Voldme Llll, Number 8 Monday, September 18, 1972

Casey t0

SSS profits to athletics may end

by Marty Pate Timothy Cathey, a student on bones’ budget, so to speak. But The Council approved a proposal The Council then revised the the subcommittee, submitted an due to fortuitous circumstances by Casey to require faculty to sign re duction in cost of the date Atheltic Director Willis Casey alternative proposal, but action on such as television and Bowl a letter stating that they would tickets for football games. The told the Athletics Council Saturday the report was deferred until receipts, we have managed to not use the priviledge to purchase reduction from $7 to $5 was that he and Chancellor John T. further alternatives could be operate in the black.” tickets for unauthorized users. instituted by Casey. He with the Caldwell “hope to eliminate all explored. Dr. Fadum noted that the Casey said, however, the plan hopes that the reduces rates would Supply Store financial support In other business, the council amount of income was beginning relied on .the cooperation of the boost sales. The Council approved for athletics within the year." approved the establishment of a to level off, however, and faculty and was practically Casey’s actions unanimously. The Atheletics Department, he varsity lacrosseteam coached by Lt. operational costs were rising. He unenforceble. If the plan did not added, wants to terminate Colonel Robert Conroy. Casey said also stated that many schools were work, stricter methods will be The next Council meeting will University subsidation of athletics. the team was unlikely to be required. take place at 9 a.m., October 28. competitive this year due to the in dire financial straits, citing a Riddle Report report by the Kearing Commission, strength of ACC teams. Estimated an NCAA committee which These remarks were made operational cost of the team” will investigated athletic funding. following a report by the be $1,500 to $1,800 per year. Subcommittee on Tutoring, headed Head Fencing Coach, Ron Keep Costs in Check by Dr. John Riddle. The report, Weaver, failed to return this year, recommending a coordinated thus leaving his post vacant. The Dr. Fadum was asked if State tutorial program for students and Council recommended that Thomas was experiencing any such athletes, met objections concerning Evans become coach on an interim difficulties and he said, “We are the proposed financing of the basis for one year at a salary of currently operating on a sound program. . $1,000. , financial basis, and since we are a The subcommittee proposed to Evans had taught fencing before, state institution, it is illegal to do finance the plan with the gross but Casey said, “He does not otherwise. However, I will support profits of the Student Supply profess to be an outstanding coach, any action to keep costs in Store, but Casey objected since the and this is somewhat of an check." Supply Store’s profits have dropped emergency situation.” From approving the budget the 50% in the. past year. . Insurance Program Council moved to the business of Although Casey did not offer date tickets to football games and any specific alternatives, he alluded The Council then recommended faculty tickets to basketball games. the mandatory student athletic fee the implementation of a Medical Casey reported that some faculty for $20. “Our mandatory fee, in Insurance policy to cover athletes members were taking advantage of comparision with other schools, is and cheerleaders. The policy would their privilege to purchase tickets ridiculous,” he said. At cover any major injuries requiring at half price. UNC—Chapel Hill the fee is $30. extensive care incurred during Faculty are allowed to purchase Casey would . not stipulate what practice or play. two tickets at half price, but only action is planned, but in an The Progress Report on the for use of their immediate family interview Thursday, he stated that Budget was the next matter before or guest. Casey said he had the question of the mandatory the Council. Dr. Ralph Fadum, received reports of faculty buying athletic fee would come up. in Chairman of the Council said, “We tickets, who are unauthorized, to future meetings. operate on a policy of a ‘bare use the tickets.

Caldwell tells Trustees

normalcy returns to State

By Craig Wilson “nothing startling coming from that capital improvements request 5‘at Associate Editor commission at the present time.” least through line 16. ‘Such an Chancellor John T. Caldwell Dr. Caldwell then submitted to appropriation would include money told the University Board of the Board abstracts from budget for grounds, improvements, a Trustees Saturday that the State requests from the 16 campus campus “is returning to pre—l965 University of Board pedestrian underpass, Yarborough normalcy." ‘ ' of Go‘vernors which will go to the Drive extension, culvert for West Dr. Caldwell also announced a Advisory Budget Commission for Rocky Branch, primary electrical new record enrollment of 13,800 approval. - distribution, water distribution, for the fall semester. street paving and steam distribution. Restructuring It would net include the University’s three top priority Before the restructuring of projects‘ a $9million General FRESHMAN DAVE BUCKEY calls the signals as the Wolfpack state—supported higher education Academics Building, a $1220,000 shocked the Syracuse Orangemen, 43-20, in Saturday night’s last year, individual campuses made addition to the Design School, or contest. Buckey’s heroics helped pave the way for State’s first requests to the Budget Commission $5,750,000 for central conditioning win and erased all doubt of the freshmn’s capabilitieslphoto which held ultimate authority for on. campus. by Caram) allocating funds to particular campuses for their specific requests. Under the new system the UNC Board of Governors receives Enrollment hits. record 13,800 requests from its constituent campuses and combines them into State’s record fall enrollment of “our extra efforts to recruit The 13,800 figure is a one budget sub-divided into “line 13,800 is best accounted for by rmnority students" helps account “headcount” enrollment, the requets" in various categories such the increase in transfer student for the record student total. traditional method of counting Chancellor Caldwell as‘llealth Education; Programs,’ enrollment, Chancellor John students, and is not a full time “Although the campus seems to Caldwell told the University Board “We want more qualified blacks “Library Additions and to attend NC. State,’ he said, equivalent count in which the be quieter than in recent years, of Trustees Saturday. number of credit hours students this is deceiving,” he said. “There Improvements,” etc. The number of new freshmen “because we feel there are unusual These lump sums are then opportunities for them here, take is considered. is no reason to suppose that the approved, rejected or modified did not increase substantially over traditional issues on any campus by previous years, he noted. “This especially in the technical In fullwtime—equivalent (FTE) the Budget Commission.- which fields. But in addition, we have tabulations, partetime students are ever solved. returns the apprOpriated amounts reflects a tremendous growth in. “1 do feel, however, that with the community college system in become interested in experimenting count as less than full~time to the Board of Governors for with programs to bring minority students. the increased participation of allocations to individual campuses. the state. We expect the number students in decision—making at the of transfer students to continue to students with marginal academic The new record enrollment is credentials here. These ‘high—risk’ not‘quite double the enrollment of University, 0 we are in a better Budget Reqth increase for several years,” position now than in the past to Caldwell said.The Chancellor noted students are frgggeflflxlflsflii‘lfii-flfi“mean—ago“when-r ~77200—students—r 7~~—~ solve problems wrth‘fiscussiorr“--~~--—~fionr-State’smriginarwbndgefiry that the University’s budgeted social‘T'o‘ifl'e—cono mic conditions were enrolled at State in 1962—63. rather than confrontation.” requests, the Board of Governors projection “squares pretty well which would otherwise make them Chancellor also indicated he will recommend to the Budget more qualified scholastically.” The enrollment announced The with these figures. We aren’t going Saturday by Chancellor Caldwell hopes the campus Govemancem-Commission $13,737,118 for current to lose money." The 1972 all semester Commission “will carry us forwarc} \ operations and $40,556,800 for enrollment was a preliminary analysis by the He also e xplained that the is an increace of approximately University‘s office of Student to new and better ways o , capital improvements here. University’s “conscious effort to 300 over last year when institution.’ Dr. Caldwell said he is hopeful 13,480 Research and did] not include a governing this complex reduce the number of foreign Were recorded at the beginning of breakdown by schools and fields of He added, however that he sees the Commission will accept the students in our student body" was the\l97l fall semester. study. I {1 Weariedwith war— the world at peace

