CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E242 HON

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E242 HON E242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 2, 2020 standards and to serve with his best and noth- HONORING HELEN CARTHAN have demonstrated visionary leadership, oper- ing less. He believed that all elected, and gov- INGRAM ational excellence, and drive for providing in- ernment officials should remember and heed novative solutions to complex challenges. It is the words of Thomas Jefferson who said, HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON the dedication, hard work, and outstanding ‘‘Governments are the servants, not the mas- OF MISSISSIPPI achievements of White Memorial Hospital’s ters, of the people.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES associates, physicians, and partners in deliv- ering quality healthcare that caught the atten- Madam Speaker, Mayor Justin S. Flippen’s Monday, March 2, 2020 spirit and loving memory will always live on. tion of the Baldrige Award examiners. His contributions to our community will be re- Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Madam Founded in 1913, the White Memorial Hos- membered for generations to come. I offer my Speaker, I rise today to honor a remarkable pital has since become one of the region’s deepest condolences to his family, friends, hero, Helen Carthan Ingram. leading nonprofit, faith-based hospitals, pro- and the entire Broward County community Helen Carthan Ingram was born March 16, viding a full range of inpatient, outpatient, during this time of great sadness and loss. 1952. She is the second child born to Will emergency and diagnostic services to the Carthan, a railroad worker for Illinois Central medically underserved communities in and f and Doris Carthan, a housewife. near downtown Los Angeles. As a major Helen Carthan Ingram spent all her time in teaching hospital, White Memorial also plays a IN MEMORY OF ELLEN M. BLOOM Lambert, Mississippi. She was always involved vital role in training future physicians, nurses, in civil rights from an early age of 16. and other medical professionals. May 1968, Ingram was involved in the civil It is fitting White Memorial Hospital’s mis- HON. JAMIE RASKIN rights walk out for the seven civil right workers sion is ‘‘living God’s love by inspiring health, that were incarcerated in Quitman County Jail. wholeness, and hope’’ because the hospital’s OF MARYLAND She and three hundred students marched volunteers and staff demonstrate daily, their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from the Quitman County High School to commitment and service to improving the Quitman County Jail. The jail was guarded by physical, mental, and spiritual health of the Monday, March 2, 2020 the United States Army National Guardsmen community. This award only underscores this Mr. RASKIN. Madam Speaker, I rise today where they were beaten by the United States exemplary level of excellence and dedication to honor the extraordinary life of Ellen M. National Guardsmen. But after all of this, it still and I have no doubt, the important role White Bloom, a dedicated public servant, beloved did not deter her from being involved with the Memorial Hospital will continue to have in the Congressional staffer and compassionate con- civil rights movement. community. stituent of mine in Silver Spring whose earthly Ms. Ingram attended Northwest Community Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join journey concluded on February 4, 2020. I in- College from 1970 to 1971. She received an me in congratulating Adventist Health White clude in the RECORD her obituary, which was associate degree in business administration. Memorial Hospital on receiving the Malcolm published in the Washington Post on February She later attended Coahoma Community Col- Baldrige National Quality Award. 7, 2020 and tells the story of her wonderful lege from 1982 to 1984, where she received f life. an associate degree in elementary education. She attended Mississippi Valley State Univer- COMMEMORATING THE ANNIVER- ELLEN M. BLOOM sity where she received a bachelor’s in ele- SARY OF THE BAKU AND A highly accomplished consumer advocate, mentary education. She received a certificate SUMGAIT POGROMS mother, wife, sister, aunt, friend, mentor and in interim denominational faith from More- devoted D.C. sports fan whose professional house University. She was an advocate for HON. JUDY CHU life was committed to public service, died civil rights and worked tirelessly to obtain OF CALIFORNIA February 4, 2020 surrounded by her loving family at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Balti- housing for families. She also helped organize IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES more. the first commemoration of the Mule Train in Monday, March 2, 2020 1996. She is still actively involved in working Ellen’s four-decade career included 18 with the Poor People Campaign, and with the Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Madam years on the senior staff of Senator Howard Speaker, I rise today to help commemorate Metzenbaum (D–OH); within the Clinton Ad- Mule Train. ministration where she helped set national Ms. Ingram works diligently with Quitman the Baku and Sumgait Pogroms and to reaf- telecommunications policy and later served County and the City of Lambert, trying to get firm that the U.S. stands on the side of de- as Deputy Chief of Staff for Commerce Sec- different things for the community. mocracy and peace—and that means standing retary William Daley; and led the federal Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join with the Armenian people. policy office of Consumer Reports. She grad- me in recognizing Mrs. Helen Carthan Ingram Thirty years ago, as the lines of the Soviet uated from the University of Maryland-Col- for her dedication and remarkable works. Union were fading, the people of Artsakh were lege Park, and earned her Masters in Public f united and voted for greater independence Administration from George Washington from Azerbaijan. But this peaceful movement University. CELEBRATING ADVENTIST for self-determination was followed by pre- But Ellen’s most cherished position was as HEALTH WHITE MEMORIAL HOS- meditated and government-sponsored attacks. the gravitational center of her family. With PITAL’S MALCOLM BALDRIGE Over the next two years, the Armenian popu- her husband of 33 years, David Bushnell of NATIONAL QUALITY AND PER- Silver Spring, MD, she raised two children, lation of Artsakh was repeatedly victim to bru- Michael W. Bushnell and Jenna L. Bushnell, FORMANCE EXCELLENCE AWARD tal and racially motivated pogroms. Hundreds both of Washington, D.C. were murdered, and thousands were dis- While the kids were growing up, the family HON. JIMMY GOMEZ placed; not only in Baku, but in places like set out on extended cross-country road trips. OF CALIFORNIA Sumgait and Kirovabad as well. As a foursome, they trekked through three IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES These pogroms were a direct assault on the dozen national parks, visited all 50 states right of self-determination in Artsakh. And it is and traveled thousands of miles together Monday, March 2, 2020 an assault that is continuing today. I know, be- while enjoying all America has to offer. Mr. GOMEZ. Madam Speaker, I rise today cause I have recently returned from my first Among her surviving family is her brother, to recognize Adventist Health White Memorial ever trip to Armenia and Artsakh. Alan Bloom of Montclair, NJ, her sister-in- Hospital as a recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige Since being elected and getting to know the law, Miriam Bloom of Teaneck, NJ, eight National Quality Award. The Boyle Heights Armenian community myself, I have wanted to nieces and nephews and two grand-nephews hospital is the first organization in Los Ange- visit Armenia. And this visit was so much more who knew her as Aunt Ellen. She was the les, the only hospital in Los Angeles County, than I could have imagined. I was able to daughter of the late William and Sydelle Bloom of Silver Spring. and the twelfth hospital in the nation to receive meet both the Prime Minister and the Presi- this prestigious award. dent, have incredible dialogues with the new Ellen’s untimely death followed a three- decade battle against two blood disorders, The Baldrige Award is the highest level of parliament of Armenia, and take in the beau- and a recent stem cell transplant at Johns national recognition for performance excel- tiful country. Hopkins. The family’s profound sadness is lence an organization in the United States can But I also knew that while I was there, I had eased by the joy and inspiration Ellen shared receive. Since 1987, the award has been to visit Artsakh. Prior to my trip, my office was with all who knew and loved her. given to organizations and businesses in that visited by the consulate of Azerbaijan. They VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:14 Mar 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02MR8.015 E02MRPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS.
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