
c The Lowell ) Sprvlntf T.nu^pll Arpa RPAIIPVC Slnrp

Along Main Street Gerst appointed to FMB Board

Keith Caldwell. President ell Rotary Club, both the Michi- of FMB-State Savings. Lowell. gan and National Funeral Direc- Michigan, has announced the ap- tors' Associations. Grand Rapids pointment of David G. Gerst fligh Twelve Club. Grand Rapids to the FMB State Savings Bank Breakfast Club and the Cascade ii Board of Directors. Business Club. Gerst is President of the FMB State Savings Bank is an Gerst Funeral Homes which in- affiliate of First Michigan Bank cludes Roth-Gerst Funeral Home Corporation. The other affiliate in Lowell, purchased by Gerst in Banks include: FMB-First LOWELL LIBRARY SPONSORS USED BOOK SALE 1971, and O'Brien-Eggebeen- Michigan Bank in Zeeland; Gerst Funeral Home in Grand FMB-Lumberman's Bank in The Lowell Library is sponsoring a used book sale for three Rapids. Muskegon; FMB-First Michigan days, November 2. 3. & 4. The sale will be held at the Lowell Gerst, a graduate with a Mor- Bank-Grand Rapids, n.a.; FMB YMCA. 323 W. Main, (next door to the library). The sale will tuary Science Degree from Commercial Bank in Greenville; start at 1:30 p.m. Wayne State University, is very FMB-Oceana Bank in Hart; The library board would appreciate any donations from the pub- active in several Greater Grand HMB-Community Bank in Dow- lic! If you have any used hard cover books, paperbacks, magazines, Rapids associations including agiac; and FMB-Reed City or jigsaw puzzles, bring them to the library this Saturday. Oct. 29. Lowell American Legion. Low- Bank The library will have help taking your donated books over to the Y If anyone has trouble getting books to the library, call Mrs. VandcrVeen at 897-9595 and make arrangements to have them Ledger Halloween picked up.

RED RIBBON WEEK IN FULL SWING Contest Monday Attention all ghosties and goblins. Don't forget the Annual Just a reminder this week is Red Ribbon Week in Lowell. It is Ledger Halloween Costume Contest. a week to promote drug-free lifestyles in our community. Just wear your costume to work on Monday, Oct. 31 and ^ The theme of the week is "THE CHOICE FOR ME, DRUG let us know by calling 897-9261. We'll stop by to lake a " FREE" picture and judge your costume. All photos will appear in Some area merchants are offering some specials for anyone who the Ledger Nov. 2. is wearing a red tag with these words on it. Prizes donated by area merchants w ill be awarded for the II any extra ribbons are available you may purchase them at the best costumes. A list of donors and prizes will also appear ell Sports Shoppe for twenty-five cents each. in the Nov. 2 Ledger


Wendell L. Christoff, President. C. J. Christoff and Sons. Low- ell, Michigan, was reelected to the Board of Directors of the Associ- Lowell Schools collecting Food City receipts 9 ation for Dressings and Sauces at their Annual Meeting held Oc- be considered a successful cam- tober 16-18. 1988 at the Westin La Paloma Hotel.Tucson. Arizona. Lowell Schools are now col- Stores are giving our Lowell cash register receipts from the paign," The Association for Dressings and Sauces is the international lecting cash-register receipts Schools the opportunity to ac- Eberhard stores and turning them "Lowell Schools consider organization serving the dressings and sauces manufacturers and from Eberhard and Food City quire any of the five different back in. "The store will then give Apple Computers excellent edu- suppliers. Stores which will be used in help- Apple Computer Systems free, the school a small portion of cational computers and thinks it ing the school purchase Apple plus educational software for our every dollar total on those tapes BEST JACK OLANTERN CONTEST AND GREATEST would be ideal if every student Computers, printers, and educa- classrooms/* said Ginny Webber, and buy the computers the school PARTY YET, eould have extensive hands-on tional software from the stores* coordinator of Lowell's com- needs." Webber said. t%Il takes a CHARLIE BROWN!! access to a classroom computer "Apples for Students** program. puter program. Ginny Webber. large amout of money to get one prior to graduation." explained "Eberhard and Food City The school will be collecting computer, but even one would The Lowell Area Arts Council will host a Halloween Party at the Webber. Center for children in grades 1-6 on Saturday. Oct. 29 from 10 "We have a computer lab in a.m. to 12 noon. Entry forms for the pumpkin contest are available Another! the math department, but so ^ at the Center. many academic areas benefit | Besides the pumpkin contest, children will enjoy face painting. from computers that we are try- Halloween videos and treats. Cash awards for the pumpkin contest ing to establish another small lab will also be given. Make your plans to attend the great event, Memorable game at Burch Field so that all areas and all students larlie Brown!!! No admission charge. have access," Webber said. Webber hopes that parents and HODGINS PROGRAM TO BE AIRED ON LCTV the community will help support this program by sending their lr United Methodist Preschool Parents* night featuring Dan Hod- EberhardyFood City cash register gins on "What to Expect of Preschoolers" will be shown on Lowell receipts to school with their chil- ble TV. channel 9 dren. or by mailing or dropping The program will be aired on Wed., Oct. 26 at noon; Thurs., them off at any of the school of- t. 27 at 2 p.m.; Fri , Oct. 28 at 5 p.m. and Sat., Oct. 29 at 10a.m. fices. This campaign will be in operation from October of 1988 FISH DINNER AT LOWELL MASONIC TEMPLE through May of 1989. NOVEMBER 5

The Lowell Masons and Eastern Stars will sponsor an "All You MODERN PHOTOGRAPH ICS - fan bat" Fish Dinner on Saturday, Nov. 5 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Family portraits in the studio, The dinner will be held at Lowell Masonic Temple, 112 Lincoln park or home. Pictures must be ike and prices are $4 adults; SI .50 children. taken by Nov. ISth for Christmas giving. 897-5606. HELP NEEDED IN COMPLETING FOOTBALL BOOKLET

GARY'S COUNTRY MEATS - The first revision of Lowell High School Football, 1900-1988. For fresh meal cuts, cold cuts and fA Gridiron Tradition" is nearly complete, but help verifying in- cheese visit Lowell's exclusive formation is needed. meat market at 205 E. Main. Call The booklet contains a complete history of the Lowell High 897-7306. rhool football program dating to 1900, the first season of in- lerscholastic competition. Schedules and scores must be checked BRIDAL & PRINCESS After Loweirs stunning 18-13 upset win over Zeeland it was time for Lowell fans and players From all yearbooks prior to 1914. It is also important that a 1932 BOUTIQUE - New and gently to celebrate. The Red Arrow victory was dedicated in memory of Lowell football coach Chris E team photograph be secured from the 1933 Restrospectus. worn stylish consignments. Lo- Burch. LowelFs Mr. Football won his share of thrillers from 1937-53, It is not necessary that yearbooks be taken from anyone's pos- cated in the Ye Olde Curiosity ision because all information can be gathered by telephone. Shoppes, 214 E. Main. >le who can help out with this information, are urged to call VILUGE INN - Daily specials • HUCKLEBERRY'S SIDEWALK PRECISION & FASHION Fred Lenger, 897-5847 mornings or evenings between 9 and 11 Kitchen open until 2 a.m. - Beer CAFE - SOUPS ARE BACK!!! HAIRSTYLING - For both men MCGEE HOMESTEAD - Bed specials 2-5 p.m. M-F. Call 897- Daily soups and specials. Take- an^ women. Man's World and breakfast, 2534 Alden Nash Cent. pg. 5 •' - outs too. 897-8120. . . Hairstylinf. Phone 897-8102. N.E., Lowell. 897-8142. The Lowell Ledger • Wednesday, October 26, 1988 - Rage 2 The Lowell Ledger - Wednesday, October 26, 1988 • Page 3 Obituaries Coming Events grandchildren Funeral Services Fl There was a memorial m-ia . • FOSS - Mrv Maivia L Foss. Kwekel; and her mother-in-law. ROBERTS - Priscilla L. Church of the Brethren. for Mrs. Schubert were held at aged 41. Ada and lomierly ol Norma Inman all ot Grand Roberts, aged 87, ofClarksville. Freeport. Rev Richard Wenger 2, a A ,A Notices In the Ledger's "Com- ^ SECOND MONDAY OF EACH THURS., OCT. 27: Lowell 7:30 p.m. by Monroe MacPher- with a potluck dinner at the please call Carol or Marilyn at Howaid Cily. passed away Wed- officiating Interment Grandville I p.m., Sal., Oct. 22 at Dorrell S^LPark. Melbourne 'Beac- h Fl H • ing Events" are free of charge Rapids. Funeral Services were passed away Monday. Oct. 17. MONTH: The Lowell Area Senior Citizen trip to Allendale son from radio station WION in Schneider Manor lounge at 6:30 the church office. 897-5936 4 Funeral Home in Ludinglon In- was a member ol the Loy al ()r^ to any non-profit organization nesdax. October I ). I^88 at But- held Saturday morning at the 1988. Surviving are one son. Cemetery. Schools Board of Education Fire Barn and GVSU concert Ionia. Will be shown at Lowell p.m. Bring a dish to pass and terment will be in Oik wood of thf Moose. He is survived tn In the Lowell, Ada, Alto, and terworth Hospital. She is sur- Pederson Funeral Chapel in Waller Frain of Ft. Wayne; one meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Board and tour. Call Lowell Commu- High School Auditorium, 750 own table service A meat dish THURS., NOV. 17: Thanksgiv- Cemetery in Lowell. Those plan- his wife. Delia of Mclho Saranac area. We prefer such vived b> her husband. John; two Rock lord, with Rev. Karl E. Pike sister. Ruth Kauffman of SCHUBERT - Gertrud M Um( of Education office located in the nity Ed for more information. Foreman Rd. Sponsored by (ham), rolls and coffee will be ing Dinner, compliments of Low- ning an expression of sympathy Beach, one son. Ruben „f notices to be kept brief and to 897-8434. Lowell Woman's Club for stu- sons. Mark (Carla) Russell of of ihe First Baptist Church of Clarksville; one brother. Dan Schubert, aged 76. died Oct. 20. Middle School. 12685 Foreman furnished by the post. Program ell Community Ed. Program by be submitted by mall, but will dent scholarships. Admission Grand Rapids. John C. Foss Jr 1988 at Memorial Medical are asked to consider Ihe Amer- Gowen, Ml; 2 daughters Bar Road. will be presented by Martin and Lowell Middle School Drama Howard City officiating Inter- Kauffman of Florida; three accept notices by phone at FRI., OCT. 28: Cyclamen Chap- $2 50 adults. $1.50 for students. ican Heart Association bare Wolfe ofTilusville. Fl and Treva Johnson and consist of Club Open to Senior Citizens at home: two brothers. Richard ment in East Nelson Cemetery grandchildren; 12 great-grand- Center in Ludinglon. ML Sur- 897-9261. 3RD THURS. OF EACH ter No. 94 OES invites their colored slides of their of the Lowell area Call Commu- I Mary) Kroes and Ronald (Pal) at Cedar Springs. vived by one daughter. Mrs. Laura Ghent, of Cadill* 7 children; 10 greal-greal-grand- MONTH: Senior Citizens lunc families and friends to the Open SAT, NOV. 5: Craft Fair 2nd An- motorhome trip to Alaska Spon- nity Ed office for more informa- Kroes. all of Cedar Springs; her SMIT - Louis Smit died Sept. grandchildren and 14 cn;al. children. Funeral Services were David (Chris) Fonnesbeck. sister WOMEN OF THE MOOSE heons are provided by the Mom s Installation of Officers in the nual sponsored by Byron sored by Angeline Mulder tion. Reservations are limited to 28. 1988. in Melbourne Beach, grandchildren; 4 brothers. Ja i sister. Mrs. James (Judy) held Wednesday at the Hope Edith Below of Germany. 3 step t Chapter night meeting is held the Club, with the cooperation of Lowell Masonic Temple at 8 Center Hioh School Senior first 60 897-8434 p.m. Class. High School Gym. 9-3 Robert. James & Edward. 5 Slv first Monday of each month, at 8 Saranac Community Church. THURS., NOV. 10: Senior Citi- p.m. p.m. Lunch and babysitting av- ters. Anna. Jeanette. The public is invited and no re- zen Tour of Churches with lunch FRI. ft SAT, NOV. 18 ft 19: Fun ailable. Drawing for stained Leona and Jean. Donations may servations are necessary. SAT, OCT. 29: Saranac Fire- at the Kent Skills Center. Call Shoppers sponsors a bus trip to men's Annual Potluck supper glass lamp and other items be made 10: Holmes Regional WOMEN OF THE MOOSE Bus- Community Ed office. 897-8434 Wbodfield Mall and downtown Come and do your Christmas iness Meeting is held the third 3RD TUES. OF EACH MONTH: Saranac High School for more information Chicago. Cost includes over- Hospital. 2420 S. Babcock Si Cafetorium. Serving 11 a.m. to shopping with us. Monday of each month, at 8 p.m. Mothers of Twins Club meets at night accomodations at Wood- Melbourne, FL 32901 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Cascade Christian Church on SAT, NOV. 12: Annual Bazaar field Hyatt Regency and break- Adults $3 children $1.50. SAT, NOV. 5: LCTK Community EVERY SECOND TUESDAY Thomapple River Dr. in Grand at Lowell United Methodist fast on Sat. Call 457-3704 or Arts and Crafts Bazaar Crafts, The Lowell Area Fishing Club Rapids For more information Church. 621 E. Main St. This 363-7052 for info. now meets at the Flat River NOV. 2, 3. ft 4: The Lowell Li- attic treasures, raffle, lunch, nur years FallFest will feature 25 call 453-3453 or 942-5122 sery Middleville High School Snowmobile Clubhouse on Pot- brary is holding a used book lus booths 9:30 to 3:30 p.m THURS., DEC. 1: Senior Citi- Knause Gym. 10-4. Proceeds for Lowell. sale at the YMCA office, 323 W. Cuncheo n or soup, sandwich zen motorcoach trip to Tur- ters Road, just East of Montcalm EVERY MONDAY EVENING: Main. The sale will start at 1:30 Caledonia. Thomapple Kellogg and homemade pies available keyville Dinner Theatre. Turkey Ave. at 7:00 p.m. All prospective "Euchre" will be played at the p.m. The library board wel Community Ed Senior Citizen between 11:00 and 1 p.m. arts buffet and program called "An members or interested individu- V.F.W Post 8303 ?t 7:30 p m comes any donations from the Programs. Old Fashioned Christmas" Call als are cordially welcome Admission is $1. prizes Public and crafts, baked good, candy public. Hard cover books, specialty items, etc If you Community Education for more welcome paperbacks, magazines and jig- SAT, NOV. 5: An "All You Can FIRST MONDAY OF EACH would like to be included. information. 897-8434. saw puzzles are welcome. Do- Eat" fish dinner sponsored by House MONTH: The Bowne Township EVERY MON. ft TUES. MORN- nations may be dropped at the Lowell Masons and Eastern Historical Society will hold regu- ING - Coffee Break Bible Study Y on Sat., Oct. 29. Or arrange- Stars will be held from 5-7 p.m. lar meetings at the Township Monday 7:15 to 8:30 p.m.; Tues- ments may be made to pick Prices are $4 adults; $1.50 chil- Hall, 6059 Linfield, Alto, on the day 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. them up If necessary. Call 897- dren at Lowell Masonic Temple. first Monday of each month at Lakeside Community Church, 9595. 112 Lincoln Lake. Lowell. 7:30 p.m. 6201 Whitneyville Rd. TUES., NOV. 1: Travelogue on MON., NOV. 7: The Clark-Ellis EVERY SECOND WEDNES- 3RD SAT. OF EACH MONTH - Nova Scotia and the Maritime Post Auxiliary will celebrate and The full name of Mexico's resort city on the Pacific is DAY: Lowell Woman's Club V.F.W. Post No. 8303 in Lowell. Provinces will be presented at commemorate Veterans Day Acapuko de Juarez. \ vate lakes a jump, meets every 2nd Wednesday of 307 W. Main. Steak dinner, serv- . it ^ the month at Schneider Manor at ing 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. Public in- m 12:00. Luncheon and program. Vic Krause vited. 19th District EVERY SECOND THURSDAY: 2ND ft 4TH WEDNESDAY: State Representative Lowell VFW Auxiliary No. 8303 Toastmasters Club meets at When the i#tv\ we jump with it! meets at 8:00 p.m. at the VFW 7:30 p.m. at the Ada Congrega- Michigan's unemployment Post. 307 W. Main Street. Lowell. tional Church, 7339 Bronson rate is still almost two points Blvd. in Ada. For more info, call KEEP A UAKL KEEP MR BESI unii higher than the 5.4 percent na EVERY THIRD SUNDAY: The 676-1583 or 363-6792. tional September rate, even Flat River Snowmobile Club though it has dropped a long vu\ meets at the clubhouse at 11841 OCT. 16 - NOV. 6: Focus on the Potters Rd. A Potluck is at 12:30 you need a Cv from the 15.7 percent recorded Family videos. 6-7:30 p.m. First p.m. with business meeting fol- in September 1982. } United Methodist Church. 621 lowing. New members and E. Main, Education Building. All ANNUAL Michigan State Universih guests are welcome. invited, no charge. INTEREST economics professor Daniel Hamermesh finds little reason QUA-KE-ZIK SPORTSMEN'S RATE WED.. OCT. 26: The Lowell Gar- for celebrating our improvement CLUB meets every 2nd and 4th den Lore Club will meet at 12 from the 1980-82 recession. "At Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at the Club noon. Evelyn Tichelaar's, 12745 building at 11400 Foreman Heims St. Potluck. "Thanksgiv- this point, one really wonders Road. Lowell. ing Banquet" Please bring whether we w ill ever get hack to canned or dry food for Food being a below-average un- SECOND TUESDAY - Better Bank. Grace Kutchey is Co-hos- EFFECTIVE employment area." he said Buyers Food Buying Club meets tess. All members come! Introducing FMB's "We've always had a highK the second Tuesday of every Plus One CD, the ANNUAL cynical economy," Hamermesh month at 7:00 p.m. at Grace THURS., OCT. 27: Past Mat- YIELD said. "However, even in the good^ Kutchey's home. 1001 Heffron. rons of Cyclamen Chapter No. Lowell. Interested people are 94 OES will meet at the home only CD with a cou- limes we're not going down to welcome. For information, call of Barbara Geelhoed at 7:30 the national average. It's not iusi pon option that lets Kathy at 897-8779. p.m. a matter of the Michigan eco- Paid for by die Henry jar Congres Corrmaa. you raise your CD nomy being cylical, it also seems EVERY 1ST ft 3RD THURS. - sick, chronically ill." Lowell Area Jaycees, meet at the rate by as much as + Hamermesh notes that in Lowell Congregational Church at 700 p.m. New members wel- COUPON l%6, the slate's annual average 1• •1 • 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •7, 1 1 1 •», comed. Membership 21 -39 ' ' ' ' ' • ' .(K.'.',-/ ' i » » ' I « ' < i " . A • i i • " i > • i i • i i ' Vvur,, • i i i i i i 1% to match the unemployment rale was 3.5 per- 1: p OPTION years of age. Leadership training T:: ; i: n 11:;:' •: i:: i 4P W •:;in cent, while the national rate was market if rates go through community involvement. 3.7 percent. Interested, call 897-9152 or 897- up. But your rate One explanation for Michi- >6539. never goes down, gan's current lag behind the na * lion in structural unemployment EVERY 1ST ft 3RD TUESDAY SPOOK IIVSURMCE - V.F.W. Post 8303 meets at the POTENTIAL in some of the state's older milus no matter what. And trial urban areas, where people V.F.W. Clubroom. 307 E. Main (LOWELL AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT) you can choose ANNUAL seem to be locked into povert\ St., Lowell at 8:00 p.m. RATE and unemployment EVERYDAY OF THE YEAR 'This is a problem that will THIS POLICY GUARANTEES ITS HOLDER THAT MEMBERS OF THE LOWELL YMCA LEADERS CLUB WILL PROVIDE your own term of PAPER DRIVE - Ada/Cascade not be solved by higher automo- Paper Chase has trailers located CLEAN-UP SERVICES (IF NECESSARY) FOR ANY 1988 HALLOWEEN PRANKS LISTED BELOW: one, two or three tive sales and a stronger national behind Ada Township Hall and years. For more economy," Hamermesh said. behind Cascade Christian "Some Michigan residents have Church on Thomapple River information, call POTENTIAL been without jobs so long, their^ I Drive, north of Cascade, for old ,iS 1. SOAPED OR WAXED WINDOWS TO RESIDENCE OR COMMERCIAL BUSINESS; 2. SOAPED OR WAXED WINDOWS papers. All revenue goes to non- skills are no longer useful, a situ ANNUAL profit organizations in this area. TO PERSONAL VEHICLE; 3. TP'D (TOILET-PAPERED) YARD; 4. VANDALIZED OR SMASHED PUMPKINS 5. SHAVING 897-4153. ation that discourages some new YIELD 10 CREAM RESIDUE; 6. EGGED' PREMISES. employers from moving 3RD WED OF EACH MONTH - Michigan. Jolly Community Club meets the "Maybe there's something to 3rd Wednesday of each month THE HOLDER OF THIS POLICY MUST SUBMIT A HALLOWEEN PRANK CLAIM VIA THE TELEPHONE BY CALLING THE the notion that people stay at 12:30 for dinner at Millcreek LOWELL YMCA OFFICE (897-8445) BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8:00 A.M and 11:00 A.M. ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1988. FTTB STATE SAVINCS around here because there are Meadows East. Saranac good unemployment benetlis. •NOTE* THIS CERTIFICATE IS NOT TRANSFERABLE. BANK SATURDAYS - Take Off he said. Pounds Sensibly Tops #M11493 TU Bolstering his supposition is a First In Financial Service meets every Sat. at 8:30 a.m. in recent study from ihe Upjohn In the Congregational Church Member FDIC slilule which showed thai un basement in Lowell. Comer of RESIDENCE - $2.00 SIGNATURE OF BUYER employment costs in Michigan Spring and Hudson Sts. Weigh- were 51 percent higher than ' - ins from 8:30 a.m. til 9:00 a.m. SMALL BUSINESS - $5.00 . ADDRESS OF BUYER . national average of indu ' LARGE BUSINESS - $10.00 TELEPHONE NUMBER OF BUYER states for high wage emplou! s TUESDAYS - Take Off Pounds Sensibly Tops #MI 372 meets Legislative Republicans h.i- Our thanks tor purchating this policy • the 1998-99 Lowell YMCA Leaders Club 1 every Tuesday evening at the sponsored legislation aim^' Lowell Congregational Church K • a remedying this situation basement. Comer of Spring and MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE: Lowell YMCA Leaders Club Substantial penally (or early «,IMra»al Rate subiect to change wttollote''C