by George H. Simons chanced to be their enemies.) Victories years. Scores of cases of difficulty have today embraces the men who do the University were celebrated; men of daring, honored been successfully settled by it. ”Yet, world’s work journalists, merchants, February 8, I 905 in song. recent interest in arbitration has been financiers, clergymen; the leaders in Thus war became in men’s eyes, a created more by modern humane thought and action. Surely its growth and Wearied with war, the world is turning most glorious calling. As the war system progess than by its past success. (While promise form one of the most notable toward peace. From all over the, earth, a developed, every discovery, every notion, the cost 'of arbitration is nominal incidents of the present day. call for peace comes with a potency that every invention was turned into a compared with that of war, it leaves no High up in the Andes Mountains, on gives it the might of a demand. It is a machine of conquest and destruction. bitterness behind, no broken families, no the boundary line between Chile and vital force in the affairs of nations. Might was right. (Business, civic interests, devastated lands.) Its merits no longer Argentina, 14,000 feet above the level of It would be idle to cherish the hope education, homelife, even religion fell need be pleaded. It has won its own case. the sea, stands a collossal statue of Christ, that war is no longer possible; that prostrate at the feet of the war-god.) While one of the bloodiest wars of erected this last year, to commemorate henceforth the world is to be set free There is no greater tyrant in modern modern“ times is in progress, there the treaty of perpetual peace between the from strife and carnage. The Millenium times. assemble in Boston representatives from two countries. Across the base runs this has not come. Yet the present-day Human history is one long story of the greatest nations of the globe in a inscription: “These mountains shall tendency to abandon war is an evidence bloodshed. All the arts combine" to give peace conference. How absurd the crumble to dust ere Argentines and of a change in the nature of man. precedence to the glory of arms. Oratory antithesis! But the carnage that has Chilians break the peace which at the feet In the far past, two men came have moved their audiences to action by marked the great struggle in the Far East of Christ, the Redeemer, they have sworn together and from some reason of hatred accounts of battles. How many hymns has giv'en ,, an impetus to the present to maintain.” Talismanic words! “At the fought with their fists. Here is the war heard in our churches contain the movement for international arbitration. feet of Christ!” Savage war may devastate spirit at its beginning. Soon clubs came symbols of battle? How often is the Liao Yong and Port Arthur have shocked the East and fiery revolution shake the into use. The two men multiplied into . Christian soldier marshalled to war? the sensibilities of the world. They have West. But groups. For cudgels were substituted the As on e reads Count Tolstoi’s aroused a public sentiment everywhere. “For a’ that. and a’ that sling, the spear, the battle-axe, the b0w, arraignment of war, he waits with (Universal peace, that seemed a little It’s coming yet— for a’ that the sword. Men learned to fight in impatience for the proposed remedy. while ago a mere dream, is becoming a When man to man the world oer’ groups, then under leaders. War at last What is the remedy? Religion. If all would waking reality.) The peace movement Shall brothers be, for a’ that.” became, a science and an art. (There was do right, no; one would do wrong; the profession of arms. More brain and (Nothing is plainer.) The great principles skill went into it. Standing armies were of good-will and peace have been organized.) To mitigate the hideousness gradually permeating the life of peoples of the bloody conflict, uniforms were put and nations, moulding their thought and on, and martial musicintroduced. customs. In explaining the humane (Everything was done to induce men to conditions of modern society. go out and beat down other men who Arbitration has a history of a hundred

-ITDRIALS A paper that is entirely the product of the student body becomes at once the official organ throum which the thouflits. the activity, and in feet the very life of the cempus, is registered. It is the mouthpiece throufli which the students themselves telk. College life without its joumel is bienk.Technician, vol. 1, no. 1, February1, 1920.

