International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391 Status of Water Quality of

Chhaya Mitter

Head and Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Sathaye College, , , India Chhayamitter[at] Chhayamitter[at]

Abstract: Water supply has been a serious problem ever since people started living in towns and cities. Human activities near aquatic bodies bring changes in the quality of water. Improper management of water system may cause serious problem in availability of quality water. Powai Lake is an artificial lake situated in the heart of Mumbai and was built by British rulers in 1891. The city is over populated, and demand for potable water is increasing day by day. Present investigation is focused on various physicochemical parameters and the study of these parameters is useful to determine the quality of water. Analysis indicated that Powai Lake is highly polluted due domestic and industrial waste. Immediate plan of action for cleaning is necessary with other precautionary measures.

Keywords: Physicochemical, investigation, Powai Lake, precautionary measures.

1. Introduction and Literature Survey Deterioration of water quality, loss of biodiversity and fast depletion of water resources are the main challenges In all corners of the world, human race faces scarcity of which need urgent attention [5]. Extensive limnological potable water. Water is major environmental factor in work of Powai Lake was carried by number of workers man’s well being. As per recent survey it is apparent that with respect to the challenges mentioned. [6] [7] [8] future cause of wars will be for water availability. Worldwide, more than 4500 people including children die The water of Powai Lake is unfit for bathing because every day from lack of clean water [1]. This number is water borne infections were revealed in a quality test more than the deaths caused by HIV, AIDS, malaria and conducted by city-based NGO [9]. Water quality of Powai tuberculosis combined. Enormous industrial growth has Lake is not potable. It is used for recreation, gardening, taken place throughout the world in the past few decades cattle washing and fishing. Lake water has got highly to fulfil the increased demand of over populated polluted due to untreated disposable of sewage and civilisation [2]. This industrial effluence enter in water garbage from nearby residential hotels complexes and bodies causing pollution of water and make it unfit for slums. So to save the lake, it is necessary to revive and human consumption. Great care should be taken to keep rehabilitation should be done urgently. them clean to get potable water continuously [3]. All these aspects prompted to estimate physico-chemical South Asian countries including India receive over 70% of parameters of Powai Lake. world’s annual rainfall during monsoon season. In spite of this, we Indians face the scarcity of potable water. 2. Methodology

Mumbai is the financial, commercial and over populated Sample water was collected from the month of September metro city of India and it is in dire need of additional 2016 to June 2017. All the samples were collected from supply of [4]. approximately ten feet depth for analysis of various The Powai water works were designed and carried out in physicochemical parameters. On every visit samples were 1890 by Mr. Tomlinson, Water Engineer, Bombay collected from three places namely Boat club, IIT garden Municipality, as an emergency to mitigate an anticipated and Koldongri. Collection was done between 8.00 AM to water famine in 1891 before Tansa water could be 10.00 AM. Sample water was collected in clean laboratory introduced in the city. The work began at the end of 1889 BOD brown colour glass bottle with 250 ml capacity. and completed in June 1890 [4]. Physical parameters like temperature, taste, odour and pH were measured at the site of collection. Samples were In the year 1995 under “National Conservation Plan of brought to the laboratory to analyse turbidity, total solids India”, Powai Lake of MCBM was identified as one of the (TS), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biological Oxygen ten major in the country for revival and Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) by improvement. APHA 2005 [10] and Trivedi and Goel 1986 [11].

A high level committee was formed to check the pollution 3. Results and Discussion level of the lake and steps were taken to create public awareness for saving the lake. Detailed Feasibility Report Temperature: Ambient temperature and water (DFR) prepared by consultant M/S Wochardt Limed, was temperature measured by calibrated digital thermometer. approved by Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF) Temperature variations were not seen greatly, since lake is government and sanctioned Rs. 6.62 crore as grant to situated near the coastal area where humid condition are MCGM for implementation of the scheme on priority observed (Table-I). basis.

Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: ART20179663 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179663 1623 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391 pH: pH is one the most important parameters in the physical and biological activity of water resources. chemistry of water. The relative acidic or basic level of a Dissolved oxygen is measured by Winkler’s method. solution is measured by pH. In 1995 before revival of lake Throughout the study, dissolved oxygen level was very water pH level was 7.2 [12] Polluted water has pH value less indicating large amount of domestic effluents are low but it depends upon nature of pollutants. Throughout present in the water. A low DO (less than 2 mg/L) would the investigation, pH of the sample ranged between 7.4 - indicate poor water quality [2]. In 1995 before revival of 7.8 (Table-I). lake, DO level at the bottom had gone low as 0. 71 mg/L [12]. Results are given in the (Table-I). Turbidity: Suspended material in water gives cloudy appearance to water. Insoluble sediment particles increase Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): BOD indicates turbidity. It can be measured by different optical systems. organic quality of water. Higher BOD value indicates less It is considered as a good measure of the quality of water. oxygen available in the water body. In 1995 status of lake High turbidity in water affects its hardness [13]. It causes was transformed by “aeration and bioremediation bacterial growth. Turbidity affects light scattering technique from hypertrophic to mesotrophic level [12]. absorption properties of water. It also affects waters Biological oxidation process is capable of oxidising aesthetic look in a lake. Turbidity is measured by an natural detritus organic waste in the water, which gives instrument called naphathometer {Nephthelometric unpleasant taste and odour to water. The permissible limit Turbidity Unit (NTU)}. Turbidity was more or less similar of BOD is 30 mg/L [15]. BOD value during study throughout the study, but comparatively more during indicates water is heavily polluted (Table-I). September, March, April and May. Results are mentioned in the (Table-I). Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): It means the total measurement of all chemicals in water that can be Total Solids: Total Solids (TS) is the sum of Total oxidised by strong oxidants. According to WHO Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Total Suspended Solids standards, COD value is 10 mg/L. In 1995 before revival (TSS). TS Range 95- 400 mg/L was observed by [14]. In of lake, COD at the top was 42.70 mg/l and at the bottom this work TS is calculated by drying and weighing the was 119mg/L [12]. COD was very high throughout the residue. Results of this study are mentioned in the Table-I. year indicates water is highly pollutants. COD value was more than BOD. So it revealed that water is not fit for Dissolved Oxygen (DO): DO is a very important dairy and bathing without treatment (Table-I). parameter in water analysis since it acts as an indicator of