iear Editor. maga/tnes, a proven curse to the By Pauline Spray move these magazines if enough ing to actually write a note of 1. Stop in at Rite Aid and write the lack of coverage for the Inecmzensol Lowell arc cur- home and the community, ate people object, otherwise...well, complaint and sign their name, a note bf complaint and leave it sports teams below the varsity renily the subjects in a marketing being sold on a "trial" basis at they are making a substantial on paper Rite Aid supplies with at the front counter. level. experiment being conducted by Rile Aid. The position of the But God commended his hve God. our Heavenly Father profit, even if it is at our ex- their pen! Have we become so 2. Call Rite Aid's district of- As an impartial person who toward us, in that....Christ loved. He loved so much He A'd Pornographic management is thai they will re- • pense. What is, perhaps, worse accustomed to the acceptance of fice in Grand Rapids. 791-9861, does not live near the Lowell L died for us (Romans 5:8). gave His gift was the greatcM is that those magazines are being sin or so unwilling to "rock-the- and lodge a verbal complaint. community, I have been very im- To this day Mom declares the ever given. He gave His Son displayed not behind the counter, boat" that we will not speak up 3. Indicate to the store man- pressed with the overall cover- back of the chicken is her favor- die in mans stead Could Hi Along Main Street Cont. but on the floor where they are against wrong, even when we ager at Rite Aid that you will be age. I have been reading the ite piece. Not long ago when a have done more? available to anyone of whatever have the chance? I would like to boycotting the store until those Ledger now for over two years i '* member of the family insisted Can we do less than give our |p.m., as soon as possible. age. I expressed my views to the urge you and the readers of this magazines are removed. because my roommate, Tom she lake a better piecc of the pre- best in return to Him? No sac- The book will be on sale to the public for a $5 donation The store manager and he shared with paper to take one or all of the PLEASE. LET'S GET IN- Caldwell, who is from Lowell, pared fowl, she declined, stat- rifice should be too great it we complete cost of printing has been underwritten, and all proceeds me that although there have been following three steps to elimi- VOLVED! subscribes to the paper while he ing. "Honestly. I like the back. truly love Him. Like Mom. we ln>m sales will support the Lowell Area Schools athletic program. some complaints, few were will- nate this threat to our lives: Rick L. Upchurch is away at law school at Indiana Its my favorite " I wondered: should gladly forfeit our pie and University, Indianapolis. Has she honestly always been cat "the back of the chicken " SANTA PARADE SET DEC. 3 In comparison, I can recall my Begin now preparing your Santa Parade float. fond of this most usually un- Prayer: Heavenly Father. Dear Editor, own hometown newspaper was The parade sponsored by the Lowell Chamber of Commerce is wanted piece of chicken? Or has earthly love can begin to com- I would like to briefly respond fortunate to have the resources slated for Saturday, Dec. 2. she come to like it out of neces- pare with Thine Anything I can to the letters that the Lowell to even cover varsity sports. Prizes will be awarded. For more information, please contact sity? do for Thee would fall far short Ledger has received from Mrs. Thus, from an outsiders perspec- Arlene Lambert at 897-9918. HEALTH Then. too. I remember the pie. ol sacrifice. Help me to give rm L.G. (Terry) Smith. Ledger read- tive, the Ledger does an out- Many are the limes Mom has best. Thou hast done so much ers will recall that Mrs. Smith standing job in coverage of com- | STILL OPENINGS IN FALL YMCA PROGRAMS By given her piece to one of us for me Amen. has charged that the Ledger pro- munity news and sports. Keep Dr. Paul Qauthtor youngsters. When she saw us vides poor coverage for local up the good work! There are still openings for additional sign-ups for the Lowell Dr. Jim Lang sports events. Smith particularly George A. Dremonas casting coveted glances at her Because we have been sheltered YMCA Fall II Programs. fed. criticizes, among other things. Indianapolis, Indiana portion, she felt constrained to New programs include: Afterschool exercise class, lst-2nd grade sacrifice her dessert, also. By Thy good care. youth instructional basketball, men's 5 on 5 and 3 on 3 basketball. A CURE FOR BALDNESS?? It isn't difficult to sacrifice for We cannot see another s lack We've received several inquiries about a new product marketed those we love. Gladly we do And we not share YMCA OPEN GYM BASKETBALL for treatment of male pattern baldness. In today's column we'll without in order to please them. Author Unkm >wn review this product and tell you what you can expect. YMCA open gym basketball is held every Monday night at the Rogaine®. a solution manufactured by the Upjohn Company High School from 7-9 p.m. Cost is $3.00 payable at the door. was recently given approval by the FDA for treatment of baldness. Face winter The product has undergone several clinical tests and has proven | OFF THE BLOTTER Glenn E. Sims to sing effective in SOME cases of male pattern baldness. It promotes 1965 • Back row, left to right: Avis King, Sharon (Doyle) Dunn, Involved in a property damage accident Oct. 18 on Mam St. new hair growth and may prevent ongoing hair loss in some indi- on your 1988 - Back row left to right: Timothy Doyle, father (23 years near Smith St. was Gerald Cook. 32 when he struck the rear of a grandmother, mother and Leone Storey, great-grandmother; old); Sharon Dunn, grandmother (41 years old). Front row: great- viduals. However, hair growth is not apparent until after at least at Lowell Assembly of God car driven by Juanita Johnson. 76. Both drivers are from Lowell. front: Jessie Salzgeber, great-great-grandmother, baby Timothy great-grandmother Leone Story (81 years old); great-great-grand- four months of use. Also, some researchers claim that its high James Henry of Lowell reported to Lowell Police his vehicle Doyle (2 months, 17 days old). Jessie Salzgeber celebrated her mother Avis King (65 years old); baby Crystal Monique Doyle (5 cost, the necessity for prolonged treatment, and a relatively modest own terms. Glenn E. Sims will provide a Northams and the Black woods. was struck by a hit & run driver while parked at Keiser's Restaurant 94th birthday the day this picture was taken on May 9, 1968. months, 18 days old). rate of cosmetically acceptable hair growth makes it truly practical on East Main St., Oct. 18. Mrs. Salzgeber was Ledger-Life oldest mother at age 97. concert of contemporary christ- Alter graduation Sims recorded for only a small percentage of balding individuals. The following pictures taken. the Wedding Anniversary of ian muisic at the Lowell Assem- his first album 1 Can Do All Sandra Heckman. 40, of Lowell and Randy Miller. 22, also of conclusions have been based on clinical studies: Recent visitors from North Crystals great-grandmother. Adding to this special event great-grandparents Mr. & Mrs. bly of God, 3050 Alden Nash, Things" and his solo ministn Lowell collided in the parking lot of Crystal Flash Service Station 1. After 1 year 37% showed a minimal regrowth of hair, 31% Carolina brought together a fam- Avis King. was the birih of Miss Crystal and Eugene King. Lowell, on Oct. 30 at 6 p.m. began. (X't. 20. No one was injured. showed moderate growth and only 8% showed dense growth of ily of five generations for the sec- The Doyle's live in Wilson. Sims spent his entire life sing- Now three years later his Issued an appearance ticket to 63rd District Court for Open hair. ond time in twenty three years North Carolina so this was the ing in the church. From a quartet ministry has reached across Container of Alcohol in a Motor Vehicle was Joseph Hart. 23, of 2. Regrown hair varies from short nonpigmented hair to thick Be Id ing on Oct. 15. Timothy Doyle was two first time for great-great-grand- at the age of eight, to singing in Michigan and expanded into In- short pigmented hair to hair of the same color and character as months old when he first made mother Leone Storey, great- the junior choir, to traveling with diana. Wisconsin, and other f Charles Piehl, 46. of Lowell was injured Oct. 21 when the those in non balding areas. vehicle he was driving was struck from behind by a pickup truck the five generations of the grandmother Avis King and Births... a christian youth band called parts ot the country. Sim s latest 3. Patients who have been balding for less than ten years and driven by Glenn Averill. 44. of Lowell on West Main near Valley Salzgeber family, now the lather grandmother Sharon Dunn to "The Followers". Sims went on release " Humble Hean" was pn>- who are younger than 40 are likely to respond to treatment. Frank and Debbie (Shores) Vista Dr. 4. The drug has been shown to be effective only on the crown of Cr\ stal Momque Doyle he has meet their granddaughter. Crys- big brother, Justin. Proud grand- to a solo ministry. duced by WORD recording! anisi 6.9% financing or up to $150 back. Phillips of Lowell are the proud No injuries were reported in an accident Oct. 20 when a car of the head. It is not effective for frontal hair growth, (the so again made it five generations tal Monique Doyle. parents are Robert and Florence For two summers Sims at- Russ Hollingsworth. in driven by Kathy Swift, 34, was struck from behind by a car driven And a great warranty too. lor the Salzgeber-Stoney family. It was a real family reunion parents of a baby son, Gregory Phillips ot Ada. Don and Mary tended the Blackwood Brothers' Nashville. TN and it provides an called receding hair line). by Gregory Warning, 19, on Main near Ridgeview Dr. Both drivers 5. Patients with balding areas less than four squa': inches showed This bll, chtMieArcixiia^.Super High Effldencyflis furnace. aixJchocwe Tim. wife Gail and daughter for these five generations to get Bryce. bom Oct. 6. 1988 weigh- Shores of Lowell, and great- School of Christian Music where exciting and refreshing sound tor are Lowell residents. better growth than others. between 69% financing or up to SI50 back. Either way you'll #et a Crvstal were recent visitors to together and of course have their ing 8 lbs. 8 ozs. and 20 inches grandmother is Alma Vos of he learned from some of gospel the church. Involved in a property damage accident Oct. 20 at Chatham and 6. Patients must apply the medications twice daily and should limited lifciimc w-jnamy on both heat exchangers, and a limited fi\v->var long. He is welcomed home by Alto. music's "best", such as the Sim's music is enjoyed h\ Hudson St. was Judith Anderson, 39, of Lowell when she Failed continue indefinitely. Discontinuing the drug results in loss of the people ol all ages. The commu- warranty on all other ixirts Plus, youll get Arcuaire reliability, and to Yield Right of Way and struck a car driven by Mary Osbon. hair regrowth. nity is invited. A free-will otter- up io94% efficiency And that can make winter easier toface. S o call your .58 of Lowell. Adverse effects of the medication include mild irritation of the ing will be taken. dealer today Because terms thb great will only f Arrested on a warrant issued by 63rd District Court lor Failing scalp such as itching or dryness. This was seen in about 5% of be offered sbon-ierm. to Appear in Court was Gregory Warning, 19, of Lowell. patients treated with the drug. This appears to be the only apprec- 4 Juveniles were issued tickets to court for Pedestrian Impeding iable side effect so far, but like any new drug, other side effects ••um uw • H»««h m** iihjUkUhMtmimh UrJrf pMi* juiam nutti|**. v iNIni*li«4 AREA CHURCH DIRECTORY taMinJMNriaiK l.ji>iMUr4nh*(kt«K fjrta tfunnn Jnim • Traffic this past week in the area of the High School by Lowell may become apparent with widespread use. officers. In checking with area pharmacies, we have found that the cost Lowell School Steven Butts, 23, of Lowell reported to Lowell Police that his of a 60 cc. bottle (enough to last for one month) is close to $60.00! Lowell Heating & ADA COMMUNITY CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY MISSIONARY CHURCH retirees hold vehicle had been struck by a hit & run driver while it was parked As stated previously, in order for the drug to be effective it must CHURCH OF LOWELL 10501 Seniewood Ph 897-7185 ADA CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH in the parking lot of I.T.M. off Godfrey St.. Oct. 21. be used continuously. This leads to a medication cost close to Air Conditioning 7227 Thomapple River Dr. 676-1032 Larry Link. 51. of Caledonia was involved in a property damage Mcetinf al ihe Lowell Middle School Sunday School 9 45 A M. REFORMED CHURCH $700.00 per year. Whether or not this new drug is worth it, only Scrvica/lnstallation Worship Service 1100AM Pastor THOMAS J BARTHA annual accident Oct. 21 on Main St. near Riverside Dr. when he backed you and your doctor can decide. (12675 Foreman) 7152 Bradfield St., S E. 676-I69K • 24 HOUR SERVICE • Sunday Morning Worship Evening Service 6 00 P.M Morning Worship 10 00 A M into a parked vehicle owned by Joyce Osborne. REV BRIAN P BOSSCHER Prayer and Bible Stu(jy-7 30 P M Wednesdays Sunday School vi:20 A.M. luncheon Issued appearance tickets to 63rd District Court Sat.. Oct. 22 1002 W. Main St., Loweil, (Crystal Ra»h Plaza) And Children's Mimsines 10.00 A.M Mommg Worship . 8 45 A M and 11 00 A M GLENN H MARKS Evening Worship 6:00 P M At one tinw in ancient Rome, it was forbidden to eat Midweek Bible Service* and Youlh Ministry Sunday School 10:00 A M |lor Open Container of Alcohol in a Motor Vehicle were, Aaron Foreman Road WE INVITE YOU TO MAKE THIS agga. The egg waa regarded aa a potential chkktn, there- PHONE 8974123 •A JOYFUL WORSHIPPING COMMUNITY" Evening Worship 6:00 P M Since 1963, more than 50 Burtch, 21, and Jeffrey Burtch, 19, both of Freeport and Ron COMMUNITY CHURCH YOUR fore too valuable to be eaten. K97-A477 897-9110 Purdin, 18, of Ionia. CHURCH HOME WELCOME TO ALL teachers, office personnel and custodians have retired from the Lowell Area Schools. Of these, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 47 still live in the area around Info, needed on BETHANY BIBLE CHURCH OF ALTO Lowell, Ionia and Grand Rapids. 3900 East Fulton OF LOWELL LHS Football Comer of 60ih Sireei A Bancroft Avenue REV RAYMOND E BEFUS 201 North Washington Street The others have yielded io the Sunday School 10.00 AM Morning Worship 9:50 A M Rev Rick Upchurch more comfortable climates of The first revision of Lowell Morning Worship 11 00 A M Broadcast 10 A M WMAX 1470) 10 00 A.M. Arizoni, New Mexico. Texas, High School Football, 1900- Eveninf Worship 7.00 P M Morning Wonhip 11 -qq ^ ^ Sunday School 11:15 A.M California and Hawaii. 1988: A Gridiron Tradition, is Wednesday Bible Study Evening Service 6^o p M Evening Service 600 PM. On Friday, Sept. 30, a lunc- ^nearly complete, but help verify- and Prayer Meeting 7:00 P M. Wednesday Mid-Week Service KEEP A LEADER. KEEP OUR BEST. Wednesday Service 7:30 P.M. heon was held at Keiser's ing information is needed. Pastor Gene Sidder i Jf. Teens. Adults p Kitchen for 28 of the local re- 868-6403 or 068-6912 Nursery-Come & Worship With Us The booklet contains a com- tirees and their spouses and plete history of the Lowell High friends. This marks the 13th year School football program dating FIRST CONGREGATIONAL this group has met for reminisc- RRST UNITED METHODIST to 1900, the first season of in- GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH OF LOWELL ing, getting updated on who's terscholastic competition. CHURCH OF LOWELL (Urtted Church of Chnst) doing what and, in general, "tel- Schedules and scores must be LUTHERAN CHURCH 621 E Mam Street 897-5936 404 North Hudson ling tales out of school." Each checked from all books prior to 10305 Bluewater Highway REGULAR HOURS 897-5906 year a few new retirees are wel- 1914. It is also important that a Morning Worship 10 00 A M Morning Worship 9 00 A M and 10:45 A M Worship and Church School . . . 10:00 A.M Sunday School & Adult Bible Class 9 00 A M comed into the group. This year s 1932 team photograph be sec- Church School 9 30 to 10 30 A M Bamer-Free Nursery Provided JOSEPH FREMER. PASTOR additions included Mary Ann ured from the 1933 Retrospectus. W. J. Amundten R*. David Hagens Minister 897-8307 Ayres. Marge Kropf. and Jack It is not necessary that year- Nursery availabe at both services Eleanor Martin Director of Educ^ Kempker. Also newly retired books be taken from anyone's Barrier-Free Entrance Manlyn Ossentjuk Director of Music Gary Rivers, who was unable to possession because all informa- be present. tion can be gathered by tele- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST CHURCH OF Speaker for the day was Dr phone. People that can help out with ST. MARY'S OF LOWELL FRIENDSHIP COUNTRY CHAPEL CHRIST, SCIENTIST Fritz Esch. who brought the 18 Lafayette SE (I block S of Fulton) group up to date on current issues this information, are urged to CATHOLIC CHURCH 2275 West Mam Street New Address 10200 Grand River Ave Grand Rapids, Ml in education. In addition, his call Fred Lenger. 897-5847 402 N Amity 097 7168 Sunday Services iq 30 a M Sunday Service & Sunday School. 10 30 AM program, "Waltzing Matilda, mornings or evenings between 9 MSGNR JAMES MORAN Sunday School 9 45AM Wednesday Bible Study 7 no p m Wednesday Evening Service ... 8 00 P M. and 11 p.m. as soon as possible. NEW HOURS Sunday Worship Services ItOOAM & 6 00 P M came complete with a written BOB ROUSH, PASTOR (Child Care Provided) Saturday Mass 530PM Awana-Wednesday 5 50 P M test for those people who had The book will be on sale to 897-7489 Sunday Mass . . 9 00 & 11 00 A M Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 00 P M Reading Room at 24 Division N given their share of exams in the public for a $5 donation. The 1,1 REPUBLICAN FOR CONGRESS JOE GERKIN, PASTOR 897-0017 Weekdays 9 to 5 00, Satuidays 10 to 4 00 years past. It was all in lun. Complete cost of printing has DAVID COBB YOUTH PASTOR 897-6348 First 2 Mondays ol month 7 00 9 00 course, but the net result was a been underwritten, and all pro- Paid for by the Henry for Congress Cmmttee. ceeds from sales will support the ALL ARE WELCOME little more knowledge ab<>ui thai land "down under." Lowell Area Schools athletic program. ^ • A . V

The Umcll Ledger • Wednesday. October 26, 1988 • Pape 6 Haines keeps Lowell Cable Television fine tuned The Lowell ledger'sf, In 1983 basic cable cost have pniblems. Haines said much because it's micrmuvt Can you remember ihe last cable's popularity is as abundant Ihe honors of imlalling the "I've compared our rales and the and not satellite and it s too fa lime your television picked up as it's ever been. "Cable's popu- $900,000 system. That first nmghly S7-S8 a month, while quality of our picture to other to pick up off air. Haines cx |UM the three basic stations larity has fluctuated over the month there were 450 homes HBO cost S8.95 and Cinema* cable systems of similar size plains. (ABC. CBS and NBC)? Okay years, but right now its as high hooked up (132 HBO, 71 ran $7. (Ionia. Greenville), and we're It is easier, less cost per cus- Can you remember the last time as ii's been." Lowell Cable Cinema\. 221 basic cable!. While the price has risen, so comparable in price and I haven't tomer. to add a channel to il* these three stations provided Supervisor Herb Haines said. Today. 1.620 homes have cable has the basic cable package. seen another cable system with basic cable than to add say emmgh programming thai you The construction of Lowell wires running into the back of Haines said that he can see an a heller quality picture " Showtime The reason for this w didn't feel ihe need for a VCR. Cable was first started in the fall their television sets Haines ts increasing number of stations Haines added that he believes with basic there is a larger ha* a saleliiie dish or cable? of 1982. Its first hookup was in happy to report that Lowell made available thmugh basic. people are happ> with the system Chances are it's been quite January of 1983. Mullen Con- Cable is now operating in the Anytime there's technical equip- in which to spread the costs because of favorable rates, pic- Showtime might have eight per Nome time. Here, in Lowell. struction. out ol Wisconsin, did tiit ment involved you're going to ture quality and with the selec- cent of the base to that ol hasK tion availability. Another problem according u. Some of the most common Haines is that the technolog) «ii CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION complaints are that channel 50 cable is ahead of the manutactur- is not part of the package and crs. that their television remote "We do phone surveys to hear doesn't work w ith cable. The lat- what people like and dislike LISTING FMB State Savings Bank ter has been solved. Lowell That's why PASS came .ihout Cable now has a trap system through our phone surveys. which allows people to use their Lowell cable employs two MAGAZINE own remote, unlike the encoded men full-time, a technician and ContolldalMi Rtporl ol Condition of nu - staf Savitigo Bank system where the cable remote a chief engineer "Wc also hasc had to be used. an accountantreceptionist for of Lowell, Michigan An

ncioo i On A Dally Basis. Dollar Amounts In Thousands cozy corner ASSETS 1. Cash and balances due from depository institutions: Complete 4 a. Nonlnterest bearlng balances and currency and coinu 1.a. b. Interest-bearing balances' 1.b. by Roger Brown Easy To Use 2. Securities (from Schedule RC-B) nmtn 2. 3. Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell: a. Federal funds sold4 3.a. I took yesterday off work to lake care of some personal business Listings Coincide b. Securities purchased under agreements to resell1 3.b. As is the case with most jobs, my work is still waiting for me miiiiiiimiimi 4. Loans and lease financing receivables: when I come back from time away. Consequently. I came in extra WHii Numbers On a. Loans and leases, net of unearned income (from Schedule ROC) | *« | M 4.a. early this morning. I was here well before 5:00 a.m.. hreued a b. LESS: Allowance for loan and lease losses. F? 4.b. pot of coffee, put the TV Guide section togelher and was at the c. LESS: Allocated transfer risk reserve 4.C. typesetter by 6:45, Only one problem, no ideas. Channel Station City d. Loans and leases, net of unearned Income, The last time this happened. I searched in vain for a cute little allowance, and reserve (item 4.a minus 4.b and 4.c). article I had seen regarding errors in a series of classified ads m MTV Music 5. Assets held in trading accounts a small town newspaper. Well. I ran across that article last week, NASH Nashville 6. Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases). and made a good mental note of its whereabouts . . . just in case WSYM Lansing 7. Other real estate owned It's now well after 7:00. employees will soon be show inn up. the O® phone w ill swn begin to ring, and Ihe hub bub w ill not be conducive OS) WOTV Grand Rapids 8. Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies Grand Rapids 9. Customers' liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding to composing a column. So. with no further ado ... it's time for 09 HZ) WXM! Grand Rapids 10. Intangible assets (from Schedule RC-M) a little plagiarism: OS WQVU PBS 11. Other assets (from Schedule RC-F) ' (BO WKAR Grand Rapids 12. a. Total assets (sum of Items 1 through 11) 72 1706 NOBODY'S PERFECT . . . OO WZZM Premium b. Losses deferred pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 18230) (to>m Schedule ROM)... © HBO % c. Total assets and losses deferred pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 1823(1) (sum of Itams 12.a and 12.b)... TBS Allanta Nobody's perfect, of course, but the errors that creep into neNKspap Premium L1ABIUTIES O MAX crs have been known to cause editors and sub-editors to go home DISN Disney 13. Deposits: at night and beat their wives. We make our share of mistakes here O a. in domestic offices (sum of totals of columns A and 0 from Schedule RC-E) USA Variety at the Advertiser, but thankfully we haven't yet had a series ol (1) Noninterest-bearing* FAM Family errors such as Publishers Auxiliary magazine reports occurred in (2) Interest-bearing Chicago a small daily in the South WON b. in foreign offices. Edge and Agreement subsidiaries, and IBFs Sports It stained with the following want ad on Monda>: ESPN (1) Noninterest-bearlng News (2) Interest-bearing CNN Headline 14. Federal funds purchased end securities sold under agreements to FOR SALE: R.D. Jones has one sewing machine for sale Phone CNNHEAD a. Federal funds purchased1 NONE 958 alter 7 p.m. and ask lor Mrs. Kelly who lives with him cheap News b. Securities sold under agreements to repurchase* Kids TV 89 NICK 15. Demand notes Issued to the U.S. Treasury On Tuesday: PASS Troy CONTAINS LISTINGS FOR FRIDAY, OCT. 28 THRU 16. Other borrowed money O OCX) WWMT Kalamazoo 17. Mortgage Indebtedness and obligations under capitalized leases NO I ICE: We regrel having erred in R.D. Jones' ad yesterday Ii Battle Creek THURSDAY, NOV. 3, 1988 ffl® WUHQ 18. Bank's liability on acceptances executed and outstanding m should have read: One sewing machine for sale. Cheap Phone Lansing 19. Notes and debentures subordinated to deposits ffld® WILX 958 and ask tor Mrs Kelly who lives with him after 7pm Lansing JULIE CHRISTIE makes a rare television appearance in the fact-based drama Dadth Is Death, airing Sunday and Monday, Oct 20. Other liabilities (from Schedule ROG) ®® WLNS 30 and 31, on CBS. She portraya an Australian mother who desperately tries to save her son from a Malaysian court's death 21. Total liabilities (sum of Items 13 through 20) On Wednesday; ID DISC sentence for his involvement in drug trafficking. lllllllllil llllll 22. Limited-life preferred stock R.D. Jones has informed us that he has received several annoying 1988 1 TON CHASSIS CAB EQUITY CAPITAL m vs, HO 23. Perpetual preferred stock telephone calls because of the error we made in his classified .id 1 24. Common stock yesterday. His ad stands corrected as follows: FOR SALE: R.D. Jones has one sewing machine for sale. Cheap end® PLUS $300 REBATEIII 25. Surplus Afi 26. Undivided profits and capital reserves Phone 95H alter 7 p.m. and ask for Mrs Kelly who loves with him : v 27. Cumulative foreign currency translation adjustments Finally, on Thursday: 1988 REGAL LIMITED 28. a. Total equity capital (sum of Items 23 through 27) #• lodu. tM. b. Losses deferred pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 18230) (fmm Schedule ROM) c. Total equity capital and losses deferred pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 1823(1 NOTICE: I R.D. Jones, have no sewing machine for sale. I smashed PLUS $750 REBATE or (sum of Items 28.a and 28.b) Biggest Savings Ever On it. Don t call 958 as the telephone has been taken out. I have not 3.9% A.P.R.* (GMAC) Finance for 2 ymn 29. Total liabilities, limited-life preferred stock, equity capital, and losses been carrying on with Mrs. Kelly. Until yesterday she was m> Sehcted 1988's ft Some 1989's pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 1823(j) (sum of Items 21, 22, and 28.C) housekeeper, but she quit. i 1989 CENTURY UNITED VS.

