to the Fiction of Flannery O'Connor" Dorothy Rycaczyk Pathak Mathematics B.S., University of lllinois, 1970 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Dissertation: "Estimation of Growth Curves by Least Square Splines" Ronald Burns Querry ' " , American Studies B.A., Central State College, 1969 M.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1970 Dissertation: "The American Prison as Portrayed in Popular Motion Pictures of the 1930's" Thomas Michael Rawson " '" Administration & Supervision B.S., Kansas State University, 1965; M.S., 1967; M.S., 1970 Dissertation: "A Study to Develop Alternative Statewide Higher Education Funding Formula Models for Possible Use in New Mexico"

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Richard Patterson Reed ..•...•.•....•...... •...... Pupil Personnel Services B.s., Colorado State University, 1969 M.S., New Mexico Highlands University, 1970 Dissertation: "Group Psychotherapy Effects on Internal-External Locus of Control" Venkataraman Shivakumar Mechanical Engineering B. Tech, Indian Institute of Technology, India, 1969 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1971 Dissertation: "Stresses at the Tips of Cracks Emanating from the Loaded Fastener Hole" Arlo Duane Sletto ...... •...... •...... English B.A., Augustana College, 1957 M.A., State University of South Dakota, 1962 Dissertation: "Emily Dickinson's Poetry: The Fascicles" Rosslyn Mynatt Smith Romance Languages B.A., University of New Mexico, 1968 M.A., University of Wisconsin, 1970 Dissertation: "Spanish Clitic Pronouns: A Transformational Description" Gary Carl Stein History B.A., Rutgers University, 1969 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1972 Dissertation: "Federal Indian Policy as Seen by British Travelers in America, 1783-1860" Todd Darrah Stong Civil Etlgineering B.S., United States Military Academy, 1962 M,S., Purdue University, 1966 Dissertation: "The Influence of Repetitive Loading on Flexible Pavement Response" Barbara A. Strelke : Americatl Stttdies B.S.~ Wisconsin State University, 1967 M.A., University of Massachusetts, 1969 Dissertation: "Images of Home and Place: Essays, Poems, Photographs" Barbara C. Van Dongen Curriculum & Instruction B.A., Stanford University, 1964 M.Ed., University of Maryland, 1966 Dissertation: "Cognitive Aspects of Role-Taking in Pre-Adolescents and Adolescents" Wen-Jeng Wang .... , .. " ... , ...... •...... •...... , .... .Mechanical Engineering B.S.M.E., Taiwan Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 1966 M.S.M.E., University of New Mexico, 1970 Dissertation: "Stress Concentration Around an Elliptical Hole and Stress Distribution Around a Crack in the Presence of Couple-Stresses" William Claude Wilson '" " , Pupil Personnel Services B.S., University of New Mexico, 1967; M.S., 1971 Dissertation: "An Analysis of Applicants and Residents of a State Institution for the Mentally Retarded" Craig Evan Wollner History B.S., Portland State University, 1966; M.A" 1969 Dissertation: "Modernization and Discourse: T. S. Eliot, B. F. Skinner, and Herbert Marcus'; as Studies in the Social Foundations of Intellectual History Since 1890"


FINAL HONORS GENERAL HONORS Students who have successfully completed at least three years in the General Honors Program, have attained an over-all grade point average of at least 3.2 (4.0 basis), and have been approved for the indicated level of honors in General Studies by the Honors Council.

63 ------~------

Requirements Completed Semester 11, 1973-74 Marlene A. Arieno, cum laude Victoria L. Longmire, magna cum laude Patricia Barnes, magna cum laude Susan Lyon, cum laude Randall V. Biggers, cum laude Deborah A. Melton, cum laude Edward Presten Bolin, cum laude Catherine W. Mendius, cum laude Charles A. Cacciatore, cum laude Carolynn Nelson, magna cum laude Shannon Louise Carter, cum laude Karen R. Olson, magna cum laude Charlotte Ann Chavez, cum laude Rosanne M. Piatt, magna cum laude James William David, cum laude Kathryn Ann Rabold, magna cum laude John H. Freshman, cum laude Kathleen M. Rhinehart, cum laude Nancy Jo Gill, cum laude James Edward Smith, Jr., magna cum Diane M. Glover, magna cum laude laude Rodney Lee Guinn, magna cum laude Jean Louise Stein, cum laude Christine Harrington, magna cum laude Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Frank D. Pitchford, cum laude Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Katherine A. Demuth, magna cum laude Marcia Anne Healy, magna cum laude Gail Ann Gillespie, magna cum laude Corrine M. Henning, magna cum laude Terry Sue Harrel1, magna cum laude Cynthia B. Lewiecki, magna cum laude DISTINCTION Seniors who have achieved a grade index of 3.5 or better. 'Requirements Completed Semester 11,1973-74 Thomas M. Alexander Michelle M. Dobkins Rose Baldasarre Dolores Duffer Patricia Barnes Doris Ann Duhigg Ronald Alan Barrett Edmund P. Duvall Margaret L. Bartlett Eric E. Eichwald Mary Anne Beahm Steve Ewing Mary Etta Beaven Linda Joyce Feldman Terry Lee Bergren Leonard John Ferro Nancy E. Berman David Russell Fisher Steve Charles Biskey Bonnie J0 Flick Shirley Dean Bivens Bruce Walter Fowler Karen Ellen Blatz Gregory F. Gillis Marsha El1en Bloom Diane M. Glover Linda Kay Bobier Deborah Jayne Godfrey Maret S. Bogdan Michael A. Gonzales Edward Prester Bolin Donnelle Goplen Theresa Jane Bowles William Powell Gordon Susan Leigh Bradley Laura Ellen Gormally Jan Marie Brodie Gary Lee Grabowski Jan Marie Brown Lynne Marie Graupman Richard Lee Burcham Elisa R. Chavez Griego John Charles Burchard John Braxton Griffen Robert R. Byington, Jr. Rodney Lee Guinn Marynell Callahan Diane Alena Haight Joseph A. Cal1an Mindy Helene Halpern Patricia Ann Cantu Janice Marie Harding David L. Carmichael Cheryl L. Hargraves Anna Zamora y Chavez Adrienne Harrison Denise Marie Clapp Deborah Anne Hart Christine L. Clear Michael F. Hartshone Nancy Elizabeth Crow Rodney Woodruff Hill Mary Ann Colby Diane Frances Howell Bessie Col1aros Mary Lou Howell Jean Leilani Cordes Sara Patricia Irvin Jamie Kay Corley Quinten T. Jackson Margaret E. Davidson Ralph Jeff Jackson Carol Keyes Davis Constance L. Jacobson James William Davis Sally Maria Jaramillo 64

