STRING THEORY DUALITIES Michael Dine Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics University of California Santa Cruz, CA 95064 The past year has seen enormous progress in string theory. It has become clear that all of the different string theories are different limits of a single theory. More- over, in certain limits, one obtains a new, eleven-dimensional structure known as M-theory. Strings with unusual boundary conditions, known as D-branes, turn out to be soliton solutions of string theory. These have provided a powerful tool to probe the structure of these theories. Most dramatically, they have yielded a par- tial understanding of the thermodynamics of black holes in a consistent quantum mechanical framework. In this brief talk, I attempt to give some flavor of these developments. 1 Introduction The past two years have been an extraordinary period for those working on string theory. Under the rubric of duality, we have acquired many new insights into the theory.1 Many cherished assumptions have proven incorrect. Seemingly important principles have turned out to be technical niceties, and structures long believed irrelevant have turned out to play a pivotal role. Many extraor- dinary connections have been discovered, and new mysteries have arisen. For phenomenology, we have learned that weakly coupled strings may be a very poor approximation to the real world, and that a better approximation may be provided by an 11-dimensional theory called M theory. But perhaps among the most exciting developments, string theory for the first time has begun to yield fundamental insights about quantum gravity. arXiv:hep-th/9609051v1 6 Sep 1996 Before reviewing these important developments, it is worthwhile recall- ing why string theory is of interest in the first place. There are parallels in our current situation vis a vis string theory and the situation 30 years ago in the theory of weak interactions.5 For many years, it was clear that the four fermi interaction was not renormalizable, and that this was the signal of some new physics at energy scales below a T eV . Moreover, it was widely believed that this new physics involved the exchange of a vector boson. Gradually, it became clear that only in theories with non-abelian gauge bosons are such ex- changes consistent. The requirement of consistency, in other words, strongly constrained the nature of the microscopic theory. It only was necessary to determine the gauge group, and this could be done by studying experimen- tally and theoretically the interactions of the light states of the theory at low 1 energies. Of course, until the discovery of the W and Z, one might have won- dered whether we had missed something, whether there might be some other structure which permitted massive vector fields, but in the end, this was not the case. The current situation with respect to gravitational interactions is similar. General relativity cannot be a consistent theory up to arbitrarily high energies. We know only one microscopic structure which can consistently incorporate gravity and gauge interactions: string theory. We do not know for certain that there are not other structures, but – as we will in some sense see in this talk – it is quite possible there are not. Of course, it will be a long time before we can do direct experiments on Planck scale physics, but we might hope to elucidate many features of the microscopic theory by studying its low energy phenomenology. It is remarkable that postulating that the fundamental entities in nature are strings rather than point particles automatically gives Gravity. • Gauge interactions, with a gauge group which is large enough to contain • the SU(3) SU(2) U(1) group of theG standard model. × × Finite theories with good high energy behavior. • More evidence that the theory might be true comes from studying classical solutions. Particular solutions give: Repetitive generations (sometimes 3). • Light Higgs: An essential piece of hierarchy problem. • Axions: The theory automatically has Peccei Quinn symmetries which • hold to a sufficiently good approximation to solve the strong CP problem. N=1 Supersymmetry: String theory doesn’t make sense without super- • symmetry. In fact, we don’t really know how to make sense of the theory unless supersymmetry survives to low energy. So it is probably fair to call low energy supersymmetry a prediction of string theory. These are extraordinary achievements for a theory, and make it quite plau- sible that string theory might be some sort of ultimate description of nature. There are, however, serious difficulties which must be overcome before the case can be convincing: 2 We don’t really know what the theory is. It is as if we had Feynman • rules for a theory like QCD, but don’t know the field theory. There are some questions we can address, but many more