Pacifica Spring 2006
ABOUT THE APCG MEMBERSHIP Founded in 1935 by a gathering of geographers including grad- Questions about membership should be directed to Bob Rich- uate students and faculty from universities, normal schools ardson at the address below, or phone (916) 278-6410, fax (916) and junior colleges, and a few from government and industry, 278-7584, or e-mail Visit the APCG web site at the Association of Pacifi c Coast Geographers has a long and for information about the organization rich history promoting geographical education, research, and and for a new member application form. Pacifica knowledge. APCG member dues, although raised for 2001, remain modest: Members gather at the annual meetings for social and intel- Regular $20; Joint (2 people at same address) $23; Student and The Association of Pacifi c Coast Geographers Spring 2006 lectual interaction. They receive the annual Yearbook, fi rst Retired $10; Contributing $25 or more (any contribution over published in 1935, that includes abstracts of papers from the $20 is tax deductible). Joint members receive only one copy of Inviting Discussions on Hot Topics meetings and a number of full-length peer-reviewed articles. Pacifi ca and one Yearbook. Members also receive the bi-annual newslett er Pacifi ca, fi rst We are initiating a new approach of presenting “featured articles”: commentaries, and essays that are in a point/ published in Fall 1994. Since 1952 the APCG has also been the Dues are paid for the calendar year. Unless indicated other- counterpoint format. In this issue, Robert Christopherson argues for geographic spatial sciences in research and Pacifi c Coast Regional Division of the Association of American wise, checks dated before November 1 will be credited to the discussions on climate change on which, he writes, there is a “scientifi c consensus on anthropogenically forced climate Geographers, serving AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, NV, OR, WA, BC, current year, while those dated aft er November 1 will be cred- change”.
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