H1614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 14, 2007 for a great purpose and goal that our We have spent and are continuing to EXPRESSING SORROW OF THE Commander in Chief has ordered us to spend $9 billion a month in Iraq; 3,122 HOUSE AT THE DEATH OF THE achieve. I have never felt it would be of our servicemen and -women have HONORABLE CHARLIE NORWOOD, an easy task, nor should those at home been killed; 23,550-plus have been MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM living their comfortable lives. Have we wounded; tens of thousands more Iraqis THE STATE OF forgotten that this great country of killed and wounded. The violence is es- Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I ours was not handed to us on a silver calating, our troops are the targets. offer a privileged resolution (H. Res. platter? I am asking everyone, please 159) and ask for its immediate consider- I do not think this resolution pre- don’t allow those of us who have died ation. to die in vain. When we have completed judges anything. The facts speak for The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- the mission and have been successful in themselves. And the people are saying lows: defending freedom, we will come bring the troops home with honor. I did H. RES. 159 home.’’ not support this war at its outset. We Resolved, That the House has heard with b 1630 had Saddam Hussein contained. Al profound sorrow of the death of the Honor- Qaeda was not in Iraq. We had a job to able Charlie Norwood, a Representative from Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I just do in Afghanistan. I supported going the State of Georgia. want to thank the gentleman. I want into Afghanistan to capture Osama bin Resolved, That a committee of such Mem- to thank the gentleman for yielding bers of the House as the Speaker may des- Laden. But I saw no clear rationale for this time to Mr. LOBIONDO. As this ignate, together with such Members of the Member gets time in the coming de- sending troops into combat in Iraq. Senate as may be joined, be appointed to at- bate, we owe you one. The resolution does offer a statement tend the funeral. Resolved, That the Sergeant-at-Arms of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of support for the troops. Their service the House be authorized and directed to take House of Representatives extends its is an extraordinary gift. They volun- such steps as may be necessary for carrying deepest sympathy to the gentleman teer to leave their homes and families out the provisions of these resolutions and from New Jersey. and risk their lives every day, at the that the necessary expenses in connection Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield order of the President. All they ask is therewith be paid out of applicable accounts 5 minutes to the very patient and the of the House. that we never ask them to go to con- Resolved, That the Clerk communicate very distinguished gentleman from flict unless that conflict is absolutely Minnesota, the chairman of the Trans- these resolutions to the Senate and transmit necessary and in the national interest. a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. portation and Infrastructure Com- Resolved, That when the House adjourns mittee (Mr. OBERSTAR). Lieutenant General William Odom, today, it adjourn as a further mark of re- Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, this is in a recent article in The Washington spect to the memory of the deceased. the moment that a majority of Ameri- Post said, about the question that we The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- cans who voted last November have have to continue to fight in order to tleman from Georgia (Mr. DEAL) is rec- been waiting for, a time when Congress support the troops, has anyone asked ognized for 1 hour. does something about Iraq. And that the troops? During their first tours, Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I something that the people asked of us many may have favored staying the yield 30 minutes of time to the gen- is to get us out of Iraq. course. But now in their second, third, tleman from Georgia (Mr. LEWIS) and The resolution before us will not of fourth tours, he writes, many are thank him for arranging for this reso- itself get U.S. forces out of Iraq, but to changing their minds. lution to be heard at this time today. paraphrase Winston Churchill, if it is Mr. Speaker, I yield myself 2 min- We see no evidence of that in the not the end, it is at least the beginning utes. of the end. news stories about unhappy troops Mr. Speaker, as we all know, we lost Our President is having trouble un- being sent back to Iraq. The strangest a true champion in the House of Rep- derstanding the message from the aspect of the rationale, General Odom resentatives on yesterday: CHARLES American people. It is a simple mes- writes, for continuing the war is the NORWOOD from Georgia. CHARLIE, as he sage that I hear every time I go back implication that our troops are some- was known by most of us here, was home to Minnesota. Time to bring our how responsible for deciding to con- truly a friend across party lines and troops home with honor. The people tinue the President’s course. across State lines. He was a true pa- are telling me our mission in Iraq is ac- That political and moral responsi- triot. He served in the dental services complished. The President already de- bility belongs to the President, not to in the U.S. Army in the combat zone of clared victory. The goals of the U.S. in- the troops. Didn’t Harry Truman make Vietnam. vasion have been met. He returned to a private dental prac- it clear that the buck stops in the Oval Iraq’s army was defeated, Saddam tice in Georgia, and then in the elec- Hussein removed from power and Office? The President keeps dodging it. tion cycle of 1994 was elected to this brought to judgment. The Iraqi people Where does it stop, General Odom asks, House of Representatives. He came held elections to establish a new gov- with Congress? And that is why we are with a passion for many things. Health ernment. Mission accomplished. Time here today to say it is up to us to make care was at the very top of his list. to bring the troops home with honor. a definitive statement with this resolu- Education was very shortly thereafter. No weapons of mass destruction were tion, a statement that it is time to end And he worked on both of those issues found, despite extensive searches. The the U.S. involvement in Iraq, to bring with all of his heart. Iraqis have a government, they have an the troops home with honor. And then He inspired many people in this army, a police force. There is no fur- if the President does not heed, then we House because he was indeed pas- ther purpose of American policy to be must take more vigorous steps, steps sionate about everything that he did. If served by a continued military pres- that I voted for in coming to end the he was your friend, you knew he was ence in Iraq. U.S. involvement in Vietnam over 32 your friend. If you were on the opposite What remains in Iraq is religious years ago. side of an issue from him, he let you warfare between Sunni and Shia, with know that as well, but he was still your our troops caught in the crossfire. This If that is what it takes, then we have friend. is not the job our troops signed up for. to say that the buck stops with us in All of us watched as we observed This is not the war President Bush sold the Congress to stop the U.S. engage- what had been diagnosed in 1998 as an to Congress. People are telling the ment in Iraq. incurable disease. And following that President, it is time to bring the troops diagnosis, he underwent lung trans- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE home and to do it with honor. plant surgery. That was a process that President Bush has said he is con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- most of us probably would have had cerned this resolution is prejudging the ant to section 3 of House Resolution great difficulty undergoing. But CHAR- outcome of our involvement in Iraq. I 157, further proceedings on the concur- LIE did it with courage. He rebounded would say the outcome is not in doubt. rent resolution will be postponed. with the same kind of determination

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:07 Feb 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14FE7.089 H14FEPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with HOUSE February 14, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1615 and willingness to go forward in spite me to want to some day have the op- men, Abraham Lincoln and Robert E. of the inconveniences that that portunity, and thank God that I did, to Lee. It was at a time when this Nation brought to him. follow in that walk that he walked. was going through its great Civil War We saw him with his oxygen tank, What a great Member of this body and how to fix that. That conversation and we saw him on his little scooter as and what a fierce competitor and a fair went like this. Robert E. Lee said, it is he rode around the Capitol on his way competitor, Mr. Speaker. As my col- not incumbent upon us to complete the over here and back and forth to votes. league on the other side of the aisle, task. And Abraham Lincoln said, nor Throughout it all, he maintained his the distinguished JOHN LEWIS, knows are we free to desist from doing all we good humor, he maintained his zest for well, CHARLIE would fight for some- possibly can. life. CHARLIE NORWOOD is someone who thing he believed in but in a very re- That was the essence of CHARLIE will truly be missed. spectful way. And he thought about NORWOOD. We might not have to com- b 1640 others before himself. plete this task, to make America a bet- An example, Mr. Speaker, is that just ter place, but neither are we free to de- Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, in this last election cycle, when CHAR- sist from doing all we possibly can. I want to thank Mr. DEAL and members LIE was suffering so much, as Rep- CHARLIE, we appreciate you. You of the delegation for bringing this reso- resentative DEAL has just mentioned, fought the good fight. You stayed the lution before us as a tribute to our fall- he didn’t think about himself. He won course. And for you, God has put up an en colleague, Mr. NORWOOD. his reelection with 67 percent of the extraordinary crown of righteousness. More than anything else, Congress- vote. And it wasn’t that he couldn’t We thank you, and we thank God for man NORWOOD was a warrior. He fought campaign because of his illness. He was passing our way. for his beliefs with passion and convic- working all that time for another col- Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I tion, and he fought for the people of his league in a very competitive