which we cannot. The recent developments are providing new insights, but we still seem a long way from a complete answer. Too many vacua. Among these, there are a large number of discrete • choices as well as continuous choices. Recent developments have given us some insight into the meaning of the discrete choices. At weak coupling, which is the only regime in which one can make real • calculations, one inevitably makes some predictions which are qualita- tively wrong. In particular, one predicts that the vacuum is unstable. Unification of couplings: It is well known that low energy supersymmetry • leads to successful unification of couplings, with a unification scale of order 2 3 1016GeV. In weakly coupled string theory, one expects unification,− but× at a scale of order 30 times higher. The argument is quite simple. The dimensionless coupling constant of string theory is related to the unified coupling, αGUT , the compactification radius, R MGUT , and the tension, T by ≈ 6 3 αst = αGUT R T . (1) 2 −1 17 6 If we require αst < 1, then R T 6 10 GeV. We will see that the recent developments in string≈ duality≈ × suggest a solution to this problem. Almost all of these points could have been made years ago.7 In the last two years, however, there have been striking developments which bear on each of the points 1-4, associated with “Duality.” Duality is a term which is used, loosely, to define equivalences between different physical theories. The recent explosion of activity involves many kinds of dualities: equivalence between different string theories, between theories with different values of couplings, compactification radii, and, perhaps most surprisingly, equivalences between string theories and certain – as yet poorly understood – theories in eleven dimensions. If there has been a general theme underlying these efforts, it has been to exploit the huge degeneracy of vacua and the symmetries of the theory(ies) to gain insight. This work has already taught us many lessons, but there are two which are particularly striking: There is only one string theory; all of the previously known theories are • equivalent. The fact that all of the theories of gravity we previously 3 knew are equivalent suggests that there is only one consistent theory of gravity! If “string theory” does describe the real world, weakly coupled strings • are likely to be a very poor approximation. A better description can be obtained in terms of an 11-dimensional theory, only some of whose features we know. This theory is referred to as “M-theory.” These developments are also finding an application: for the first time, we are making a controlled attack on one of the fundamental problems of general relativity: the thermodynamics of black holes and the problem of information loss. One aspect of this problem is that black holes behave as if they possess an entropy, the famed Beckenstein-Hawking entropy: A S = . (2) 4G Up to now, the significance of this entropy has been obscure. However, for certain black holes in string theory, it has been possible to count the degenerate ground states, and show that one obtains eqn. 2. In the rest of this talk, I will give a brief overview of these developments. Progress has been extraordinary; one could easily write several books on the subject. In 30 minutes, I must, of course, be highly selective. Indeed, the usual apology that one can’t cover everything is more heartfelt here than usual. For string duality, at the moment, represents a large collection of beautiful ob- servations, but the big lesson they are teaching us is not entirely clear. It is quite possible that the most important lessons may lie in things which I omit. That said, I will first briefly remind you about electric-magnetic duality. I say “remind” because this is a topic you can find covered nicely in Jackson.8 I will then turn to the interconnection of different string theories. I will discuss the large degeneracy of string vacua (associated with “moduli”), and describe how, as one moves around this “moduli space,” one encounters all of the different string theories. I will then explain the connection between ten and eleven di- mensions, and discuss some phenomenology of M theory. Towards the end, I will discuss a new tool for studying non-perturbative questions in string theory: “D(irichlet)-branes,” and the application of this tool to the black hole infor- mation problem. I will conclude with a listing of some recent developments, and deep questions. 2 Electric-Magnetic Duality We have all stared at Maxwell’s equations and wondered whether there might be magnetic charges. In the presence of magnetic charges and currents, one 4 has8 ~ E~ = ρ ~ B~ = ρ (3) ∇ · e ∇ · m ∂E~ ∂B~ ~ B~ = J~ ~ E~ + = J~ . (4) ∇× − ∂t e ∇× ∂t − m These equations possess a symmetry, under the replacements E~ B~ B~ E~ ρ ρ J~ J~ J~ J~ .