Sex symposium [1 ~ (/9174:er" 4,, if “ Last week’s four part Human counseling, and contraception services Sexuality Symposium provided students to State students. The initiation of this service Was undoubtedly with an informative series dealing with b- ’I sexual relationships and their problems. inevitable, but also badly needed. The 'sy m p osium, conducted by The Human Sexuality Symposium '6 " ‘ ".: a; "”74' \ professionals with a background in has served to complement the service II’. _._ :79 ’ 42% medicine, counseling, 'or other provided by the Health Department. .-» N A—\ ‘\ associated fields, fulfilled an evident It is hoped that this series of lectures I , . l need among present-day college will be presented annually. in the A» students. future. Nothing but good can come Bringing the subject of sex out out of it. Hopefully some day, ' into the open, as the lectures everything one always wanted to attempted to do, instead of keeping it now about sex, may become locked behind the bedroom door, everything one always knew about provided stimulation as well as sex entertaining discussions for those who attended. With sexual liberation so ' The Lighter Side apparent in all sectors Of society, and especially among the young, such presentations can only serve to further the much-needed educational process Viral infections equal power in this still controversial area. S e xu 31 problems are often the by Dick West a view for using it for experiments with new in a city the size of Pocatello, Idaho pop. results of ignorance or WASHINGTON (UPI) —With a worldwide power sources. 26,131. misunderstanding. The right energy crisis rapidly developing, the Among the possibilities, he said, is power With viral power, mankind can forget information is usually hidden discovery of new power sources has become generated by barnyard anure and bacteria. about coal, oil, fast breeding atoms and somewhere under mountains of rumors one of mankind’s most urgent projects. Domestic animals w' be kept on the other conventional power sources. One good For unless mankind comes up with island and “we will save all the wastes and Asian flu epidemic would electrify the and sheer nonsense. The effort by the something pretty quickly, mankind may make compost piles and use the methane world for weeks. symposium lecturer to dispel these soon find itself without enough current to gas coming off them for power,” he rumors and old wives“ tales must be run its electric‘toenail clippers and will have explained. Technician applauded. The series of lectures to go back to clipping its toenails by hand. Brando said he got the idea for this provided those who attended with Dr. Edward E. David Jr., President from a man who has a car that runs on Editor ...... John N. Walston Nixon’s chief science adviser, told a chicken droppings. ‘ Senior Editor ...... George. Panton facts — verifiable facts intended to congressional committee this week that Associate Fditor ...... Craig Wilson aid the students in their sexual nuclear power produced by the “fast As for bacteria power, he said you can Editorial Assistant ...... Willie Boliclt contacts and relationships. breeder" technique is the most promising “put two different kinds of bacteria in two Manap'ng Editor ...... Paul Tanck energy potential presently in sight. small metal containers with an electric Advertising Manager ...... Greg Hoots These open-minded, no-holds—barred Just how uranium atoms go about conduit between them and the unit Features Editor ...... RJ. lrace discussions are what are needed to speeding up their breeding was not generates enough power to light an ordinary Sports Editor ...... Ken Lloyd household bulb.” Photo Editor ...... Ed Caram pass from ignorance to explained. But it appears that mankind may Circulation Manager ...... Bill Bells knowledgability, not only in sex wind up with a bunch of X.rated power Sounds More Interesting plants. Founded l’cbruary l. 1920 Wllh M t. Trice as the first education, but in any field of the I don’t know if this is the type of editor. the Techmcmn is published Monday. educational profession. Presumably, the electricity they produce “imaginative research” David had in mind Wednesday. and Friday dunng the school year by the “we is . an -Wwaflmmwio‘uld only be sold to consenting adults. but it certainly sounds more interesting than students of North (‘arolina State Universriy evicept the breeding habits of uranium atoms. during holidays and exam penods. most students today, and the i’i’hBfiitdo‘irrtei-vrewew ' it could open up a whole symposium must be rated as beneficial Be that as it may, David said new field of energy SCUM of, ,MLQLMy National Advertising Servrcc. Inc, in this context. Twenty, eVen ten “imaginative research” may provide other which would be far more plentiful than gent for national advErtising. wrthfilliccmr alternatives in the years ahead. In that uranium. I refer to viruses. Suites 3120-21 in the University Student Center. Cate: years ago, such a lectures series would regard, an interview with actor Marlon If beeterial organisms can. generate power, Avenue. campus and mailing address at PO. Box 5698, have been unheard of, but now the Brando in the current issue of “Oui” Raleigh. N.(‘. 27607. the Technician pays Second (‘lass it is logical to assume that viruses can too. postage at Raleigh, North (‘arolina 27601. atmosphere is ripe. magazine is instructive. And the virus supply is virtually infinite. Subscriptions are $5.00 per acadeimc semester Printed For some time, the Wake County Brando revealed he had purchased a small My family alone has enough viral ‘ at the North Carolina State University Print Shop. Health Department has been providing island in the South Pacific near Tahiti with infectionseach winter to light every bulb ‘ Raleigh. North Carolina. Page 2 Technician / September 18,-1972 LETTERS 4 mind after once making the decision. Therefore, McGovem-Shriver poster is in an unauthorized it can not be said that the President acts rashly. location, please check with the Physical Plant Reason for The programs and announcements he has made and/or me before taking it upon yourself to Parking injustice were. all carefully thought out, and most of enforce campus regulations. them have worked. The two most momentous ‘ Charles Case To the Editor: To the Editor: were the mining of the harbors in North co-chairman, NCSU Students for During the past week (Sept. 11-15), I Concerning the second article in “Letters to Vietnam, and the wage and price freeze and McGovem—Shriver Publications conducted a personal survey, the results of the Editor” in the Wednesday, September 13 Phase II economic policy. People may not agree Committee which indicate inefficiency with regards to edition of the Technician. fully with these actions, but they may rest student parking, if not injustice to the students I know that every one is entitled to his own assured that Nixon has had all the other facets themselves. . opinion in all matters under a democracy and considered. , The Brooks Parking Lot (for faculty only) for one to have his“own opinion is- a highly Senator McGovern, on the other hand, has Public seduction adjacent to the Nelson Textile Building has a cherished right in America. The time has come changed his mind on numerous occasions after total automobile parking capacity of 128 for me to voice my first announcing a decision. I am not going to To the Editor: spaces. At 11:00 am. on “the aforementioned own opinion on a certain batter down the Senator’s program, but I will five days, the number of vehicles parked there subject of much recent discussion. just name some of his reversals in the past two Tuesday night, we members of the publicity were: 55, 62, 68, 52, 59, respectively. These lacy Maddox claims that it is unfair for each months. committee spent severalhours putting up two figures represent a 49.5% faculty utilization of person in the student body to pay a few dollars The Senator, after learning of Senator hundred fposters announcing the meeting of the provided lot. . extra per year so that a few deserving students Eagleton’s past medical history, said he would Students or McGovern that was held Thursday The parking problem which exist at State is are “given the privilege of going to school.” I “back him 1,000 per cent,” but through the night. Wednesday morning, I’m sure every one not a little known fact, especially to those ask; is it better to let the Student Supply Store papers gave the impression that the Democratic was replaced by a Jesse Helms poster. off-campus students who make the daily make a little on him each year so that one of his ticket would be improved if Eagleton resigned. Off hand, I would have thought Helm’s pilgrimage from car to class and back. classmates is given a chance in life or to know Eagleton said that he would not withdraw until supporters to be infected with Helm’s own If the lot is to continue to be utilized at less he is buttering the bread that Mr. Sandman is or unless McGovern asked him to. After a long pompous self-righteousness enough to inhibit than 50%, (which reflects “unchecked” raking in each day? Doesn’t it make him feel a talk with McGovern, Eagleton announced his use of this tactic. However, having also endured efficiency in light of the parking situation), it is withdrawal. this poster rip-off and replacement all summer my contention that one side of the lot could little pride to help the guy next door, who is In his acceptance speech at Miami, McGovern here for the same reason that he is, to get an on a smaller scale, I now wonder if the spirit of (and should) be converted and allotted to stated that if he was elected, he would give the “Speaker Ban Law” Jesse Helms so off-campus students who are presently forced to education? every American citizen one thousand dollars. fervently preached has surfaced again to still the park as far away as Cameron Village (creating I feel that if one answers these questions After talking with several economic experts, he voices of wickedness. still another parking problem at times). honestly and humanly that one will understand withdrew that promise. It is a well-known fact that Helms, Hawke Adaptation of such a proposal would present the reason behind the “profit” that the Supply During his primary campaign and in his no eXpense to the University, obviously no acceptance speech, McGovern promised that he and Walker have found it polite to run against Store makes each year. Senator McGovern rather than risk comparison inconvenience to the faculty, and certainly would “bring an end to the war.” After a talk some consideration to the parking dilemma and Billy Arthur Dunlap with former President Johnson, the Senator said of their own talents to Galifinakis, Andrews or Freshman, Civil Engineering Hunt. McGovern is an easy target because he is a the students involved. that he approved of Johnson’s war policy. safe distance away and because his views have Bill Mauey So let me ask Mr. Wilson: which do .you Junior, Politics want, programs that may or may not change the been amazingly successfully distorted or future, or changeiafter change after change in misrepresented. Obviously, for this Rebuke to Wilson the future ? misunderstanding to continue, it is imperative to protect the public from seduction by Michael Hale Gray Munich memoriam To the Editor: CSC Freshman strangely agreeable ideas from such a radical beast. In reply to Mr. Wilson’s statement in the To the Editor: Sept. 15 issue of the Technician, I must say that If my suspicions are wrong and this group In memory of those who died needlessly in he has conpletely forgotten the positive points has no animosity toward George McGovern, and Munich. of President Nixon, which surely outweigh the McGovern posters is merely driven by the covetous desire to hang deficits. The President has pledged to wind Helms posters in the exact positions we down the war in Southeast Asia, while still To the Editor: ‘ unwittingly chose, we will defer to them.We will In Memoriam holding a repectable position at the negotiating Please stop removing McGovern posters! It is gladly move out posters twelve inches to the MASADA table. He has done that. He has opened the door "very discouraging to spend an hour or more right, or two feet to the left of these Helms On newly discovered steps to China in a way that made full use of the mass putting up 200 posters only to come back posters and let our posters hang side by side. We Of tears from flowerless thorns would welcome the comparison. The ringing cabbage thoughts media, even though it might have been slightly through the area an hour later to find the And the wasted heros pompous. He has eased relations with Russia, posters removed and the vandals don’t even By the way, the raiders, with their lighting their seven-branched candles and signed the ABM - SALT treaty while on his have the decency to remove the tape from the accustomed ineptnesg, forgot to send a team to In the Roman parade; trip to Moscow. (I realize that some people have wall. I can’t be sure of where the responsibility McKimmon Village, all twenty of my posters And their friends the innocent doubts about the treaty, but as it passed the for these actions lies, as all I have to go on is. were overlooked. Who live to glorify and to die. Senate overwhelmingly, there is really nothing hearsay evidence. , Steven Guffey we can do about it.) But, regardless of whether Helms supporters, Graduate Student, Industrial Engineering MASADA The President is a man who looks at every Nixon supporters, disgruntled Democrats or just There is no rest for the seekers angle of a problem before coming to a decision, malicious pranksters are responsible, I would The climbers with their candles. ' which may explain the numerous committees ask you to respect the right of free speech. YoUr No rest for those the Administration has going at all times. unauthorized removal of our posters is nothing Free electives , Who guard the torch short of a violation of Who’s existence is defiance. However, after the committee has given all the constitutional rights. For No rest for those . facts to the President, he does not change his those passers-by who feel that a To the Editor: That ornament the holy city After a year and a half of archaic senseless With their blood regulations that require the students to conform. And the hoarse cry of enemies. to and have complete faith in the administration Sept. 12, 1972 UNIVERSITY STUDENT CENTER decisions, I am fed (sic) up with it! I think that by the time a student is a sophomore in college, Tom Davis THEATRE SCHEDULE— Biept. 18 thru 24 he should be able to chose (sic) what electives Sr. LAH he thinks are best for his needs. Yet, in this school, engineering students go through four Sept. 18 Theatre: THE ODD COUPLE presented by years of a very conservative, tighty (sic) Village Dinner Barn Theatre, 8 pm. controlled sequence of restricted electives Letters policy because the administration thinks it is best. I am Sept. 19 Film: Quarterback Club, 12:15 pm. speaking We encourage students and others within the of the Humanities electives which University community to express their opinions via Sept. 19 Lecture: Dr. Nathan Wright. Topic: URBAN require these students to select from a chosen the Letters to the Editor section of this paper. set of “Humanities courses”. I feel that all on letters from candidates running for 56 office. AFFAIRS AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. 8 pm. we continue the policy utilized last Spring and students should have FREE electives so they will withhold - the letter trom publication until Sept. 22 Rock Concert: THE GLASS HARP, 8 pm can learn about what they want to know. After after the final runofl. Letters will then b. Sept. 23 Film: THE FOX, 7 and 9 pm. published at the earliest possible date. Due to all, who is this education for? The faculty? The limited space, we must ask that all letters be 300 Sept. 24 Film: KING KONG, 7 and 9 pm. employers? I don’t think so. Is it necessary to words or less. it otherwise. they will be subject to have another “Kent State” to get the editing for length. All letters should be typewritten and triple-spaced. it not typed they administrations (sic) attention? You tell me! should be legible and neat. All letters are subject to editing for libel. Letters must be signed by the Box Office Hours: 8:30-4:30 Mom-Fri. writer and should include local address. class Michael Gregg Miles standing and malor. f ,Soph. ME

