The Minutes of Proceedings which appear in the following book have been established by the Clerk of Parliament and have been amended and confirmed by Parliament in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of the Standing Orders of Parliament.



ANDENG, Hon. Amos Member for Ambrym BAHAVUS, Hon. Josiah Member for Malekula BAKON, Hon. Gideon Fred Member for Malekula BANGABITI, Hon. Amos Member for Ambae BANGTOR, Hon. Daniel Aaron Member for Ambry m BOULEKONE, Hon. Vincent Member for Pentecost BUE, Hon. Samson Member for Ambae BULE, Hon. Allen Member for Pentecost CARLOT, Hon. Louis Member for Efate CARLOT, Hon. Maxime Member for Port Vila CHILIA, Hon. Jimmy Meto Member for Efate DICKINSON, Hon. John Hughug Member for Banks/Torres EDGEL, Hon. William Member for Port Vila HAKWA, Hon. Silas Member for Ambae IAUKO, Hon. Henry Member for Tanna JIMMY, Hon. Imbert Member for Santo/Malo JIMMY, Hon. Willie Member for Port Vila KALPOKAS, Hon. Donald Member for Efate KARIE, Hon. Robert David Member for Tongoa/Shepherds KILMAN, Hon. Sato Member for Malekula LANGO, Hon Demis Member for Paama LAVHA, Hon. Jeffrey Member for Tanna LINI, Hon. Hilda Member for Pori Vila LINI, Hon Walter Hadye Member for Pentecost MASENG, Hon. Alfred Member for LuganviUe METMETSAN, Hon. Cyriaque Member for Malekula MOL1SA, Hon. Sela Member for Santo/Malo MORRISON, Hon. Willie John Member for Malekula MUELSUL, Hon. Edouard Member for Pentecost NAFUKI, Hon. Alan Member for Other Southern Islands NAKO, Hon. Charlie Member for Tanna NATAPEI, Hon. Edward Nipake Member for Port Vila NATUMAN, Hon. Joe Member for Tanna NAUNUN, Hon. Ians Member for Tanna NOKAUT, Hon Shem Member for Tanna PASVU Hon. Philip Member for Santo/Malo RAVUTIA, Hon. Albert Member for Santo/Malo SOKSOK, Hon. Vital, Member for Malekula SOLOMON, Hon. John Lee Member for Tongoa/Shepherds

n SONG, Hon. Keasipai Member for Tanna SOPE, Hon. Barak Tame Member for Efate TABIVAKA, Hon. Paolo Member for Luganville TAMATA, Hon. James Adin Member for Maewo TARI, Hon. John Molbarav Member for Santo/ Malo TARJBE, Hon. Louis Member for Santo/Malo TELUKLIJK, Hon. Paul B arthem ic Member for Malekula TITEKS, Hon. Jackleen Reuben Member for Port Vila VARASMAITE, Hon. Willie Olli Member for Epi VOHOR, Hon. Serge Rialuth Member for Santo/Malo/Aore WETIN, Hon.Edgel Member for Banks/Torres





SPEAKER : Hon. Edward N. NATAPE1, Member for Port Vila



1. The Speaker opened the sitting at 8.40 a.m.

2. Hon. , Member for Tanna, said the prayer.

3. The Speaker announced that the extraordinary sitting was in line with the Court Order he had received. He added that the sitting’s agenda included three requests — reinstatement of the two suspended MPs, motion of no confidence and election the new Prime Minister. He explained that as the Court did not make any clear ruling about the reinstatement, he ruled that the required number of signatures to call Parliament was therefore 26 but only 24 signed.

4. The Third Extraordinary Session was closed at 8.45 a.m.

5. The Speaker opened the sitting at 7.05 p.m.

6. Hon. NATUMAN referred to section 16, subsection 1 of the Standing Orders and expressed the opinion that Parliament should first suspend the Standing Order before carrying discussions beyond 7 o’clock. He felt that discussions should take place the next day.

7. The Speaker agreed with this opinion but asked for a motion to be proposed.

8. Hon. Barak SOPE, Member for Efate Rural, opposed the Speaker with the argument that he had violated the Court Order for the sitting. 9. Hon. Willy JIMMY, Member for Port Vila, expressed support for Hon. SOPE’s argument.

10. Hon. Vincent BULEKONE, Member for Pentecost, felt that a state ruled by law should be maintained by respecting the decision of the Court.