______00 _ 624


Elizabeth Bruce Johnson Kathryn Ann Rabold Ann L. Jones E. Ann Ramage Rande Elizabeth Jones David Stanley Reep Susan Hazel Jones Barbara Kay Rigsby Lynn Burges Jorde Michael F. Ring Patricia Jourdan Pamela Jane Roberts Bonnie Isabel Julien Martha M. Rodgers Marina Kartas Lynda J. Roe Thomas Edward Katana Rita Addison Rossol Wendy Joy Kaufman Deborah Jane Russel William North Keepin Linda Louise Salamon Janet Ann Kenneth Judy Ann D. Salomon Carolee G. Kidd Rita G. Sanchez Paul J. Kottke Cynthia Helen Sanders Raymond Arthur Krell Mary Frances Schwartz Michael A. Kuliasha Jan Alison Siegrist Carol E. Laffon Carol Lynn Shoemaker Gregory Jean Lalire Myra Dee Simmons Joyce C. Lankford Aurelia Sims John P. Leiter James Edward Smith, Jr. Glenn M. Libo Judith Smolenski Victoria L. Longmire Melinda M. Snodgross Sharon L. Loomis Phyllis C. Sprock Larry Stephen Lopez Bruce William Squire Thomas C. Loveland II Catherine Stephenson Susan A. Lynch Ellen Kims Stewart Shelley S. Majsterek Donald Todd Stone Michael Lee Mayfield Elizabeth Stone Margo J. McCormick Bethie Vonne Stribling Elaine McHale Susan Louise Strome Carey Lynn McIntyre Thomas D. Sullivan Deborah S. Melton Diantha Helen Swoboda Catherine W. Mendius­ Betty Kay Taylor John A. Menicucci Mark Anthony Thaylor Barbara C. Meyer Daniel Blair Thompson Richard Mark Meyers Gary V. Tibbett Kathleen Anne Miller Susan Marie Toppino Vera Lucia Miller Presiliano Torrez William R. Miller Michael A. Ussery James Stanley Moore Robert J. Valdiviez Gerald B. Mullen, Jr. Maria C. Vickers Deborah Jean Nagy John P. Wakeland, Jr. Carolynn Nelson Paula Ann Walker Marnette E. Norris William George Walker Terri Elizabeth Olson Sara Elizabeth Warren Mary Catherine O'Neill George T. Wasenius Marta Onsen-Boyd David M. Wesselman David Orlicky Darwin Kahler Wheat­ Jacqueline P. Packard Susan Claire Wheeler William E. Parnall Elizabeth Whitefield '-1 Judith Elaine Parson Carol Ann Winter Joseph R. Perea Patrick John Wolcott Robert Irving Persh Bernard Eugene Wood Judith Gail Phillips Rosemary M. York Pamela Jean W. Quay Wanda Kay Zellmer Michael Charles Quinn Arlene E. Zimmerly Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Katherine B. Bjorklund Vernon P. Goldsworthy Margaret C. _Blakney Dorothy A. Gurule Bernadette C. Chavez Anna C. Kamitchas Susan Driscoll Anne Marie Kass Jeanne Le Garcia Janet Klecan George R. Goddard Barbara Louise Mathis Robert J. Goldsworthy Kathleen K. McKibben 65 Donna Lee Meister Alice A. Romo Kristine Ann Olson Karen Lee Stevens Frank D. Pitchford Astrid Kristine Topp Audrey Louise Potter Sandra Turner Carol Anne Richards Peter Alan Watterberg Michael George Robles Phillip M. York Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Jack W. Alexander, Jr. Kathryn G. Kosiba Claudia Lynn Aragon Betty A. Lane Catherine Rose Boca Victoria D. Lassa Debra Ann Birkhausen Cynthia B. Lewiecki Berniece A. Blackhorse Joanne C. Liss Lia Bonfiglioli Colleen P. Maley Gary Lee Bowen Judith M. Masic Robert R. Boyd Doris McCarry Robert W. Boyden Sue Beth McDowell Christine Braden Robert Bruce Mclnteer Marguerite Brown Frances A. Melendez Meredith Bunting Lisa Marie Mengis Pamela Gail Burnett Virginia Chavez Meyers Colleen Dee Calhoun Ray Marvin Moseley Bruce Stuart Campbell Beth Mary Nance Jean Ellen Canavan Bettina Ann Nunn Richard A. Chinisci Carol Jean Palmer Melinda T. Collins Reginald Hyde Post, Jr. Patricia E. Corcoran James Patrick Powers Diane Delapenha Sandra Lee Ragan M. Carlos Delatorre Jane Ann Rankin Katherine A. Demuth Alfred Wallers Reed Wendy Alice Dodds Mary Beth Reeves David Eugene Doles Jimmy Lee Riley Shirley Mae Downey Susan L. Rinaldi Samuel Mildred Dubois Sharon Jane Robertson Narciso F. Duran Irene Sandra Russo Christine A. Ferreira Barbara A. Schraishuhn John Robert Fox James V. Schumacher Robert John Friedrich Lou Ann Sherman Sandra Funk Rebecca Smith Margaret P. Gabaldon Alicia A. Snyder Rita Mae Garcia Martha B. Sterba Rebecca Greenwood Donna F. Stewart Thomas Edward Haaland Christopher Swalwell Delores Kay Hagen J Daniel Willy Toepfer Andrea Kay Harman Patricia Ann Torn Terry Sue Harrell Elizabeth C. Turpen Marcia Ann Healy Julia D. Tryk David G. Henner Roberta J. A. Vasquez Corrine M. Henning Wayne Vucenic Danielle M. Jacobs Carolyn S. Walker Joel Johnstone David Wayne Hall Nobumi Kanazawa Regan Ann Weatherford Elizabeth S. Kasner Kathryn S. Webster Malcolm Hall Kenyon Michael Lee Whyms Edgar Clayton Kimmel Robert L. Yarwood Ruth A. Kirkpatrick Kay Ann Zahm Leslie S. Kittle DEPARTMENTAL HONORS Seniors who have fulfilled the requirements of the Honors Program by exhibiting outstanding ability in the field of independent research. Requirements Completed Semester ll, 1973-74 Thomas M. Alexander, magna cum laude Jan Marie Brown, magna cum laude in in Philosophy Nursing 66


