Working Paper 2002/8 Cosmopolitan theory, militaries and the deployment of force LORRAINE ELLIOTT AND GRAEME CHEESEMAN Canberra, November 2002 Published by Department of International Relations RSPAS Australian National University Canberra ACT 0200 Australia Tel: +61 (2) 6125 2166 Fax: +61 (2) 6125 8010 Email:
[email protected] Web: Cover by RTM Design. Elliott, Lorraine, 1956- . Cosmopolitan theory, militaries and the deployment of force. ISBN 0 7315 3123 X. 1. Intervention (International law). I. Cheeseman, Graeme, 1946- . II. Title. (Series : Working paper (Australian National University. Dept. of International Relations) ; no. 2002/8). 341.584 © Lorraine Elliott Department of International Relations Working Papers The Department’s Working Paper series provides readers with access to current research on international relations. Reflecting the Department’s intellectual profile, the series includes topics on the general theoretical and empirical study of international and global politics, the political dynamics and developments in the Asia–Pacific region, and the intersection between the two. Publication as a ‘Working Paper’ does not preclude subsequent public- cation in scholarly journals or books, indeed it may facilitate publication by providing feedback from readers to authors. Unless otherwise stated, publications of the Department of Inter- national Relations are presented without endorsement as contributions to the public record and debate. Authors are responsible for their own analysis and conclusions. Abstract Cosmopolitan theory, militaries and the deployment of force1 LORRAINE ELLIOTT2 AND GRAEME CHEESEMAN3 INTRODUCTION: THE RESEARCH PUZZLE In 1859 John Stuart Mill suggested that there ‘assuredly are cases in which it is allowable to go to war, without having been ourselves attacked, or threatened with attack’.4 It is important, Mill went on to observe, that nations make up their minds about what those cases are.