Congressional Record—House H10848
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H10848 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 20, 2008 tempore (Mrs. BOYDA of Kansas) at 3 ley, Barbara Cubin, Henry Cuellar, John Ron Paul, Donald M. Payne, Stevan Pearce, p.m. Abney Culberson, Elijah E. Cummings, Artur Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Ed Perlmutter, Davis, Danny K. Davis, David Davis, Geoff Collin C. Peterson, John E. Peterson, Thom- f Davis, Jo Ann Davis, Lincoln Davis, Susan as E. Petri, Charles W. ‘‘Chip’’ Pickering, Jo- COMMUNICATION FROM THE A. Davis, Tom Davis, Nathan Deal, Peter A. seph R. Pitts, Todd Russell Platts, Ted Poe, REPUBLICAN LEADER DeFazio, Diana DeGette, William D. Earl Pomeroy, Jon C. Porter, David E. Price, Delahunt, Rosa L. DeLauro, Charles W. Dent, Tom Price, Deborah Pryce, Adam H. Put- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart, Nor- nam, George Radanovich, Nick J. Rahall II, fore the House the following commu- man D. Dicks, John D. Dingell, Lloyd Jim Ramstad, Charles B. Rangel, Ralph Reg- nication from the Honorable JOHN A. Doggett, Joe Donnelly, John T. Doolittle, ula, Dennis R. Rehberg, David G. Reichert, Michael F. Doyle, Thelma D. Drake, David BOEHNER, Republican Leader: Rick Renzi, Silvestre Reyes, Thomas M. Rey- Dreier, John J. Duncan, Jr., Chet Edwards, nolds, Laura Richardson, Ciro D. Rodriguez, CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Donna F. Edwards, Vernon J. Ehlers, Keith Harold Rogers, Mike Rogers, Mike Rogers, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Ellison, Brad Ellsworth, Rahm Emanuel, Jo Dana Rohrabacher, Peter J. Roskam, Ileana Washington, DC, November 19, 2008. Ann Emerson, Eliot L. Engel, Phil English, Ros-Lehtinen, Mike Ross, Steven R. Roth- Hon. NANCY PELOSI, Anna G. Eshoo, Bob Etheridge, Terry Ever- man, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Edward R. Speaker, U.S. Capitol, ett, Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, Mary Fallin, Royce, C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger, Bobby L. Washington, DC. Sam Farr, Chaka Fattah, Tom Feeney, Mike Rush, Paul Ryan, Tim Ryan, John T. DEAR SPEAKER PELOSI: Pursuant to Section Ferguson, Bob Filner, Jeff Flake, J. Randy Salazar, Bill Sali, Linda T. Sa´ nchez, Loretta 125(c)(1) of the Emergency Economic Sta- Forbes, Jeff Fortenberry, Luis G. Fortun˜ o, Sanchez, John P. Sarbanes, Jim Saxton, bilization Act of 2008 (P.L. 110–343), I am Vito Fossella, Bill Foster, Virginia Foxx, Steve Scalise, Janice D. Schakowsky, Adam pleased to appoint the Honorable JEB Barney Frank, Trent Franks, Rodney P. B. Schiff, Jean Schmidt, Allyson Y. HENSARLING of Texas to the Congressional Frelinghuysen, Marcia L. Fudge, Elton Schwartz, David Scott, Robert C. ‘‘Bobby’’ Oversight Panel. Gallegly, Scott Garrett, Jim Gerlach, Scott, F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., Jose´ E. Mr. HENSARLING has expressed interest in Gabrielle Giffords, Wayne T. Gilchrest, Serrano, Pete Sessions, Joe Sestak, John B. serving in this capacity and I am pleased to Kirsten E. Gillibrand, Paul E. Gillmor, Phil Shadegg, Christopher Shays, Carol Shea-Por- fulfill his request. Gingrey, Louie Gohmert, Charles A. Gon- ter, Brad Sherman, John Shimkus, Heath Sincerely, zalez, Virgil H. Goode, Jr., Bob Goodlatte, Shuler, Bill Shuster, Michael K. Simpson, JOHN A. BOEHNER, Bart Gordon, Kay Granger, Sam Graves, Al Albio Sires, Ike Skelton, Louise McIntosh ´ Republican