I, Robert J. Elzinga, EVP & Cashlerpf the above-named bank do haraby declare that this Report of Condition PLUS $500 REBATEIII Nmiw and nu# of offic*ftuthortnd t o ttgn rtport hes been prepared in conformance with the Instructions issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Serrl®^ Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 ^PLUS$750 REBATEIII and the State Banking Authority and is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. /£m We, the undersigned directors, attest to the correctness of this Report of CondMon and declare that it haa been examined 1989 SKYLARK CUSTOM Jl DOOR by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief haa been prepared In conloimanca with the instructions Issued by the (USPS 453-830) Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the State Bapl^ing Authority and is true and correct. 1988 S10 FLEETSIDE PICKUP pub'ish^ weekly for $10.00 a year in Kent County. I TMk IV •RflM, S manual wMh mmtkUt PLUS $300 REBATEIII a year outside the county by the Lowell edger Publishing Company, 105 N. Broadway PLUS $500 REBATEIII 'Rites msy vsry with term 331MRE •• '-owell, Michigan 49331. State of Michigan County of Kent ss: faith T.. Caldugll Director ROGER K. BROWN 19M CAMARO COUPE ^ Sworn to end subscribed before me this ?flrh H T F.nglpharrir EDITOR & PUBLISHER Dlroctor VS, lOMOUAUTYl (616) 897-9261 Ttonet ntviciNum October John R. Tli>eon Difociof Second-Class Postage Paid at Lowell. Michigan SUPER SAVINGS oa Published Every Wednesday Chevrolet & Buick. Inc. ^ 7~7~ , 1988 810 BLAZER TAHOE PACKAGE 1250 West Main Street 897*294 Lowell. Michigan JW NourV^ubiic Herman Itukkie, Notary Public POSTMASTER: Send address change to The sjiBwinin anin, Oj How jwhrt. OHIO Dht Kent Co>r ly commission expires 9/10/90 Lowell Ledger, PO box 128, Lowell, Ml 49331 PLUS >800 REBATEIII - • « * 4 ,»"»« •» •. %• * v t • f and sneek mio town to steel sn gvle "*<0 ' bxty bn>n ao, .J '•ttora a io health n.wwT: The Lowell Ledger - Wednesday, October 26, 1988 - Page 8 • O •» wt** of Fortuo# they met et a bemretsmg Howard (CP OonaU Cnsp tgse ^ ^ Keel. Jane Powei 1964 • • Art of WMem Ataiantfer IMAXJMOVIEI : The Hidden • (HBO) mrtdt «W NR. O MOVIE: The Amazing Cap- O Make Room for Daddy The Lowell Ledger - Wednesday, October 26, 1988 • Page 9 • PMyDuk* • O •ffl College FootbaN MOVIE: Bleed Song Murder- m MOVf€ Tb# tain Name Following the adven- Od) MOWi; 'Swing Shift' CSS SATURDAY CONT. DonekJ Duck s bud- • HMInTruM • Cover Story ous vMem fmds himself s hatchet Recreates the story of Reverend tures of Jules Verne s neuhcei hero, Lata Movie A young wife starts har Frenkie Avalon. Dene Clark 1961 FRIDAY dies Joe Canoca and PencNto, OO OO Police Story Ken Jim Jones snd the People s Tem- scuba dwers discover a cylinder own Me as a defense plant worker 1:M» imO] InM. m, ^ O MOVIE: The Paper Chaea The take hen on a wfwlwind lour of • You Can Be Succesaful Your Money Okn Patricia Wettig (CC) ple. from its roots m Sen Frenctsco i with a men encased «> coeiesced when he* husbend goes off to figbt repreaaive. cloistered wortd of popular Laan American locales end Ed "Render s Tailing O MOVIE: The Heunted School to the mess smade in Jonestown hqmd mtrogen Jose Ferrer. Mel m Word War II Gokfte Hewn. Kurt • Varied Programa Herverd Law Scooi sets the stage har illegitimate eon. tees m iova witn performers Aurore Miranda. Car* A young women encounters hoalM* Powers Boothe. Ned Besfty. Ferrer 1978 Russell 19S4 • Larry Jones • Wortd Akve tor en obeessed first yeer student to October 28 me haadmester of a boys ecnooi. a O 700 Club ty. end maybe even a ghost, as she 1960 man Molina 1945 O AM Amertcen Evente Od) MOVIE: The Leal Star 4.-00O Top 20 Video Countdown fell in love with e mysterious CtW T»s» T\ | U'Ouc hv TiVV.xm T* mamad clergyman Elizabeth Tay- IIKM^NWAProWreetttng tries to estebksh a school in the O Miami Vice (CC) O Larry King Uvel fighter' CBS Lata Movie A video O Wlah You Ware Hare women Timothy Bottoms. Undsey 10:300 Wleh You Were Here lor. Richard Burton 1965 60 Our Houae Austrelien outbeck in the lete O My Three Sena game whiz is persuaded to join the ODonnaReed 11:10^ Science Technology Week O ffi Faaria Tale Thaelre: Alad- Wagner 1973 O Roy Bredbury Theetre MORNING O Tee It Up with Pa«a Dye OChaera Od) News 1000s Carol Drinkweter. James Od) Od) DaNea(CC) mtergeiectic starfighters by a • (D Kldaonga 11:30^ Side by Side din end Wonderful Lamp Veterie oMOVIE: TandT 2:00 O PGA QoN O SportaCenter smooth talking alien recruiter OTBA Laurie 1967. O CNN O HD Mr. Belvedere (CC) ® (15 Dltt'rent Strokea Slakal ft Ebert ft the Bertme*., Robert Cerredine (CC) 5:00 (D MotocwMk INustratod Lance Quest Robert Preston 2:08 Od) OO NBC SportsWortd OSCTV 2:300 MOVIE: AmityvWa III: Tha ® Night Trecka (Stereo) • OD Rocky O My Three Sone O You Cant Do That on TV 1984 O® Silver Spoona 0 In Seerch of 6 00 O MOVIE: On a O—t Day You Demon Fu«y aware of its gory 9:30 O New Country 2:300(1) Newa 7:06 • Ounamoka • ® •• Completely Mental O Mr. Ed Od) MOVIE: Oh. Godt The history, and ignoring warnings OGaorgaPertea O Orphans of tha WHd OO MOVIE: Dr. Who: Tha Can Saa Foravar A woman seek- O® Firing Una •^••dventures of Ed Orimley Od) Od) Dirty Dendng Almighty comes to Eerth es e kindly 10:361 about the powerful forces still Od) Family Feud 5 ? ® Oh 7:30 • (D 8ma« Wonder Deedly Aaaaaain Doctor Who mg to curb har smoking is hypno- OO HI Am Elected 12:100 Night Trecka (Stereo) • O Merket to Merket ' OTBA ok) men snd entrusts his message withm a skeptical journekst buys O® IfiaUving O Take Off to Day Glo • ® Denver. The returns to Gellifrey end finds himself tized by a profassor Undarhypno- O [HBO] MOVIE: The BeNavera 12:150 Take Off to Cover Tune ©SportaCenter • (D Roed Runner 8.-060 MOVIE: Guyeno Tragedy: of hope to e suburban supermerket 11*00 Thie Week m Country sis sha becomas a nobta woman the Amttyville house. Tony Roberts. Od) Coaby Dinosaur fremed for the plenned assassina- (CO Rockers II O Sports LatefUght • Ceah Every Day Story of Jim Jonee, Part 1 manager George Burns. John Mueic who lived m England in tha 1800s Tess Harper 1983 (CC) • World Monitor • Dumbo's Clrcua tion of the President of the Time Denver 1977 O Donna Raed • CNN Heedkna News • Lone Ranger Lords Recreetee the story of Reverend Offi Freddy's Nightmares Barbra Streisand. Yves Montand 3:30 O MOVIE: The 49th Man Foreign 7:05 0 9 to 5 12:300® CNN • Wanted: Someone to Care Od) Simon ft Simon O ffi) Juat the Ten of Ua (CC) O Saturday Night Uve © SportaCenter Jim Jones and the People's Tem- OODOOOCXOOOd) 1970 agents plot to smuggle a nuclear Od) OO Late Night wtth • Heart of CMcego ple. from its roots m Sen Frenolaoo O Feetlvele of the World 7:300 Mueic Videoa 9:45 O Notre Dame Football ID TBA O [HBO] MOVIE: The Diary of 1:00 ID MOVIE: Tha Haad la a Lonaiy bomb into America and detonate it David Latterman • Thoroughbred Digett to the mess suicide in Jonestown O VkteoCountry Anna Frank 9:30 d) O O Empty Nest OO over a major area John Ireland. 1(HWO Friday Night Rock Blocks OO MOVIE: Lifeforce When 2:45© [MAX] MOVIE: The Wi • Sporta Cloae Up Powers Boothe. Neo Beetty Hunter Atmospheric adaptation of O ® Kete and Allia (X) • CD Flip! ICC) O Thie Week m Jepen OO CoNoge FootbeN Carson McCullers moving story ol Richard Denning 1953. 1987, astronauts send newfy discovered Bunch ® Maple Town O Andy Griffith 1960 Od) USA Today humanoids back to Earth, the Al Oeming: Men of tha O MOVIE: The Watcher m the O Donne Reed O The Beet of Ozzie end how a good natured deaf mute 4:000 Senior PQA Golf O Crook and Chaaa • CD or. Fad « 6:30 O Orand Ola Opry Uve O 9 Weet Michigan Week 2:S50 [HBO] MOVIE: Der North O World of Feetlvele enhances the lives of those around Od) O(9 Miami Vice (CC) deceptive looking creatures breek • ffl Munaters Today Woods Eerie events menece a 5.-00 O MOVIE: The Great Santmi A Zone O MOVIE: Bloodbeth at tha him Alan Arfcm. Sondra Locke OO O» Jeopardy! (CO OO MacNeM/ loose spreading a strange and • dS DWrent Strokea 11:46 • Jackaon Action teeneger end her young sister when Hfgta-.ICQ 10*00 Mueic Vldeoe marine pilot who is tough with his O Night Court k I MX m Lj | I r hideous disease Steve Rerisbeck. the* parents rent a for boding old Houee of Deeth A no holds berred 1968 (CC) newinour • d) PUU iimmtMknm *k O Country Kitchen squadron is equally herd on his O StarShot Peter Firth 1985 '••"'S •S*nOfl houae w\ an English forest. Bene • rwouffiw rwVWV spoof of classic and not so deaac 8:30© MOVIE: Tha Two-Haadad O O Mystaryl (CCi ) i-D MOVIE: Return of Chandu Od) O® Hunter family especieliy his oldest son O Croeefire Oi^ Sign Off ••00 • ffi Chrtstopher Ooae-Up Devis. Devid McCaNum 1960 O Patty Duke horror Wms Vincent Price 1965 •py A German Army general in Robert Duvall, Blythe Danner ®ij wmj, _o J/2 0 (CC) magician uses his supernatur* AFTERNOON O® Bettleetar Qelactica O Double Dere o O Barney Miller • d) • (9) Kiaayfur O Saturday Cartoon Expreaa Inaide Cycling o Rm Tm Tm K-9 Cop World War II is really a British spy 1979 O [MAX] MOVIEMOV : Nighthawka powert to protect his sweetha., OO Sandbeggera OOTT Movies • QZ) Kldatuff rD Gunamoke 0TBA O Twilight Zone who reports to London through a O NHL Hockey (CO from a black magic cult Ben 12:00 • Club MTV O [HBO] World Chempionehip O d) Win, Loae or Draw 12) 700 Club O MOVIE: Satan Never Sleepa Lugosi. Mane Afea 1934 • ® •O Seeeme Street 6:360 Moueeterploco Theetre Boxing: Chevei vs Remkoz O SportsCenter Swiss antique dealer Jack Haw- (CC) • Celebrity Outdoora 0 Pinnede kins Gia Scale 1958 O 99 Entertainment Tonight A priest his successor and a O Preiae tha Lord • Q) Collage FootbaN' tKX)0 Merrill Oemond: Whet I O [MAX] MOVIE: The Fourth EVENING devoted housekeeper live in e • O • ffl TBA ® You Cent Do That on TV 0 Lough In 83 SportaCenter Od) M'A'S'H O Spirit of Adventure ©USA Tonight • (1)2 HIP 4 TV Protocol (Stereo) (CC) O Wild Horaea of tha Nevada evening nowi mission taken over by the Chinese O SpeedWeek O [HBO] MOVIE: Tha Secret of 0 Thoroughbred Racing Offl Cheers 9:00 © CT MOVIE: Miaty A 12 year ok) 6:00 O MOVIE: Pleaae Don't Eat the €0® MOVIE: The Qreat Offi Crtmae of Violence Deaert o Saturday Night Uve Communist Army m 1949 WiHiam O Newa Overnight My Succeaa (CC) 0 Breekthroughs 0 New Anknol World boy and his sister, living with their Daieiea Obscure university profes- Holden Clifton Webb 1962 • (MAX] Clnamai Seealona: Houdinis Inner turmod ol the work) d) 0® Goidon Girls (CC) I d) Falcon Croat (CC) OSCTV 4:100 Sporta Cloaeup ® Beyond Tomorrow Q3 Evening News 11:300 Rock 'N RoN Peloco grandparents, save their money to sor rises to fame as one ol the top 7:35 O Sanford and Son Lea Paul; Ha Changed the renowned illusionist and escape S 8?Jf • artist, torn between his mother end O O MOVIE: Dracula A magne- O Saturday Night Uve Od) O® Seturdey Night'e buy a wild pony to tame for a b«g Broadway critics Then trouble IKMO Top 20 Video Countdown O Ann Sothem 3 05 © Night Tracka (Stereo) Mualc 4:300 Side by Side feaiiy begins Dons Day. David his wife Paul Michael Qlaser. SeNy tic. mysterious noblemen trevels Od) Od) Weet 57th John Mom Event race James B Clark David Ladd O NaahviNe Now 10:150 Trackalde at Ledbroka 1wiioiit >/II.Jl.Jv —unronicie _i_l_s _ • Oood Morning, Mlckeyt 0® Gimme a Break! 1961. Nrven I960 • 3:15© MOVIE: Sevan Brides fc Struthers 1976 from his enoent castle m the Ferrugie. Meredith Vieira 0 ® Teles from the Dorkeido O® St. Elsewhere 10:300 VidaoCountry Seven Brothera When eldest ol • Financial Freedom OO Michigan Outdoors m 1:000 Mualc Videoa • • Michigan Outdoors Carpathian mountains to England, O m the Wild with Harry 0 O Austin City Limits 1967 0 Top Rank Boung O d) MOVIE: Ceaebuatara Two m nim O New Leave ft To Boover O d) O O Sonny Spoon nficncocK seven rowdy brothers brings hom« • Adventures of Dry Gulch ®0 Quilting where he leeses en sbendoned Butler (DO Freddy's Nightmares 10:00(9 MOVIE: Daalart in Death amateur sleuths put their grand- PUkJ O ® Secret Identity of Jack the O CoNoge FootboM father t security sannce m jeopardy O ® Couateeu Odyaay • nooQirnv rwwwm his wife. the others become restless • U.S. Farm Report abbey Louis Jour dan 1980 O [HBO] MOVIE: DoNveronce Brodanck Crawford narrates this Ripper • OCoBage FooC O Big Story 10*60 MOVIE: Guyana Tragedy: whan they |0«n forces with e burglar OO OO O.C. Week in OSCTV and sneek into town to steal six girv • Outdoor Ufa Magazine with OO AN Creeturee Greet and program which looks at real footage O O Three's Company • [HBO] MOVIE: The Worst I Mlki UaaHlinA MAUIM Story of Jim Jonea, Part 2 O MOVIE: The Winds of Jerroh to try and fori a mrihon dollar crime Review (CC) they met at a bemraismg Howar William Conrad • ' wiwi nveonnv news of infamous American criminals and 11:000 You Can Be a Star m Straight Talk Witch (CC) Noah Hathaway. Pat Hmgie 1966 O O O ® Perfect Strangers Keel Jane Powell 1954 • Out of Control their subsequent portrayals by O ® WKRP in Cincinnati © Bodybuilding • Orlmm's Fairy Talae and The O SporteLook (CC) 3:30 © Prtvete Benjamin • Today's Spedel • TheOueatora Hollywood 1984 odDooocsoisod) o Inside Politica U Story Book Sarlea Hayley Mills O Mueic Videoa o [HBO] MOVIE: The Wraith ©PGA Golf • GD •(£ Adventures of • RockfMe SKM) • Celebrity Outdoora 10:05 ID MOVIE: Siatara Siamese twins S) Mr. Ed (Stereo) In Raggedy Ann and Andy (CC) • ffi Akwolf separated at birth are involved in a O Fandango O O Reletively Speeking O ffi) Friday the 13th o [MAX] MOVIE: Cryatel • ® My Secret Identity murder after one is seen on a TV O ® Silver Spoons OO OOBMMoyera'World © World Monitor 4:00 © Mueic Videoa 1:05 • Bonania Heart • O Fishing Michigan show Margot Kidder. Charles OGD OO OCX)ffi® ffld) O Murder, Sha Wrote (CC) of Ideas 1988 © MOVIE: The Roaa The story of 8:30 •ffi HouaeceN • m rx r4 i ^ lJ l| ., — — Newa 1:05 Q Night Tracks (Stereo) loni ona JwfTy r nonowooe Al n Durmng 1973 0 MOVIE: Tha Inapector O The Adventures of Ozzie and the emotional disintegration of i • Double Dere 1:100 [MAX] MOVIE: Return to • d) • ® Qummi Beers (CC) • [MAX] MOVIE: Convoy 10:15 0 MOVIE: night Mother A lonefy OUT Wondeilul World of General An assistant akxir sales- Harriet rock superstar who is ill equipped tc • ® Spiderman • d) Mighty Dianey Horror High handle the pressures of fame Betti Adventures (CC) • Double Trouble young woman, seeing no point to man with a traveling lair is mistaken O MOVIE: Return of Chandu A • O • ffl New Adventures of Midler Alan Bates 1979 • Big VaNay her life, calmly informs her mother ID ® Square One TV (CC) by villagers for the draeded inspec- magician uses his supernatural 1:1500 Sign Off Winnie the ^ooh (CC) • ffl Animal Crack-Upa (CC) OOWWF Wrestling • TandT that she intends to commit suicide ® 3) Focua on Society tor General Danny Kaye, Walter powers to protect his sweetheart ® Video Profile: Rolling © Larry King Overnight • Wuzxles • d) VSIIcar Based upon the Pulitzer winning ID [MAX] MOVIE: Please Don't Siezak 1949 from a black magic cult. Bela Stones © MOVIE: The Night Has Eyet ® Superbook While on a visit to the Yorksn rei • Land of Parrota O Mr. WIzartTa World play Sissy Spacek Anne Bancroft Eat tha Daiaiea O MOVIE: Warlords of AMantla Lugosi. Maria Alba 1934 • World Tomorrow GQUPQN O Remington Steele 1:25 ID [HBO] 1st i Tan: Down and moors where her girlfriend disap 0 Giant Blacka end Great 1986 (CCl CD MOVIE: Caaebuttara Two In the waters beneath the Bermuda • Outdoor Sportaman IfcML amateur sleuths put their grand- Triangle, divers discover the lost O Tales from tha Darkaide Out in Bulls Stadium (CO peared. a woman is caught m a Whites 10:30 Q MOVIE: My Fair Lady Enchant- blizzard and forced to take shelter • Big Story 12:30 • Mueic Videoa ing musical from Shaw s father s security service in jeopardy continent of Atlantis, ruled over by © Harness Racing 1:300 MOVIE: Yodaiin' Kid from PUU ^ *41 ^4 5:300 Thie Week In Country m a large house James Mason • v#fwf^ rmmvnnm rrawi • Thie Week in Country Pygmalion with Professor Henry when they join forces with a burglar beings from another planet Doug O Monayline Pine Ridge Gene Autry runs into a Mueic to try and foil a million dollar crime McClure, Cvd Chansse. 1978 Joyce Howard 1942 • Dannie the Menece Htggms transforming a guttersnipe O Laugh In backwoods boy with a rather unu- O® Suporboy Noah Hathaway. Pat Hmgle 1986 © NFL's Greatest Moments • d) • d) Supermen (CC) • OFiahing Michigan into a regal lady to win a bet Audrey OaDM*A*S*H sual musical talent Gene Autry 4:05 ©Night Tracka OO Aknoet Like You and Ma O) Fat Albert Q) PnmpNew? 1937 9:00 • America's Weekend • 03 Thie Old House (CC) Hepburn Rex Harrison 1964 © World Alive 4:15© Take Off to Cover Tunel OO Growing a 1 Stereo) S) Bonanza: Tha Loat ® Mr. Ed Od) ffi® Friday Night Oerdener (B College Football 11:050 Night Trecka: Power Play Rockers II 1987 Episodes Od) Od) This la America, Videos • ffi Wan Street Joumel O Zone nwfw i Doofnof S Facta of Life Dancin' (Stereo) 4:30© [HBO] MOVIE: Prettykilll Report O Cimarron Strip Charlie Brown, Part 2' CBS ID O News 1 O Throb © SportsLook 11:300 American Magazine (CO tte»i»g4mnaee—emeioporiBwofTi^n ui ino Too ru#r Va AFTERNOON Animated Mini-Series 1988 O MOVIE: A Dog of Flanders • d) •® Smurfa • OGoodTlmea © GTT Movies • Evans and Novak CD ShowBiz Today © Tha Eagla'a Neat O® Gong Show Ouida s ageless tale of a young • ® Robo-Cop ® Newsmaker Saturday © CNN Headline News unn neeotme news 12:000 MOVIE: Yodaiin' Kid from ® Dannie tha Menace 8:050 MOVIE: Spartecus The Bol- Od) OtS) Beat of Caraon Dutch boy and his lame qrandfather • • Strategies In Reading S) Dennis the Menace • Inapector Gadget Pine Ridge Gene Autry runs into a ffl ST Newhart shoi Ballet performs Spartacus ID® Late Show • O Motorweek *19 O Celebrity Grudge Match backwoods boy with a rather unu- © Computer Megic The Bolshoi Ballet Co 1977 O O Masterpiece Theatre Ray • [MAX] MOVIE: Foul Play • College FootbeN toUUABLt COUPON sual musical talent. Gene Autry McAnally Peter Egan (CC) • CD CBS Storybreak (CC) 6:05 O Leveme and Shirley 8:3000 OOWaN Street Week • Donald Duck Preaenta 1937. O O MOVIE: The Rack A decor- SATURDAY • Love After Marrlege 3) ffl Sybanriaon 6:15 CD Jackson Action O £D O SD Full Houae (CC) ated war hero, returned after two I • rT\ iainnrt*minoriiyu «viewpom" *i EVENING 12:300® MOVIE: Above Suapicion O CNN Headline Newa Two honeymooners are asked to 6:300 You Can Be a Star and a half years in a Korean prison • Chartando 1:00^ Merrill Osmond: What I ® Patty Duke camp, faces a court martial for © Daybreak 6.-00 0 Thie Week m Rock spy for the British on their German O ® Facta of Ufa • Parte Open Tennia Like Od) Od) Gerfield'a Hal- treason Paul Newman. Walter October 29 © Curious George/Kids in O MerrtM Oemond: What I WHEEL BALANCE & honeymoon during World War M. Q d) CD (9) NBC Nightly Newa • Newa Update • d) Face to Face loween Adventure 1985. Pidgeon 1956 C)19B8 The IV li*i»»)g C?oup Inc Fl Worlli TX Motion Like Joan Crawford. Fred MacMurray (CC) • My Three Sons • •Victory Gordon (CC) *00 O® MOVIE: Darby O'GHI and O Morton Downey Jr. 0 ffi Knight Rider 1943 CBS Off the Record 6:15 © [HBO] MOVIE: The Pnncess • d) •(£ Muppe Q O Woodwrlghf a Shop tha Little People A pooka kicks a O [HBO] MOVIE: Wisdom (Ster- Od) ^d) O® Od) 1:00 ID MOVIE. Transylvania 6 5000 (D O Nightly Buaineee Report MORNING Bride (CC) (CC) 0 [MAX] MOVIE: Bong the feisty old gamekeeper down a well eo) (CC) TIRE ROTATION Two reporters travel to the land of OHD ABC News (CC) • Odyaaey into the royal haH ol the leprechauns O MOVIE: An American in Paha 6:30©® Dino Riders Drum Slowly 0 ® Memo's Family vamptres to research a story mat 3D Cartoon Expraaa where he ouutwits the little king and After the war. a serviceman remains 5:00 6$ Welt Dianey Preaants © O U.S. Farm Report 9:05 • National Oeographic • MOVIE: Myatery on Monatar O Tony Brown's Journal claims Frankenstein lives and en- O WKRP in Cincinnati O gams three wishes Albert Sharpe. •n Pans to pursue a career as an Gfi Bring 'Em Back ANva © Between the Unas Explorer 1 aland The shipwrecked Crusoe counter an eclectic menagene of O Running and Racing 0 O Lawrence Walk Janet Munro 1959 artist, finding success and O Croeefire © Mousercise faces everything from cannibals 0 [HBO] MOVIE: The Princess the undead Ed Begiey Jr . Jeff O Inside Politica '68 9:100 Heelthweek and prehistoric monsters to a band O d) ffi ® Something la Out romance Gene Kelly. Leslie Caron 5:05 O Night Tracks © Take Off to Day Glo Bride (CC) GoidWum I98fi |CC) ® CNN Headline Newa 1951 9:300 Joy of Gardening of hooded strangers and a secret $ocoo There (CC) 011 MOVIE: A Dog of Flandera © Can You Beet Baldness O Raffi In Concert with The Rlee Custom Wheels ® Don't Juat Sit There OQZ) MOVIE: Fireatarter Evil O Hill Street Blues 5:15 ID [MAX] MAX Movie Show • ffi 47 Aware cave with gold Terence Stamp. Ouida s ageless tale of a young © Update: Making It Happen end Shine Band 1988 OCE OS) CBS News government agents engaged in © SportaCenter O Video Profile: Rolling O® Teenage Mutant Nin|a Peter Cushmg 1982 Slightly Higher Dutch ooy and his lame grandfather ©SpeedWeek 0 New Mike Hammer ffi ® Cheers weapons research get their hands O Sports Tonight Stones Turtiea • MOVIE: tne Ev* A malevolent who find a badly beaten dog and © International supernatural force traps a 0 Bonenze: The Loat 6:35 O Andy Griffith on a little girl who has the power to S) Car 54 Where Are You? 5:301 Rally Racing • • Simple Gifta restore it to health David Ladd. Corraapondenta psychologist and his staff inside an Episodes start fires at wiM David Keith. Drew O d) Hollywood Squares (ANY DOMESTIC CAR OR TRUCK) Donald Crisp 1959 7:00 O Remote Control O ShowBiz Today © CNN Headline News ®0 Sit end Be Fit old house and threatens to destroy O Charles In Cherge Barrymore 1984 © 91) High School Football CD Story of the Junior Tour O Crook and Chaaa 6:00 0® MOVIE: Great © Spartakus • ® • ffl Slimer and the Real them sll Richard Crenna OO McLaughlin Group Od) M'A'S'H Ghostbusters (CC) 1:05 O MOVIE: Race with the Devil A O 9) Night Court Expectations Musical adaptation © ffi) Saber Rider • Nowaday 0 Kid's Court OO Off tha Record © Al Oeming: Man of the • Raccoons (Stereo) group of devil worshippers terrorize O d Currant Affair of Charles Dickens classic novel • Laaaia O College Football | THIS IS OUR ONLY CURRENT SPECIAL | OO Star Trek: The Next North 7:00 © Mueic Videoa • Update: Making H Happen four vacationers after they acciden- SD © National Geographic: Michael York. Sarah Miles 1974 • d) Thie la tha NFL 0 Fiery Water ALL OTHER COUPONS NO LONGER VALID •mopor Generation O d) Agriculture USA tally witness a sacrificial killing Gorilla 11:45 O [MAX] MOVIE: Let'a Make a m Gomer Pyle • Kidaworld • ffl America's Top Ten O MOVIE: Sevan Bhdea for O® Popeye ffi People to People 6:050 World Championship CHRYSLEf? CORPORATION Peter Fonda Warren Gates 1975 O O Nightly Buaineaa Report Dirty Movial ID [MAX] MOVIE: Lucky Lady • ® Closer Look Sevan Brothers When eldest of ©OHera'a To Your Health Wrestling GENUINE PARTS O 09 MacNeil/ O You and Me, Kid • (£ National Coalition Against 1:30 ID MOVIE: The Sandpiper An seven rowdy brothers brings home 12:000 Naahvilla Now © O Bozo s Big Top 6:300 The Big Picture 1988 artist living m an isolated cabin with NewsHour ©Short Film • Mr. Ed Pornography his wife, the others become restless O ® Hollywood Squarea © Welcome to Pooh Comer Od) O® NBC News © Varied Programa 10:00 • Muek: Videoa 0 Worshipped. Feared, 0® She's the Sheriff O Remodeling ft Decorating Prosecuted 0O Wild America Marty Today 1:30Od) Second Look Stouffer (CC) • ffi Headlines on Trial • O This Old House (CC) 0 Starting from Scratch IflWABLt COUPO* Od) 0(S) ALF OO Victory Garden rinnBClU CD® MOVIE: Tha Hoicrott 0 [HBO] MOVIE: Real Men 0 CNN Headline News Covenant The heir of a Nazi 0 Triathlon 0 Loonoy Tunes 897-9261 henchman believes his vsst rnhen- BUSINESS DIRECTORY O Newsmaker Saturday Od) Od) CBS News tance should be used for good 0 Heethcliff purposes but finds himself in a web 7:000 Music Videos • d) Crunch Courae II of international intrigue. Michael O Country Kitchen Caine. LiHi Palmer 1985. 