'CLOTHING for the SOUL DIVINE': BURIALSATTHETOMB of ST NINIAN Excavations at Whithorn Priory, 1957-67
'CLOTHING FOR THE SOUL DIVINE': BURIALSATTHETOMB OF ST NINIAN Excavations at Whithorn Priory, 1957-67 Archaeology Report no 3 CHRISTOPHER LOWE with !lpecialist contributions by ( :arol Christiansen, Gordon Cook, Magnar Dalland, Kirsty Dingwall, Julie Franklin, Virginia Glenn, David Henderson, Janet Montgomery, Gundula Miildncr and Richard Oram illustrations by Caroline Norrman, Marion O'Neil, Thomas Small and Craig Williams Edinburgh 2009 Chapter 8 The Medieval Bishops ofWhithorn, their Cathedral and their Tombs RICHARD ORAM H.t THE PRE-REFORMATION BISHOPS OF study by Anne Ashley (1959), which expanded signiticantly WHITHORN OR GALLOWAY upon Donaldson's 1949 paper. After this fruitful decade, however, active research into the medieval episcopate at Whithorn appears to have ceased, with not even the exciting /i. J.I Introduction: historiographical backgro11nd discovery of the series of high-status ecclesiastical burials in i\ld10ugh the diocese ofWhithoru is amongst the more the east end of the cathedral ruins during Ritchie's 1957-67 p<>ur!y documented of Scotland's medieval sees, its bishops excavations serving to stimulate fresh academic interest. l1.1w been the subject of considerably more historical In the 1960s and 1970s, tvvo major projects which 1<'\l':lrch than their counterparts in wealthier, more fOcused on aspects of the medieval Scottish Church 111liut:ntial and better documented dioceses such as Moray, generally cast considerable fi.·esh light on the bishops of 1\!)('rdeen, StAndrews or Glasgow. Much of this research has Whithorn.The first was the second draft of the Fasti Ecdesiac hn·n stimulated by the successive programmes of modern Scoticanae, edited by the late Donald Watt and published in r·x(avation at the ruins of their cathedral at Whithorn, 1969 by the Scottish Records Society (Watt 1969).
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