Budget Hikes OK
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Vol. II, No. VII The Monthly Newsmagazine of Boise State University Boise, Idaho March, 1977 : :-:.:mo:=«�=-·<: """':��;������m�:���;:::��&?s;:�-mt�'$ @ �1 ;h.F • L Bail H UI, BSU 4 ee ey erefm� N Noted criminal law defense attor- lt� � ney F. Lee Bailey will be at Boise @ State University for a public lecture � . [�l. In Credit !l April 6 at 8 p.m. m the SUB Ball- 1f: room l( : @ jl Bailey has been a defense attor· if Checks !] ney in some of America's most pub- W licized cases, including Dr. Sam Continuing education directors at the H if Shep ard, the Bost n Strangler, University of Idaho and Boise State Uni � l_l � Captain Ernest Medina, and Patty llt versity are proceeding with an investi �;� Hearst. iif gation of "cheap credits" allegations M H Tickets will go on sale March 30 at made against those programs by an @ M the SUB Information Booth. Stu- Idaho high school teacher, this week, M W dent tickets will be $1 and adults according to the Office of Higher Educa ��� J�l :::» $3.50. ''''" tion. �����;r&t;::-w:�i:�$��mM:����oo*�==:�������-;:::�;:�:�:;�::r:::��=������*=�*��) Investigation Director for the State Education Office is Dr. Clifford Trump, who told Focus this week that "we are gathering all information with help from Susan Burcaw, Continuing Education Director at the University of Idaho and Budget from Bill Jensen, Continuing Education Director at BSU." Dr. Trump said he will have "a com Hikes OK - plete report on the findings" of his inves tigation for the regular April meeting of It took until the final days of the 1977 the State Board, scheduled for Moscow, Idaho legislature to win final approval, Idaho April 3-4. but Boise State University's 1977-78 General Fund budget has been passed Both BSU and the University of Idaho from that body to the final disbursing were the subjects of allegations that cer authority-the State Board of Education tain unnamed high school teachers received course credits in their continu Total General Fund dollars voted for ing education courses without fulfilling BSU by the legislature is $15,842,800. full course attendance requirements. That's almost two million ($1, 778,200) The allegations were reported by the more than the appropriation made to the Moscow Daily Idahonian, then repeated university at this time last year. in other state newspapers after State In almost all key university requests, Board of Education members discussed the legislature followed the exact dollar the Moscow news story at their early amounts requested by Governors John March meeting. Evans and Cecil Andrus in their budget To clear up the blurred charges being suggestions to that body. discussed without "name-place-time" The "New Improved" List evidence by board members, Dr. Trump The key new budget allowances are as was assigned the task of a full investiga follows: tion into the matter. $85-thousand to cover one-time costs of moving faculty and equipment into the At BSU, President John Barnes new: BSU science building and into the cautioned members of the press and his two new vo-tech buildings to be com own staff to avoid a "rush to judgment" Worries As Moving Day Nears pleted this year. based on anonymous sources and news CHECKING LAB in new Science building, Chemistry Department Chairman Mr. $50-thousand to bring the women's reports on those allegations. Jack Dalton worries about "unfinished details" that may hamper teaching efficiency athletic programs at BSU closer to com "It is a basic American principle that in new quarters soon to open. His concerns and how contractors and architects are pliance with Title IX "equal oppor working to meet them are deseribed in 3. we assume innocence on the part of any detail in special story, page tunity" standards as compared with accused person or institution until evi men's athletics. dence is collected and judged to either $45-thousand to cover costs of install substantiate or deny such accusations," ing the third-year program in BSU's he said at mid-month. Pavilion 'Need' Wins, successful Radiologic Technology pro Barnes added he was certain that both gram. Education Dean Dr. Gerald Wallace and $42-thousand for faculty hiring to Continuing Education Director Jensen relieve student pressures in the Manage would "take every step" to check the Majority Wants Help ment & Finance courses; another $19- actual facts of the issue, in concert with thousand for similar faculty-student For the second time in three months, dents voted to commit at least $10 in fees Director Burcaw at Idaho and Dr. ratio relief in the Department of Eco students at Boise State University used to the project (many voted as much as Trump. nomics. a public opinion questionnaire to indicate $50 per semester for it) than did those $94-thousand to hire support person that they want a multi-purpose pavilion voting against any fees at all .for a nel needed to keep office