Fall 2019 Fraternity.Sorority Conduct Summary

Organization Organization Term of Violation Fall 2019 Term of Violation Fall 2019 Allegation(s) Inducting ineligible new member Allegation(s) Unregistered party, physical misconduct, hazing Allegation Explained Inducted academically ineligible new member Allegation Explained Alleged: Unregistered party, hazing, assault Charged (YorN) Yes Charged (YorN) Yes / No Outcome FOUNDED Outcome FOUNDED/UNFOUNDED Sanctions Imposed Warning/Fine Sanctions Imposed Probation, speaker, plan of action Notes Notes

Organization Organization Term of Violation Fall 2019 Term of Violation Fall 2019 Allegation(s) Anonymous allegation: Hazing and Unregistered Allegation(s) Unregistered party, assault Parties Allegation Explained Alleged unregistered parties, drug use Allegation Explained Allegation: chapter held unregistered party, attendee assaulted by member Charged (YorN) No Charged (YorN) No Outcome UNFOUNDED Outcome UNFOUNDED Sanctions Imposed N/A Sanctions Imposed N/A Notes Notes

Organization Organization Term of Violation Fall 2019 Term of Violation Fall 2019 Allegation(s) Hazing, sabotage, unregistered parties Allegation(s) Hazing Allegation Explained Anonymous Allegation: Hazing new members; Allegation Explained Anonymous Allegation: hazing new attempting to block another org from getting a members house Charged (YorN) No Charged (YorN) No Outcome UNFOUNDED Outcome UNFOUNDED Sanctions Imposed Organization provided a plan of action Sanctions Imposed N/A Notes Individual responsible for other acts Notes Fall 2019 Fraternity.Sorority Conduct Summary

Organization Organization Term of Violation Fall 2019 Term of Violation Fall 2019 Allegation(s) Hazing Allegation(s) Ineligible new member class, use of a weapon Allegation Explained Anonymoust allegation: hazing new members Allegation Explained Anonymous Allegation: chapter took a summer class not approved by OFSA; used a weapon during NM Presentation Charged (YorN) No Charged (YorN) Yes & No Outcome UNFOUNDED Outcome UNFOUNDED/FOUNDED Sanctions Imposed N/A Sanctions Imposed Education conversation Notes Notes Remanded to OFSA, upon viewing the Fall 2019 New Member presentation

Organization Iota Nu Delta Organization Term of Violation Fall 2019 Term of Violation Fall 2019 Allegation(s) Unregistered Parties, Providing to Minors Allegation(s) Hazing Allegation Explained Anonymous Allegation: Hosted parties where a Allegation Explained Anonymous allegation: hazing new minor was in attendance and consumed alcohol members Charged (YorN) No Charged (YorN) No Outcome N/A Outcome UNFOUNDED Sanctions Imposed N/A Sanctions Imposed N/A Notes Notes Plan of Action for Chapter (focus on retraining) Organization Organization Zeta Term of Violation Fall 2019 Term of Violation Fall 2019 Allegation(s) Hazing Allegation(s) Bullying, Harrasment, Intimidation, Safety Violations Allegation Explained Hazing new members Allegation Explained Bullying members to participate in activities that made them uncomfortable, mixing w. unrecognized group Charged (YorN) No Charged (YorN) Yes Outcome UNFOUNDED Outcome FOUNDED Sanctions Imposed N/A Sanctions Imposed Education conversation Notes Wellness checks performed by Res Life. Notes Fall 2019 Fraternity.Sorority Conduct Summary

Organization Alpha Organization Omega Term of Violation Fall 2019 Term of Violation Fall 2019 Allegation(s) Harassment of community members Allegation(s) Hazing Allegation Explained Individual Member of the org. yelled at Allegation Explained Allegation: new members are participating community members while tabling in scavenger hunts Charged (YorN) No Charged (YorN) Yes Outcome UNFOUNDED Outcome FOUNDED Sanctions Imposed Conversation with leadership Sanctions Imposed Warning; New Member program review Notes Remanded to OFSA. Individual held accountable Notes Chapter working closely with OFSA and via chapter standards board National Office