No. 8, September 2004 THE ING NEWSLETTER References: Hewett, P., Irwin, M., Skillman, E., Foltz, Warren, S., Hewett, P., Lewis, G., Moller, P., Iovino, A., Shaver, P., 1996, MNRAS, Bolton, A., Burles, S., Schlegel, D., Eisenstein, C., Willis, J., Warren, S., Walton, N., 278, 139. D., Brinkmann, J., 2004, AJ, 127, 1860. 2003, ApJ, 599, L37. Werner, K., Dreizler, S., Wolff, B., 1995, Hewett, P., Warren, S., Willis, J., Bland- A&A, 298, 567. Rauch, T., Kerber, F., Pauli, E.-M., 2004, Hawthorn, J., Lewis, G., 2000, ASP Conf Ser, 195, 94 (astro-ph/9905316). A&A, 417, 647. Paul Hewett (
[email protected]) Exploring Andromeda’s Halo with the INT Alan McConnachie1, Annette Ferguson2, Avon Huxor 3, Rodrigo Ibata4, Mike Irwin1, Geraint Lewis 5, Nial Tanvir 3 1: Institute of Astronomy; 2: Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching, Germany; 3: Physical Sciences, University of Hertfordshire; 4: Observatoire de Strasbourg, France; 5: Institute of Astronomy, University of Sydney, Australia. he structure of the outer WFC photometry, which shows the actual length is much greater than regions of galaxies is a key inhomogeneity of this system. Metal- 100 kpc (McConnachie, 2003). The T area in which to look for fossil poor/young stars are coded blue whilst similarity of the colour of this feature remnants of the accreted masses from metal rich/older stars are coded red. with the loop of material at the north which the galaxies that we see today This spectacular image shows in of the survey suggests a connection: are thought to be built (Searle, 1978, amazing detail the wealth of deep follow-up imaging using HST/ACS White, 1978).