chores in pace as a high priority project here-but they pavilion. in the school's data processing, registra don't want to pay the entire bill them That vote reflected growing student tion and financial offices. selves. exasperation over Sign-Up Switch the fact that less than $109-thousand to further develop There was a major decision towards an In January, students during registra one-fourth of BSU's $43-million physical BSU's relatively new Master's Degree in improved registration system that has tion voted 2,828 to 830 in favor of a pJant has been provided by statewide Secondary Education program that been the work of the BSU Registration multi-purpose facility as opposed to a taxpayers via the state's Permanent serves hundreds of Idaho secondary Task Force committee this month when general classroom structure, as their Building Fund, while student fees have and primary teachers in Southwest the student senate voted to endorse a choice for the next time student fees are carried an unusual burden for construc Idaho. $1.50 student fee increase in s.upport of used for building purposes. tion of academic-use buildings, com The last item was voted into the bud equipment costs necessary to install the But, they emphasized through student pared to other state universities. get by the legislature after it was (Total value of buildings inherited system. leaders later, that "need" preference did omitted on the Governor's recommenda In a related action, Task Force leader not mean students should pay for the from Boise Junior College district tax tion sheet. All others followed his recom Lee Mercy, Assistant to the President, project without state or private help. payers and built by BSU student monies mendations. explained the advantages of the system Last week, they again voted a 3-1 is almost $30-million share of the $43 Other "gains" made by BSU on this to the BSU Executive Council FElbruary landslide for a pavilion as a major campus valuation.) budget struggle included $60,500 for Thus the two votes seemed to support 7. After a look at the implementation "need"; then registered an equal major longevity pay recompense to veteran the argument of the recent Multi-Pur schedule and new registration sequence ity against student fees as the sole bond staffers; a 5% cost of living pay increase pose Pavilion Study committee that the that would be possible, from Mercy's ing base. for faculty and other exempt employees pavilion need ought to be met by a mix of explanation, the Council agreed with the But they added a hopeful offer, this and $185,000 for increased costs in $1.50 student fee .increase. time. On a third ballot section, more stu- [continued on page 2] capital projects already on line here. �OCUS2 Barnes Shows Future Campus to Board By Bob C. Hall increase aimed at new registration pro cedures, during the March meeting of BSU won approval for a new adminis the State Board of Higher Education in trative position in the office of Student Boise. Affairs; received permission to do some major upkeep improvements at Morri State Board members moved swiftly son, Driscoll and the Towers dormitories through what most newsmen there and won endorsement of a student fee termed a "routine" agenda, with little comment and swift approval votes for all major items requested by President John Barnes. Brown In a special post-agenda session, President Barnes showed the Board a new three-foot long schematic buildings Librarian "futures" map of the campus to explain long-range building location thinking Timothy A. Brown, 36, has been here. named new Librarian at Boise State Uni His main point, as he held a pointer to versity to succeed Ruth McBirney, who the map on which projected future build retires from that position July 1, 1977 ing projects were separated from after 36 years at the school. present structures by color coding Brown leaves his current position as there is ample space on campus tor anti Assistant Director for Administrative cipated building needs of BSU for the Services at Iowa State University, forseeable future. Ames, Iowa, to take the BSU job. That thinking represented some shift He will become the third librarian in for BSU administration, which had been the school's history. Prior to Ruth trying to acquire property south of the McBirney's administration, the position campus in an adjacent residential neigh was held by Mary D. Bedford from 1934 borhood. through 1954. A Master Plan Shift? Barnes noted that soaring inflation A native of Galesburg, illinois and effects on price of those parcels had father of three children, Brown will shifted the university to a master plan bring his wife and family to Boise after a that relies heavily on denser building career in library administration at the arrangement within the confines of the Knox College Library in Galesburg, the present Broadway-Capitol boundaries of "MAMA LEONE" night at student dining room saw ARA Food Service Ine.