Hero in black dies

There was only one Hopalong Cassidy

LAGUNA BEACH, Calif. UPI — There have survived by his widow, former actress Grace little else of the original remained. and set off a boom. He became a been 16 different Tarzans, six Lone Rangers, Bradley, his fourth wife. in Mulford’s novels, Hopalong was an omery multimillionaire from the demand for his films, two Supermen, three sets of Batmen and Robins A Spokesman for the South Coast cowpoke who walked with a limp, drank and from the Hopalong cap pistols, hats, and a litter of Lassies. Community Hospital, where Boyd had been red-eye and spit streams of tobacco juice. holsters, and other paraphanelia. But there could be only one Hopalong. under care since June, said he died of a But Boyd, originally cast as a villian, talked After all 66 films, had been aired at least William Boyd, who made Hopalong Cassidy a combination of Parkinson’s disease and heart the director into using him as the hero — and four times each and the public demand fixture of the early days of television, died last failure. then insisted on turning the character around. continued, NBC talked Boyd into coming out of Tuesday night. He was 74. After brief stardom as a romantic leading No Gaudy Outfits retirement to make 26 Hopalong episodes for Boyd was the first of the western actors to I man in the 1920s under Cecil B. DeMille, who television, with the late Gabby Hayes as his foresee the riches that could be made in was struck by Boyd’s gleaming, prematurely Boyd’s Hopalong could never be seen sidekick. television, and parlayed aseries of cheap movies white hair, Boyd’s career ran downhill, in drinking, smoking or interested in women. He Although he hadn’t worked in five years, made years before into one of television’s expensive living and gambling debts. was neat and clean, but dressed in a stark, Boyd saddled up his milk-white horse “Topper” biggest hits worth millions of dollars. He was broke in 1948 when he shrewdly saws silver-trimmed black outfit just at the time 11W mm ~He. ' ‘ e the black-clad, silver-haired”,#the_potetttial in thetelescision .markee, ands-"former weste’fih—erFes were switching to gaudy season, then faded into the sunset, to enjoy his Hopalong with himself that no ot er actor obtained the rights to 66 quickie movies he outfits and black hats were supposed to mark riches. 7 could take over, and after he retired he refused made, starting in 1935. The movies featured the the villian, not the hero. In Boyd’s movies,‘ He made his last public, appearance as to give interviews, for fear children would see he exploits of a character named Hopalong Hopalong never shot the bad guys until they Hepalong in 1961 agreeing to open a highway in was not the saintly knight of the sagebrush he Cassidy. had a chance to shoot first. Palm Desert. He turned down the offer of a played. The chatacter’s name was taken from a series Boyd talked a. local television. station into scissors, pulled out his six-gun and shot the Funeral services will be private. [He was of cowboy novels by Clarence Mulford but showing one of his old Hopalong films for $200 ribbon apart. 6 ,\ Page 3 / Technician September-18, 1972 horoscope