Spacetime Geometry from Graviton Condensation: a New Perspective on Black Holes
Spacetime Geometry from Graviton Condensation: A new Perspective on Black Holes Sophia Zielinski née Müller München 2015 Spacetime Geometry from Graviton Condensation: A new Perspective on Black Holes Sophia Zielinski née Müller Dissertation an der Fakultät für Physik der Ludwig–Maximilians–Universität München vorgelegt von Sophia Zielinski geb. Müller aus Stuttgart München, den 18. Dezember 2015 Erstgutachter: Prof. Dr. Stefan Hofmann Zweitgutachter: Prof. Dr. Georgi Dvali Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 13. April 2016 Contents Zusammenfassung ix Abstract xi Introduction 1 Naturalness problems . .1 The hierarchy problem . .1 The strong CP problem . .2 The cosmological constant problem . .3 Problems of gravity ... .3 ... in the UV . .4 ... in the IR and in general . .5 Outline . .7 I The classical description of spacetime geometry 9 1 The problem of singularities 11 1.1 Singularities in GR vs. other gauge theories . 11 1.2 Defining spacetime singularities . 12 1.3 On the singularity theorems . 13 1.3.1 Energy conditions and the Raychaudhuri equation . 13 1.3.2 Causality conditions . 15 1.3.3 Initial and boundary conditions . 16 1.3.4 Outlining the proof of the Hawking-Penrose theorem . 16 1.3.5 Discussion on the Hawking-Penrose theorem . 17 1.4 Limitations of singularity forecasts . 17 2 Towards a quantum theoretical probing of classical black holes 19 2.1 Defining quantum mechanical singularities . 19 2.1.1 Checking for quantum mechanical singularities in an example spacetime . 21 2.2 Extending the singularity analysis to quantum field theory . 22 2.2.1 Schrödinger representation of quantum field theory . 23 2.2.2 Quantum field probes of black hole singularities .
The Anthropic Principle and Multiple Universe Hypotheses Oren Kreps
The Anthropic Principle and Multiple Universe Hypotheses Oren Kreps Contents Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Section 1: The Fine-Tuning Argument and the Anthropic Principle .............................................. 3 The Improbability of a Life-Sustaining Universe ....................................................................... 3 Does God Explain Fine-Tuning? ................................................................................................ 4 The Anthropic Principle .............................................................................................................. 7 The Multiverse Premise ............................................................................................................ 10 Three Classes of Coincidence ................................................................................................... 13 Can The Existence of Sapient Life Justify the Multiverse? ...................................................... 16 How unlikely is fine-tuning? .................................................................................................... 17 Section 2: Multiverse Theories ..................................................................................................... 18 Many universes or all possible
The multiverse: conjecture, proof, and science George Ellis Talk at Nicolai Fest Golm 2012 Does the Multiverse Really Exist ? Scientific American: July 2011 1 The idea The idea of a multiverse -- an ensemble of universes or of universe domains – has received increasing attention in cosmology - separate places [Vilenkin, Linde, Guth] - separate times [Smolin, cyclic universes] - the Everett quantum multi-universe: other branches of the wavefunction [Deutsch] - the cosmic landscape of string theory, imbedded in a chaotic cosmology [Susskind] - totally disjoint [Sciama, Tegmark] 2 Our Cosmic Habitat Martin Rees Rees explores the notion that our universe is just a part of a vast ''multiverse,'' or ensemble of universes, in which most of the other universes are lifeless. What we call the laws of nature would then be no more than local bylaws, imposed in the aftermath of our own Big Bang. In this scenario, our cosmic habitat would be a special, possibly unique universe where the prevailing laws of physics allowed life to emerge. 3 Scientific American May 2003 issue COSMOLOGY “Parallel Universes: Not just a staple of science fiction, other universes are a direct implication of cosmological observations” By Max Tegmark 4 Brian Greene: The Hidden Reality Parallel Universes and The Deep Laws of the Cosmos 5 Varieties of Multiverse Brian Greene (The Hidden Reality) advocates nine different types of multiverse: 1. Invisible parts of our universe 2. Chaotic inflation 3. Brane worlds 4. Cyclic universes 5. Landscape of string theory 6. Branches of the Quantum mechanics wave function 7. Holographic projections 8. Computer simulations 9. All that can exist must exist – “grandest of all multiverses” They can’t all be true! – they conflict with each other.