11. Hon. , Prime Minister, supported the fact that the Standing Order had to be respected.

12. Hon. Walter LIN1, Member for Pentecost, regretted to hear some MPs talk about separate powers as a reason of influencing a court decision. He added that the Government tried to override and weaken the Court decision, which ordered the Speaker to call the sitting.

13. Hon. , Member for Malekula, was of the opinion that the sitting should continue in order to abide by the Court decision.

14. The Speaker emphasised that a motion should be proposed in order to legalise the sitting.

15. Hon. JIMMY considered that the Speaker tried to continually go against the decision of the Court. He also asked the Speaker to give an assurance that there would be a sitting the next day at 8.30 a.m.

J 6. The Speaker replied in agreement.

17. Hon. Silas HAKWA, Member for Ambae, expressed his confusion and wanted to know whether the sitting was still part of the one closed that morning.

18. The Speaker confirmed that the sitting was part of the one closed that morning.

19. Hon. BULEKONE pointed out that section 161) of the Standing Order only applied to a full day sitting whereas Court had ordered the evening sitting. He supported Hon. JIMMY in arguing against the Speaker for having deliberately ignoring the decision of the Court.

20. The Speaker declared that the sitting be suspended.

21. The sitting was suspended from 7.50 p.m to 8.20 p.m.

22. The Speaker ruled that the House continue its business according to the agenda.



23. Hon. JIMMY, seconded by Hon. Alan BULE, Member for Pentecost, proposed the motion.

24. Hon. JIMMY read the motion. (Text appended)

25. Hon. BULE declared his support for the motion following the reasons mentioned in its text.

26. Hon. Prime Minister CARLOT KORMAN felt that by reinstating the two MPs who had been suspended legally, the case was contradictory. He put the blame on Hon. SOPE and Hon. BULEKONE for being among the main people who influenced the motion on the suspension of the MPs. He concluded by rejecting the motion.

27. Hon. BULEKONE supported the motion as he had experienced similar discipline for one year but was surprised to note that Hon. Prime MINISTER CARLOT KORMAN accused him of being responsible for the suspension of the two MPs as it had been the decision made by the Council of Ministers. He said that suspension was supposed to involve other MPs also such as the NUP leader, Hon. and UMP President, Hon. .

28. Hon. Alfred MASENG, Member for Luganville, was surprised to note that the Council of Minister took a decision, which only involved Parliament authority. He accused the former Government for inventing a political game to reduce the number of Opposition members.

29. Hon. Amos ANDENG, Member for Ambrym, expressed the opinion that it was always a necessity to take measures to restore order. He said that these measures had to be maintained and adhered to so that the bad deed would not be repeated.

30. Hon. SOPE supported that the accusation of Hon. Prime Minister CARLOT KORMAN against him and Hon. BULEKONE was unfounded. He considered that Parliament should discipline liars.

31. Hon. Prime Minister CARLOT KORMAN stated that Hon. SOPE, BULEKONE, HAKWA and himself, had initiated the motion for the suspensions.

32. The motion was carried with 25 votes in favour, 20 against and 2 abstentions.



33. Hon. JIMMY, mover of the motion presented the motion. (Text appended)

34. Hon. SOPE, seconder of the motion, supported the motion because the Prime Minister did not conduct himself according to Article 66 of the Constitution. He pointed out that despite the motto “Long God Yumi Stanap” giving biblical principles, the Prime Minister led a life involved in adultery, and that this was going out of morality. He emphasised that the Prime Minister ought to have resigned a long time before. He challenged MPs who were Pastors to vote conscientiously.

35. Hon. Prime Minister CARLOT KORMAN, rejecting the motion, emphasised that he would quit his office only through a motion of no confidence. He regretted that Hon. SOPE, who was his brother-in-law, minded his private life as Prime Minister and was afraid that future Prime Ministers would no longer live private lives. He stressed that Hon. SOPE was the main person behind the issuing of letters of credit. He added that electoral disputes only arose form the Electoral Commission. He firmly hoped that the Opposition and its would-be Government would not make similar mistakes mentioned in the motion and that the next Government would complete its term.

36. Hon. ANDENG was the opinion that all leaders should abstain from committing adultery but felt however that people should not be judged by the way they conducted their private lives.

37. Hon. Donald KALPOKAS, Member for Efate, agreed with Prime Minister CARLOT KORMAN’s comments and urged the future Government to work in the interest of the people. He also called on MPs to refrain from using their position merely to serve their personal interests.

38. Hon. Walter LINI, while expressing support for the motion, acknowledged the fact that a motion of no confidence was not easy to accept. He assured the House that the future coalition Government would work for the good of the nation.

