Oklahoma State House of Representatives
Oklahoma State House of Representatives District 1 State Representative: Johnny Tadlock Current term ends: 1/8/2018 Address: 2300 N Lincoln Blvd, Room 539B, OklAhomA City, OklAhomA 73105 Main phone: (405)-557-7363 E-mail: Johnny.TAdlock@okhouse.gov Counties represented: Le Flore, McCurtain (2) Zip codes represented: 74549, 74571, 74577, 74722, 74724, 74728, 74734, 74736, 74740, 74745, 74750, 74754, 74755, 74764, 74766, 74937, 74939, 74949, 74957, 74963, 74966 (21) PoliticAl AffiliAtion: DemocrAt Committees: Agriculture and Rural Development; County and Municipal Government; General Government Oversight and Accountability; Judiciary – Criminal Justice and Corrections MeAsures Authored in 2017: HB1367, HB1368, HB1369, HB1370, HB1371, HB1372 Tribal Jurisdictions: Choctaw AssistAnt: Leslie Smith-HaddAd District 2 State Representative: John Bennett Current term ends: 1/8/2018 Address: 2300 N Lincoln Blvd, Room 301A, OklAhomA City, OklAhomA 73105 Main phone: (405)-557-7315 E-mail: John.Bennett@okhouse.gov Counties represented: Sequoyah (1) Zip codes represented: 74931, 74936, 74945, 74946, 74948, 74954, 74955, 74962 (8) PoliticAl Affiliation: Republican Committees: A&B Public Safety (Chair); Appropriations and Budget; Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget; Veterans and Military Affairs; Wildlife MeAsures Authored in 2017: HB1933, HB1934, HB1935, HB1936, HB1937, HB1938, HB2177, HCR1021 Tribal Jurisdictions: Cherokee, United Keetoowah Band of Cherokees AssistAnt: MArthA Perry District 3 State Representative: Rick West Current term ends:
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