David L. Carmichael, magna cum laude Myra Dee Simmons, cum laude in Nurs­ in Anthropology ing Mary Ann Church, cum laude in Nursing Aurelia Simm, magna cum laude in Nurs­ Denise Marie Clapp, summa cum laude in ing Nursing Judith Kipp Smolenski, summa cum laude Leonard John Ferro, summa cum laude in in Nursing Chemistry Melinda Snodgrass, magna cum laude in Robert George Frank, magna cum laude in History Psychology Phyllis C. Sprock, magna cum laude in Virginia L. Grossette, cum laude in Anthropology Recreation Elizabeth L. Stone, cum laude in Nursing Diane Frances Howell, magna cum laude Bethie Vonne Stribling, summa cum laude in Nursing in Recreation Ann,L. Jones, summa cum laude in Nurs­ Betty Kay Taylor, summa cum laude in mg Nursing III " Lynn Burgess Jorde, magna cum laude in Gary V. Tibbett, cum laude Anthro­ Anthropology pology William North Keepin, cum laude in Marla C. Vickers, cum laude in Nursing , Mathematics William George Walker, magna cum laude Carolee G, Kidd, cum laude in Nursing in Psychology Joyce C. Lankford, summa cum laude in Sara Elizabet Warren, magna cum laude History in Nursing . Sharon L. Loomis, cum laude in Recrea­ Elizabeth Whitefield, magna cum laude tion in Secondary Education Carol Lynn Shoemaker, cum laude in Wanda Kay Zellmer, cum laude in Nurs­ Nursing ing Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Peter Alan Watterberg, magna cum laude in Mathematics Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Claudia Lynn Aragon, cum laude in Mary Beth Reeves, cum laude in Nursing Home Economics Roberta Vasquez, cum laude in Nursing Lia Bonfiglioli, summa cum laude in Wayne Vucenic, magna cum laude in Nursing , Mathematics Melinda T. Collins, cum laude in German David Wayne Wall, summa cum laude in Carol A. Frank, cum laude in Nursing Mathematics Margaret P. Gabaldon, cum laude in Carolyn S. Walker, cum laude in Theatre Nursing Arts Colleen P. Maley, cum laude in Music Beth Mary M. Nance, magna cum laude in Nursing

EDUCATION SPECIALISTS IN THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Requirements Completed Summer Session, 1974 Charles DeWitt ...... •...... Educational Administration B.S., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1962 M.S., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1969 Gary Fisk •...... •...... Educational Administration B.S., State College of Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas, 1961 M.E.D., McNeese State College, Lake Charles, Louisiana, 1971 Beatrix Law Educational Administration B.S., South Dakota College, Brooking, South Dakota, 1940 M.A., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, '1959 Rudolph Salazar Curriculum and Instruction B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico, 1958 M.A., New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico, 1964 Barry Sigmon ...... •...... Educational Administration B.A., Colorado State College, Greeley, Colorado, 1965 .M.A., Colorado State College, Greeley, Colorado, 1968




Pearl E. Thompson .•.....•....•.•.•..•...•...... •...... Educational Administration B.S.E., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 1954 M.A., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1956 Halene Weaver Curriculum and Instruction B.S., Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, 1939 M.A., University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 1967 Marilyn Ruth Zanetti .....•.•...... Educational Administration . B.A., Willamette University, Salem, Oregon, 1956 M.A., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1970 Requirements Completed Semester 1,1974-75 Virginia Dugan .•.•.•.•.•.•.•..•.•.•...... •....• Educational Administration \ B.A., State University College, New Paltz, New York, 1968 M.A., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1971 . Helen M. Foster .....•...•....•...•...•...... , Curriculum and Instruction B.S., Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington, 1962 M.A., Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington, 1962 M.S., New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico, 1968 . Norman Johnson ...... •..•...... •...... Curriculum and InstructIOn B.S., Norwich University, Northfield, Vermont, 1950 B.S., U.S. Naval Post-Graduate School, Monterey, California, 1959 M.A., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1974