0® Hletory of Dieting Offi Star Trek: The Next OIL CHANGE • BLINDS - R - US • THOMPSON BRISTOIJS £79.0126*1 O ® American Adventure 2:000 CountryCUps Generation 0 O Computer Chroniclea Od) 0O PBA Fall Tour Od) National Geographic: On BODY SHOP 0 ® MOVIE: The Curae of the Grease (lube) WINDOW TREATMENT CENTRE INTERIOR SERVICE 0 [HBO] Inside the NFL Assignment • Carpeting • Wallpaper • MOVIE: Clasaica lllustreted's Block Widow Authorities seerch 0® War of the Worlds ACCOUNTING CENTER MANUFACTURERS OF VERTICAL BUNDS The Legend of Sleepy Hollow A for sn elusive kiNer whose victims 0 O Lawrence Welk Oil Filter • Linoleum • Counter Tops Quality live-SCtion version ol Washington sre wrapped m a strsnge. spider 0 O Newton's Apple (CC) John J. Richards, C.P.A. Irving s classic tale of Ichabod like web Tony Franaosa. Donna (B O Saturday Special Report Including $1085 FREE ESTIMATES 9328 Freeport Ave. Phone 765-5157 Body nbrk Crane, the bumbling schoolmaster Mills 1977 O [MAX] Clnemax Seealona: 112 N. Jefferson, Lowell Commercial-Residential who confronts a mysterious head- o O Woodwnght's Shop Las Peul: He Changed the Verticals Alto. Michigan Culliiion Wiii • lb Dents. less horseman Jeff GokJblum, Dick O 5J Frugal Gourmet 1988 Parts & Oil 505 W. Mem • LewrlL Ml 49331 Mini s Any day or evening by appointment Music 897-8947 ftrratrhm ft *rrnpr* Butkus 1980 3D Wagon Train O MOVIE: The Lion, the Witch EXCLUDES FOREIGN & DIESEL CARS OR RAPIDS (616) 957-2717 All repaired by experta 3) Discovers O Senior PQA Golf and tha Wardrobe From the LOWELL (616) 897 6717 GUm Installed • Rln Tin Tin O Newa Update children s classic by C S. Lewis, DARWIN THOMPSON • Minority Buaineaa Report 0 Robinoon Cmaoo two brothers snd two sisters travel Cash or Check Only INSURANCE WORK • FREE ESTIMATES Senior Discounts Available • Newa Update 01 ffl Munsters Today to an enchanted world where HOURS: 9-5 Thur. S Fri. Sal 9-J No Job too Small. Let the Experts Fix tours • Donna Read talking animals end strsnge cree- Od) Rep Tou THIS IS OUR ONLY CURRENT SPECIAL S • d) •(£ Roe Wee's O CaHfomia Highwaya tures live. 1978. •.mopor e 2-Wav FM 0 Miami Vice (CC) ALL OTHER COUPONS NO LONGER VALIO 897-5934 Ptayhouae (CO 2:100 Heelthweek Radio Dispatched BUYING OR SELLING • Search for Adventure 0 Rin Tki Tin K-9 Cop CHRYSUR CORPORATION 363-4708 2:30 O O Frugal Gourmet 1988 O She's the Sheriff OtNUlNt PARTS 10:10 • ShowBiz Week A HOME? CD 0) Art of WMHem Alexander O Crossfire Saturday THOMET CHEVROLET CALL US...897-9239 10:300 Country Kitchen O Style with Elaa Klenech 0 Inapector Gedgat Offi Fight Backl' O CNN HeedHne Newa Od) Hoe Haw L.A. Trim OO American Adventure Od) College Football O ffl WWF WreatMng CHECK OUR PRICES ON GOODYEAR & BUICK OO European Journal Offl At the Moviee 0 55 Wheel of Fortune (CC) 1(0 •ffl A Pup Named Od) Coftogo Football OGD Superboy ALL SEASON—FOUR SEASON RADIALS 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE REEDV Scooby DDoo e (CC) 0 Rendezvous 0 Create Run • Prolina 3H)0O Remodeling ft Decorating 7:300 Rock 'N Ron Palace • Sky King 1250 W. Mam St.. Lowell RERLTV, O O Motorweek '89 OO The Power of Choice • Countdown to Quitting OO Mastarpiara Theatre Rsy 1988 BUS. 897-9294 897-6546 • Style with Elaa Klenech Wheel inc. McAnaMy. Peter Egan (CQ d) O Wheel of Fortune (CC) 11797 E. Fulton • CNN Headline Newa 05 [HBO] Atlantic's 40th An- BILL ELLISON PH 897-9548 ® Crossbow OIRTSUR Lowell • Ml Drives O You Can't Do That on TV niversary: Highlights. Part 2 • d) •(£ Garfield and (Stereo) O CoNoge Footboll Frlanda (CC) © [MAX] MOVIE: Kramer va Scoreboard Ooilrjc 11.-00 • Wlah You Were Here Kramer O Sporta Seturdey O Swisa Family Robin eon UENNE89N7 9281 Specialists in O ffi Michigan WHdemeae 0 Count Duckuie LOWELL. MICHIGAN Piymouti) A,vJn and th€ O Hollywood inaidar Cylinder Head Recondilioning • d) •A 0® Cheers Chipmunks ® MOVIE: High Rlak Four ad Od) Throe's Compeny Engine Block Reconditioning OS Peraonal Finance venturous Americans are plunged into 72 hours of spirited adventure 6*00 Grend Oie Opry Uve "Dedicated OO Michigan SkyNna Pislon and Rod Recondilioning as they attempt to steal S5 minion Bocketege Top Quality mopor KRVtCE Disc and Drum Brake Service SUBSCRffiE TO THE OO Bugs Bunny from South American drug dealers. Offi Warof the Worlde to USCOCAflS O (HBO) Survival Sarlea: James Brokn. Cleavon Little Od) O® 227 (CC) Ughtal Action! Africa! We Use Only Quality 1981 (D ® Secret Agent (CC) Excellence" O [MAX] MOVIE: Making Mr. (D 3T American Playhoueo Pe- Perfect Circle Parts 0On the Menu HOURS: 930 West Main Street owboat Right (Stereo) (CC) 0 Myaterloue Island trick Dsy. Ssmm Art Wrtkams Mon., Tuea.. Thurs.. fr Frl. O Heelthy Diet 0 Golf Show 7:46 e.m. to 6:16 p.m. Corner of West Gr Main, iUIOMOIIVE SUPPIY, INC LOWELL LEDGER O Roy Rogara 0 ffl Keya to Succeee Dograeal Junior High Faint and (CC Wedneedey 7:46 e.m. • 7:46 p.m. Lowell • 897 9281 1450 W Mam St iiPO S State Si O Soul Tram ©ChabotSolo O Schoiaatic Sporta America Iffl Lowe"' Ml 49331 Ionia Ml 40046 3:300 Country Kitchen Spociois 1988. (CC) PH 1616)897 9231 PH 527 3190 Body Shop Supplies O Dannie the Menece O [HBO] MOVIE: The Secret of Od) •(!) Hey. Vem, Ifa My Success (CC) Emaetl (CCl Wild B* Eftott 1§41. WgM Tr**,: and a smger cross paths with a O Beyond 2000 IV The I mvell Ledger - Wednesday. October 26. 1988 - P&ge 10 O MOVIE. Knock on Any Door (SMrtol •fed) ffl d) Murder. She Wrote malevolent gangster m the exotic 2:01 Od) Sign Off When accused of murdering e cop. 11:30ffl® ITS a Living The Lowell Ledger - Wednesday. October 26, I98H - Rage M port of Macao m the Far East 4:25 O (MAX) Cln#fno S..^, SUNDAY 2.-05 O Night Tracfcs: Part II (Stereo) a young man is defended by a ffl Conquest of Space Od) Movie Robert Mitchum Jane RusseH prominent ettomey who shares his UVP.ui: oJSTK O ® Bom Femoue 1952 2:300 Celebrity Outdoors CONT. \ Skid Row beckground Humphrey *30 ffl Inekte Winston Cup Recing ffl O Off the Record O Kaye to Succees SATURDAY OCDNaws O Monsters ay b D# 2:300 [HBO] MOVIE: Chopping Booart. John Derek 1949 4:30 snd s strange old lady suddenly 9S!5 Y * ICC) OO Siekel A Ebert A the •i) d) Mind Power IE) ® WWF Wrestling O Sports LataNight ® ® Tracay UNmen Show o Larry King Weekend appeer a teenager is convinced her EVENING Moviee Offl) Runewey with the Rich Young Englishwoman takes a Od) YBron O CNN Heedline News sister ts a witch. ffl At the Movies ffl Larry Jonas ffi World's Largest National O MOVIE: Stap Lively After many O Ptrts Open Tennis end Femoue Robm Leech remote |Ot) teaching a timber bar- O Cities CNN Headline Newe ffl At tha Movies Park 2:500 [HBO] Showcese Up financial hurdles, a producer and 6:000 Motoworld O )VIE: The CantervHIe on s children Courted by 3 other © CNN Headline News ffl® George MicheeTe Sports ffl CoNoge Football 1:010 Jewish Voice his cast land m the big time Baaed O Petty Duke Ghost An American family shares men tt is her abrasive boss with 12:05 (D Night Tracks: Chartsbustars Service (CC) O® Boeom Buddies Mechlne ffl Sports LataNight O SportsCenter on the Broedwey play and movie OTBA an old English mansion with its whom she falls in love Terrance (Stereo) 3:000 Music Videos • OD OO Ol Od) Y wrarPMIJa nvntiiMAAHlimn Room Service Frank Sinatra. Olcr- Od) NFL Football ©Song Dog former inhabitant, a ghost doomed • Donovan, Susan Lyons 1987 12:30 O Grand Ola Opry Live 1:05 o Night Tracks: Part I (Stereo) O OO ID Sign Off ffi ® Charles in Cherge 1:000 The Cure in Orenge (A 120 ia DeHaven 1944 Doubleheeder *000 Motoworld to haunt the mansion until an ffl TBA S) Crottbow d) MOVIE: Bloodbath at the (BO Remone 1988. QD O Fall and Risa of Reginald 1:100 Travel Guide OGD NFL ancient curse is ktted Richard Mey. Minutes Special) 1988 2:45 ffl Tha Cutting Edge Happy ffi MOVIE: Obiective, Burma! Parrin Houae of Death A no holds berred © (MAX1 MOVIE: The Greet O® MOVIE: The MeenSeeson OdZ) OO Od) sign Off 1:25 O [HBO] MOVIE: Hollywood O Our Train Robbery A Miami reporter sees his dreem Chnstian Jacobs 1985 Hour 1987 Paratroopers fight Japanese in ID <9 Rockford Files spoof of classic and not so classic O [HBO] MOVIE: Friday the Shuffle (Stereo) story turn into a nightmare when a 3:00 ffl O Sign Off Burma One of the best war pictures O) Fields of me Nephihm Eiclu horror films Vincent Pnce 1985 1:300 Mueic Ed Young 13th, Pert IV: The Finel of the period with an exciting story 1:30 0(1) It's Showtime at the ® Murder, She Wrote (CC) murderous psychopath gives him O Save the Children sive Video O MOVIE: Stagecoech Days SUNDAY ffl Hot Rods from Detroit P.I. Chapter and script Errot Flynn. William Apollo This short film offers rollicking O Bonenze: The Lost mside mformetion. and then zeroes oar ffl MOVIE: Broadway Limited ffl American Viewpoint •n for the k« Kurt Russell Manel O Christian ChUdran'e Fund Pnnce 1945 western entertsmment for the 1 Episodes Theres a one way ticket to hysteria O AM American Events (DIZI Od) O® Sign Off Hemmgwey 1985 (CC) Car 54 Where Are You? ffl Verted Programe ii? AWA Championship 033 News whole family Jack Luden, Eleanor o [MAX] MOVIE: 2010: Tha ® MOVIE: Chariots of Fire A aboard the screemime laugh Wrestling ffi Evans and Novak lOO ffl® Robert Schuller CI® 'Fevortte Son. Part Od) Sunday Night O NFL's Graateet Moments O [MAX] MOVIE: Reform Stewart 193B October 30 Year Wa Make Contact (Stereo) y'PPtf^g. true story of two men, both speciel Dennis O Keefe, Victor S3 CNN Heedline News 1' NBC Sun^y Night at tha Offl) Entertain Thie Weak O Self Improvement MeLagMn. i94t ffi Sports Tonight School Girts O USA Tonight (CQ natural bom runners, who are CD Lancelot Link nowtrngLJ „ ., - SJ . „ mK O ' [HBO] MOVIE: Guilty d"ven by personal compulsions to . emkn. Linda Koz- Od) USA Today ffl USA Tonight tD Car 54 Where Are You? O Wanted: Someone to Care • • ^ aa 4 A A A A O Triple Threat Od) Feed My People MORNING conscience 1988 (CC) ffl Evane end Novek GBCD Qumcy O StarShot win at the 1924 Olympics Ian 11:450 [MAX] MOVIE: Tha Mountain ID (D Three's Comapny 3:050 Night Tracka: Part III © [MAX] MOVIE: Dete with sn Charttson. Ben Cross 1981 W® OO Mesterpiece 1:151 Iffl) Sig n Off ID IS) MOVIE: Silvar Bullet Tom O Crossfire Saturday (Stereo) Theetre r 3:15 O [MAX] MOVIE; Tiffany 5:00i Comedy Angel iRey McAnally. Peter Egen Ty'er Jane Regan 1935 1:00 0 CountryClips O d) How to Make 1200 Every O [MAX] MOVIE: Pacific recmc uuiooofi 12:000120 1:301 Id) Jonaa D Gorgeous Ladtat of OSI MOVIE: TandT ffl TBA ffl MOVIE: The Centervilie O Kid's Court Hour Unauthorized Blogrephy 1(9 3:30 ffl MOVIE: Them! Giant ants Wrestling O (I) Ufa's Most Embarrassing Ghost An American family shares 200 ® War of the Worlds O ffl) Ebony Jet Showcase 1988 1:31 Od) News 3:30 O Runewey with the Rich and sn old English mansion with its OO) MOVIE: HaMoweat © Nature in Close-Up O® George devastate the countryside from (D Now Animal World Moments 5:050 Night Tracks: Part V ffl Netionel Geogrephic O [MAX] MOVIE: The New ffl Music snd More Famous Robin Leech former inhabitant, a ghost doomed the Addams Family The ongmei OO OO! Off New Mexico to Los Angeles, result- 12:00 O® Sign Off (Stereo) 6:050 NWA Mem Event Wrestling Explorer Centurions O Heedbanger s Ball 1907 69 College Football O This Week In Japan to haunt the mansion until an cast of the popular series reunites OO MOVIE: Riding TaH When ing m governmentel mvestigetions €D MOVIE: Mystery on Monster ffl Cable Kitchen O Qnnd Oie Opry Liva 5:25 O [HBO] MOVIE: An Officer ancient curse is lifted Richard Kiiey for a hilarious holiday spoof John 6:300 Hidden Heroee © The Making of tha President an itinerate rodeo rider meets a nch James Whitmore, Edmund Gwenn Island The shipwrecked Crusoe 2:00 O This Week In Country 3:500 [HBO] MOVIE: Sloana 1964 Backstage and a Gentleman Christian Jacobs 1985 Astm. Carolyn Jones 1977 O ® Meme's Femily Vassar girl on the roed. they feN m ffl NFL's Graateet Moments 1954 faces everything from cannibals Music ffl Diemonds O® Friday tha 13th 4 00® MOVIE: The Watcher m the o [MAX] MOVIE: Pat Oarratt ffl Uoyd OgHvle ffl ® The Mind (CC) Od) OO NBC News love and set off to see the world ffld) CBS Nawe ffl Caeh Every Day and prehistoric monsters to a band ffl Animela of Afrlce © IT MOVIE: Oracula A vampire OO Off} ffl® OGD Sign Woods Eerie events menace a and BiHy the Kid ffl BraveStarr ffl O MOVIE: Dr. Who: Death to (0 ® Starting from Scratch Andrew Prlne, Gilmer McCormick 0 Rendezvous ffl Talae from the Darkslda of hooded strangers and a secret Off 3) Star Seerch 1972 terrorizes the countrywide in his teenager and her young sister when ffl Sportraits the Dalaks ffl 15 AH American Jazz 1.-46 ffld) ffl Crossfire cave with gold Terence Stamp. ffl Take Off to New York Rock 5:30 O Scheme of Things ffl Week in Review ffl M. Brittany Baeuty search for human blood Beia their parents rent a forboding old ffl News Updete O (9 Good Fishing O O ABC Wortd Naws Sunday 3:45 ffl Mueic Videos Lugosi Davtd Manners 1931 Peter Cushmg 1982 II house in an English forest Bette rwoneywee* ® My Three Sons ffl Larry Jonas 2:000 Meequlte Chempionehip S) Slapstick Comedy ffl Nick Rocks: Video to Go (D [HBO] MOVIE: Hannah and (CO CD [MAX] MOVIE: Happy Hour ffl Praise the Lord Davis. David McCallum 1980 6 00 O Music Videos ffl NFL Primetime Rodeo 3:50 (D [HBO] MOVIE: Prince of CIffl) Forgotte n Children of the Her Sisters (CC) © [ HBO) MOVIE: Flowers in the Od) ffld) Dsdeh Is Deeth. S) John Ankerbarg ffl Hope on the Ragged Edge ffl MOVIE: Return of Daniel ffl World Report Od) OO Od) sign Off Derkness ffl Intemetional O World Tomorrow 80s ffl MOVIE: Murder By Reason Attic (CC) Part 1' CBS Mini-Series Juke ® NawsNight ffl News Update Boone An episode in the life of the Christie Victor Baneqee 1988 ffl Stock Market Video ffl Fletcher Brothers Correspondents ffl You and Ma. Kid ID Breekthroughs of Insanity After a couple defects ffl Ammels in Action 4:00 ffl The Meking of the Preeldant 03 MOVIE: Macao An adventurer qreat Western fiohter is depicted ICC) ffl Bast of tha 700 Club 1964 (Stereo) ® Mad Movies ffl TBA ffl Take Off to New York Rock from Poland the wife becomes ffl Tee It Up with Terry ffl Yeeteryeer 10:05 ffl Good News ®ffl) MOVIE : Commendo" ABC ffl SportsCenter II terrified that her mentally troubled Bredshsw 12:300 Amerlcen Sports Cavalcede ffl Update: Meking It Heppen Sundey Night Movie When his ffl Moneyweek ffl NewsSight 88 10:10 ffl On the Menu husband is gomg to kill her m ttvs ffl Inside Business O® Sign Off ffl Movie daughter is kidnapped by Latin ffl Alice fact based drama Candlce Bergen. ffl MOVIE: Cemlvel Story A ffl Newe Updete 10:300 Hidden Heroes ffl CNN Heedline News American terrorists, the former (D ID Midwest Outdoors starving girl becomes a trapeze ffl News Update Juroen Prochnow 1987 ffl Looney Tunes ffl World Tomorrow ffl MOVIE: Bom to Be Bed The O ® T end T leader of an elite military squad artist with a German circus and son of a callous unwed mother is ® Curious George/Kids in ffl Wagon Train ffl Rodeo Sports Pege ffl MOVIE: Return from Witch 0 d) Day of Discovery becomes an unstoppable killing must contend with the two men who adopted by a wealthy married Motion ffl MOVIE: My Cousin Rachel A ID ® Ghost Story fflffl) Figh t Beck! machine Arnold Schwarzenegger Mountein Two castaway children fall in love with her Anne Bexter, couple Loretta Young. young man falls passionately m love from another planet explore Los 6:10 ffl Heelthweek 01 O Zoobilee Zoo 7:00 O Music Videos Rae Dawn Chong 1985 (CC) Steve Cochran 1954 1934 with his foster father s beautiful Angeles, only to be threatened by a (BO Remone 1988 ffl Red Saa Special ffl TBA 6:15 (D [MAX] MOVIE: Tha Two- widow, but he suspects her of O American Sports Cavalcede wicked scientist who can turn 4:10 ffl ShowBiz Week ® Oral Roberts 9:300 This Weak in Rock 2:05Q) MOVIE: Miss Morrison's Headed Spy murder Olivia de Havilland, Richard O® Star Trek: The Neil humans into robots Bette Devis. 4:30 ffl Discovers ffl Bugs and Friends Burton 1953 Generation O Hidden Heroes Ghosts in 1901. two women from 6:30 O 9) Flinstones Christopher Lee 1978 (CC) ffl Big Story ffl This Week in Sports ffl Weak m Review Od) ffl® MOVIE: Dumbo' ffl® It's Garry Shandling's ffl John Osteon Oxford leopardize their careers by © O It's Your Business ffl CNN Heedline Newe ffl Newsmaker Sunday ffl Crown of Bogg Meglcel Wortd of Disney in this Show ffl Crimee of Violence publishing an account of the meet AFTER YOU'VE O [HBO] Phentom of the ffl CNN Headline News fflffl) Grea t Escape charming Disney Mm. a stork bnngs (D [HBO] 1st i Ten: Down and ffl CNN Headline Newe mg of the ghost of Marie Antoinette 4:500 [MAX] MOVIE: The Opera ffl You Can't Do That on TV ffl Fiery River a mother elephant a cuddly baby Out in Bulls Stsdium (CC) at Verseilles Wendy Hriler Hannah Retaliator O H Is Written ffl d) Face the Nation whose oversized ears make him a ffl American Snapshots Gordon 1981, 2:30 O Motoworld ffl Mousercise ffl d) R«al to Reel laughingstock, but allow him to fly ffl Donna Raed ffl TBA OdD Unauthorized Biography I94t. ffl The Ouestors 10:000 Monty Python's Flying OSCTV 1988 (DO 21 Jump Street Circus ffl Motorweek Illustrated 10:35 ffl MOVIE: Giant When a wealthy ffl Kaleidoscope Concert: OO Innovetion Texan marries a strong wiHed girl O Celebrity Outdoors ffl Style with Else Klenech Glenn Bennett Glenn Bennett (BO Science Joumel 1988 from Maryland, they must both 1988 (CC) (D (ED Duat (CC) ffl CNN Heedline News (CC) adjust as life on their rench O CNN Heedline News ® $ Global Rivals 1988 (CC) ffl Spartakus QD IS ffl ffl) Incredible Sundey becomes increasingly complicated ffl Tha Contest (CC) ® 31 Fueling the Future WITTENBACH 7:00 O ® Fantastic Mai Elizabeth Taylor Rock Hudson fflffl) NASCA R Grand National Qi MOVIE: With Six You Get (D [HBO] Comedy Hour Joe O d) O Kenneth Copaland 1956 200 Eggroll A widow with three sons Plscopo's Halloween Party 03 (TO Wan Street Journal (CC) 11:00 O Top 20 Video Countdown 2:50 ffl MOVIE: A Summer Ptaca and a widower with one daughter Oldsmobile - Pontiac - GMC Trucks Report O Inside Winston Cup Racing decide to get mamed m spite of their (D [MAX] MOVIE: Data with an Teenage love and adultery threaten Angel OO ffl Or. D. ffl® Knight Rider to destroy two families during a children's animosity for one ffl MOVIE: Topper Takes a Trip Lowell, Michigan • 897-9227 1 Kennedy O d) Meet the Preea (CC) summer holiday off the coast of another Dons Day. Brian Keith Jyw'- 4 * Cosmo Topper takes a tnp to the O Tom and Jarry (D American Ptayhouae Pa- Mama Richard Egan. Dorothy 1968 Q) Welcome to Pooh Comer trick Day. Samm Art WiHiams McOuire 1959 Q) MOVIE: Miss Morrison's Riviera, but fmds his ghostly fnend 1988 GMC 8-15 Pickup, 4x4, green ..$11,595.00 (CC) Ghosts In 1901. two women from following him . 3:00 ffl American Sports Cavalcade CD 3) Richard Tucker: The Oxford |eoperdize their careers by 1939 O ® Lifestylee of the Rich and 1988 OLDS CIERA, air, stereo, silver ..$10,995.00 American Caruso Joan Suther publishing an account of the meet- ta Eye Famous The Princess Bride HBO Comedy Hour: Inside The NFL Encyclopedia The Principal land. Shernll Milnes 1988 ing of the ghost of Mane Antoinette Lives 1987 BUICK SKYLARK, air, stereo, red Sally Field & Tom Hanks O O Great Performancaa at Versailles Wendy Hiller, Hannah ...$8,895,00 O d) Jsmes Robison ffl QS Jarry Falwell ffl Reggedy Ann A Andy: The ffl Tha Bast of WaM Disney Gordon 1981. 1987 CHEVROLET NOVA, 4 door, air, 14,000 miles O ffl) Munsters Today Presents ® Miami Vice (CC) Night Live ...$7,995.00 O ® Jimmy Swaggart Pumpkin Who Couldn't Smile 1979 ffl Auto Racing CD Our Houee of the Rainforest 7:30 ® Richie Rich ffl NFL Primatlma 1986 OLDS FIRENZA WAGON, air, gray ...$6,695.00 O ffl Gerbert ffl Larry King Weekend 10:30 ffl The Young Onee Christopher O QZ) INN Magaiine ffl MOVIE: War of the Wildcets ffl A Home Run For Love Ronnie ffl Wortd Report Ryan, Rik Mayall 1986 OLDS CLCTOM CRUISER WAGON, blue...... $9,695.00 (D [HBO] Talae of Little A self assured oil promoter and a Scnbner. Ann G Bird ffl Inapector Gadget O America's Horse Women: Invitation to the quiet cowboy fight for rights to oil (D Scube ffl Big Time Wrestling (D1Z) Twilight Zone 1986 BUICK SOMERSET, air, 5 speed ...$5,995.00 Dence John Wayne. Martha Scott 1943 3:300 HZ) TBA ffld) ffld)6 0 Minutes ffl In Touch O Dumbo's Circus ffl SportsTalk O O Michigan festival ffl Winee of Italy ffl CNN Headline Newe 1986 OLDS 98 REGENCY BROUGHAM, white... ..$10,995.00 1^: ® Hour of Power (CC) ffl News Update ffl [MAX] MOVIE: The Fell of 7:30 ffl O Newton's Apple (CC) ffl Second City Live World Champonship Gardens of Stone More ol the Best of Weeds 1st & Ten; The Bulls © Body shaping with Cory ffl Don't Juat Sit There the Roman Empire (D 3 Life Matters 1988 ffl Treckaida et Ledbroka 1986 PONTIAC PARISENNE BROUGHAM, loaded ...$7,795.00 Everson ffld) Faith 20 ffl Sports Sunday Boxing NNTN ffl Rifleman 11:000 British Comic Strip 1988 Mean Business ffl Big Story fflffl) Healt h Show fflffl) MOVIE : TandT ffl Count Duckuie O Mesquite Chempionehip 1986 PONTIAC SUNBIRD air, stereo ...$6,995.00 ffl Meple Town ffl ® Kan Copaland ffl 13th Winter Ofympled ffl TBA Rodeo O GD Robert Schuller (CC) ffl d) World Tomorrow 6:000® Air Wolf O® Twilight Zone 1986 GMC4x4 PICKUP, V8, auto., stereo, bronze. ...$9,995.00 ® ffl) $1000 Every Five hours ffl Disappearing World 4:00 O Music Videos O d) Day of Discovery O ® Small Wonder O d) Family Ties Od) (BdDffld) ffl® ffld) 11:10 ffl Travel Guide Od) ffld) NFL Footbell 0 ® America's Most Wented News 1986 BUICK CENTURY Limited, rosewood $8,195.00 8:00 O 9) Jonny Quest 11:300 Motoworld O® Star Seerch (DO (BONeture 1988 (CC) (D HZ) John Ankerberg O d) Sunday Today GET THE MOST. O d) Wortd Tomorrow (BO I Have AIDS - A Teen- (DO Offl) Mission: ffl O The Africans 1986 (CC) 1985 OLDS CIERA BROUGHAM, loaded, white.. ...