CERN-TH.7531/94 ) SUPERSYMMETRIC UNIFICATION +) Savas Dimop oulos Theoretical Physics Division, CERN CH - 1211 Geneva23 ABSTRACT The measured value of the weak mixing angle is, at present, the only precise exp erimental indication for physics b eyond the Standard Mo del. It p oints in the direction of Uni ed Theo- ries with Sup ersymmetric particles at accessible energies. We recall the ideas that led to the construction of these theories in 1981. Talk presented at the International Conference on the History of Original Ideas and Basic Discoveries in Particle Physics held at Ettore Ma jorana Centre for Scienti c Culture, Erice, Sicily, July 29-Aug.4 1994. CERN-TH.7531/94 Decemb er 1994 1 Why Sup ersymmetric Uni cation? It is a pleasure to recall the ideas that led to the rst Sup ersymmetric Uni ed Theory and its low energy manifestation, the Sup ersymmetric SU (3) SU (2) U (1) mo del. This theory synthesizes two marvelous ideas, Uni cation [1] and Sup ersymmetry [2, 3 ]. The synthesis is catalyzed by the hierarchy problem [4] which suggests that Sup ersymmetry o ccurs at accessible energies [5]. Since time is short and we are explicitly asked to talk ab out our own contributions I will not cover these imp ortant topics. A lo ok at the the program of this Conference reveals that most other topics covered are textb o ok sub jects, such as Renormalization of the Standard Mo del [6] and Asymptotic Free- dom [7], that are at the foundation of our eld. So it is natural to ask why Sup ersymmetric Uni cation is included in such a distinguished companyofwell-established sub jects? I am not certain.
PDF Download the Black Hole War : My Battle with Stephen Hawking To
THE BLACK HOLE WAR : MY BATTLE WITH STEPHEN HAWKING TO MAKE THE WORLD SAFE FOR QUANTUM MECHANICS PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Leonard Susskind | 480 pages | 05 Nov 2009 | Little, Brown & Company | 9780316016414 | English | New York, United States The Black Hole War : My Battle with Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics PDF Book Black Holes and Quantum Physics. Softcover edition. Most scientists didn't recognize the import of Hawking's claims, but Leonard Susskind and Gerard t'Hooft realized the threat, and responded with a counterattack that changed the course of physics. Please follow the detailed Help center instructions to transfer the files to supported eReaders. The Black Hole War is the thrilling story of their united effort to reconcile Hawking's theories of black holes with their own sense of reality, an effort that would eventually result in Hawking admitting he was wrong and Susskind and 't Hooft realizing that our world is a hologram projected from the outer boundaries of space. This is the inside account of the battle over the true nature of black holes—with nothing less than our understanding of the entire universe at stake. From the bestselling author of The White Donkey, a heartbreaking and visceral graphic novel set against the stark beauty of Afghanistan's mountain villages that examines prejudice and the military remnants of colonialism. Most scientists didn't recognize the import of Hawking's claims, but Leonard Susskind and Gerard t'Hooft realized the threat, and responded with a counterattack that changed the course of physics. But really, unlike it sounds, this means that information, or characteristics of an object, must always be preserved according to classical physics theory.
