(12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,157,654 B2 Link (45) Date of Patent: Apr

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(12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,157,654 B2 Link (45) Date of Patent: Apr US008157654B2 (12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,157,654 B2 Link (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 17, 2012 (54) HAND-HELD VIDEO GAME PLATFORM 2 lg; gl?almilz’a , , re er1 sen EMULATION 5,095,798 A 3/1992 Okada et al. 5,134,391 A 7/1992 Okada (75) IHVeHIOII Patl‘lck J- Llllk, Camatlon, WA (Us) 5,153,577 A * 10/1992 Mackey et a1, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 345/639 5,184,830 A * 2/1993 Okada et al. (73) Assignee: Nintendo Co., Ltd., Kyoto (JP) 5,265,888 A 11/1993 Yamamoto et al. 5,282,621 A * 2/1994 Tseng ( * ) Not1ce.~ . Subject'~ to any d1scla1mer,~ ~ the term ofth1s- 5,395,1125,300,944 A 4/19943/l995 DarlingShapiro et al. patent 15 extended or adjusted under 35 _ U.S.C. 154(1)) by 1258 days. (Commued) (21) APPL NO; 10/690,818 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS EP 0 960 637 12/1999 (22) Filed: Oct. 23, 2003 (Continued) (65) Prior Publication Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS Us 2004/0157664 A1 Aug. 12, 2004 Z80-68K-vl50 Z80 Engine Written in 68020 assembler for inclusion in C/C++ projects, Written by Gunter Woigk, dated Dec. 25, 1999* Related US. Application Data (62) D1v1s1on_ _ _ of appl1cat1on_ _ No. 09/723,322, ?led on Nov. (Continued) 28, 2000, HOW Pat- NO- 6,672,963 Primary Examiner * Dmitry Suhol 51 I t Cl A sslslanl' Exammer ' * D av1'd D u ffy ( ) An6éF M4 (2006 01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm 4 Nixon & Vanderhye RC. (52) US. Cl. ................. .. 463/43; 463/1; 463/44; 463/45 (57) ABSTRACT (58) Fleld of Classl?catlon Search """ A software emulator for emulating a handheld video game See application ?le for complete search histaorsy. platform Such as GAME BOY®’ GAME BOY COLOR® and/or GAME BOY ADVANCE® on a low-capability target (56) References Cited platform (e.g., a seat-back display for airline or train use, a personal digital assistant, a cell phone) uses a number of US. PATENT DOCUMENTS features and optimizations to provide high quality graphics and sound that nearly duplicates the game playing experience 4,481,529 A 11/1984 Kerling 4,516,777 A 5/1985 Nikora on the native platform. Some exemplary features include use 4,542,903 A 9/1985 Yokoiet al. of bit BLITing, graphics character reformatting, modeling of 4,628,304 A 12/1986 Bottiau a native platform liquid crystal display controller using a 4,756,528 A 7/1988 Umashankar sequential state machine, and selective skipping of frame 4,771,279 A * 9/1988 Hannah ....................... .. 345/559 display updates if the game play falls behind What Would 4,858,930 A 8/1989 Sato 4,903,218 A 2/1990 Longo et a1. occur on the native platform. 4,922,420 A 5/1990 NakagaWa et al. 4,924,413 A 5/1990 Suwannukul 27 Claims, 33 Drawing Sheets MEMORY FUNCTION PTR PIR M M M 0 X FFBO 0 KEY 178 O X E000 PAGED 172,175 0 X D000 : 110m F'XED 7 / 0 X 8000 “2 M 4000 59,135 0 | EXAMPLE PAGE TABLE US 8,157,654 B2 Page 2 US. 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JP 7-204349 8/1995 Computer Closet Collection, Atari Lynx, printed from wysiwyg:// 12/ JP 10137447 5/1998 http://www.geocities.com/~compcloset/AtariLynx.htm on Sep. 28, JP 10328408 12/1998 2000 (2 pages), copyright 1997-1999, last modi?ed Jun. 22, 1999. JP 11207034 8/1999 [FAQ] Atari Lynx Frequently-Asked Questions, printed from http:// JP 11333144 12/1999 www.land?eld.com/faqs/games/video-games/atari/lynx on Sep. 28, W0 W00039693 7/2000 2000 (16 pages), last revision of document: May 1, 2000. W0 W0 02/06941 A2 1/2002 Computer Closet Collection, Nintendo Game Boy/ Game Boy Light, W0 W0 02/06947 A2 1/2002 printed from wysiwyg://40/http://www.geocities.com/~compcloset/ W0 W0 02/08905 A2 1/2002 W0 W0 02/08905 A3 1/2002 NintendoGameBoyhtm on Sep. 28, 2000 (5 pages), copyright 1997 1999, last modi?ed Jun. 22, 1999. 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Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME) Documentation, 1997 28, 2000 (2 pages), copyright 1997-1999, last modi?ed Jun. 22, 1999. 1999.* Sega Nomad Press Announcement of Aug. 22, 1995, printed from Shih, Ming-yu, Readmeelxt, “SMYGB4Game Boy Emulator http://gameZero.com/team-0/whatsinew/past/nomad.html on Sep. v0.20,” ([email protected]), HTTP://www.billyjr.com/ 28, 2000 (2 pages). smygb/ (Jan. 2, 1999). Computer Closet Collection, Tiger Game.com, printed from “Snarkofagen’s Emulation, The Latest Emulator News,” HTTP:// wysiwyg://46/http://www.geocities.com/~compcloset/ home.swipnet.se/snarkofagen/, (Nov. 15, 1999 to Dec. 29, 1999). TigerGameComhtm on Sep. 28, 2000 (1 page), copyright 1997 “NO$GMBiversion 2.5, nocash gameboy emulator/debugger for 1999, last modi?ed Jun. 22, 1999. dos/windows” HTTP://www.work.de/nocash/gmbhtm. 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