PT-2 ( 2020-21 ) CLASS-VI SOCIAL Ch- 5 Major Domains Of The Earth Q1. VERY SHORT ANSWERS 1. Name the strait between India and Sri lanka. Ans. The strait between India and Sri lanka is Palk Strait. 2. What is continent? Ans. The large landmasses on the Earth are known as continents. 3. What are the main gases that comprises atmosphere? Ans. The main gases are Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, Oxygen, Argon etc. 4. Why is Australia called an ‘Island Continent’? Ans. Australia is known as an island continent because it is bound by oceans and seas by all sides. 5. Why is Europe called as peninsula? Ans. Europe is a peninsula as it is surrounded on three sided by water. 6. Name the deepest point of the Pacific ocean and . Ans. Pacific ocean – located in the Mariana Trench

Atlantic ocean – Milwaukee Deep located in the Trench. 7. What is Atmosphere? Ans. The layer of air that surrounds our earth is called the atmosphere. 8. What is Biosphere? Ans. Biosphere is the narrow zone of contact between the lithosphere, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. The life forms exist in this sphere. 9. What are biomes? Ans. In the biosphere, living things form communities based on their physical surroundings. These communities are referred to as biomes. 10. What is the basis of division of atmosphere? Ans. The basis of division of atmosphere is composition, temperature and other properties. Q2. SHORT ANSWERS- 1. Why there is no permanent settlement in Antarctica? Ans. Antarctica is located in the South Pole region, which is permanently covered with thick ice sheets. The extreme cold condition makes the region without any settlement. 2. Define the words Isthmus and Strait. Ans .Isthmus - A narrow strip of land that joins two landmasses.

Strait – A narrow stretch of shallow water which connects two large water bodies like seas and oceans. 3. Why is the Atlantic ocean world’s busiest ocean in terms of commerce? Ans. The indented and irregular coastline provides ideal condition for harbours and ports, which makes the region suitable for carriage of goods and transportation. 4. What is global warming and how can it be disastrous? Ans. The increasing amount of CO2 ( carbon dioxide ) leads to increase in global temperature. This is termed as global warming. The rising temperature results in increasing natural calamities which could be turned into disaster. 5. How can environment be protected? Ans. The environment can be protected in a manner if we use the natural resources in limited way and do not harm or pollute any of the domains of the earth to maintain the balance of nature between the domains of the lithosphere, the atmosphere and the hydrosphere.

ASSIGNMENT On the outline map of world mark the following: • Seven continents

• Five oceans • Isthmus of Panama • Rocky mountains • Andes mountains • Sahara desert • Himalayas • Amazon river