Table I: Physico-chemical Parameters of Powai Lake water May Parameters October November December January February March April

Temperature (Degree Celsius) 34.5 29.7 28.7 29.5 30.5 34.7 34.8 34.8 Turbidity (NTU) 5.3 4.3 3.9 4.7 4.2 3.8 4.9 2.9 pH 8.1 7.9 8.2 7.8 8.2 8.4 8.3 8.7 Total Solids (TS) mg/L 490 407 369 370 395 341 369 390 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 1.6 2.5 1.7 3.1 4.7 4.2 2.9 3.2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) mg/L 57 49.3 45.7 44.1 45.0 47 41.5 42 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/L 80.2 76.4 70.9 65.6 66.3 61.9 69.1 72.3 International journal of scientific and research public 4. Conclusion and Future Scope volume 4 issue 6 ISSN : 2250-3153. [4] “Water” (2006) Mumbai, World Water Day MEA and The results of this assessment indicated aquatic Brihan Mumbai Licensed plumbers Association parameters are more than permissible limits. Water quality (BMLPA) pp79-85) Powai of Lake is deteriorating since long. It is necessary [5] Salaskar P.B.., Yeraagi S.G. and Rodrick G.(2007) to clean water immediately. “Environmental status of Powai Lake, Mumbai th India.” In proceedings of Taal 2007, the 12 world References World Lake conference. pp: 160-1654. [6] Thakhare V.P. (1969) “Some aspects of limnology of [1] Pulitar Center Issue-“water and sanitation” (2016). Powai lake” Mumbai M.Sc Thesis University of News Hour, the common language project and the Mumbai. under – Told stories project – support provided by the [7] Bhagat, M. J. (1977) “Ecology and Sport Fishery of larid Norton Family Foundation individual donors. Freshwater Lake”, M. Sc. Thesis, University of [2] Tiwari S. (2015) Water quality parameters –A Mumbai, Mumbai. Review International journal of engineering science [8] Singh Kohili M. P.91991): Final project report of innovation research and development vol, (1) issue IX studies of Hydrology and Fisheries of Powai lake, Mumbai. www. Ijesird .com 2349-6185. th [3] Lodh R., Paul R., Karmkar B and Das M.K. (2012) [9] Hindustan Times 15 June 2017 – Mumbai’s Powai “Physicochemical study of water quality with special lake is dying becoming toxic for its fish. reference to ancient led of Udaipur city Tripura India” [10] APHA (2005) “standard methods for the contamination of water and wasters”, 21stEdn Washington DC, USA. Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: ART20179663 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179663 1624 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391 [11] Trivedy R.K. and Goel P.K (1986)“ Chemical and biological methods for pollution studies, Environmental Publication karad Maharastra. [12] Dange D.T and Sohoni M. R. (2005) “Revival and rehabilitation of Powai Lake”. “Water” World water Day MEA & BMLPA (Brihan Mumbai Licensed plumbers Association ) published on the occasion of world water Day 22nd March,2005, pp.280-288. [13] Wetkar A.M. and Barbate M.P. (2017) “Impact of idol immersion on water quality of kolor river in Saoner district Nagpur india.” International journal of environmental science , ISSN2319-1414,3(3):34-42. [14] Koliyar J.G. &Rokde (2008) “Water quality of powai lake, mumbai Maharas Koliyar J.G. &Rokde (2008) “Water quality of powai lake, mumbai Maharashtra” proceedings of Taal. 12th world lake conference 1655- 1659. [15] BIS (1993) Indian standard drinking water specification Bureau of Indian standards, New Delhi.

Authors Short Profile:

Dr. (Mrs.) Mitter Chhaya Saroj Kumar Associate Professor. (Head of the Zoology Department.) Sathaye College, Vile- Parle (E), Mumbai- 400057. Experience: 30 years. Research- 22 Published papers in National and International Journals. Contact no: 9773415469.

Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: ART20179663 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179663 1625