district. am pleased to yield 3 minutes to my district and for the people of Georgia He was essentially running that other colleague from Georgia (Mr. PRICE). who loved him. campaign. That is the kind of guy Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, He was awarded two Bronze Stars for CHARLIE NORWOOD was, and the kind of America, the State of Georgia and this his bravery on behalf of our Nation fellow that we will all remember here House of Representatives have lost a during the Vietnam war, and he fought on both sides of the aisle in this great great public servant, an uncommon courageously for patient rights right House of Representatives. leader, and a proud patriot. here on the floor of the House of Rep- He was a friend, he was a colleague. I am profoundly saddened by the resentatives. He was a fighter. He was a fighter for passing of Congressman CHARLIE NOR- In fact, his last official act was to re- patients’ rights. He was a fighter for WOOD, a gentleman who selflessly introduce the Patients’ Bill of Rights students, as his work on the Education served the people of Georgia and this on Monday, a bill he coauthored with and Workforce Committee, the Energy House for more than 12 years. JOHN DINGELL. CHARLIE NORWOOD, this and Commerce Committee, he is some- CHARLIE spent his entire life helping good man, this son of Georgia, fought a body that we can all emulate. others as a soldier, as a dentist, as a good fight. He was a warrior to the end. And I just want to say to his wife legislator. He served valiantly in the The thoughts and prayers of all of Gloria, to his two sons, Carlton and defense of our Nation in the Medical the Members of Congress, and espe- Charles, Jr., and to the four grand- Battalion of the 173rd Airborne Brigade cially the members of the Georgia dele- children and to the Norwood family, we in Vietnam. He returned home to serve gation, are with his wife Gloria and his are praying for you. We want to uplift his community in Augusta as a dentist. two sons, Charles and Carlton, their you. We will be with you tomorrow, And for 12 years, he was a faithful serv- family and his many grandchildren. I but we know, as you do, that CHARLIE ant to the people of Georgia in his dis- hope they will find comfort in knowing is in heaven right now, and God has ac- trict as a Member of Congress. that Congressman CHARLIE NORWOOD cepted him in open arms and saying, In Congress he was a passionate sup- made a lasting contribution not just to well done, my good and faithful porter of our military and of our vet- the State of Georgia, but to the Nation servant. erans. He was a tireless advocate for and to all of us as Members of this Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, patients and patient centered health body. We are more than lucky, we are I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman reform. And he never forgot for whom very blessed to have known him as a from Georgia (Mr. SCOTT). he was to work in Washington, his con- friend and as a colleague. He will be Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, stituents. deeply missed. to my distinguished colleagues from Congressman NORWOOD was a dear Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Georgia and other Members of Congress friend to me. His friendship and his my time. who are here, this is indeed a sad occa- perspective and his guidance in this Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I sion. House are things that I will always would yield 3 minutes to our Georgia CHARLIE NORWOOD led an extraor- cherish. Anyone who knew CHARLIE colleague (Mr. GINGREY). dinary life. He was a combat veteran. knew that he was as tough as they Mr. GINGREY. Mr. Speaker, CHARLIE He was a dentist. He pulled himself up come and he always stood up for what NORWOOD was a very successful dentist by his own bootstraps, truly a son of he believed in. Rarely, rarely in any in my hometown of Augusta, Georgia. I the South, a son of Georgia. walk of life are we privileged to come didn’t know CHARLIE at that time be- He is a person that cared about all of to know someone who stood for his cause I had long since moved away. the people of Georgia. Let me give you principles as strongly as CHARLIE NOR- But as a practicing physician in an example, if I may. I remember when WOOD. His legacy in the House of Rep- Marietta, Georgia, as an OB/GYN, sev- I was serving in the Georgia legislature resentatives will be one of integrity, eral years ago I went to the annual as a State senator, and we needed some one of vigor, and one of loyalty. meeting of the Georgia OB/GYN Soci- help for the Morehouse School of Medi- Congressman NORWOOD’s devotion to ety to hear Dr. CHARLIE NORWOOD talk cine’s National Primary Care Center. this body and to our country will be about the Patients’ Bill of Rights. Phy- The person that led the fight up here to sorely missed, but his legacy will never sicians across Georgia and across this secure the Federal dollars for the be forgotten. And I shall never forget country were concerned with managed Morehouse School of Medicine’s Pri- that wry smile and that twinkle in his care and HMOs and liability and that mary National Care Center was CHAR- eye. What a hero. sort of thing. LIE NORWOOD. And we thank him for Mr. Speaker, I join my colleagues in And, Mr. Speaker, when I heard Dr. that. expressing our deepest sympathies to NORWOOD speak to my colleagues, phy- Mr. Speaker, as I think of CHARLIE CHARLIE’s wife Gloria, his family and sicians about this issue, and them, in NORWOOD, and I think of so many of the his friends. turn, including myself, give him a great debates and the battles that we standing ovation, I want to tell you, have had up here that we have shared, b 1650 Mr. Speaker, and I never did tell CHAR- I am reminded of a great conversation And while we mourn the loss of this LIE this, but that was an inspiration to that took place between two great great patriot, we celebrate his lifetime

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:07 Feb 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14FE7.091 H14FEPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with HOUSE H1616 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 14, 2007 of noble and heroic service and we I met CHARLIE NORWOOD over 30 years sence will be long felt here in Wash- thank God for giving us the gift of the ago. We were both young dentists in ington and back home in Georgia. life of CHARLIE NORWOOD. Georgia. He was the president of the My prayers remain with Congress- Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, Georgia Dental Association, and I was man NORWOOD’s wife, Gloria, and with I am pleased to yield 21⁄2 minutes to the a young, newly elected dentist in the their entire family. gentlewoman from California (Mrs. Georgia legislature. And his enthu- Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker I CAPPS). siasm blew me away. Irrespective of am pleased to yield 1 minute to the mi- Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I want to what he was talking about, he only had nority leader (Mr. BOEHNER). thank all of the fine colleagues that we two gears: neutral and full speed ahead. Mr. BOEHNER. Mr. Speaker, I thank have who are from Georgia for giving And his enthusiasm would capture you. my colleague from Georgia for yield- each and every one of us a chance to And the bulldoggedness, the way he ing. speak. I am not from Georgia, and I would put his teeth on an issue and And I come to remember my good know he was your favorite son, but I do fight for it without ever backing up friend and our good friend, CHARLIE want to give this as my chance to was astonishing to me. CHARLIE did not NORWOOD. honor this very distinguished Member have a coy bone in his body. From the I met CHARLIE in October of 1994 of Congress, CHARLIE NORWOOD. day you met CHARLIE, you knew what when he was a candidate for Congress I rise, Mr. Speaker, today with a he stood for on whatever the issue was. for the first time and had dinner with heavy heart but also real admiration Respectfully, he and I differed on the him one night before we went off on a for the life of this dear colleague of Patients’ Bill of Rights. We spent 16-city tour. I didn’t think it would ours, CHARLIE NORWOOD. And my heart many hours talking about it. He was ever end. But at dinner that night, I as well as all of our hearts go out to his adamant that I was wrong and he was looked at CHARLIE and I asked, Why family members, to his community, right. But at no point did he ever raise are you running for Congress? and to all of the people whose life he his voice or show any disrespect for a And he said, That OSHA, that OSHA, has touched. position that I had taken that was dif- they did this to me and did this to me. I had the privilege of serving on the ferent from his. And for every day that CHARLIE NOR- Energy and Commerce Committee with CHARLIE loved this institution. He WOOD served in this Congress, he was CHARLIE for several years and had the loved the give-and-take of it. He loved all over OSHA, to have rules and regu- opportunity to work with him on ini- the formality of it. We talked one day lations that met the straight-face test. tiatives in the Health Subcommittee. if he ever had any notion of running for I was the chairman of the Education And though he and I come from vastly and the Workforce Committee, and different places on the ideological spec- the Senate, and he said he would never survive there. He would never survive CHARLIE was one of my subcommittee trum, we were often able to see eye to Chairs for the 5 years that I was the eye on health policy as two health pro- not getting something done every day. He treated this institution that he chairman. Clearly the most difficult fessionals serving in Congress. member I have ever had to try to man- I was proud to work with him in co- loved with great dignity. When he age. And whether it was the Patients’ chairing the School Health and Safety fought his fights, you knew he was Bill of Rights, whether it was OSHA, or Caucus, where we used the opportunity going to fight fair. And for 30-plus a host of other issues, when CHARLIE to spotlight ways in which we could years when I have been able to visit got that bone in his mouth, you could improve the health of children through with him or know him on this issue or school-based initiatives. I was also that, I always walked away from each not get it out of his mouth. He was the honored to work with him on legisla- encounter saying what a nice man, most dogged, persistent Member I have tion to promote children’s dental what a nice man. ever worked with. As a matter of fact, health. For Gloria and the family, you are in I might even say he might be the most I think we can all agree that CHARLIE our prayers. A psalmist has written dogged persistent