quips by 1. michael graves Capricorn Truly a time for expressingiyour inner-most feelings, sometime during the week call dial-a—prayer and say something obscene. Aquarius Watch an old “Gardner McKay” movie while getting your crew-cut trimmed in your “William F. Buckley” for President uniform but only on Tuesday afternoons when the sun is shining. Pisces Your entire collection of nude poses by Annette Funicello will be devoured by an enraged gopher on Sunday the 32nd1n the year 198Krelk Aries Do not under any circumstances remove the label from Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks performed to a sparce crowd in the Coliseum Friday either your mattress or pillow, under penalty of law. night. Fewer than 3,000 tickets had been sold to the concert. (Photo by Foulke) Taurus Your most trusted friend, your Teddy bear, will wet the bed between now and Norf Grunddle. Gemini A good week and a bad week. First the good, you will impress all the girls by flexing your bicuspids on Tuesday. Now Friday concert in Theatre the bad, you will have trouble with long division during a heavy petting session with your math professor. Leo Try something different this week, like having your armpits Glass Harp to perform shaved while engaging in Oral Roberts with a consenting adult. Minors will ignore this week’s astrological forecast. by R. J. lrace performance at the Fillmore Tickets for the September Virgo A week of joy for those of you in the 12th house of Nerk, Features Editor East just preceding its stick your thumbs in your anal pore and walk on your elbows 22, 8 p.m. performance at during the celebration of asparagus in the year 2010. The year of 1968 saw the demise. After playing the ‘ Reynolds Coliseum, will be inception of Glass Harp touring circuit for a while, Libra Sad news for Libra. Sometime this week a bowl of Raisin formed by drummer John they released a second available to State students Bran will eat you. Sferra and former lead album, Synergy in October until Wednesday at $1.00 per Scorpio If your sun sign falls in the 6th house of Grelf, say the guitarist Phillip Keaggy out of 1971. Their third, It ticket, and from Wednesday word “Pig” backwards 8 times and kick a parking meter, but on of Youngstown, Ohio. Makes Me Glad was released Wednesdays only. in August 1972 and sold until Friday, available to the They received initial at the same Sagittarius Beware! Your Avon lady is really a doper from Fire recognition from playing at nationally receiving airplay in general public Island in drag also a bad week to kick beavers. Kent State and were reputed the same manner. rate. As the moon moves into the Grestial Vestige with Mars it is to be more pOpular and obvious that odd occurances will take place on this globular mass better than the area’s biggest we call earth. For it is written, a rolling stone plays many band, the: James Gang (who Entertainment Board concerts. Millard Fillmore is a sure bet to win the presidential now record for ABC). Two race in November just as sure as Spiro Agnew5 head is ten inches ' If there are two that he .would' like to see long (two more inches and it would be a foot). In parting, years later, Glass Harp had things that the Student Cen- the board begin now making outgrownYoungstown and be- ter Entertainment Board is preparations for booking acts remember what the almighty intrepide grand master imperial gan playing all over Ohio certain of, its that Decca to fill these dates. margine said when confronted with a situation similar to this; he and then out—of—state. is quoted as having looked into the heavens and said"‘Aw shit”. recording artists, Glass Harp The board is also charged Classic New Style will be perforating in the with the responsibility of or- University Student Center ganizing an agenda for the They abandoned their theatre, September 22, at 8 forthcoming Fall Arts Sorry we’re late Donovan, Jeff Beck—Mike p.m. and that the Black Festival to be held Bloomfield repertoire in pre- students are scheduling a November 3, and 4 in the ference for a classic new Black Students Concert at 8 University Center theatre. The Technician experienced technical style of their own. Producer p.m. October 27 in the The board hasn’t made Marty Thau caught sound of University Center theatre. problems with our typesetting them and before they knew Apart from those two any decision for an October it, Thau was explaining the scheduled events, entertain- 28 homecoming concert or fine print of a Decca ment board chairman, Jim dance and is still soliciting . equipment last night. A small group of recording contract to them. Trice emphasized that the ideas from both board Glass Harp’s first album board does have reserved members and non—board staffers worked until the wee hours of sold over 60,000 copies and time in the University members alike. this was followed up with a Student Center theatre and — R. J. Irace the mornlpg to bring you today’s paper.



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Page. 4 Technician September 18, 1972 l

