Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Eggs Are Laid Together on the Underside of Leaves, Usually in Groups of 10 to 12

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Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Eggs Are Laid Together on the Underside of Leaves, Usually in Groups of 10 to 12 13594_1_CRX6:6347_English-1 1/28/09 6:51 AM Page 1 GLASSY-WINGED Download a copy of this brochure from SHARPSHOOTER A Serious Threat to California Agriculture The brown scars left by the egg masses on the underside of the leaf are easier to see after the nymphs emerge from the eggs. A leaf may have more than one egg mass. Glassy-winged sharpshooter eggs are laid together on the underside of leaves, usually in groups of 10 to 12. The egg masses appear as small, greenish blisters. These blisters are easier to observe after the eggs hatch, when they appear as tan to brown scars on the leaves. Female with white secretion on the wings that she later uses to cover the newly laid egg masses. This informational brochure was produced by ANR Communication Services for the University of Califor- nia Pierce’s Disease Research and Emergency Response Task Force. You may download a copy and find additional resources from the University of Cali- fornia Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Workgroup Web site at Parasitized egg masses are tan to brown in color with small, circular holes at one end of the eggs. For local information, contact your UC Cooperative GLASSY-WINGED Extension farm advisor or county agricultural commis- SHARPSHOOTER sioner: FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA’S IERCE S ISEASE ESEARCH AND 0 1⁄2 in. P ’ D R EMERGENCY RESPONSE TASK FORCE 13594_1_CRX6:6347_English-1 1/28/09 6:51 AM Page 2 For local information, contact your UC Cooperative Extension farm advisor or county agricultural commissioner he glassy-winged sharpshooter scapes, native woodlands and riparian vegetation. It feeds Detection on hundreds of plant species including woody plants Early detection of the glassy-winged sharpshooter in non- T (Homalodisca vitripennis*) is a and annual and perennial herbaceous plants. It occurs infested areas of California is important for developing in high numbers on citrus. Common landscape host serious pest in California. control strategies. plants include bird of paradise, eucalyptus, euonymus, Native to the southeast United States, this insect was first A map of glassy-winged sharpshooter infested areas crape myrtle, pittosporum, sunflower, hibiscus, xylos- observed in California in 1990 and is now established in in California can be found on the California Department of ma and cottonwood, among many others. On most Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Food and Agriculture Pierce’s Disease ControlProgram Web plants, it feeds on stems rather than leaves. When feeding, Diego and Ventura Counties and has been sporadically site at Yellow sticky traps, it excretes copious amounts of watery excrement in a steady found in a few cities of Northern California. It is a particular even those used to detect other insects such as apple stream of small threat to California vineyards due to its ability to spread maggots or blue-green sharpshooters, are useful for moni- droplets. In urban Xylella fastidiosa, the bacteri- toring the glassy-winged sharpshooter. Plants can be um that causes Pierce’s disease. examined by direct observation or by using a sweep net. Pierce’s disease kills grapevines, The glassy-winged Look for adult insects, nymphs and egg masses. and there are no effective treat- sharpshooter gets its name from its trans- ments for it. Glassy-winged sharp- The glassy- parent wings. winged sharp- shooters led to a Pierce’s disease areas, this “leafhopper rain” can be a messy nuisance. When shooter is epidemic in the Temecula region shown next to of Southern California that con- dry, the excrement can give plants a whitewashed appear- the smaller ance, which reduces fruit quality particularly on citrus. blue-green tinues to threaten the survival of sharpshooter. itsviticulturalindustry. The adult glassy-winged sharpshooter is a large In addition to Pierce’s disease, insect, almost 1/2 inch (12 mm) long, and is dark various strains of X. fastidiosa brown to black with a lighter underside. The upper cause scorch disease of almond, parts of the head and back are stippled with ivory or yel- oleander, mulberry,olive and liq- lowish spots and the wings are partly transparent with reddish veins. Adult females may have large white spots uidamber. It also causes alfalfa If you find egg masses or insects in a non-infested on their upper wings. This white substance, secreted by dwarf and citrus variegated area that you suspect to be the glassy-winged sharp- the female, is used to cover freshly laid egg masses. The The immature nymphs chlorosis. The potential spread shooter, please contact your local UC Cooperative nymphs are wingless, mottled olive gray in color and are wingless. of these diseases by the Extension office and/or your county agricultural are variable in size, depending on their stage. glassy-winged sharp- commissioner. They can help with insect collection shooter should be of This citrus and positive identification. Please take specimens, if concern to landscape pro- has been possible, and note where and when they were collect- fessionals and agricultur- white- ed and on which plants they were found. washed with al producers throughout the insect’s California. watery Identification excrement. Glassy-winged sharpshooters The glassy-winged sharp- are large insects, about 1/2 shooter ranges over many inch long. habitats, including agricul- *formerly Homalodisca coagulata tural crops, urban land- 12/08.
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