$6,395.00 (D (Q) In Touch (D &) Comic Strip 's Story 1988 (CC) Impossible (CC) 0 Michigan Outdoors © (hRO) MOVIE: The O® OO Seseme Street (D [HBO] MOVIE: Defence of [HBO] MOVIE: Poltergeist II: 0 [HBO] MOVIE: Tha Believers 1985 FORD LTD II, 4 door, air, white $5,195.00 (CC) Stepfather (Stereo) (CC) The Other Side (Stereo) (Stereo) (CC) ffl (Q) Jimmy Sweggart the Reelm ffl [MAX] MOVIE: Hiding Out Q) MOVIE: Return from Witch ffl All in the Femily 1985 OLDS CALAIS SUPREME, equipped ...$6,595.00 ffl Grimm's Felry Tales and The (Stereo) (CC) O [HBO] Adventures of Tom Mountain Two castaway children ffl Cover Story Sawyer The Candlestick Trick Story Book Series Hayley Mills ffl New Mike Hemmer ffl Fat Albert Halloween from another planet explore Los ffl Muneters 1984 BUICK CENTURY, 4 door, air, silver ...$4,895.00 O [MAX] MOVIE: Hiding Out Angeles, only to be threatened by a ffl Fether Murphy ffl SportaCenter (Stereo) (CC) ffl Rin Tin Tin K-9 Cop ffl Twilight Zone ffl SportsCenter wicked scientist who can turn ffl Inside Business 1984 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY wgn. loaded ...$6,595.00 ffl Good Morning, Mlckeyl humans mto robots. Bette Davis. ffl NFL Football ffl Laugh in ffl NFL Preview ffl Sunday Cartoon Eiprass Christopher Lee 1978 (CC) fflffl)lfs A Living 1984 CAPRICE CLASSIC LANDAU, Low miles... ffl Kid's Court ...$5,595.00 1 rL Or. D. Jamas Kennedy ffl Busbn' Loose Mr. Ed ffl Style Wars ffl Chicago's Vary Own ffl d) George Pertes ffl Gunsmoke Outdoorsman 1983 PONTIAC 6000 LE, loaded, beige ffl ffl) 1200 Per Hour For the ..,$4,395.00 ffl Running and Racing ffi MOVIE: Tha Deaert Fox An Next 20 Years exploration of the personal and 1982 CENTURY LIMITED, Loaded, maroon $4,195.00 ^ Show ffl d) Face tha Nation political sides of Field Marshal Innerspace Hiding CXit Miss Sadie Thompson The Wild Bunch Three for the Show J® Jerry Falwell 11:450 [MAX] MOVIE: Topper Rommel during Germany's African 1980 T-BIRD, air, bronze $1,895.00 SD ® Dr. Jamas Kennedy campaign of World War II. James Od) It Is Written Mason. Sir Cednc Hardwicke 1951 6:050 Flintstones AFTERNOON ffl News Update 6:15® What's Nu ffl You Can't Do That on TV Jeatuiv^fJ^ejWeeJ^ 12:000 Mesquite Championship ffl® TBA 6:300® Denver, the Last Rodeo ffld) NFL Football At timBt during thB orbital motion of Uranus, tha north Dinosaur ffl ® George Pedes ffl Chronicle i, (D [HBO] MOVIE: Tha Story of Od) Bowling Classic or south pola is alignad naarly face on toward tha Sun. Fifteen Boys (D 92) MOVIE: Munster, Go 4:10 ffl Science Technology Week During thosa timat, tha poleward hemisphere receives 1984 CHEVY CAPRICE & €D Wuzxles Home Herman Munster inherits a 4:30 O Inside Winston Cup Racing nearly constant sunlight, while the other hemisphere ffl Heritage of Feith title, a manor house and a whole O® 9to5 languishes in decades-long darkness. ThSe Name of the Rose Dangerous Moves Dale With an Angel House of Games The Lost Boys ffl Inside the PGA Tour parcel of hilarious problems from (9 O Image Teens on Landau, air, full power, ffl Pontics '66 his British unde Fred Gwynne. Communlcaton Yvonne De Carlo 1966 O CNN Headline News OAS Public People. Private low miles, silver •5,495" Everybody knows that with HBO you get the best. Big movies. Critically acclaimed original films. ffl Mr. Wixard's Wortd ffl O Nature 1987 (CC) Lives Od) Perspective OO Wall Street Weak Exclusive sporting events. The biggest names in comedy. And top performers in concert. But did you fflfl* 1Wort d Tomorrow ffld) Orel Roberts PGA Golf WA VE GOOD-BYE TO YOUR ffl My Friend FHcka » • know that when you add Cmemax, you get the most movies on pay TV? Over 125 features each month. 6:35 O Tom and Jarry ffl All American Wrestling 66 From Hollywood hits, to foreign and new wave films, to the timeless classics. So get HBO and Cinemax. *00 O Musk Videos O CNN Headline Naws DEER HUNTER HUSBAND. And you'll not only have the best entertainment. You'll also have the most. O Inside Winston Cup Racing ffi Out of Control ' O® Mass from St Thomas ffl Count Duckuie 5:000 Performence Plus Aquinas ffld) Michigan Replay O® She's the Sheriff A. O HZ) Message from Calvary ffl ffl) This Weak in Bronco O® Punky Brawster ffl® OO Sesame Street Spon. OO AM Craeturaa Great end 'JUL (CC) 5j4VyV fffigr iarvucmya, - l. . — n nopioQmrvlttvyi Small OO Faith 20 Od) Issues and Duck Preaenta Sunday Baal OTBA OBigVaMay Mass for ShuShi t Ins MECHANICAL REPAIR PROTECTION 12:30OO Spectacular Wortd of Yaara In Sporta O MOVIE: Tough GM A runewey g>ri is sipping k*) s dead end included with most vehicle salesl ffld) fflO NFL Uval Bfestyie. untu she meets s boy with AND JOIN US SHOPPING! ffl O O.C. Weak In Raview Id) Id) colsge aspir stions who happens to *3 months/3000 mie engine b power train protection. * Covers Engine Tranamlasion Drive Axle IERE: Beautiful Falrlane Town Center (Suburban 'Covers the cost of most mechanical repafaito th e power train aaaemMo'Covers both perti end OO OO Tina Week with Offl) In Search of tie Lord's O Qi CauwMaem ta QuBMng Dearborn) lebordsssa 125.00 deductible) 'This GM becked program Is INCLUDED with most used vehicle Oavid Brink lay (CC) O Three In the WHd O Zone 5:301 H: Saturday, November 19,1908 LOWELL CABLE O Paris Open Tennia OOCtiarteebi Charge I: Lowell 1-99 exit • Commuter perking lot et *05i 0(g) Out of Thie Wortd ffl International 9:46 a.m. SHARP! Correspondents • D.C. FoMae 1967 oMeaMJrr •d) O CNN Headline Naws ICOST: *24.00 to be peld by November 1. Covert scfivicf nutts of tha (Stereo) q OdZll O Inepactor Gadget motor coach transportation, coffee Gr rolls. O US Larry Od) Od) NFL Today OTBA (Stereo) Offl) Cantervme Ghost We will be stopping for an evening meal on the return tripj : 1:000 This Weak in Rock O (9 History of Dieting TV DEPARTMENT O Lighter Side of Sports O Wish You Ware Here 5 35 ONaw Leave It To ffl Your Money ffl® Friday tha 13th ffl The Best of Ozzie and O Looney Tunes NFL Football Od) O® Harriet 127 N. Broadway, Lowell 897-8405 Offl) WHd Kingdom OO Nova 1988 (CC) Call Linda, lcTk 9:35 O Andy Grifmh OO Firing Una » • 5:45 O Jackson Action WITTENBACH O [HBO] Atlantic's 40th An 10:000 Performence Plus niversary: HighlighU. Part 1 At 897-8415 For Your Seating Reservation O ® Open House (Stereo) "lA/here Used Cars Stand Tail ft Sell Right ® 9 Rsmons 1980 ffl MOVIE: Witch's Sister When ® « Voyaqe of the Mimi voodoo dolls, people rising m the air The Lowell Ledger - Wedmrsday, October 26. 1988 • Paee 8 0 [MAX] The Lowell Ledger - Wednesday, October 26, 1988 - Rige 13 t . « .\9t . i M/- .• I . »»'» ffiO ffi® HQ" Off WEDNESDAY ^ ^ Ha Changed tha ffid) Araila McGuk-a reterded man whom they essumed ffi MOVIE: Once Upon • ffid) Mary Tyler Moore O Hare 1948 The Louell I edger - Wednesday. October 26» 1988 • l^ge 12 attacked a young g»rl Charles Laugh In ffi Saarch for Ti S5 Camera t arty Photography O Mr. Ed Brothera Grimm Creators of ffi Miami Vica (CO M0 ffi Muaic Vidaoa O Durmng. Robert F. Lyons 1961 ffiOur Houae A-S-H OStraigMTaft OTBA countless fairy tales, the brothera November 2 OOM*fl 6:35 O Andy Qrtfflth ffi Cheers (CC) 10:30 ffi VidaoCountry Gnmm wander mto an enchamad *00ffi [HBO] MOVIE: A UWa 7:000 Ramota Control d) OGD Na forest where they become part of O Inaida PolWca'88 Now Animal MORNING Romance indestructible, mtergeiectic hero 11:301 MONDAY O Crook and Chaaa I CNN their famout ttonet Dean Jonaa. from the 1930s comic strip returns 6:05 0 MOVIE: Thit ffi AWA Champion ahip • d) Sd) MOVIE: 'A Time to J OS) Night Court PeuiSand 1977 WreatMng You Cant Do That on TV m a lavish adventure, bettkng to Offi Gong I Poaaaaaad A nervous cokapte Od) USA Today ffi Saarch for Tc 5:000 Action Ouldooca wtth Jukua save Farm from Mmo the MercWeat Triumph' CBS Lata Movie Baaed forcet a rock ttar to teek tofctude at ffid) O® Tonight Show OQZ) National ffi Straight TaHi fc00« M Amtrtean Puiim iwtM ffid) FamHy Faud Max von Sydow, Sam J. Jonea on a true story, a housewife 2:300 [HBO] MOVIE: Ona Craiy a teciuded mountain ettate Parker 11:00 ffi Remote Control i® October 31 Spacial (CC) ffiffi Congresaional Dabata: 1960 becomes a U.S. Army hekcopter Summer Steventon. Lisa Eit)acher 1961. O You Can Ba a Star 7:000 [MAX] MOVIE: Tha Bible in OO Contrary Warriora p4ot to support her femily when her W TV L«lrM OfOup mc fI T* O O Nightly Buainaaa »£i Mr. Ed Digeat Woipe va AMgaier ®0 OO The Great Upeat of 3:00® [MAX] MOVIE: Cry of tha 6:30Od) OO Tha Hogan Family ffi ffi WKftP In Cincinnati '48 1966 Ray husband suffers e disabling heart ffid) Od) MOVIE: ffid) Coaby McAnally. Peter Egan (CC) (CO ffid) Sd) •» I Id) 8:000 [HBO] MOVIE: Ruaaian atteck Joseph Bologna. Petty MORNING Home. Bobby' CBS Lata Movia ffi World Monitor 0 MOVIE: On a Clear Day You O® Morton Downey Jr. Q WatarakUng ® NFL Roulatta Can Saa Foravar A woman teek- Duke 1985 O O O O Whaal of Fortune In the wake of a homosexual 745ffi9toS ffi [HBO] MOVIE: The Magaiine ffi (Q) Ralatlvaly Sp«ak.ng EVENING mg to curb her tmokmg it hypno- ffi Wortd Monitor 5.00® MOVIE: Rttum of Oaniol 4:00© AWA Champtonahip experience, a teeneger it mocked 8:300 SportaCantar Stepfather (CC) Wrestling oi Mown nomjwwon ffi CNN H ffi® ffiOBMMoyara'Wortd by hit dattmetet. shunned by his 7:30 ffi Mueic Vidaoa tized by a professor Under hypno- 14SO [HBO] MOVIE: Tha Boono An tpisode m me lift of tt>e £000 MOVIE: Tha Thraa 6400 [HBO] MOVIE: Like Normal ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Sophie'e O Our Houae ffi Patty Duke of Ideat 1966 father end deeply confused about ffi VidaoCountry sis, she becomes t noble woman Anniniiffiiofs great Western ftonter it depicted 4:15 « [MAX] MOVIE: Littla Shop of CabaHaroa Donald Duck s bud- Choice ffid) O® Coming of ffi [HBO] MOVIE: Tha Big Town his sexuality Timothy WiHiams. ffiffi Kata and AHia who lived m England m the 1880t Wild Bin Eitiott 1941 O Chaars dies. Joe Canoca and PancNto. I MOVIE: Tha Dirt Bike Kid A14 ffi MOVIE: Mr. Balvadara Ringa 1:300 MOVIE: Strawbarry Roan A (CC) (CC) Tony Lo Bianco 1986 ffid) USA Today Barbra Streisand Yves Montand aC pon rv / e4 tknevie w^ ffi SportaCanlar take him on a whirlwind tour of year old with the help ot hit magic 1970 the BeH A men enters an ok) folks father wants to kiN a beeutiful horse 4:30® [HBO] MOVIE: Tha Worst o New Animal Wortd ffi Tha Mlaainq Adventuree of O Wortd ffi® Prase Pass popular Latm American locales snd dirt bike exposes a corrupt banker O MOVIE: An Amarican Wer- home to prove hit theory thet age thet his son owns and haa been 6:30® [MAX] MOVIE: Mitt SmMo Witch (CC) *000 MTV'a Talk Show with Ozzie and Harriet 0® O ® Jaopardyl (CC) trammg when it throws the bov and ® You Cant Do That on TV 1:10® [MAX] MOVIE: A Return to performers Aurora Miranda. Car- and hit plans to demokth the local ewolf in London A young Amer- haa nothing to do wrth living a full Thompson 5:00 ® AN Amadcan Pulling Sarfaa Phonaal 1966 Miami Vice (CC) . eB We tha People... National mtures him Gene Autry. Gloria ® EMU Football Reviaw PAmiontnn Salem't Lot (CO men Mokna 1945 kidt favorite hot dog ttand Peter ican tourist and hit buddy are kfe Clifton Webb. Joanne Dru 1:00 CD [HBO] MOVIE: Lovotick ®d) Family Faud OO MOVIE: Friday tha 13th, O Sanior PQA Golf Bilfcngsley. Stuart Pankm 1986 Bicentennial Competition 1988 1951 Henry 1948 5:30 ffi Sportraitt «ffi Talae from tha Dark aide 1:30 ® MOVIE: Loaded Piatola Gene ffi Night Court attacked on the moort of Bntam by Od) O® Later with Bob (D [MAX] MOVIE: PlotM Don't ®9D Congraaaional Debate: Part III Gnsiy gomgs on prokferate O SportaLook a beast and the survivor a hfe is ffi HW Streat Bluee Autry shieldt a boy wented for 9:300 [HBO] MOVIE: Jaramiah ffi Schoiaatic Sports Amarica Eat the Oaitiot Woipe va ANgaiar as a group of young friends stey O Muaic Vidaos racked with unearthly cravingt ffi SportaCantar Coataa over at a lakeside cottage where a murder while he tracka down the ffi Croaaflra O ® Fantaay laland 8:30 0 SporttCenter ® C£) Coaby reel kiHer Gene Autry. Barbara O Fandango David Naughton. Jenny Agutter ffi Sporta Tonight EVENING mysterious stelker haa been com- ffi Equinox 10:000 [MAX] MOVIE; Mickey Ona ffi Doubla Dare O® Nawa ffi Wortd Monitor Bntton 1949 Offi Silver Spoons 1961 ffi Car 54 Whara Are You? 9:00® MOVIE: Onco Upon • mitimg murders Richerd Brooker, 11:30 ffi Poet Modem Show ffi MOVIE: Branded Bandits force ffi Woman's College 0 Larry King Uval ffi Trackaida at Ladbroka O Prime Time WreatHng 6:00® [HBO] MOVIE: Tranaytvania 7:05® 9 to 5 ® © Fantaay laland • d) O® Od) O® ffi® Brothert Qrimm Creators of Dana KmuneH 1962 ffi American Magazine a young man to tnck a wealthy Volleyball ffi My Thraa Sona ffid) HoHywood Squarea O NBA Today 6-5000 (CC) Od) OO Fevortte Son. Part ® (O Nawa countless fairy tales, tne brothers 7:30® Now Haar This! 1966 ffiffi Gong Show rancher mto bekevmg he ia his long ffid) Win, Loea or Draw ffi Run to Glory: 1M ffiffi) Taxi rtewinigni upuaie ® [MAX] MOVIE: JulaaVama'a 2' NBC Monday Night at tha ® Love Aftar Marriage O® Wonderful Wortd of Qnmm wander mto an enchanted O VidaoCountry ffid) ffi(9 Tonight Show lost son, but the plan backfires Alan ffiffi) Entertainmen t Tonight Cup ffid) M*A*S*H O Saturday Night Uve forest *nefe mey become part of Myttenout Itland (Stereo) (CC) Mo viae Harry Hemkn. Lmda Koz- ® NFL't Graateet Momanta Oianay Hayley MiUs, Jane Wyman ® ffi Kata and A Hie 0(0 Lata Show Ladd. Mona Freeman 1950 I960 ffi (!) M'A'S'H 0(1) Od) The Equalizer O Inaact Ufa of the North meir famous stories Dean Jones. ® MOVIE: A Oianay HaHowaan lowski 1966 (CC) 12:00 ffi Muaic Vktooe OU d) Curranuurrvmt AffaiM r 1045 ffi MOVIE: Tha Sax Symbol ffi Agenda for a Small Planet CD TBA Paul Sand 1977 From Tnck or Treat at Donald s OQZ) MOVIE: HaHowaan II The ffi® ® O Myataryl (CC) Patty Duke UB 35 Square Ona TV (CC) 2:00 O d) Newa ffiO GVSporta (CC) Based on the novel The Symbol by m Senior PQA Golf house to a terrifying Night on Bald med killer continues to stalk a ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Ttoa ® II Focua on Society (CC) 7:35 ffi Sanford and Son 9:30 O New Country ffi ffi HoHywood Squarea O® O® Sign Off «11 ®(® Ja< lyi (CO Alvah Bessie, a movie queen of the Mountain, the Magic Mirror shows young g*l. mis time through the ® MOVIE: Toppar Ratuma Top- O [HBO] MOVirtK Normal Od) 0® Baby Boom ffi Dragnat ffi 700 Club 10:0009 [HBO] MOVIE: Tha Draaaar O (HBO[HBO] IncydopadiaEncyt : Tha G ffi Spice of Ufa 40s and 50s tries to find happmess •40® MTV'a Talk Show with us Disney villains at their spookiest hefts of a near deserted hotprtal per fmds the murderer of a girl with O SportaLook (CC) Volume (CO on her way to the top Connie Phonaal 1988 OO Offi Tha Wondar Y< ffi Papar Chaaa 1983 (CC) Jamie Lee Curtit. Pamele Sutan the help of his ghostly fnends. the 2:00ffi(O ffi® Sign Off I MOVIE: Tha Dirt Bike Kid A14 (CO OSCTV ® [MAX] MOVIE: Tha Train O Dr. Sauaa'a HaHowaan la Stevens. Shelley Wmtert 1974, ® NaehviHe Now ffi Cycling ® SportsLook Shoop 1961. Kirbys Roland Young. Joan Bion- ffi Healthy Dial year old with the help of his magic O Profile a of Natura Robbers unnc—nW wignMinkit 1901 QQ0 C ®ffi Amarican Expoae: Who 0LPBT Bowling ® 0$ ®0 Campaign: A Cry for dell 1941. ffi 7® Club 11:30® [MAX] MOVIE: Entar din bike exposes a corrupt banker 0 Donna Raad m MOVIE: In Saarch of Oracula O Mutic Vidaot O Mini Munatara Murdered J.F.K.? 1988 Make Room for Daddy 245 O [MAX] MOVIE: Lafa Make a Help 1966 (CC) ffi SportaLook Laughing and hit plans to demoksh the local OTBA Biograpny of the infamous Count O Fandango O Night Court Od) ffi® ffid) 'Night Haaf CBS Lata rw*uinwy movieuawiai ®0 0® Monday Night ffi SportaCantar ffi Donna Raad kidt favorite hot dog ttand Peter Oracula with film dips from some of ® 91 Silver Spoona ffi NFL Trtva 1040 O Crook and Chaae Kight Football ffi Sporta Tonight ffi Variad BiMmgtley. Stuart Pankm 1966 2:30ffid) O® ®d) Sign Off the pictures about the Dracula od)e(D®d)s® ®d) I® Simon and Simon O ffi St Elaawhere ffiffi) Nightlin a (CC) ffi Croaaflra O MOVIE: Tha Ghoat and Mrt. OFat Albert ® MOVIE: On a Clear Day You legend Chnttopher Lee 1975. 2:05 ffi MOVIE: Tha Abominable Dr. AFTERNOON ffi O The Mind (CC) Od) 0®Tattingara ffid) Night Heat' CBS Lata ffi Doubla Dare Muir A lonely widow finds peace ffid) Hollywood Squa ret ffi Bonanza: Tha Loat VJ , t v-«n see rorwver a woman seex- 10:05® MOVIE: Straat Killing A New ®G) Wonderful World of riminBlaKiawg* MtrhifiTiviicnigani Phibes A med doctor and his Epiaodaa ffi® •'Bffi) Growing Paine OO MacNaH/ ntgni • and materiel for a best-selling book ffid) M-A'S'H 12:00® MOVIE: Strawbarry Roan A (CC) mg to curb her smoking ia hypno- York DA tries to prove mat a Oianay Hayley Mills, Jane Wyman ffi d) Win, Loaa or Draw assistant siey a surgical teem that NewaHour ffi Faetlvala of the Wortd tized by a professor Under hypno- when she falls m love with the ghost father wantt to kiM a beautiful horte O Facta of Ufa © [HBO] MOVIE: Bachelor mugging murder was ordered by 1960 12:00ffi Muaic Vidaot operated on his wife Each slaying it ffi O The Hero 'a Journey 1986 sis. she becomes a noble woman ffi (3D Entertainment Tonight of an old see captam Rex Harrison mat hit son owns and has been ffi SportaLook Party (Stereo) (CC) 1245 ffi MOVIE: Araanic and Old me Mafia Andy Griffith Bradford CD J? Square Ona TV (CC) vJP nainviii® nuw different, following the ten curtet of (CC) who lived m England m the 1880s ffi (£ M*A*8*H Gene Tierney 1947 training when it throws the boy and ffi ShowBiz Today ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Tha Running Lace Two sweet old ladies mvita Dillman 1976 09 9 Focua on Sociaty ffi ffi HoHywood Squaret the Pharoaht Vincent Pnce. Jo- (B® ffiffi) Murphy'a Law Barbra Streisand. Yves Montand ffi Towarda 2000 0 MOVIE: Trick or Traata A ffi Dannie tha Manaca Man (CC) lonesome men mto their parlor for a © [HBO] MOVIE: Tranaylvania ffi® Sign Off seph Gotten 1971 injures him Gene Autry. Qlona (CC) 1970 11:30® [MAX] MOVIE: 13 Rua innocent teenage bebysitter is Henry 1948 ffiffi) Nawhart O Danger Bay (CC) glass of homemade wine, poison 6-5000 (CC) 7:35 ffi Sanford and Son ffiO Newt ffi [HBO] lat A Ten:...Tha Clock ffi USA Tonight Madalaina caught In a ternfymg vortex of 2:30ffid) ffid) Hawa ffi Equinox ® Murder. She Wrote (CC) them and then bury the bodies m the ® [MAX] MOVIE: JulaaVama't 6:00 ffi Muaic Vidaot horror. David Carradme. Carrie ffi Dragnat OD® ffid) Sign Off 12:30 O ffi MOVIE: A Kiaa in tha Dark Rune Out (Stereo) (CC) basement Cary Grant. Priacilla ffi SportaCenter Timid concert pianist fmds mat ffl MOVIE: Mother la a Myatarioua laland (Stereo) (CC) ffi Naahvilla Now Snodgrass 1962 ffi Paper Chaaa (D [HBO] MOVIE: Running 6:05 ffi Lavama and Shirley ® [MAX] MOVIE: Weatworld Lane 1944 ffi Sporta LataNight many headaches accompany his Freshmen When Mom snags a (Stereo) O MOVIE: A Oianay HaHowaan ffi® St Elaa where (CC) 0 Gymnaatict ffi NFL't Graateat Momenta Scared (Stereo) 6:15 ffi Jackaon Action scholarship at college, she 12:30ffi ffi CN N ffi CNN Haadiina Nawa AFTERNOON From Tnck or Treat at Donald s O f ffi® ALF (CC) ffi Diacovara inheritance of an apartment house ffl 700 Club ffi Laugh In O Larry King Uval Jane Wyman. David Niven 1949. 6:30 ffi You Can Ba a Star becomes her daughter s nval for Od) ffi® Lata Night with house to a terrifying Night on Bald ffidZ) Fall Guy 0 My Thraa Sont ffi Make Room for Daddy ffi Weight Loaa Mady Eaay the love and attention of an English David Latterman ffid) Newa 12:00 O MOVIE: Loadad Pistolt Gene Mountain, the Magic Mirror shows ffi [HBO] MOVIE: Police ffiffi Facta of Ufa £0 Evening Nawa ffiO ffiO Survival Spacial Od) Od) 'Dadah la Daath, ffid) 'Huntar* CBS Lata Night ffi SportaCantar professor Loretta Young. Van ffi® Delia a CD Noah'a Ark Autry shields a boy wanted for us Disney villains at their spookiest (CC) Acadamy 4: Citizena on Patrol Od) ffi® NBC Nightly Newt ffi Saturday Night Uve Part 2* CBS Mini-Sariaa Julie ffi (3D NightHna (CC) ffi Sporta LataNight (CC) Johnson 1949 ffi® ffi® Sign Off 2:35® [HBO] MOVIE: American murder while he tracks down the 1963 (CC) ffid} ffi ffi) MacGyvar Hal- (CO CD CMU Football Review real killer Gene Autry, Barbara Christie, Victor Banenee 1966 ffid) 'Huntar' CBS Lata Night ffi CNN ffi MOVIE: Halloween II The mad ffi ® Bamay Miller Juatice ® Fat Albart Spacial (CC) 1:00 ffi MOVIE: Sitting Pratty A sharp ID® The Power of Choice ffid) ffid) Wlaeguy Bntton 1949 (CC) ffi Natura of Thinga 1988 killer continues to stalk a young girl, ffi Edge of Night ® Bonania: Tha Loat ffi [HBOIO]) MOVIEMOV^ : Innarapaca tongued author goes undercover m ffi Land of Parrota ffi MOVIE: Suapicion A shy and ® [HBO] MOVIE: Innarapaca 0 Orphana of tha Wild this time through the halls of a near ffi MOVIE: Altered Statea An fnghtaned young wife begins to Epiaodaa (CO 12:05ffi National Gaographic 2:35 ffi MOVIE: Tha Ghoat and Mra. suburbia to do research He ffi O Nightly Business Report (Stereo) (CC) deserted hospital Jamie Lee Cur- 10:300 VidaoCountry obsessed scientist involves himself ® Facta of Ufa ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Near Dark 9:30 O New Country Explorer Muir A lonely widow finds paaoa secures a |Ob as babysitter for a OD ® ABC Naws (CC) suspect her charming, worldly tis. Pamela Susan Shoop 1981 as a human guinea pig m primal 12:30 ®S) MOVIE: Dodga City A (Stereoreo) O [MAX] MOVIE: Tha Loat and material for a best-soHmg book busy married couple s bratty chil- 1$ Cartoon Expraas (D [HBO] Hitchhiker husband is trying to kill her Cary ffi SportsLook 12:30 ffi ffi CNN ffi Skdtaboarding research with strange and fantastic tough cattleman clashes with the flE: Mr. Boogady A Boya (Stereo) (CC) when she faUs m love with the ghost dren. Robert Young. Maureen ffi WKRP in Cincinnati Loveaounds (CC) Grant, Joan Fontaine 1941. ffi ShowBiz Today €D MOVI ffidSDaHaa ffi PrimaNawe results William Hurt. Blair Brown boss of Dodge City, and after he 0 Donna Raad of an old see captam. Rex Hamton . ffi NBA Today ffi CNN Headline Newe 3:® ffi ffid) CD Sign Off ffi Dannie tha Manaca mystery comedy mixed with tpectal ffi® ®0 Sign Off 0 Hara 1948 ffi Mr. Ed 1980 cleans up a series of two fisted effects A family buys their dream li/il,wnaiiT^ til—e v^nronicie. — i—1—-t , Gene Tierney 1947. ffi Inaida Politics '88 ffl SCTV ffi Countdown to Quitting ffi® Nawhart • ® O Morton Downey Jr. ffi Outboard Racing Od) ffid) The Van Dyke Show ffi Motorweek llluatratad brawls, he makes the town a safe house only to discover that the ffi CNN HeedHne News CD Lou Hortz ® Two Years to Financial ffi Portrarta of Powar 10:000 Muaic Vidaoa ® Edge of Night 2:55 ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Vamp (CC) 1:05® MOVIE: Crosscurrent Two (CC) ffi CNN Heedline Newa place Errol Flynn, Bruce Cabot previous owners, three ghosts, ffi Don't Just Sit There 11:00 ffi Remote Control Freedom ffi Crook and Chaaa ® MOVIE: Vampka A devattat- 3:00ffi ffid) •(£ ffi Sign Off San Francisco pokce detectives are ffi Natura of Things ffi Mr. Ed 1939 6:05 ffi Lavama and Shirley refuse to leave John Astm. David ffid) ffid) CBS Naws ffi You Can Ba a Star ffi Thoroughbred Digeat / mgly handtome but myttenout ffi Where Thara't a WW, Thara't assigned to a perilous and complex 8:05 ffi MOVIE: Doctor Zhivago A ffiffi) Andy Griffith 1:00® [MAX] MOVIE: Walcoma to 6:30 ffi You Can Be a Star Faustmo 1966 ffiffi) Cheers ffiffi WKRP in Cincinnati ffi News Overnight millionaire whose deadly powers of a A search for the killer of a young man married doctor fmds his true love m CD World of Feativala 16 0® Facta of Ufa ffi Murder, Sha Wrote (CC) ffi Car 54, Where Are You? ffi O Contrary Warnort seduction are irretiatable to women aboard a cable car Robert Hooks. 