The Birth of String Theory Edited by Andrea Cappelli INFN, Florence Elena Castellani Department of Philosophy, University of Florence Filippo Colomo INFN, Florence Paolo Di Vecchia The Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen and Nordita, Stockholm Contents Contributors page vii Preface xi Contents of Editors' Chapters xiv Abbreviations and acronyms xviii Photographs of contributors xxi Part I Overview 1 1 Introduction and synopsis 3 2 Rise and fall of the hadronic string Gabriele Veneziano 19 3 Gravity, unification, and the superstring John H. Schwarz 41 4 Early string theory as a challenging case study for philo- sophers Elena Castellani 71 EARLY STRING THEORY 91 Part II The prehistory: the analytic S-matrix 93 5 Introduction to Part II 95 6 Particle theory in the Sixties: from current algebra to the Veneziano amplitude Marco Ademollo 115 7 The path to the Veneziano model Hector R. Rubinstein 134 iii iv Contents 8 Two-component duality and strings Peter G.O. Freund 141 9 Note on the prehistory of string theory Murray Gell-Mann 148 Part III The Dual Resonance Model 151 10 Introduction to Part III 153 11 From the S-matrix to string theory Paolo Di Vecchia 178 12 Reminiscence on the birth of string theory Joel A. Shapiro 204 13 Personal recollections Daniele Amati 219 14 Early string theory at Fermilab and Rutgers Louis Clavelli 221 15 Dual amplitudes in higher dimensions: a personal view Claud Lovelace 227 16 Personal recollections on dual models Renato Musto 232 17 Remembering the `supergroup' collaboration Francesco Nicodemi 239 18 The `3-Reggeon vertex' Stefano Sciuto 246 Part IV The string 251 19 Introduction to Part IV 253 20 From dual models to relativistic strings Peter Goddard 270 21 The first string theory: personal recollections Leonard Susskind 301 22 The string picture of the Veneziano model Holger B.
“There are a few books that I always keep near at hand, and constantly come back to. The Feynman Lectures in Physics and Dirac's classic textbook on Quantum Mechanics are among them. Michael Fayer's wonderful new book, Absolutely Small, is about to join them. Whether you are a scientist or just curious about how the world works, this is the book for you.” Leonard Susskind, Professor of Physics, Stanford University, Author of The Black Hole War: My Battle With Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics. Professor Susskind is widely regarded as one of the fathers of string theory. Contents Preface vii Chapter 1 Schro¨dinger’s Cat 1 Chapter 2 Size Is Absolute 8 Chapter 3 Some Things About Waves 22 Chapter 4 The Photoelectric Effect and Einstein’s Explanation 36 Chapter 5 Light: Waves or Particles? 46 Chapter 6 How Big Is a Photon and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 57 Chapter 7 Photons, Electrons, and Baseballs 80 Chapter 8 Quantum Racquetball and the Color of Fruit 96 Chapter 9 The Hydrogen Atom: The History 118 Chapter 10 The Hydrogen Atom: Quantum Theory 130 v ................. 17664$ CNTS 03-08-10 14:11:28 PS PAGE v vi CONTENTS Chapter 11 Many Electron Atoms and the Periodic Table of Elements 151 Chapter 12 The Hydrogen Molecule and the Covalent Bond 178 Chapter 13 What Holds Atoms Together: Diatomic Molecules 196 Chapter 14 Bigger Molecules: The Shapes of Polyatomic Molecules 221 Chapter 15 Beer and Soap 250 Chapter 16 Fat, It’s All About the Double Bonds 272 Chapter 17 Greenhouse Gases 295 Chapter 18 Aromatic Molecules 314 Chapter 19 Metals, Insulators, and Semiconductors 329 Chapter 20 Think Quantum 349 Glossary 363 Index 375 ................