person that I have will be remembered as reliably con- that the Lord is close to the broken- ever met with because when CHARLIE servative, but also as an independent hearted, and those who are crushed in picked up a cause, he was never going thinker. His leadership on establishing spirit He saves. to leave it alone until he accomplished a Patients’ Bill of Rights was exem- May God give you peace. his goal. plary of his willingness to go out on a Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, And I am sure that CHARLIE is watch- limb for something in which he truly I am pleased to yield 2 minutes to the ing over us today, wondering why the believed. He introduced that bill short- gentleman from Georgia (Mr. BARROW). Patients’ Bill of Rights isn’t law. Mr. ly before I came to Congress, and the Mr. BARROW. Mr. Speaker, I thank LINDER just talked about it. CHARLIE momentum for passage of the Patients’ the gentleman for yielding. fought about this on more occasions Bill of Rights was one of the main rea- I rise this afternoon to remember one than you can ever imagine, as did JOHN sons that I was eager to serve on this of our fellow delegation members, the and a lot of other Members. But CHAR- Health Subcommittee, which he be- Honorable CHARLIE NORWOOD. I know LIE truly believed in that piece of legis- longed to. that many Members of this body served lation. He put his heart and soul into I admired his characteristic patient- with CHARLIE much longer than I did, it. centered approach to health care pol- but unlike them, I think I may be the We are going to miss CHARLIE around icy. It wasn’t popular with some of our only Member here with the distinction here. We are going to miss that dogged colleagues, and the President flat-out of once actually having been rep- persistence that he brought to this warned that his bill would be vetoed. resented by CHARLIE as one of his con- floor every day and in the committee But CHARLIE continued forward and stituents. rooms every day. was looking forward to an opportunity CHARLIE NORWOOD was an accom- But to Gloria and his family, our to finally pass the Patients’ Bill of plished and a tireless legislator who prayers are with you. Rights in its original form in this, the had stands on issues that ran the polit- And, CHARLIE, may your soul rest in 110th Congress. ical spectrum. And while I may not peace. So I want to take this opportunity to have agreed with him on every issue, I Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, express again my condolences to the always admired his spirit, and I say I am pleased to yield 2 minutes to the Norwood family and to thank them all that as a former constituent and as a gentleman from Georgia (Mr. JOHN- for the tremendous years, 12 years, of colleague. SON). service that they allowed their CHAR- As anyone who knew him will tell Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- LIE to serve with us all in Congress. you, CHARLIE cared deeply for the er, today I rise to honor CHARLIE NOR- And I thank my colleagues again. State of Georgia and for the people he WOOD, a great servant of the people of Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I represented in Congress for over 12 Georgia. am pleased to yield 3 minutes to an- years. By now you have all heard about his other Georgia colleague (Mr. LINDER). In this Chamber and among this dele- life, so I won’t spend much time on his Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, I thank gation, there is no question that CHAR- extensive biography. But I do want to my friend for yielding his time. LIE NORWOOD will be missed and his ab- bring attention to what he would have

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:07 Feb 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14FE7.094 H14FEPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with HOUSE February 14, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1617 wanted us to focus on above and be- the Voting Rights Act, trying to mod- cause they just couldn’t understand yond his legislative accomplishments, ernize section 5, the renewal of the how he became a Republican. and that is his family. Voting Rights Act, I had come up with CHARLIE was a student. CHARLIE got b 1700 two amendments. One of them had to his bachelor’s. He studied dentistry. He do with putting the whole country was a soldier. He served his country. I did not get an opportunity to get to under it, going through the same scru- He was in Vietnam. But CHARLIE was a know CHARLIE, but I do know enough tiny. public servant. CHARLIE believed in about him to understand what was I met with CHARLIE and CHARLIE said, serving leadership, and he lived it. most important to him. He was a man ‘‘Lynn, I want the modernization CHARLIE really was great, because of high character and values, and so his amendment to be the Norwood amend- measured by the standards of Jesus, family was very important. So I would ment.’’ I said, ‘‘That’s fine, Charlie, that he who is great among you shall like to mention and send my deepest but why?’’ He said, ‘‘Because I can do a be your servant, and he who is greatest condolences to CHARLIE’s beautiful better job than you can.’’ That is the shall be servant unto all, CHARLIE wife, Gloria, and his two sons, Charles way he felt, and that is exactly the measured up. and Carlton, who enabled him and way he was. CHARLIE was a fighter. CHARLIE made it possible for him to serve so That is just one example of why I fought hard for any principle in which honorably, particularly at times when called CHARLIE my ‘‘foxhole buddy.’’ he believed. He didn’t give up, as you clearly he must have not been feeling When CHARLIE NORWOOD said he was heard, on the Patients’ Bill of Rights. well. But he still persisted with his du- with you, he was with you until the He was a fierce competitor. I often ties and responsibilities as a Congress- bitter end. You had his word that he didn’t agree with him, but I had to ad- man. mire his tenacity, because he was a It takes a lot to just walk these Halls would have your back, and his word fighter. And all the way to the end, from the office to the Capitol and back was his bond. His loyalty and love of country de- CHARLIE fought. He fought for life. again, and he walked as long as he We are all blessed, really blessed, to could, and then he started taking his fined him throughout his life. The Val- have known CHARLIE. And Gloria was wheelchair. So the man had a spirit to dosta High School football star went devoted to CHARLIE. She took leave prevail over whatever obstacles might on to become a dentist who took his from her duties as a member of the have befallen him. That is a spirit that skills to the front lines of Vietnam, each one of us can learn from and live where he served his fellow soldiers and Congressional Club to attend to CHAR- by and do the best that we can, like he his Nation with valor. He served in LIE, to give CHARLIE her best efforts in did. Vietnam for a year and obtained the his last days. So in addition to just being a great rank of captain and won two Bronze But CHARLIE served well. He really human being, there were a number of Stars. embodied God’s minute. I have only legislative accomplishments. I will not For the next four decades, CHARLIE just a minute, only 60 seconds in it; go over those either, but I will say as a and his loving wife Gloria made their forced upon me, can’t refuse it; didn’t member of the Armed Services Com- home Augusta, where they raised two seek it, didn’t choose, did it; I must mittee, that I want to bring attention children, Carlton and Charles, and he suffer if I lose it, give account if I to his military service. He was awarded served his community with a smile on abuse it; just a tiny little minute, but the Combat Military Badge and two his face when he talked about his eternity is in it. Bronze Stars for his service in Viet- grandchildren. Thank you, CHARLIE. You used your nam. While I did not always or often So the thoughts and prayers of all minute well. Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I agree with him on the issues, by all ac- Georgians go out to the Norwood fam- am pleased to yield 2 minutes to the counts he served his State and his dis- ily tonight, to let that family know gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. trict well. that we are appreciative of the time Georgia and this Nation have lost a that they allowed CHARLIE to come up WILSON). great man, and I am honored to have here and to serve with us, to bring joy Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. this opportunity to recognize his con- to our hearts and thoughts to our Thank you, Congressman DEAL, for co- tributions today. minds of what we could do to make ordinating this tribute to a patriot. Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I this country a better place to live in. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in tribute am privileged to yield 3 minutes to our The one thing that I want to close and remembrance of my dear friend colleague, the gentleman from Georgia with is this, Mr. Speaker: In all of the and our colleague CHARLIE NORWOOD. (Mr. WESTMORELAND). discussions that I got into with CHAR- Upon my election 5 years ago, two of Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. Speaker, LIE NORWOOD about legislation he con- the first people to offer guidance to me I thank my colleague from Georgia for stantly said, ‘‘Lynn, we have got to do were CHARLIE and Gloria Norwood. As a yielding me time. what’s right.’’ That was his motto, to Member of Congress from an adjoining Mr. Speaker, CHARLIE NORWOOD was a do what was right, and he did. It was district, I learned firsthand of CHAR- friend of mine, he was a friend of all an honor to call him friend. LIE’s dedication to the public and his Georgians, and he was a friend of every Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, love of America. Gloria has been a freedom loving person in this world, be- I am pleased to yield 3 minutes to the model First Lady for the district, en- cause he fought hard for you. gentleman from Georgia (Mr. BISHOP). thusiastically assisting CHARLIE in his He was one of the original Repub- Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, life of public service. lican revolutionaries that was elected I thank the gentleman for yielding. CHARLIE was a committed health care in 1994, and he never really lost that Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to stand practitioner, a loving family man and a spirit, that conservative fever. He this afternoon to give some remarks passionate public servant. He spent his agreed with Jefferson that the govern- about our colleague and dear friend, entire life fighting for the people of his ment that governs least, governs best, CHARLIE NORWOOD. beloved Georgia. and he fought for 12 years in this House Shakespeare wrote that all the world True to his character, CHARLIE to make sure that regulations on busi- is a stage and all the men and women fought to the end, despite debilitating ness and individuals’ lives were at a merely players. Each has his entrance health conditions. He was always in minimum. In fact, sometimes he called and his exit. One man in his time may good spirits, even though we knew he the government’s reach into our lives play many parts. was exerting extraordinary efforts to oppressive. So it was with CHARLIE. CHARLIE was fully represent his constituents. He re- Once CHARLIE was quoted in the At- a son, a son to Charlie Norwood, Sr., minded me so much of my predecessor, lanta Journal and Constitution, as say- and Lola. He was a husband to Gloria. the late Congressman Floyd Spence, a ing, ‘‘If I want to put bad wiring in my He was a father to Charlie and Carlton fellow courageous lung transplant re- house and burn my family down, that and a grandfather. And he was a cousin cipient. is my problem, not the government’s.’’ to two very, very wonderful ladies I had the pleasure of serving with That was typical of CHARLIE. He was down in Valdosta who said that they CHARLIE on the Education and Work- a witty warrior. When he joined me in often prayed for Cousin CHARLIE, be- force Committee. I am honored to, this

