DOGAMI OGI-2, Subsurface Geology of the Lower Columbia and Willamette Basins, Oregon

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DOGAMI OGI-2, Subsurface Geology of the Lower Columbia and Willamette Basins, Oregon SU BSURFACE GEOLO GY OF THE LOW ER COLUMBIA AND WILLAMETTE BASINS. OREGON Oil and Gas Investigations No.2 Published by State of Oregon Deportment of Geology and Mineral Industries STAT E OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES 1069 State Office Bui I ding Portland Oregon - 97201 SUBSURFACE GEOLOGY OF THE LOWER COLUMBIA AND WILLAMETTE BASINS, OREGON Oil and Gas Investi gati ons No . 2 by V. C. New ton , J r . 1969 Governing Board Fayette I. Bri stol, Chairman Rogue River R. W. deWeese Portland Haro ld Banta Baker R. E. Corcoran State Geologist FOREWORD This is the second in a series of pu blications of the State of Oregon Department of Geology and Mi neral Industries that discusses the petroleum potential in various parts of Oregon . The first report, published in 1963, covered part of the Snake River basin along th e eastern border of the state near Vale and Ontar­ io, where several test wells encou ntered large bu t discontinuous "shows" of gas. The present report is concerned with northwestern Oregon, particularly th e lower Columbia and Wi llamette basi ns . The northwestern part of Oregon has been an area of petroleum exploration for more than 40 years, but most of th e important dri lling activity has been confined to two brief periods -- the middle 1940's dur­ ing and shortly after World War II and the late 1950's and early 1960's , resulting from the gas and oi I showings in the Barr No . 1 wel l near Lebanon . Although no commercial production developed after th is explorational effort, the work has shown that th ick sections of marine rocks exist in this region and that in some areas porous and permeable sands are present . The study presents all avai I able su bsu rface data that the author was ab le to obtain, largely through the kind cooperation of the various oi l compani es that have worked in the state . Most of th e information was derived from 25 test wells, the preponderant num­ ber of which were drilled within th e last 20 years . From th is information the author is ab le to show that northwestern Oregon has the requisite geologic environment in regard to potenti al source beds , reservoir beds, and structures suitable for th e entrapment of commercial quanti ti es of oil and gas . It is hoped th at reports of th is type, giving geologic details of a basin region, wi II encourage future fi eld and laborato ry studies by private industry . R. E. Corcoran State Geologist October, 1969 ii CONTENTS Foreword ii Abstract . Introduction 3 Purpose and scope 3 Location and geography of study area 3 Ac know I edgments 4 Prospective areas summarized 5 Historical geology . 7 Pre-Tertiary 7 Tertiary . 7 Eocene Epoch 8 Oligocene Epoch 10 Miocene Epoch . 10 Pliocene Epoch • 11 Quaternary 11 Structural development 12 Strati graphy of subsurface sections 13 Astoria basin area 13 Nehalem basi n area 16 Tualati n basin - northern Willamette Valley 19 Central Wi llamette Val ley 21 Southern Wi llamette Valley 24 Discussion of prospects 27 Lower Columbia Val ley 28 Tualatin Va lley • 28 Wi llamette Va lley 28 Selected references 30 Appendix . " 37 Paleonto logic examination of four deep wells, by R. E. Thoms 39 Table 1. Drilling and test information. 47 Table 2. Description of well cuttings and cores 53 Table 3. Gas analyses 121 Table 4. Water analyses . 121 iii ILL USTRATIONS Figure 1 . Index map of Oregon showing area of subsurface study . 4 Figure 2. Seismic crew ou tlining objec tives for deep drilling in the southwestern Wi llamette Valley, 1963 5 Figure 3. General structural features of western Oregon and Washi ngton . 6 Figure 4. Sketch map of western Oregon showing extent of Tertiary seas . 6 Figure 5. Correlation chart for the Lower Co lumbia and Willamette regions . 9 Figure 6. Generalized geologic column for the Astoria basin 14 Figure 7. Generalized geologic column for the Nehalem basin . 17 Figure 8. Generalized geologic column for the Tualatin basin - northern Wi llamette Valley 20 Figure 9. Generalized geologic column for the central Willamette Valley . 22 Figure 10. Hu mble "Wicks 1," 1962, Mo ntgomery Dri I ling Co,, contractor, using National 130 rig 24 Figure 11 . Generalized geologic column for the southern Wi llamette Val ley . 25 Figure 12. Reserve "Esmond 1 , " 1962. Montgomery Dri IIi ng Co ., contractor, using National 75 rig . 