NEW LIFE BIBLE–PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 笃信圣经长老会新生命堂 02 Sep 18 10 Lane 739147 Vol. 34 No. 35 Tel: 63686322 Fax: 63682494 Private Email: [email protected] Website: ______Circulation Only "For the Word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ." Rev.1: 9

Church Theme: Mark 16:15 PASTORS: “Reach Out to the unreached” Rev Gabriel Gan 6365 9789 (O) English Worship Service 9125 4310 (M) Rev Lim Chee Boon PRELUDE: Organist 6365 9786 (O) HOLY CONTEMPLATION: The LORD is in His Holy Temple 9489 6630 (M) CALL TO WORSHIP: Psalm 12:5-8 Rev S.V. Nathan 26 - I Worship You, Almighty God & 6365 9787 (O) *HYMN OF WORSHIP: 27 – O Worship the King 9738 7097 (M) *INVOCATION: Eld Sim Chee Seng ELDERS: GLORIA PATRI Eld Sim Chee Seng SCRIPTURE READING: Acts 18:1-18 Eld Yap Chee Kian DEACONS: *HYMN OF PRAISE: 28 - How Great Thou Art Dn Ivan Lim OFFERING: 6 - Father, I Adore You Dn Tan Wee Boon Dn Ronnie Tan *Doxology - Praise God, from whom all Blessings Flow Dn James Goh Dn Freddie Tan Dn Leni S. Hubert SCRIPTURE MEMORY: 1 Cor 1:2 Dn William Lee Dn Tan Cheng Teck HYMN OF PREPARATION: 670 - Be Strong in the Lord Dn Lee Meng Kiong

MESSAGE: An Overview of 1 Corinthians CHURCH STAFF - Rev Gabriel Gan Bro Steve Tan LORD'S SUPPER 310 – The Old Rugged Cross 6368 6322 (O) - Rev Gabriel Gan Ms Lim Lee Lee 6365 9785 (O) *HYMN OF CONSECRATION: 680 - Rejoice in the Lord Ms Young Yee *BENEDICTION: Threefold Amen 6368 2779 (O) Sis Dorcas Chionh 6365 9784 (O) ANNOUNCEMENTS: Eld Sim Chee Seng Sis Hannah Nathan 6365 9787 (O) DISMISSAL HYMN: The Lord Bless You & Keep You Pr Job Yeo *Congregation to stand 63682885 (O) Worshippers are kindly urged to switch off / put to silent mode all mobile Sis Sim Min Ling phones and electronic devices during worship. 63659788 (O)

NEW LIFE Memory Verse for this Week KINDERGARTEN Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are Principal: sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in Mrs Agnes Chee every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both 6368 9567 (O) theirs and ours: - 1 Cor 1:2 [email protected] He Leads Me in Paths of Righteousness for His Name’s Sake By Dr John MacArthur

Psalm 23 is full of action words. It describes a journey, not a standstill. Even when the sheep lie down in green pastures, it is a temporary rest for the weary. From that point on in the psalm, the sheep are moving. The Shepherd leads them beside still waters and through the valley of the shadow of death. All the days of their lives He leads them in the paths of righteousness, with goodness and mercy constantly following them.

I can’t read Psalm 23 without thinking of Luke 15. That chapter is all about how God in Christ seeks and saves the lost. The most memorable part of the chapter is, of course, the story of the Prodigal Son. But that comes at the end of an extended discourse that begins with a much shorter parable using the well-known pastoral imagery of Psalm 23. Here a shepherd leaves his large flock in the open country in order to seek and rescue a lone lost sheep. “When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing” (Luke 15:5)—and he carries it home.

Christ, of course, said that He Himself is the Good Shepherd (John 10:11). It was one of His most shocking public claims because it was so clearly a declaration of His deity. The one true “Shepherd of Israel” is and always has been Yahweh. Throughout the Old Testament, Yahweh is repeatedly identified as the Shepherd of His own people.

Yet Jesus not only called Himself “the good shepherd,” but He also referred to all believers as “my flock” (John 10:11). For Christ to claim that role was tantamount to saying He is Yahweh. The New Testament also calls Him “the great shepherd of the sheep” and “the chief Shepherd” (Heb. 13:20; 1 Peter 5:4).

As Psalm 23 stresses from start to finish, the Great Shepherd’s gentle leading is always focused, purposeful, and filled with goodness and mercy. He is intent on bringing His lambs away from evil, out of peril, through the valley of the shadow of death, and into safety and blessing. All of that is encompassed in the statement, “He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”

The sheep represent fallen creatures who on their own would never be able to find or successfully travel the paths of righteousness. “The gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life” (Matt. 7:14). But where else could the Great Shepherd lead? Yahweh “is righteous in all his ways” (Ps. 145:17).

