Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-23-1909 Journal Publishing Company
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-23-1909 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-23-1909 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-23-1909." (1909). abq_mj_news/3869 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBUQUERQUE MOENING JOURNAL. THIRTY-FIRS- T YEAR, Vol. CXXIV., No. 84. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1909, Bj Mall 50 ctm. m Month. Ringle copies, 8 cent. Ily Carrier, 60 mm a Montb. county nnd territorial officers of said cause of thrents from Murray, made territory, including delegate In con-gres- d! no efforts to stop him when lie let t STATEHOOD elected nt the general election the store to continue his carnage. BEW BILL WILL in nineteen huYidred nnd eight, shall TWO KILLED BY STRANGE SHIP LOSSES HEAVY continue to discharge the duties of CAUFOltXIW ATT I'M ITS their respective offices in and for said ; T KXTKIOIIXATK FAMILY. territory. Fresno, Cal., Dec. 22. Stricken Tlie original of said constitution, niiTDHDCTnr with sudden insanity, fl. C, Chouvront. ALLOW SECOND CONVENTION ipropositions, nnd ordinances, the a rancher, killed bis wife, one child, election t wounded III returns, and the statement of ! three others and ended hisl I he votes east nt paid elections, shall UUIUUilUI Ul 'own life under thP wheel of u train' lie forwarded and turned over by the a few hours after the tragedy. secretary of the Territory of Now Mrs. Chcuvront was at the range Mexico to the state authorities. n inmiin preparing breakfast w hen her bus- - band entered, carving a heavy hatchet. SHOULD CONSTITUTION FAIL ! WORCESTER BATTLE BROKAW EXPECTED ; rLHIVI Without a word be split her skull with Itiu ntle blow. Leaving her lying there he; TO TAKE STAND TODAY entered the bedroom, where bis elill-- j dren lay asleep. In rapid succession lie struck Claude, 12: ileorge 14; j Mr. Hamilton's Latest Measure Introduced in the House Will 10, NEW ENGLAND TOWN GIVEN j 5IX HUNDRED KILLED New York, Dee. 22. W. Could Claclys, and an infant daughter. Re-Ca- Nellie, while sleeping In their beds. Allow Governor to ll Uroknw did not take the stand in his RMS STARTLING DEMONSTRATION: IN Constitutional Convention and J Claude Is doml and Gladys Is dying, STRUGGLE AT RAMA own defense today as had been ex- Frame Another Document Should the People Decline to pected. Instead his counsel continued while the others will recover. , ho emerged, C. M. McClung. n to introduce testimony designed to As ' step-so- n aged 19, met on Accept the First. him the Mysterious Craft May Be That Eighteen Hundred Prisoners Re-- of T NU!o Miners in Weaver Mine at Gallup porch, Tho maniac sprang upon the Seven-Year-O- youth nnd chopped viciously at his Inventor Who Claimed He: ported Taken by alimony of:;r:,:LJ;$00,000 a year, are unrea Through Into ld Victorous Break head. Evading the blows McClnng sonable in view of tliH husband's di- New With struck his step-futli- heavily on the Traveled From York io: Forces of Nicaragua.! Revo minished fortune. Volcano Fatal ' STATEHOOD SITUATION HAS John F. Mclntyre, Mr. lirokaw's jaw. The blow slopped him and the Boston by Aeroplane, lution; Vanquished Starving lawyer, explained that one of his as Results. hand that held the hatchet fell to his sociates who had the minutes of the side. Without speaking the rancher extended its handle to McClung and trial had been detained nnd that tlie Br Morning J.iuriml üiwrtal Ituwd Wire iny Morning Journal HutMnl l.catts Wire ASSUMED SHAPE THAT NOW case could not well go on him. turning ran to the railroad track. A without MANY OVERCOME BY McClung Worcester, Mass., Dee. 22. Flying Minefields, I ice. 22. An early adjournment was therefore posse organized by found his The battle granted with the understanding that DEATH DEALING GAS dismembered body In a culvert beside at a speed of from thirty to forty which began Monday between (he rev- PROMISES EARLY RESULTS Mr. r.roknr will testily tomorrow. the rails. mlbs un hour, a m sleilou.s airship olutionists and tlie Z.dayun forces con. tonight appeared over Worcester, hov- tlmi d all yesterday under the dlree-o- f Picks of Coal Diggers Penetrate ered our the city a few minutes, dis- tion tleiieral F.strada. who lH at appeared for about two hours and Kama on the one sid,. anil llenera! Morning Journal Hurcau, and propositions, whereupon gov- Sealed Up