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:07 Feb 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14FE7.096 H14FEPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with HOUSE H1618 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 14, 2007 year, be the Republican ranking mem- Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I said, CHARLIE, I thought you were a ber on the Workforce Protection Sub- I want to read a part of a letter. It is big player around here; you cannot committee, which CHARLIE ably dated February 8, 2007. It is to myself. even get up to the clubhouse. So Nor- chaired for three terms. It is from Congressman NORWOOD. It is wood started giving me a hard time, In Congress, CHARLIE was an ardent the last official correspondence that I and I started hoorahing the guard, and advocate for health care reform and pa- received from him. It says: he said, Wait a minute; he said you are tients’ rights. He was a good friend and ‘‘Dear Joe. a Congressman from Texas? And I said, strong supporter of the employees of ‘‘When you receive this letter, you Yes, sir. He said, Congressman NOR- the Savannah River Nuclear Labora- will know of my return to Georgia WOOD, you park right up there by the tory. I was proud to work closely with after my decision to forego further clubhouse. him in our efforts to create a MOX fa- medical treatment in the Washington, So, for that one day, CHARLIE NOR- cility for the transformation of pluto- D.C., area for my ongoing battle with WOOD had a better parking spot than nium waste at the Savannah River site. non-small-cell cancer. Needless to say, Tiger Woods or Arnold Palmer or any of the members of the Masters golf b 1710 I hope things turn out for the best. ‘‘I expect to be unavailable for my course. CHARLIE is survived by his wife Glo- duties for the foreseeable future. I do, He is in heaven now and my guess is ria; his two sons, Charles and Carlton; however, expect my staff to continue he has got the best parking spot in and four grandchildren. Roxanne and I working on several issues, even if I heaven, too. God bless you, CHARLIE join with his colleagues in mourning can’t be there in person. NORWOOD, and God bless you, Gloria, his passing and send our prayers to his ‘‘I will have my staff working on the and God bless all your family members. family, staff and constituents. May Living Organ Kidney Donation Clari- You will dearly, dearly be missed. Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, God bless the Norwood family at this fication Act (H.R. 710). This bipartisan, I am pleased to yield 2 minutes to the time, and may they know that he made bicameral bill addresses the issue of gentleman from Texas (Mr. GENE a significant and positive difference for paired transplantation, which is a way America. GREEN). to solve the dilemma faced by people Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, who want to become living organ do- it is my pleasure to yield 1 minute to Speaker, I thank my colleague from nors for a family member or friend, but Georgia. the Speaker of the House of Represent- are unable to do so because they are atives, the young lady from California, I rise in support of the resolution and biologically incompatible. In the proc- to pay tribute to my friend and fellow Speaker NANCY PELOSI. ess of kidney-paired donor transplants, Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I thank member of the Energy and Commerce a pair consisting of a kidney transplant the gentleman for yielding and having Committee, Dr. CHARLIE NORWOOD. candidate and an incompatible living this Special Order to honor the life and CHARLIE came to Congress after my donor is matched with another such in- service of our colleague Congressman first term as part of the class of 1994, compatible pair to enable two trans- and it seems a year did not go by that NORWOOD. It is with great sadness that we re- plants that otherwise would not occur. we did not serve on a committee to- ceived the news first of his illness and This bill is widely supported, has no gether. I honorably served with him at first then of his passing. We had hoped to known opposition, doesn’t cost a dime, on the Education and Workforce Com- have an occasion such as this before he will save Medicare money, and will mittee and then later on the Energy died so he could hear the praise of his save thousands of lives. I urge you to and Commerce Committee. colleagues on the floor. I know that work with Mr. INSLEE, Chairman DIN- CHARLIE and I shared a passion for many conveyed their good wishes to GELL, and my staff to move this impor- tant bill forward.’’ health care issues, and I particularly him personally. enjoyed our work together on the He left us in a very dignified way. He I have checked with Chairman DIN- GELL. He has assured me that he is pre- Health Subcommittee. decided that he would be, as he lived, A dentist by training, CHARLIE was surrounded by his family at home so pared to move the bill if it is as he says it is. Knowing CHARLIE, always telling devoted to improving the health care that he could die in peace. system, not only for providers like Congressman NORWOOD, as we all the truth, it is. So hopefully, very soon on the floor of this body, we will have himself but also for the patients that know, as our minority leader men- rely on our health care system to keep tioned, he had his own particular style, the CHARLIE NORWOOD Living Organ Kidney Donation Clarification Act. them well. plain spoken, very eloquent, and he The phrase Patients’ Bill of Rights There are so many stories, but I want was a passionate public servant. He would not have been coined if CHARLIE to tell one Norwood story. CHARLIE served our country and his own com- and our chairman, JOHN DINGELL, had asked me and now my wife, then my munity in Vietnam in service to our not teamed up to give patients an abil- girlfriend, Terri, to go down to the country and in the Congress of the ity to fight back against the HMOs Masters Golf Tournament. I am not . that too often make health care deci- Again, in this Congress he did his golfer and so I discouraged him from sions based on the bottom line, rather best to serve his constituents, his con- asking me. He said you may not like it than a physician’s recommendation. science, and his country. but Terri will. I note CHARLIE’s last legislative act Again, he faced the end of his life and So we got to go down to the tour- before leaving Washington and return- his sickness with great bravery and nament, and on the first day we went ing to Georgia was to reintroduce the dignity. to the tournament, CHARLIE was telling Patients’ Bill of Rights in this Con- Our thoughts and prayers, I have con- me how plugged in he was with all the gress as H.R. 979. veyed to his wife Gloria, but I say folks at the Masters and how many There is no doubt in my mind that again on this floor that our thoughts people he knew and really he was real- this legislation will be CHARLIE’s leg- and prayers are with Gloria and his two ly a major figure out there. acy and will honor him and his work in sons, Charles and Carlton, and his four So we pulled up to the driveway to go this esteemed Chamber by finally mak- grandchildren. I know that I can speak up to the main clubhouse that you ing his vision of patients’ rights a re- for all Members of Congress when we have seen on TV, and the guard at the ality. convey our sympathy to them. I hope gate said, May I help you? He said, I Last July 4 recess, CHARLIE and I that it is a comfort to them that so am Congressman NORWOOD, and I have joined two other members of the many people mourn their loss and are got Congressman BARTON of Texas, and Health Subcommittee as we visited the praying for them at this sad time. we want to go up to the clubhouse. The impressive trauma facilities utilized by Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I guard said, Well, Congressman, you are our brave military doctors to treat our am pleased to yield 3 minutes to the not on the list. He said, I am not on the wounded service personnel in Balad and gentleman from Texas (Mr. BARTON). list? And the guard said, No, Congress- Baghdad, Iraq and Kabul, Afghanistan. (Mr. BARTON of Texas asked and man, you are not. So I started giving I knew there was a good reason CHAR- was given permission to revise and ex- CHARLIE a hard time from the back- LIE and I got along, despite being dif- tend his remarks.) seat. ferent parties, but I also realized that