1 Fiddler’ charms audience

Fiddler on the Roof, now matc -maker—a situation with slow. Even the music, which serious story (which it never playing at the Colony Theater, pot ntial for some really usually gives musicals their lift becomes effectively) and an is the film version of the long- intersting parts. But, bad acting and life, never really gets off ethnic, happy musical (which it running Broadway musical by aside, the rebellious girls have the ground. stops short of too). Yet some the same name. And like the no interesting lines at all. of the dialogues are witty, and stage production, the movie’s In fact, with the exception Fiddler on the Roof isn’t a couple of the songs are nice main charm lies in its tasteful, of a few scenes, the whole really a bad movie, but it seems (as is Isaac Stem’s fiddling). sometimes clever thematic screenplay is pretty boring and trapped between trying to be a —Craig Wilson treatment of Jewish traditions. (Little wonder it ran so long in New York). The story concerns a village classifie of Russian Jewish peasants also have a few consoles at whose religious traditions keep PLAYFUL Kittens: two callcos. EXPERIENCED typlst will do $69.95 each. These can be seen one tailiess yellow male, two‘ typing for students. Reasonable at United Freight Sales. 1005 E. them together even though black half-Siamese. 787-7469 or rates. Call 782-7169 for infor- Whitaker Mill R. Raleigh. Mon- they are eventually forced to 755-2223. mation. Frlday 9-9. Saturday 9-5. We leave their homes by order of STEREO Component systems have Master Charge. Bank- FOR SALE: '68 Pontiac Lemans. ~-$99.95. Brand new 3-piece Americard and terms available. the Tsar. This much of the Air conditioning. power steering. stereo component system. Just W . story is genuinely believable buckets. console. automatic. 350 received 5 only. These systems PART-TIME sales. male or cid.. vinyl roof. rally ll wheels. have AM/FM stereo with power- female. $50-$80 weekly. call Dr. Nathan Wright will speak on black activism here and well-produced, as for good Polyglas white letter tires. ful solid state amplifier and 4 Tom Harrington 833-5303 before 6. example a sunset wedding Super clean. Steal it for $1695. speaker audio sound system. AI- Tuesday night in the University Student Center. Phone 828-5287. . so a Garrard turntable with dust 71 PORSCHE 914-4 green. ceremony with all its accom- STUDENTS interested in cover. Only $99.95 each. We $3100. Jerry 832-5294. panying festivities which are purchasing a New Student Register may do so in the Dr. Wright speaks disrupted by Imperial troops Government Office. $5 for hard- just before intermission. back. $4 soft-cover. Tuesday evening, Septem- Indira Gandhi, Eldridge Unfortunately, like so many FOR SALE: Garrard RC-98 ber 19, 8 p.m. at 'the Cleaver, and others. tales set against the backdrop (oldie) turntable with Pickering SENIORS University Student Center, Dr. Wright who had of revolution or other “trying PAC-1 cartridge $30. also Craig convocation or key- stereo cassette tape deck $40. I didn’t get my [yearbook the Student Center lectures oeen a times,” Fiddler’s romantic both $60. See Steve 121 Tur- note speaker at numerous plot-line just doesn’t seem to lington. 834-5994. picture takenibecause: board will present former colleges and universities '68 Jaguar XKE. new radlais and work. Topol, the famous Israeli rebuilt engine. $3400. 828-2934. clergyman and present pro- during 1970—71, is again actor making his first movie, (Check one). fessor of Urban Affairs at frequenting the lecture plays the Jewish father who PART-TIME: responsible and energetic college people to work [:1 I'M UGLY the State University of New circuit and is expected to has five daughters, three of with youngsters in afternoon and Dr. present a widely varied talk whom are marrying age. Topol evening youth programs. Back- E] ‘I'M STUPID York at Albany, on black activism while here ground in swimming and athletic Nathan Wright. handles his role pretty well, activities necessary. Must be of El I FORGOT at State. Said Dr. Bevode C. but his daughters and their highest character and ideals. For The award—winning McCall, Chairman, Depart- suitors might just as well have interview phone 832-6601 ask author of a series of six ment of Sociology at North- been the peasants they por- for Steve Gergen. Get it. done now! black oriented EFFICIENCY and 1 bedroom books on eastern Illinois State College, trayed, for most of their per- apts.—furnis'hed and unfur- ’matters, just recently re- “Dr. Wright is a leading, if formances are simply terrible. nished—near NCSU and Cameron turned from a world tour not the leading exponent of The daughters all refuse the Village. Call 834-1272. 9am to 5pm Monday thru Friday ‘cities FRESHMEN-Anthony Blackman where he Spoke with such the point of view that time-honored custom of having for Judicial Board. No. 6 on the 2104 New Union figures as Prime Minister are people”. their marriages arranged by a ballot. .

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Page 5 / Technician / September 18, 1972 _\ . _)

Buckey sparks Wolfpack past Syracuse

by Jeff Watkins Such a game had been a long State’s aerial game resulted for Ben Schwartzwalder as a Another fumble deep in Wolfpack was undefeated after time in coming, and the 27,000 from defensive pressure applied man and a coach. But it gives Syracuse territory caused a two games? You have to go State fans turned loose their by Syracuse. Although the me a great‘deal of satisfaction promising scoring threat to ‘ back to 1968 to §ee that. “We just got our butts overwhelming approval. statistics indicate that the Pack to see the boys play well. We come to an end, although a 19 Coach Schwartzwalder and licked,” lamented Ben Saturday night, the Pack was rushed for 232 yards, almost improved tonight, but we still yard punt by the Orangemen Ehrmann were very impressed Schwartzwalder. “No, they back. half of that was contributed by made a lot of mistakes.” allowed State to score minutes with the performance of didn’t do anything that we Joe Ehrmann, the freshman qUarterback "Dave “l’ve said before that our later. State‘s Dave Buckey. “I can’t didn’t expect. They gained a ' Orangemen’s huge All-America Buckey. Buckey scrambled for defense had to come through The Wolfpack came up with believe that he is only a lot of spirit midway through tackle, noted, “State just 110 yards, his longest gain for us to win games, and I several big plays during the freshman,” noted Ehrmann. the third quarter and our kids outplayed us. We came into the being a 57 yard romp when thought they did some good game, which at times stunned “He was hard to get a hold of.” just seemed to sort of lag. They game kinda cocky, but we Syracuse apparently had him things tonight. I have a lot of the Orangemen defense. Just “He has so much poise. He sure have some speed.” stopped at the line of respect for our defense, I’ll tell ' before the end of the first half, learned a lesson tonight, and State moved 80 yards in five is a real fine one,” added the The Wolfpack had just that includes me. We had State scrimmage. you that. Mike Stultz, a boy Syracuse mentor. pegged wrong. We expected “It’s the greatest thing in who played poorly last week, plays on a pass interference call taken on Syracuse, one of the bounced back and played well. and two clutch passes from perennial powers of Eastern them to be a dive-play team, the world,” Lou Holtz Ehrmann Tough and they came out throwing.” remarked. “I have great respect Brian Kreuger and Ed Hoffman Bruce Shaw to Willie Burden. football, and beat them 43-20. also played well, but I’ll have In the second half, after to look at the films before I Syracuse had closed the gap to Much talk was made of can honestly evaluate 17-13, Buckey squirmed away Ehrmann, a preseason individuals.” from three would-be tacklers All-American pick at defensive Asked what State did to and ran 57 yards to the four tackle. His offensive stop Syracuse’s “Crunch yard line of the Orangemen. counterpart, Rick Druschel Offense,” Holtz replied: “We Roland Hook’s score capped a turned in a good performance just tried to get fired up. 61-yard drive in only three against the big man. “He’s Coaches (Dale) Haupt, (Al) plays. pretty tough, Druschel said. “A Michaels and (Jerry) Kirk just couple of times I gave him my did a great job. Nothing special Divens Intercepts best shots and I hardly moved him. Bill Yoest did a helluva really, but I think the players Bob Divens picked off a were trying to gain a little Bob Woodruff pass on job on him pass blocking. But respect. One paper out of Syracuse’s next play from Ehrmann’s an All—America. He Vegas had us a 24-point scrimmage to give State had a sore ankle, and he hasn’t underdog, and that certainly another scoring opportunity. been able to practice much and didn’t hurt us as far as the Shaw wasted little time as he he’s out of shape. He’s got a players were concerned.” hit Burden for a 44-yard gainer helluva lot of strength, though. down to the Orangemen’s 13 1 blocked him on most of the Mistakes Impair Attack yard line. Two plays later running plays and Yoest Although the final score Fritts scored to run the tally to blocked him on most of the does not show it, mistakes did 29-13 in State’s favor. That last passing plays. I think we each impair the State attack. drive c0vered 57 yards in — did a good job on him.” Syracuse scored first after you guessed it — three plays. Talking to the press after recovering a Pack fumble deep According to one source, the game, Holtz was asked if in State territory. State had to State has not scored as many as the game was a turning point settle for a field goal later in 43 points since 1957. The for State. “Yes,” he replied, the first quarter after two offense almost matched last “we turned the corner, but I’ve Freshman quarterback Dave Buckey thrilled the fans at Carter Stadium Saturday penalties inside t h e weeks total of 466 yards with found that every time you turn night and harassed the Syracuse defense with his running, passing, and all-round Orange men’s ten-yard fine 452 against Syracuse. And a corner, there’s always brilliance. (photo by Caram) halted a Wolfpack drive. when was the last time another one waiting.”

