simant download pc Download SimAnt - The Electronic Colony. Sim Ant is fun to play due to the unique twist the developers choose to use. You are an ant. Having sat down earlier today to play the game i found it was very enjoyable and easy to play. However i did have some compatibility problems when trying to play Sim Ant through Windows - I encountered no sound and at times the game froze.This was easily solved by switching to DOSBox. Playing Sim Ant is fun because it's so refreshingly different. How many other games do you know of that let you be an ant? The gameplay is similar to games such as Age Of Empires. You must build up an ant colony and set out to defeat those blasted red , as well as later conquering the house located in your back yard. There are many small features that make Sim Ant that much more fun than other games in the genre. Features such as Body Switching. Other games in the same genre have you clicking on a unit and obtaining instant control, this makes you feel like a god. Sim Ant made me feel more like a military commander than a god as you have to seek out the ant that you want to control before being able to body switch. There are other methods that you can use to control ant's. You can recruit them and make them follow you, or you can edit the colonies general behaviour by using the behaviour window. A small triangle with a dragable circle, you place the circle at a point in the triangle and it changes how many ants will do a certain action. The three actions are digging, foraging and nursing. There is also another identical triangle that you use to control breeding, except for this triangle you have 3 different categories - breeders, workers and soldiers. To win in Sim Ant you must build up a strong enough ant army and eliminate the red ants whilst building your colony. You are vunerable so it's wise to make pebble walls to keep enemy ants out as well as setting scent zones. I didn't fully test the danger scent zone feature, but i presume you use it to set up patrol routes for you ants. Conclusion When you first fire up Sim Ant, it will all be a little overwhelming, but after playing through the tutorial you should soon pick up all the basics required to play. Sim Ant is a suprisingly fun game with many neat features that you won't find in other games. Despite the out-dated graphics this simulation game is still extremly fun to play, and the small file size is also a bonus. SimAnt. Have you ever wondered how does an ant's life look like? How do they create those huge ant holes and what makes them so complex? Well, Sim Ant kind of answers your question. This ant centers around ants and their lives. You are just a small ant in a huge colony of black ants that is in a huge war against the ferocious red ants. Who is going to win? Well, your job is to spread throughout the garden, into the house, and finally to drive out the red ants and human owners. Forget zombies, we are talking about an ant apocalypse! Depending on the game mode, you must either build a colony that is faster and better than the red ant's one or start with an already existing colony. You control one ant at a time and constantly attack the red ants all the while collecting supplies and enlarging your colony. The game's addictiveness level is extremely hard to explain. I mean, we're talking about ants.. Yet, the game is extremely consuming, interesting and fun. It's like battling a huge battle in a very small scale! It makes one think what are all those ants we see every day really doing with their lives.. When you combine this with the awesome graphics and sound effects, it's no wonder the game won a "Best simulation game award" back in 1992. Sim lovers, beware! You are about to play a game that will certainly take away your lives and you won't ever look at another ant in the same way, promise! In any case, a fantastic and fun game. Have fun! Play SimAnt Online. For small DOS games like SimAnt, you can play online immediately with your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer. ). This feature is still experimental, the game may not work properly. Warning: game save should work, but you should try it early! Also, be careful to select the right game executable in the list below. Emulator configuration. You can choose which game version you want to use, then you have to choose the right game executable and press PLAY. To exit fullscreen mode, press escape. Playing experience can be poor due to your browser or your computer. Download SimAnt and launch it with DOSBox to have the best playing experience! If the game is too fast or too slow, try hitting CTRL-F11 (slower) and CTRL-F12 (faster). Comments. Ethan Lu 2021-06-04. Ethan Lu 2021-03-15. You need to click file to be able to save. Ethan Lu 2021-02-19. can you stop those wormie things? ant dude 2021-02-15. I beat the game. yay! I am an ant gamer 2021-01-31. this game is quite AMAZING and it was kinda shocking