39. The motion was approved by 27 votes in favour and 22 votes against.


40. Hon. SOPE, seconded by Hon. Walter LINI, nominated Hon. VOHOR as the Prime Minister.

41. Hon. VOHOR accepted the nomination.

4 42. Hon. KALPOKAS, seconded by Hon. ANDENG, nominated Hon. Walter L1N1 as Prime Minister.

43. Hon. Walter LINI declined.

44. Hon. KALPOKAS, seconded by Hon. ANDENG, nominated Hon. JIMMY as Prime Minister.

45. Hon. JIMMY declined.

46. The Speaker asked both sides to nominated 2 tellers.

47. Hon. JIMMY nominated Hon. MASENG and Hon. KALPOKAS nominated Hon. James A. TAMATA, Member for Maewo.

48. The Speaker declared the elections open and explained that the Members would vote in alphabetical order after the Speaker and Deputy Speakers.

49. The Clerk called out each MP’s name to vote and verified the votes.

50. The Speaker declared Hon. VOHOR duly elected Prime Minister of Vanuatu in accordance with Section 40 of the Constitution.

51. Hon. VOHOR, newly elected Prime Minister was sworn in.

52. The Speaker congratulated the new Prime Minister and assured him that everyone would work closely with the new Government

53. Hon. Prime Minister VOHOR thanked NUP, UMP and MTF leaders for their confidence in him.

54. The Third Extraordinary Session was closed at 10.40 p.m.



Les proces-verbaux qui figurent dans le present recueil ont 6t6 etablis par le Secretaire G6ndral du Parlement et confonn&nent aux dispositions de 1*Article 18 du Rdglement Interieur. Ils ont 6t6 corrigds et continues par le Parlement.



M. ANDENG, Amos Depute d’Ambrym M. BAHAVUS, Josiah Depute de Malekula M. BAKON, Gideon Fred Depute de Malekula M BANGABITI, Amos Depute d 'Ambae M. BANGTOR, Daniel Aaron Depute d’Ambrym M. BOULEKONE, Vincent Depute de Pentecole M. BUE, Samson Depute d'Ambae M. BULE, Allen Depute de Pentecole M. CARLOT, Louis Depute d’Efate M. CARLOT, Maxime Depute de Port-Vila M. CHILIA, Jimmy Meto Depute d ’Efate M. DICKINSON, John Hughug Depute de Banks/Torres M.EDGEL, William, Depute de Port-Vila M. HAKWA, Silas Depute d’Ambae M. IAUKO, Henry Depute de Tanna M. JIMMY, Imbert Depute de Santo/Malo M. JIMMY, Willie Depute de Port- Vila M. KALPOKAS, Donald Depute d ’Efate M. KARIE, Robert Depute de Tongoa/Shepherds M. KILMAN, Sato Depute de Malekula M. LANGO, Demis Depute de Paama M. LAVHA, Jeffrey Depute de Tanna M. LINI, Hilda Depute de Port- Vila M. LINI, Walter Hadye Depute de Pentecole M. MASENG, Alfred Depute de Luganville M. METMETSAN, Cyriaque Depute de Malekula M. MOLISA, Sela Depute de Santo/Malo M. MORRISON, Willie John Depute de Malekula M. MUELSUL, Edouard Depute de Pentecole M. NAFUKI, Alain Depute des ties isolees du sud M. NAKO, Charlie Depute de Tanna M. NATAPEI, Edward Nipake Depute de Port-Vila M. NATUMAN, Joe Depute de Tanna M. NAUNUN, Ians Depute de Tanna M. NOKAUT, Shem Depute de Tanna M.PASVU Philip Depute de Santo/Malo M. RAVUTIA, Albert Depute de Santo/Malo M. SOKSOK, Vital, Depute de Malekula M. SOLOMON, John Lee Depute de Tongoa/Shepherds

11 M. SONG, Keasipai Depute de Tanna M. SOPE, Barak Tame Depute d Efate M. TABIVAKA, Paolo Depute de LuganviUe M. TAMATA, James Adin Depute de Maewo M. TAM, John Molbarav Depute de Santo/Malo M. TARIBE, Louis Depute de Santo/Malo M. TELUKLUK, Paul Barthemie Depute de Malekula M. TITEKS, Jackleen Reuben Depute de Port- Vila M. VARASMAITE. Willie Olli Depute d 'Epi M. VOHOR, Serge Rialuth Depute de Santo/Malo/Aore M. WETIN, Edge! Depute de Banks/Torres