These facts further highlight a truth we often stress, namely, God’s sovereignty in the salvation of sinners. The divine Shepherd seeks and saves the lost. He is not only the restorer of their souls; He is also the One who guards them, cares for them, keeps them in the faith, brings them back when they wander, and leads them in paths of righteousness. God’s work in salvation is comprehensive. The rescued sheep has no accomplishment of his own worth boasting about.

Many passages of Scripture stress this fact. Romans 8:29–30 traces the salvation of the elect from their predestination in eternity past to their glorification in eternity future, and God is the One who accomplishes all of it. Ephesians 2:8–9 reminds us that our redemption from sin is not our own doing: “It is the gift of God ... so that no one may boast.”

“What becomes of our boasting? It is excluded” (Rom. 3:27). Every aspect of our salvation is wrought by divine grace—so much so that even the good things we do as redeemed people are works that “God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2:10). Thus, the Great Shepherd sovereignly leads us in paths of righteousness. However, while Scripture places much emphasis on God’s absolute sovereignty in the work of salvation, it never excludes or downplays human responsibility. The Shepherd leads, but the sheep are not passive. They follow Him, as is their duty. They may stumble or meander at times, but they know the true Shepherd and are known by Him, so they will never depart from Him completely. In Jesus’ words, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). Their own righteous walk is one of the key evidences that they belong to the Good Shepherd. They are not saved by their righteous walk, but their righteous walk proves that God has saved them.

And here’s the ultimate proof that their faith in the Great Shepherd is authentic: they persevere. Those who depart from the paths of righteousness never to return did not belong to the Shepherd in the first place.

Yet because God is sovereign, His sheep are secure. They do persevere in the paths of righteousness. Moreover, the Shepherd Himself said: “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand” (John 10:28–29).

(Dr. John MacArthur is pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, Calif., and president of The Master’s University and Seminary. This article is taken from Tabletalk Magazine, August 2018)

I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. John 10:11 ANNOUNCEMENTS Fellowship Lunch (Today, 11.15am): Members please stay behind for Fellowship Lunch for time of bonding and getting to know one another. SAF Cottage Meeting (15 Sep, Sat @4:30pm): The next SAF meeting will be held at Bro Chin Hong's place at 43, Jalan Mata Ayer, S759127. Speaker: Rev Tan Eng Boo. Chairperson: Dn Ivan Lim. Topic: Managing Our Anger. Pot Luck Dinner will be served. All are welcome! Church Family Day (6 Oct, Sat @ Bird Park): Contribution of love gifts to defray the cost of the event will be appreciated. Givers are requested to send directly to Church Office or through offering collection marking on envelope as 'Church Family Day”. Philippines Mission Trip: 10-20 Dec 2018 Those interested in joining the mission trip this year, please submit your names on or inform Bro Justin. If you are unable to join us this year, you could support us by: 1) Financial support for those who can go; 2) Mission needs; 3) Scholars programme support. For more details and information, Please look for Sis Julia @98978677 or Bro Justin @92967864. YF Programme for Sep & Oct 2018: Dear Church, the YF is a small group of youths who meet every Saturday @ 3-5pm for activities, bible study and fellowship. Do join us on the following dates! 01/09: Fun with Freddie (Bible Study) @ Freddie's House 08/09: Fun with Freddie (Bible Study) 15/09: Join SAF for Meeting at Uncle Chin Hong's house 22/09: BBQ at Bukit Panjang 29/09: Games Day with YAF 06/10: Church Family Day @ Bird Park 13/10: Fun with Freddie (Bible Study) 20/10: Planning for 2019 27/10: Fun with Freddie For more information: SUN PRAYER MEETING, Week #1: 2/9/18 ) (FOCUS: Work & Nation) Chairperson: Dn Freddie Tan

Church Theme 2018 – Reach Out to the Unreached “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15

Church Activities / Events A. Pulpit Ministry (9 Sep) Rev Gabriel Gan (English) Rev Lim Chee Boon (Chinese AM) Eld Sim Chee Seng (Tamil AM) Rev Job Yeo (Chinese PM) Rev Nathan (Tamil PM) Rev Gabriel Gan (Ju Eng)

Upcoming Messages in Sep 2018

Date Message Speaker 02 An Overview of 1 Corinthians, Acts 18:1-18 Rev Gabriel Gan 09 Praise of the Church, 1 Cor 1:1-9 Rev Gabriel Gan 16 Problem with the Church, 1 Cor 1:10-17 Rev Gabriel Gan 23 Free Topic Rev Quek K K 30 Proclamation of the Cross, 1 Cor 1:18-31 Rev Gabriel Gan

B. Sunday School: Junior Dept, Senior Dept, Adults - Wisdom for the teachers and attentiveness of the students. C. God’s provision for funds; a place nearby to relocate kindergarten & church, and unity of New Lifers in this journey of faith.

