REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE – MARIKINA CITY Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City +63 (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989 (CID) / 508-6113 (SGOD) https://depedmarikina .ph / (email)
[email protected] August 11, 2021 MEMORANDUM TO: OIC, Office of the Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Supervisors, CID and SGOD Secondary School Principals/Officers-in-Charge Public Schools All Others Concerned ONLINE TRAINING ON THE 2021 NATIONAL SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE The field is hereby informed of the “ Online Training on the 2021 National Schools Press Conference” for the selected School Paper Advisers. It will be held on August 11-13, 2021 , via MS Teams. Attached are the DepEd Central Office and NCR Memoranda with the list of participants. Relative to this undertaking, service credits will be granted under the DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2003 entitled “Updated Guidelines on Grant of Vacation Service Credits to Teachers.” Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. SHERYLL T. GAYOLA Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Officer-In-Charge Office of the Schools Division Superintendent Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan at Makabansa Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. , s. 2021 ANNEX A AUGUST 11-13, 2021 (TENTATIVE DATE) NSPC 2021 - CAPACITY BUILIDING SCHOOL PAPER ADVISERS OR STUDENTS (SECONDARY/ ENGLISH OR FILIPINO) LIST OF PARTICIPANTS REGION: NCR REGIONAL EPSs- DR. ARNOLD C. GATUS (ENGLISH) CONTACT NO 9474279213 DR. MA. GLORIA G. TAMAYO (FILIPINO) CONTACT NO. EVENTS NO. OF PAX NAME SDO SCHOOL DESIGNATION CONTACT NO. 1. DOCUMENTARY FILM a. Investigative Report 15 1 Genalyn M. Ramos CALOOCAN St.