Candidates for Certificates/Requirements Completed, Semester 11, 1974-75 Gladys L. Anderson ...... •...... •...... : .. Educational Administration B.S., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New MexIco, 1964 M.A.T.S., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 19~9 (, Harry Hendrickson .....•...... •...... EducatIOnal Administration B.A., Wayland College, Plainview, Texas, 1965 M.E.D., West Texas State University, Canyon, Texas, 1969 .. Michael Joseph Kenney ...... •...... Guidance and Counseling B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico, 1972 M.A., New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico, 1973 Robert C. Martinez .. ;...... Educational Administration B.A., College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1963 M.A., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1972 r Robert Ernest Shea ...... •...... GUidance and Counse mg A.A., Boston University, Bostori, Massachusetts, 1957 B.S., Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, 1959 Ed.M., Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, 1960 .' . Tiinothy Whalen : :.... Educational AdmmlstratlOn B.S., Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LoulSlana, 1970 M.E.D., Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Lousiana, 1971


It was moved by Dr. Simms, seconded by Mrs. Jourdan, that the Regents approve the list of candidates subject to the completion of academic requirements as well as the nominations for honorary degrees. Carried. ***** Mr. Perovich informed the Regents of a request Public Service from the Public Service Company for an aerial ease­ Company Easement ment for wires overhanging the property of Jefferson Junior High School, this property being owned by the University and leased to the Albuquerque Public Schools. The easement is­ required, he said1because of the need to change an existing East­ West transmission' 'line, along the north side of Lomas Boulevard NE, from 46,000 to 115,000 volts. Additionally, he said that an ease­ ment was requested for a pole site on the property, the additional 629

pole being needed to relieve uneven stress on the wires.

It was moved by Dr. Simms, seconded by Mrs. Jourdan, that the requested easements be approved. Carried. ***** President Heady presented a proposed Veterinary Medicine veterinary medicine contract between UNM Contract with Kansas and Kansas State University, terminfF:!-tit,. State a temporary agreement until it is possible to get a firm commitment from Colorado State University under a proposed plan for reorganization. This proposed plan, he said, would give New Mexico residents greater opportunities in veterinary medicine than are presently available under the WICHE ?rogram.

It was moved by Mrs. Jourdan, seconded by Dr. Simms, that the 1975 Agreement in Veterinary Medicine with Kansas State University be approved. Carried. ***** Upon recommendation by Vice President Travelstead, it was moved by Mrs. Jourdan, seconded by Dr. Simms, that the leave policy, recently approved, be modified by incorporating the following underscored words: "2. A leave without payor any e combination of a sabbatical leave and a leave without Change in pay will not generally exceed one year in duration, Leave Policy although when the best interests of the University would be so served and with the concurrence of the department chairman, the dean, the Vice President for Health Sciences when faculty members in the health sciences are involved, and th-e---­ Vice President for Academic Affairs, the President may recommend a two-year absence to the Regents. However, except in extremely rare cases, as recommended by the President to the Regents, a faculty member shall not be absent from the university for more than two of' any five consecutive years, and it is not contemplated that even such a proportion of absence shall be the norm." Carried~ *****

The Regents were in~ormed by Mr. Rask that Public Notice of under the New Mexico law on open public meetings Regents' Meetings the Regents must determine annually what is reasonable notice to the public concerning their meetings. He said that he had consulted with Mr. Price and Mr. Durrie, neither of whom had suggested the necessity of any substantial change to the present rule which was adopted by the Regents on March 5, 1974. He said further that he was not aware of any litigations or other remarkable circumstances which would call for a change. He did ,5 rnote the need for two editoria:l changes:' Under item 1, Recitals, a '''pursuant to a recently enacted statute of the State of New • Mexico which prohibits" would become "pursuant to New Mexico ~t.a:!::utes which prohibit"; and the deletion of item 5 which deter- mined reasonable notice for the specific meeting of March 5, 1974. , It was thereupon moved by Dr. Simms, seconded by Mrs. Jourdan, that the "Regulations of the Regents of the University of New Mexico Concerning Public Notice-of Regents· Meetings", as aqopted in March 1974'and as modified editorially (see above) be approved. Carried. ***** Dr. Kugel submitted for the Regents· considera­ 'Graduate tion a revised Graduate Medical Education Agreement Medical Educa­ which, he said, differs from the present agreement tion Agreement chiefly in the inclusion of a specific grievance procedure for the house officers. .

After brief discussion of the present high cost of professional liability insurance, it was moved by Dr. Simms, seconded by Mrs. Jourdan, that the agreement be approved. Carried. ***** (Mr. Jaramillo joined the meeting at this juncture.) ***** Vice president Mercure told the Regents that the EDA Funds Harwood Foundation facilities are badly in need of for Harwood renovation and said that he would like the Regents· ReStoration approval to submit to the Economic Development Adminis­ tration-an application for $164,000 to be used for this purpose • . He explained that matching funds of $41,000 would also be needed but that the Harwood Board had committed itself to raising these funds and had already collected some $12,000. Mr. Mercure said that restoration of the facilities would protect valuable art works, permit more broadly educational use of the Harwood Foundati~n, and better serve community needs. Mr. Hooker recommended that The Architects, of Taos, be appointed architects for the remodeling and said that the grant application required that such an appoint­ ment be made.