Work A. Godly wisdom and God’s empowerment for our Elders, Deacons & members to balance Church service and family despite their work load. Pray that they will be salt & light for Christ in their workplace and witness for Him when opportunities arise. B. Pray that God will open doors for those seeking employment and they will be strong and trusting God in the midst of trials. Nations A. Singapore: 1) Wisdom for our government to rule justly; 2) For peace & harmony among the races and freedom to worship and preach the Gospel; 3) God’s mercy and protection against pestilences and terrorist attacks. B. World & Israel: 1) Pray for God to protect Israel against her enemies & for her salvation; 2) Readiness for the Lord’s Imminent Return.

Thanksgiving & Prayer Requests 1) Ps Gan – Thank God for bringing him and Mrs Gan safely back to Singapore, a pleasant ministry at London BPC; and a prospective candidate for resident pastor for NL London. Pray for London Task Force and prospective candidate that they will discern God's will. 2) Bro Yaw - Safe return from a work trip to India and God’s grace in helping him to deal with being away from family; and a good health checkup report. 3) Sis Margaret - Thank God Nicholas had a good 6 day training at ; and God's protection on Simon's work trip to Osaka, Japan. 4) Dn Ronnie – Mrs Leng thank God for seeing her through as her husband has to be rushed to the Emergency room for shortness of breath. Pray for strength and speedy recovery. 5) Bro Mohan - Thank God his wife is able to go to work without the cast. Pray for protection and strength for her; and son-in-law, Nantha on a work trip for 18 days at USA. Pray for God's protection as he will be travelling around during his work trip. 6) Bro James Pang - Thank God for seeing him through his 1 month study trip to Taiwan and back. 7) Dn Freddie - Pray for him as he is transiting to a new job and ensure smooth handover and settling in to the new job. 8) Sis Janet Lee - Thank God for the duet item rendered last week with Rachel; and for seeing them through a joyful and meaningful journey. Pray for her work as she has a new boss to report to and to be able to handle her current workload. APPOINTMENTS FOR TODAY (02/09/18) Service Today: Ushering: 9.00am Corporate Prayer - Eld Sim Chee Seng (Prov 15:29) Dn Freddie Tan 9.15am Pre-Service Singing (English) - Dn Ronnie Tan Bro Mohan st 9.30am ENGLISH SERVICE LS (1 Sunday) Bro Lee Chok Sin Sp: Rev Gabriel Gan Cp: Eld Sim Chee Seng Bro Kevin Lim Song Leader: Bro Justin Gumapon Bro Patrick Tay 9.30am TAMIL SERVICE Sp: Rev Nathan Bro Jeremy Chang 11.15am Pre-Service Singing (Chinese) 11.15am Fellowship Lunch PA: Sis Janice Hu & 11.30am CHINESE SERVICE Sp: Rev Lim Chee Boon Bro Ang Puay Lun 2.45pm Ju Eng Chapel Sp: Eld Paul Tsao Cp: Rev Koh Hock Heng + NBC (Marsiling) 7.00pm CHINESE 2nd Service Sp: Rev Lim Chee Boon Pianist: Bro James 7.00pm TAMIL 2nd Service Sp: Dn Leni Pang WEDNESDAY (05/09/18) 8.00pm Prayer Meeting Cp: Rev Gabriel Gan

NEXT SUNDAY (09/09/18) Service Next Week: 9.00am Corporate Prayer - Bro Mohan (Rom 8:26) Ushering: 9.15am Pre-Service Singing (English) - Sis Sharon Yaw Dn James Goh 9.30am ENGLISH SERVICE Bro Roy Ho Sp: Rev Gabriel Gan Cp: Dn Freddie Tan Bro Joel Pang Song Leader: Bro Steve Tan Bro Yaw Lap Yip 9.30am TAMIL SERVICE Sp: Eld Sim Chee Seng Bro Ang Puay Lun 11.30am CHINESE SERVICE Sp: Rev Lim Chee Boon Bro Selvam 2.45pm Ju Eng Chapel Sp: Rev Gabriel Gan Cp: From SAF+ SAF Bro Tim Ho 7.00pm CHINESE 2nd Service Sp: Pr Job Yeo PA: Bro Nicholas Ko & 7.00pm TAMIL 2nd Service Sp: Rev Nathan Sis Aw Jieshi Pianist: Sis Janet Lee Tithes/Offerings For 26/08/18 BLESSINGS TODAY! Wednesday Night English $13,991.50 Chinese A.M 5,161.10 FLORAL GIFT: Prayer Meeting Chinese P.M 178.00 Kent Tay & Bee Bee (8.00-9.15pm) Tamil A.M 765.70 Tamil P.M 590.20 J. Worship 14.00 FELLOWSHIP TEA: Do come and join Fellowship Lunch + the weekly Total 20,700.50 Kent Tay & Bee Bee Prayer Meeting Reno Fund 2,700.00 MYR 1.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Prayer is a strong wall PAST 3 MEMORY VERSES General Fund and fortress of the For Jul '18 Heb 4:16 church; it is a goodly Receipt $78,831.67 Heb 10:24-25 Christian weapon. Payment $68,505.90 Luke 15:10 - Martin Luther