Leader. Green, Gene Green, Raul M. Grijalva, Luis V. Slaughter, Adam Smith, Adrian Smith, f Gutierrez, John J. Hall, Ralph M. Hall, Phil Christopher H. Smith, Lamar Smith, Vic Hare, Jane Harman, J. Dennis Hastert, Alcee Snyder, Hilda L. Solis, Mark E. Souder, ADJOURNMENT L. Hastings, Doc Hastings, Robin Hayes, Zachary T. Space, John M. Spratt, Jr., Jack- Dean Heller, Jeb Hensarling, Wally Herger, Mr. LAMPSON. Mr. Speaker, pursu- ie Speier, Cliff Stearns, Bart Stupak, John Stephanie Herseth, Brian Higgins, Baron P. Sullivan, Betty Sutton, Thomas G. ant to House Concurrent Resolution Hill, Maurice D. Hinchey, Ruben Hinojosa, Tancredo, John S. Tanner, Ellen O. 440, 110th Congress, I move that the Mazie K. Hirono, David L. Hobson, Paul W. Tauscher, Gene Taylor, Lee Terry, Bennie G. House do now adjourn. Hodes, Peter Hoekstra, Tim Holden, Rush D. Thompson, Mike Thompson, Mac Thorn- Holt, Michael M. Honda, Darlene Hooley, The motion was agreed to; accord- berry, Todd Tiahrt, Patrick J. Tiberi, John Steny H. Hoyer, Kenny C. Hulshof, Duncan ingly (at 3 o’clock and 2 minutes p.m.), F. Tierney, Edolphus Towns, Niki Tsongas, Hunter, Bob Inglis, Jay Inslee, Steve Israel, the House adjourned until Saturday, Michael R. Turner, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Darrell E. Issa, Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., Sheila Fred Upton, Chris Van Hollen, Nydia M. January 3, 2009, at 11 a.m. Jackson-Lee, William J. Jefferson, Bobby Vela´ zquez, Peter J. Visclosky, Tim Walberg, f Jindal, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Henry C. Greg Walden, James T. Walsh, Timothy J. ‘‘Hank’’ Johnson, Jr., Sam Johnson, Tim- OATH FOR ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED othy V. Johnson, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Walz, Zach Wamp, Debbie Wasserman INFORMATION Walter B. Jones, Jim Jordan, Steve Kagen, Schultz, Maxine Waters, Diane E. Watson, Paul E. Kanjorski, Marcy Kaptur, Ric Keller, Melvin L. Watt, Henry A. Waxman, Anthony Under clause 13 of rule XXIII, the fol- D. Weiner, Peter Welch, Dave Weldon, Jerry lowing Members executed the oath for Patrick J. Kennedy, Dale E. Kildee, Carolyn C. Kilpatrick, Ron Kind, Peter T. King, Weller, Lynn A. Westmoreland, Robert access to classified information: Steve King, Jack Kingston, Mark Steven Wexler, Ed Whitfield, Roger F. Wicker, Neil Abercrombie, Gary L. Ackerman, Rob- Kirk, Ron Klein, John Kline, Joe Knollen- Charles A. Wilson, Heather Wilson, Joe Wil- ert B. Aderholt, W. Todd Akin, Rodney Alex- berg, John R. ‘‘Randy’’ Kuhl, Jr., Ray son, Robert J. Wittman, Frank R. Wolf, ander, Thomas H. Allen, Jason Altmire, Rob- LaHood, Doug Lamborn, Nick Lampson, Lynn C. Woolsey, David Wu, Albert Russell ert E. Andrews, Michael A. Arcuri, Joe Baca, James R. Langevin, Tom Lantos, Rick Wynn, John A. Yarmuth, C.W. Bill Young, Michele Bachmann, Spencer Bachus, Brian Larsen, John B. Larson, Tom Latham, Ste- Don Young. Baird, Richard H. Baker, Tammy Baldwin, J. ven C. LaTourette, Robert E. Latta, Barbara f Gresham Barrett, John Barrow, Roscoe G. Lee, Sander M. Levin, Jerry Lewis, John Bartlett, Joe Barton, Melissa L. Bean, Xa- Lewis, Ron Lewis, John Linder, Daniel Li- EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, vier Becerra, Shelley Berkley, Howard L. pinski, Frank A. LoBiondo, David Loebsack, ETC. Berman, Marion Berry, Judy Biggert, Brian Zoe Lofgren, Nita M. Lowey, Frank D. Under clause 8 of rule XII, executive P. Bilbray, Gus M. Bilirakis, Rob