Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance

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Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance 9-803-127 REV: DECEMBER 2, 2010 NANCY F. KOEHN Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance For scientific discovery give me Scott; for speed and efficiency of travel give me Amundsen; but when disaster strikes and all hope is gone, get down on your knees and pray for Shackleton. — Sir Raymond Priestley, Antarctic Explorer and Geologist On January 18, 1915, the ship Endurance, carrying a highly celebrated British polar expedition, froze into the icy waters off the coast of Antarctica. The leader of the expedition, Sir Ernest Shackleton, had planned to sail his boat to the coast through the Weddell Sea, which bounded Antarctica to the north, and then march a crew of six men, supported by dogs and sledges, to the Ross Sea on the opposite side of the continent (see Exhibit 1).1 Deep in the southern hemisphere, it was early in the summer, and the Endurance was within sight of land, so Shackleton still had reason to anticipate reaching shore. The ice, however, was unusually thick for the ship’s latitude, and an unexpected southern wind froze it solid around the ship. Within hours the Endurance was completely beset, a wooden island in a sea of ice. More than eight months later, the ice still held the vessel. Instead of melting and allowing the crew to proceed on its mission, the ice, moving with ocean currents, had carried the boat over 670 miles north.2 As it moved, the ice slowly began to soften, and the tremendous force of distant currents alternately broke apart the floes—wide plateaus made of thousands of tons of ice—and pressed them back together, creating rift lines with huge piles of broken ice slabs. For months the wooden timbers of the Endurance, held between three of these floes, creaked and moaned under the immense pressure of the moving ice. It seemed only a matter of time before she would succumb, crack, and sink. On October 28, 1915, “the ice mill,” as expedition photographer Frank Hurley called the floes, snapped the hull of the Endurance. Shackleton ordered all hands to abandon ship and take refuge on the ice. That night, as his men settled into tents and sleeping bags salvaged from the sinking ship, Shackleton wrote in his diary, “A man must shape himself to a new mark directly the old one goes to ground. I pray God I can manage to get the whole party to civilization.”3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Research Associates Erica Helms and Phillip Mead prepared this case under the supervision of Professor Nancy F. Koehn. This case was developed from published sources. HBS cases are developed solely as the basis for class discussion. Cases are not intended to serve as endorsements, sources of primary data, or illustrations of effective or ineffective management. Copyright © 2003, 2010 President and Fellows of Harvard College. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, call 1-800-545- 7685, write Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, MA 02163, or go to No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of Harvard Business School. This document is authorized for use only in Roger Porter©s Senior Managers in Gov©t FY18 course at John F. Kennedy School of Government, from July 2017 to January 2018. 803-127 Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance Shackleton’s Early Life The Endurance expedition was Shackleton’s third Antarctic journey and his second as commander. He began, like most English polar explorers of his time, with no knowledge of frozen landscapes and almost no experience on ice. Born in 1874 in County Kildare, Ireland to an Anglo-Irish father and Catholic mother, Shackleton grew up in a solidly middle-class family whose ambitions for him focused primarily on his becoming a doctor. In his youth, Shackleton developed a fascination with the sea and English poetry. He was an avid reader of The Boy’s Own Paper, a British weekly published on Saturdays that promised “escapism, practical advice, [and] moral uplift” and was full of stories of naval lore.4 Later, he admired the work of the 19th-century poet Robert Browning, memorizing verses about manhood and heroism. From adolescence onward, he was enthralled by the idea of man mastering nature. At 16, he convinced his father to allow him to go to sea. The elder Shackleton found his son a position on a merchant vessel at the rank of “boy,” which the explorer later described as a scheme to draw him back to school: “My father thought to cure me of my predilection for the sea by letting me go in the most primitive manner possible as a ‘boy’ on board a sailing ship at a shilling [about $6 today] a month!”5 As the lowest-ranking member of the crew, Shackleton began his maritime career by scrubbing decks and polishing brass railing. He was attentive and observant, absorbing every bit of information about life at sea that came his way.6 Shackleton flourished in the merchant marine.7 By age 24, he attained the rank of full master, which qualified him to command a commercial vessel. Unlike in school, where his performance was consistently below average, at sea he was considered “more intelligent than the average officer” by a supervisor, who noted that “his brother officers considered him to be a very good fellow.”8 In the marine, Shackleton quickly displayed a self-confidence that alienated some men but won over more. After his first voyage, his captain wrote that Shackleton was “the most pig-headed, obstinate boy I have ever come across.”9 Still, Shackleton’s audacity earned him respect and even promotions. Shortly after receiving certification as an officer, he astonished a ship’s master by refusing the fourth mate’s position he was offered, saying “he had been to see the ship and he did not like the 4th mate’s quarters but would go as third [mate].”10 Rather than dismissing Shackleton, the master concluded that he “rather liked the chap” and gave him the post requested.11 Despite rapid advancement, Shackleton developed a reputation for not flaunting his rank over the regular sailors. One of them later wrote an admiring description, saying he was a “departure from our usual type of young officer . he never stood aloof in any way, but was eager to talk—to argue as sailors do . he was very human, very sensitive.”12 As Shackleton scaled the maritime ladder, he became restless and complained to shipmates that he needed an “opportunity of breaking away from the monotony of method and routine—from an existence that might eventually strangle his individuality.”13 In 1896, at age 22, he met and fell in love with Emily Dorman, the woman he would marry six years later. He told a fellow sailor that he wanted “to make a name for myself and her.”14 In December 1899, Shackleton was assigned to a ship that would carry troops to South Africa, where Britain was fighting the Afrikaner-controlled South African Republic and Orange Free State in the Boer War. In March 1900, on his second transport mission, Shackleton befriended a young lieutenant named Cedric Longstaff, son of Llewellyn Longstaff, the principal benefactor of a proposed British Antarctic expedition. Shackleton convinced Cedric to write him an introduction to his father. After interviews with Longstaff; Sir Clements Markam, the president of the Royal Geographical Society; and Albert Armitage, the proposed second in command, Shackleton received 2 This document is authorized for use only in Roger Porter©s Senior Managers in Gov©t FY18 course at John F. Kennedy School of Government, from July 2017 to January 2018. Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance 803-127 an appointment as a member of the National Antarctic Expedition (NAE), which was set to sail in 1901. The Exploration Industry Founded in London in 1830, the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) encouraged the advancement of geographic and scientific knowledge by promoting and funding expeditions to Africa, Asia, the Arctic, and the Antarctic. As one society member explained in a history of the organization published in 1917: . the main function of the [RGS] was to accumulate the fullest possible information about the great unexplored and little-known areas of the Earth’s surface—probably covering more than half—[and the RGS] never lost sight of the fact that exploration ought to be conducted on scientific methods; that the results of a thorough knowledge of the surface and all that it sustains furnish the data for many problems, not only of scientific interest, but of great practical value to humanity; and that geography was of high value to education both as a branch of knowledge and as a mental discipline.15 In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the quest for scientific knowledge drove many explorers and their supporters to mount elaborate polar expeditions (see Exhibit 2). So, too, did the powerful forces of patriotism and adventure. Explorers from a range of countries who succeeded in mapping new territory or reaching previously undiscovered areas were hailed as heroes. The islands, bays, and mountains they reached were often named after their respective monarchs or sometimes even after themselves. And for the most accomplished explorers, scientific and geographic discoveries in far-off lands led to professional success, fame, and fortune at home. Because the physical risks associated with polar exploration were enormous, many missions resulted in devastating loss.
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