Inferno and Un- DEAD! tho SIX YEARS FOR then returned to cut In les above .envíalos in command of the govern- - 613 M unsay liutlding. ernor of said territory shall, by pro- lour nient troops. D. fortunate Men Are Enveloped the city, meanwhile using a search- - Washington, C, Dec. 22. J clamation, order tho constitutional The, people here are gratified over "The outlook for the passage of a convention to reassemble at a date not In Fiery Mil light of tremendous power. Thou- - the Kstradu victory, but the tel. lien n,,. Blast. Statehood hill admitting Xew Mexico later than twenty days after tho re- funds thronged the streets to watch restrained on account of the know ceipt of the documents showing the i the mysterious visitor. ledge that ninny men anil Arizona to the union, has nevi FRÍ1M HFART have been killed. rejection of tho constitution by the Special niopaleb to tlis Momia Journal The, airship remained over the city The righting has been in the hush and been so entirely favorable, as it Is people, It and thereafter a new constitu- $653,000 fiallup, N. M Dec. 22. Two men I IIUIII about tlltccn minutes, nil th. time at will b, a long lime before the num- right now." This is the statement tion shall lie framed and tho same a height of about 2, "00 feet, too far ber of i asna It les is are dead and a dozen are lingering be- known. Tlie made by a prominent republican in proceedings shall bo taken in regard to enable Its precise shape to be seen major honors of the first day's fight-lu- g thereto in like manner as if said con- tween life and death as the result of The glaring rays of Its great go to (en. Tal the senate Just before leaving for his search- l.uls'Mona. whose stitution were being originally pre a volc anic of gas noon to- light, however, were sharply defined flanking movement wait outburst at ; brilliantly home for the Christmas holidays. pared to FAILURE , . lor submission the people, THEFT day when workmen in the Weaver agatiiHt the snow which covers the successful. This particular senator, a western man and if a majority of the legal votes city. Tlie of ship licnoral Mena mine of the American Fuel company dark mas', the wuh for five has always been nn advocate of state cast on that question shall be for the could he dimly seen behind the light. hours and ended by an assault on constitution the said canvassing board near dall'ip broke Into the workings a. It hill, w hich hood and could therefore be expected After time disappeared in the he ruptured. Thin shall forthwith certify tho result to of the old mine, which has been afire direction of Marlborough, only to re- position is the key to the victory. to take a rosy view of the outlook president the of the United States, to DEFAULTER WARRINER for seven years. The dead: SENATOR SUDDENLY turn later. Th... defeat of (loniules nt Tatumbla His opinion, however, Is now endorsed pettier with the statement of the votes At the time of it visit K. where he was strongly entrenched separate POKFKUc) GARCIA. STRICKEN AT HOME Wallace by other members of the senate, some cast thereon, and upon arti- ENTERS PLEA OF GUILTY M l(i UHIj Tillinghust, tho Worcester man who drove him back to llecreo, where the cles or propositions, and a copy of AKAXDA. of whom In past op- Until victims are old Mexico Mexi- recently claimed to have iuventeel a revoiutiotiists attack was resumed the have been said constitution, articles, proposi four hours later. flonsaleg' cans who had been employed for some . , marvelous aeroplano. In which he said forces posed to the admission of the ter- tions and ordinances. ciy estimated at l.f.OO while ritory, time past digging coal fur tlie com Seated by Fire in Mississippi in- - had joumey,.,! t,. York and that led and others of whom have never Section 5. That said constitutional Prisoner to Appear in Court by (er.ual Chamorro, (eiieral For non been optimistic to the result. The pany. The catastrophe came without Itoston, was absent o- Dia. end (eneial Matutty general is convention shall, by ordinance, pro AgainSt Woman He ACCUSeS warning while the men were at work ne&iueiiue vviiuii num oiiune: fmm his home and could not be - numbered belief In Washington now l about the same. will be vide that, in the event a majority of driving the main slope in the Weaver Sol- eaie.i. that the statehood bill which le Comes; Distinguished as u. ral Mena In the gal votes cast at said election to ot blackmailing Him Out of mine.