Noting the importance of the Harwood Foundation to the University and to the community of Taos, Dr. Simms moved, seconded by Mr. Jaramillo, that the project be approved, contingent upon acquisition of the necessary federal funds, and that The Architects be appointed as project architects~ also that Mr. Mercure be author­ ized to proceed with the grant application to the EDA. Carried. ***** Mr. Hooker noted that at an earlier meeting Classrooms in the Regents had authorized an architect to proceed Anthropology- with preliminary drawings for remodeling the Buildinq large lecture hall in the Anthropology Building and he said that these preliminaries'had been completed. ,He said ,- that the plan was to convert the large room (formerly the ballroom, e now a lecture hall seating approximately 600 and not presently satisfactory acoustically or aesthetically or by reason of size) into three rooms -- one seating 190, with the present ceiling to be retained, and two smaller ones seating 75 each. Vice President Travelstead said that Woodward Hall now takes care of the University's large-classroom needs and that there is considerable present need for smaller ones.

Dr. Simms said that he considered it unfortunate to remodel a John Gaw Meem Jlclassic," and it was agreed that immediately following the meeting the Regents would examine the room in terms of the pro­ posed construction. With this in mind, it was moved by Mr. Jaramillo, seconded by Mrs. Jourdan, that subject to the above-noted inspection and subject further to the allocation of necessary funds from the final increment of the State bond issue, the Regents authorize the architect to proceed with working drawings so that the project might be completed before the fall semester. Carried.

'(AS a result of the Regents' inspection, it was decided not to proceed with the remodeling.) *****

upon ~he recommendation of President Heady, Retirements it was moved by Mrs. Jourdan, seconded by Dr. Simms, e ~thatJuly 1 retirements be approved for the following persons: Harry W. Basehart, Chairman of the Department of Anthropology, . Professor of Anthropology, and Editor of the Journal of Anthropolog~­ cal Research~ Joseph E. Haddon, university Physician II, Student Health Service~ Charles L. Little, Construction Inspector, University Architect's Office~ R. Edwin Snapp, Professor of Theatre Arts~ and Narcis A. Vaudrin, Machine Ii'E:::ipairman, Physical Plant (Disability Retirement). Carried. ***** Mr. Perovich submitted the operating Operating Budget, budget for 1975-76, with comparisons to 1975-76 the estimated totals for 1974-75: e e e i ~ -J ~. " THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO

~ Recap of Revenues, Expenditures, and Balances 1975-76 and 1974-75 Operating Budgets 1975-76 1974-75 1975-76 1974-75 REVENUES Unrestricted Restricted Total Estimated I:XPENDITURES Unrestricted Restricted Total Estimated Total Total Current Funds: Current Funds: Main Campus $50,687,500 $15,952,000 $66,639,500 $57,521,000 Main Campus $50,089,500 $15,952,000 $66,041,500 $56,569,000 Health Sciences 13,703,100 14,067,000 27,770,100 22,733,982 Health Sciences 14,308,900 14,067,000 28,375,900 22,857,700 Gallup Branch 700,000 71 ,000 771,000 393,000 Gallup Branch 681,000 71 ,000 752,000 378,500 Northern Branch 593,000 100,000 693,000 434,000 Northern Branch 597,000 100,000 697,000 417,000 Total Current Funds $65,683,600 $30,190;000 $95,873,6QO $81 ,081 ,982 Total Current Funds $65,676,400 $30,190,000 $95,866,400 $80,222,200 Transfers ,to Student Loan Ma tchi ng Main Campus $ 170,000 $ 170,000 $ 76,000 Health Sciences . 10,000 10,000 - 10,000 Total Transfers $ 180,000 $ 180,000 ! 86,000 Debt Service Revenue $ 3,070,000 ! $ 3,070,000 $2,890,000 Debt Service Expend. $ 4,305,000 ",-$ _ $ 4,305,000 $ 3,8~8,OOO Capital Outlay Revenues: Capital Outlay Expenditures: Main Campus . $14,850,355 $ $14,850,355 $ 4,896,472 Main Campus $15,014,397 $ $15,014,397 $16,561,830 Trans. from Loan Funds 632,000 Gallup Branch 10,000 10,000 56,000 Gullup Branch 10,000 10,000 62,205 Northern Branch 10,000 10,000 10,000 Northern Branch 10,000 10,000 _--,1..:.5. ' 71,§. Total Capital Outlay $14,870,355 $14,870,355 $ 5,594,472 Total Capital Outlay $15,034,397 $15,034,397 $16,639,751 Total Revenues $83,623,955 $30,190,000 $113,813~955 $89,566,454 Total Expend.& Transfers$85,195,797 $30,190,000 $115,385,797 $100,805,951 Beginning Balances: Ending Balances: Main Campus $ 2,205,700 $ $ 2,205,700 $ 2,437,787 Main Campus $ 1,260,700 $ $ 1,260,700 $ 2,204,787 Capital Outlay 472,063 472,063 10,954,149 Capita1 Outl ay 458,021 458,021 .472 ,063 Health Sciences 615,800 615,800 1,150,790 Health·Sciencesc. 615,800 Gallup Branch-Current (4,495) (4,495) (l 0,056) Gallup Branch 2,505 2,505 (4,556) . Cap. Outlay-Libr. Books 6,205

Northern Branch-Current 4,000 4,000 (13,013) Nor';'lern Branch 3,987 Cap. Outlay-Books 5,716 Total Balances $ 3;293,068 $ 3,293,068 $ 14,531':'Sn Total Balances $ 1,721,226 $ 1,721,226 $ 3,292,081 TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TOTAL REVENUES& BALANCES $86,917,023 $30,190,000 $117,107,023 $104,098,032 TRANSFERS, & BALANCES, $86,917,023 $30,190,000 $117,107,023 $104,098;032 ~. . (\} ;1 1'j'J