27 Plates Plate I . Astoria basin subsurface section In Pocket Plate II. Nehalem basi n subsurface section In Pocket Plate Ill. Tualati n basin - northern Wi llamette Va lley subsurface section In Pocket Plate IV. Central Willamette Va lley (Salem) subsurface section In Pocket Plate V. Central Willamette Va lley (Albany) subsurface section In Pocket Plate VI . Southern Wi llamette Valley subsurface section . In Pocket Plate VII. Subsurface geologic map of northwestern Oregon . In Pocket iv ABSTRAC T The Pacific margin of North America, including western Oregon, was part of a mobile tectonic belt which is believed to have been covered by the sea many times in geologic hist ory . How ever, the pre-Tertiary history is not well understood in the area of this re­ port, because these older rocks are not exposed outside the Klamath Mountains in south ­ western Oregon and none of the deep dri llings made thus far have reached the older rocks . During early and middle Tertiary time the sea covered most of western Oregon to a depth of severa l thousand feet . Vast outpourings of basic lava and vo lcanic ash accompanied marine deposition in the Tertiary eugeosyncline of western Oregon; th e volcanic piles at times rose above the level of the sea to form low islands . Two main areas of marine depo­ si tion deve loped in the eugeosync line, namely the lower Columbia basin and the Wi l lam­ ette basin. The basi ns were deepened by diastrophisms in late Eocene and early Miocene time. The region was raised above sea level by the end of middle Miocene time and was never again inundated . Pli ocene-Pleistocene diastrophism folded th e Coast Ra,nge sedimentary and volcan­ ic rock into a north-trending anticlinorium while, to the east, volc-anism formed the High Cascade Mountains . The Wi llamette low land separated the two mountain ranges and on occasion was the site of large lakes during the Pleistocene . Northwesterly and northeasterly trending structures in western Oregon are bel ieved to have originated during middle Miocene diastrophism . A northerly structural terrane was superimposed upon the older fo lds duri ng late Pl iocene-early Pleistocene upheaval . Major faulting parallels the regiona l structural trend except for a large transverse fau lt which cuts the Coast Range along the southern border of the vo lcanic highlands in the northwest portion of the state . Information from 25 deep exploratory dri llings was used in maki ng the subsurface study . Formations penetrated included porous sands which were fo und to be saturated with sa lt water in every test. Stratigraph ic units are related to faunal zones in a paleontologic report contained in the appendix. Subsurface corre lation showed Tertiary rocks to be at least 10,000 feet th ick in northwestern Oregon and perhaps as much as 20,000 feet th ick in some places . East-dipping early and middle Eocene marine beds are believed to extend for a distance beneath the Cascade Mou ntains, while younger sedi ments apparently change to a volcanic facies along the western margin of the Cascade Range . Unusually high­ pressure sa l t-water zones were found in two deep drillings in the central Wi llamette Valley, but structural and hydrologic information is too limited to allow speculation as to whether or not production cou ld be fo und at nearby locations . A 4900-foot hole on the east side of the Willamette Va lley encountered hydrocarbon shows along what is though t to be the upper Eocene strand line . Severa l locations appear to have merit as dri lling prospects in the Wi llamette and lower Columbia basins where structural and stratigraphic conditions are favorable. More deep drilling is needed to exp lore the basin areas . SUBSURFACE GEOLO GY OF THE LOW ER COLUMBIA AND WILLAMETTE BASINS, OR EGON Vernon C. Newton, Jr. Introduction Purpose and scope This study is intended to correlate subsurface with surface stratigraphy of the lower Columbia-Wi llamette region in northwestern Oregon on the bases of litho logy, paleonto logy, and electric logs of deep oi I drillings (figure 1). The 25 test holes (table 1 in the appendix) that provided subsurface data for the re­ port generally represent two periods of drilling activity: that in the post-warboom fo llow ing World War II and that resu lting from reported oi l and gas shows in the Linn County Oi l Development Co .'s wildcat drilled near the tow n of Lebanon in 1958 . The latter period of activity, often referred to as the "Wi llam­ ette Val ley play," includes the dri lling of five more deep holes between 1960 and 1963 (fi gure 2). The general plan of this report is to present, first, a summary of prospects in the study area and, second, the historical and structural development of the region . These are to be fo llowed by a discussion of subsurface sections, each of which is illustrated graphically (pl ates 1 through 6) in order to show gen­ eral litho logic character and explain stratigraphic re lationships. The text is concluded by a discussion of petroleum prospects .
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