Summer 2012 Webinar: Tricks for W.J.A
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Awards News — Pages 6-8 Mid-Year Review — Page 2 Summer’s on My Mind — Page 4 Vol. 23 • Issue 2 PRINTNew Jersey Press Association • SUmmeR 2012 Webinar: TRICKS FOR W.J.A. v. D.A. libel case: PROCESSING PHOTOS FASTER Court limits damages with Russell Viers, Adobe Certified Trainer June 21 • 2-3 pm in website libel case Webinar: In a significant victory for free Punitive Damages Act specifi- COVERING THE speech advocates, the New Jer- cally precludes a punitive dam- PRESIDENTIAL sey Supreme Court issued a cor- age award in the absence of an ELECTION: WHY AND rected opinion that limits private award of compensatory dam- HOW defamation damage awards to ages. A punitive damage award, with Al Cross, Institute for Rural nominal damages in the absence under the Act, may not be based Journalism & Community Issues of proof of actual harm. solely on an award of nominal June 22 • 2-3 pm The new opinion came on damages (less than $500 in New GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS May 21 in the defamation case of Jersey). COMMIttEE MEETING W.J.A. v. D.A. (The initial ruling The Court issued a corrected July 10 • 11 am KILGORE SCHOLARSHIP WInnER: Emily Masters receives her was issued on May 17. See link to opinion, removing the language teleconference award from Jim Kilgore, publisher of the Princeton Packet. The a related article below). that a nominal damage award award is named in honor of his father, Bernard Kilgore, former Defamation has long been an is a foundation for a punitive Webinar: chairman of Dow Jones and the Packet. Emily also was named the oddity of tort law, by allowing damage award. Thus, in order HOW TO USE New Jersey High School Journalist of the Year for 2012. juries to presume damages in to receive punitive damages in a PINTEREST the absence of evidence of ac- defamation case, a plaintiff must with Joan Stewart, tual injury. The May 21 opinion first prove compensatory dam- The Publicity Hound significantly limits the ability of ages. Otherwise, the plaintiff is July 12 • 2-3 pm Borg New Media Internship a jury to award a windfall to a limited to nominal damages. plaintiff, by limiting presumed In this case, the plaintiff— NJPA EXECUTIVE damage awards to nominal referred to as W.J.A. in court COMMIttEE MEETING announces its first recipient damages only. records — brought a defamation July 26 • 10:30 am The first winner of the Mac ity deadline writer. She asks the According to NJPA General complaint against his nephew, North Jersey Media Group, Borg New Media Internship is right questions and has become Counsel Tom Cafferty, the origi- D.A., in response to D.A.’s web- Woodland Park Rachel Auerbach, a sophomore a polished journalist.” nal (May 17) opinion from the site accusations that his uncle GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS majoring in journal- She was chosen from state’s highest Court provided sexually abused him as a child. COMMIttEE MEETING ism at the University more than 20 appli- that an award of nominal dam- D.A.’s 1998 lawsuit against his August 7 • 11 am of Maryland. She is cants for the internship, ages may support a claim for pu- uncle for child molestation was teleconference from Ocean, N.J. which honors the chair- nitive damages. dismissed on statute of limita- Rachel was chosen man of North Jersey On May 21, NJPA attorneys tions grounds, and D.A. was hit by a panel of judges Media Group. NJMG advised the Court that they in- with a $50,000 defamation judg- from New Jersey me- publishes The Record tended to file a motion for re- ment as a result of a counter- dia companies. She (Bergen County) and consideration of that portion of claim filed by his uncle. will serve her summer the Herald News (Pas- the decision, because the N.J. — Continues on Page 10 internship at, saic County), forming the online division of Auerbach the nation’s 64th largest the Asbury Park Press, in Nep- daily newspaper. The company tune. also publishes nine paid- and For more information about Rachel is a regular contributor more than 35 free-distribution these events and webinars: to her university’s Diamondback community newspapers in Ber- and Eclipse newspapers, and has gen, Essex, Morris, Passaic and written for Jersey Girl Soccer Sussex counties. Your next issue of InPrint newspaper. She volunteers for The internship is one of several will arrive in mid-June. Terps TV and UMTV as a re- student programs administered The advertising and editorial porter and a floor director. by New Jersey Press Foundation, deadline is August 27. One of her instructors wrote, the charitable arm of New Jersey “Rachel is a poised and qual- Press Association. ADAM ANIK, NUTLEY SUN OBIe’s NEW HOME: The Nutley Sun won this year’s Obie Award for having one of its first place ads chosen as best of show in NJPA’s advertising contest. Welcoming Obie to his new digs are, left