-- "- .. -~ ~------e e ___. __ .• ___ 4~ ~'.J p.p; THE UNIVERSITY O~ NEW MEXICO ; "'oi Summary of Revenues, Expenditures, and Balances ~ - 1975-76 and 1974-75 Operating Budgets ~1A IN CAIWUS 1975-76 1974-75 1975-76 1974-75 REVENUES Unrestricted Restricted Total Estimated EXPENDITURES Unres tricted Restricted Total Es tima ted T Tota 1 Total ~ Instruction &General: ~~struction &General: Tuition &Misc. Fees $ 6,450,000 $ $ 6,450,000 $ 6,289,100 Inst,'uction $19,243,000 $ 1,261,000 $20,504,000 $17,912,250 Fed. Contr.& Grants 160,000 1,874,000 2,034,000 1,328,475 Academic Support 4,583,000 420,000 5,003,000 4,348,750

St.& Local Contr.& Grants --_.~.-,-- --_._--- 100,750 Student Services 2,074,000 196,000 2,270,000 1,986,000 Private Gifts &Grants 40,000 243,000 283,000 273,775 Instit. Support 3,751,000 140,000 3,891,000 3,338,000 Land &Perm. Fund 1,050,000 1,050,000 970,000 Oper.& Maint. of Plant 4,810,000 100,000 4,910,000 4,087,000 Indirect Cost Recovery 1,313,000 1,313,000 1,100,000 Other Sources 1,207,700 1,207,700 1,659,813 State Approp. 25,153,300 ----- 25,153,300 21 ,692,587 Total Instruc.& Gen. $35,374,000 $ 2,117,000 $37,491,000 $33,414,500 Total Instruc.& Gen. $34,461,000 $ 2,117,000 $36,578,000 $31,672,000 ~Stud. Social &Cult. Stud. Social &Cult. Devel. Activities $ 1,236,000 $ 80,000 $ 1,316,000 $ 1,276,000 Devel. Activities $ 1,365,000 $ 80,000 $ 1,445,000 .LL47O ,000 Research & Public Service: State Appropriations $ 978,500 $ $ 978,500 $ 852,500 Other Sources 1,658,500 11,333,000 12,991,500 10,586,500 Total Res.& Pub.Serv. ~ 2,637,000 $11 ,333,000 $13,970,000 $11 ,439,000 Research & Pub .. Serv. $ 2,660,000 $11,333,000 $13,993,000 $11,515,000 Internal Service $ 430,000 $ 50,000 _$_480,000. j---iQl.J 000 Internal Service $ 430,000 $ 50,000 $ 480,000$ 407,000 Stud.Aid, Grants &Stipends: . State Approp.-WICHE $ 661,500 $ $ 661,500 $ 467,500 Other Sources 2,217,000 ,,217,000 1,594,000

Total Stud. Aid $ 661,500 $ 2,217,000 $ 2,878,500 $ 2,061,500 Stud.Aid, Grants & Stip. $ 1,071 ,500 $ 2,217,000 $ 3,288,...5°0 $ 2,528,000 Auxiliary Enterprises $ 7,932,000 $ 150,000 $ 8,082,000 $ 6,929,000 Al;xil iary Enterprises 085~000 $ 150,000 $ 8,000,000 $ 6,977,000 Athletics $ 2,417,000 $ 5,000 $ 2,422,000 $ 1,994,000 Mhletics $ 2,252,000 $ 5,000 $ 2,257,000 $ 2,000,000 . Total Current Funds $50,687,500 $15,9_52,jJOO $66,639,500 $57,521,000 Total Current Funds $50,089,500 $15,952,000 $66,041,500 $56,569,000 Transfers to (from) Other Funds: t ... To Student Loan j·latching$ 170,000 .jI .." 170,000 .p 76,GOO To Debt Service 1,235,000 1,235,000 968,000 From Gal1ur for Debt Servo (12,000) (12,000) (9,000) To Minor Cap. Outlay 150,000 150,000 150,000 Net Transfers $ 1,543,000 $ $ 1,543,000 .t.lz185,OOO Beginning Balances: Ending Balances: Instruction &Gen. $ 1,830,700 $ $ 1,830,700 $ 1,815,04 Instruction & Gen. $ 906,700 $ $ 906,700 $ 1,830,752 Other Current Funds 375,000 375,000 622,723 Other Current Funds 354,000 354,000 374,035 Total Balances $ 2,205,700 $ $ 2,205,700 $ 2,437,787 $ 1,260,700 $ $ 1,260,700 $ 2,204,787

TOTAL REVENUE & •... TOTAL'EXPENDITUR~S, BALANCES $52,893,200 $15, 9~~_OOO $68,845,200 $59,958,787 TRANSFERS &BALANCES $52,893,200 $15,952,000 $68,845,200' $59,958,787 e ~ e e :...-; .. ~ ,.. • .}