to see a worm too near my anthill especially in the tutorial. Ethan Lu 2021-01-26. I can kill some ant. hey is strange i can t be breeder and soldier just worker.You can fix tat? hey i need help saving my game how do i do it. why the mouse didn't work?? DK 360 2018-05-20. You cant really download it on chrome or safari, because the sim ant computer language is too out dated for the computer to understand. So it wont work on any newer versions of windows. Maybe if you have an old computer that still has a DOS platform it might work, IDK. WOW! Good game Im Complete The Full Game. Very Good Game :D. IDK why some of you have problems I downloaded it just fine after playing a couple of hours in chrome. In the browser version, I cannot see the menu when I right click and ant. not working on Safari or chrome. Wow! this brings back the memories, spent hours playing this as a kid. umm. what am i supposed to do after starting it up? all i see is a black screen with some text. Chrome does not work with these games it seems. Try FireFox if you see all the text but the game doesn't start. The Internet Archive is having the same problem with their games. Chrome changed something in their browser that prevents the games from working. On browser mode I get a black screen with lots of text, no real game. When I try to download it, and run the SIMANT.EXE BANG, 'Cannot run'. :( Real shame, this website looked promising. Bobby Bottleservice 2016-03-17. Downloaded the game. Most things seem to work fine, but I notice little glitches, for example I can't get other ants to follow me after hitting recruit. It works. You just have to select /SIMANT.EXE as the executable. I remember playing this game as a kid. It taught me a lot about how ants work in teams, and how scary things like spiders or rival ant hills could be defeated if you had a large enough ant army. It was so much fun! I'm so glad to find it again. Hidden Butcher 2015-08-02. Oldie, you need to select the simants folder on the second selector, the default one is the info folder. this game doesn't work. I tried twice. too bad this game doesn't work, looked like it would be fun to play. Write a comment. Share your tips to run properly SimAnt in your browser: best browser to use, specific DOSBox config. You can drop a comment for anything too! Simant download pc. Overall: 10.00 /10 (5 votes) You haven't rated the game. Description of SIMANT. SimAnt: The Electronic Colony, a simulation game (from the well-known Sim family) published by Software. The game was released in 1991 for PCs and a year later for Amiga computers. SimAnt is a typical Sim gaming family (from Maxis). Our task, in this title, is to direct the colony of ants to drive people out of the house. In the game we can take on any ant in the colony, for example we can be a worker, a guard or a queen. We take an active part in the life of the ants - we set up the work of the colony, we walk the larvae, dig tunnels or organize trips to other colons. Everything to create the largest colony and, as we mentioned earlier, drive out people from their home. The game offers three game modes: Quick Game, Full Game and Experimental. In the first one, your task is to defeat the enemy colony. Full game, it is a sprawling colony and expelling people from the house. Experimental - In this mode a player can control red ants and spiders. We have access to experimental measures such as pesticides, food, etc. SimAnt: The Electronic Ant Colony for PC download. I always like watching ants activities – a great insect from the same era of dinosaur. Only recently I remembered to search for a game about ants, and found SimAnt: The Electronic Ant Colony, which is designed for DOS, but don’t worry, we can play it on PC (with DOSBox). // Game Modes // Experimental: a sandbox mode with no objectives. Quick Game: The player must overpower the rivaling red ant colony. Full Game: Invade the house and cause the owner to evacuate. The theme of SimAnt: The Electronic Ant Colony is for a living, and you are one of the ants. Under the real ants’ ecological simulation system, your fate is unpredictable. In the process of physical birth, senility, illness and death, how do you lead your black ants to carry food, resist the enemy (feudal red ants, bloodthirsty spiders, antagonistic antlion larvas, or humans)? Even the natural disasters, the pesticides would disrupt the survival of your race. I believe that the guys who love the natural science or small animals will like this ancient but very interesting real-time strategy game. The unknown secrets of ants are all included in this game. Hurry up to the world of ants. // How To Play with DOSBox // Download and decompress the package, then open the ‘DOSBox.exe’ Copy or cut the game folder ‘SimAnt’ to ‘D:\SimAnt’ Go back to DOSBox, type in order: mount x: d:\simant x: simant. From now on, you can also play any other DOS games on your PC with this simple method.