Annual Security Report & Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
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Annual Security Report2020 & Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program / Fire Safety Report LOCATION: Ottawa, Kansas Annual Security Report INTRODUCTION For further information on notice of non-discrimination, please contact: Kansas City Office Ottawa University was founded in 1865 after receiving a 20,000-acre land grant of Kansas prairie from the Ottawa Indians in recognition of the service Office for Civil Rights provided by early Baptist missionaries. Ottawa University continues to serve U.S. Department of Education on the frontier of learning through innovative, high-quality, personalized One Petticoat Lane programs of study. 1010 Walnut Street, 3rd floor, Suite 320 Kansas City, MO 64106 Ottawa University is a comprehensive, not-for-profit coeducational institution affiliated with the American Baptist Churches USA. Ottawa’s educational mission brings together residential campuses in Ottawa, Kansas and Sur- Telephone: 816-268-0550 prise, Arizona; and adult campuses in Overland Park, Kansas; Phoenix, FAX: 816-268-0599; TDD: 800-877-8339 Arizona; Brookfield, Wisconsin; as well as online. Email: [email protected] Ottawa University is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for students, faculty, staff and guests to all its campuses. CAMPUS SAFETY AND SECURITY The Annual Security Report (“ASR” or “Report”) is prepared each year by the Ottawa University is committed to providing student, faculty, staff, and Associate Vice President of Compliance and his or her designees, working in visitors with as safe and enjoyable a college experience as possible. Your collaboration with local security officials and local police as necessary. The safety is a joint effort between students, faculty, staff, local police and/or Associate Vice President of Compliance, working with the designees from on-site security, and you. This document includes important security infor- each University Campus, also prepares the statistics for the annual disclo- mation that will help promote your safety while attending or visiting Ottawa sure of crime statistics, including identifying reported Clery-covered crimes University. and making a good faith effort to obtain crime statistics from local law en- forcement agencies. The statistics include certain categories of crimes that Ottawa University encourages all students, faculty and staff to accu- occurred on campus, in or on noncampus buildings or property, and crimes rately and promptly report all incidents involving criminal activity and/ that occurred on public property adjacent to and accessible from campus or emergencies to campus security authorities and appropriate law and were reported to a campus security authority or local police agencies enforcement agencies immediately, including when the victim of a in the three previous calendar years. This Report is available free of charge crime elects to, or is unable to, make such a report themselves. This on the Ottawa University website (, and by request at your campus does not have any official off-campus student organizations. campus location or through the Office of Compliance. Notice of the report is sent to all students, faculty and staff via email. All students, faculty and staff also have access to the report on their MyOttawa page. TIMELY WARNING Under the Clery Act (20 U.S.C. § 1092) and its implementing regulations, Ot- MISSION STATEMENT tawa University is responsible for issuing a “timely warning” if certain Clery Act crimes have been reported to campus security authorities or local police Building on its foundation as a Christ-inspired community of grace and open agencies that occurred on Ottawa University’s campus or covered public inquiry, Ottawa University prepares professional and liberal arts graduates property and Ottawa University determines there is a serious or continuing for lifetimes of personal significance, vocational fulfillment, and service to threat to students or employees. God and humanity. At the Ottawa University campus in Ottawa, Kansas, the decision to issue an alert and the writing of the notice will be made by the President and/or NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY designee, in consultation with any necessary campus administration. The e2campus alert may be distributed by blast email or text message to all Ottawa University is committed to equal opportunities for all members of students and employees. Alerts may be posted by administration in each the community and does not unlawfully discriminate in the recruitment or campus building, on the Ottawa website and also by distributing bulletins treatment of persons in any program on the basis of race, age, sex, color, and flyers to the University community. The method of distribution is de- religion, disability, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, ethnicity, pendent on the nature of the incident and the threat to the community. The family and marital status, genetic information or any other characteristic timely warning will withhold the names and other identifying information of prohibited by law. the victims as confidential. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: REPORTING Carrie Stevens Emergencies and Crimes in Progress Associate Vice President of Compliance/Title IX Coordinator Emergencies, crimes in progress and serious crimes which have just oc- 1001 South Cedar Street curred, should be reported by calling campus security at 785-229-1075 or local law enforcement at 9-9-1-1 from any campus phone. Calling 9-1-1 from Ottawa, KS 66067 a cell phone or non-campus phone, on or near the campus should connect Phone: 785-248-2326 you with the local law enforcement. Advise them of your location. Email: [email protected] Crime or Non-emergency to Ottawa University EMERGENCY RESPONSE To report a crime or non-emergency, call campus security at 785-229-1075, the Office of Student Affairs at 785-248-2313, or the on-call Residence Life AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES Professional Staff at 785-248-6428. If warranted, these reports may be Ottawa University staff are committed to ensuring that the campus commu- considered for a timely warning alert to be sent. nity receives timely, accurate and useful information in the event of a signifi- cant emergency or dangerous situation on campus, or in the local area that Confidential Reporting poses an immediate threat to the safety and well-being of the campus com- Crimes may be reported on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion munity. The information may be obtained from a variety of sources including in the Annual Security Report by filing a confidential incident report campus employees, other governmental agencies and even broadcast news. through the University Complaint Hotline at 844-719-2846 or online at Reports filed on a confidential basis are Generally, the president or designee will become aware of situations that counted and included in the annual crime statistics. pose a threat to some or all of the campus community. Once the president or designee or other first responders confirm that there is an emergency or Should students need pastoral assistance, they may contact the University dangerous situation, they will contact the University administration or desig- Chaplain, John Holzhüter, at 785-248-2334 or [email protected]. nee and/or local law enforcement. Should students need counseling services, they may contact the Campus If time permits, the president or designee will consult with the Police Chief Counselor, Kelsey Foss, at 785-248-2582 or [email protected]. or designee, and other authorized University officials about issuing an emergency notification. If time is critical, the notification may be issued Reports filed on a confidential basis are counted and included in the annual immediately. If it is determined that notification will compromise efforts to crime statistics. assist the victim or mitigate the emergency, OU administration may elect to delay issuing the emergency notification. As soon as the condition that com- promised notification efforts is no longer present, the University will issue MISSING STUDENT POLICY the notification. If time permits, the president or designee, along with the Police Chief, or designee and University administration will determine what Ottawa University takes student safety seriously. The following policy and segment of the campus community will receive the emergency notification. procedure has been established to assist in locating students living in Depending on the nature of the emergency, it may also become necessary University-sponsored and owned housing who, based on facts and circum- to notify the local community of the emergency. If this is necessary, notifi- stances, are reported to be missing. Anyone who believes a student to be cation will be made to the local Police/Fire Departments. Notification may missing based on changes in their usual routine should notify the Associate also be made to local broadcast news. The office responsible for issuing the Dean of Student Affairs at their campus or the President. emergency notification will, in concert with the Chief or designee, University administration, University marketing and communications, and possibly lo- You may contact the appropriate party as follows: cal first responders, determine the content of the notification and provide specific safety instructions. The notification may be distributed to the cam- Associate Dean of Student Affairs Donna Washington 785-248-2317 pus