THE'UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO Summary of Revenues, Expenditures, and Balances 1975-76 and 1974-75 Operating Budgets HEALTH SCIENCES 1975-76 1974-75 1975-76 1974-75 REVENUES Unrestricted Restricted Total Estimated EXPENDITURES Unrestricted Restricted Total Estimated Total Total fristructfon & General: lnstruction &General: Tuition & Fees $ 388,000 $ $ 388,000 $ 390,000 Instruction $ 6,904,100 $ 1,247,400 $ 8,151,500 $ 6,096,400 Fed. Grants &Contr. 1,380,400 1,380,400 1,422,400 Academic Support 1,064,000 91,000 1,155,000 955,000 Private Gifts, Grants &Contracts 66,000 66,000 57,000 Student Services 161,000 30,000 191,000 154,000 Sales of Educ. Activ. 10,000 10,000 Instit. Support 910,000 910,000 705,600 Indirect Cost Recov. 1,213,000 1,213,000 1,093,300 Physical Plant 859,000 12,000 871 ,000 555,400 Other Sources 2,619,000 2,619,000 1,982,700 State Approp. 5,001,300 5,001,300 3,583,000 Total Instr.& Gen. $ 9,297,300 $ 1,380,400 $10,677,700 $ 8,528,400 Total Instr.& Gen. $ 9,898,100 J~0,400 $11 ,278,500 $ 8,466,400 ,::. Research & Pub1 ic Serv.: Research &Public Serv.: State Approp. $ 350,000 $ $ 350,000 $ 170,000 Research $ 850,000 $ 3,945,000 $ 4,795,000 $ 4,724,000, . ...;~ Other Revenue 748,000 8,742,000 9,490,000 9,330,862 Pub1ic Servi ce 248,000 ~1.L°iJ..Q. 5,045,000 4,858,300 .:~2"; .. • ,~J Total Res. &Pub.Serv. $ 1,098,000 $ 8,742,000 $ 9,840,000 $ 9,500,862 Total Res. &Pub.Serv. $ 1,098,000 $ 8,742,000 $ 9,840,000 $ 9,582,300 1t ;- -~ ." • t{f!"'~-_j Internal Servo Depts. $ 14,800 $ 14,600 $ 29,400 _$_53,000 Internal Servo Depts. $ 14,800 $ 14,600 $ 29,400 $ 53,000 " . ,~ " Stud. Aid, Grants Stud. Aid, Grants , . &. Stipends $ $ 201,000 $ 201,000 $ 200,000 &Stipends $ 5,000 $ 201 ,000 $ 206,000' $ , 204,000 ,.

Independent Opera~ions: Independent ,Operations: State Approp. $ 1,449,514 $ 205,486 $ 1,655,000 $ 1,393,600 Mental Health Ctr. $ 2,191,500 $ 2,527,400 $ 4,718,900 $ 3,879,000' Local Approp. 554,951 554,951 170,000 N.M. Medical Fdn. 551,500 551,500 320,000 Sales &Servo 1,123,535 11 ,413 1,134,948 879,226 Medical Investigator 550,000 25,600 575,500 353,000 Fed. Grants &Contr. 1,722,228 1,722,228 1,549,694 Housestaff 1,176,000 1,176,000 Other Sources 165 ,00.2. 1,789,873 1,954,873 459,200 Total Indep. Oper. $ 3,293,000 $ 3,729,000 $ 7,022,000 $ 4,451,720 Total Indep. Oper. $ 3,293,000 $ 3,729,000 $ 7,022,000 $ 4,552,000 Total Current Funds $13,703,100 $14,067,000 $27,770,100 $22,733,982 Total Current Funds $14,308,900 $14,067,000 $28,375,900 $22,857,700 Beginning Balances' $ 615,800 $ $ 615,800 $ 1,150,790 Ending Balances $ $ $ $ 615,800 1ransfers 10,000 $ 10,000 ~----- $ $ $ 411 ,272 TOTALS $14,318,900 $14,067,000 $28,385,900 $23,884,772 10TALS $14,318,900 $14,067,000 $28,385,900 $23.884,772

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e ;:."--:--;---- e e ~ . ..-..,. . ~ -.'.; t. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO Summary of Revenues, Expenditures, and Balances 1975-76 andlQ74-75 Operating Budgets .. NO~THERN PRANCH .:. ,~:_. '. 1975-76 1974-75 1975-76 1974-75 REVENUE Unrestricted Restricted Total Es tima ted EXPENDITURES Unrestricted Restricted Total Estimated Total Total Instruction & General: l~struction &General: Tuition &Misc. Fees $ 194,000 $ $ 194,000 $ 188,000 Instruction $ 313,000 $ 43,200 $ 356,200 $ 228,000 Fed. Contr.& Grants 100,000 100,000 15,000 Academic Support 31,300 7,800 39,100 24,500 Local Support 40,000 40,000 35,000 Student Services 31,000 26,000 57,000 27,500 Other Sources Insti t. Support 91 ,300 22,000 113,300 90,000 State Approp. 324,000 324,000 152,000 Oper.& Maint. of Plant 83,400 1,000 84,400 17,000, Total Instr.& Gen. $ 558,000 $ 100,000 $ 658,000 $ 390,000 Total Instr.& Gen. $ 550,000 $ 100,000 $ 650,000 $ 387,000 Stud. Social &Cult. Stud. Social & Cult. Devel. Activities $ $ $ $ 14,000 Devel. Activities $ 12,000 $ $ 12,000 $ 2,000 Student Aid Stud.Aid, Grants & Stipends $ 5,000 $ $ 5,000 $ 3,000: , ~ Book Sales $ 35,000 $ $35,000 $. 30,000 B·)ok Sales $ 30,000 $ $ 30,000 $ 25,000