Bishop, Lucas, Daniel E. Lungren, Stephen F. Lynch, Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., Timothy H. Bishop, Carolyn McCarthy, Kevin McCarthy, Michael communications were taken from the Marsha Blackburn, Earl Blumenauer, Roy T. McCaul, Betty McCollum, Thaddeus G. Speaker’s table and referred as follows: Blunt, John A. Boehner, Jo Bonner, Mary McCotter, Jim McCrery, James P. McGov- 9390. A letter from the Administrator, De- Bono, John Boozman, Madeleine Z. Bordallo, ern, Patrick T. McHenry, John M. McHugh, partment Agriculture, transmitting the De- Dan Boren, Leonard L. Boswell, Rick Bou- Mike McIntyre, Howard P. ‘‘Buck’’ McKeon, partment’s final rule—Beef Promotion and cher, Charles W. Boustany, Jr., Allen Boyd, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Jerry McNerney, Research; Reapportionment [Doc. No.: LS– Nancy E. Boyda, Kevin Brady, Robert A. Michael R. McNulty, Connie Mack, Tim 07–0141] received November 7, 2008, pursuant Brady, Bruce L. Braley, Paul C. Broun, Mahoney, Carolyn B. Maloney, Donald A. to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Corrine Brown, Henry E. Brown, Jr., Ginny Manzullo, Kenny Marchant, Edward J. Mar- Agriculture. Brown-Waite, Vern Buchanan, Michael C. key, Jim Marshall, Jim Matheson, Doris O. 9391. A letter from the Regulatory Contact, Burgess, Dan Burton, G.K. Butterfield, Steve Matsui, Martin T. Meehan, Kendrick B. Department of Agriculture, transmitting the Buyer, Ken Calvert, Dave Camp, John Camp- Meek, Gregory W. Meeks, Charlie Melancon, Department’s final rule—Swine Contractors bell, Chris Cannon, Eric Cantor, Shelley John L. Mica, Michael H. Michaud, Juanita (RIN: 0580–AB01) received October 20, 2008, Moore Capito, Lois Capps, Michael E. Millender-McDonald, Brad Miller, Candice S. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Capuano, Dennis A. Cardoza, Russ Carnahan, Miller, Gary G. Miller, George Miller, Jeff mittee on Agriculture. Christopher P. Carney, Andre Carson, Julia Miller, Harry E. Mitchell, Alan B. Mollohan, 9392. A letter from the Congressional Re- Carson, John R. Carter, Michael N. Castle, Dennis Moore, Gwen Moore, James P. Moran, view Coordinator, Department of Agri- Kathy Castor, Donald J. Cazayoux, Jr., Steve Jerry Moran, Christopher S. Murphy, Pat- culture, transmitting the Department’s final Chabot, Ben Chandler, Travis W. Childers, rick J. Murphy, Tim Murphy, John P. Mur- rule—Special Need Requests Under the Plant Donna M. Christensen, Yvette D. Clarke, tha, Marilyn N. Musgrave, Sue Wilkins Protection Act [Docket No.: APHIS–2005– Wm. Lacy Clay, Emanuel Cleaver, James E. Myrick, Jerrold Nadler, Grace F. Napolitano, 0103] (RIN: 0579–AB98) received October 23, Clyburn, Howard Coble, Steve Cohen, Tom Richard E. Neal, Randy Neugebauer, Eleanor 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Cole, K. Michael Conaway, John Conyers, Holmes Norton, Charlie Norwood, Devin Committee on Agriculture. Jr., Jim Cooper, Jim Costa, Jerry F. Nunes, James L. Oberstar, David R. Obey, 9393. A letter from the Congressional Re- Costello, Joe Courtney, Robert E. (Bud) John W. Olver, Solomon P. Ortiz, Frank view Coordinator, Department of Agri- Cramer, Jr., Ander Crenshaw, Joseph Crow- Pallone, Jr., Bill Pascrell, Jr., Ed Pastor, culture, transmitting the Department’s final VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:09 Nov 21, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K20NO7.004 H20NOPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with HOUSE.