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Page 6 Technician / September 18, 1972 Soccer

Scoring potential boosts squad’s optimism

by Ray Deltz goalie Ron Lindsay, Coach selected All-Asian youth tour- leading candidates at halfback, Writer Max Rhodes is optimistic with nament goalie in 1970, is a but are being challenged by An abundance of scoring po- the return of seven starters and solid All-American candidate. Bob Pfingst, a 1971 starter. tential plus strongdepth seems 16 lettermen from a 6-4-2 team He will anchor the offense at Junior Don Matheson and to forcast a successful State last year. ~ one of the twin center forward senior David Ruple return at soccer team for 1972. The Somnuk Vixaysouk, the At- positions, although his best fullback, with junior letterman squad opens its season tomor- lantic Coast Conference’s Most position is probably goalie. Jim Hess expected to see a lot row at Pfeiffer. Valuable Player in 1971, led all Bob Cowie, a New Jersey of playing time. Junior Steve Although this year’s edition Wolfpack scorers last season All-State performer two years Thomas returns at the center of the Wolfpack will be with- with 13 goals as a freshman. ago, will battle for the other fullback spot. out the services of All-ACC The native of Laos, who was center forward spotwith Maryland, who State plays Iranian Siakzar Amarie. Cowie next on Sept. 30, and Clemson missed the 1971 season with an are the preseason conference injury New comer Chawa- picks. Yet, ananticipated Sidelin media Bayan, who also comes strong offense and a reliable IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII§IIIIIIIII from Iran, is expected to fill goalie could bring about a Intramural Open Tennis The NCSU Women‘s Tennis Club the gap at center halfback. highly successful campaign for Tournament: Faculty, Students and will be holding a mandatory Staff are eligible. Play will begin on meeting for all old members and With Lindsay’s departure at the Wolfpack. Monday, October 2. Competion any new girls interested tonight at goalie, former swimmer Tom The soccer team’s schedule: available in both singles and 7, room 215 Carmichael Gym. We Evans and Bill Bairdain are the doubles lay. Sign up at the have a busy fall schedule to get Sept. 19 at Pfieffer, 30 Mary- ready for. leading candidates at that po- land here, Oct. 3 St. Augustine Intramural, Office, 210 Carmichael sition. Gymnasium, between now and Women' Pitch and Putt: Sign-up here, 6 at North Carolina, 9 September 28th. sheets are now in the dorms and Seniors Michael Ndukuba UNC—Asheville here, 11 East Intramural office for the Women’s from Biafra and Bob Catapano Carolina here, 15 at Clemson, Intramural Faculty, Student, Staff Pitch and Putt Golf Tournament. return and should open at the Fall Golf Tournament will be held One day competition will be held 18 Duke here, 24 at Guilford, at the Cheviot Hills Golf Course. on Wednesday, September 20 at wings. The Michenfelder twins, 31 Davidson here, Nov. 11 at Participants may qualify any time Sumter Square starting at 4 p.m. Jack and Pete, are among the Virginia. from September 24 through October 6. Please pick up information sheets at the VILLAGE CAMERON Intramural Office of Cheviot Hills. SUBWAY :InIg Mir“Iglilgoum WAGE I Is NCSU Volleyball Sports Club is now forming. Anyone interested in CAFE DEJA UU lunch-—--. . _ ._ . 3%?gafio'iipirtrliii’gd ngg‘gécnsty: : Unique atmosphere, reasonable prices. best I Junior Mike Stultz nearly broke a couple of punt informal practice Friday, sandwmhes m town...... excellent selection I returns Saturday night, only to be stopped by' the CarmichaelS P t emb“Gymnasium.2 2 at 3 0° '" 0/ beers and wines I last defender on one. He averaged over 17 yards L------. per return. (photo by Caram) ATTENDANT PARKING DRIVEK DIG THE FIRESIGN THEATER? m4 ACE TRUCKING COMPANY? Tickets for the Carolina game Saturday in Chapel Hill will be PAR'ITIVE AND MAJOR EVENTS NOW THE HILARIOUS NEW GROUP on sale through tomorrow at the Coliseum. Student tickets are APPLY SIRPARK DIVIDED WE STAND 414 FAYETTEVILLE $3.50 and gueet tickets are $7.00. LIVE WED. SEPT. 20-TUES. SEPT. 26 $1.65 to Start cal 828-3817 SPECIAL STUDENT NIGHT MONDAY 10 PM $1.00 mammm 829-9799 We;:532:5:5:e:s:e:e:se:s:e::r::é:e:5:e::::.::§°-.--::=:=:§~.=:=:. " VOTE MCBROOMs RENTALS TERM PAPERS UNLIMITED, INC. PHILLIP E§:3‘we rent almost everything”; 256 lluntingtonAve’: Boston, Mass. 02115 LIMITED TIME lb 504 Creekside Drive E: (317) 267-3000 5555 Materials in our extensive Research Library $2.45 per page COOPER '3'5" Phone 833—7341 ;.:. Research and Reference only! ONL Y for . FRESHMAN CARSHOP ODDS 8' ENDS

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Page 7 / Technician September 18, 1972 McGovern faces problems in California