6:35 ffi Andy Griffith the dark days of the Russian Od)ffi® ffid) ffi® ffid) ® MOVIE: Toppar Returning from Od) ® (0) NBC Nightly Newt ® MOVIE: Thundarhaad, Son of ffi Variad Progrtma 1:00 ffi Muaic Vidaoa ffi [HBO] On Location: Rodnay is the target of a frenzied manhunt Jeremy Slate 1971 Revolution m this epic story of the 3:30® [MAX] Cinemax Saasions: a fatal accident as ghosts George (CC) FHcka in this sequel to My Fnend ffi USA Tonight 7:00 ffi Remote Control ffiffi ffiffi) Sign Off Jason Miller, Richerd Lynch 1:30® [MAX] MOVIE: Data with an man. his family, lover and enemies ffi O ffi O Bill Moyara' World Las Paul; He Changed the and Marion try to Show their friend o® Voyagaof thaMimi Fhcka. the rancher s son grows to (CO ffi Pro Tannit ffi Crook and Chase ffi ® How to Make a Fortune in Club 1979 Angal Omar Sharif. Geraldme Chaplin of Ideas 1988 Music Cosmo Topper how to have fun O O Nightly Buainaat Report maturity as he raises a white colt ffiffi Night Court 1988 ffi NFL Thaatra 1965 ffi [HBO] Vietnam War Story: ® MOVIE: Branded Bandits force Cary Grant Constance Bennett named Thunderhead Roddy 2:00 ffi [HBO] MOVIE: Tha Far ffi d) Current Affair ffi MOVIE: Sitting Pretty A sharp ffi dD ABC Newt (CC) • PMM " An Old Ghost Walks the Earth a young man to tnck a wealthy 1937 Cartoon Expraaa McDowell. Preston Foster 1945 ffi Evening Newt Country (Stereo) ffi ® National Gaographic 8:30 ffi® ffi ffi) Head of tha-Claaa tongued author goes undercover m ffi MOVIE: Dracula When a ship ffi Ann Sothem 3:30 ffi Update: Making It Happan (CC) (Stereo) (CC) rancher mto believing he is his long CD CFL Football ffi WKRP in Cincinnati ffi Auto Racing ffi ffi Nightly Business Report ffl Miami Vice(CC) suburbia to do research. He washes up on the rugged Yorkshire ffi Calabrtty Grudge Match ffiffi) And y Griffith rnvBie Don)Bmin Q) Sidekick a (CC) lost son. but the plan backfires Alan 1:05® MOVIE: Somathmg Big A ffi StarShot ffiO MacNail/ Lehrer ffl Remington Steele secures a |Ob as babysitter for a coest. an evil is unleashed in the r m\itnrn,m UlnhujMUM ffi® Late Night with David 3:30® [MAX]MOVIE:OnlyTwoCan ffi BUIiarda Ladd, Mona Freeman 1950 roguish bandit encounters a series ffi Inaida Politict 66 • ueiiTomie nignways 0 ia; C L-4 I f ffi Talea from the Darkaide busy mamed couple s bratty chil- form of the handsome and myster- Latterman 4:00 ffi Muaic Vidaoa Plav ffi CNN Haadiina Nawe ffl Touch a Child of unexpected complications when ffi CNN Haadiina Newa 10:05 ffi MOVIE: Dark Night of tha ffi® ffi® Wheal of Fortune ffi Scuba World dren Robert Young. Maureen ious Count Dracula Frank LangeHa. 12:55® [HBO] MOVIE: Man on Fire ffi Credit Time Bomb he attempts a daring robbery that he ffi Don't Juat Sit Thare Laurence Olivier 1979 Scarecrow A postman m a small hopes will make him rich for life town reluctantly heads a group of (Stereo) ffi Variad Programa ffi World in Hamaaa ffi NFL Monday Night ffi® Wild America Marty monoyunUt rx nt* u 11e rw. * ffi Patty Duke Dean Martin Brian Keith 1971 vigilantes stalking a harmless. 1:00 ffi Music Vidaos ffi MOVIE: Hoopar ffi O MecNeH/ Ltfhrer CB T TO T CBS Newt Match-Up NewsHour Stouffer (CC) ffi Laugh In ffid) ffid) MOVIE: 'Thomp- THURSDAY ®® ffi® Wheel of Fortune ® CNN Haedfin Offi) M'A'S'H aon'a Leaf Run' CBS Lata Movie 3' NBC Movie of the Weak Harry O Amarican Magazine Mamed Houston executive s kfe is (CC) ffi Patty Duke CD Jack Thompaon Down A man makes a desperate flight ffi [HBO] AIDS: Evarything You J from prison and from his own past, Hemkn, Lmda Kozlowski 1986 Offi Gong Show turned mside out by a Vietnamese ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Mr. Deeds 9:00® Music Vidaos Under and Your Femily Naad to Know and a former fnend tries to track him (CO O d) 0Boat of Caraon woman he had had an affair with Goes to Town (CC) MOVIE Special ® ffi MOVIE: Wise Guys Goof- 11:15® [MAX] MOVIE; The New down and return him to justice TUESDAY ffi ® MOVIE: High Siarra Gang when he meets the son he never November 3 440 ffi [HBO] ffl Miami Vice (CC) ] 9) Miami Vica (CC) ffi® Lata Show bail gangsters bet a bundle of the Centunona Robert Mitchum. Wilford Bnmley. People (CC) star hides out m the Sierre Moun- ffi ffi SIDA la AIDS knew he had. Weyne Rogers. ffl Our House boss bucks on the wrong horse, tl) Our House ffi AWA Championship 11:300 Poet Modem Show 1986 tains and fans m love with a woman ffi ffi Upstairs. Downstairs Bonnie Bedelia 1985. ffi Cheers swipe a killer s Cadillac and party ffi Chaars ffi Wortd Monitor MORNING Wrestling O American Magazine wona Monitor 5:00 ffi [HBO] MOVIE: Florida Straits he meets Ida Lupino, Humphrey ffi ® Morton Downey Jr. ffi SportCenter on the don t credit card Danny November 1 (Stereo) (CC) ffi SportaCenter Offi Gong Show 1:300 MOVIE: Young Buffalo Bill Bogart 1941. ffi [HBO] 1st A Tan: Down and 1:05 ffi MOVIE: The Horaa in tha Gray 5:00® [MAX] MOVIE: Amazing DeVito, Joe Piscopo 1986 ffi [MAX] MOVIE: My Amarican ffi Moneyline 6:05® [MAX] MOVIE: Abandon Od) ffi® Tonight Show Buffalo Bill must settle a dispute (DCS OO The Amarican Out in BuHs Stadium (Stereo) Flannal Suit An advartsmg man Grace and Chuck (Stereo) (CC) ffi You Can't Do That on TV O d) ffi ® Cheers Cousin ffi You Can't Do That on TV Expariance 1968 (CC) Ship! ffi ® Lata Show between a landowner and the MORNING (CC) builds a way-out promotional cam- ffi AH American PulHng Series O Michigan State Football ffi® MOVIE: Where Eegles ffi All Amarican Pulling Sanas 03 Thie Weak in Hockey ffi® Blaka'a Seven Indians Roy Rogers. Gabby Hayes ffi® ffiffi) Mra. Amarica ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Wantad: paign for a stomach pill around his •40 ffi [HBO] MOVIE: Sweet ffid) FamHy Faud Dare Commandos, posing as Ger- ffid) Family Faud Pageent 5:30 ffi Scholastic Sports Amarica ® O The American Experience 1940 6:05® [MAX] MOVIE: My Fnand 5:30 ffi Cycling Daad or Alive (CC) 15 year old daughter and a cham- Lorraine ffiffi) Congreaaional Debate: man soldiers, parachute mto a city ffiffi) Congraaaional Dabata: 1986 (CC) Od) O® Later with Bob Irma ffi MOVIE: Undar tha Biltmore ffi MOVIE: Sweat Lorraine An pionship horse Dean Jones. Diane ffi [MAX] MOVIE: A Place in the Woipe va Allgaiar to rescue a supposed allied general Wolpa vs Allgaiar O ® Morton Downey Jr. Coataa Clock Based on the novel by F innkeeper runs a simple resort hotel Baker 1968 (CC) Sun from a Nazi hideaway fortress 6:00® [HBO] MOVIE: Promitat in ffi d) Coaby ffid) Cosby O ® Fantaay laland Scott Fitzgerald, young Myra en- m the Catskills. famous for home- EVENING Richard Burton. Chnt Eastwood ffi MOVIE: The Watcher in the the Dark EVENING 1:20® [MAX] MOVIE: Rad Nights 8:30 ffi SportaCenter ffi Wortd Monitor ffi World Monitor dures the social pressures to marry style meals and friendly faces, but 1969 Wooda Eene events menace a O® News ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Jawt IV: The until she can find a man who doesn't 1:30® MOVIE: In Old Chayanna 6:00 ffi [HBO] MOVIE: Summer 745 ffi 9 to 5 ffi® Myataryl (CC) teenager and her young sister when O Saarch for Tomorrow 6:00 ffi MOVIE: Treasure of Swamp 7:05 ffi 9 to 5 financial woes bring trouble Maur- 940 ffi MOVIE: Witch's Sister When Revenge (CO bore her Sean Young. Lenny Von een Stapieton, Tnm Alvarado Young reporter, on track of nefar- voodoo dolls, people rising m the air Camp Nightmare 7:30 ffi The Bia PictPicturu e 1988 ® B This Old House (CC) their parents rent a forboding ok) O Monatar Truck ChaHenge Castle A boy and a girl are 7:30 O MTV's 1/2 Hour Comady Hour Dohlen 1965 ious doings. faHs for daughter of ffi MOVIE: The Wortd'a Grea- ffi ® ffi ffi) Dynasty (CC) house m an English forest Bette Series 8:30 ffi SporttCenter 1988 nrima Tlnr »»l— -*i: 1967 and a strange old lady suddenly O VideoCountry betrothed at birth by their noble rnme i ime wresmng local editor Roy Rogers. Gabby test Athlete Beleaguered by losmg <9 [HBO] MOVIE: Steel Dawn Davis. David McCallum 1980 newsnigni upoaie 9:00® MOVIE: My Friend Flicka families, only to be separated by a ffi VidaoCountry ffi Hill Straat Blues appear, a teenager is convinced her ffiffi Kate end AMa ffi Top Rank Boxing Hayes 1941. sister is a witch seasons, a despondent coach goes {Stereo) O Hill Street Bluee Saturday Night Live Heart warming story of a st isitive war that devestates their country ffiffi Kata and Allie ffi SportaCantar ffid) USA Today ffi Larry King Uval Od) O® Later with Bob ffi Arm WraatHng on safan in Africa and stumbles ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Mr. Smith O Sporta Tonight * 2000 boy and his horse, an animal Adnan Knight, Michele Turmel ffi Sporta Tonight ffi ffi Aak tha ...Veterinarian ^ - ln Wmmhinnlnn Od) USA Today ffi My Thraa Sons Costas upon a jungle boy wrth amazing vjoea io wesningion O Car 54 Whara Are You? thought too wild to tame Roddy 1980 ffi Car 54 Whara Are You? 9:30 O [HBO] MOVIE: Right of Way 0 J ,,cc, 240 >d) ffi ffi Good Thyme Cooking ffi d) O d) MOVIE: Go Toward ffi ® Fantasy laland athletic proweas John Amoa. Jan- ffi MOVIE: The Undergrade O Trackaida at Ladbroka McDowali Rita Johnson 1943 ffi SportsLook ffi d) HoHywood Squares (CC) l® ® Sign Off (S® O) ® Jeopardy! (CC) ffi® Nawa Michael Vincent 1973. 8 («o1 w; When a sprightly sexagenarian ia Od) HoMywoo ffi Sanior PGA Golf the Light' CBS Tuaaday Movie ffiffi) Tax i S3 Auto Racing i for Tor ffi Music Videos Q) Tha Turkey Capar Follow the story of the Madison ffi HoHywood Inaidar ffi SportaLook consigned to a rest home, his Offi) Taxi ffi d) M'A'S'H ® Night Court grandson rescues him. and the two O 700 Club 10:00 (D [HBO] MOVIE: Gueas Who a ffi Fandango ffi Night Court family and their life reeffirmmg ffi Ann Wrestling 10400 [MAX] MOVIE: Running Out Od) M*A*S*H ffi Muaic Vidaoa ® SpaadWaek shere an apartment and enrol m O SportaLook Coming to Dinner O ® Silver Spoons ffi All American Pulling Seriae struggle to cope when their 8 year 12:000 Music Vidaos NewsNigni upoate (CC) O True Advantura ffi Fandango ® Croaaflra college together Art Carney. Chnt OSCTV ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Making Mr. Od)ffiO ffiX ffi® ffid) ffi Crossfire old son, a hemophiliac, contracts O Naahvilla Now ffi Saturday Night Live O MOVIE: Dacaptona, Part 1 identical twma. one a bored aubur- ffi ffi SHvar Spoona ® Doubla Dare Makepeace 1985 1240 O Muaic Vidaoa O Conquaat of Spaca Right (CC) News ffi Double Dare AIDS. Linda Hamilton. Richard O ffi Hollywood Squares ffi Oaaia in Space ffi MOVIE: Contenting Adult A CD NHL Hockey Thomas 1988 (CC) ban houaewife. the other a glamor- ffid) •©•d)«® ® CoSaga Hockey ffi Thursday Night Fighta ffi ® Wonderful World of (DO Sign Off Offi HoHywood Squares 245 O [HBO] MOVIE: Spaca Rage: perfect family is suddenly torn apan ffi d) Win, Loaa or Draw ffi Saarch for Advantura 1:35 ffi [HBO] MOVIE: Tha Concrete ous European jetsetter. decide to ® d) Win, Loae or Draw Breakout on Prison Planet Disney Hayley Mills Jane Wyman ffi [HBO] MOVIE: Heavenly I® Wonderful Wortd of nu — * —a Tnii•Ht (HBO]] MOVIEI : Waada(CC) when the only son discloses his ffiffi) Entertainmen t Tonight Jungle switch identtes end lives for a week. 141) tiilwfiwnmom lonigni ffi Larry King Uval 1960 9:30 O New Country Bodies (Stereo) Dragnat 2:30Od) O® Od) Sign Off homosexuality, estranging his ffid) M'A'S'H Stephanie Powera. Barry Boatwick ® (D M*A*S*H ffi My Thraa Sona ffi ® Square One TV (CC) ffi [MAX] MOVIE: No Way Out ffi Dragnat 2:00 ffi d) Nawa O [MAX] MOVIE: The Wind father and confusing his mother ffiO Adam Smith's Money 1986 (CC) aOSquara OnaTV(CC) ® Trading Placae ®TBA ffi Held in Trust (Stereo) (CC) ffi Papar Chase ffi® ffi® Sign Off ® O Tha Telecommunications (Stereo) Mario Thomas Martin Sheen 1984 1045 O MOVIE: Woman of tha Year A ®GD ®d) World 7:35 ffi Sanford and Son ffi Donna Raad ffi Inside tha PGA Tour ffi Oh Madalaina 7:35® Sanford and Son O MOVIE: The Undergrade (CC) nonchalant sportswnter and a ao- and mformetion Revolution ® Beyond 2000 ffi MOVIE: Treasure of Swamp ffi NawsNight ffi 700 Club When a sprightly sexagenarian is 6:00 ffi MTV'a Talk Show with 10:00 ffi Crook and Chase phiaticated international reporter 1988 ffi Make Room for Daddy 10:05 ffi MOVIE: Mafia Pnncaaa Based Castle A boy and a girl are ffi Make Room for Daddy ffi Hogan'a Haroaa 9:30® Naw Country consigned to a reat home, his Phones! 1988 ffi ffi MacNail/ Lehrer are locked in a printed combat in ® [HBO] MOVIE: Summer 8.40 ffi MTVa Taft Show with ffid) 'Night Haaf CBS on Antoinette Giancana s autobio- betrothed at birth by their noble ffid) 'Night Haat' CBS Lata © SportaLook • d) ®® Dear John grandson rescues him. end the two graphy this film tells the story of her ffi Naahvilla Now NewsHour their newspaper columns before Phones! 1968 families only to be separated by a Night ffiSCTV ® 09 Michigan Skyline share an apartment end enroM m life as me daughter of her domineer- war that devestates their country. ffi ffi St Elsewhere ffiffi TBA they meet Joseph Bologna. Renee SrSK?**. at- ffiffi) Nightlin a (CC) ffiffi) Nightlin a ffi Sporting Ufa ® Donna Raad college together Art Carney. Chnt ing father, a notorious mobster Adrian Knight. Michele Turmel Od) ffi® SuperBlooparsand ffi [HBO] MOVIE: Rolling Taylor. 1976. test Athlete Beleaguered by losing ffiffi St Elaawhere ffid) 'Nigbt Haaf CBS Lata ffid) Night Haat' CBS Lata seasons, s despondent coach goes Makepeace 1985 Tony Curtis. Susan LuCCi 1966 1960 Practical Jokes Vengeance 2:30ffid) ffi® ffid) Sign Off 10:301 ffid) 0® The Cosby Show 1040® Crook and Chaaa nigm on safan in Africa and stumble'-, O Room 222 ffi Fat Albart ffi® War of tha Stars ffi 700 Club ffi Room 222 (CO ffid) ffi® LA. Law (CC) O Seerch for Adventure ffi Portrarta of Powar 11:15 O [HBO] MOVIE: Bite tha upon a |ungle boy wrth amazmg ffi® Gunamoke ffi® MacNaH/ O SportaCenter ffi Bonanza: Tha Lost ffiffi ffi01 Nova 1965 (CC) ffi BuHd a Fortune 12:3009) CNN \ i o • r* rt k I r\ , 11 m Bullet athletic proweas John Amos. Jan- ffi® OO Michigan 10 A iAJ • LJ | O Sporta LataNight AFTERNOON Episodes ffi® ffiffi) Who's tha Boaa? • evening newt 12:30ffi ffi CN N ffi SportaCantar Od) O® Lata Night with Michael Vincent 1973 Outdoors ffi o The Africant 1986 (CC) O CNN Heedline Newa ffi Facta of Ufa (CC) ffi Saturday Night Uve 0(1) O® Lata Night with ffi Sporta LataNight David Latterman O Laugh In ffi [HBO] MOVIE. Tha Sicilian ffi Fst Albert O® Offi) Tha World's Grea- ®TJ) ffiffi) Cary Grant A 12:000 MOVIE: In Old Chayanna ffi SportaLook ffi Milt Wilcox's Sports Talk David Lattarman ffi CNN 9) Bonanza: The Lost O® DaHae OGD Nawa (Stereo) (CC) test Stunta Christopher Reeve. Celebration 1986 (CC) Young reporter on track of nefar- ffi ShowBiz Today ffi ProfHas of Natura ffi® Dallas Laugh In AFTERNOON O® ®O Sign Off O New Animal World ious doings, falls for daughter of ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Jaws IV: Tha Episodes Michael Douglas 1988 (CC) ffi700Club ffi Dannie tha Manaca 10:20 ffi MOVIE: The French Connec- ffiffi Sign Off ffid) Nawa O® Bamay MWer local editor Roy Rogers. Gabby Ravanga (CC) 12:000 MOVIE: Young Buffalo Bill ® Facta of Ufa O The Beet of Welt Disney 340O Od) CD Sign Off ffiffi) Nawhar t tion II Popeye Doyle. New York ffi® Bamay Millar O Edge of Night Hayes 1941. O New VaudavilHans III 1966 2:50 ffi MOVIE: Take tha Money and Buffalo Bill must settle a dispute ffi SportaLook Presents evening newa O Candid Cemere ffi Tha Explorars policeman, arrives in Marseilles ffi Edga of Night ffi MOVIE: Brannigan A Chicago ffi [HBO] MOVIE: Sheana ® Murder. She Wrote (CC) Run A young bumbier tries unsuc- between a landowner and the ffi ShowBiz Today ffi Murder, She Wrote (CC) ffi Seturdey Night Uve ffi Varied Programa where he becomes the pursued ffi MOVIE: Humanoids from tha police officer it sent to London to (Stereo) 6:05 ffi Lavama and Shirtay O MOVIE: Mr. Balvadere Goaa cessfully to forge a career aa a bank Indians Roy Rogers. Gabby Hayes ffi Dennis the Menece ffl MOVIE: Chariee A Diana: A ffi Notre Dame Football ffi USA Tonight instead of the pursuer Gene Hack* Deap Gruesome underses crea- recapture an indicted mobster who to Collage Belvedere goes to robber Woody Allen. Janet Mar- 1940 ffiffi) Newhart Royal Love Story The fairy tale ffid) Od) Knota Landing ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Crima and 6:15 ffi Jackaon Action man. Fernando Rey 1975 tures terrorize a sleepy Cahfomia managed to leave the country while ffi LPBT Bowling golin 1969 ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Luat for Ufa ffi Perth Picture Parade romance and marriage between (CC) Punishment college to queiify for an award given fishing village, and a marine out on bail John Wayne. Richard ffi Newa Overnight 6:30 ffi You Can Baa Star 10:30 ffi VidaoCountry (Stereo) Charles. Prince of Wales, and the ffi Roaming Wild and Free only to men with degrees, and fun biologist holds the key to me 2:55 ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Inatant 6:05 ffi Lavame and Shirley Attenborough 1975 ffi Cer 54, Where Ara You? 12:30 ffi ® MOVIE: High Siarra Gang- ® ffi Facta of Ufa begin when he meets 'America s ABC Newa gentle 19 year old kmdergartern (D® ffiffi) attacks Doug McClure. Ann Turkel, Justice (Stereo) (CC) 12:30 O ffi MOVIE: Autumn Sonata A 10:30ffi VideoCountry ffi Auto Racing ster hides out m the Sierra Moun- Od) ffi® NBC Nightly Naws sweetheart, Shirley Temple Clifton Spacial 6:15® Jackaon Action teacher. Lady Diana Spencer David 3:05 ffi MOVIE: A Time for Dying tains and falls m love with a woman 1960 *00ffi ffid) ffi Sign Off famed concert pianist, locks horns ffi CNN Heedline Newa ffi CNN Headline Newa (CC) Webb ffi Kennedy va Khruahchev Robb. Caroline Bliss 1982 Jetse James and Judge Roy Bean he meets (Colorized Version) Ida ffi Running and Racing with her daughter when they vwt for 6:300 You Can Baa Star ffiSCTV ffi ® Dagrassi Junior High ffi MOVIE: House of Wax A 1965 ffi Syatam Testing ffi MOVIE: Halloween III: Sea ffi Mr. Ed lock horns m the old west Audie Lupino Humphrey Bogart 1941 ffi CNN Haadiina Naws the first time m seven years Ingnd O ££ Facts of Ufe ffi Sports writers on TV Murphy. Victor Jory 1969 (CC) museum fire turns a handsome man ffi CNN Haadiina Nawe ® Candid Camara aon of the Witch Ancient witch- ffiffi) Andy Griffith ffi Mr. Ed Bergman. Liv UHmann 1978 Od) ffi® NBC Nightly News 1 00 ffi MOVIE: Tha Horse in tha Gray ffi o Nightly Business Report mto a human monster who steals ffiSCTV ffl Variad Programs craft and evil scientific genius come 10:35ffi MOVIE : Endangered Speciea 12:35 ffi MOVIE: Dr. Jekyll end Mr. 3:25 ffi [HBO] MOVIE: The Believers ffiffi) Andy Griffith 1:00® MOVIE: Tha Little Prince Flannel Suit An advertising man ffi (Q) ABC Newa (CC) bodies from morgues lo create life ffi USA Tonight togelher when a mysterious toy- Someone or something has been Hyde Stevenaon s classic horror (CO ffi Inaida World Tennia Landing m the Sahara Desert, a ® ® CE Newa Magazine 1988 builds a way-out promotional cam- © [MAX] MOVIE: Fandango like images m wax Vincent Price. CD Camara: Early Photography ffi Great Amarican Events maker plans to use Halloween systematically slicing up stray cattle tale about a mental specialist who ffi Noah's Ark pilot meets a tiny boy from another 3:30 ffi MOVIE: Skip Tracer David paign for a stomach pill around his (Stereo) Frank Lovely 1953 12:50 ffi MOVIE: Westworld WestworkJ ffi Nawa Overnight masks to kill tnck or treaters Dan m Colorado, and investigations lead conducts experiments on himself to planet who searches for knowledge ® O Nightly Buainess Report Peterson 1978 15 year old daughter and a cham- ffi Cartoon Express ffi Bodybuilding 11:00ffi Remote Control is an amusement park where robots ffi Car 54, Whara Are You? 0 Herlihy, Tom Atkmt 1983 to a dangerous germ warfare separata his good and evil sides and understanding Richard Kiiey, O ® ABC Newa (CC) ffi Private Benjamin pionship horse Dean Jones Diane ffi WKRP in Cincinnati ffi PrimaNawe ffi You Can Ba a Star ad out each paying guest s fanta- ffi NHRA Drag Racing operation Robert Unch, JoBeth Spencer Tracy. Ingnd Bergman 3:20 ffi [HBO] MOVIE: Hollywood Steven Warner 1974 O Cartoon Express ffi Ann Southern Baxer 1968 (CO ffi Inaida the PGA Tour ffi Mr. Ed ffiffi WKRP In Cincinnatti sies, be it sex, death or mayhem ffi PrimaNawe Williams 1982 1941. Shuffle ffi Top Rank Boxing ffi WKRP in Cincinnati 440 ffi Music Videos ffi College Football: Coach'a ffi Inaida Politics 86 Od) OO Od) OO 0d) Yul Brynner, Richard Benjamin ffi Mr. Ed 11:00 ffi Remote Control ffid) ffid) High Risk O Outdoora Sportaman 1:00 ffi Muaic Vidaoa ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Crystal Comer ffi CNN Heedline News ffi Jack Thompson Down News 1973 3:30 © MOVIE: Conaanhng Adult A 145 O MOVIE: Submarine X-1 ffi 1988 Breedert Cup ffi You Can Ba a Star ffi ® Reletively Speaking perfect family is suddenly torn apart Submarine commander conducts a O Inaida Politics '88 Offi Offi) Sign Off 1:05 ffi MOVIE: The Killers After two ffi Don't Just Sit There Under 1:00 ffi Music Vidaos O CNN Headline News ffiffi WKRP in Cincinnati O® Three'a Company ffiffi ffi ffi Bill Moyara' World when the only son discloses his secret program to smk a German ffi Variad Progrems hired assassins kill a teacher they ffi (X CD d) CBS News ffiffi Offi) Sign Off ffid) ffid)4SHoura ffid) ffi® ffid) OOOd) ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Happy Hour 6:05 ffi NBA Basketball of Ideas 1988 homosexuality, estranging his battleship that early m the war had ffl Don't Juat Sit Thare ffi MOVIE: Don't Look Back: Tha look mto his past and try to find ffiffi) Chear s ffi® MOVIE: From HoHy with ffi Saferi O MOVIE: The Utile Prince ffi The Adventures of Ozzie and father and confusing his mother, destroyed his first sub end most of Od) Od) CBS News Story of LaRoy Satchel Paige leads to a robbery m which he was 6:30 ffi ® ffi ffi) Rosaanna (CC) Love The sizzling story of a young 8:05 ffi MOVIE: SHvar Streak A man ffi® OO Bill Moyara'World Landing m the Sahara Desert, a 6:35 ffi Andy Griffith Mario Thomas. Martin Sheen. 