to right, Celeste Federico, Nutley Sun account manager, Diane Lom- bardy, graphic designer, and Nancy Connelly, advertising manager of North Jersey Media Group’s Essex Division. Page 2 • Summer 2012 • InPrint INPRINT PUBLISHER EDITOR George H. White Catherine Langley NJPA matters — A PUBLIcaTION OF New Jersey Press Association Mid-year review 840 Bear Tavern Road, Suite 305 West Trenton, NJ 08628-1019 So far so good these first five the Iowa Newspaper Association. I PHONE .............................................609-406-0600 months. The NJPA Executive Com- occasionally send notes to NJPA par- FAX ....................................................609-406-0300 mittee meets July 26 at North Jersey ticipants seeking input on their learn- EMAIL [email protected] Media Group to conduct its annual ing experience. However, the input of NJNN FAX ........................................609-406-0399 NJNN EMAIL .................................. [email protected] mid-year review. Here’s an early snap- those who DO NOT participate is ex- shot: George H. White tremely important, too. Please email EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR George H. White Government Affairs Executive Director me at [email protected] and let me NJNN DIRECTOR Amy C. Lear NJPA NJPF DIRECTOR John J. O’Brien The W.J.A. v. D.A. libel case had its know what topics would benefit you COMMUNIcaTIONS MGR Catherine Langley twists and turns. However, the final and/or your operations the most — or BUSINESS MaNagER Scott Kutcher positive outcome validated all the rea- having a particularly successful 2nd if, perhaps, you would respond favor- MEMBER SERVICES MgR Peggy Stephan IT MANagER John Viemeister sons NJPA joined the case as an am- quarter. The Statewide Classified Ad ably to a different format. AccTG COORDINATOR Jane Hartsough icus. See Page 1 for the wrap-up on the Network has remained steady and is NJPA Legal Hotline MAJOR AccT SpECIALIST Jennine Remington court’s decision. on plan through the first five months. The hotline is a wonderful free re- SCAN/2x2/ONLINE NETWORKS MGR Diane Trent The Government Affairs Committee The statewide 2x2 network, however, source available to all newspaper and meets by teleconference on a monthly is below plan. online members. Expert legal advice Board of directors • 2012 basis. Chaired by Richard Diamond, Contests & awards on most newspaper-related issues is CHAIRMAN Jennifer Borg of The Star-Ledger, the committee re- The shift to a “non-hotel” venue available as a member service (see ex- The Record (Bergen County), Hackensack views bills of business and constitu- seemed to work very well this year amples below) with some reasonable PRESIDENT tional interest to our members. for both awards banquets. By booking restrictions. Contact Lauren James- Jennifer Cone Chciuk As of June 1, there are 5,405 bills the events at The Hamilton Manor we Weir at (973) 596-4861 or ljames- The West Essex Tribune, Livingston posted in the state legislature. Of were able to reduce ticket costs. The [email protected] for details. Vice President • dailies these, we are actively tracking 845. Of turnout for the advertising awards NJPA office location Keith Dawn those, about 10% we support; 10% we banquet was even with the prior year. In the category of “deep back-office,” The Press of Atlantic City, Pleasantville oppose; 15% would require our seek- However, Press Night for the editorial NJPA’s current office lease is set to ex- Vice President • Weeklies Stephen W. Parker ing an amendment should the bill be awards showed a healthy increase with pire December 31, 2013. We have been Recorder Community Newspapers, Stirling scheduled for a hearing; and about 178 in attendance. in West Trenton the past 16 years, after TREASURER 65% we “monitor” to assure that Thanks to those members who being near the Statehouse in the ’80s Richard Vezza amendments aren’t made by other in- came out to support the great jour- and early ’90s. The space occupied The Star-Ledger / New Jersey Advance Newark terests that would impact press free- nalism and creative advertising NJPA now is too large following the staff lay- SECRETARY dom or open government. member newspapers and websites are offs and attrition of recent years. George H. White This spring, the committee has producing for readers and businesses In light of this, we have begun re- NJPA, West Trenton welcomed two new members: Bruce alike. You will see some wonderful viewing options both financially and DIRECTORS Tom linson, executive editor/general photos on Pages 6 and 7. geographically. Conditions in central Brett Ainsworth manager of the New Jersey Herald; North Carolina Press Associa- New Jersey’s commercial real estate The Retrospect, Collingswood and Paul D’Ambrosio, investigations tion judged both contests for us this market are such that substantially Ben Cannizzaro Greater Media Newspapers, Freehold editor for the Asbury Park Press.