2/ 2007 Supplement of Czech Business and Trade The CZECH Pulp and Paper Industry THE CZECH PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY THE CZECH PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY The Pulp and Paper Supplement of: Czech Business and Trade 03-04/2007 Industry Stresses CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION 3 The Pulp and Paper Industry Environmentally ANALYSIS 4 Good Prospects for the Pulp and Paper Industry 6 The Czech Pulp and Paper Industry and the Environment in the 21st Century Friendly Production LEGISLATION 7 Corrugated Cardboard - an Environmentally Friendly Material 8 The Packaging Act Amendment Brings Good, But Also Less Favourable Changes Blanka Ksandrová, Ministry of Industry and Trade, e-mail:
[email protected], www.mpo.cz DESIGN 10 Innovation Supports Promotion and Marketing EDUCATION 14 Education and Research in the Pulp and Paper Sector Have Won Renown even Abroad The pulp and paper industry is one of the most forward- looking branches of the Czech manufacturing industry. ENTERPRISE In relation to the European Union, Czech enterprises 16 Paper Made to Measure from the Krkonoše within this branch account for approximately 1 % of WE ARE INTRODUCING total EU output. Pulp and paper products are used in all 18 Hand-paper Mill – Combination of Tradition and Exclusiveness branches of the manufacturing industry, especially in CZECH TOP printing and packing production. For a number of years, 20 Modern Plants, Ecology, and Popularity of Products the branch has been pursuing a sustainable 22 Biocel Paskov – One of the Important Pulp Mills in Europe 24 Clever Production Technology