The Irish Characters in Thackeray's Fiction
RICE UNIVERSITY THE IRISH CHARACTERS IM THACKERAY*S FICTION tv EVELYN POWELL PAYNE A THESIS SUBM1T1ED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS 3 ’2^2 00263 5,8, Thesis Director*s signatures Houston* Texas May, 1963 ABSTRACT THE IRISH CHARACTERS IN THACKERAY*S FICTION by Evelyn Powell Payne In Thackeray*s fiction, the Irish characters compose a group with a number of common traits. Each of them has several of these qualities* the most common are belligerence, boastfulness about family and country, claims to descent from Irish kings, brogue speech, tendency to distort facts, fondness for drink, and self-delusion, A comparison of his fictional characters with Thackeray* observations in his Irish Sketch Book reveals that the author deliberately exaggerates the eccentricities of Irishmen for his fictional purposes. The Sketch Book is a fairly unbiased account of the country and its citizens and is often complimentary to the Irish, Thackeray*s portrayal of Irish characters in his novels and stories derives in part from a literary stereotype for which such nineteenth-century Irish writers as Charles Lever are largely responsible. Thackeray*s experiences with Irish acquaintances also contributed to his delineation of his characters. Most significant are his association in his professional life with Irish writers, and in his personal life with his wife*s relatives, the Shawe family. Most of Thackeray*s Irishmen, and some of the women, are comic characters, following the literary tradition Of the stage Irishman. They ran9e from extravagant a"d fanciful ii characters in his shorter works, such as Mrs* Perkins1 s Ball, a Christmas book, to almost equally extravagant but realistic Irishmen in the novels.
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