PRESIDENT NATAPEI Edward, depute de Port-Vila

PRESENT deputes



1. Le President ouvre la seance a 8h4O.

2. M. NAUNUN Iarris, depute de Tanna, fait la priere.

3. Le President dit que cette session extraordinaire est conforme a la decision du tribunal qu’il a re?ue. Il ajoute qu’a 1 ’ordre du j our, figure la reintegration des deux deputes suspendus, la motion de censure et Selection d’un nouveau Premier ministre. Il explique que la decision du tribunal n’a pas ete claire sur la reintegration des deux deputes suspendus et ajoute que le nombre de deputes requis pour la convocation du Parlement est de 26 membres alors qu’il n’y a que 24 signatures sur la convocation.

4. La troisieme est close a 8h45.

5. La seance reprend a 19h05.

6. M. NATUMAN Joe, depute de Tanna, citant le paragraphe 1 de Particle 16 du Reglement interieur, estime que le Parlement doit suspendre tout d’abord le Reglement interieur avant de poursuivre la deliberation au-dela de 19h00. 11 estime qu’il vaut mieux reporter les debats a demain.

7. Le President approuve cette remarque et demande a la Chambre de proposer une motion.

1 8. M. Barak SOPE, depute d’Efate, met en garde le President contre la violation du tribunal qui impose cette seance.

9. M. Willie JIMMY, depute de Port-Vila, soutient 1’intervention de Barak Sope, depute de Port-Vila.

10. M. BOULEKONE Vincent, depute de Pentecote, estime qu’il faut maintenir un etat de droit en respectant la decision du tribunal.

11. M. Maxime CARLOT, depute de Port-Vila, soutient qu’il faut respecter le Reglement interieur.

12. M. LINI Walter, ministre de la Justice, regrette d’entendre certains deputes parler de la separation des pouvoirs pour justifier le contoumement d’une decision du tribunal. Le gouvemement tente de passer outre et amoindrir la decision du tribunal qui ordonne au President qui ordonne au President de convoquer cette seance.

13. M. Sato KILMAN, depute de Mallicolo, estime qu’il faut continuer pour respecter la decision du tribunal.

14. Le President insiste de passer une motion pour regulariser cette seance.

15. M. Willie JIMMY, depute de Port-Vila, estime que le President tente d’enfreindre continuellement la decision du tribunal. Il demande en outre au President de donner 1’assurance qu’il y aurait une seance le lendemain a 8h30.

16. Le President repond affirmativement.

17. M. Silas HAK.WA, depute d’Ambae, assure etre perdu et aimerait savoir s’il s’agit d’une nouvelle seance ou de la meme seance deja close le matin.

18. Le President affirme qu’il s’agit de la suite de la seance du matin.

19. M. Vincent BOULEKONE, depute de Pentecote, rappelle que Particle 16 (1) du RI ne s’applique qu’au cas ou il y a seance toute la joum6e alors que la seance de ce soir est imposee par le tribunal. Il soutient Willie Jimmy pour accuser le President d’ignorer volontairement la decision du tribunal.

20. Le President declare la suspension de la seance.

21. La seance, suspendue a 19h50, reprend a 20h20.

22. Le President ordonne de passer a l’ordre du jour.



23. M. Willie Jimmy, depute de Port-Vila, propose, appuye par Allan Bule, de reintegrer les deux deputes suspendus.

24. M. Willie Jimmy lit la motion, (voir annexe)

25. M. Allan BULE, depute de Pentecote, declare qu’il soutient cette motion selon les raisons qui y sont citees.

26. M. Maxime CARLOT, depute de Port-Vila, estime qu’en reintegrant les deputes disciplines legalement au Parlement, la Chambre se contredit. Il accuse Barak SOPE et Vincent BOULEKONE d’etre parmi les auteurs principaux de la motion de suspension des deputes. 11 rejette done cette motion.

27 M. Vincent BOULEKONE, depute de Pentecote, soutient cette motion parce qu’il a lui-meme fait 1’experience d’une suspension des affaires du Parlement pendant plus d’un an. Il s’etonne de voir que Maxime CARLOT l’accuse d’etre a 1’origine de la suspension des deux deputes car cette suspension a fait l’objet d’une decision collective prise au Conseil. Il revele qu’il a ete prevu de suspendre beaucoup plus de deputes comme le chef du PNU, Walter Lini et le chef de l’UPM Serge Vohor.