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:07 Feb 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14FE7.099 H14FEPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with HOUSE February 14, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1619 trip that CHARLIE and I shared a lot of was and what his challenges were, but CHARLIE and I were elected in 1994, and interests, and one of them in firearms. he was always positive about his cir- I see several of my colleagues here that I met few people with more enthusiasm cumstances. His circumstance was are going to speak after me. My wife for firearms than CHARLIE NORWOOD. awful, as everybody knows. He fought Claire and his wife Gloria became In fact, I will mention that how he this disease for years and gradually friends during the orientation. And cared about people, and Chairman grew worse, and we were all worried while my wife doesn’t come back here DEAL understands that, he presented a about him. as often as Gloria was here with CHAR- book to those of us who went. It has a So one of the things I did just trying LIE, whenever she came back we always picture of CHARLIE NORWOOD with a .50- to get to know CHARLIE a little better made it a point as often as we could to caliber machine gun in a helicopter we is I went to his Web site and looked up get together with the Norwoods and were flying in, but CHARLIE was not a little bit about him, and was struck have dinner. CHARLIE loved to try a lot really happy because he was not sitting by the description that I found of his of different venues: He was a steak behind that .50-caliber machine gun. military service in Vietnam. And I man, and we ate steak. He liked Italian CHARLIE was a good doctor and hon- thought I would like to just read that; food, and we found several Italian orable Member of Congress and a great and many people who are watching this places that we ate. He took me to a Ko- friend. He always thought of others, won’t have an opportunity to hear this rean restaurant. He liked Korean food and I will always remember him for his about CHARLIE, though everybody after being in Asia. And we had great friendship for these years. Our knows, I think, that he served in the conversations. We talked about the pa- thoughts are with his family, and his military. tients’ bill of rights; we disagreed. We wife Gloria has become a good friend of But specifically during his tour in talked about OSHA; we agreed. And so my wife Helen through the Congres- Vietnam, CHARLIE NORWOOD partici- he and Gloria became good friends of sional Spouses, and I will miss CHAR- pated in experimental military dental Claire and me, and he even hosted my practices that became standard proce- LIE, and we all will. We honor his mem- brother and I down at the Master’s one dure for the Armed Forces after the ory and his contributions to our coun- year. My older brother and CHARLIE try. war. He was one of the first partici- shared the same birth date, so they had pants in the Army outreach program to b 1720 a bond right off the bat. deliver dentists to forward fire bases in If there is one legacy I think that lieu of transferring patients to rear Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I CHARLIE will leave with all of us, it is am pleased to yield 2 minutes to the treatment areas. I am not sure if the the bulldoggedness and the determina- gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. rest of the dentists and the doctors ap- tion with which he pursued legislation. preciated that very much; it meant BARRETT). But if there is one other legacy that that you were going into harm’s way a Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina. will be left, it is the way he displayed little bit more than they otherwise Mr. Speaker, I too stand in favor of the the courage to fight this disease that would. resolution for my friend CHARLIE NOR- he had. And I truly think, Mr. Speaker, WOOD. NORWOOD also provided some of the first field-based dental treatment of that any lesser man would not have When I first started running in 2002, lasted as long as he did with the dis- CHARLIE was one of the first guys to military guard dogs, and assisted in nondental trauma care in Mobile Army ease that he had. grab me by the hand, introduce me to CHARLIE will be very, very much people, and be my friend. I remember Surgical Hospitals, MASH, units. In recognition of his service under combat missed, and our prayers go out to Glo- my first day in Congress CHARLIE com- ria and the family. ing up to me and said, ‘‘Boy, you just conditions, he was awarded the Combat Medical Badge and two Bronze Stars. Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, hang with me, I will take good care of may I inquire how much time do we you.’’ And he did. After Vietnam, he was assigned to the Dental Corps at Fort Gordon, Georgia, have left. He always told me that the Augusta The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. where he served until his discharge in side of Georgia was mine and the North FRANK of Massachusetts). The gen- 1969. NORWOOD was awarded the Asso- Augusta side of South Carolina was 1 ciation of the Army’s Cocklin Award in tleman from Georgia has 12 ⁄2 minutes, his; that no river or border could keep and the other gentleman from Georgia us apart. And it was true. And the 1998, and was inducted into the Asso- ciation’s Audie Murphy Society in 1999. has 8 minutes. things he did for me, the things he did Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, for South Carolina, for Georgia, for He remained a lifelong member of the American Legion, the Veterans of For- I reserve the balance of my time. this Nation will always be remembered. Mr. DEAL of Georgia. I thank the eign Wars, and Military Order of the CHARLIE NORWOOD was a good friend Speaker. And I would ask the gen- of mine, and we will be sad and we will World Wars. CHARLIE’s family should be very tleman, we have numerous speakers, if cry, but in heaven they are screaming, proud of CHARLIE NORWOOD. As CHARLIE there is a possibility of yielding time ‘‘We love you, Charlie.’’ God bless you. NORWOOD was slowly struggling with at some point, we would request it. Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, the disease that took his life, he had to Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. I would be I am pleased to yield 21⁄2 minutes to the look back on his life and realize that pleased to do so. gentleman from Georgia (Mr. MAR- he helped an awful lot of people in a Mr. DEAL of Georgia. I thank the SHALL). very positive way. We will miss him. gentleman. Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. DEAL of Georgia. I am pleased to At this point I would yield 1 minute didn’t know CHARLIE well; I only met yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from to the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. CHARLIE once before I came to Congress Washington (Mr. HASTINGS). BLUNT). and then had a few occasions to work Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I Mr. BLUNT. I thank all of my col- with him in Congress. I certainly knew thank the gentleman for yielding. leagues for the comments they have his reputation. He was a great advocate Mr. Speaker, today I mourningly lost made today. The job of the whip in the for veterans and a great advocate for not only a colleague but a very close House is supposed to be the job of orga- patients’ rights and, on some subjects, friend. We all know that CHARLIE’s un- nizing the Members, and many people willing to buck his leadership in order wavering dedication to his constituents think it is the job of convincing Mem- to advance the cause of patients’ and to our Nation inspired us who had bers they should do something they rights, and it was something I appre- the privilege of serving with him. He don’t really want to do. I will tell you ciated a great deal. was known and was well-documented that the Member that it would have As CHARLIE grew sicker, from time to as a principled lawmaker who was ab- been the most impossible to convince time I would seek him out on the floor solutely committed to his values and to do anything he didn’t want to do and ask him how he was doing. He was to his work in this people’s House. He was CHARLIE NORWOOD. He was here to always upbeat about it, he was always was never afraid to stand up for his do what he thought was the right thing positive about it. He was never down convictions. to do. It wasn’t always what I thought and sad. He would be very frank about But, Mr. Speaker, I would like to was the right thing, but it was what he what he was able to do and where he speak on a personal note, because thought was the right thing and he was

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:08 Feb 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14FE7.101 H14FEPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with HOUSE H1620 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 14, 2007 going to do it. The toughness, the cour- CHARLIE NORWOOD, what was not to Mr. SHADEGG. I thank the gen- age, the determination of CHARLIE NOR- like? His dogged determination, some tleman for yielding. WOOD was extraordinary among an ex- would say he was stubborn as a mule. Mr. Speaker, I rise to mourn the loss traordinary group of people. Just this But I think CHARLIE might more ele- of my friend, CHARLIE NORWOOD, and to struggle that we have witnessed with gantly say he was persistent until it al- pay tribute to him and his record, and CHARLIE’s health, a struggle that he most ceased to be a virtue. But with to extend my sympathies to his wife faced uncomplainingly as he sat day CHARLIE, it was a virtue. and his family. after day over in that corner recov- Now, some gave him bad press, along CHARLIE NORWOOD was an extraor- ering from massive surgery, but, as with some others of us that worked to- dinary human, an extraordinary soldier Chairman BARTON showed in the letter gether on the Voting Rights Act. Some and an extraordinary United States he got in recent days, never giving up falsely claimed that CHARLIE and oth- Congressman, and the Nation is better on the job he was doing for the people ers of us were trying to restrict the for his service. he served. usage of the Voting Rights Act when a You have heard it said here, over and The people that sent him here should clear indication, everything CHARLIE over and over again, that he was pas- be proud, the people who worked with did, everything we worked on, every- sionate, that he was a fighter for the him should be proud. The people of the thing we talked about behind the cause, whether that was in Vietnam, United States would be proud if they scenes was, by golly, the Voting Rights whether that was in his chosen field, knew the great and tireless job that Act has done good for the places it has dentistry, or whether that was here in CHARLIE NORWOOD did for them every been applied. It needs to be applied in the United States Congress. day. And I am honored to have had a every district in America until racial I worked closely with CHARLIE on the chance to serve with him and call him disparity has disappeared. Patients’ Bill of Rights. I believed my friend. And although we lost on the floor deeply, as CHARLIE did, that individual Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I temporarily, I do believe there is Scrip- human beings, patients, were being in- am pleased to yield 2 minutes to the ture to support people in heaven to jured by the practices of managed care gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. know what is going on here on Earth. companies around the country, and They rejoice over one soul’s salvation, COBLE). that we needed to do something about Mr. COBLE. Mr. Speaker, thank you, they know that it isn’t over yet. As a that. CHARLIE injected himself in that sir. matter of equal protection, I think we fight with the kind of passion that I represent Pinehurst, North Caro- eventually will get it extended to every CHARLIE brought to every fight. And I lina, the golf capital of America. And district where there is racial disparity. worked shoulder to shoulder with To Gloria, to the Norwood family, all when I would say that, CHARLIE took CHARLIE in that fight, and Dr. TOM we can say through the Speaker is, great umbrage, he being from Augusta. COBURN, and learned what a great indi- thank you for sharing this wonderful On one occasion, CHARLIE overheard vidual and what an inspiring principled gift with us. And to God on high, thank someone ask me to describe my dis- human being he was. you for sharing this gift with this trict. I replied, ‘‘I represent High But the best thing about CHARLIE was House of Representatives. the twinkle in his eye. When CHARLIE Point, the furniture capital of the Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I got into a fight, he would literally world; I represent one of the finest zoos am pleased to yield 1 minute to the light up, and light the room with a in the country near Asheboro.’’ And gentlelady from North Carolina (Mrs. twinkle of being able to press forward knowing that CHARLIE was listening, I MYRICK). said very condescendingly, ‘‘And, of Mrs. MYRICK. I thank the gentleman with his fight and his belief and his course, the golf capital of America in for yielding. passion. Pinehurst.’’ Mr. Speaker, as you have heard some We will all miss him. I consider it a CHARLIE jumped up from his chair, of my other colleagues say, there were privilege to have known him. this is the sanitized version. He said, a group of us who came in in 1995 to- Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I ‘‘Now, you son of a gun,’’ he said, ‘‘I gether with CHARLIE and got to know am pleased to yield 1 minute to the will let you have the furniture and zoo, him very well and consider him a dear gentleman from Mississippi (Mr. WICK- but you ain’t taking golf.’’ friend. ER). I told that story, Mr. Speaker, to the You have heard all the words, ‘‘perse- Mr. WICKER. I thank the gentleman Southern Pines North Carolina Rotary verance’’ and ‘‘doggedness’’ and ‘‘deter- for yielding. Club, and within one week that story mination’’ and ‘‘stubborn’’ and all Mr. Speaker, CHARLIE NORWOOD and I was personally delivered to Doc NOR- those other things that describe CHAR- were elected together in 1994, as were WOOD. And CHARLIE said to me, ‘‘How- LIE, but there are also some other the two previous speakers. And we ard, don’t ever talk about anybody. It words that describe CHARLIE, and that were part of that history-making, ma- will come back to bite you.’’ was ‘‘loyal’’ and ‘‘friend,’’ because he jority-making 73-Member class who CHARLIE NORWOOD, as has been said was a friend to all. came to office in 1995. many times on this floor today, one Gloria and CHARLIE and I became It didn’t take us long to realize that great guy, one great Congressman who very good friends early on. You could CHARLIE NORWOOD was one of the wisest will be sorely missed. always count on him. There was never and steadiest and most dependable CHARLIE, I won’t even say Pinehurst any question, if you needed CHARLIE, Members of that class. He was a con- is the greatest golf capital of the world he was there if he believed in what you servative, and never wavered from that at least for a day or two in remem- were doing; if he didn’t, he would al- philosophy. He was trustworthy, as brance of you. ways forthrightly tell you. Mrs. MYRICK said. And condolences to Gloria and the He also displayed that big word He was a competitor. When CHARLIE entire Norwood family. ‘‘courage,’’ because we saw what he NORWOOD waged battle on this floor on went through as he spent his last 3 your side, you knew you had a capable b 1730 years here, and he was always doing his comrade at arms. And if he was on the Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I job for his people. The other thing other side, when it was over, you knew am pleased to yield 2 minutes to the about CHARLIE was integrity. I think you had been in a fight. I remember at gentleman from Texas (Mr. GOHMERT). you have to look long and far to find the end of the debate on the Patients’ Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, it was someone who had more integrity than Bill of Rights, right along the rail back truly an honor to know CHARLIE NOR- CHARLIE NORWOOD; if he gave you his here, CHARLIE NORWOOD and TOM WOOD; I admired and respected him. word, he gave you his word. COBURN embracing after the debate And shortly after I got here to this All of our blessings go to Gloria and like athletes after a great contest. body I was told by another Member his family. Whatever he did, CHARLIE NORWOOD from Georgia, he was sitting by CHAR- Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I did it cheerfully, and that is one of the LIE when I was up speaking and he said, am pleased to yield 1 minute to the main things I will remember about Who is that guy? I like him. Well, the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. SHAD- CHARLIE. He was a patriot in every feeling was more than mutual. EGG). sense of the word. He was a credit to

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:08 Feb 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14FE7.103 H14FEPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with HOUSE February 14, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1621 this House of Representatives. I am I also want to talk about Gloria, be- our friend and colleague, CHARLIE NOR- proud to have called him my colleague cause Gloria took my wife under her WOOD. While most of us hope to make a and my friend. wing and was kind to her. And I can difference in this world, CHARLIE NOR- Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, tell you for this last year and a half, WOOD certainly did that. He also made how much time does the gentleman literally every week that I have served a difference in the lives of those who from Georgia (Mr. DEAL) have? in this Congress, my wife has asked were fortunate enough to have known The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- about CHARLIE’s health because she fell him. tleman has 30 seconds remaining. in love with Gloria Norwood. CHARLIE was steadfast and did what Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, Everyone in this House sends out he thought was right. He was an im- I am pleased to yield 6 minutes to my their hearts to Gloria at the loss of her movable object in the defense of prin- colleague from Georgia, and I ask beloved husband. We were proud to ciple, and when met with irresistible unanimous consent to let the gen- serve with him. He was a great Amer- force, it wasn’t likely that CHARLIE was tleman from Georgia in turn control ican. the one who was moved. that 6 minutes and yield to other Mem- Today I rise to honor my friend and col- During the development of the Medi- bers. league Mr. CHARLIE NORWOOD from North- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there care prescription drug benefit, I eastern Georgia who passed away yesterday objection to the request of the gen- worked closely with CHARLIE and sev- morning. As a man of strong character and tleman from Georgia? eral of my colleagues to see if there There was no objection. unwavering convictions, his passing is surely a was an alternative plan and how we The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- saddening loss to the American people. were going to work this out. CHARLIE’s HARLIE ORWOOD tleman from Georgia (Mr. DEAL) now C N served as a brave sol- contributions were insightful, they dier during Vietnam as part of the Army Dental has 61⁄2 minutes. were valuable, and added considerably Mr. DEAL of Georgia. I thank the Corps in the 173rd Airborne Brigade. He was to the worth of our final product. Dur- gentleman for his courtesy. honored for his courageous service with the ing that process, he was constantly I am pleased to yield 1 minute to the Combat Medical Badge and two Bronze Stars. mindful of two things, and that was the gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. Elected to Congress in 1994, CHARLIE was need to help seniors who had no drug WHITFIELD). the first Republican to represent his North- coverage and the need to be wise stew- Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Speaker, all of eastern Georgia district since Reconstruction. ards for taxpayers. us join in wishing our condolences to During his time in Congress he was known for Coming to Congress with a medical CHARLIE’s wife Gloria and his entire his endless fight for the patients’ bill of rights background, CHARLIE provided a point family. and his fight for stricter immigration policies. of view that enhanced any debate he Those of us who were elected in 1994 CHARLIE bravely battled cancer and lung dis- entered. While witnesses before him, at and had the opportunity to know CHAR- ease, and in his final days he returned to Au- the Health Subcommittee may have LIE, to work with CHARLIE, and for me gusta to be with his family. The Norwood fam- cringed at times under his questioning, personally I had the opportunity to sit ily will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please the responses that were drawn out al- next to him on the Energy and Com- join me, Mr. Speaker, in expressing our deep ways added an important dimension to merce Committee for about 8 years, appreciation for the lifetime of service by our debates. CHARLIE was many things. He was a CHARLIE NORWOOD and extending our sym- CHARLIE will be sorely missed: in soldier in Vietnam, he was a business- pathies to his wife, Gloria Wilkinson Norwood, Congress, in the Health Subcommittee, man, he was a dentist, he was a great and their family. but more importantly in all our lives. I United States Congressman. He also Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I give my deepest sympathies to his wife, was a Sunday school teacher at Trinity am pleased to yield 1 minute to one of Gloria, his sons Charles and Carlton, on the Hill Methodist Church in Au- our colleagues from Iowa (Mr. KING). and his constituents. gusta, Georgia. And I know that that b 1740 Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I church meant a lot to him because he am pleased to yield 1 minute to the is asking for donations to that church Mr. KING of Iowa. I thank the gen- tleman for yielding. gentleman from Iowa (Mr. LATHAM). as a memorial. Mr. LATHAM. I thank the gentleman Recently I attended a church service Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak in pro- for yielding, and I thank the Speaker in a Methodist church in Kentucky, found sorrow and gratitude for the life for this chance to say just a few words and the title of the sermon was ‘‘You of CHARLIE NORWOOD. I believe I had about my dear friend and classmate, Can’t Make a Success of Life Without known CHARLIE long before I came here CHARLIE NORWOOD. Making a Gift of It.’’ And when I think to meet him in person. I got to know To Gloria, to the family, we extend of CHARLIE NORWOOD, that is really him through C–SPAN and through the our most sincere, deepest condolences. what I think about: He made a gift of media. When I met him personally, he Kathy and I will keep you in our pray- his life. We will miss him. He has made had matched up identically with the ers. a tremendous impact on all of us. We person that I saw through the tele- wish his family the very best. vision screen. CHARLIE had that light I just want to tell one short story Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I within him, as John Shadegg said. about CHARLIE. When we came into am pleased to yield 1 minute to the I look back at a time when CHARLIE Congress together back in 1994 and we gentleman from Texas (Mr. CARTER). was not feeling well. He came here had the Contract With America, the Mr. CARTER. I thank you for yield- whenever it was physically possible for first 100 days, one of the very first ing. him to do that, and I remember a day votes that we had was H.R. 1. That was Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak about when he looked poor, but when he an amendment to the Constitution to my friend, CHARLIE NORWOOD. I have spoke in that microphone right there, balance the budget. I was standing prepared remarks, but I would really that light came back on again and the right back here at the voting machine like to just relate like others have. real CHARLIE NORWOOD again blessed beside CHARLIE NORWOOD. I voted The first time I ran into CHARLIE I this Chamber with his presence. ‘‘yes.’’ CHARLIE put his card in, he was a new freshman in this body. He America will always be grateful. Glo- voted ‘‘yes,’’ and he turned to me and sat behind me. And when you are brand ria, Marilyn and I want you to know says, You know what. That’s what I new here, you are listening and you are that you and your family are in our ran on. I can go home now. I’ve done trying to figure out what is going on. prayers. We will always look over to my job. I’ve kept my promise. And when CHARLIE NORWOOD opened his this place on this floor where CHARLIE That’s what CHARLIE NORWOOD was mouth, he was saying things some- always sat and recognize that as CHAR- all about. I just want to say, CHARLIE, times that others were not, and stood LIE’s seat in the people’s Chamber. you’re home now, the Augusta, the his ground to those things, even though Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I Georgia that you love, and our they might be in conflict with both the am pleased to yield 1 minute to the thoughts and prayers will always be other side and his party, both. CHARLIE gentleman from Indiana (Mr. BUYER). with you and the great honor that you had a way of standing up for his prin- Mr. BUYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to have given all of us here to serve with ciples. express deep sorrow at the passing of you in this great body.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:08 Feb 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14FE7.106 H14FEPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with HOUSE H1622 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 14, 2007 Mr. DEAL of Georgia. I would say to Prior to his service in the House of Rep- vidual rights showed his intense compassion my colleague, Mr. LEWIS, I am prepared resentatives, CHARLIE served his country as a for the American people. to close if you would like to. Captain in the U.S. Army Dental Corps in Viet- Congressman NORWOOD was someone who The SPEAKER pro tempore. The nam, and he contributed to his community as lived the American dream. He went to college, Chair recognizes the gentleman from a dentist, business owner, and active wor- became a dentist, fought for his country in Georgia (Mr. LEWIS). shipper in his Methodist Church. Vietnam, and was a loving husband, father Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I first learned about CHARLIE in 1994 when and grandfather. He served his district, state CHARLIE NORWOOD, the man from Geor- he was running for his Georgia district. Struck and country with distinction in the United gia, not just a citizen of Georgia, not by his pluckiness and quiet steadfast deter- States Congress. just a citizen of the American South, mination even then, I decided to campaign for CHARLIE worked to leave the world a better but a citizen of the world, a man who him in his district-to-be, and met his wife Glo- place than it was given to him, and I can say fought the good fight, who kept the ria. And when he was elected, he immediately that, because of his service to our country and faith. He was a good and decent man, became a player in health care legislation, not work for health care issues, he did just that. and we will never ever forget his last- waiting for reaching the echelons of seniority Congressman CHARLIE NORWOOD was taken ing contribution. to make real contributions. from this earth too soon. My wife Diana and We pray for his family, for the people Through all his trials, CHARLIE NORWOOD I extend our deepest sympathy to Gloria and of his congressional district, and we had a sparkle, an ingenuity how to get things the entire Norwood family in this difficult time. pray for his soul. accomplished. His passion would at times Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise with Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance translate into defiance at another Member. In a heavy heart today to remember a friend, and of my time. particular, I recall such a moment at the En- colleague—Representative CHARLIE NORWOOD Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, ergy & Commerce markup on July 27, 2006 of of Georgia, who passed away yesterday, at in closing, I want to thank my col- H.R. 4157, the Better Health Information Sys- his home in Augusta, Georgia. CHARLIE and I came into Congress as part league, Mr. LEWIS, for his graciousness, tem Act of 2006, or ‘‘Health IT’’ bill. Another for his assistance in bringing this reso- of the ‘‘’’ in 1994. We Member, Representative MARKEY, was offering lution to the floor, and to express my shared a common vision with the rest of our some language that would have the effect of classmates of what the Federal Government appreciation to all of our colleagues governing relations between health care pro- who have spoken here today. Their elo- should be and how it should act. CHARLIE viders and their patients. Well, CHARLIE took worked diligently to attain this vision while quence, I hope, conveys to Gloria and great exception to this, and rather angrily to the family the esteem with which we serving his constituents. erupted to Representative MARKEY that his held CHARLIE NORWOOD. Truly the gen- During this sorrowful time my thoughts and profession has engaged in the highest ethical prayers go out to his family, friends, staff and tleman from Georgia and the blue standards of patient privacy since the incep- searsucker suit is going to really be loved ones. It was an honor serving with tion of dentistry, and therefore ‘‘I don’t need CHARLIE, and he will be sorely missed. missed here, but his legacy will live on. you to legislate my professional ethics.’’ It is the responsibility of each of us Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, In the past couple of years, CHARLIE would to make sure that we have the same I rise to pay tribute to a great American and ride in his scooter to the Energy & Commerce a member of this House. CHARLES NORWOOD degree of commitment and passion as Committee on which we served together, and CHARLIE NORWOOD did. He set a great was a veteran, dentist, small business owner, to the Floor, for debate and hearings and and Member of Congress from Georgia. example we will all endeavor to follow. votes. And notwithstanding his ailing health, I Mr. JONES of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, Congressman NORWOOD, who died on was always touched by his continued friendly, I rise today in sadness to note the recent Wednesday, February 14, 2007, was a re- high spirits. CHARLIE, I am honored to have spected member of this body and respected passing of a dear friend and colleague, CHAR- known you. Rest in peace. by all who knew him. His presence will be LIE NORWOOD. I want to extend to his wife Glo- Mr. COSTELLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- greatly missed and we all mourn his loss and ria and her sons, and their family, my deepest port of this resolution honoring the life of our extend our sincerest condolences to his family sympathy for their loss. friend and a great member of this body, CHAR- I know how much CHARLIE loved his wife and friends. LIE NORWOOD, who passed away after an 8- CHARLES NORWOOD was born July 27, 1941 Gloria and his family.? I join my colleagues today on the floor of year battle with a chronic lung disease, and in Valdosta, Georgia. ‘‘CHARLIE’’ as he was the House to honor his service in the House then lung cancer. known, attended school in Valdosta through- Elected in 1994, CHARLIE was a passionate of Representatives, and to honor his memory. out his first year of high school when his fam- CHARLIE and I came to Washington with the public servant who will be remembered for his ily moved to Tennessee, where he graduated class of 1994. We were elected to Congress dedication to health care issues and his com- in 1959 from Baylor Military High School in in the same year and we came with the class mitment to patients’ rights. A dentist by train- Chattanooga. He received his B.A. from Geor- that was going to change the way Washington ing, he had the unique perspective of under- gia Southern University in 1964 and a Doc- operates. standing how health policy impacted him as a torate in Dental Surgery from Georgetown Uni- In the seven terms that I have served with practitioner as well as his patients. His experi- versity Dental School in 1967 where he was CHARLIE, I gained a lasting friendship and re- ences were a driving force in his passionate elected President of the Dental School Stu- spect for CHARLIE. advocacy for a patients’ bill of rights, and he dent Body during his senior year. CHARLIE certainly made an impact on the helped lead the effort to pass that legislation. After completing dental school, CHARLIE House of Representatives. He always fought CHARLIE also served his country in the Army NORWOOD enlisted in the , for the causes for which he believed, and for 3 years, and was a veteran of the Vietnam and was commissioned a Captain in the U.S. many times we were on the same side. war. I had the privilege