SACRAMENTO, Calif. Hills attorney. doesn't think congressional races. maining before the election, assure people that the cam- The senatorfiew standing UPI—The young man whose the beach is the problem. Beth Labeon, at 18 a there is no question that paign has found its foot and ovation from e Southern job it is to rally California “I don‘t think .‘IcGovem Democratic candidate for President Nixon leads is moving ahead.” California Board .of Rabbis youth around Sen. George is as well organized as he State Assembly, says “Young McGovern in their quest for “A minor problem,” he when he charged that McGovem blames a high was during the primary. Nor people are a little skeptical California’s 45 electoral adds, “is clearing up some Egypt and Lebanon were surf, gentle ocean breezes votes, the biggest bloc in of the issues.” chiefly responsible for the and warm sun for the cool- the nation. One such issue is Olympic killings, and was ness toward his candidate. Both camps— McGovern’s McGovern’s recently dis- endorsed by the Interna- “Young people have been perhaps hopefully, Nixon’s carded $1000 a head income tional Associatiion of at the beaches, taking it somewhat conservatively— redistribution plan. Steams Machinists at its annual con- easy, sunning it up. Once agree generally with the says after the California pri- vention. back from vaca- latest California Poll which mary, which the South they come Dakotan won A year ago it appeared tion and get the sand off shows the President out in by less than Nixon could be hurt by their feet, we’ll be okay," front by eight percentage five percentage points, a pri- sagging unemployment. But predicts Ron Sufrin, 3 has he the momentum." of McGovern right now. points. vate poll found that the since then the California un- Like some other old—line They think he has lost some Still, this potentially sur- $1,000 scheme “ was pro- UCLA economics major who mountable lead is a far cry employment rate has im- is 19 and is working in his California Democrats, Wyman of his pureness.” She cites bably the most unpopular is- proved from 7.1 to 5.8 per is sitting out this presidential the Eagleton affair and from the 34—point bulge en- s u e associated with first major political cam- joyed nationally by Nixon in cent. And aerospace employ- paign. election and concentrating “compromises he has made.” McGovern.” ment is on the upswing. Eugene Wyman, a Beverly instead on raising money for With eight weeks re- the latest Gallup Poll. And McGovern strategists say McGovern Encouraged Nixon, meantime ,..prob- they see signs the tide has ably has the smoothest turned in California and ulti- -McGovern was encouraged campaign operation in mately this will be reflected by visits last week to two modern California political Grier = nationwide, as political traditionally Democratic history. Money and party trends here so often are. groups—the Jewish com- unity are no problems. NCSU Speech- Communication PSYCHOLOGY Club will meet MATH Tutors needed, please And Club will meet Thursday night tomorrow night at 6 in Poe contact Program Office. Mr Wil- “California and the Pacific munity and labor—which Nixon youth director Gary at 7:30 In Room 4111 Student Auditorium. bert Johnson. Coast generally look like one have not been overly en- Hunt, 23, reports no trouble Center. Guest speaker Pat Patter- son of WKIX. All majors and all Ex-PCV a. Vista volunteers In- AG Institute Club will meet to- of our strongest areas,” says thIISiastic about his candi- recruiting young volunteers— other Interested persons welcome. terested In political action call morrow afternoon at 5 in Puiien Richard G. Stearns, dacy. even off the beaches. 834-1735 Immediately. Park Island for Its fall cookout. PRE-MED Pro-Dent Club meets All Institute students welcome. 27—year——old western coordi- tomgrrow night at 7:30 In 3533 FINANCIAL Aid Recipients who TERM PAPERS Gardner. Bring $2 dues and $.75 have not signed their award AMERICAN Nuclear. Society will gigs, firmblzlfiffl is 0:1; The Fall Book Sale is on Researched, written and pro- for cookout tickets. authorization form at the meet Wednesday night at 7:30 at Student Bank. Room B, Holla- In Observation Room-1202 fessionally typed. All writers FOUND two pair of glasses In day Hall. should do so immed- BNL. Speaker. Dr. Raymond L. have minimum BS,BA degree. old Union annex. One with 12K iately. Please phone the Student Murray. Topic. Nuclear Engl- The gold rims 50-22 vision. Other Is Bank (755-2988) if any question neerlng Department, Faculty & Rent . Free Termpaper Catalog lab glasses. To claim go to old concerning the award authori- The American Nuclear Society. (Thousands alreadv on file) Union office or call 755-3270. zation form. All NE students are urged to at- Call Toll Free tend this organlzationai meeting Intimate (anywhere in the country ASCE will meet this afternoon ANY Student interested in being and students of other depart- Furniture at 3:10 In 216 Mann. an investigator for the campus ments are cordially invited to for information and rates Judicial System, please come by participate. Bookshop and catalogs.) 800-638-0852 MRS. MORRISON at the School Student Government Office by From of the Blind needs readers for tomorrow. FOL K 'M usicians-rehearsal for THE VILLAGE SUBWAY or call collect (301) 656-5770 blind students. Call 833-6150 9 p.m. Thursday nights rather METRO EASE Educational Research, Inc. between 11-12:10. SUPERVISED Study Areas in than 7 p.m. Friday nights. Hill '5. Huyldii fivi' 11.11i’I911 N (L . Cameron Village, Raleigi 55:10 Wisconson Ave. Suite 1690 Harrelson: a number of class- I’lmiw “NW 833 (54?” Washington, DC. MED Tech Club will meet to- rooms are available for study Danforth Chapel. King Religious 20015 night at 7:30 in 3214 Gardner. from 7-11 p.m. Monday through Center. Thursday. UNIVERSITY Student Center FOR those Jewish students who Board of Directors has estab- missed the fun, the Jewish stu- ECONOMIC Society will meet lished a special faculty-staff dents on campus will meet Wed- Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 In University Student Center mem- ANTHONY BLACKMAN nesday night at 8 In 205-A King 208 Patterson. All Economics bership for those Interested only Religious Center. If you want to majors Invited. in Sight and Sound Film Series talk to someone. call Steward (see Center calendar for film FRESHMAN JUDICAL BOARD Wilson at 829-9797. ENGINEER'S Council will meet titles and dates). Individual mem- Thursday night at 6:30 In 3216 bership 33. Individual plus ;__k No. 6 on the Ballot NCSU Sports Car Club will meet Broughton. All interested En- family or guest $6. Regular staff tomorrow night at In 3216 gineering students, faculty and and faculty University Student Broughton. All interested wel- staff Invited. Center memberships remain $10 come. per individual and entities holder Randal V. NCSU Amateur Radio Club will to use Craft Shop and to attend JUNIORS and seniors who had a meet tomorrow night at 7:30 in all films for which ’ VOTE “-5 classification for 1971-72 424 Daniels. All interested In- there Is no and who wish to be deferred for vited. admission charged. 1972-73 should make their defer- OUTLAND ment request In Room 12-C NCSU College Republican Club CHRISTIAN Science Organization Peele Hall prior to Friday. will meet tomorrow night at will meet tomorrow night at 7 ANN LATON September 22. In Room 4111 Student Center. In Danforth Chapel. - FOR NCSU Chapter of the ACM will SBE Club will meet tomorrow ATTENTION Liberal Arts meet tomorrow night at 7:30 In night at 7 In 123 Weaver Labs. Seniors—A general Liberal arts 222 Dabney. All persons In- All students In SBE welcome. Senate Freshman/Sophmore Senior Placement seminar will be terested in data processing wel- held Wednesday afternoon at 4 come. ECONOMIC Society will meet In 100 . Harrelson. Important LIFE Sciences Club will meet Thursday afternoon at 12 noon Information on career and job tonight at 7 In 3533 Gardner. in 208 Patterson. AIlEconomlcs PAMS TEXTILES placement. . All interested invited. majors Invited. #


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Page 8 Technician September 18, 1972