PORT ORANGE PONCE INLET VOLUSIA INSIDE SOUTH DAYTONA DAYTONA BEACH SHORES BUSINESS NEWS It was an inventory depleting quarter Page A7 Vol. 9, No. 20 Your Local News and Information Source • www.HometownNewsOL.com Friday, June 6, 2014 $ OFF ANY Community 19 REPAIR Lions Clubs help hearing Advanced Air 767-1654 notes Must be presented at time of repair cannot be combined w/any other offer. Same Day Government TV Film impaired, law enforcement Emergency Service 7 Days a week Festival airs June 6 By Erika Webb works if someone’s awake.”
[email protected] He knew devices for the hearing impaired The 7th annual Port existed, he just didn’t know how many. Before State Lic#CAC1817470 Orange Government TV As a Florida senior probation officer, Matthew calling anyone, Officer Russey did some online research. Lasts and Lasts and Lasts (pogTV) Film Festival will Russey sometimes has to wake people up in the SM Port Orange He found devices costing from $199 to $800. air at 8 p.m. Friday, June 6, middle of the night. 386-767-1654 on Bright House cable “When I saw the price, I knew the offender www.AdvancedAirandHeat.com Recently the eight-year Department of Cor- couldn’t afford it,” he said. WE FIX AIR CONDITIONERS channel 199. 784951 rections employee found himself in a quandary. He called Easter Seals and was referred to For those who do not Officer Russey was checking weekly on a have cable, the pogTV video Port Orange Lions Club President Ray Siracusa who “After parolee Terreius Chambers of Daytona Beach, an email to the entire board, stream is at www.port- suggested he call DeLand Lions Club President who lives with three other men.