of getting to know Army Dental Corps from 1967 to 1969. He In the last year of his service, as he was CHARLIE when our offices were next door to was first assigned to the Army Dental Corps at battling illness, he always had a smile for me each other in the Rayburn building and en- Sandia Army Base in Albuquerque, New Mex- when I would speak to him. And I know that joyed our friendly visits and candid conversa- ico. In 1968, he was transferred to the Medical he had a smile for anyone that came to say tions. He instantly gained my respect as a Battalion of the 173rd Airborne Brigade in hello. hard-working and eager gentleman willing to Vietnam. As a man of faith, I know that CHARLIE is in work across party lines in search of com- While in the Dental Corps, CHARLIE pio- heaven. But for those of us who had the privi- promIse. neered dental practices that became standard lege to know him, we will miss him until we Mr. Speaker, while CHARLIE’S presence will procedure after the Vietnam War. In addition meet again. be missed, his valiant spirit will live on and I to assisting the soldiers, he also provided He was an outstanding Congressman, and am grateful for the opportunity to have served some of the first field-based dental treatment he will be missed. with him in this Chamber. I send my condo- of military guard dogs. For his distinguished Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, it is with sor- lences and best wishes to his family, and join service to our Nation, CHARLIE received the row, yet fondness, that I speak on the passing my colleagues in supporting this resolution. Combat Medical Badge and two Bronze Stars. of our colleague and friend, CHARLIE NOR- Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I am deeply He was discharged in 1969 after which, he en- WOOD. While in Congress, his dedication to saddened at the loss of a great American. tered the private practice of dentistry in Au- Georgians, to patient advocacy, to business CHARLIE NORWOOD was an honored member gusta, Georgia. For many years, ‘‘DOC NOR- ownership and property rights, and to veterans of this House of Representatives and will be WOOD’’ provided great service to all his pa- are legendary. deeply missed. His work for patient and indi- tients.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:39 Feb 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K14FE7.110 H14FEPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with HOUSE February 14, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1623

In 1994, CHARLIE NORWOOD was elected to The message also announced that Saudi Arabia, a country with an appar- represent the Tenth Congressional District of pursuant to Public Law 106–286, the ently stable and obstensibly friendly Georgia in the historic 104th Congress. We Chair, on behalf of the President of the government. So even if Iraq were stable were classmates because that same year I Senate, and after consultation with the and friendly, individual Iraqi terrorists was elected to represent the citizens of the Majority Leader, appoints the fol- might well come to the United States Eighteenth Congressional District of Texas. lowing Members to serve on the Con- and carry out actions against us. CHARLIE represented his district so well that he gressional-Executive Commission on Third, we are told that we have an obli- was reelected by his constituents six times the People’s Republic of China: gation to the Iraqi people to stay and always by substantial margins. The Senator from Montana (Mr. BAU- there, to stay the course. We have lib- In Congress, CHARLIE NORWOOD was a CUS). erated the Iraqis from Saddam Hussein, strong proponent for health care reform. He in- The Senator from Michigan (Mr. a man who killed millions in his war troduced legislation calling for a Patient’s Bill LEVIN). against Iran and against the Kurds. of Rights. He also championed more and bet- The Senator from California (Mrs. Now we have given the Iraqi people an ter health care for veterans. In addition to his FEINSTEIN). opportunity to come together. We have work in health care reform, NORWOOD intro- The Senator from North Dakota (Mr. bled sufficiently for Iraq. duced legislation and worked on various other DORGAN), Co-Chairman. Finally, we are told that we owe it to public-policy issues. The Senator from Ohio (Mr. BROWN). those Americans who died in battle to Throughout his congressional career, CHAR- f stay in Iraq until Iraq is a model de- mocracy. LIE NORWOOD served on the Energy and Com- IRAQ WAR RESOLUTION merce Committee and the Education and b 1750 Workforce Committee. He was Vice Chairman The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ant to section 3 of House Resolution I would argue that instead we owe it of the Subcommittee on Health from 2001 to to those who died to have an intel- 2004 and a member of the Energy and Power 157, proceedings will now resume on the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 63) ligent foreign policy that safeguards Subcommittee from 1997 to 2000. America. That starts with learning the Mr. Speaker, a dear colleague has fallen but disapproving of the decision of the President announced on January 10, lessons of the Cold War. Remember the he will not be forgotten. We are all saddened 1960s and the 1970s, when we were told 2007, to deploy more than 20,000 addi- by our loss but we are happy to have served that if we didn’t support every esca- tional United States combat troops to with him. Our prayers and condolences are lation in Vietnam, then the Com- Iraq. with his family and loved ones. CHARLIE NOR- munists would follow us home or, in The Clerk read the title of the con- WOOD—Vietnam Veteran, dentist, small busi- the parlance of that day, there would current resolution. ness owner, and Member of Congress—was a be Communists on the beaches of The SPEAKER pro tempore. When good representative, a good legislator, and a southern California. good man. He will be missed. proceedings were postponed earlier Well, we won the Cold War because Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I today, 4 hours and 46 minutes of debate we pulled out of Vietnam. The short- yield back the balance of my time. remained on the concurrent resolution. term outcome in Vietnam was not The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time The gentleman from California (Mr. what we would have liked, but even if has expired. SHERMAN) has 2 hours and 21 minutes we had stayed in Vietnam another dec- Without objection, the previous ques- remaining and the gentleman from ade, it would have been no different. tion is ordered on the resolution. New York (Mr. KING) has 2 hours and 25 We won the global war on communism There was no objection. minutes remaining. because we waged it globally, and we The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The Chair recognizes the gentleman did not become fixated forever on Viet- question is on the resolution. from California. nam. The resolution was agreed to. Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield The time has arrived to pull back A motion to reconsider was laid on myself so much time as I may con- from daily battles on the streets of the table. sume. Baghdad. It is time for Iraq to no Mr. Speaker, we are engaged in a f longer be viewed as the sole or exclu- long war on radical Islam, a war the sive battlefield in the war on ter- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER President has analogized to the Cold rorism. It is time instead for us to PRO TEMPORE War. Two roads in that war lead to dis- focus on the one part of the global war The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under aster. The first disastrous road would on terrorism that could lead to hun- clause 5(d) of rule XX, it is the Chair’s be to abandon the battle, appease, dis- dreds of thousands of American deaths, duty to announce to the House that, in arm, blame America, and speak to and that is Iran’s nuclear program. We light of the death of the gentleman Syria and Iran about what concessions need to mobilize all of our diplomatic from Georgia (Mr. NORWOOD), the whole we are going to give them. leverage to reshape our policies to- number of the House is 434. The second disastrous course is to wards Russia, Europe and China, to- stay the course in our utter fixation on f ward the single goal of putting to- Iraq as the only battlefield in the glob- gether a coalition that will put the GENERAL LEAVE al war on radical Islam. Those who pro- pressure on Iran necessary to force Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I pose that we stay the course, an erro- that country to abandon its nuclear ask unanimous consent that all Mem- neous course, I might add, give four program. We owe this to those who bers have 5 legislative days in which to different reasons: have died in Iraq, and we owe it to the revise and extend their remarks on the First, they say that if we do not stay American people. resolution just adopted. in Iraq and prevail, then terrorists will Finally, we are told that this resolu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there have a place to gather and plot against tion is nonbinding, meaningless, that objection to the request of the gen- us. Mr. Speaker, terrorists can plot the President will ignore it, that the tleman from Georgia? against us in the deserts of Somalia. only way we have of affecting policy is There was no objection. Terrorists are plotting against us in to cut off funds, which is constitu- f the mountains of North Waziristan, in tionally problematic, since it involves the mountains of Pakistan. Mr. Speak- tying in the hands of the Commander MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE er, terrorists can plot against us in an in Chief while we have troops in the A message from the Senate by Ms. apartment building in Hamburg. Even field. But the very people who say this Curtis, one of its clerks, announced if we prevail in Iraq, terrorists will al- resolution is meaningless have it in that the Senate has passed without ways be able to find a conference room. their power to make it meaningful, amendment a joint resolution of the The second reason we are given is have it in their power to avoid such House of the following title: that if we do not prevail in Iraq, the constitutionally problematic ap- H.J. Res. 20. Joint resolution making fur- terrorists there will follow us home. proaches. ther continuing appropriations for the fiscal Well, keep in mind on 9/11, the vast ma- Because if the Republicans will vote year 2007, and for other purposes. jority of the hijackers came from for this resolution, they will make it

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:39 Feb 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14FE7.032 H14FEPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with HOUSE