28. M. Alfred MASSING, depute de Luganville, s’etonne de constater que le Conseil des Ministres prend une decision qui ne releve que 1’autorite du Parlement. Il accuse l’ancien gouvemement d’imaginer un jeu politique pour reduire le nombre des deputes de 1’ Opposition.

29. M. Amos ANDENG, depute d’Ambrym, estime qu’il est toujours necessaire de prendre des mesures pour remettre de l’ordre. A son avis, il faut maintenir et respecter ces mesures afin d’empecher le renouvellement de la mauvaise conduite.

30. M. Barak SOPE, depute d’Efate, soutient que 1’accusation de M. Carlot contre lui et Vincent BOULEKONE n’est pas fondee. Il estime que la Chambre doit prendre les mesures contre les menteurs.

31. M. Maxime CARLOT, Chef de l’Opposition, declare que lui-meme, Barak Sope, Vincent Boulekone et Silas Hakwa ont ete a 1’origine de la motion de suspension.

32. La motion est approuvee par 25 voix contre 20 et deux abstentions.



33. M. Willie JIMMY, depute de Port-Vila, presente la Motion no. 7 (voir annexe)

34. M. Barak SOPE, depute d’Efate et comotionnaire, soutient la motion parce que le Premier ministre ne se conduit pas selon les dispositions de l’article 66 de la Constitution. Malgre 1 a devise « Long G od yumi stanap »i nspire d es principes bibliques, le Premier ministre mene une vie adultere. C’est une atteinte a la morale. Le Premier ministre devrait demissionner depuis longtemps. Il defie les deputes de voter selon leur conscience.

35. M. Maxime CARLOT, Chef de 1’Opposition, tout en regrettant la motion, affirme qu’il a choisi de ne quitter ses fonctions que par une motion de censure. Il regrette de voir Barak Sope qui est son beau-frere s’occuper de sa vie privee en tant que Premier ministre et craint que les futurs Premiers ministres n’auraient plus de vie privee. Il affirme que Barak Sope est le principal responsable de la delivrance des lettres de credits. Les contentieux electoraux relevent uniquement du Conseil des Elections. Il espere fermement que 1’Opposition et son prochain gouvemement ne commettront pas les memes erreurs mentionnees dans la motion et que le prochain gouvemement finira son mandat.

36. M. Amos ANDENG, depute d’Ambrym, estime que tous les dirigeants devraient s’abstenir de commettre l’adultere mais qu’il ne faut cependant pas juger les gens sur ce qu’ils font dans leur vie privee.

37. M. Donald KALPOKAS, vice-Premier ministre, soutient l’intervention de M. Maxime CARLOT et exhorte le futur gouvemement a travailler pour l’interet du peuple. Il appelle les deputes a eviter d’utiliser leur siege a des fins privees.

38. M. Walter LINI, ministre de la Justice, tout en appuyant la motion, reconnait qu’il n’est pas facile d’accepter une motion et assure la Chambre que le futur gouvemement travaillera pour le bien de la nation.

39. La motion est approuvee par 27 voix contre 22.


40 M. Barak SOPE, depute d’Efate, appuye par Walter LINI, propose Serge Vohor comme Premier ministre.

41. M. Serge VOHOR, depute de Santo, accepte la proposition.

42. M. Donald KALPOKAS, ministre de l’Education, appuye par A. Adeng propose W. Lini comme candidat a Selection du Premier ministre.

43. M. Walter Lini, ministre de la Justice, refuse la proposition.

4 44. M. Donald Kalpokas, ministre de l’Education, appuye par A. Adeng, propose W. Jimmy comme Premier ministre.

45. M. Willie Jimmy, depute de Port-Vila, refuse la proposition.

46. Le President demande a chaque cote de designer un scrutateur.

47. M. Willie Jimmy, depute de Port-Vila, designe A. MASSENG et D. KALPOKAS designe J. A. TAMATA.

48. Le President declare 1’election ouverte et rappelle que les deputes devraient voter par ordre alphabetique apres le President et le vice-President.

49. Le Secretaire general appelle chaque depute a venir voter et verifie le vote.

50. Le President declare S. VOHOR dument elu Premier ministre de Vanuatu conformement & l’article 40 de la Constitution.

51. M. VOHOR, Premier ministre, prete serment.

52. Le President felicite le nouveau Premier ministre et lui assure que tout le monde travaillera etroitement avec le nouveau gouvemement.

53. M. VOHOR Serge, Premier ministre, remercie les dirigeants du NUP, UPM et le MTF d’avoir confiance en lui.

54. La troisieme session extraordinaire de 1996 est close a 22h40.