Courier Gazette
T he Courier-Gazette. V 'I ’.’mk 4 9 ROCKLAND, MAIN 1, TUESDAY, MAY 1,1894. E ft. r- d »« Remnd Ol»». Mall M tiiw . N u iF it B 1 ” UNION’S GRADUATION. with white satin ribbon and lace, pink brides IJAOUN F.N MAINE. E. H. COCHRAN opened down, as it looked fifty years ago. as railroad out of Boston at that time. It was maid roses. (F or tile C o t’KIFK G ayettf..] Church St. was well down towards its margin to me a wonderful sight. ( »ccasionally I A Disagreement on the Question of a ' Ida E. Robbins: White nun’s veiling, He Tells of Boston of Sixty Years Ago of mud, marsh and water. would tramp over to Charlestown and go up The ar .ma of th .t first sniff of morning air to Bunker Hill monument, then not half Ball or No Ball. trimmed with pearl passamenterie, Marechal Bv A n x ie W r ig h t . — Interesting Notes. differcl materially, I judged, from that used completed in height and take a view of that Nicl roses. Ther ben’ place fer er Jolly right m the ointment which was poured upon the battle-ground of the Revolutionary War. At The graduating exercises of the class of ’94 The reception and ball was a very enjoya Kz daoun en M aine; Thanksgiving Day, 1883, the Pratt Mem head of our Saviour by the woman. that time the entire hill and surroundings, Union High School, an event which has long ble affair, and the attendance was very large.
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