1984. Offi) Cheers The struggles and fruatrationa. bei>eved to be involved Lee Marvin, ffi CNN Haadiina Newe Harriet his crew Jamea Caan. Rupert boards a tram m Los Angelet bound of Idaaa 1988 girl who loses her virginity during a (CC) Davies 1967 pilot meets a tmy boy from another poignant amotiont and finally, Angie Dickinson 1964 7:00 ffi Remote Control ffi Patty Duke S) Miami Vica (CC) summer of unrestrained passion 6:35 O Andy Griffith for Chicago and gets mixed up with O [HBO] Inaida tha NFL planet efto searches for knowledge ffi Crook and Chase ffi True Adventure ® Remington Staala ffi Private Benjamin 240 O [MAX] MOVIE: Tha Gun That tnumph and glory m the life of 1:30 ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Dangerous Joanna Miquel. Marlene Wil- 740 O Remote Control murder and a sexy woman Gene ffi The Advanturee of Ozzie and and understanding Richard Kiiey. Satchel Paige, a ledgendary ba- ffi ffi Night Court ffi Talae from tha Darkaide toughby 1980 ffi Ann Southam Won tha Waat WMer. Jill Clayburgh 1976 Moves 9:00 ffi Music Vidaos O Crook and Chaae Steven Warner 1974. seball great Louit Gottett Jr. Jim ffi d) Currant Affair ffi Ughtar Side of Sporta ® Saarch for Tomorrow 4:00 ffi Muak Vidaoa O Miami Vice (CC) O Edge of Night 2:00 ffi [HBO] MOVIE: Playing for ffiffi MOVIE: Tha Money PH 2:300 [HBO] MOVIE: The 7th OS) HigM Court 8:30ffid) ffi® A Different Wortd Davit 1981 ffi (Q) National Gaographic When a young couple needs a new ffi Straight Talk 0 Naw VaudavMiana III 1988 O (I) Currant Affair vyv diimiffvttr\n O Straight TaBi Kaaps (Stereoi Voyage of Sinbad O Larry King Overnight ffi ffi Nightly Buaineee Raport home m e hurry, they find e beeutiful ffi Laug;i In ffi Schoiaatic Sports Amarica ® Variad Programa ® National GaograpWc Thie Old Houae (CO O Talae from ihe DarkaidDa e O malde PoWIca'88 3:30© [MAX] MOVIE: Tha First O O MOVIE: Tha Utile Princeas 3:00 ffi Auto Racing ffi ffi MacNail/ Lehrer mansion m the country that isn t ffi Inaida GoH ffi Inside Politics '88 ffl MOVIE: Tha Black WindmiM OO Nightly Busineaa Raoort # a Time 3:30 ffi [MAX] MOVIE: Dark Horse NewaHour quite the bergam it seems to be ffiffi) M A*S H ffi Patty Duke ffi Battle of the Monatar Trucka ffi® ffi® Whaal of Fortune Tom Hanks. Shelley Lonong 19619 6 ffi Wortd in Conflict 0d) 0d) MOVIE:'Lady from and Mud Racing 4:00 ffi AWA Championship (CC) ffid) 0(g ~ la Son, 11:30 ffi Poet Modem Show Yesterday' CBS Lata Movie ® Larry King Overnight Wrestling ffi MOVIE: Tha Stars Look Down O (MO.TU,WE.TH) Fun Houae OO Ahrtn OO Souere One TV (CC) The I mvell l edger - Wednesday. October 26, 1988 - Page 14 ii:*« (WE) Andy OrffWh O (MO) SportraKa U » (MO.WE.FR) Focua on Chipmunks The Lowell Ledger • Wednesday, October 26, 1988 • Page 15 OO (FR) Madaieme Cooks tT TU) Cycing Society rh OO (MO) Busineaa of ffi (WE) Throughbred Digeat Mi O (TU) Adam Smith s Money ffl (TH) Schoiaatic Sporta AFTERNOON Management DAYTIME (SO (TU) Hera's To Your America OO (TH) The Telecommun- I 12400 Control Health ffl Inapector Gadget ications and Information rrows rebound with wins over Zeeland & Sparta O CD (MO.TU) ID (TU.TH) OO (WE) Amencan Govern ffl® Cheera Revolution ffl i USA Today ID Donald Duck Presents ment Survey O (MO.FR) ffl O (MO,WE.TH) Lowell varsity girts' basket- and the Red Arrows would grab MORNING O® CNN iOO (TH) Sawing with Nancy ffi (TU) In Search of Paradise The Red Arrows shot out of caused 36 Spartan turnovers as Lowells shooting from the increased that lo 15 in the third ffl Sha Ra Od) Od* > CD ffl (WE) Al Oeming: Man of the ill coach Ken Akers was talking a share of second with the ffl Father Knows Beat OO (FR) New Southern OFat Albert the blocks against Zeeland al- the Red Arrows led fmm start to floor was much improved, but quarter The lead was 10 with 5 00 O (MO) Mutic VKtoot Cooking (CO North ffl Bonanza; The Loat mul how well his team re- Golden Hawks. ffl Bozo O ® i Lova Lucy ffl (TH) Pacific Outdoors most as fast as Olympic sprinter finish and were really never from the foul line the Arrows had under two minutes to play. "Our iball past. sen continued. "This win was for game-winning touchdown was In a pre-conference warm-up overall at 23:34. Lowell runners fourth at 18:16; Patterson was For the year, the boys were Lowell tied the game at 6-6 Johnson Park Saturday, the Red fourth, finishing at 17:32.0 4,| After Lowell's stunning and the him." senior Pete Kemp. The Red Lowell's girls defeated Zeeland four and five were Kanoza, fifth sixth at 18:46; Stouffer was 3-4 in the O-K White and 7-6 early in the second quarter when Arrows were stronger than six of expected VanderWarf to run well inspirational 18-13 victor) over His Red Arrow pride button Arrow intercepted a Steve Turner 22-39 while the boys lost 25-30. overall at 22:45; and Decke. eighth at 19:19; and Haines was overall. Ryan Holtz hooked up with Tim the seven league teams, the ex- and he did," Harper said. the previously unbeaten O-K would have popped seeing Low- pass in the flats at the Zeeland Weststrate on a 63-yard post pat- ception being the Pioneers. Runners five and six were Wal- White Conference Champs Zee- ell trail twice at 6-0 in the first 26-yard line. A Chix facemask I I: tern. "Usually I streak down the tGR without the services of ter Roundtree and Jeremy Walker land Chix. Red Am)w fans in half and 13-12 in the third quar- on third and two gave Lowell the 9 sidelines, but this time I gave the their top runner. Heather Slay, of Sparta. Their times attendance Friday night can ter. but both times came back to ball first and goal from the nine. were Equestrians clinch District V Championship defender a move to the Hag and was still able to post an impres- 17:34,4 and 17:36.0 safely assume the\ witnessed grab the lead With 1:04 to play Todd Nauta respec- cut to the post." Weststrate said. sive victory. The teams came tively. number seven. "We've told the kids all year rambled in from seven yards out, For the senior this was one of home m this order: I. EGR, 50; The Lowell Equestrians Seat Fitting & Showing: 2nd Western Equitation: 1st Rochelle 2nd Melanie Nelson (19.810), - you're going to get knocked % Red Arrows' Mull was Zeeland entered the game a giving Lowell the lead 18-13. two memorable catches. The sec- 2. LOWELL, 74; 3. Forest Hills clinched their fourth straight Dis- Chris Carrick, 4th Kelleigh Kin- Ludge, 2nd Barbara Kropf, 3rd 3rd Laura Finney (20.963), 5th victory away from an undefeated down, but what* important is seventh stopping the clock at ond catch being the one he. Red "It s something that's hard to Central, 100; 4. Wyoming Ro- trict V Class A Championship sey. 5th Kristina Jefferson; Hunt Melanie Nelson. 4ih Clay Pelon: Andrea Schrenk (21.835): Speed 10 season in the O-K White in its that you get back up one more 17:42,8, Mull ran a great race Arrow fans and Zeeland defen- put into words, but it's a great llers, 115; 5. Wyoming Park, With a whopping 621 point total Seat Fitting & Showing: 1st Bar- Western Bareback: 1st Barbara <& Action: 1st Melanie Nelson first year, and an innaugural con- time than you get knocked again," Harper said. ders won't soon forget. On sec- feeling, seeing these young men lor three meets. Lowell over- bara Kropf, 2nd Rochelle Ludge, Kropf, 2nd Rochelle Ludge, 3rd (10.492), 2nd Andrea Schrenk down.'* Christensen said. 134; 6. Zeeland, 141; 7. Sparta, Rounding out the top 10 boy ference championship. The Chix 7 (10.716). 3rd Laura Finney ond down and seven from the accomplish something like this." 144; S. Northview, 159. whelmed their opponents. 5ih Clay Pelon: Saddle Seal Clay Pelon, 4th Ryan Brandt: had successfully turned away the Lowell certainly did that runners were Dave Vonk, FHC. Zeeland 31-yard line, Holtz Christensen said. The Lowell With Slay sitting the race out The B division was much Equitation; 2nd Kelleigh Kinsey. Western Reining: 1st Tammy (11.641); Two-Man Relay: Team challenges of East Grand against Zeeland As if its oppo- 17:45.4; Matt Richmond. North- coach ranked this victory as the o closer w ith Zeeland coming from 3rd Kristina Jefferson. 4th Chris Jeske. 2nd Melanie Nelson, 4th I-1st Laura Finney & Tammy nent. the Chix weren't enough, lofted a ball in the direction of I due to in jury, the door was view, 17:50.1; and Randv Rapids. Wyoming Park. North- Jeske (13.339), Team 2-3rd Ryan Weststrate into the Chix en- sweetest in his nine years as opened for Parks' Kim Blouw, Wooten, Sparta, 17:58.7. behind to squeak past Rockford. Carrick; Saddle Seat Pattern: 1st Clay Pelon; Trail: 1st Melanie 10 view Rogers. Forest Hills Cen- the Red Arrows were flagged for Brandt & Andrea Schrenk dzone. who had two Zeeland de- coach. "The victory three years who claimed first with a time of Only three points separated the Kristina Jefferson, 4th Chris Car- Nelson, 2nd Tammy Jeske, 5th tral and Sparta numerous penalties (13 for 120 r Lowell's final three runners (15 013). fenders with him. the Zeeland s ago against Park, when Mike 19:54.8. Sparta's Angie Thomas lop three: Zeeland 259: Rockford rick, 5th Kelleigh Kinsey; Sad- Ryan Brandt; Flag Race: 1st Lowell, playing for the pride yards). The Chix. after taking the finished in increments of 10. An defenders went up for the ball, Dumas was a junior, ranks right 258; and Cedar Springs 257. dle Seat Bareback: 1st Kelleigh Tammy Jeske (11.734), 2nd Every Lowell exhibitor placed of the O-K White, not wanting second-half kick, fumbled on took second, stopping the clock drew Patterson was 24th at 11 tipped it, and Weststrate. who up there, but this I think is swee- Lowell will now represent Dis- Kinsey, 4th Kristina Jefferson; Laura Finney (12.691), 3rd at the final District meet. The their sixth play into the drive. at 20:10.2. 18:54.9; David Stouffer was a team to come into the confer- V. trict V in Mason on Oct. 29 for Hunt Seat Equitation: 1st Bar- Andrea Schrenk (12.710), 7th team is looking forward to the never left the ground, grabbed ter. because of the way fhe kids ence and go unbeaten in its first Soubahn Soukhome fumbled on Low el Is top runner all year. 34th at 19:27; and Wayne Haines the ball out of the air giving Low- had to come from behind twice Ihe Class A State Championship. bara Kropf. 4th Rochelle Ludge, Ryan Brandt (22.813); Clover- State meet Saturday and hoping year; for the pride of Red Arrow the Lowell 44-yard line and Hillari Kirsch didn't disappoint was 44th at 19:50. All five Low- Tim Weststrate caught three passes against the league leading ell a 12-6 lead during the contest. At the final meet at Zeeland 5th Clay Pelon; Hunt Seat leaf; 1st Tammy Jeske (19.550), to come back with the big prize. Arrow David Organek jumped the Red Arrow faithful or her ell runners finished under the 20 football: and for Coach Carrol Chix Friday night. Two of them went for touchdowns. the lollowing placings were Bareback: 1st Barbara Kropf, 12 on it. coach as she finished third, com- minute marker. "Chris' Burch the patriarch of picked up by Lowell. 2nd Kelleigh Kinsey, 3rd The very next play, momen- ing home in 20:48.8, The sixth Arrow runner to Lowell pride. "We would have loved to play cides a close contest - the line In Western Fitting & Showing: Rochelle Ludge, 7th Katie tum look a sudden and cruel turn. Kirsch ran another strong come home was Jon Pratt at Burch. who passed away last on a dry field." Zeeland s first- play. i 1st Melame Nelson. 4th Hawk; Equitation Over Fences: Bob Adams tumbled at the Low- race." said Lowell coach Tom 21:25. week, was honored with a mo- coach Stan Jesky said. "We had Trailing by five. 18-13, with Rochelle Ludge, 5th Ryan 1st Kristina Jefferson, 3rd Kel- ell 44. the ball hit the soggy turf Harper. Lowell's boys finished fifth in ment of silence before the game our shots at it, but in key situa- 7:41 to play, Zeeland marched Brandt. 6ih Clay Pelon; Saddle leigh Kinsey, 4ih Barbara Kropf; A large oak tree can give off almost 30,000 gallons of 12 Places four through six looked b\ Lowell fans, players, coaches took one bounce right into the tions we slipped, turned the ball the ball from its own 46 to the the conference meet and fifth in moisture a year. and friends for the football le- arms of Zee land s Zeb Jones, over or missed a block. These Lowell 17, behind some strong like this. Tiffany House, Park, gacy Lowell's Mr. Football left who then raced down the Arrow are things we haven't been doing trap block running. Christensen 2105 7; Betsy Pyle. EGR, behind. sidelines for the go ahead all year. " used a time out to make a few 21:11.0; and Dawn Westfield. The week of practice and the touchdown. In a game that was filled with adjustments defensively on the Zeeland, 21:31.0. game w ere dedicated by coaches The game wasn't played in more ups and downs and plot trap, and while out there on the Lowell's harrier of consis- Legal Notices and players in his memory Some ideal weather conditions, but twists than an Alfred Hitchcock field reminded his Arrows who tency. Betsy Dommer, was might question using a person's both clubs had to deal with the thriller, it was decided in the last they were playing the game for seventh overall, covering the ter- death as a rallying point for a wet and soggy turf. rain in 21:41.3. Finishing out the NOTICE OF eight minutes by what usually de- • Coach Burch. STATE OF MICHIGAN NOTICE OF lop 10 were Stefanie Oatis, MORTGAGE SALE The adjustments and talk County of Kent MORTGAGE SALE worked, on fourth and two from EGR. 21:43; Tina DeKlyen, Ro- Probate Court gers, 21:53.9; Tonia Kappenaal, WHEREAS, default has been time, said mortgage will be You make a lot of promises the Lowell 10-yard line, the JUVENILE DIVISION TO: MARCIA SNOOKS, as Zeeland, 21:55.6. made in the terms and condi- foreclosed at a sale at public Arrow defense stuffed Chix run- last grantee in the regular Following Dommer home for TO: RAYMDKD WILLS tions of a certain mortgage auction to the highest bidder to your family. . . ner Doug Van Dam on a trap play Lowell's varsity cheerleaders had plenty to cheer about Friday chain of title of such lands or Lowell was Kristen Shuster in In The Matter Of: made by Roger M. Smith and at the Main Lobby of the Hall Thai was a big play but we njght as the Red Arrows bested Zeeland. of any interest therein as ap- Universal Life helps you were still in it," Jesky said. 19th place at 23:07.9. Red Arrow Jeremy Janes BOGART Connee J. Smith, his wife, of Justice in the City of Grand pearing by the records in the Mortgagors, to Benchmark "There was still five minutes left runners four and five came home | Hearing: November 2, Rapids. County of Kent and keep them office of the Register of Deeds Mortgage Corporation, a to play and we had Lowell deep together in the 23rd and 24th pos- 1988, at 9:DO a.m. State of Michigan (that being STATE OF MICHIGAN in Kent County. Michigan corporation. A paid-off mortgage, college for the kids, an in its own territory. To its credit, itions respectively. Chris Decke the place of holding Circuit County of Rent ipcome for your family. You can keep these Lowell took the ball and was clocked at 23:21.6 and Amie A petition for Mortgagee, dated the 12th Court in said County), of the Probate Court TAKE NOTICE: Sale was law- day of December. A.D., 1986. promises — even if you die—with a Universal Life pounded it down our throats. At Kanoza finished at 23:30.3, teminatior. of parental premises described in said JUVENILE DIVISION fully made of the following de- and recorded in the Office of policy from Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company that time in the game possibly ()ther Arrows to run but not score rights has been filed in mortgage, or so much thereof of Michigan. It's an Ideal way to accumulate cash the above matter. A scribed land for unpaid taxes Lowell wanted it more than us." lor the team included Karen Bus- the Register of Deeds for the as may be necessary to pay and earn tax-deferred Interest, too. Call today, so DALE JOHNSON TO: FREDDIE WHTISETT hearing on the petition on that land, and that the un- County of Kent and State of Most of the heavy pounding ier, 28, 23:47.2 and Stacy the amount due, as aforesaid, Instead of empty promises, you can give your In The Matter Of: Brian will be conducted by the dersigned has title to the land 1940 - 28th St, S.E. was done on the right side of the Beute, 32, 24:35.6. Michigan, on the 15th day of on said mortgage with the in- family a fulfilling future. Making WHTISETT under tax deed or deeds is- your firtvre Court on ihe date and December. A.D., 1986 in Liber terest thereon at Nine and Grand Rapids, Ml Zeeland defensive line. Lowell's "The girls had an outstanding Hearing: November a ittftc 2, time stated above in sued for the land. You are en- 2262 of Mortgages on Pages hammer was junior tailback season," Harper said. "We've One Quarter percent (9.25%) Ph. 241-1009 1988, at 10:30 a.m. Kent County Juvenile titled to a reconveyance of this a r 502-505. which said per annum and all legal costs Kevin Goggins. He was given had great team efforts all year land within 6 months after the Court, 15C1 Cedar NE, mortgage was thereafter on. charges and expenses, in- the ball seven straight times pick- and finishing second in the tough 10: JOHN KIRKWOOD AND return of service of this notice, Grand Rapids, Michigan. to wit: the 12th day of January. cluding the attomey fee al- O-K White Conference is super." ROBERT SINGLETON upon payment to the under- It is therefore ordered A.D., 1987, assigned to the lowed by law, and also any The Arrow girls were 6-1 in In The Matter Of: that you personally signed or to the treasurer of FEDERAL HOME LOAN sums which may be paid by dual meets and 10-2 overall in Shayna KIMWOOD appear before the Court the county in which the land MORTGAGE CORPORA- the undersigned, necessary 1988. Hearing: November 9, at the tiae and place is situated, of all sums paid TION, and said assignment to protect its interest in the Harper's boy harriers while 1988, at 2:00 p.m. stated above. This for the tax sale purchase, to- was recorded on the 15th day premises. competitive just were not deep hearing may result in a gether with 50% in addition, of January, 1987 in the Office enough lo contend for a confer- TO: MINH CHAU VO AND permanent loss of your and the fees of the sheriff for of the Register of Deeds for The premises described in ence victory. THI DUM LDfi IE rights to the the service or cost of publica- said County of Kent in Liber said mortgage are as follows: Lowell's two top runners and In The Matter Of: Diem diild(ren). tion of this notice. The service Ttuc Linh Anh Tha VD 2270 of Mortgages on Page Coming Oct. 29 tt 30 most consistent harriers. Clay and or publication costs shall be Hearing: Novwber 10, 492. Property situated in the City VanderWarf and Mike Mull, Dated: October 19, 1988 the same as if for personal ser- 1988, at 10:00 a.m. of Kentwood, County of Kent, 1ST ANNUAL again showed the starch they're vice of a summons upon com- WHEREAS, the amount State of Michigan, to wit: made of by finishing in the top JGHN P. STEKBIEE mencement of an action, to- TO; JAMES DAVIS claimed to be due on said VILLAGE INN ThadKraus Bob Perry Phil Christensen 10 at the conference. JUDGE OF PROBATE gether with a sum of $5.00 for In The Matter Of: mortgage as of the date of this Lot 70, Except the West 5 feet, Ledger Sports Editor LHS Athletic Director Lowell Football Coadi The boy harrier teams finished each description, without Laniflha McSWAIN notice rs the sum of FIFTY also the West 6 feet of Lot 69, Jix: OSTUME PARTIES in this order: I. Spaita, 34; 2. other additional cost or Caledonia/Lowell Hearing: Ncwwber 15, FIVE THOUSAND FOUR Old Farm Estates No. 3, Part Lowell Lowell Lowell East Grand Rapids 92; 3. Zee- charge. If payment as de- 1988, at 11:00 a.m. HUNDRED NINETY-EIGHT of the Northeast 1/4, Section Sun., Oct. 30th land, 92; 4. Forest Hills Central, scribed in this notice is not Sat., Oct. 29th Sat.. Oct. 29 STATE OF MICHIGAN AND 61/100 dollars 28, Town 6 North. Range 11 6 p.m. 'til 9 p.m. 3 Creston/EGR EGR 94; 5 LOWELL. 113; 6. Wyom- made, the undersigned will in- 10 p.m. 'til 2 a.m. EGR EGR A neglect temporary PROBATE COURT ($55,498.61), for principal and West, City of Kentwood, Kent 1-3 p.m. stitute proceedings for pos- wardship petition has COUNTY OF KENT interest and, County, Michigan. 3 Middle 6 High session of the land. i Grandville/Northview Northview been filed in the above PUBLICATION AND Northview Northview Adult c matter. A hearing on WHEREAS, no suit or pro- The redemption period shall Children's A CREDIT PROBLEM? NOTICE OF HEARING School Description of the land: Lot 11. ti the petition will be ceedings at law or in equity be 6 months from the date of r. Wyoming Rark/West Cath West Cath. West Cath. BANKRUPTCY? H.E. Thompson's Addition, • < Costume Party West Cath. conducted by the Ocurt In the matter of JULIE GAY have been instituted to re- such sale, unless determined Party Costume Party City of Grand Rapids, County (ii DIVORCE? on the date and tune REYNOLDS. Change of cover the debt secured by abandoned in accordance J • K-6 • Costume judging at midnight • Costume judging at 8 p.m. of Kent, State of Michigan. Zeeland/Hudsonville Zeeland stated above in Kent said mortgage or any part with 1948CL 600.3241a in • Prizes • Contests 8r holiday games. • Music by Lite-n-Listen Zeeland Zeeland NO CREDIT? Name County JUvenile Court, thereof, and default having • Games b Party Favors • Music by Lite-n-Listen • Prizes & party favors which case the redemption NO PROBLEM7 1501 Cedar NE, Grand Amount paid: $734.67 for been made whereby the Chi(dr«n mutt b« DUST OFF YOUR BEST No Alcoholic b«v*ragM will ba Cincinnati/Cleveland TAKE NOTICE: On November period shall be 30 days from •arvad during party houra. Cleveland Cincinnati trJ taxes for the year 1984. •ccompantcd by an adult AND JOIN THE FUN. Cincinnati Rapids, Michigan. It is 10. 1988 at 9:00 A.M. in the power of sale contained in the date of such sale. I will guarantee financ- therefore ordered that a probate courtroom, Grand said mortgage has become Dated October 12, 1988 LA Rams/New Orleans New Orleans ing on selected used you personally appear Amount needed to redeem: operative. New Orleans New Orleans Rapids. Michigan, before FEDERAL HOME LOAN cars with minimum cash before the Ocurt at the $1,120.51 plus the fees of the Hon. JANET A. HAYNES, MORTGAGE time and place stated Sheriff. Central/Western Western down. Could qualify for Judge of Probate, a hearing NOW THEREFORE, by virtue CORPORATION * Western Central above. This hearing may new car financing, will be held on the petition of of the power of sale contained Assignee of Mortgage a VILLAGE By: Ann F. Lemaire and M.D. result in a tenporary or payments as low as... Julie Gay Reynolds to change in said mortgage and pur- Auburn/Florida Auburn permanent loss of ycur Lemaire. Bay State Ltd., 202 Florida Auburn suant to the statute of the Charles A. Forrest. Jr. per month. her name to Julie Gay Rettig. Watkins Lane, Battle Creek, $139°° rights to the State of Michigan in such case Attorney at Law Ml Ohio St./MichiganSt. Michigan St. child (ren). made and provided. NOTICE 703 E, Court Street Michigan St. Michigan St. CONTACT October 18. 1988 C47-50 Julie Gay Reynolds IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Flint. Ml 48503 DatPd; October 19, 1988 Thursday, the 1st day of De- Telephone; 313-238-4030 Last week's records 1 > FRED MORGAN 3539 Parkland SW 211 W. Main St., Lowell 5-5 7-3 cember. 1988 ^ 10:00 7-3 Wyominn, Ml 49509 C48-52 at 887-8431 JOHN P. STEKETEE '"'ock in the C50 897-8880 Overall Record 5I-27-I/.652 JUDGE OF PROBATE 52-26-1/. 665 52-26-1/.665