Split Supersymmetry or… “How I learned to stop worrying and love fine-tuning.” Who? Csaba’s new student. Flip Tanedo, 18 July 2008 Student Theory Seminar LEPP, Cornell university 1 On the Weak and Strong Anthropic Principles The Weak Anthropic Principle: Isn’t it great that humans have evolved to a point where they can make a living in universities? The Strong Anthropic Principle: On the contrary, the whole point of the universe is that humans should not only work in universities, but write books for with words like ‘cosmic’ and `chaos’ in the title. Terry Pratchett, Hogfather (1996) [paraphrased] 2 It makes no more sense than saying that the reason the eye evolved is so that someone can exist to read this book. But it is really shorthand for a much richer set of concepts. -Leonard Susskind (Cornell Alumnus) Outline ! 5 big ideas, 5 important scales in physics ! Low scale: supersymmetry ! Intermission: naturalness ! High scale: string landscape ! Split supersymmetry 4 The Importance of Scales E ! Physics at very different Quantum Gravity MPl scales decouple. rG flow near uv fixed point Grand unification Mgut ”a chef does not need to hierarchy know gauge theory” –s. dimopoulos susy Susy breaking ! Naturalness (“good”) Lhc collisions 4-D TeV parameters are O(1) (!UV) Mewsb ! Dark matter, EWSB problem ! vs. fine-tuning “Bad” dependence of physics on decimal points V Dark energy Physics by scale 5 big ideas and 5 important scales E 1. Quantum Gravity Quantum Gravity MPl Grand unification Mgut hierarchy susy Susy breaking TeV Lhc collisions Mewsb ! Dark matter, EWSB problem 19 ! MPl ~ 10 GeV ! String theory? V Dark energy Physics by scale 5 big ideas and 5 important scales E 2.
In Its Near 40-Year History, String Theory Has Gone from a Theory of Hadrons to a Theory of Everything To, Possibly, a Theory of Nothing Feature: String theory Photolibrary Stringscape In its near 40-year history, string theory has gone from a theory of hadrons to a theory of everything to, possibly, a theory of nothing. Indeed, modern string theory is not even a theory of strings but one of higher-dimensional objects called branes. Matthew Chalmers attempts to disentangle the immense theoretical framework that is string theory, and reveals a world of mind-bending ideas, tangible successes and daunting challenges – most of which, perhaps surprisingly, are rooted in experimental data Problems such as how to cool a 27 km-circumference, philosophy or perhaps even theology. Matthew Chalmers 37 000 tonne ring of superconducting magnets to a tem- But not everybody believes that string theory is is Features Editor of perature of 1.9 K using truck-loads of liquid helium are physics pure and simple. Having enjoyed two decades Physics World not the kind of things that theoretical physicists nor- of being glowingly portrayed as an elegant “theory of mally get excited about. It might therefore come as a everything” that provides a quantum theory of gravity surprise to learn that string theorists – famous lately for and unifies the four forces of nature, string theory has their belief in a theory that allegedly has no connection taken a bit of a bashing in the last year or so. Most of this with reality – kicked off their main conference this year criticism can be traced to the publication of two books: – Strings07 – with an update on the latest progress The Trouble With Physics by Lee Smolin of the Perimeter being made at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Institute in Canada and Not Even Wrong by Peter Woit CERN, which is due to switch on next May.
The Institute Letter Special Edition IASInstitute for Advanced Study Entanglement and Spacetime • Detecting Gravitons • Beyond the Higgs Black Holes and the Birth of Galaxies • Mapping the Early Universe • Measuring the Cosmos • Life on Other Planets • Univalent Foundations of Mathematics Finding Structure in Big Data • Randomness and Pseudorandomness • The Shape of Data From the Fall 2013 Issue Entanglement and the Geometry of Spacetime Can the weird quantum mechanical property of entanglement give rise to wormholes connecting far away regions in space? BY JUAN MALDACENA horiZon of her black hole. HoWeVer, Alice and Bob could both jump into their respectiVe black holes and meet inside. It Would be a fatal meeting since theY Would then die at the n 1935, Albert Einstein and collaborators Wrote tWo papers at the Institute for AdVanced singularitY. This is a fatal attraction. IStudY. One Was on quantum mechanics1 and the other Was on black holes.2 The paper Wormholes usuallY appear in science fiction books or moVies as deVices that alloW us on quantum mechanics is VerY famous and influential. It pointed out a feature of quantum to traVel faster than light betWeen VerY distant points. These are different than the Worm- mechanics that deeply troubled Einstein. hole discussed aboVe. In fact, these science- The paper on black holes pointed out an fiction Wormholes Would require a tYpe of interesting aspect of a black hole solution matter With negatiVe energY, Which does With no matter, Where the solution looks not appear to be possible in consistent like a Wormhole connecting regions of phYsical theories. spacetime that are far away.