Total Curr.Funds Revenue $ 593,000 $ 100,000 $ 693,000 $ 434,000 Tota 1 Curr. Funds Expend. $ 597,000 $ 100,000 $ 697,000 $ 417, ooci.:i· . -:·4, Beginning Balances: Ending Balances: Instruction &General $ (8,000) $ $ (8,000) $ (13,013) Instruction &General $ $ $ $ (8,013) ~1 Other Current Funds 12,000 12,000 Other Current Funds 12 ,OOO'~ :J Total Balances $ 4,000 $ $ 4,000 $ (13,013) Total Balances $ $ $ 3,987" -'------$--- Total Curro Funds Total Curro Funds I Revenues & Balances $ 597,000 $ .Ii 697,000 $ 420,987 Expend., Transf.& Bal. $ 597,000 $ 100,000 $ 697,000 $ 420,987 Capital Outlay Rev.-Books $ 10,000 $ $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Capital Outlay-Books $ 10,000 $ $ 10,000 $ 15,716

Beginning Balance-Books ~$~~_ $ $ $ ·5,716 Ending Balance . ,L.$ _ $ $ $ Total Capital Outlay $ 10,000 $ $ 10,000 $ 15,716 Tota1 Capital Outl ay $ 10,000 $ $ 10,000 $ 15,716 TOTAL REVENUES & BALANCES $ 607,000 $ 100,000 $ 707,000 $ 436,703 TOTAL EXPEND. & BALANCES $ 607,000 $ 100;000 $ 707,000. $ 436,703

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I .en ""l.:. ~ I C]) '.~ : ~/ .. ,.' _ . ~_1~~_ e e e , p.g r - ~;j .~ ~EW I" THE UNIVERSITY OF MEXICO Summary of Revenues, Expewli tures, and Balances 1975-76 and 1974-75 ilperating Budgets Debt Service and Capital Outlay 1975-76 1974-75 1975-76 1974-75 REVENUES Unrestricted Restricted Total Estimated EXPENDITURES Unrestricted Restricted Total Esti ma ted Total Total Debt Service: Student Fees $2,400,000 $ $2,400,000 $2,320,000 Rdirement of Principal $2,070,000 $ $2,070,000 $1,915,000 Interest on Balances 410,000 410,000 385,000 Payment of Interest 1,650,000 1,650,000 1,630,000 Interest Subsidy 130,000 130,000 85,000 Lease/Purchase Payments 100,000 100,000 100,000 N.M. Medical Fdn. 130,000 130,000 100,000 Required Add'n. to Balances 485,000 485,000 213,000 Total Expenditures $4,305,000 $ $4,305,000 $3,858,000 III Ti'ansfers. from I. & G. ($1,235,000) .! ($1,235,000) $ (968,000) Total Revenue $3,070,000 .! $3,070,000 $2,890,000 Total Expend.& Transfers $3,070,000 $ $3,070,000 $2,890,000 . j

Capital Outlay: State Appropriation $ 211 ,000 $ 211 ,000 $ Miljor Capital Outlay $13,208,397 $13,208,397 $13,606,931 I St. Bond Issue Proceeds 3,660,000 3,660,000 1,429,000 Library Books 961 ,000 961,000 985,349 Federa1 Grants 1,931,355 1,931,355 . 1,348,972 Minor Capital Outlay 845,000 845,000 1,969,550 Private & Local Support 190,000 Instit. Bond Issue 7,392,000 7,392,000 Li bra ry Books 961 ,COO 961 ,000 961,000 :..'1 Other Sources 450,000 450',000 92,500 ..... Interest on Plant Funds 650,000 650,000 875,000 Tota1 Revenue $14,850,355 $14,850,355 $ 4,896,472 Total Expenditures $15,014,397 $15,014,39~ $16,561,830 Tl"ilns fers: Main Campus $ (150,000) $ (150,000) Hea lth Sc i ences (401,272) Loan Funds --.l§B ,000) Ni:!t Trans. to Cap. Outlay $(150,000) $ (150,000) $(1,183,272) Capital Outlay Balances $ 472,063 t 472,063 $10,954;149 Cilpita1 Outlay Balances $ 458,021 $ 458,021 $ 472,063

.TOTAL REVENUES & BALANCES$15,322,418 $15,322,418 $15,850,621' TOTAL EXPEND •-TRANS. & SAL. ~~ $15,322,418 $15,850,621

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:,; .. A..i of He noted that this is primarily a staff or personnel budget, with about 80% being devoted to salaries. He said that the total operating budget for next year will be about $95,800,000, compared with a little over $80 million for 1974-75. Questioned by Mr. Horn as to procedures, Mr. Perovich said that the detailed budget in penciled form would next be discussed with the BEF staff and then, with possible minor modifications, would go to the BEF at its June 19-20 meeting.

Indicating that the budget had been discussed and approved by the Regents' Budget and Finance Committee, Mr. Jaramillo moved, seconded by Dr. Simms, that the budget be approved as submitted~ Carried. ***** At Mr. Horn's suggestion, Mr. Perovich possible Land Purchase informed the Regents that negotiations are under way with the Flood Control Authority relative to possible acquisition by the University of 3~ acres of land south of Indian School Road, the only tract between the flood control ditch and the north campus. Mr. Perovich said that the University has asked the Flood Control Authority to submit a reasonable price as the basis for further discussions. *****

The necessity o~ setting a time for the next Next Meeting meeting prior to the BEF meeting of June 19-20 was discussed, and it was agreed that Mr. Durrie would be in touch with each of the Regents by phone. * *,> ***

Dr. Simms inquired about the status of the Committee on special committee charged with examining possible Revision ofthe changes in the Faculty Handbook and was told that Faculty Handbook--- Regent, Faculty, ,and Administrative members have been designated. Mr. Horn then named Dr. Simms to serve as an additional member of this committee. *****

The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p~m.

APPROVED: ("d-, y~ \ President