«PuwxKMtiawg . The Lowell Ledger - Wednesday, October 26. 1988 - Page 19 The l.owdl ledger - Wednesday. October 26. 1988 - Page 18 n Lowell YMCA starts fail programs Once again n in nnie lo Man The youth basketball program Monday, the mens "over 30" In January, on Wednesday, FAMILY TORE thinking ahoul indcvractiviiies. has some changes this year. slow-paced league will start. there will be a mens 3-on-3 ri The Lowell YMCA Fall II Games will be played on Satur- Teams will play a 10 game league Teams may have up to Pn>graniN will Marl up on Mon- day mornings on 10-foot baskets schedule at Riverside School. six people on a mster. ii ilay, (Vi. 31. There are several lor grades three and lour and On Thursday in December fast- It you would like to sign up acliviiies from which loch(H)se: grades five and six. Games will Athletes of the Week' paced basketball will be held at for any of the YMCA pmgrams SPermlfi 8 Personal fi by There are swimming lessons be played at the Middle School. the Middle School, or the High stop in or call the YMCA (897- HELP fi FOR SALES Priscilla lor children on Monda\ and Fhe first and second-grade School depending on school 8445). For all youth pmgrams. ANTIQUE SHOW - Oct. 29 rhursday: Kidd> gym is Monday program will play on Wednesday functions. Teams will also play financial assistance is available Lussmyer al Kunciman School tor children evenings. This new seven week 10 sames. if needed. MUSIC & 30, the Stadium Exhibition fi mm198 5 fiCUTLASS SU- ages 3-5; For adults ihere are fii- program will play lull court at UTES Arena, 2500 Turner NW 70 PREME - 6 cylinder, ex- ncss classes every da\ of ihe Bushnell Elementary on spec- ACTION dealers in every type of anti- NURSE AIDES - M J. Clark cellent condition, loaded, week - morning class meels on ially designed baskets. Call the D.J.'s that will que Grand Rapids largest Memorial Home has open- high mileage, make offer. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Children will learn the basic make your reception or show Sat 9-6 p.m.; Sun., ings for caring individuals to Call 897-5897. The evening class meels on Mon- lundamcntals of basketball in a noon to 6. Just off 131 Ex- work as Nurse Aides. We P50 day. Wednesday and Thursday A non-competitive atmosphere parly a time to remember. pressway and just north of provide training. $5.25 per new class will he slarled atler There will also be plenty of Lite & Listen Grand Rapids. Exit Ann St. school at the Middle school on adult basketball this fall. There Sound Systems hour to start plus $1.00 per then north. Formerly the Ar- FOR SALE - 30 in. Gib- Monday. Tuesday and Thursday. will be open gym basketball on Call: 897-4336 hour weekend differential. mory Show. son electric stove. Swimnastics which is a water Monday evenings at the High Benefits prorated for part- 10 NCTFN Mediterrenean red, in- fitness class will meet at the resi- School, cost is $3 payable at the C50 time employees. Apply in cludes hood, $150. Call dence of Ivan Blough on Mon- door. person at the Human Re- 897-5897 day and Thursday. Starting in December, on Ledger Entries Angie Amett goes up over the top of her Chix defender. souces office. M.J. Clark P50 LeAnn Iteen Dan VanderMeulen Memorial Home. 1546 Sher- BUSINESS 100 YEARS AGO IN THE JOURNAL • OCT. 26, 1888 man. SE. Grand Rapids. Ml FOR SALE - Older If theres a last second shot Lowell's football team Jim Cook. Jr. An ad for Ivory Soap, upper right corner, front page, illus- 10 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. daily. to be taken, LeAnn Itecn overcame many penalties in model Frigidalre re- trated. starts: S SEMES $ C49-51 would like to take it; If a two- their 18-13 upset win over AUCTIONEER frigerator. coppertone. MOut through the gates of Ispahan **** out hit is needed in the last Zeeland Friday night. All Types of Sales SEASONED OAK - $105/ Good for second frig or One morning road a studious man ii inning of a softball game, and Judging by the talk with (616) 897 8872 full cord: green $85/full cord; GET PAID - for reading cottage/cabin. Call 897- Who looks for the "greatest wonder of the age." Guess what the game's on the line. Iteen Dan VanderMeulen on Mon- mixed seasoned chunk $75/ books! $100.00 per title. 8323 or 897-6286 after 6 he found. would like to be the batter. day morning, the senior and full cord. 2 cord minimum. Write: PASE - E3045.161 S. p.m. Train wrecks and fatalities are a weekly front page column Without overstating it. and many other Red Arrows may 693-3011 or 949-0554. Lincolnway. N. Aurora. IL P50 A campaign argument is disposition of the surplus in the making high school sports incur a flag by their own U.S. Treasury. 12 BINGO C46tfn 60542. bigger than it's supposed to coach for not following the 75 YEARS AGO IN THE LEDGER - OCT. 23, 1913 Every Friday night, 7:30 P.M. P50-53 48-hour rule. IMPORTANT be. Dick Vitale would call her #*** Village Council postpones an entertainment scheduled Lowell coach Phil Christ- Lowe! VFW Hall, FOR SALE - Xerox here on account of a measles epidemic in town. a P-T-P'er. a "Prime Time Per- ELECTRICAL WORK former" ensen has a 48-hour rule, DIETARY AIDES - M. J. model 2380 copier. 11 x Grand Rapids Shellman Optical has a part-time office in East Main Si. Lowel WANTED - Remodel- IS Itecn. a co-captain on this which gives players the Clark Memorial Home has 17 - 8 1/2 x 11 and 8 1/2 Lowell. iarty Bird Bingo at 6:6:4' 5 P.M. weekend to think about Fri- ing. new construction, openings for caring individu- x 14. Over $3,000.00 The big problem at the County Poor Farm is keeping the season s Red Arrow basket- UUlflMTEO ball team, her second on the day's game, come Monday TFN residential, commercial als to work as Dietary Aides. new, 3 years ago. Ask- men and women apart, and segregating those with diseases. varsity level and fourth over- though he wants the players and Industrial. Licensed We provide training. $4.40 ing $750.00. Works, but An article advises that hot baths be taken only on a physi- NOTICE: all, seems to be enjoying her to put the game behind them. and insured. Call any- per hour to start plus $1.00 may need some service. cian's advice. role, and why not? She's been "I still haven't come com- time 676-9574 or 897- per hour weekend differen- Phone 897-9261 days, or The State Attorney General exempts government institu- filling that role pretty well. pletely down from our vic- BINGO 8323. tial. Benefits prorated for 897-5381 evenings. Ask tions from the 54-hour labor law. 50 YEARS AGO IN THE LEDGER - OCT. 27, 1938 She's led Lowell in scoring tory over Zeeland," Vander- Every Saturday nigfil Nctfn part-time employees. Apply for Roger. Meulen continues. "It was a Lowell Schools will host a gathering of superintendents and the entire season. Iteen plays 7:00 P.M. in person at the Human Re- nctfn as hard, if not harder, on the great win. It made our sea- board members from 10 counties Monday night. C.H Runci- sources office. M.J. Clark defensive end and seems to son." LOWELL MOOSE BINGO HIRING! - Government jobs man is president of the state organization. Memorial Home. 1546 Sher- have a good understanding of VanderMeulen was an in- 1320 E. Fulton - your area. Many immediate FOR SALE - 2 drawer legal 4700 feet of new sewer lines are to be installed on several man. SE. Grand Rapids. Ml streets. what's expected from her. tricate pari of that victory. openings without waiting list size filing cabinet $35; 4 Earty Bird Bingo at 6:00 P.M from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. daily. Somehow, a column called 'Manhattan Merry-Go-Round" "Being a co-captain you're The Red Arrow inside TFN or test. $15,000 - $68,000. drawer chest-of-drawers, expected lo lead the team," linebacker had seven solos Call (602) 838-8885. Ext. C49-51 makes its way onto page 2 ol Ledger issues Yes. its about heavy, solid, old, $50; NYC foibles. Iteen said. While some lead and three assists against the 3468. Goodyear Wrangler tires, 25 YEARS AGO IN THE LEDGER - OCT. 24, 1963 by their actions, Iteen seems Chix. A year ago the senior P48-50 235/16, 8 ply tires, 6 of The Ralph Flugers purchase the bank building at Main and to do both -by action and by was an offensive tackle. them, $5-$20. Call 897- Monroe. taking charge "I talk a lot." "I like the inside fi Personals Bowne Township fiWmEDfi 6592. As part of the solution to a problem of low sales of school she says, then pausing a few linebacker position better. I FREE! hot lunches, the menu will be published weekly in the Ledger. seconds, she chuckles, think it's a tougher position P48 TOASTMASTERS HELPS- Highland Hill Dairy is the first sponsor. "some would say 1 have a big to play and it requires you to DEAD STOCK JUNK CARS WANTED - you become the successful Sixth graders Linda Block and Craig Wittenbach are elected mouth." be in the game more men- You call, we'll haul anytime. person you want to be., helps REMOVAL by the junior high school faculty to be king and queen of the Iteen is very much upbeat tally,'' VanderMeulen said. Buying newer model cars. you advance in your career Moose-sponsored Youth Honor Day on Halloween. about what the season has For VanderMeulen this is Cattle Horses Steve 897-5938. fi CARD OF Rosidents and enrich your life. A 22.5 mile section of 1-75 between Vanderbilt and Indian brought. "The team is disap- his second year on varsity and Calves Hogs C41tfn Toastmasters puts you up River is selected by Parade Magazine as America s most pointed about our conference his third year of high school front with better speaking, lis- CALL 616-399-0560 THANKS fi scenic freeway losses, because we really football. Both of his older WANTED - Volunteer tening. and thinking. Just $24 wanted the conference title, brothers. David (inside *Junio r Varsity Cheerlead- (plus small monthly dues) will HOLLAND but this club doesn't give up linebacker) and Brian (defen- Ing Coach. If Interested, I WOULD LIKE TO THANK give you a year s worth of Change of Polling Place and has played well." sive lineman) also played RENDERING please call Mr. Perry or Mr. - all of my family and friends Arrow football. "They al- self-improvement in com- Holland, Michigan Korb at the High School. for their many kindnesses The daughter of Lee and ways have advice for me." munication and leadership. during my stay in the hospital 897-4125. Cathy Iteen, and the sister of muses VanderMeulen. New club now forming in Ada. P49-50 and since returning home. Lee, Annette and Mark, has The son of Jim And Ann Call 363-6792 or 676-1583. *•** The gifts of flowers and food mixed feelings about her VanderMeulen will attend c50 are sincerely appreciated. senior year. "I'm not ready Grand Rapids Junior College BABYSITTER NEEDED - Bowne Township Lena Peckham for high school to end. It's before transferring to a four- ATTORNEY Must be non-smoker, loving C50 going to be kind of sad," she year universtiy, where he will CONGRATULATIONS - SERVICES and caring person. Call 897- said. study television and radio. Brutus on your first Varsity 7045 between 5:30 p.m. and WEEK OF OCT. 31, 1988 Polling Place Is touchdown! Divorcc from $300 9:30 p.m. P50 Bankruptcy, W ills C50 THE FAMILY OF LOU OESCH - wishes to thank all MONDAY and Drunk Driving the friends, relatives and Now Located In Italian spaghetti or ham and potato casserole, cabbage neighbors for their cards, Complete Formal fi FOR SALE fiflower s and gifts of money or slaw or vegetable. French bread w/p-nut butter, as- any other acts of kindness. sorted fruits or jcllo. milk. Wear Rental RICHARD Old Township Hall A special thank you to the TUESDAY FOR SALE - Plaid, Lowell Medical Center where Oven fried chicken or fish nuggets, mashed potatoes ALT0/B0WNE DOWNTOWN WEDDINGS OR HEATH earthtones. studio they took special care of Lou and gravy or "hash browns", steamed mixed veggies. 1125 W. Main couch. Make an offer. while he was there such a Corner of 84th DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OTHER SPECIAL Must sell. Call 897-6254 Hillbilly rolls or bread, jello w/whip or fruit, milk. Lowell. Ml short time. Also thanks to Dr. after 5 p.m. and 897- Gerard and a very special OCCASIONS 897-9480 9261, 9-5 p.m. WEDNESDAY BOARD MONTHLY REPORT thanks to our family doctor Grand Rapids p47 McKay for taking such good Hot dogs or cheeseburgers, lettuce salad dressing, and Alden Nash SEPTEMBER. 1988 241-2292 care of Lou all these past steamed com or peas, choice of fresh or canned fruit, PIANO FOR SALE - years. Also thank you to all bars or cookies, milk. BEGINNING BALANCE $3,792.54 CLOTHING Wanted: Responsible thepallbearers and Rev. Bill REVENUE THURSDAY S 76.46 party to take on small Amundsen for his comforting Tacos w/meat, cheese, lettuce, combread w/honey, TOTAL INCOME S3 869.00 monthly payments on words. The organist and fiLOSTfi piano. See locally. Call Roth-Gerst FuneraT' Home salad or vegetable, chilled fruit or pudding, milk. RIDGEVIEW Sandra L. Kowalczyk EXPENSES SB35.82 Manager at 618-234-1306 and it'as employees. You all FRIDAY have been so good to me and TOTAL EXPENSE $835.82 SHOPPING CENTER anytime. Fishwiches or bologna sandwiches, later lots and pick- LOST SILVER GREY - 3 C48-50 my family. Thanks again. les. soup or salad or baked beans, fruit or jello, milk. 2173 W. MAIN ST., h p boat motor. Big Crooked God Bless You All Bowne Township Clerk ENDING BALANCE 53.03318 Lake. Dunn St Reward Call Lous Beloved Wife, Emma LOWELL A lightning bolt can gen- Price of lunches io students includes milk. Llemeniary 456-1815. erate more heat than the & Family Submitted by: Ph. 897-6411 C50 surface of the sun. P50 $1.00, Middle and Senior High SI.05. Samuel K Barnes Treasurer" The Lowell Ledger - Wednesday, October 26. 1988 - Page 20 Dietz fills yard with ghosties and ghoulies wearing Halloween jewelry and The ghosties and ghoulies and was going lo do a couple of novelty items like ties or buttons long-legged beasties this Hallo- months ago." to the office. They're also spon n ween may be your gang from Dietz adds that she still plans ing cosutmes. masks, and make work or the work of your neigh- on lining her driveway wilh 50 up to parties and out to restau- bors. milk cartons, each holding a lit rants that feature special Hallo- Neighbors of Bonnie Diet/ candle inside. "These will be put may already be experiencing out prior to Halloween night." ween events. According to Hallmark, this those things that go hump in the she said. "Then: will also be lit night. pumpkins." trend is new for Americans, but Diet/, continuing a tradition Halloween isn't the only holi- the custom of dressing in cos- that she started two years ago, day that brings out the decorative tume goes back more than 2.000 has again decorated her yard genius in Diet/. "1 also have lots years to the pagan new year least with ghosts. skeletons, of fun decorating al Christmas of the Druids, religous leaders tombstones, and large spiders time." she said. of Celtic tribes in Wales. Ireland which haved spun a pleasant "lit- The Lowell native added that and Scotland. tle" web. decorating can become expen- Hallmark research also tells Like many Americans across sive. Wilh new ideas each year, that ghosts were thought to the nation. Diet/ is enjoying one Dielz's costs have grown. "Yes. mingle among te living on Oct. of the fastest-growing holiday but I've been fortunate this year. 31, the eve of the Druid new year trends, the celebrating of Hallo- I've had some stuff donated. Villagers prepared banquets for ween . Many celebrate by playing Dietz said. "Newell's donated the ghosts and wore masks and tricks on family and neighbors, the cardboard; Erb Lumber do- costumes to represent the souls Dietz. however, celebrates by de- nated the sticks; and friends do- of the dead and paraded to the corating her yard for youngsters, nated the while sheets." outskirts of town, hoping the including the kid that lives inside "My parents did not do a ghosts would follow. her. whole lot of decorating when I Today, about 14 million adults "It took two hours for my sis- was a kid. I think thal s why I will get into the spirit by wearing ter, Dawn Schondelmayer and I do so much now as an adult. some kind of costume for Hallo- ween. Industry experts estimate From tombstones, to spider webs, to ghosts and goblins Bonnie Dietz has it all scattered lo decorate the front yard," Dietz While Dietz decorates, many that Halloween costuming, throughout her yard. said. "I started planning what I people will receive cards bearing such messages as "Let's go bump makeup and accessories is nearly in the night." Others will sport a S400 million business. spider earrings and bone bow tics Nationwide, about 28 million at the office and on the street. Halloween cards will be given, According to a Hallmark news making Halloween the eighth release from Cousins' Hallmark largest card-sending holiday in Card and Gift Shoppe. adults are the United States CITY OF LMUl ^ M A - §/1 Tf LOWELL PUBLIC NOTICE


If you have urns, artificial flowers, decorations, etc., which you wish to save, please remove them by November 1, 1988. Urns should be emptied of dirt ad turned upside down to avoid cracking.

All items not removed by November 1t 1988 will be picked up by City crews and discarded.

Winter floral tributes are allowed, including plastic flowers, wire stemmed plants, etc., but must also be removed by early Spring. These items can foul lawnmower blades and cause serious injury. C49-50 . . . „ .. . . • .. , Left, it was a little cool in the shade, even for the scarecrows. This scarecrow had a rough night. Someone spiked his cider. R.ght fo|klore has.(thjs gent|emanonce ,jved happi,y in Lowe„,

\> • MAKE-UP






HALLOWEEN SHOPPING BAGS or 40 CT. TREAT BAGS YOUR CHOICE YOUR CHOICE A® ® BUCKRAM HALLOWEEN CUTOUTS WITCH Colorful selection of decorator cutouts. •^1 HAT Great for trick or treats! 16" and larger. Some embossed. All styles r Extra large 17" vinyl flocked hat brightly printed on both sides. in coal black. A favorite! OPEN M0N.-SAT. 9 to 6 - WEDNESDAY EVENINGS TIL 8 P.M.

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